Copies of Prabhupada's Letters, 1966-1967

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Edit'Jr "Back to Godhead", 1797, Rani Bagh, P.0. Shakurbasti, DELHI.

His E:xoellancy Dr. Rajendra Prasad, President Indian Union, Rashtrapati Bhagan, NEWDELHI.

Dated at Delhi 21.11.1956. (ThroBBh hisPrivate Secreta� Sri Viswan�a Varma)

May it please your most exhalted Honou;1

Kindly accept r.rry humble obeisances. It is the custom of Iltdia fran a time �morial that a citizen of the state would approach the King to express hs grievances for redemption and the.King would very kindly consider his case�s duty bound and give him necessary relief by the royal DUdgemento I ,t the present moment, your excellency is seated in the peeition of I the Kin(bY the will and Grace of the Lord and as a true Vaishnava I must I accept rour excellency as the representative of the Supreme Lord Shri Krishna� I as tHe�as expressed Himself in the pages of Bhagwatgeeta.

As such I beg to lay. before your most e.xhalted honour, the following few lnes for favourable consideration and do the needful in pure consciousnessr


�our Excellency is the representative of Shri Krishna by authority ru1 \

I hope�i Krishna will direct you from within in the matter of rrry transce\ dental se�ce to Him. • y ..

Ib_g to submit herewith that by the Grace of ::>hri Krishna through His mercy peaonified -my spiritual master, I have realised it most thoroughly tht going "Back to Godhead" is the highest privilege of mankind and that ia th. sup-·eme perfect:!.on of human life.

UnfortUa·�Jely, the present day human civilization is very much attracted with t,e beauty of Apara Prakriti the illusory material Nature andassuchtheyre overpowered by a demoniac form of propensity in the atheistic set up �civilizationmanifested in the matter of sense gratification. This tenden1y is dangeroully harmful to the real progress of life. ,

The aimof ll.fe ahould be to make a sincere effort to go 11Baok to Godhead" but con+ :rary to thif', the tendency is to go baok to � or in the cycle of evoluti�mary a.nimal life as it is described in the 16th ohaptc!' of Bhagwatgeeta. . (

From: Goewami Abhay Cha�n Bhaktivedanta
\ /
PPlease t nots I have. gotth1 vt!.J:E.�.f'rcm the great fall down. Believn 'nO or , • o.:1of'":oO.::ldheacP just after lPaving my

Dear Sir,

Thank you for sending mesome Numbers of your journal 'Back to Godhead'. I am glad you are trying• to rouse interest in the need for spiritual values, and I hope your effort(J will be successful.

Yours faithfully,

�SriGoswami Abhay Charan Bhaktivedanta, Editor, "Ba�� to Godhead"

No.33, Ananda Ghat (Near Jugal Ghat)

P.O. Vrindaban,. U.P.

� l � ....� ,..........., ,_,__� � � ,. ;p. p 01 :X: > ;,;;: �< rr1 0 > z -i > (/) :e > VICE-PRESIDENT . 5I: ....... _.......... INDIA NEWDELHI January 9, 1 957
:.,., � 0: Iii> :I a.. 0 0 'll '!! ill) s -·

i:c::;t72nd:�trcct �tuclio

·;or]:.:3,j-.y. 27.10.65 :::u:�:>.:ri�·1'ln.."ti ?�or2.rji J3ai�;nht>b�, • lc:--.:::e :lCC<'ptey c;reetinGG· I;-_nvo:r:v cl2.d to �-ckn� receipt of'

yom· t.be9th jnr.:;"W.nt;-n�h<:YC' r.ctc-1 t.l"!.c c-c-ntcnts. Since I hnve

_--:L'.}--�lu.n·lon inl:.s.ft• I'-lr��.,.�.1-::J"flTDVO:l1r..rrcr::.02.2th:mdJn.m r (T_ln.d to cce i!1at::nAmcrics JYraoti0a1l.y (!Vor;rthin� io availc.ble for our Indian VOGet<.ri �n C.i3�oo. Jty· thP. (;-race of J..ord Y"rjr.hnn the Amcrioon pr'=>GJ>erous in evecy rco:poct �nd the.ra:::-o not rovertJ· :::;ti�kcnlike tlle India..""lD .':'ho JlCCj)lc in goner<1l nz-e::ntio.:.'i.edco fLr tbeirr.!.:tteriP.l!'redo;1.1'0conoArncr'lnndiheyar·e n-piri tual ly i.!lcljnco. m·1enIi:-aninThltlcr,PennsyJ:v:mi� nbou.t 500 mileo from the Irc-r: y...nrl:: York c�ty, Isau there r:w..nychurohos 2.nd. tn•-:�y "'lerc.atto�1dinG :re[;Ub.rl:r• Thi� �ho.._.,c thn.t t.heynre s-pirit1.:.n.lly jnclino£!.. 1iva� <�leo il�vited by conechtiTeheo churoh GOVe:rned eb.hool�'-"nocnlleco:J:md1DTJ0l:c there:::.Jjr.J.the;r<!:_np:rer;;inl:�d and presented me �o�e token- rEn-;ordn.llh.en 1\:osG�)t;,r:...Jr..inG to the si:udentsthey 1:en•very much eacerl.y hearinc me nbout the priti cipleG of SzoiT!lad Lhn.c-,mtnm rathcr the clermrlT'en uoro cautioua to allo1r theotuoents to hco.rnoGOno.ticnt l.y. T.:lcy thcur.:b.t that the studen-ts r.w.,y not beconvE.;:rtE<d. into Einillir1ec.:::as j t jG fliliten:).t1.1.r:1l for ��v :relir;iou;'; noct. :nut thc.Y do not !morT that tiledo-.o tj oYJalcerTiceoi'the Lord ( Sri I�ri:;hnn.)i::;t"!w common relir;ion i"or eve::-y one incluc1 :i.nt; the "·11ori.r;e}1:J anc\ tho cnnib:tls in the j•mclen.

_A..ny m'yr;of<?!':tu"ljr.nt"!)� AnoricG.'1 J>co::-le theya:ro·v-ery JTiueh eec;c-:r:- t.o learnabout the Indi2.11ll�Y:::>J>i:ritu2.l rcali::;a.tion <1nd t:!�a:rpsomcl�r soon.lleC.Yoea<:>�l...r:J.!!::lD in /l:narir.n. llnfortnn-;�·i:-ol.y they ar� bytho Go\-zrn::Jn:lt 2.r..d it in ho;a-rn t.h:1t ·o-..:ch �or;o. n.chrnnc.s hn.vo ex:_nloited the jnnocent :rooT'l� a� jt h-"P"bcc;:r: t."h<'cr.oe� !r.dia al::-o.'Yne only hope iz that they c;rc:-:p5rii.ually inclil'lP.C n:nd ir:Jcnce bcncfit c:m bo done to thf!m if' the Cvlt of �rj;:Jn.df11,�(Ji-rat.:.:.minJll""C2cbedhr.:ro.

�'hc..".r:tc::ic=-!n ruelie n�:::c�·i.....c rccr:-pt�fm to the Jndi2.n m·t ::-:ncl T!lUCic. So ffio..l\YC.j_�t.1ter:! eO!LC �::l_P-1-'rn-y01:('=>l�-heL1icr,iven cood rp.ecptien. ftccently 0!!0 d8H.;E<r :rc!1'�r;�hc:rc-(�·nJ.c-.:-:'..:r�s1·�ti.)t'!'.n jm;t to Ree themocie of rcccpt ion, :r: 1umt toF.e€.the dance 1...-ith o. f::-iend Qltboueh 1'o:r thelast forzy yea:rs I have r.ever attemleed E:tlch dance ccrer.w:rw. 'l'ho d.2...-rwer liQG :.:;uccesGful inher Cicoono traticn.'lb.c1::1Kicnu;in Inai::-.nclnsnicr.ltunc !'lost�v inF-ans�a:it lDJ1[,Un{':'e-nd the L:Jc:r:ic::;n:;Jl:bli.cD.J1:•z-ec5.;dedtl�cm. So I 1�aoer..cour�ed to Gee the f<:Y�(,l'..::t'.::tble circt.:.jst::.!1c�s a1:01't:r'\}":f'utnre :nrcar.1'ine ;-ro::-k.

Tl:o 13hDG1mt en:!.t io :preachedn.lso throuc;h i.he n.:::t of r.msic ro.nd d<mce as it r�2.c<lo:r:eby 1.c:rd;,nya.I'-"nl �'J.c-:t t.hinkinr,- of introducjllg thevor-;rGrJnef:lyotem fo� �t3h<:.[..":ia"!;r.::1:rz-e:'..chh'-.3' bvt Ihave no mc;->..n8.'I'h0 Cl..J.ric ti:-'n ;T!ir,Gionn.:ry people a:robe:ekedl1yhvr,e z-eeources onil they!irn�chtho Ch.-riGtian cult all over-the "orld. �:�il�:r:J..:,- the L.cvote-:>z of Lord. IC:risru'P..nn.y �J.::;o conbine together to start the ;:,i::::..;ion o:r :p:.·e3chir.c-Jlh<:!.CI-;::tt:u1 cnlt nlJ. ovc:t' the i�orld.Itis not for GP-rvint; a.r:v· :_noJ iticnlJll'.:rpo:;:;�1n�.t :i.t j_�7'er.ornp..J:Jr +.o Jll'e>�.ch cnlt for sav.i.l,__f,' thepeople i:-1 cel>lre.l f.J�Omthl)clL'1£;Cr01.'.f1i:(Jll.0.l'lr.�r of GodJcr.l'ln<-:>r-r>.'.i'he Ghrist5_n.ll cult or ?..r(f other eultc�.llllOt::;�vcthe pco-p.le i':ro�he>int: l.U1r.1..\:or the>� 1_utcho<>s of theG:!.'Ol·ri:nt;CO!:'.r:nmism butthe;J3h�o·:<'.to.n t�!Gr.l bc>�c.use of' it::; �nd ccienti:fic

If'.T!l thcrA:fore thin1�inc of brincinG o. �;�_ml�i:rt�m party f:ror.J -·ndin. but Ido not Jmow ho�r to doit. Dnlesr.;the:..·�ioeno:rl;�1:ised J><!rty or a::;sociation it is very difi'icul� to do it.�hoR<l.."JalJ-ir.luJa Jli;.cion ':lore isn'.wyin pren.e� a :�iGre:rr<=!C?entati:m <:ll1d tho::eJ.ore rrnct:icaD.v they 11��.-e failed tQ :p�·elwh. ihe :real c'...llt of bdia.Tbe �o c:\llsd Yur,-is also couP. not e:otv.blish thereal cult oi' £fi<:!.rr�at Geete.Th�.are e£ter matorinl Gnins.The P.�•at Cult is not ih&re at all al-though i�is the only rernodyforraising the people intheworldin �heJl.--:thc-f'cl:f:-c::!)i!"':'.tjcn:--:r.1.r.;-irih.��l!"'C.:'I.�tjo�.

I i!o not L:no�; 11hn.t ir:int.hcmimlo:f1-orO.J1r1-l:tY...:riL-h..'1�.butIthil-.1-: tr.2..t _-:.·o'...l.T�·�tc:;tion to r.ivc l'.n inrctuo to tho ��::co;atcult�d.ey1:r.w1blen�tecpt

C2..'1::E:-;:-,-c c='C';:o:-:c.:?J· 'thoCl':-!Ce C'f 1.110 Lord. you � CJ'CC.t -position �....-t.,__.E�.-c;:-ld;.:-.::!.::!t is ln;::-nt ·..:::-:t you -�'C't�z o.r.c of' the:rjc}�'2Ct -..-o:::'l:!n in ,.--- 'T"4_,_

..- --,.... ... c/o
J:�t;:n::rti ,-i:--�rr::J.;;.n.

�acir fo:r thiG :rmrpocc r.l"-YbofcrJ;,ccl andth..1t i:ill bo !'ccoc;r.i::cd by theGov ·.rrrJcni for Cl:illtu.r�l ::ct�vity.So TJ:ll",Yculturn.lmi:-:cionCOlJ9b3re from Indic>. ntt1Je c_x:-:c,�,se o.f r:c,v-1:nm0r:t ::md 1.�oy �.jn,Jy1:a:J·�EIthem·mey.Rut if thnre ir.nro::.l

C'L'lVJ�.Jl11ir-�iOilfc:r-:-,"('r-:-.���jn.�i1l�Jb.c.�..;:,;�to.monltA.crea.t 1�hile.nthro:pio Hork

1dllbA(l.c)'.efo·C'-t�:,.�1Jt:l.;�"1:>ccict.v e.t J'l:r-t;e. ::r::-tl"l junt t;iYi..'1(?. you the:x: iO.ea w.tlif;::ou 1d'YlcJL·r thj"11� 0ver t�1e rnf:'tter noriou;qly nnd conGlllt your bolovcC. Lore.:P·t?..l�Krir!m:-. ra.t:;-C'ly ·'·ou uill befurther cr>li�htenecl intheHattEl:r.'I·here

1�c:c�pEl<:HJcl.therei�r.oc(lnGity 0lco !'.J!<'l �-t�-r-the (:u·ty of ovcry JP.niRr. cnec ly thEoC.evot')eoof'J,o1·cll�:dnln.!l-'.;o-�ul:r,unihaJTl!:ttr:r.

Ishallb�r.::Jrl to hctL't' i'rorn'-tr;;y h1llJJbl€J rm[;[;;cotio:r.s per retl'cr of r:u:.d.l.ITo:pe you a:raw�ll • h'ith rrcr:>a�trc11nrd.s,Ian lours ci."1.cereljr

.A.C. :Bhn.ktivecla:o1.tafillal!li.

LE:N.:B. 1:lr.l-.;r>.ry clucl to r.oto th3l3.stlineof your letterWluer :r-.->ply iJ: 'h·hich you Hrite '!;o.Ein._v"lfeelthat� you o�ould st13J" th'3re till you :fully rec ve:r f'ro?J il1nc3�r·JHl:J•etur:n onl;)· c.:fter ;rcnil'J.veCOT"-:'llcted your :'i'jsoi:..n" resI1dch to stcy hero .i.'ornllthe G.�r::; till Ih:'lvefiJlishedtherrdr-::donoi ).i:fc to :prench:Ehc.r.���t C'.1lt vor-J richtly :-�'lr;:rre2.son only I"-:�vr ::::uccectcd .th:--n11C'VE' nrano and••c..yr:..I:fyou1:in�l;r tcin:forniuc n sociezy :forthis -pu.r�<?B� withyou=C7CJ..t influence.D::sureJ.yallIndians-..·ill cor.�bine'ulfj11 tho ni�oion '\"cry :1icely declc.rinc the c1oric: ofIndi!:!.. FlcJ..:-.cdoitf0r1.hcT.ord1G:-:lke.

\t.I •1 �::·.r:3.-:lnd. n.'f':!p:::-:ldni. 1\:i�h 1h�t.:;ou
'clc· of-h2.r.....r.·.
achinl; {;t�rl:: n. little •1orc.:
il:!JJCd.ic.toly <!
n��/ tal:cl1p t�1io
�(.;rjot:�}J· •.�:lt1c�cr.t th�t

CampJC/o Rnmrnurti Mishra 100 Host 7�nd.Stroet Studio 5(Dl

Nev York 23,·IT.Y.

J<ty deftr daug�ter Snlly,


Novombor 6th 5

I an so glad to recei'Te yourveryaffectionateletter;o:f:the 3rd im::t.::mt ·and have noted the contents:caratully$· YeaI got ·t.hia nice -cy-perrriter by the Orace of' the Lord and Iamw:cymuoh· sa ' tiafied lfith1t :Before rece iving your letter undor reply I•ha:vo sent two·letters both.·toyou �d Gop?-.1 . I understand thatyou.havereceived,them. .·In one; of them. I have· requested Go:pal to despatch 25· sets of. booJr...a to. Pararro-u· J3ook Oall!.ery and.Iama.m:i�'N' if' the books are al:r·eady clesna·�ched.;, . · . . · . . , _ ' ; .. · 1 ·· .

Rega-rdil}g yC7UX ;emirider. for, JitY' iood. . oook.i�a: , · r am · .-wer.Y'nru.oh truplld'ul toyou and nert time ,,-hen-I shall go to Y.�:home,I.mustDerve you··with e-ood lunches with out·rail.NowIa.nazfa:rn:w�!'romyou·othc:ndse I vould have'at once eone to yon and entertained you with such. lunohoa. Iam anxious to ·learn aboutthe nec.lth of you all specially of yourlittla children. IioYisyou::rnaugh-cy- daught&r Kamla. Please offer them� love· �n!·bleoeingc end.eo.aleo a.cceptboth of 7ou. Flease •rrite to me occasionally- and asOop:llris.not .ac· reply proiitptly I shall hencefor-n-a.rd w"l'ite to you�o Did. you I:leet your good· father and· mother ·in themeantime? I£ you :oeet �em .Pl�ase offer. , themrri. :rei:;pE?cti".J.l. regards. :Bothyour father 2.llt mother ar�•good.scrul.a. and.· th�refore yoU. ·arE!· a good daughter of :;ro-v.x parents. I :ret:�ember nll of you 'always.-.:. · . · · · ;··· . ·: . · ·' _. · .

Please of�er �.good wi&hes-to your frinedsvhostill reme�ber me.· I shall 'ineet them again t.�hen ·I go'to :Butler� I like •'Jmtle:r�more thEn·Fev York and specially ' the quarters inwhich'you:r home . is situa.ted• . . Ha.d.Ihadthemefl.nB to renta �ouse independently I -would·.�£-Rinto :Butler'and hold ey �tam d.iscour ses dai� with good �ianda.· . ·.

So fa:r I have studied t.he American minds they are eager.and apt to receive :f.hakti Cult of Srir.lad :Bhag-"---a"...a.mbccnuoe the Christiari religion is· based on the sF.I:le prir"ciple.J.ty- mission is notturnetrJY,one :fromthe ai'filiation of e.particu lar :relieion but I na.nt to let . themknO"L: mere knowledge about God. cmd devotion. • . I . '

Dr� Ratu:iuxti,Hi�hr�i�also ,�ci;ykind,�ntiemen �dI,�·,yery com fortably at his care.ITo is keen after looking rru. all kizids of oomf'orts.· I am negotiatingwith soma booksellers 2.11d. publisher� and. IhopeI�shall be able to settle somet1J,ing be.fore I lcu.-o for tho·nerl station�>� I shall be New York still for a fe'1' dey-a more and I chall lot yot.:.·lmori-;;henIleavethe·station. Iamso grat e:ful to your kindness and surely I shall askyou if·I-need en,ythins• I have left nzy- hear;th andhozua,inIndia. 'but here by theGrace of;the Lo:r:d Ihavegot good sons anddaughterllike you.So I d.o not.feel·aiJY foreign · . complerion.

IIope you a:re all l\ell andal-:�itingyour early rGplyr, Yours affectionately,

A.C.Bhaktiiedanta s���. ,.

Cc:.:npt C/o RamJm1rti JH.nhra

100 lieot 72nd Street

Studio 501

J!ew York 2.3, n.Y.

J.� dear du<<ehter Sa.ley, 5 I beB' to thiJ.nk yau for your kind letter of the 16th 5nstar.t a.nd I have noted the contento carefully. I am &lad to l:enrn th.B.t';you had been to I ' your }'l!U'cnts house for n i'e'W deyo and nO"W you have raturned•' ho!Jle. rarnstill moreglad to learn th.nt you nre goina to obGorvethe third 'birth dey of Hiss AGc.rHal on Saturfey next.On thia oooaeion I should h!ve prooented her Bome OTI1a�cnts bvt as Iurn e Sennyasi I annoimp� offer� blesn ing for her lone 1 ife and good pro:-pcri-cy.Sho oo.nnot now read othe:rldse at leest I ohoul•l have:presented a oot of' ey booko .Dut yau set aside oneset of l'I\Y books for her :f' reac:i.n[r when she will grow np a beautiful educated girlc v.ith full godconsciot's:neo!l. I e.I!l obliged to your aood ctaus tor for arrn.rding no a GOod degree as SR�JHJESUS which is actually a great,'!honour for me.Sone tir.le the T,ord speaks through innocent child and I take :this honour as sent by T_,ord Jerru.s 'throgh a.'1inocent chl:d :free from all forrniltties of the current socie�. T�rd Jesus p�enched the meosago of God nnd I havB taken up the s��e mionion,n.nd it 1vould be a good luck for me i:f Ican :follow' the foot prints of T.J01� Jesus who preached tho message of' Ood inspite o:f all persecution. Lord Jesus js a livine eY�ple how one has to suffer in th1s material war ld simp� for the natter of preachinff tho mesoB.B"e of God. In!��tam also there is another exnmple liko LordJerrus. He is Prahlad Ma.h.araj a boy of' five years old but because he wns agreat devotee of' God u.nd preaching the message of God Among his little class mates 1 his nthiat father tried to killhirn.So the �theist class of menare nl;,�s enimical to the devotees of God event hough m1ch devotee happens to be the atheist 1s son like Prahla.d..


I propoE:ed for ste.r ting the rcstur3nt 1dth aview that youriley become one of richest fcni�� in Anerica.One ann become rich on� by tr,ying his luck in busine6s.It io not possible byscl�ine othcr.One shouldhave indepen 2 ent source of income that is possE'lle on� if one is engaged in business or in b.nd lordship. If/-ou co.n invost $2010JO/- in a/-Toper-cy inNewYork �hich is worth $1001000 -,you can have at least $1000- permonth-as the rent of the houGe.So that in 15 years time ou become the 'proprietor of good huse in He:11 �rork �·rhich 1rould fetch you 1000 rent per month. Tha.t is ey next propor;al. I think you ca.n invost $20000 z;ome ;..'"a:Y or other end i:f you can please do it inmedinto� because that is chance als o .

You can r;end me $40/- and it will help me GOing over California. I have Gecined like thio • Iamcxpeotin& n letter of' reception from Calfornia and if I get :i.t then Ishnll . start for ::the country othe:rl.;iue by the first 1reek of' December next I ohall rctuJ:n to IJ1din.. I:fIreturn to India then I shall return your rnon�y boioro I ctart otho:nvise I ::::hnll cpcnd it for z:w California journey•.

I hope you are all cnjoyh:.g Goo:l heelth c.nd with rrw blessings for you all,Iam Youro nffoctionate�, .. ,·..


Cru:�:p:100 iloat 72ncl !.3troot Stwlio 501

Jlmr Yorl� Jl.Y.10023

"' . Fcbruo..ry 4,

I� demo Sri:pn.<l 'l'ccrtha

:V.:indJj-- accept ey hunblc.dL!, I amin due receipt of yo� ldnd,l�t�er. of' the 1st inot�t n.nd I .f'..rl clnd to note that you.uill cot tho I!:.::ch:mce · ; --· "' sanction on receipt of' tho letter of tho donor.'.i'be donor ie __ o..b�e .buoine::e ·'. o2.{7let of' India.enda.o required by you I run cnclooine here·ilith tho lottor of Sri Pc..dr'JJpn.t Sic;hn.nia o:f tho J.K. Orc:�ion.ti�o :V.:nnla. Toner .. dn.tod 14th :.nn 1966 u!1ich 11111 cpc�: :for itnclf. Ithink you nrw riloo ];:non tho ·ecntlc n:-m ' -ho io co1.1potont to nnoncl rmy c..r:uJount i'or "- nice tonp1c of Sri Gri TI::.d:1a. l:rio:mc.. innouYorJ:.'.DlC3ilJCh2..."11io. f:1r."lily in tra.dition�.11y ucvotcoo o:f Th;o.=l�d.:lioh <therefore thc';y i:!.ro the. rj cht pcroo:no to ta.l;:c upthic tro.nocCJ1d cnta.l ocrvicc o:f the Lord. Srilo. Pro.bhup::uu. 1:nntou ouch tonp1eo in :[orcicn cotmtries ouch lTcu York, Lodon , ToJ:yo, etc Ol1d I ho.d poroonnl tr'..llm uith JTir.t 1rhcn I firct netJiimn.tUltudinGi in 1922.�ou here<!nco for no to co.rry put Hie tr;moccnclentn.1 Oruor L!.nU boc::.u�e you nrc Griln. Fra.bhupado.'o forepost frwon:rito dioci)11e "-Tld ::.ctu�ll;:.- cn::;-�r,ad inJI:i n ocr-.rice, I nn junt · �,rou."t' f;-t.vour <'.:ncl r.crcy jJ1n':"'.1:i!1C t1d::; 1�ttcnpt auccc�;cfu1. J.::Vo:ryth:i.ncin ro�r nanc1,7 the hon�ci:-: :rc�.c1.y, 'the (1o:\O:r io re::.d;,r .nrlq;rJnn"blcsc:r.-ice on tho ::J:!'ot in nlso; o�r you ;->..rc to t;ivc the fi:1i:-:hin:; tonch br.c::'..w:::c �-ou :-'.TO �oat ni'fcctionatc di::JC:i.:ple o:f ric DhdnoGr.:1.0o. I thin1:: :Jri1o.. I'rr.bhup2..<ln. 1i�tn tho..t in thin c:rcnt nttc:-:1pt by cy hWJl>1cno1f your v:>..luoU. servicency nlco bo <love rniled. ·

Plec.:::;c thcro:foro inncdin.toly to.ko ctcpo in thin r1..irection nnd ifneedbo you r.1ny pc:c-non::1lly nee Dr.R[l.(Ul.;-�.JJ-ichno.. bccauoc ho ic cynpa.thotic uith the Goucli;r:'.. Jbth 1�orJ::c:ro �n t.hcy l'.rc dnccre1.y t�·yil1c; to :::·ccpiritl"'.�li::;c tho uholc uorlU.. He in oleo )1cr:::;olJ::>.J.J.y b10�m to ne but lJcc;�u;,e Ir-.n out o:r'-ir.�- it in not �ooniblo �or nc to neehin.

Ac you uj 11 J:.nou fron tho cnclooell letter of 0ir P::;.cl..r:np2.t Sinch2..nin ,he in }n.'ep:-:.rcd. to G}'CllQ r'.:ny V.7Tl01U1t for t!lic pt,_:rpo:::;c1you C�..n[;Ct C:J...."'10tionUS l11.rcc :�.nnotmt 2.n it in po::;oiblc.JTininun ten l::!.cso:f rupacc.

So :fo.:rnon.:foruorJ;:in� here in tho tc1:1plc,<lo not uorry ['..!Jout it. Ih�.vc �1rec.c)y n::JT'lC Ancric2.l'l yoml{)Jcn 1;it!11:1e �.nd t�trictl.":t- vccetc.rir'.n.J1oni<los t!w.t t�10ro�re f.1r'l1J'" In<li0J1 c.tnkntn here �d I r::h<'11 lJc alJlc to rocrn5:t �;orkcr::: both:f:ronInai2..11 :' Ancric;'Jlr:. I::.n confic1cn to:f thin. In�; cito horc1:-ith one inc:itlonco •r) hr'.Tl)Knccl ;;'cr:.�CI'L�,:{<:.evcninc.I 1lC"..Vcprop.:'rc<l :::one ';ln.pc rcco:rd of qy pcroon.:-.1 J(irt:--.J1. 1!hcn one of t:1j::: 'tape roco::-d 1:r'.Splo.;,"ea..-hl1c <mc1iencc bcc�r.JO pro.cticn11y charned by th:'..t ;�.).thouch ltOt a. :::5.11[;10 1:orC.. O:fTzy 1r'...."11Ql.:1CG uo.o unde:rntoncln.blc by thcn.So I�n confident o:f the otntc,.'lcnt o;f Gri1a Hr'..ridc.o '.i'hn.J-cur thn.t the tr2..1wcen<lent11.l :::otLYJd �:fLord Chait.:mya. '::;Hnrinc..rnCL!.n <lo aood -2

r-. ' I�.. •• • � ;.•. l ; I •·


even to thcl1ird:::: nnd tllc bc0.ct"• i.!nuonl,tccll.y thc�:;c Ancric'"'-11 f'.rc h.:l.lJitu;-.tcu to t.:l.l:c nonvc:-;cto..rin foo(l lmt I n.r1 coni'idont thnt they C'"'-11 be tr.:l.jJlcd up to our li11e of livine boc2..twc ti10y t!rO oinccrc to tn.1t:e tl.Jl tho tr2-inil1(!e7nio uill be all })rn.cticn.lly poo::::ilJlO n.n COOn no llO OOVO XOC'.l_,'lCU' ln::Jtitution'l hero in now York. If 1t io poooiblo to oond r::omc man i'rom Inclia l7ho J:Tlmt bo oducn.tod it ia ucll nnd eood othcruioo I ohn.ll n:"l"l�C ovcr-.rthinG by the Oraco of Srila. PrQ.bhupn.dc.. He cc.nnot clo nnythinc uhn.tooevcr but if our oinccro oorvioo io neeopted -by tho Va.iohnnvn.o cvorthinc; io poocblo nnd ncy not wo tho'fv'" to opon.J: n.ll thcoc before �·our holinooo uho io e::pcrt in thio ocrvi::;;:c. Ple�oo thcrc.forc n::-J:c the tr::'.lloa.ction conploto ir.:nocU�toly l'.ncl oblir:e.

Jtr tho by I be.: to cmclo:::o hcrcuith one chcr;uc for Rn.lO/- no cry hUilblc on·crinrro to the lotus foot of Sriln Pra.bhup�da throueh your cooc!oclf end I uinh that you L1n,Y nok for llio blooainrro for bcconine cucce::JGi'ul in this rrrcat attempt for ilia ocrvioe.

Thankinl) you once Bore n.."'ld I bee to,

A. C.:Dhclctivcdn.."'ltn Su�i.

L r:
Dncloourez 2 .


lC�l)r.Jt 72nc! ::Jtr·•ot

)?oo::J · ,o. ..,f17

jjeuYorl: 1 .•Y.1002_, J.'cbl.·u::ry H;,�.966

:· i•t.!.l.)• ;:.ccc:nt rzyhunhll)c1....wrl;;.1> 0.t your lotnc;"c01�. Ii!opayou :t-�v·;. ��·.1l.;r Tcvei·.rcdq}'lc L.:..:cr o; t.hc :1-':h ��J.0ci.trcofDir

:;·f'r�..·rr:::.t .. j.n tho o:.::poc:tt:d tlo!uw..r of the'.I'CI'tplc. �L'1cc thon lhave c.::>'"'..!!f""L;:1y :!'OOI!l (Room ;!o 307) ur· <i.bovo:.1ontionccl il•. tfJ.o oru1Cbu::..hii.."1C'for c8"b:-:-rn.h·:?..."'!cl lic�t �md on til·�roc.c1.cidcof junction of tHoroL?.dG tho rc1:l�- only 1 17ill �l�•VC to t�.ke nction i!lco yothor t.hint;s. j� '/inn. )l':.!rioc uill 1)o finiohedbythecn1lo:fJ::-...::-:;h 1�()6 ::11tl for :nc:?ea�; the ;n_:rr:c�m �70.00 �nd for IT\Y other o:;...�oncccI:::]Jcnd abm:t ·�C..cJ.l�.ru;·.rley. j.J,0th<:;r1:vnlcIh�:vo to· ::::.r•ci.>d :-.t'C1ilt:rt:�.10SC1/-;>�:::-;::�:�t!"J�!'?C.c.:.3nuch � :•.rn 0C·F�lt5.n,r:" c•:c:r:-r(1:\jrtol'cr�AiV<>j-"')UXfovom.,��'ble :rc:ply.Yinrll,y ti1c:to1·o

70 J3,RC'..shBoh<!.r:C.Avcllue

C;::lcutt.a 26, Il'H'.:i�.


� · Burlati Mora.rjee :Baiaaheba,

100 lfeot ;'f..2nd' Street

Room# 307

Uow York ll.Y. 10023

Mn.rch 1811966

Please aooopt � greeting and bleooing of Lord Bala Krishna. I hope by the Orn.oe of Lo:rd Sri Kriohna everything ¥ell with you.

Since I reoeivod your laat letter of Cotober 9,1965, I wee ver.r much encourneed lrhen you wrote to sey-11 I fool that you ohould stay there till you fully recover from your illness and return only after you have oomple ted your mission" • I think these lineo dictated by you are tho rrorde ot Lord J3aln Kxishno. e.Ypressed through your goodneos.

You lTill be pleaoed to know that I have improved nzy- health to thG normal and � miseionn.ry work io nicely :proareeeing. I hope m::r projeot. to start a Temple of Sri Sri Ro.dhn Krishna in New York will allo be real ieod by the Ora.oe o! the Lord. Sir Pada.mpa.t Singhe.nia of K.o.npu:r J ..K. Orga. nisation,has kindly agreed to oonetruct a nioe Temple of Sri Srl Radha. Y.xielma in lTew York. I am trying to solve the exchange problem by all means, and I am seeing some liGht for this purpose also.

Since I dowm to !Tew York from Dutler Pennsylvania, I h.avO. rented ·the above :room at $70.00 per month and I am delivering l'eotu:res en "the J3ha.gwat Goeta and Srimn.d ll�tn.m accOI!lpanied by Samkirt!gl and the American: ladies and gentlemen come to hea:r me. You uill be ourprioed to know that they do not understand the lP.ncuna-o of the Sarnkirtnnand yet they hoar uith attentiotJ. The l!lovement 1-rhich I have otnrted here is completely new to them because the Americana are ceneral],y acquninted with the Indian Yoga gymnaetioa as it is performed by some Indian yogis here . Thqy never heard of Dhakti· cult ?r tho Soineoe of Kriehn!$. before ond otill! they a:re _hearing me1-thip· very idea fa a greal BUCOeBB for me.

Now I shall require- somG' Samkirt� instruments ::t:rom India and three·. men to assist me in � missionar,y activitiee.And if the Temple is started I to bring ffif1..n.Y thing-D f'rom India and I wioh that you mcy kindly arrange for free conveyance of m,y men nnd aoodo in thio connedtion.

I have a l:reaey- asked one of my dovotoca in Calcutta to send two Vu-id.nnga.a for Samkirtan- and I have advised him to deposit the same. with YO"UJ: mana.gel:'! in Calcutta. for carriage to New York by E!JJY one of y� ships. Kin� isrrua. inctructions to you.r Jbnagera in Calcutta. ClJld Coohin to oarry 'I!fl things as abovementioned free and oblige.

In India when I started for Amorica,yoUD gooru1ess promised to rep� � letter recular� but I have not received roplioa for � two letters.Pleaee thsref'o:re oee that 11\Y lottors nddresood to you may be duly replied.· I have come here in this oldage neither for oiahtoeoing nor for ru1,Y personal interest. It is for the interest of tho entire humani-cy that 1 am trying·f;o 1cy1irnent. the ooience of Krishna· whioh willl actually Plako them _MJ)W• C)o 1t is the duty of every devotooa of Lord Kriohn.a. to help me: by all. ·er.:.ns.:Xiildly reply this letter and oblige.Hopcs you are �el · .Kfndl,y, anvy ey goodwisheB to all your staff oopocial],y to Sa.:rva iman choksi,. L.Gerajrun and Acha:rya.Thnnlcing you onoo J!lore,

Yours sine th Servi · he · .

"'!.msti Sumati Nora:rjee · ( ia Stcn.m Jravication Company i ln.rd llitate, J3onbll\Y' -1

J'y l!c:..r cbary ?eangalniloy, Ploa�e accopt my heart� greetings� �&tter of the 11th in�tant and I have noted the oontontB very earefully.Your ctrong desire to come to western oountri&s ia very laudable bec�use Srila Pr abhupada had a grGat hope to preach the golpel or sri P.upa and Raebunath in these part& or the world.At the aame time thsro 1� a grant prospect for pronchiog the cult or Sri CRhitanya 1'nhaprs..bbu in this part of' the world.Tho Americafl) have very great r�gard for Oriental culture and philosophy and taking adv�ntage of this opportunity many aocallod oriental men of' wisdom bavo explaited theLr a� ntiments simply for the matter or livelihood. S inc e I have come to this country I have travelled many parts or th& country specially in utler,Ph11adalph1a Pitaburg,Boston Mon roe etc and everywhere I have seen that the people in general h�Te great respect for orie ntal culture and moat�y they are attached to the gymnastic proeess of the Rata Yoga system.But the system of Bhaktiyoga will be very much appreciable to th�m if we could open a centre here in new York.vlith this aim in view I tr ied my godbrothel"" to jointogether for this preaching work in the foreign countri8a by combined force.I tried f'furst Ke5nve Haharaj,then Bon Maha.raj and than Teertbe. Hs.taraj but I have failed to get any cooperation from �atiher of them till now and therefore when I was just �rranging to go back to India to try for myse

it is a great omen to receive yo�r encouraging letter under reply know you well and I think once we rnet at Vrindaban some 8 to years before and I took Pr�sadauj in your the then Ea.tha behind the Rane;anath you saw rny paper also P.ack to GodheadJI think if you come at all you 13hould come h8re wi�h a tangible progrlli�ne and it is encouraging to note that you wish to work un der me by full �o-operation.You will be elad to learn that Sir Padarnpat Sighania of Kanp ur was approched by me in coprespondsnce ,as he was known to me before,to erect a Radhakrishna Temple in New York and he has agreed to take up the work very nicely provided there sRnction of Indian exchange. Srila Teertha Maharaj pr omised me all help tti get this exchange sanctiloned by seeing the Pres ide nt and the Finance KMinister Et.S he is suprosed to h ave some inflnonce over them.This corres�ondence is going on since January 1966 with Sripad Teertha Maharaj but his last le t ter appears to me very disappointing.Now He asks m� to go back to India and try for the sanction with his joint effort from the Deputy Controller of Exchange in Calcutta.Srila Teertha Maharaj has defi ni tely assured me that the exchange will bo eanctioned on submission of plans and expenditure of the proposed. t(,mple�But I am not very much encouraged to have this information .. I �,herefore beg to reque. s t you to enquire iJ'T"..med1 ately from the D�puty Controller of Exchsnge1Control Depart. Rese ve Pank of India Calcutta.Please take def'inite information about this and if the information is correct as per statement of Srila �e�rtha MaharaJ � then let me know the procedure •o be follo�6d in thie connection. '1'his uvtn•y important i tern of my foreign trs.vel.If we can open or.e c6ntre in New York there is great po tency for 0pening other centres e ls o not only in Amcric& but also in Eu(lope,.Ts.pan,China end n�ny oth�r pl&c� just to fulfill the desire of Srila Prs.bhupnda t;.nd Sri Chait�nya 1-!ahaprabhu.Thie 1e purely cultural pr�gr&Dtrne for spreading the Hindu culture and if the Hindus have no sueh ncope for Epre�ding their cul ture then ��t 13 the roBnnin� or 1nd&pe�donc6?Th��q points are to be ral�ed and I think there i•"Jst b� so:no prcvitdon for :;uch cultural propaganda boe• the �o·. erm��snt has its . a-rm culturn.l .m1n1str;r G.nd tht>;r �ponding �Sllio�s �no billiQnB for thi8 purpoaa.Plccoe tr;r for thi• fi�Qt ro��rec&t gnd ir we �e �ucconerul in getting the s&nct!oa ot.her thingG vill rollov automa.tice.llT on thi• eultur� progr�.:-�":JCcl hope J'OU will follov the idGC. bt'C�Uf<.& )'OU h�V& donO ro �U1:T l vork in the �i�r.ion. I 't!Ont to-kno'W �iF;ply -;·:�( �;1 t:r 1- Deputy Cont:-ollGr of EA<t.:;.og� is in pot�or tc - •- -- -- 1'4 ... .. .,,._�1r-;o �te tb� forQira

" · 'j ; � , · · -;; ,. r • t o UJ • , ' - _ - . - · - . . . , n .. ---C/o Mr. fr.ulr Hurray 94,Bo'olor;r5th tl. l�r-lr." York N.Y.lOOlJ D/Ma1 16# 1966.

ccuntt!es.I under�t;

that Sripad Madhav Maharaj also 30 .. : times goes to see the President and therefore he nrust be

ry well acquaited by such occasional visits.! think he can al�o £help me in this oonnection.Any way let us co-operate in this connection for some tangible work. Not only your goodselr but �:. L· al3o many others from Indiaarc prepared to come here to assist · ...�; .. me but I think casual visit to this d country will not do.

We must have some centre of activitiy either by establishing �...,·�· a temple of our line of acti·on or by establishing and organisation

; · like Ramakrishna Hission for this cultural WDrk. Any way your . , � voluntary offer for co-ope�ation is very welcome and1take�or

· ;( Srila Prabhupada 1 s help in this great adventure. Ir �halt" remain · k here for . some time more surely I call: y�m _as d�sired by i :· ..Y� proxJ.�ed y��-�<?r_� o r.. on with me -��lly.Personally

· I can take the s ponsor1n§ fo� lou in the month of September 1966

• FIRST f'OLD i ut my Visa period will end on the 30th if I see· l

circum�tances favourable I shall try to extend roy Visa for the

reouired period otherwise I shnl1 return to India after the above,v_ staY-in_g t-ril!__�<?�_..QE!pen� ·_9n__.Y_o:U� goo�- coopc���l�n in __Ind�a

_ .... fo� :t:;�e ·pres_�.-Tn the meantime I aru trying also here u�a.t can be t� done

• The idea <•f' preaching here and in India is complet61y d!freror-;

._' !-rera you -�a.rl_EO_!;_ ��u}gL �ny_ �_oll���.ton_l.ih�tso�v�.At the SBJ'Tje tif'le '

· -(the- naiture to heavy.I E.lll paying hers rent 100

Hhich mean� 500!. rupees in ouz· Inq ian exl!hant;e.Besides that my f ' I 11 1 '' P 1 1 nolO' ' !

<"expenditure is da y .four..dol ars · pt! au s w. .�..., �

·. devoted to roy \-:ork.But we ere ge!:.ting some contribution by our ' f .. .:n;:�etin;s on l�oridays1!,;ednessdays nnd Fridays whe!'l we perfor!!l

. t�n .discct:rses on ?-he�at Geeta or Srirnad ?hagwatam es ·1� our 1

�us�al prograr.r.�.!f you co�e it wjll bo great help for

e:::r-e:e to ....., :r-:e-.J!ore in rr..y nert • r:�pe you

, :.·
l 0,0
; L7� £T .L:7' L7 \:--� . . � :i: • . ' - · . , · � � . � .. ·; � 1 .... '�" - &.() ��'};;f: :> . • . ,,. =:.. . · � r �i - ... � V\ ... .4::::"""� '; -·�� ..rJ.:· : "\i -�� -. -� . . �---� � .. ." -� ., - u-) 4 < > ' . . . . Cll• H . • : . '· .. . ,I· -I . ' ' I 0 - ., � � . t . •- . � I 'B H ·. :. t ' . ...• r-{ • . _. .. a.. · - ::-: : u: m c· :: ... :·� - . . · ...o . .. ! ' � . : ·� -. . �-- �.: >1'"' .. ... ':-'· t � � � \ . . t ,. � . . . 0:.. � •. •' r., •o
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ONO 3 ,

26 Si�CO:�n f.·'E:lJE /1PT /.'' 1n

PE'' �.·omc �,.Y. 1ooo3

Pl!OJJE 2 -

JliLY 16, 1966

I'Jy dear Drahv.aclu�ry J.innr.;nlnilo:y •

I tha�k you for your lotter of the Bth instant and have notecd the contonts.P1ou3e note rny;e ·of alldress as aiJovc mentioned. I have .further ri::;ker3 in t!Jc mn.t'�cr of J'f�nt of 1".11a houne.I Has payrLnL� !h·. ;;u:l:•1·ay ��10�.00 buc I 1r1an n�t :.ndcpondent there re.Herc the rent iu :::200o00 por :1onth but I c.m co;npl0tely independ ent and that I h:'.Vo tn.'::en ntolopi1onic �(•nnoction.!Ty lecture hall is on the �J.'01}no !loop �n�: my U}J::!l'tll,..;. n i; to OlJ tlw .fir:;t fluor o Thin Second Avcnu.e :lo orJe of Lb(; ten lont:;est ro::tdt; oi.· th ... ];€;�1 7oi•l: city

Rec;arding the tem.ple project I have ju3t recei verJ the from the Rmbassy of' India in fur:Jf;rica as follmrs: ( D/Jnly " refer to your ap:nllcation regP.rding release o-r :foreign E�:chnnec. frol11 t'hc.>- T':i ni:Jtry <�f Pina.nce.Goverm11ent vf IndiaoDne to e::-dstins conflitiona of fo::.-eicn exchnng .":' string�ncy �51; 5.s not pori =::ible :L'or tbe r':-oYo}.:'r',"'C:nt of Jndin. to uc,:ct1e to you!· 1·�quest ofor rcl0ase of f0roicn �:.;:ellanc;e.You i.Jay pel"hap3 yo�J. l.!Jco to raise necessary funds l:r01.1 Pcuioonts· itl•ic� 11

So the contl:'O'.rery is now c1osod nncJ there is no need of' help from any one nlse o11e nr� not ahH:l.ys s1wcessful ln our attempts in preaching v10rk but 3Uch failures are net certainly ludicronsoin the Ahsolut� fioJ.d hath f1Uccess and failuPcs a11e �lorious oEven Lord 71i tyann.nn:1 r:"�tcnr1or:r to l�e a "f:.'l�:.lur:; tc C011Vel"t Ja�a.i C..nn !t,anhai in th·� :5rut ::>ti:m;�pt�rr-.t1:or he· '..f.�r" !1C:eno�lally inju:�·ed :i.n sucb atcm:!pt but t1J:; t Vi!..� eet• c.•�,· lhYi: :l·..;,Ucrou::.!.llt.: �-:>.oJ.e thin£.: '.r��::> tr�1 �·.3eenucnt :;.1 anr� it 'i.>'US elo:r·ioi.1!:1 .fer aJ.:-: t:J..... F�J·tl8 �: LOilCC:.':·llud.

It is however vury difficult to raise funds frorn the InJian residents in Ameriea.Ny followers here are 99% Arnericans.But Indian Government has taken wrtten d eclaratio n frcin roc that I shall not collect any ·rund from thf: Altl_cricans oSo unless I do e;ot such perrrission I think I ldll have to return to India di�apnointe£.1 to liv6 at 'lr:!.nd::'.han peacefully for the I'cr.Jain:i.n!j days of my life0

Regardinr: the J1H�.nsi inc1.denco rcl'crred to by your q'UrUliJ�baraj I 1nay j nform you that the cJonor of t�10:;u hou;:;c diu uot like to nand oveP the esta.te to any incJivi dual person. I tharefor•e re�i"Sterec a .Joc ie ty ( 'J.,he League of Dovoteou ) u.uJ I irrvited yuur Gurl.inoharaj to Join it as the-! head wan.�·.�ut .lJC zO.S ho :·:as Hith the ti:len Kunjaoa. uo�dred to hnve the prope1�ty in the; jo:i.nt ljUme of' him and Kunj�da. So I became sj 1Bnt F.tnd I leJ't t.:·q) lll!ole se;hcn1e .Let u::; uow. for5et all thc:;e ":1::1.3 t i nci:1 ClJCOS nn n [:;0 forv-rF..rd ;,] :!.th present l'CIBponsi bili ty o

Hy fui;urc ac tivl tics uill nm-r depend on the reply of the Indian :2mbQ�sy iihom I have a:1Jced for perJ;Jission to raise funds f.rom the 1\.JtJerican people.on l1eu.ring from thorn I shall let you � the result.

llone you are ue11.· :ben you














J.1y dear Rayrama,

Brancp: 518 Frederick San Francisco,California

February 28,1967.

Please accept my blessings and offer the same to all your Godbrothe:ts for your doing the respectiiDe duties nicely.I am in due receipi/of the copy of Back to Godhead dated 15th February 1967 and I � gl that it is nicely done .The only defect is that picture which is vr.ronely put there without asking me.There was no need of interpretatio.s and why you have interpreted the picture as one has to be naked before the Lord to become perfect(?).We have no int erpretation in ne of. the verse s in the Gita and Srimad Bl�gvatam . They were not fic�icious and therefore there is no need of interpretation. Krishna actually took .away the dresses o:f the Gopis and actually He saw the cirls naked . There i��nterpreation there.The girls of Vrindaban of the same age like Krishna vvanted Krishna as their husband.In India the girls are married earlier by tECn years at least and thus the girls who were of the same age were married although they wished Krishna as their hus-band .Krisllna. fulfilled their wishes by this pastimes.:No body can ask aey woman or girl to. be come n2ked except the husband.That is the moral etiquete of Vedic culture. Krishn:::t is actUE..lly husband.. of every woman.There was r:w necessity of formal marriage.But still Krishna played like husband by asking them to become naked.In the spiritual world there is no· co habit tion i ply by such emotion in transcendental ecstacy the des ire is f fill d .

These pictures of Krishna and the Gopis are not understandable by a layman who has no ide�tof K:J..�islum � Therefore, this picture was wrong·· ly put .w.i:� without asking me. Please1therefore, consult me before putting any such pict1u'e or interpretations.One must 1mderstand first Krish_-rm from the Bhagawatam by reading the first ninet:a chapte� Ohter· wise Krislu1a would be taken as ordinary manand His pastimes will be vr.rongly understood.Besides that aBrahmachary shouldnot�ny kind of naked picture.That is violationjBrarunachary law. �

I am askine you therefore not to put the picture in the issue of Back to Godhead.I have asked here not to put this picture and so also I am asking you.I thin all the picture s are not yet stapled and therefore it must not be put in there.

Last n:i[jht we ho..d v ery nice function at J\Jore than three hundred s tude nts gathered and all Stanford University. of them sang and Over.

TELEPHONE; 674-7428

t1 anced with our Kirtan for full one to 20 minutes questions and answers n£Ix for Jlirtnn.So altogether there very successful.

hour.There was lecture T5 about 25 minutes and the balance was two hours program and it was

On sunday afte:::r noon there was'Kirtan in the Golden Gate Park and th�re was about 3 to�hundred audience and most of them danc�d in ecstacy. It reminded me of our activities in the Tompkinson Park.I have asked them to arrange for loud speakers and microphones so that next week�may have greater audience to join us. It appears to me that people of this country will accept thi� movement. nicely if weuit in accordance with prescribed directions.When we receive. the Mridatgas we shall have better chance to perform the Kirtan more nicely.

Please try to send the �rridanga and cymbals as early as possible as I have already instructed.

Hope you are all well.,

- �-�
... .
A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami --













My dear Rayrama,

Branch 518 Frederick Street

San Francisco, California

March 7, 1967

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of the 3rd instant and noted the contents carefully.

Gita Press is full of Mayavada Philosophy which says Krishna has no form but He assumes a form for facility of devotion�l service.This is nonsense.! am just trying to wipe out this Mayavada philosophy and you may not therefore order for any more copy of the English Bhagavatam published by the Gita press.The one which you have got may be kept only for reference oni having an understanding of the Mayavada Philosophy which'�very dangerous for ordinary persoa

The May"tada Philosophy has played havoc in spiritual understanding leading to Ae�theistic tendency.The interpretation th that one has to be naked before the Lord is also ma�ada philosophy The pictures which Dan might have brought in the temple are certain ly un-authorised.In furture before publishing any picture you must consult me. Any stage of life in Krishna consciousness may be a victim of sj rong material energy.Therefore we have always to take care and stictly follow the rules and regulations. You are a good � . boy and sincere devotee and I hope you will understand me right.

I a� glad that you are getting some nice job.They have tried for �o many days and still the experiment is going on. Any way if by the Grace of Lord you can help the Society it will be a great help. You are taking a great responsibility in the matter of purchasing the hcuse. It is very good to take all risks for Krishna but for our personal satisfsction we should not take the least risk.I am very glad to learn that Brahmananda,Yourself and all others have the transcendental courage to take all risks for Krishna and this act will enhance your glory in Krishna consciousness

So far my going back to New York I have already sent you a letter that I.shall start from this place ater 6th April 1967 In California the scope of Krishna consciousness is gradually taking some solid ground.Formerly when you were here the audience was hearing sitting but now a days all of them stmad up and dance. In Stanford University although the demonstration was first intro duced still they took it as hypnotic chant. Many Yoga societies here feeling the strength of our movement

TELEPHONE: 674-7428

518 Frederick Street

San Francisco California

!'larch 14, 1967

Hy dear Brahmananda,

Please accept my thanks and blessings of Lord Xrishna ' for your letter of the 12th instant describing your meeting with Haya the illusoory energy and combating her by Krishna consciousness. In future if any one challenges our philosophy one may put his questions in writing and must be prepared to receive the answers from unman unde:estanding. lve cannot talk with any one who is not within the �x�xdM� purview of human understanding. you are completely right when you refuse to debate and accept invitation for chanting

Hare Krishna Hahamantra o ll.lthough we should not chant in a society which is disruptive but as soon as one invites us for chanting we take it for gxoc±RZad that they are friendly and we must take the opportunity.

ll. female is never a'\'varded the order of Sannyasam. Because a female is never considered independent and Sannyasam 1-ras never . awa:eded to any female in the past by the great ll.charyas like Samkara, Ramanuja etc. The female Sannyasins are to be immediately understood as pretenders or prostitutes. In India they have organized so many organizations wehre specially young females are maintained to attract rich women-hunters who pretend to pose as ritheous in the society. This is the age of Kali vrhich plunders away spiritual sense of the � human being. and it is only the Divine Grace of Lord Chaitan�a Who can protect us from all these dangerous pitfalls. you were not agitated by unfavourable criticism any yet you chanted Hare Krishna Hahamamtra that is the v-ray of chanting Hare Krishna o I thank you very much �x for this for-bearance. I am very gldd to note that you can knolf the foolsihness of the modern society in


spiritual understandinG and I thank you very

mush for your appreciation of my association. This association is disciplci and as such all thanks are due to lort1 Krishna 1vho infuses His p.;:M powers through the bonafide disciplic succession. But I am very sorry to learn� that Mr. Taylor is stilL �a playing in his own way. I do not know why. If the finanaier is paying him all cash vthat is the cause of delay. 1/e have already handed over the ammount and if things are still lingered in such a 1-vay if beeames really disturbing. I shall be glad to hear from you hmv things are taking place. In your last letter ! was given to understnad that while signing the agreement Hr. Taylor was not present. This -vras something like marriage performances without the bridegroom •• ••••••


518 Fr.;derc1l� Street

Please n·�ccp't rrry bl�osin�s. Re�a �ding your quest ,.on about the 1..'1habltant3 cf Dr2Jabhum1 o� vr1ndnban 1t is to be llltLtt:!i understood that Vr1nC:aban is th� orig!ml abodeor Lo!'d Krishna asHe 1s the or1g1nal rersonnl1ty of Godhc��. Inthat tra�s�en�en6a1 �laneHe has His transcendental a3so�iates in dtffe��nt excha�g�o� humour. Forourselvesvmenweare�����n��rfe�t sta�e ofd�vot.ional service, we can kno1r� cur cterano r�l!:iti0n �·r1th Kr!r:hna and assuch one or the assoc1atc� of Lord Y�i�h�a b�comes ourideal leeder. Th1saece�tance ot leaeership by oneofthe et�r-nal associates of the Lord 1s not art1vic!al. Do not therefore tryitatprenent it l-\�11be eutomativall7 revealed tc Y'f'U in proper tirm •

Regardin.s the h(\use, youare already 1n troublt. The beat thing is to stop this atra1n. �. ,erner told �ethat �w. Hill has no sutti� cient m.··mey to purchasethe housfJe. I definitely instruoted you if Mr. Hill er:terns into agrreement with Mr. 'l'aylor it is then only you could b[Jd o\rer the check � to k l\!�. H1.11o:rh1aagent. Butyou have not tollovied ill'J 1nctruction andno'"yon?r�tntr1lUble.". Hill has no m0ncy to pruchas� the hou�e thenhisaeceptu1g our eheok is clear cnae ot cheating. So i.'nl1led1:.itely �.enquire it 11Mr. Hill J'l.asat all mone7

to purchasecash from flfr.Taylot'. If not 1rnmed1atel;r demandbaclt the check othe��se consult ourgood1 wyers and file acheatingcase•. ��t lle cannot torego this cheating consjl1raay., if Mr. HUl bas no

, . '"':'.-::..,•NC.•-"'"w,.,M. , .. -• . ·' . .... �:.c.-.�- .� •.__ � ��·. :.: _,, ._,,..•.·..... ,.,.: :.·:.· ,, . :-·- '.-... , -37 ;_;,�.�-.:....�:.:-::�...:.:�-::....::. . Th:!. s is t.o .::::. sciple ci' Ei s vi�e G�ace S:.�r:1ad 3haK'ti � ..,.'='·...,...u..,.."ed c .....c�e":" o"" .1!'--) s \ • \;;••V •.0... - • J. J.\::: �-- �.�,.+..; !:>,.-.-;:,J' ,.. ••"" ,-r. ('.... �v �r.,,.., t-.... .:..•.:"-•'-v- --,_ ....;:•• -'I.c.-.....;;. l-• c,o•• ' -t.b.e Goudiya Vedanta Society. He is Boliness ?:--:. d�:t::.-:..':;E.:.::. Founcer-?rc-siC.e-.;.:.� c -;.· therefore . . ,. .• _,. .. .,. , ......... ,.. � .:.-.;. c.- ..,.•v - -...:;.c;"-" ·:<reecner ,a:..1.C. ':i'ec::.c� er in the line of' Ciscipli� .s.:.cces�c.-� ..::·...,.• �1 ..·..:. '·7 h�-· ..,..._. ·... ·· -.o. - "'· <rl .;.t ... a.I v.)... ._..o._.v,) Cv:::scicv..s:1ess cll ever I�O::i a e:bou. t 500 azo i:�C .z �u :.�-::.c ri sed. :-:is c.ll 6i sciplic SJccessors t.o pre�ch t.!"J.e .: ·-. --� �r ..... �.,. '' -:-.·-. • • •••• . -�....� .._.c..... :·2 � J�0:' t'je c..:l t, in the wester:1 v;orld.• ( Sv1c:.11i B. v. -:-.'!'---- �a) .... G. �· • �""' �:-·· --

PJease a�dept rny hJessin�s.J ::�m in �11e recetpt of your affectionate l8tter of the 3rd j nst.ant ;mn hr.we note� t'hP. contents carefully.H::�:yar:riv::-a informed me t.hat you h;:we he c om e so rry for nnt rer.::eivinrr my J ett.ers and for this I must beg your parnon. Rut do not think that I ne�lect to .w�ite you letters. Of course I do not. renJy your each and ever�' letter , I alw.ays think of you because you are alJ my heart and soul. I am so ple8s8d ·to have your association and I always th::�nk rny Spiritual Master Om Vjsnu parla Sri Srimad Rhaktjsiddhanta Saraswati Goswami JVlaharaj for His favour by sendin� me some sincere renresentative of Him in missionary activities in this part of the vJOrld.I carn.lhere to execute His Will and by His lirace I have so many �ood souls like you,l�ahmanandarSatsvaruna,Haya�riva, Rayrama,Haridas,Mukunda etc.I consiner you all as representative of my Gurumaharaj to help me in this helpless conditjon.My Godhrothers did not help me but rny Sniritual Master has heJned me.So no not think that 1 can ever you evP.n for a moment. I nr::�:v to l<rishna for you-r more ann more advRncem0nt of 1\r:i.shn ::� Conscinusness.Be h ::�npy ann execnt.P. and more service for �rishna ::�n� �rishna will accent you in His assocjR tion.

1 am verv p:J::�d t.o 1earn tlJ ::J t.'J.orn JP.;us Chri.�st t:as ::�nn-ro'rP.n our'Perhans :vou h:=�ve m::�r}:e� :it. :in my nre::�cldnR: work t.h ;::.t. J love Lcrd Jesus Chriest M'> r:onn as l\r:ishna;hPcause He rennered the r-reatest; service to Krishna ::Jccornjnp· to time circumsT'ances r=md- socjety :in v!'hjch He apprearecl. SimiJarl;v Hri ,i� ::�t. �1ahamm::�� <mn J.ord Bnr'ldha �lso rendered greatest; service tn t;he human societ� ::�ccor�ing to circumst8nces.�o work wi t.h more entuasias ism and \vR ;:�re surf> t.o he sncr.essful in our great mjssion.

Last ni�ht we 'h::�d ver:v S11Cces.sfnl rnP.P.tinrr at BP�kel y and I think there were al"out _iff(� hundren studPnts who p::�rt� r.i-pr:Jt.P.n in the meetinp: foT two hours,dRnce� w:ith us ::�nd nftPr the close of t�e mePt�n� theysurround en mr to offer their rennP.cts ::�nn som0 of t�em enm1iren var� 011s inns.EvAr:V one anm:-eci�tnn wh.•.:d� J couln spe::�k in the mefl;inp- for ;:;ho ut fort:v and so I was vnry mnch encour8�en. -

B:v J\r:i shnRIs nl::� P.r::�hm::�n:qn� �Is nrPr>enr.P ;:�t: r�1nnt-rP�l vJRRR() m11Ch belnfuJ • I ve:y m1lch ann:reciatP :vnur snl ect. i on Jannc'l:=m as the Presin0nt ann PRnl ;:md He][-lS trP. R�-u�er ."1nrl sncr ry reRY'JP.r.tiV0.1:v. fJ]py l\rishn,q bless T.hem anr1 Jet me conP:ratuJ::�te them for exeC!lJtion of 'Krj shn::�'s servi ce so nicely.

You wilJ h� nJ0;:�sed to know th;::.t we h,qve nlre::��:v ins t;:�l le d the Sri ,t'11rtis of JJorn .Tarr:ann::�th, Vr-�J. hh ::�,� r;:� nnc'l �:;ubhmir::� jn T.he i�P.rnn]e of Snn � rancisco cente-r :=m� T \ to r::;t:1h1 i .sh s im:i J::Jr t.ernnJ r.> aT. Jviontr�al. Prohabl:v I shall-carry \vith me thP iiP.:i.t:v for NP.w

of m;v

!..!,j .!('.·I'• .; ·'i . ;,,I . . . . ., . .:..... -!. San Francisco , Ca lif. 94111 --"'-:
'. I . -��. •• �/: • J•• Telephone: 564-6670 APRIL 7,J967.

Jrtures m;:{v be R hard< for :you hut jt wi JJ nrove :m AXaminat:i on

for you as how rar you huve henrd me Attentively.NPver mind it is sJow but it m�st be sure.You cAn kren a note of my activities and can ait ror writinrr, book at suitAble time.I am as¥-in� Mukunda to send one _ :>n of the presentation as he has made a presentatic.n to Sriman Brah mananda •

.I have received letter from ahmananda that he is �oing to take delivery of the records on Thursda nd he is �oin� to send 500 records to San Francisco.I do nbt know if he is �oin� to send you some records

Hegardin� my goin� to Montreal it is understood that Brahmannand a has already paid fpl50.00 to I'·ir. Ypslantin the Vise=� LRwyer to save me from my Visa bein cancellen.But in Rn:V cRse I must go to l"iontreal and if my Visa is not p:ranted aP-':in to enter New York, I think I shall remain for somAtime at .I"iontreal and"-then oroceed for London to establish a center there. I wish that at least four centers may be established in the Hestern countries including one in London :=md then a comnan:v of twelve at least :of all your hrothers and myself ml=l:Y hAve An extensive tour all over the world for nrr.c:�chin� this unioue cult of Hare Krishna. And because it is aporoved by Lord Chriest at�st the Christian world will accept � Kirtan procedure. I have seen in the bibl� that Lord Jesus Chriest reco mmended-this Kirtan nerformances in the Rihle. You knov.\better than me and I woul<l request you to wrlilte a small hook on SAi·ihiR1'A.i! I-.OV.i:-i��r'IT lN 1l'h.i:, BIVLf.J have P:iven a note of direction to Hayao-riva for writin� a Drama on Lord ChaitAnya and if he can deliver us a nice Drama for sta ging in yoliT d:ifferent narts of the �te it will he a P:reat stride .for our missjon and I hooe it will helD us f:inancjall;y a e-reat deal. Just you encourap:e naya�riva to write this DrA� v�y nicely in Poetry so that the:v canl.ltsung in western tone aJ.�. over America and J�ur_9pe and stac;ed every where to cover our expenses.

l:SrAhmananda mc:�y try Nr. l\al1man and I•ir.Fulton to help me r;ettin!Z ·a permanent Visa irnmediatel:v.'rhese two £TAnt1 el'en have enterer)/i.nto Contra'"'ct with me for recordinp; and lecturinJ:; all over lTAS • .A. ;md it will be a great loss on their DArt if I am not p:rAnted R nermanent Fulton may arran�e immediately some lectures in CanRrlR and that will help us both ways n<=Jrnely to save the Visa fvom beinr: cancelled at the time I can visit Montreal without any hindrance�

You can re-pl:v this letter to New York annzss her.ause by this time 3-15 P.M.(San Francisco time ) on Sunday nex� I shall be in New York

Convey my blessin� to Sriman Janarda\Paul,Hansa and Helena.




TRU5TEES: May 4, 1967


Up e n d r a das Br ahma chary H; : f.) �Oii(N

My dearUp end r a , I am in due re ceip t of yo ur affectionate letter dat ed April 26, 1967. Thank you very mu ch . Please ac cept my ble ss i :, e; s and I also thankyo u very much for 'your sandalwood book marker. It i�wo n d e r f u l . Everyone appreciated this pre s e n t and I am keeping it v er y carefully. I gl ad that you a re changjng your cffi c e time and you shall have more time to perform kirtan. I am glad that youh ave mentioned the fi r s t s t a n za of Prayer to S p i r i tualMaster. I think you know t h e maaning of this stanza. The meaning of this s ta n z a is th at, this world is just like forest fi re and .spiritual master is just like the cloud on the sky, th er efore as the forest fire can be ext ing uis hed only by water from th e sky, similarly, on<} can be peaceful and elevated in spiritual consciousness or Kr i s hn a Consciousness only by th e me rcy of a bonafide Spiritual Haster. Th e p r oc e s s which you are following is very ni ce . Your hum�leness and sincerity will make you m�e and more advanced in Krishna Consciousness. I sh a l l pray to Krishna for your welfare always .

-- - ..-... .J -------·












Hy dear Upendra,

May 6, 1967

Please accept my blessings. I am in due letter of May 4, 1967 and I am concerned about your for army mobilise.tion. I am enclosi ng herewith a le you may present to the authority and as a Divinity s you mu st not be sent to the field. Chant Rare Krishr, Kr ish na will save you. �resent our prosDectus and a newspaper cuttings. Some new cuttings I am enclosin herewith. Also I would request yo u to pay the rent r oom in which I was stayiqg. The Society is st a rt o and therefore you can assure Ha rid as , Hukunda and Sh th�t hence forward you should take responsibility fo the rent of my apartment.

My dear Hayagriva,

Please ac ce pt my b less ings. Lord Chaitanya Drama 1 st Act. but when playing you will have it will take too long a time . Rayrama for reading.

You have njcely done It is nicely done lit1 to m8ke it cut short < I have given it over �

Rayrama has arranged for a press. We ca n r.ow wor own press. So Back To Godhead and our books now can printed in this press by o ur own men. I t�ink you sl now come back and see t he print i n g work done nicely. You will hear more from Rayr ama .

.· · Your ever
. ·&·V. l �!., • : l· . , ... ··r, , . _�_ !t. _ .. r , , .. ( 1 -,A.C. Bhaktivedan


11'1TC��rjonALsociery foJ{ �S,.,fJA corysc1ousrycss, 1t?c.

June 9 1967

My dear Mr. Taber,

I thanks you very much for your letter and I have noted the contents carefully. You will be glad to know that I am improving my health gra�ually and today I took a shower bath by myself here at the seashore in N.J. t Probably I will have regained by strength sufficiently by the 25th of thismonty to come to San Francisco, but if I do not go at that . time, then I shall advice you to come to New York.

So far as your distress is concerned, it is not new:it is the general condition of living entities who are distressed for wan6 of sense gratification. Unless one is related with Sri Krishna, the Reservoir of all Pleasures, it is very difficult x�xhaxf to have complete pleasures perception in this material world. You have read Bhagavad Gita and it is stated that ultimate happiness can be realized by transendental senses only. Our movemenv for Krishna Consciousness is to � turn the present poluted senses into its original pure form, just like when a man cannot see properly due to cataracts in the eyeball, similarly we cannot have real sense pleasure without being purified in Krishna Consciousness. This purification can be done only by engaging the senses for Krishna. Krishan is called Hrisikesh, or the Master of the senses. His senses are omnipotent; therefore, when our senses will be a engaged to satisgy the senses of ax Krishna, at that time we wwill �

26 Second Avenue, N.Y.NY 10003

have perfect sense gratificaion, and be free of all distressed condition.

A spirit soul is not impersonal, and because hw is a person he ±�X«N has the latent desire for sense gratification; but in the material condition he does not know how to enjoy; therefore one should purify the senses being free of all material disignation. In conditioned stage we are designated souls like "American," "Indian", 11dog� 11demi-god,l1l etc., but in pure consciousness or Krishna Consciousness, we are part and parcel of the Supreme Brahman. By Brahman realization, as you may have read in Bhagavad±Gita: Brahmabhuta prasannaatmaaa sochati nakankshti. So in our pure stage when we understanfi that we are eternal servants of Krishna there is no mre distress. Therefore the devotee prays: "My :Eord, when shall I be freed from all material desires and be completely engaged � in your transcendental loving service. At the present moment I am forlorn and nogody is my master.

as my Supreme Master; then shall I joyfully wander -aver the whole universe knowing that You are my Master." Please therefore try to be in Krishna Consciousness and there will be no distress. GRN Gradually as you realize this, you will experience it also; but the process is the same, both at the beginning and at the end.

· Hope you are well.

Your sincerely

-· O«Qbtcn ' -..,
r--- ---'-'�'--��--..:.-·___,_ - . � - :-__ ---·-·r �L� · -- .,· .: .·· -.- · &<;; ?U . };ytuJ!t ' �::: � � Jt:: · . B .. 'r �/>� --� 'I 0� 1d}<) df� M f I -.. -�� ������rvu·;;r�--- :.� � � � � �� !¥ .� � • ' �,.... . ,/

�y �tutlcnts�

l'lcn�c ucccpt my blessingsa lam always thinking of you, and 1 "�' feeling separation. I wish to return ot ttH� ccn•liest op1 ortunity. I cannot stop my ·,estern world activities und 1 ha\'c tohen le�JVC from you for only six mont!4s; and it mfly be thnt on or ucfore 1 will come to you u.t;uin. So continue your nc t 1 ,. 1 t 1.cs w ith �r cu t vigo r. I sh a 11 ulways pray to K ri sunu for yo\lr !:§tcady udvance, but try to follow the principles which _arc nC'ccs:--nry to strengthen ones self in the matter of spiritual (u.h·�· nc'-·. f\cv�!' _�h�J!.k _ _!.�.9��m a bsent from you� 1·11ysi co 1 prescuce-ts not cssentiol; presence by messa�e (or !tearing) is reul touch • . . L<.1rd hrishna is present by llis messcq;e hlU...� •.vhich was ·t.fcli\'t.•rt•J ;,ooo yeetrs ago. We feel ulwuy� the lH"esence of our pu�t .\clwryns simply by tt1&:ir immutable instructions. I nope You . \\'l 11 unde rs tund me rigllt und do the needful. 1\i.rtunttnondu �ny� from tny bodily-·fcoturc thut l om improving; I nm also feelill, 11 1--.c ttwt.

My Lie. r fkehmanenada, I'leusc accept my blessin�g;s, In continuation of yester·d.uy1 o letl{_•r si,�C;ned b.Y Kirtonan<lndu, 1 may further inform you thut lhe Mac\!t ll.:Hl contract is very important. 1 llil'l.'e ulrcady confi�mcd the ten:t.s � and you c-.n·e herewittl authorized to sign on my behalf. lf il•c cuntract is bonifide, tten there is no need of printing tile buol<s ot my E�esponsibilit y�ititcr in Jupun or in Indiao I s:wll lie !-intisfied with the Cu!•tmission and sllall only be g;JD,d to·Hl'e that the books are being reud by nunureds and thousands of ncn. Whatever profit mav be uerivetl from it will be utilized. for (!C"\'clopmcnt of thci\mericnn llouse lie.rco l would. have 'been Vt!!'",Y �lnd if lluyagriva, yourself, und Hoytlrumu, ulont; with 1\ir:rrxl�· arlilnlln, would iwve been present comhincdly und give a sturt to the Ancrican House. f\cgotiations for thc.plot of lund is goin� on untl n� soon as it is settled we .siloll LJe�in tl!e worl{. Kilf·tv.n�utwnuu is. fcclinu· the wannt11 of tiH� city a little teuiously. For. r.1e thls warmth i� little brncy. /\nywuy, you try to fructify tl!if

C{JntrocyantL·it will be a �rL·ut relief to rnc. \i'e 1\LlVe olrendy "rH.lcn lo Hoyn1�riva to return to N.Y. llilt..l deliver tlle :n,6s�. cop1

·r to \�c\1il!un; the bnlHnce part of Geetopunib!wd wlnch· 1s hq"<tPr;o: edited should be.finis11eu us sofJH as possillle; <HHi wtlcrecv._.r n�ce�sary ltc muy �onsuit flle l.Jy muil. T11e r�rcst tllrcc; vols. o ! ,..., · Ii · , comp1 c ting t11 e fi rs t cur1t0 , mn )' u c p�lJllslled 1 n or_lc vo 1 �d!w_ut tt1e sunscrit, i.e. onlv Lrunslolion �11Ht pur·po:rt. �1m� 1 !xl: 'I(� Ct.111 pul;li:-1! the second cwnto in one vol. � unU. EO on� vtJ\ vvl. l•l'r Citnto. '·

2 August l9G7
Your e\?Jrer well-wisher� : • � I o � � 1 ; 7:t; �, t. � . vW � U/ A. C. Blwklivct.iantt Swami
I ' \ ,c\i�rf
! (t (:\! I\ J r 1----f �-1 J 'I I ' }-t '11 I / I : ' I' ---, i '.-� I , .r ' r' ; · · : } { · ·�· './ : � · • ' • �
wetltwl::,!ler : \J

lily de<Jr ll:.1ya��rivu, !·lease cl-..cept" my blessings. Your letter dated · Oct. 3rd. sent to my Delili address is redirected t<, Culcutt;.1 6: t hcrc fot2 1 have delayed in replyjng •. ;ve are <"•�;<.dn 1envins this l'lnce fo1: Nnvai.twip a & you . cun rc.i.·l.v there, the ucl<.lrcss you will find on the envelop e. lt 1s so nlce_ to rend your Jetter &.:. the reply as to IH,w you a!":e alw§l;ya.: . tl1inkin,� fcJt· hrishnn. '.1nen you write to. say Uwt a:. 111 wuuld 11ke very much to be tcad1in:_s them hr ishnu Conscience in· stead of .J�nglish" it re�r.inds me of'Lord ChC!itunya. For some time Lord Chuitnnya wus conductin;� Cl CIH!tiH31Ii:lti, Wi!ich 'is a small tut-· orial u-illa�e class run bs n lenrn�llroJ;Jilin. ;\-hen Lord Clwit<:mya wus tectchin�� 6r<-Hamcr to h;hs stuclents ;w was explainin:!; l(risllrw. There is n Lhuptcr in S<;1nsc:rit :;rc.1n:lller is cnlle(J Jnhtu , it is verb<Jl denominn tions. Clwit<my a 1·,!; •lw];rubhu was . uxplv ini n.; Da�n 1 ns hrishnD �i. lle would continue to cxpl<:li_n h!�isllnc.l in every step.·i\hen the stuclents felt tlwt the te nch cr WCIS cro�y tile Transendent· Cll ·reacher closed nis cJuss. So your desire to _teach i\ristmc.1 Conscienceness to tile students instcucl of r�n:�lish is very nice & Krishna wil.i IJe bestowlnc_; his Llessin(�S YJH,n you for your tuinkin: in tilot way. From my i)art ns 1 <!rn your ever well-wisi1cr l WlRll thot you may preach Krisllni:l Conscicnsss to the students of LiH� entire ,•,estern 'Vorld. You 0rc l't sincere scul � boli1 yuur i\;ot1J2r &. Fi.lthilr t.lrc iHliJI.-Y to S('C you ln J\rishnc..1 Consciencn(:>�s. l'len::;c co.nt inus thi s o ttituJ e throu:;11ou t your 1if e <x you wi11 be lld:ess e d not on 1y in tr.i s 1 ife b u t in your next eter·n al 1if e i n associn t iu! wit11 hrishn<'. hrislma lws given ov very nice chance iii the eity of 'dilke�-De1r�e l'enn. �;.:,the idee purclwsin.� J..:1nd as you iwve su�';gested is very nice. J tilink you CHl ne.�otinte for tnis le:uld &: the Society will be .able to pny �5·3,00CJ.Ou. r\ftcr· · p'(l.rclH:)sin;� tile land you c;m ;�racl\wll.y develope it. into eEl aslir[lfll by clint of yc.ur pcrson,:l l<:1bonr d.s tcnci1er inGhe-t.tese..-- collc�e. li'rO!:! !\.Y. the iil\i:mbers m<Jy visit the pl<1ce cv�o.�l'.Y weekend IJecause it isn't very fDr uwt.Jy. i.hcy take •l or 5 !leur jo11rney every weekend so E1 3 i10:.H' ,journey is not mucll. If ;yoL� you s!wJ.l !:;tiei·• to you;:· 1;rescnt occupc.1ti'Jn you cDn serict:sly t.,ird:.: of this sci•el�lC:,

I am DlrcDtly Jlreparin:.j for retnrnin'� to U.S. \. & I hnve obtained \'{isitor's vi�n the dnyb¥e- befor ycsteni<ty. �.lost prub<.Jbly J. shall take the first cll<cmcc to retul'n to US:\ upcn my return from N<:lvcdwipd.

1-<egurcling the Gita. 1 fuLly n(:';ree w.itlt your sugsesticns. So fur �lEJcr:d.llion is cont=Jcrned I shall te so gL1tl to hand over tl•(' mutter to them for pubJ..ication, hut .in c<:1se they do not du it, , fl&�-ify- please ne.�otiate wjti1 tmotlJcr r:ublisher 0.: in t11e menn U:u• ��eep the �lSS rec1dy, at lcnst in 2 copies. 1 tninl·: there is no need to enpJ.oj· u professional ty[d.est. 0ur de<.1r typi.est, �utsw.. t'l:· pu is always re< to do work. lle hcJS ntcec,fly fin!Ashed r;;y� book, 'fc�lCili!.!::;_::-_. of_!:_or.=g_Ch!:.!.l..!:i.'.��E.' K he is no�r free to tyrl·C t_hc Ciitfl. Sq .you c.:m :send it. in installments c.: when lie licknoweled�.�es rccei!lt of first r;nrt you cnn �;enJ him the E.;econr!, c:nd so 'on. l·r if,pos�ibJ.e VC•ll. Ctlr. lwrld it OVC'l' to i:im (-Cr'SCJI1i.'•lY, clS, y0u C'-l.!1 "' . con\'fently <HTi.1il�c. }lope you are well.

ever well-wif-tH!r

Cct. 1�, 1967
I• • '
' \ ' I f. , : . i ' i • , t .. • ;. \1 \··· , 1 ! ,'I ; ·. 1.·1; · - , \:.·, �·/!_/''!, A.C� 111Hd�tivccJun.f!,· Swan�i' ;._------------� -· ·-·- ·- - -

,. dear Subal,

Please accept my bleat�1Jv:n. I am 1n due receipt or your le·tt•r

dated Nov. 4. I a.m veey 8C.�C)H t�ulll111l� to san .Fran. I shall let lf0\1 1010w the exact date aon•r-t.l.nv: nmct week. In Kr:t.Chnll Consc1ouaM&& there 1e variety lRtt; th(H'<' tn W• cl�.fle•'l"l"'ld. \1/e w.ty tight vrlth one anbtbel' on the point of' ::un'V:trw JIL hut. tl1nt 1a not a discord. We must et1ok to the aerv1c<! 1,t \,,J(' f.�in'\.1 very aer1ous1'Y .and iUG that wUJ. help ue maJ.te proQ':Y'fl•u]. ln tll1s connf"otion I hnv written one l,et·ter t;o Dram.nnnda the ()O.L"Vi.Uil :1.n which you may be 1nte!9eatod 11 sub-jo1ned herein.

"I do not wont o crowd 01' LirtOnitndaa but I want a �

l·bave seen your atllt�n10nt. PL -..-.n'i.Ung opcn1n£?: centers. I om not � agrecnmnt \111th r!lr. ._Altrnun hat \'te are ex:plln\J1ng vory th�ly. In � ot>1n1on, a s1n�le ,nlnecr· ooul can a ma1nta1n a oenter... YoU

aot take any reapons1b111ty. .�tl.ll 1 \Jau ullllntnlnine; the eatabUeh• ·-..nt; •lmply depending on KI·l.ol"mn und then Kr:lahna sent me e'ftr:fild.n&J

.-.n and·II'IOlle'Y... Sitn1le.r1y• :1..f' u o:tn<'!l�!-e eoul f!P3.e out and opens'a

center 1n any pnrt or tll(J h, .r1d, IC.P1.�'>lH'IL1 t·:lll help him 1n elJ,.

Nov. -. 12, 1967 1'�. 330

Kr.LshnB Consc1oueneee. !t 1e not acaderrd.o qual1f1oGt1on or t1nano�l strength \17h1oh help& 1n the nllttor1 but 1.t 1B e1naer1ty of' purpo..

wh.ioh helps us Thel"ofo:r•o I w:teh t;hnt ynu will remain 1n charge of' Santa Pe. In this -rmy you will follow my eY.£t11'U)le 8B I

cUd 1n the ba�1nn1ne at �6 �d 1\Vf.'• That :1.A 'f)1:vlP1Ch1�, cook1ng, wr1.ttng� tal1(1.ng1 chllnt1ng, everything onn man1s nhow. I nevote thought about i;he audience. I HUB propnred to chnne ovcm t.r theN

WOre no men present to hBOr rnn . rl'tle ·pr:1.nc1ple of Cl1nnl-:.1n� is to mloM.tY the Lord and not to ottl"nnt u <H"fl\'Td. If Krinhna hoors

;QIIIoely then he will aak l!lomr:t ninee:z. o deVC1tf.lo tc1 t:;athor in ouch

Plltoe• Therefore bo 8clV1Rerl �hnt thou:mndo of er.nLcrs may be

:�d it t-Ie r1nd a out a e1nocx� ntrul for etloh and ovecy oente�.

.�ro when we rooe1�. Hur,c you UJ'O w�ll.

�� ... ur P.Vf:lr v1Cll-w1Aher,

Uec . 1!2, 1�()7

�'J deur Jodurani, l'le<tse accep t my b·Jle ss i n.�s . 1 <Hn in due re c.2 ipt uf you r letter·

L>e. 3, 1967. Yuu h..1 ve di scrilJ cd in your l e t t e r tbat my 1) r e s c n c e � in he f o re y u uw ill tr won de r·f u 1 • 1 qui t cag r e c w i t h JCY o u • four ::-.u1cere pray er to LorJ t\rishin�aucv<t i:-- helpintz, me to r· ec upcniat e n•y llca.l. th. , cmd y ou wi ll be glad to know that 1 <Jm urr·ig in g Ht ;:-,, .n l•'rilne is co on 111 Dec . ut 12 ;4.3 pm by .PAt\ tHb. l tm de n, u.� nd t h..t t you are u11 tid nl< i n6 of me �4 hrs und therefore b.1tsv arupa hud o drc <�m th ;1 t 1 had 1-!;u ne to Bu sto n and \',,Js cnj o,y ins your camrwny . :::, im i1u r 1 y , 1 al.f'o tl li n k u fyoutd1 , c�p e c L111 y o f y ou lJec�IUs e y ou ttrc �o nic e <.�n d go od . I u n d c r s t u n d ulso, th ere wu s H k i r t a n 1-Jerf vv md n ce si ven hy !::> ll ri Jurnd di.IS . You lwve r i gh t l y rernu rk.ed wllctuer t11cy .1rc d e v o tees . Yo u ••rc right. 'lhec::e people �·re pr o fe� �io n·u l si n �cr s . h r i s ll n a Ki rtnn i..; nut for ea r nin g l i v c l y h oo d . hrishna hirL.n is no t mc.. nt fo r entcr tnin in� the rubl ic for demons tr ution of••rt�. lt is d y n a m i c sC' rv ice to the Lo rd . \�e do not the r·efo rea mind su m u c h allu ut the a r t i s ti c p r \..' s e n t u t i o n of i\ r i bl tn u 1\irtau I.Jut 1\ e w•..llll tu see how muc h d devotee is snt isfi ng thl! S u p r e me 1dll. 1t1c pic tures uf Lo rd hris hn�., and H i s exl' ans io ns urc p< �rt iculn rly m<'t�nt fo r giV in g cl w n c e to tile neophytes fo r o f f c r i H� devo ti onu l ser vic e. lt wus very rlice th .1t Purnw d1.1� of f e r e d re :-- pects to the �u mk ir L·n puin tin�. 'l'tw t will e n l n r r;; e hrishnu C onsc i ou�ne ss . Your progr c:•mn for lJUidi shin.; pic t ures in de tni h- of gr ·eat au thori ti es like 8h is 11 ma uml o t h e r s is very much i.lJ•p r eoiuted. 1 �: m �oglad to leorn that kayv ram<-�, S••ts�lrupo, yourself, uounwndilr, Go v i n dc.� ro n i . and ot hc fs ••r � do1n� so mu ch for improv ing BTG. I ·�u it e appr ec iate your en dcv fJurs <lnd you must cPnt in ue the �'<lhajdn �t�ric_s,, an d waeucvPr nf' c e s su ry y ou cun ask me for n e c e a sd ry in for·m ati onR o l wo ul d ad vic e , unlcs� tllere js dire necess it y, you should not di v e r t your ut t c u t i o n from 1 <Ji nt in�. Somehow or l: o t h e r yeu have to mnn age everything in fu ll c o o pe r a t i o n , but �o ur m.lin engagementx is pui ntiil g. Your God-bro th er s, :\ chu tnnanda and Hama nu j R tlas .-u·c do in g well here. W e v ery 1auc h <.� p pre c i n t e your offering of resrects uud tney wi£h to c u n v �y th e same to you. Hope you are well.

r ever wel he ,o • I ' ·.,f

• C hu K.'ti

:J�·,{ . (' fA w

J[IJ l'r·tll>l•uS, \

Dl . �ull I'CCl,C\'t' Ill)" letter•'! j ltdVI11l IWU t · tl f'l'(JJit laiC buSt(,IJ ct·t.tcr· � ot · �->LittC tJ,,ae.\1 <.�I''�o 1r uud lf rP) �odt.r<.t...('rS cHid �iF- Ler fur ma l<.Ir :� :-;uciHa ;, Sl.CC:<'��'111 �uston,it euc <•l • f'< �,.:;(·� ntl� �o n•uc ta . i!JCI C �S8 r-o�:-.JlJi!Jt) ot' ;>;ettin,� <l lll•�;e pcddCJ<Jl temple l}C[(' �n Jnclli.l <Jil�l if we Lll1C1 i-t.,,it \\'111 t. e" 1. 1.:.!; suc<..t::��. ;:r,J Sw.,rniJi ilS vc r·)· ent ltu� eu . lle war�t� \;cr.) tr.ucaJ tu .l(tveilll .\•;•erlCC\11 tltil•be "'''! t111.::; �ee s in Ul .r ,.t'<J<.:Il, i.t Cill1 ilccnmoc<•tc luu c;evutcc�

· Pn.; dtm•.nallol<:i ��"·'Y vr:-;lt ilerc arci 11<' c"" l<H.I\ <Jt l11<..' llu usc - �:nd � � mt dc I;,wc ccu�J . �<u·dcn .:ntl r.·ise l:l C u \ _ v, , · cu w

�.��e,tl cvw.l811 L e retunnr;; to llsocn 1\itli J,a:: ;flnll.�; ; ;,_.n d �e JI rr. e r t tw•·1v1J"s tl 1er·c • 1 11<:1 v esc,:·1eri1:;1.J.�. n s he reanct w ith · b<•me •!;r,,ce c�nJ e • . e t ·:;y l rn.;y Le alJl C to jHdl ibdr:• off. 1 Wcsfllto 101utHrize (ll.r ';u r'll..,i .·ndlanw1 ·r,u ruj i ,l'rul•hut.-Hd tc• t!Jt>JJ' rigu\- ful degree of re co6 nitic>n • •..-


hy , ·�.-<.�r ubal,

! case cccc)t my Llc�s1n�3. Gn my arrival from In�ia I am

Ve•'Y mucll ol(;a:..�ecJ t.::; rc..:elvc yuu.c lett<.:r of 1:2/l3/J7 and mu.�ll encity af .� nt2 Fe t.l continue y�ur tran3ccnricntal activit1c8. I

thlnJ·� 1L: . <1� :'.rj_;;}m.:.J1G dc:Jire ti1ul; you shvuld be incuc(:d t,> fine out

l.J'"t n. L arc: n.t mcant for livln� ocnccfully in a nccludcd �lace.

c ;;rc :7:•.:Jnt f .r r,.::.;rult1n.� i�rL;tma13 ctE:rnnl Gc�vnnt::; and tlwrE:fore

b11t 1lJ1.' fil'.:l p;'Cf··rcncr: i:J t·· the clticG.

1:1 �:.i.i'fi.::ul.t,/, r-:-:..;� a;jf3Ul'(:d • .ixJn1t be cilsc ..:;.urct_";\.:d. .it 6;; 11 tl_;;btly

th..:rc 1., n.J .')·.;ch rclatlvith 3 a� a su0ccss and fa,ilurc. The one

..h.::n tiw� Hill be m�turc

;_}t 1:- . : 1_. J' . I • : ._; ( ' •.• ·; . •J f

3i1:.� 1 <:.: , ;i·: yJU t.o r�o Vr·1nd.:Jban &nd Kr1shnn \tJill t;ive you some mJney

un L .. c. 2':) l'vr Kr1:Jhna 1 s service. It is a grcn t opuortuni ty.

CrJ�nizc the tc�plc to your be�t ca�acity osoi3ted by your sincere

dcv,Jtce ·::ife. Krl:::hna will blc::;3 you �nd r:1nke, you ha:->.'Y ir. .:.11

rc�; pe�.;t�. 1\o xx ooon ao you call me I shn11 ,;o to your r>lDcc.

Jlvp<:.: yJu arc v:e:ll and thunl-c yo,u very much n .:aln fur y•.:.ur ::;inccrc

I serv lee,; t , Krl:Jbn3'. l\.ri:�lma • tJ blcu�in:::;s ol'C a l·.:uy3 ·., 1th Y•JU.

Yuur ever wcll-wluhcr,

r·�.JI ffi.._ '6!� t .... ,.b ' �. �71


j,jy D -:r Indirc d·-si ( Iris Mr:ndoza ) and i,'iy D·-:c=tr dasi (-r:·sther 1.1�ndoza ,

PlJaS! �cc �t �� bl�ssings. I am in due rr?c�ipt of your l�tt:rs c.nd I em v·:. ry glad to note th� cont:nts. I ccm und·:Tst2nd th�t you hev� consid_rably cv·nced in Krichnc Consciousn�ss b�c�us� your h :;art is sim_pl r . Girl�:i :;,nd worn:n " g;nerally v :ry soft h�:a rf.· - d P.nd th ·y t::-k thingP v ::ry easily , but tl! �n there is also chc-.ncf! of being misl �a. So you chant th Holy N�m� of Kri shna and Krishna

• w.i11 kc:;ep you .Lrom b:-ine misled.

l12st night th::r2 was initiation cer-:::mony in ·.-.:hich your b ads

4w r · s' nct ifi ,.., d. You'11 t?.k ·� on: string of sm2..ll b :::-e.ds for sticking on yo1):r n:-ck <�nd th � bigger ones you ern chent according to the rul � s J

Tht:'r·:: r·r; 10 kinds of offsns,s in C�lanting HP.r � Kri shna r: nd �v 1�on: should avoid such offens�s. They ar� list-�d on the paper r.nd you c:n he.v. itfromBrahmananda. Kri£<hnc Cons ciousn . E"- s is v ry :1ic , simple-, nr.d sublime. If you stickto.this pri:uci::le, uniouptr.dly you'll be happy both in this l; f _ r-;nc3 n·:xt life.

For thf! })r ,s::nt yousho1Ll(1 continu·! going to E.chu o l b:caus � ( c io is importc-tnt. With9ut r.;duc�-tion nobody h2.s e..ny socie.l position ancJ r:ll on:r students in Kri Consciousness r1r:.: exp cted to b� pres.chers. So pr,-ach�rs must have sufficient <:duc8tion b"'-C"'Us� they hav�:; to mr?et- with so l11.2.nyoppo s ine _lE'm nts. 113ucr-:tion d10uld b � continued at th:- sam; timP chanting sho1tld b� continu<:d. Th r� v-Till be no difficulty ·J

I nmvry ele. d to l e� rn you are clw.nting 48 rounds. it is nll rieht that on-) should chant 64 rounds, -r;v�n 16 so if on'"! is ablP. to chant more than 16 rounds up to 64, go o d .

Actu:·lly round�,

it is v·ry

You fix · u_p your rounds. Try to incr0as� it- but n--v. ·rdecrees�: i t.

Hop8 you ar3 w�ll.

/ / I
518 Frederick St reet, San Francisco , Calif. 94117 Tel ephone: 564-6670

Please accept my blessinc;s. I thank you ver much for your letter of Dec. 21, 1967. And I am glad to learn that you are getting strength in Krishna Consciousness so that you have decided to remain in the Temple in the absence of your husband. This is very nice. We should learn to depend on Krishna more and more. Actually, Krishna is always guidin� us as Supersoul, but due to our forgetfulness, we do not understand that Krishna is friend everlasting. \'lith advance of Krishna Consciousness one is able to realize that Krishna is alvJays \'lith His devotees--not only with His devotees, also with the non-devotees, but the devotees can recognize His Presence and the non-devotees cannot. The more you make advancement in Krishna Consciousness you will see Krishna everywhere. Not only on the bank of the river, but also on streets, trees, lampposts, and so on. The more you see like that you know you are making tangible advancement in Krishna Consciousness. Actually, there is nothing but Krishna all around us. This is explained in the Gita. He is the taste of water, light of the moon, the fragrance of the flower, light of :K« the sun, sound of the sky, the power of the strong and so on. so one who is actually making progress in Krishna Consciousness, he can see Krishna everywhere. At every stage of life, \'lho can arvoid the sunlight,·the moonlight, the g fragrance of the flower, the taste of the water, the sound of the sky, and so on; but one has to learn it, that there is Krishna in all these varieties of existence. Without Krishna there is nothing. It is simply by the influence of Maya that we forget the relationship of

, ? �a..:_.).(I PG. 334
J�y Dear Krishna devi,

Krishna with everythinG that be.

Simply ah;ays chant Hare Krishna and '�rith faith in Krishna and the Spiritual r�ster. I am very �lad Y�ishna is helping you and He will help you more and more in the future.

Your ever well-wisher,

I t: E p�. 335 .... -


My D:c;r Jc--dur:�ny,

Pl::::c-:s c-:cc:-;;t ray 'blesc:incs. I th� . nt you v .ry much for :1our l �tt ? r of D�c. 23�?), 1957, �nd I am elad to h�ar you 2r� dojne so ni c � 1y in Erj_slL'1?.. Con r::ci ·.:n:;;n •s!?.

R�g2rding your qu�stiuns: Thi s incid,nc� is in th� Srimad Bhae·;;�:.t:-·m. J�hiEm:::.d:v, :.:h:n h'� �-:�ots lyinc on :his arrow b.:.!C. b?forc: pc.ssine; 2\'1':1Y, ;;ord Yrishne, c..�comJXlni·�d '.':i th t:: _: J?endo.w.s., cem'; to see him. Ordin::�rily, :Bhisr.n.:.c1ev y;:: s v;orE:hipper of :i.ord Vi sh..'>-J.u, but h; J�ner: c:1so th2.t I:rishm� i� th_· sune I.Jord Vishnu. ·;,1L:n :Kri�·l:nc Cf.!.ffi'? to S -� nhi !:oilii?.cJ ::.:V 0!1 bi S (�: E th b2d, :Dhi m:tECCV r:-.m:=.rlb�.r: o :rrishn:.:. in l:is fit'tting fcf·.tur.: .t th � b::·.ttlc:d'i - ld of Zuru!-�sl� trt:.. Bhi :.::.1::.:.:1 .v ;!_ r.t..:d to s �,c Eri �-]me-. c.n£:_ry, lL };:n ·-·!·i the.t l�ristE1r ·,-i'· s v-:ry �=in:} ;.J_pon hirr.� but to mr:ke 2. 1ront h·: disiJla;y�:d a chiv<·1rous :mooU., �r::t:n(1il''G to kiJ1 ArjurH?., �:lthou[;h h:: kn::w it v_ry V' !ll th•o_t no :po\·,:'r in th�· •.\..Ol"'l<l coulC. kill Arjune. �-;·hil� h..: ·;:c: s shi .�1d�d by Kri shn�-Eil�1�.:lf c..s his ch�.riots.:- r. Y_:t he tri :,d to e.gitr:t:: th-. Jdnd of l:Tid1n'-, hut .t.r·jvr"::- h,:; <=�lr:-!o::::t }iJ.}.:-c. :: ctu:_olly, JC1'iE.hnE1 t}·�c)nc;l!t it th.=· t F.hi��i:!:::c! v ·,/ s to s ''2 :-IiJ.:i in :iiis e:ngry · ::1( sn::_1pos�( to l: 'brok:·n :in I�is I:l'oni�:_, t(l fuJ.:C'i�_l thr:d�:ci �.,- n:f }�':Jic:m::-•�---v !" -ot -�-,..-,..- -'-}, .- - o e--n'� "' ..._ -- '-" -�-- -··"-·· • L1 ..:. lJ -- � ... · L-... v:h·:. 1 o::-' t: . c> Tiot, go:ir:;- :l..:.;l'';:[·rc1 ::' s if' to Y.:ill Bhisl�:.-c�-cv. :Dr.js�ll:-0'� cV, ·.s �O·.Jn 2s :Lounc� j·�ri:-:;hn': in tb,:.t :c ng:r·y uuoc1, h.' f,2.V0• up his fi:)iti!l_; , ,.,- :--:;ons nd ?-·:!· _!) .1· :L" �i.iL��' 1f for b ing kill f. by Krif:'lm':. This c:ttitu.D: of Eri�;:im::� �,_-<' s·-d Ehis.:T:·.c1c-v v r-y Fmch, Pnc1 at th" tim: of his cl .:-_: -n:. lt r c· 11 r1 b::cck th:" o.nt_:,ry f ·::: t''T'.' of J:'riE'lUJ.::'. H '.''c s . niJ.i'i.-. l�y !;! n :·.o !J. '.',·c' .s :pl_,;:;s ·0 to s rrishn�·- iE niJitc-.J:'y s:9irit' :::s H1.Wh :: �: th . CO_;_)i- s \'icntE..( to s; r:::.-h:h112. Ff:: th�· iT.o;:.�t l·-=o:nti:fr:l =:.c:Y r. �1_11:: :r is nr_' Ciff:.<c .?'lC:. o,:t'::eer. th:, ::�ttitur.l:3 of th.- Go:_:>L:s c:.nc1�•� v· in th: r•e:�tt .r of t'xch:::n.;inc t:c�nsc:;n('.-nt�-1 m-=l1ows o_t�·-:::o..:n God c no �Ii� c::\rot::::!. Kri:;hn::: c�.n b.- lov :d in. <"'ny I -�:,tur:� nnd b·�c:.:�u� JJ.. is nb::_:olut� th.:r--: is no chff' r· nee to l_o\T rrish1r· c.s 2. n iJit :r,:;- :.��!! . . r E.s c. sh!!pl.:: Gor: i . DuTinc th.; cl . y th·::· t\'m ci;'ks v.-ould bc-·.tt1e, :::nd c t nieht thc3-" ,- :Ju �d vi sit on�' �-noth ·rs c::iu.1_1��, .ju:::.t :.:53;:<: i'ri•":nds, t:.:.:l}dnc. ::-nd -"l·n�- t o 1-h..:,,r·t..., .,rv --.n-." o" of -'-r., J ·-·1�o."' . ,1) u I1 -'-o ·.. ll .Lu � LJ -: • J...>_;.J...,-,. ;.... ,�...: .._ ;_.. -l..u .:i .L-:_.. ;- l ....:, t, kJ.ll the .r-'e,nd:· v: .::: , c·lF! to t�fi�ct1.;:n :�:or them. So, h::� f:r:ld, tom::-Trov:

I •:iil1 }:ill r--.11 fiv._; b:::.-otL:rf:', c.•nd thf.s :fi-..n .s:) ci2.1 :'1-ro-·:n:: I sh· 11 h:ill tl-1f.'·£1 r;i th. ?or f.�� f·ocJ>.·-��int:; �-:hL.!.::,_:} v t;'. -..�: tf:F ::iv.:. , r:,_�,, ;.'�- to D•;.r·yc·u�i.un , '· ho hr�(t c.e;c\,_: C. J".;};.i srr:r:. o:r to:; l_!.;.lc:·! c- f:f ' · ctinn for th. ; �-n;"!_:, vc �'. I'orr,!·· rJ;y, _;-JD.J'�:o:�t on:. !:.�.D. Il!.':' 0 ..:. :cor;ds =: tu AT jvnc.. _. ,n.:

ur· I, 1-�nt (1l1� 0f u2 rrill di,?. .And so h-, fo·;;�:ht v :ry 1-:.t::t'(� to �-:i.J.} -'·1· j 1.11>, l1.1t ·.·i t1· :v:r:·:i.�:LYl�--- c: � I::t·ot ctor-, no

0::1. in ·::c::!·� c Ct�lllc: ki·-� _,',rJ,ll'l • L-"if-:}�n:.:' s bo.d;y v::::.s pi ,rc .d\ h-·,r: !'on'".' th.-r·, c:·ll ov .:c,; :::: j.,,,l }:'1�.:. A�. r�j_,_i�:.r:i l!''n, Bl:i��-h:d ::w· ::·it)d; to ::;}•Clot tf:."c- ch::r:;_ot (i..!:iv-r, bnt !:P. :kn.•:eTrishn�'s boc:;:;· if:

r�:-:t ri�;.l, f'.lld c;:j.J1 not b h: :ri:l- d , SO he too}: �)�_St �n:.r· in }1i�-�·c-

Dr.c. 29, 1967
.L }- c· ,lJl .:: -i()7". --c'"',. '� c..1� ..r-, -,., 1...· ·:·· . -:'""· Vr-l· :..�;-n0 ��r o--�,i �1:r- 't 11 Lol, I.J l. ·- Ll �---1 �' •'-- J.l_ . \. ..l , _ , ,____ '-1 t ---•-;.... :- · ..J_"' ...J_'\ • t ,. .. .J - ...] _r. • ,... ..... • • v!1� e�- : �-_;_} : �::_:;;::, r::�-n ·ll"J1�Jr co ..:-"t:l'J-OG -!_(��-�--- ...t.:J-�- 1..: -v-:i.!"' �,:_._ �l\-=-lYl[:: fl•-t�: � j··.:::_�_- ): :_- to /,l... j 1J.:·l· . --:..J �-� �!1\.... �.:u:!�� !..� · : :-· �-.l-_ c,_:�, Dl :;_-_c:,.-:H}}:..:Jfl ['£-:\:-. � :::r J '.::�- -��::.; ::;rro·.·.:f.", , tli.::·i. 2�:icJ1t. r·;--.·-t t'i� ::l, r:LiU':=t tnc_;·: it .,,-: s \ }'r·i f.:1ir1.:.: \-..}·l�� � l"J : 11[_:;--t1 .... 1_� t�.. j �:, : 1;( :: (J 11 t;c,Jc�. _.,)112..�/ c..�1...:.()�-� , �;-o:..'"c.-2-=-�-t ,� .i:-: }_1 - j_-:.}�:-,::cArjFn·
i �. •· -'·l-e 1-,'!(1'1< � J.' '·ol( ':';] "' . v "t)c· -e c:o ·r-l· _. 't·c� --� ··:l· .L,. c:r._p:;_-vr ._ :�-.L-..._1 l.J_. '-"-' LJ U.J... . .l. .. -� .._ .. .� J.Jl - __ --.... .. L-- _ t: -: ....; : Jc.._j_Q 6·:..•·,-!i ·r1t'l ·... i�· .. l-1� .- r.2'l'c:...-� ll �-� r;.C:_i.:..e on. - :��1 , -.-Jl c:·-v�t M�S?I"j

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