1 minute read
A living being specially the civilized man has a tendency , to Ii ve for ever and that also happily. This is quite natural\ for him because actually or in " his original state a living being 1 is not only eternal but also , joyful and happy. The present conditional state of his life, is a diseased form of struggle with recurring birth and death; there- :, fore he is neither happy nor living for ever. And the latest tendency developed is that he wan ts to go to other planets. This is also quite natural for him because he has got the right '' to go to any part of the material o� spiri tu�J _ skies which are full Wtth unhmtted globes: of varied qualities He can how-
T'dd'G 1 ever fulfil his desire ·by the r1 an 1 oswam. •
A.c.BhaktivedantaSwa10i process of Yoga or the means by which one can join himself to the planets as he likes or where life is not only eternal blissful but also full with varieties of enj oyab le energies. Any one who can go to that freedom planet will never come back to this miserable land of birth, death, oldage and d1seases. One can a ttain to this stage of perfection by his individual effort very easily at his own place simply by following the prescribed method of Bhakti Yoga which is eas y and enj oyable also un der ,1 proper guidance. An a ttempt has been made herein, in these days .· of technological advancement, to give information to the people, in general, philosophers and religionists. how one can transfer , oneself to other planets by the process of Bhalcti Yoga the hightest of all yogic process.
My thanks are due to Sri P.C. Dixit B.A. LL.B of the London Institute of World Affairs, London, for looking over the proof of this book and his endeavour to introduce it in the international field.