KRISHNA.D A r c h i t e c t u r a l
Personal details
Name : Krishna.D Age : 23 DOB : 07.05.1995 Contact no : 9844647778, 9845043371, 080 26606287 Email id : Address : 1131/46 Nandadeepa,9th cross,Ashok nagar Bangalore-50, Karnataka, India
Acedemic details
10th : 97% Sri kumaran childrens home, Bangalore-2011 th 12 : 92% Sri kumaran childrens home CPUC, Bangalore b.Arch :8/10 Rv college of architecture,Bangalore - 2018
Work experience
sP+a- Sameep padora and associates, Mumbai
1 Year
Varna shashidhar landscape architectects , Bangalore
2 months
Brigade developers -Summer internship at Brigade panorama - worked under the civil execution department on site,Bangalore
Certifications Basic skills
2 months 2016
Certified Indian green building council Accredited Professional- IGBC AP Sketching ( ink, pencil and charcoal ) Painting (watercolour and oils ) Model making Hand drafting Autocad Sketchup Rhinoceros Adobe Photoshop Adobe Indesign Adobe illustrator Grasshopper Vray Lumion Microsoft office Autodesk Revit
English Kannada Hindi Telugu
3D printing workshop at RVCA Theatre and set design ( elective )
Architectural discources
361 degree conference in Mumbai precided by massimilliano fuksas 2015 Charles correa lecture – Bangalore event by architecture paradigm 2015 MASA annual talk in 2015 MASA monthly talks – Anjalendran, didi contracter, Talks by ar. Jaisim, ar. Gurjeet singh matharoo, ar. Siddarth menon, ar. Sirish beri, ar. Ashish ganju, ar. Revathi kamath, ar. Neelkanth chhaya. At RVCA Death of architecture lecture series and panel discussionsMumbai 2018 Kalaghoda architecture series-Mumbai 2018 State of housing-Mumbai 2018 Lecture by Hirante-Srilanka
Finalist-Coexist:rethinking a zoo-2018 Ayda thesis competition Landscape journal competition-2017 House design at pune tambat bail 2016 Housing for all competition by iit rorkee 2017 Runner up in model making competition-Mindsparc 2015
AD100 kinetic Installation-Mumbai
Live projects
Sainik house - a residence for a retired soldier in Tirupathi Dwadasha - an apartment complex consisting of 12 houses in Bangalore urban area Commercial complex-a small town commercial building in Gauribidnur
index Academic projects Change Ajji mane Cee Habba Thesis
Professional work sP+a Balaji temple Saipem villa Kota hostel Crest clubhouse Patna science museum Mehrangarh centre
Neev school Benaulim biofencing
Live projects Dwadasha Sainaik
Landscape foundation Rohan builders Coexist-Rethinking a zoo Kalaghoda artists think tank
Installations AD 100 installation
sem 1 : space making explorations
ajji mane
sem 3 : a settlement study a suitable insert in kokkare bellus
sem 5 : campus design foe centre for environmental education in a quarry in bangalore
sem 5 : a mixed use building designun bangalore
an interpreatation centre for prehistoric structures in Aihole
The space inbetween Exploring the idea of spacemaking and form making without any particular site considerations. Hence many iterations can be imagined here The idea is to makethe space adapt to two different site conditions at a time, Thus bringing about a change in the spatial quality 6
Change is the only constant. so looking at spaces that are onstantly influenced by factors that are changing constantly
Change 7
The main objective of this project is to strengthen the already existing community as a whole, rather than introducing a different culture. Strengthening the bonds between kinds and the birds so as to imbibe in them that the birds also form a part of their life. Also to strengthen the bonding between the ajjis (old people) and the kids. To impart generations of knowledge in the most beautiful
and fun way to the children. The old people also need some socialising in their sedentary lifes, a soul to talk to and a means of giving them company . Kids are best suited for this purpose, Because they are the purest souls and can get along with anyone. So here is an effort that bring the kids and birds together by the old ones. Merging the three unique aspects to enrich the spirit of the place. 9
a settlement study of kokkrebellur (painted storks village ) and a minor intervention to give back something to the village.
Ajji mane
Ideology The culmination of the intent and the site context along with the community.
Kathe-Story telling
A place where the ajjis tell stories and poems to kids . And also make them play small games.Simple things like games, home gardening , story telling, reciting grandmas lullabies, folk songs are passed on so that they can take them home
A place where the ajjis (Grandmothers) teach the the kids small home gardening of small vegetables, medicinal plants and flowers. Its like a backyard garden, something where the kids can take back the learning home.
Hakki paata-Bird
This is a passage where the kids can learn and know about the birds even while travesing the space. The sapce is designed to be lively, Colourful and informative and at the same time part of other spaces. It doesnt require specisic dedicated time.
The temple in the site selected has been made the prime focus and it is oriented to the east as facing opposite to the road, thus giving direct view of the school. The process starts as i consider the
Kids centric zone Old people zone(Ajji zone) Mutual interaction zone
movements of ajjis and children. Also the most probable activity has been considered like the presence of trees attracts both the ajjis and kids in common. As the ajjis prefer to sit under the trees and chat. On the other hand it doesnt matter to the kids whether its an open 10
or a sheltered area. Thus here is the process taken to arrive at the design. The pink area represents the kids zone. The greener part is the socializing area for the old people. The blue part represents the union of ages, which is the main area of interaction.
Physical model
Kokkare bellur is a village situated in mandya district around eighty kilometers from the state capital Bangalore.This village gets its name from the painted storks or kokkare as they call it in kannada language. Its landscape resembles that of a typical dryland with the simsha river flowing along the south. The uniqueness of this place is the long established bonding between the spot billed pelicand and the villagers who have adopted them as their heritage . For 6 months in a year this place looks like any other village in karnataka. But from december to june hundrends of spot billed pelicans and painted storks move in and occupy the banyan and tamarind tree tops to nest and breed. The villagers have willingly given up their claim to the tamarind harvest from their backyard trees as these have been taken up by the birds. They believe that the arrival of the birds assured good luck and fortune. 12
The village consists of narrow streets whith a typical character of houses. The houses have sloped pot tiled roofs, stone and mud walls. The trees of the village and the rooftops became the nesting area for the birds. These houses have a central courtyard and all the functions are spread around this central area. Also there is a front forch to the house which increases public interactivity. 13
Existing government primary school
Section xx’
Its a combination of a series of buildings with pitched roofs. The open , closed and the semi open spaces have blurred edges and together it all feels like one wholesome space.
Existing government primary school
Roof Plan
Section yy’
Entry plaza Play area Kund Kids indoor attic area Exhibition pergola space
The Programming of the institute as well as the response to the complex context which has to be addressed by the institute (Centre for environmental education ). Its a response to the abused landscape. 17
Location:BAngalore Client :CEE Typology :Institution
The site is situated in a discared stone quarry on the outskirts of bangalore. It consists of quarry pits and very harsh landscapes. Hence the idea of developing a centre for environmental education. 18
The stone quarry is a highly degraded natural lanscape. This is due to quarrying for a very long time of around 50 years.It has large quarrying pits which are filled with quarry waste water which cannot be drained off to the surrounding landscape. But there is some sign 19
of life in the place due to the presence of soil in some parts. The quarryig has been stoppen due to its poximity to the airport and illegal mining activities.
Entry level plan
View of outreach center This is the entry level from the access road below. It gives direct acess to the public areas such as the auditorium, cafeteria and the entry plaza. 20
Outreach part Research part Common zone Access road This is the mainlevel connecting all the functions of the built space. Mainly the outreach part which includes the workshops and classrooms, and the research part which includes the various labs. These two spaces are interconnected by the common functions like the cafe, library and the content creation centre. 21
Idealogy : The idea of reactivating a mixed use space so that it becomes part of the neighbourhood. The neighbouring park as wel as the busy commercial streets are to be responded to. Thus the fusion of the park, the street, and the mixed use spaces has been explored. 23
Location:BSK,Bangalore Typology :Mixed use
northwestern elevation
south east elevation
section aa’
section bb’
The ideation process is given importance here. Since its an urban site which consists of a park on one side and busy streets on the other three sides. The way we respond to each of these factors becomes critical here.
section cc’
The elevations of the building mainly repond to the immidiate context. That is the park on one side and the commercial roads on the other three sides.
Two parallel worlds exist in one. One where time stands still One where it waits for none. They once existed in unison One’s body was the others gun. Walls went up as walls came down Gradually the city broke its barriers: but with the fort it built some. Kings and rulers have come and gone Gone are the horse run chariot at bay But the pilgrim’s face still remains The fort has forgotten the city , But can the city forget the fort. An urban design project in chitradurga, an upcoming fort town in karnataka. an insert which will nurture the cultural and literary heritage of the place.
Chitradurga 27
The rich history of theatre and rangayana of the region is one of the diminishing art forms. Hence here is an attempt to show their importanceof streets in any urban setting, and alsothe activities asssociated with them givesa very unique character to the city. Be it the festivals, the street play or street games played by the kids. Also the diminishing importance of the fort can me brought about using these characters .
section aa’
section bb’
section cc’
The main intention of this design is to reconfigure the various movements along the street. Thus the street is pedestrianised and the vehicular traffic is diverted to other alternate roads connecting the parking lot and the main roads. This pedestrianised path is a cobbled path that
accomadates various functions like the eateries, commercial units and a variety of public spaces such as amphitheatre, toilets, decks and podiums to double up as carnival spaces and become learning spaces for kids like as extension of schools. There is also an information 31
centre and a ticketing centre whie reaching the fort main entry. Then further the same path leads to the larger unit which leads to the larger built area which brings about the overall rangayaana or the performing theatre art of the region.
Exploring the dolmen as an archetype and thus understanding their cosmic relations. The dolmens exist due to a particular reason; they have come up due to particular geographical, astronomical and other tangible and intangible forces. Exploring this idea and also the fact that dolmens are being unheard of, is the theme of this thesis. The archetypes themselves create memories and spaces. Here the idea of the dolmen as a structural brilliance and also the relations between the water, land, hill and the sky is understood. Also due to negligence and ignorance these prehistoric structures are not getting due credits so it is necessary to create an awareness centre and also a research centre to emphasize these understandings.
The scope of this project is to explore the idea of the dolmen as an initial space making device. Also this project aims at exploring new architectural forms which has been explored in various scales. The sensitivity of the materials being used in the design and their sensitivity. The project also portrays how the built space is devoid of ornamentation and how all the ornamentation in the unique landscape. The limitation of the project is the scales at which it intereracts with the settlement. 32
The intention of this project it to
of this place capture the and reintrepreting it as a whole new experience. Hence the confluence of various elements is takes incividually and the memory attached to it is 33
“ONE ROOF, TWO ELEMENTS, THREE ERAS, FOUR CARDINALS AND INFINITE STARS: An awareness and research centre for prehistoric structures”
The exploration of an an element because the dolmens were the first structure in the history of architecture to have a roofing element that defies gravity.
aspect of the dolmens in its one possible way. So it portrays as the how the
space under
matters and that made the difference in 34
the way we experience spaces. The spaces under have been conceived to be underground as well as above ground.
Chthonic spaces
here the project explores all the ways in which the chthonic spaces can be experienced. It is mainly looked at as an experiential space rather than a space with a fixed function.
The generators for the design has been taken mainly from the geography, history and the prehistoric forces of the place. Geographically the interaction between the settlement, the hill and the river.
So here we can see the places of intervention. within the set context, where each element has a very powerful influence in the evolution of the landscape.
The plan when imposed on the context. The intervention sits as an object by itself but at the same time considers all the aspects of the context. The section, as it sits in the context along with the dolmens and how it interacts with the hill. 38
1 0
public space - the exhibition galleries, libraries and discussion spaces
private spaces - research units and researchers accomodation.
As we see in the newspaper articles, these is a great need for a centre to study and create awareness about the presence of the dolmens and their astronomical significance. So this project aims at doing this.
experiential spaces 0
av roo
ion are
DN +4000
DN +4000
open ms classroo
plan : level one classrooms and discussion areas
UP +0
+900 UP +0
DN +900
UP +900
+900 my
astrono gallery
oric prehist gallery
plan : entry level galleries and library
-2000 UP
plan : level minus one
plan : level minus two
sP+a -Sameep Padora and associates Mumbai. Period : 1year(2017-18) Role:Architectural intern
Location:Nandyal,AP Client : JSW Typology :Temple Stage: Under construction
Idealogy : The Idea of how the temple rises from the surrounding landscape also imbibing the value of the kadappa stone which originates in the region.
Balaji temple
Role : Designing, Execution, Value engineering 44
Location:Saipem,Goa Client : Tarun Tahiliani Typology :Villa Stage: Under construction Size: 1600sq.m
Quarry villa
Idealogy : The Idea of how the villa exudes the luxury of the sea view as well as the quarry on which it sits. The play of levels and the material usage adds to the drama of the spaces . Role : Designing, working Drawings,Execution 46
Idealogy : The Idea of how the hostels and the penthouse has been integrated in the tight site considering the ventillation and porosity in the hot region. Role : Working drawings 47
Location:Kota,Rajasthan Client :Arvind jain Typology :Hostel+Residence Stage: Under construction
Kota hostel
Location:Delhi Client : Kalpataru Typology : Clubhouse Stage: Under construction
Kalpataru crest
Idealogy : The Idea of how the villa exudes the luxury of the sea view as well as the quarry on which it sits. The play of levels and the material usage adds to the drama of the spaces . Role : Designing, working Drawings,Execution 48
Idealogy : The Idea of how the community spaces can be used to activate the residential spaces. Economic housing and prefab structure exploration. Role : Working drawings, Area statements 49
Location:Panvel,Mumbai Client :Simplex Typology :Housing Stage: Proposal
IQ Homes
Location:Patna,Bihar Client : Bihar govt Typology : Museum Stage: Competition entry
Patna Science Museum
Idealogy : the idea of marrying large exhibit spaces and the still maintainng the action spaces for the public is the main idea of the project. Role : Diagrams, drawings 50
Location:Jodhpur, Rajasthan Client : Royal family Typology : Visitor facilities Stage: Competition entry
Mehrangarh visitor &knowledge centre
Idealogy : The visitors centre and knowludge centre both have been designed to blend into the context and also to respond to the user groups. Role : Diagrams, drawings 52
VSLA -Varna shashidhar landscape architects Bangalore. Period : 2 months(2016) Role:Architectural intern
Idealogy : Exploring how the landscape elements can blend into the learning spaces, thus enriching the holisting learning of the kids.
courtesy:Hundred hands
Role : Designing, Execution 57
Location:Bangalore Client : Neev schools Typology : Primary school Stage: Completed
Neev school
To create a biofencing boundary which could enhance the site conditions and as well as blend into the surrounding context.
Role : Designing, Drawings 59
Location:Benaulim,Goa Typology : villa landscape
Benaulim villa
The location of the site and also the factors considered such as the orientation and climate.
There is adequate cross ventillation throught the whole building as well as the individual units.
Building orientation is such that there is minimum absorption of heat.
THere is landscape and shading to crerate a better environment in a dense urban site. 63
Location:Bangalore Client :Mr.balram Typology :Apartments Stage: Design development
There is adequate landscape area all around the house to create a microclimate of its own. A paradise to a retired soldier.
The western and the eastern walls have minimal openings so as to reduce glare, and heat.
The western wall of the house stands bare without any fenestraion to avoid the harsh light. Also adhering to vaasthu this corner stands tell and majestic as a soldier. 64
Since the site is situated in a hot clomate zone, emphasis has been given to landscape. Green planters have been provided at all the fenestration areas to minimize heat ingress into the building.
Brief: To design a residence for a retired soldier and his family. The site being located in a new township far from the city thus need to counter the harsh sun and climate.
Idealogy : The Idea of blurring the landscape and built edges in order to enhanse better air quality and constant shading to negotiate the harsh tropical sun.
Location:Tirupati Client :Mr.Naidu Typology :Residence Stage: Design development
Sainik house 65
Idealogy : The church has two phases in a year , monsoon and non monsoon. So this act of the church being submerged temporarily creates an interesting landscape. So this has been addressed in a way where even the architecture shifts as per the landscape. 67
Location:Shettihalli Typology :Temporal landscapes
Coexist 69
The building is dividedinto 3major parts. Commercial unit Rented house Main house Since its located in a road lich with history, be it the copper sculptors or the wadas we have tried to incorporate oth these ideas in a unique and a modern way. The internal looking wadaas have courtyards as the main ventillation and a source of light. It also acts as a connector between various spaces. Simiarly we have tried to interpret these courtyards as skywells here, These mainly act as the light source and ventillation units. It also creates some drama across levels. Ventillation and lighting is obtained from the road fronts only keeping in mind the neighbours might rebuild in the future.
The facade has a unique combination of materials and elements. The front elevation of the building which faces the main road has incorporated the traditionall feature of the front porch space which also acts as a sun shading device. This space also forms the buffer between the road and the private zone. All the windows in the front facade have been treated in a similar to those of the adjacent buildings, which are a fusion of colonial and indian style. They are tall narrow wooden sliding windows, perforated with horizontal louvres. Together these windows form a continuous horizontal band along the street. The strong verticality of the porch columns has been emphasized by a continuously running vertical moulding. Thus there is a balance between horizontal and vertical elements. The fenestered facade had been treated with another shading layer which consist of copper discs .These discs are engineered to move along the facade this shading appropriately. This feature adds dyamics to the building. The facade thus resembles the context, the people and the aura of the place. On the whole the house is a true representation of the historic past and the technological future. User Friendliness *The ground floor is kept for commercial purpoes and parking. This area is divided into workspace , storage and display areas. Parking is accessed by the service road and the building is accessed by a comfortable ramp from the back. a steel staircase is used to access the living floors which sapce and allowes for ventillation. *The main house is accessed by an elevator foe ease. * Multiple living areas are dispersed across circulation path and across levels to facilitate interaction. Pause, interact, live
Tambat Bail 71
K a l a g h o d a artists think tank 72
AD 100 kinetic installation
Installation 75
Travelogue 77