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In case you have been living under a rock for the last 2 years, online video game rentals have been the lastest craze for most console gamers. Not only do we get to test out games before we purchase them, but we have an abundant choice of games to choose from at any given time. Well, 2006 has come and gone, and the next generation consoles have emerged, PS3 and Xbox 360. Now Xbox 360 has been on the rental shelves for a little over a year now, but PS3 games are slowly growing in size over the last month. The leading contenders being GameFly and Gottaplay, both carry around 15-23 PS3 games at the current release of this article. Xbox 360, which again has been existent for some time now is showing at around 40 games rentals for Gottaplay and 125 for Gamefly which is including non-instock games like future releases. It's obvious to see that Xbox 360 has the larger selection of games to choose from when renting online, but what about the future? Both Gottaplay and Gamefly have always carried both the latest releases and classic titles alike for both consoles, however, Gamefly also has the ability to reserve video games that will be released in the near future. This is a great feature for gamers who would like the ability of knowing that their favorite title will be sent to them immediately once its released. Gottaplay has been reported to have more shipping locations compared to Gamefly , in which their primary location is based out of California . For east coast gamers, this can make a huge difference in wait times. Gottaplay has also recently been acquired by DONOBi , Inc ., which in turn means that their Xbox360 and PS3 game rental selection will be increasing dramatically over the next couple of months. PS3 games are also likely to double in volume over the next 3 months due to the catch up it has to play with it's competitors. Due to the console wars this past Xmas, all game rental industries have arisen victorious. They are the only industry in the market that can guarantee a rise in net sales, due mainly to the fact that most gamers will be requiring more and newer games for their newly purchased system.. Online game rental companies get to play on both sides of the fence and are winners regardless of what systems meet their market sales quotas. Gottaplay and GameFly have been smiling all the way to the bank on these so called "wars" and I expect that this will continue until the next generation system is released.
Only time will tell as to which vendor will likely carry the most video games out of the two, but one thing is for sure, PS3 and Xbox 360 will likely put the video game rental industry "back in black" for many more years to come. For the latest online video game rental club reviews please visit us at For more information regarding older dog health problems and how to aid your canine companion properly visit us at or
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