Copies of Prabhupada's Letters, 1968

Page 1

January 11, 1968

r·:y Dear IJansadutta,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your very encourocing letter dated January 3, 1968. Because you are a sincere servant of Krishna, Krishna is givinG you gradually facilities to advance in your engagement �f Krishna Consciousness. I am so glad to learn that now you have nice apartment of 4 roon�, &nd also a nice job for �eeting your all necessary expenses. Toke them as ben ediction from Krishna and utilize thorn for Krishna Cons�iousne�G business. If ;you can provide yd"tlrself by independent hand>JOrk then ;,.ou can give up your present job, otherwise you continue with your job, even it is non-! sense. The thing is, we_muzt have sufficient time for executing Krishna Consciousness business, so you have to select which one will be suitable for you. If you think that by carving Jagganaths or pai�ting you will have suff�cient income, it is very nice. Otherwise do not giv� up your present job for some future hope. Rayrarna's sug!;estion to open an as.hram is very nice. If it is 1:r;::::ihl'? to ;:c•,p su�ficicnt nu�ber of cows in the ashram, there can be v�ty nice milk business and that mDy make sufficient income for maintaining dne institution for educating chi��ren in Krishna Consciousness. Actually the modern educational institu�i�ns are-different grades of slaughterhouses. If you can open on ideal institution for the future children. of our associates, it will be a great service. Actually as I have already discussed in my Srirnad Bhag\·18tam, for economic problem one requires a little land and a few cows. Then the whole economic problec is solved. We should utili�e our time for elevating ourselves in Krishna Consciousness than for so-called economic developement. If \·:e are satisfied vJith plain living, vlith minimum time and the balance

�i=� is engaged for elevating our Krishna Conscious program, then ev­

��7 =�= can be transferred to Goloka Vrindaban, just in this very life.

�- � =:���n civilizatio�.has encumbered the mode of living and people

�=? s��ased all the time in the matter of eating, sleeping, defending, �=-.-:. :Jc:ting. Both yourself, and your vJife Hirnavatie are good combina��on. If you can develope such an institution for future children of �ne society, or outside the society, it \·Jill be great service for·the

�umon�ty • I am sure Krishna will give you more and more intelligence 1n th1s matter, if you seriously think on the subject by gradual evolution. Offer my blessings to your good wife and I pray to Krishna for your all round prosperity. Hope you are both well.

A. C. BH11�1l'IVEDM�1f/'. S1..'AI·li :.:··;'� I.S.l<.c.o.n. IUJdho Y.rishna Temple 1 :,);L-0:- \:. rico Blvd.' Los /mc;cles' CRl. 90119

5364 \v. Fico Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 90019

January 16, 1968

r'ly Dear Uddhava and Upendra,

�lease accept my blessings.· I thank you for your letter of January 11, 1968, and am pleased with your sincere service attitude. Yle are all conditioned souls so we are affected by I'-laya, but if we sincerely chant end serve, our attachment for Krishna will be revived and we will no more have to come under this Maya. Eternally we will be serving the Lotus Feet of the.Supreme Lord.

I am obliged to you for your sincere service in Krishna Consciousness. Please both of you join with Gargamuni in the new center and with greater enthusiasm. Hoping you are well.


518 Frederick StreEt San Francisco, Cal. 94117

Camp: I.S.K.C.O.N. Radha Krishna Temple
Uddhava and Upendra Brahmacharies

January 18, 1968

My Dear Rayrama,

Please accept my blessin5s. I thank you for your letter of Jan. 11, 1968, and have noted the contents carefully. I acknowledge receipt of Kirtanananda's sannyas certificate. I have no objection to the sweatshirts and posters bearing Madhava Vishnu. And I am �lad to hear that Back to Godhead will soon be ready for selling.

Bhagavad Gita is nearing completion--I heard this before I start� from India. The editing has been too much delayed. Now I request you to come here for a week with the full manuscript so that I can see it personall� along with yo� and finish the editorial work, within a ·week. Even after signing the contract, if the manuscript is not submitte&, it is regrettable. If it is not inconvenient for you, somehow or other, it will be better if you come here for one week absolutely for this purpose so that we can finish this job without further delay. If need be, it can be retyped also here. \ve have got two nice girl typists. I wished that the editorial department should be combinedly worked but it has not been successful. You are overloaded with so many works therefore it is being delayed; I can understand this. Therefore, I wish that you may come here for a week, suspending all other business and finish this Bhagavad Gita in my presence.

Hope you are feeling well.

/---Your ever well-wisher

FILE Camp: 5364 w.
� �

Krishna Temple

5364 �r. Pico JJlvd.,

Los Angeles, Cal. 90019

January 23, 1968

Hy Dear Brahmananda,

Please accept my glessings. I thank you for your nice long letter of 1/19/68, and of 1/17/68, and have noted contents carefully. \'Te rTill phone Ravi Shankar and make some arrangemnts 't·Tith him as is possible. Regardin;; Ha::.1u.nan Prasad 2o Poddar, he is not so formidable rascal, but you can read his literature. He is a sincere worker in Krishna Consciousness. His defect is that he is Impersonalist, but he can not remain long an IMpersonalist because he is devoted to Radha and Krishna. Recently he has sent me one letter of appreciation for my activities here. There is no objedtion to reading his books. Regarding the other books; keep them very nicely, and I shall see when I go there to Nerr York • You might have received another book, perhaps; by Bhaktisaranga Goswami. This book by mistake waa sent, perhaps: it has to be returned.

The proper form of address to Bhalctivinode Thakur is Om Vishnupad Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur. .After my Guru Haharaj, all acharyas should be addressed as Srila. 110m Vishnupad Srila11•

Regarding Krishna DeYi: You have been misinformed by Krishna devi. H yabe never given permission for a ne1v husband. Rather, I asked her to come back immediately andt join her husband, Subal. �kxx Subal might have informed her that if she loves Krishna at all, then she may leve peacefully with her new husband, but let her conduct the Santa Fe center, and that will be proof of her love for Krishna. I have directly asked her to come join her husband. If she doesn't come,Subal has decided not to accept any other -vrife,

but to remain in Krishna Consciousness alone for the rest of his life. Krishna devi is in the strong clutches of liaya, and she l'iants to have a new husband under any plea. I have never allovTed her in that ivay. But if she served Krishna's cause, I uill not disallovT her, because that is our main business. Ny point is that she must conduct that center, not that I have encouraged her to accept this boy. If she •·rants to keep this neH friend, and keep up the center, I welcome it, but not x that I am encouraging her to have a nevl husband.

Regarding Buffalo center: Purushottam amy be sent, but the planing of Rupanuga to :t go to Washington D.C. may not be changed.

My Dear Rupanuga, Please accept my blessings. It is my desire that you may not change your present program for going to Washington. I have advised Brahmananda to send Purushottam to Buffalo. In the meantime, I am also writing one letter to Hr. Goael; the copy of my recent speech on Krishna Consciousness I will send to him. Also, I am sending you one copy of said speech, and it may be published in Back to Godhead. I have also x sent this speech to West Germany. Find herei-Tith enclosed copy of letter to Mr. Goel, and speech. Hope you are well.

Your ever well-wisher,

.:A C'];fiaktivdanb 5wamiD ��:.Intunatiotla!6ocitty'For��nt66

Please acce t my blessinGS· I am so glad to receive your letter undated), and I have noted the contents carefully. ( Krishna is so sublime and tr3nscendental that Be cannot be real1zed by mental speculation or by personal endeavor� educaT;-fon, or material aquisition. He can only be approached and understood clearly bs our service attitude, engaging all our senses in His service. The beginning 6f service is to en�a�e our hearing organs, and receive the transcendental message by a ural reception. And whenever we are mature-in receivinc the transcendental message from books lilte J�hap.:avad Gi ta, and Srimad Bhap;we1tam, via media the transparent bonafide �piritual Master, then we are able to c�.ant or engage our tongue in the service o.f the Lord, being engag�d in the service of the Lord. �he material covering of our senses becomes inact,ive ar1d actuol ::i!jiritual form of of activity becomes monifest. very much ap]!l"'eciate your· developement of this spiritual pe ption, and Krishna has given you a good chance in the matter of your proposed dealings with the U.N. Ple�se immediately finish the job by incorporoting our association in the U.N. It is a very good opportunity. Consult Brahmananda and do it immediately. In the future,.we will have very great scope for introducing our Krishna Consciousness for leaders amongst all the nations. I think it is a very great opportunity for us, and we should utilize it

So far your coing to Hu.ffe1lo, Brahrnananda will see to it, and if it is already chan�ed I have no objection. We have to serve Krishna from any circumstance or position. 'l'bat shall be our mode of life. It doesn't matter where we live or where we serve.

If possible, securP one copy of ''Ill�strat&d Waekly o� the Times of India", Bombay, and you will find a nice article about ourselves on pae;e 38. I thin k you ca:-1 g(,t this paper from any magazine store. It wus published on January 21, 1968.

I have no overwork; I am not working materially. Than�ing you once more for your kind letter. Hope you are well.

FILE � §o6wanU:
CAMP: ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple 5364 VI. Jico Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. 90019 DATED ....Ji'.�.R;r;J.W;r;'Y. .£2. .. ......... ....... 196.$..
26 Second Avenue New York, N. Y. ·-----·---·-\ ....


CAMP: ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple 5364 W. Fico Blvd. Los Angeles, Cal. 90019

D.UED ..Feb.ruary...�., .... .....1968.�.

My Dear Hansadutta,

Please accept IDY. �essings. I thank you very much for your letter dated Januar�, 1968; and I am so proud to have such spiritual sons and daughters like you, who are so humble in their dealings but who are so hi�h in their spiritual understanding. Lord Cllaitanya instructed us to be more humble thatJ the grass on the street, and mor� tolerant than the trees, and to offer all respects to all, demanding no respect for ourselves. All these nice qualifications make one worthy to chant Hare Krishna. Just try to follow these principles and keep staunch faith in Kri�bna and in Spiritual Master, and your life will be successful without any doubt.

Regarding Kirtan Party: My idea is that at least one dozen persons should form a Kirtan Party. Two persons play mdringams, eight persons play kartals, one person playing timboura, and one person playing melodious harmonium. The .person who will play on timboura will be leader sin�er. You have just calculated what I want, when you suggest that the .leader should sing as I do, and the others will respond. That will be very nice. But all the members of the party will be pure devotees. None of them should be outsiders. We do not want any outsiders as far as possible. Ndringam playing as you are doing at present will make you more and more expert as you go on playing. Here also I see Goursundar simply by playing is improving. If all the members keep their faith in Krishna and tries to please Him, certainly everyone will be pleased by hearing our Kirtan. It is sure and certain. When such Kirtan will be demonstrated, on�y the harmonium pla ay sit, and all the others may stand up and join the Kirta �cperly dressed. This is actual idea and I hop_e if such KirtE'DO are performed even on public stage, we can sell tickets. That will be a source of earning to maintain our activities.

am·glad that Purushottam is trying to get our Society recognized in the U.N. as a non-government organization. And if it is successful, then we shall be able to perform Kirtan in the U.N. stabe• And if we are recognized by the representatives for different nations, then we may be invited from different parts of the world, then our SAMKIRTAN movement will be succrissful. Our process wi�l remain the same eternally, namely, to begin with SAEKIRTAN and prolong it at least .for }2 hour, then speak something .from Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagwatam, Brahma Samhita, etc. and invite questions and answer them. Then again concluded by chanting.

-� =-4 [ L� f�� trufmldl§oswmni J\C

s is my dr-eam or ideo, and I shall be glad if

ou, Brahmananda, JuruGhottarn, Rayrama, and others can give this ideo a prac ti cal

�hape Gnd life, then I s hall be very much thankful to youJ Please conve y my blessings to your good wife Himavati, and I hope to meet you very soon. Jjope you are b oth well. . ·

Your ever well-wls erJ/

H�nsadutta das Adhikary ISKCON

26 Second Avenue

New York, N. Y. 10003

L�-[-�� ·�--

Los Angeles

My Dear William Odell,

Please accept my blessin�s. I thank you very much for your nice letter, and for your inquisitiveness. You are Xrishna's Part and parcel. As you love your hands and legs, as you feel when your hand is in trouble, similarly Krishna feels for you rrhen you are in trouble. The hand has value when it is attached to the body. Similarly, we have values when we are Krishna Conscious. The hand has no value detached from the whole body. Krishna is the Whole and a we are His parts and parcel. Try to understand this philosophy of simultaneously one and different.

The hand and body is created all at a time. It is not that the body is created first and then the hand is created. Our relation with Krishna is like the hand and the body. Therefore, Krishna and we both are eternal, and there is no history of eternity. It has no beginning and no end. Krishna is blue because He is all attractive. The sky is blue because it reflects Krishna's blue colour in the spiritual sky as much as the sunlight is reflected through skylight glasses.

I hope your questions are fully answered; if at any time you have got some questions, please r�ite and send them to me.

Thanking you once more for your nice letter.

Your ever well�wisher,

Feb. 4, 1968 FILE Pg. 232

February 5, 1968


Dear Upen4ra,

Please accept my blessings. I thank you for your nice letter postdated Feb. 3, 1968, and have appreciated your very nice Krishna Conscious sentiments. My advice to you is to continue your good attitude that you are keeping now and this alone will help you in advancing your c�use of Krishna Consciousness. Yes, it will be great advantage if you can chant so much as one lac of Names daily, and also read scriptures. Thi� is good opportunity for you to learn to sing all the verses in the Srimad Bhagwatam as you began to do so nicely in San Francisco. That will be very nice.

Narnacharya Haridas Thakur was taken to the jail and he told the prisoners there, oh, you are so fortunate to have this opportunity to sit and chant the Holy Names without the Maya distractions of the outer world! So you should think like that, and use your time in the prisonhouse to the greatest advantage for spiritual advancement.

Flease note that the other side of this page was appearing in the very popular magazine New Yorker, and e�en they are chanting Hare Krishna in mockery, still, it doesn't matter. Just so long they are chanting Hare Krishna, that is the succe�s of our mission. The Kazi's men were breaking up the Kirtan parties of the Lord, and in mockery some of them chanted Hare Krishna, and thereafter, their tongues would not stop singing Hare K�ishna. Our tongues should be like that, unable to ever stop singing the Glories of the Lord. We practice, and someday it will be like that.

Hope you are feeling well. And I hope you are receiving proper food there also.

: ISKCOH RADHA KRISHNA TEl·lPLE Blvd. Los Angeles, Cal.

Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you very much for your letter dated Feb. 5. Your attitude of humbleness is praisewortlly. A devotee should alw�ys remain hu�ble and meek especially to the authorities abd devotees. Lord Chaitanya's philosophy is not to become God, but to become servant, servant, servant of God. 'rhe more one becomes the lower grade servant of the Lord, the more he is devoted nearer to the Lord. This is our philosophy. I have all my hearty blessings upon you, please do your duties nicely, and Krishna will be pleased to shower His Blessings upon you. He is very kind to sincere souls, and He gives intelligence from within to sincere devotees. We require only to become sincere in the service of the Lord, then everything is there ready for our convenience.

Regarding lecturing by woman devotees: I have informed you that in the service of the Lord there is no distinction of caste or creed, color, or sex. In the Bhagavad Gita, the Lord especially mentions that even a woman who has taken seriously is also dest� ined to reach Him. We require a person who is in the knowledge of Krishna, that is the only qualification of a person speaking. It doesn't matter what he is. Materially a woman may be less intellig�nt than a man, but spiritually there is no such distinction� Because spiritually everyone is pure soul. In the absolute plane there is no such gradation of higher and lower. If a woman can lecture nicel� and to the point, we should hear her carefully. �'hat is our philosophy. But if a man can speak better than a woman, the man should be r,iven first preference. But even thouGh a woman is less intelligent, a sincere soul should be given proper chance to apeak, because we want so many preachers, both men and women.

I have seen the life Magazine publication about ourselves, and it is not bad. I am glad that Rupanuga has gone to Buffalo for opening a center the�e. The organizer, Mr. Goal, is a very nic� boy, and I had �orne correspondence with him.

Hope you are well.

DATED ....l'.'e.bruar;y.. . 8., .. .... . ... . . .. . . 196.8..
My Dear JaiGovinda, CAMP:
Radha Krishna Temple 5364 \v. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, Cal. 90019
26 Se�ond Avenue New York, N.Y. t��·w,·lt;�-.�· �

F I L E JlC1Jiia�J:::bwami{)

My Dear Gargamuni,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated Feb. 10, 1968, and have noted the contents. The matter is little more Disky in the sense that the rent is $400 per month, but you have assurance from friends and your own resources-of $250, so balance is $150 which I think you can collect from the meetings very easily. So fer I am conce-rned I al\.;ays tak_e risk for Krishna. I came here in your country risking my life. And still althougb I am physically unfit, I am trying to e:�t:tcute �he ord�rs of my Guru Maharaj as far as possible. So to take ·ris� for Krishna is very good. You know the history of my starting the society in 1966, it was all risky, and I was alone, but I took it depending on Krishna. So I think if you take the risk of $150, for Krishna's sake, Krishna will supply you the re uired money undoubtedly. It depends however on your personal discretion, but I em hopeful that if you take the risk it will not be bad. In the meantime, Upendra is also released earlier from his �nterment, and I think if he takes some job he can also help. So try to open this branch and let us depend on Krishna's Good Will.

Hope you are well•

DATED F.ab.•...l2,................. ...:....196.S..
CAMP: ;SKCON Radha ishna Temple � 5364 W. Fico lvd. Los Angeles, Cal. 90019


Dear Upendra,

llease accept my blessings. I am so glad to heBr that you are released now; this I expected when you came to see me. I entrusted the matter to Krishna to give you release. Anyway, �rishna has been so much merciful upon you that He has taken you out of the state laws. So in every kind of m�series wP hdvu tu depend on Krishna and we should not be too much disturbad \·Jhen such miseries come upon us. You have shovm very great eza�uple in sticking yourself to chanting Hare Krishna HhiJ.� you were in tribulation. Follow this practice all along your life, and surely Krishna will accept you into the Kingdom of God, Back to Godhead.

oo far going to India: For the time being, it may be postponed because there is good prospect of starting a center 8t Berkeley, a�d Gargamuni is arranging for that. I think Garga�uni and yourself and Krishna des may be the main figures in condu�tinc, this center. In the meantime, the Indian center may be orcanized by Achyutananda, and later on we shall have to see where we shall have to concentrate more energy on the Brahmacharies.

Your strong desire to serve me is very beautiful; your serving me means serving Krishna. I am also your servant so I cannot accept your service from you, or from any of my disciple0. I accept service from my disciples on behalf of Krishna. Just like a ta� collector must collect for the treasury, not for himself. If he himself touches so much as a farthing it would be unlawful. cio I have no right to accept service from any disciple, but on behalf of Krishna I can accept. Sincere service to the Spiritual Master is servic� to the Supreme Lord. As stated in the prayer, "Yas;ta 1-'rasadad Bhagt3vat 1rasadad". That means because Krishna accepts service through the via media of Spiritual Master, therefore pleasing:the Spiritual Master is equal to pleRsing the Supreme Lord.

There are four Sampraday�s from the beginninr of the creatio One is called Brahma Sampradaya, and is coming do;-m by discirlic succession from Brahma; another Sampradaya is cornin� do\m from Lakshmi, called Shree Sampradaya; another is coming do\m !rom th Kurnaros, they a1e known as Nirnbark Sampradaya; another 2.amproda,y is corninE from lord Shive, Rudra Sampradaya or Vishnu Swami. These are four bonafide Sampfadayas that are accepted by the bon �ide spiritualists. The Irnpersonalist Sampradaya is not ori5ina.

CAMP: ISKCON Radha Krishna ·Temple 5364 vi. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, Cal. 90019 DATID.. .E.eb.•...l3..,....1S16.8.... .....19&3....

neither the Impersonalist Sampradaya or party can help us. At the present moment there are so many Gampradayas, but w� have to test them about their method of disciplic understanding. Any\-Jay, all the four Sampradayas above mentioned, they are after worshipping the Bupreme Lord Vishnu, in His different �xpansions, and some of them are in favor of worshipping Radha Krishna. In the later CJg:e the Brahma Sarnpradaya was handed down throur:h

Madhya Acharya; in this Madhya Acharya disciplic succession came Isvara Furi. T'his .Isvara Furi ':las accepted as Spiritual f:laster of Lord Chaitanya. Therefore, we b�ing in disciplic succession of Chaitanya Mehaprabhu, we are known as the Madya Sampradaya. And because Lord Chaitanya appe?red in Bengal, which country is called Gouda Dasha, bur Samp1·adaya party is known as J1adya Goudiya Sampradaya. But all these Sampradayas are non-diffrTent from one another because they believeCl'oriworsh�-P the Supreme Lord. Any otb:r Sarrpradaya who are Impersonalist or void:ist or non-devotee, they are rejected by us.

My Guru Maharaj was in the lOth generation from Lord Chaitanya& We 9re 11th from Lord Chaitanya. The disciplic succession is as follov-1s: 1. Sri Krishna, 2. Brahma, 3.' Narada, 4. Vyasa, 5. Nadhva, 6. l'adm;mabh<:�, 7. Nrihari, 8. Hadhava, 9. Akshobhya, 10. Jayatirtha, 11. Jnanasin�hu, 12. Purushottama, 13. Vidyanidhi, 14. Rajendra, . J5. Jayadharma, 16. Purushottama, 17. Vyasatirtha, 18. Lakshmipati., 19. t·1adhavendra 1:uri, 20. Isvara Puri (Advaita Nityananda) 21•. ri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu 22. (Swarupa, Sanatan� Rupa,23. (Jiva) a hunatha, 24. Krishna dasa, 25. Narottama, 26. Viswanatha,27o (baladeva) Jaganatha, 28. (Bhaktivinode) Gourakishore, 29. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sareswati�·Sri Barshabhanavidayitadas, 30. Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta.

Hope you a1·e well.

518 Frederick Sireet

�an Francisco, Cal.

Upendra Brahmachary ISKCON
.-, er ll- e . ' ':__________-----
� �06Wami..:AC1.\haktiv�ta6wami{) 'Mutry"':Intunationa!6ocitty'f'or��icu.srtC6S - CAMP:��� DATED-�/�_,_________19&.?.

�lease bccept my bleuuin�s. l am in due receipt of �our Jetter Feb. 1'!, l9o8, ar1d rwvr· noted the coutents. l'he sentence in question is, as you stated, Sweyam U1uva hanu mw his v:ifo, t>etar,lpa ( not Satsvarupa ) .

�he re action that the hunter would have suffered, had he not raceived the herc;y oi' 1� arada r�iuni, is hellish life. 'l'herc ere di..t'i'erent ':inds of iwlli�;h life f.or different kinds of sinful activities. t>o, one has to undergo such punishment if he doesn't take to Krlshna Consciousness. It is only the devotee who can �ave the livinc entities from falling down into hellish conaitions, and b · the Grace of Harada Nuni, the hunter was awakened to l�rishna Consciousness and was saved. Yes, the general principle is that one .is sent to the particular type of hell, and when he is practiced to suffer the hellisb condition, he is f,'iven a sj_milar bod;y as re a ction. These hell planets are d es cribed in the 5th Canto of .::>rir:�ad Bhagwa'Qam; there is no question of imagination. One who is particular about this may read the different descripti�ns of hells in the 5th Canto of Srimad Bhagwatam.

Yes, it is as you say, therefore we should keep always ourselves enta[0d so there is no p ossi bil ity of falling down. So far mistakes done imperceptively by su ch devotee engaged iu Krishna Consciousness activities, "Swap ada I·iulam Bhag·.-1atam Priasya", they are excused by the Lord as it is stated in Srimad Bhagwate:m.

hope you are oll well.

Dear Jadurany,

Please accept my bles s ings. I have received your letter dated Feb. 14, 1968, and I am. happy to hear all the good news from our fine art department. I think 1 have already given you instructions in this ree;ard. In my opinion, your guiding the girls working under you for �ainting is very important, and if this business doesn't suffer, you can think of going to S.F. for organizing the ashram. If' all the Brahmachar ini ' s gather together and \Wrk under your guidance, at any place, I will prefer that proposition. If the majority of the girls are in N.Y., why not have the other Brahmacharini 's from· S .I!'. go there and work under ;your direct ion, either


UWmd1 §o6wtWu F I L
CAMP: l:..JE C(Jl> ;(11dh3 Krisbn C:J '!.'er:n.le �jlA •. • .!. icu 1:1vd.. Los Aw;c:le!.>, Gul. ';uv19 DATtO ....l!'.c.b .....2l.,............................ 196... ..
E � c131iaknv�tattwami<'J ��:�6odttyTorI<Nrut4-�ioub� J'JJ'
� (over )

C/\r.1P: ISKCON: Radha l•rishna 'l'emple

5364 w. �ico Blvd.

IJ. A. , Ca. 90019

u.nro ....................X�!?.�---�-� , :_195..?..

dear Guru das,

iJleCJ�:e accept my blessint;s. .l thank you very much for ;your letter •. , ..1.. �ed �eb. 21, 1968, and am glad to learn that ;you had some discuss·Js with some non-devotees. You can take it for granted that non-· Jotee class who is not in hrishna Conciousness as we are· teaching � all great fools never mind_how ever they may advertize thern.scl·.;es J;Jedit a tors, ;yogis, philosophers, religionists, and so on i . \•;e are senting a scient�fic prog1·am of God conciousneE;s on the basis of the hest authority, .bhagavad Gita. For a preacher there are four princiQ�es be followed. One, he must be fully surendered ton.rTshna.- -·Tv10, ;;imatel;y in friendly relationship with devotees trying toelevate Jditioned living entities to hrishna Conciousness and rejecting the J-devotee·class. So if ;you find a non-devotee eager to listeTh �ub;sively ;you can show ;your mere.)' to elevate him to .hrishna Conc1ousness, ; a \JO,J-devotee \<Jho is allready ·:·oisoned by the serpent of the demon ::.�s swami or ;yogi is ver;y difficult to be doot with, so the best thing to reject them and not waste time for their elevation� but a person is willing to hear us submissively must be Biven chance to understand philosoph;y of nrishna Conciousness. I am very much obli�ed to ;you expressing ;your [Ood sentiments on account of r:y humble service to � _ Your a r ciation_�of my humble service is thanKfully accepted.

�e rdin our a:oing to India the house is not · et settle · so unless iefinitly hear frpm �c.yutanan a and ot ers �ho are tryin� to have a �e se or our d rna no e ver muc anxious to o _ndia but am sure we are going to have a nice ouse very : i_ch l shall let ou knov.: 1n due course •. Otherwise, when J: return, ;you ' Wl e and som ot er ra mac ar1es s a o Wl n me. have recieved one letter from nrahtr.ananda as·1ng a ver;y nice

·ss;y photQ.portrait of me so if you can arranse to send such s glossy.

·to it will be very nice. h� asked to recieve the photo as soon as

:sible. he hos also advised me to take help of a professional �hoto�Rx grapher if your assistance is not available immediately because

.m away from your place. Flease let �e know if ;you can send such .glossy

·to from many negatives which you have got in your possession. I

•erstand also that_Rayarama has taken some of the negatives from you in ' York so if you like iou can advise him to do the n§edful. Anyway

· mat!er is urgent and ask you. to do the needful. .l am expected to

urn to �an Fr�ncisco by the lOth of harch and � shall let you know · exact time and date later on.

Y e 1 ·'isher i I .. -o:::�--------

1111Cloriesto Sri C:uru &Couranga

Hy dear Chandrabali & Annapurntl dnG1s !'rabhuo,

Please acceptmy most hU!:lble obciscncea. I hopo you arc both welland enjoyjflg Devotional Service. lt is so nice that)IOU £ lllllking Swnmiji•a plcaGuro your bissinoss.

I understand fr001 Ja.yanand£1. l'r.:\bhu that you have no oooqlllltefunds for so r:sany bra.hmtlchArinis in S.F. t;wll.Cli!Ji sut,gcsts that you come here or N.Y. :so that we can allwork together. ·n;at is His desira. "If all the brahma.charinis gather together at any ona place, 1 will prefer that proposition". 5o you cannot accomo4ate us but 'Wd can ttccomodate you. I sleep in tha Temple in front of the altar. lf you like, please join me or you can go to NewYork( there ttre c.bout seven or eight brahma.charinis there). 1 visit every so often but 1 may go there soon as much as Swumiji uants us ell together. The we£1ther is crumby in both these eastern abodes· (sign tbttt deconic pop. is increasingk.) When Hirllnyakasipu & brother t-rero born tha whole universe went black, only rained biK>od, puss etc. but tha.t is very good for D.s. \men I!aridas was thrown in jail c.ll the 1�"\tes bor..K!d dowdxto the sreatX devotee &asl'..ed for tt boon. lie said I would like you " to stay in jail. They got ar.ery • didn't understand so lie explained. 'Illis whole world is a jail but in here there is not illicit sex, no intoxication etc. which bind you to material world. So this is oppo1·tune pla.ce for being liberated.

Anywt!.y if you can ca:oo please do, tlult vould beso nice. If not keep in touch o.nyv�y. TI1c32 girls inN.Y. go to H.S. so right OO\f they pr�bly could not leave N.Y. evan if you sot mansion. !'le.:1se g!v�rny love to S.F. preb�hus.

Your sorvant,

My Dear UddhavaandChitananda1

Please accept my blessings. I am induereciept of your letters sent on Feb. 261 1968. Yes, the idea of finding a large hou4e for all the devotees is very nice. Please do it. And, if 1) is availeble, I shall stay there also, but it must be a quiet place, as muc?as possible. If it is not yet available, then I can stay in the building shove the temple, provided the lift works.

So fll.r the speaking engagements nrc concerned, they must be well-o::-ge.nized and sponsered, so that· there will be enoush publicity and many people will come. t·le are not chonp, we t.;ant to spa�kscxnatlting, but there must be gocxl nccomo;iations provided. There must be speaker system,andthere �ust begoodpublicitybefor�hand so that many llltlYkn()t,l of us and cane. This is very icportAnt.

As it is presently plannod, \vc Ghli!l leave this plccc on the8th of ��arch by PSA Airlir,cs. TIUl flight number is 977,and1t leaves Burbank atlo:lo a.l!llll and arrives at SanFrancisco at ll:o5 a.m. So you can make arrangements ttccording• ly, andI �ill be v�ry anxious to sao all mygoodSanFrancisco students again.

Hope you are well.

Your ever Yell·wishcr, A.c. Bhal�t:Lvcdanta Sl-illllli



March I, I968


Camp: �.S.K.C.O.N. Radha DKrsna Temple

5364 W. Pico Blvd., Los Adngeles, Cal. 900Id9

My Dear Achyutananda,

Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter addressed to Mukunda and Guru das, in which you write to say that I may send you a telegram sanctioning your redturn. This means that you have become very much anxious to return back to USA, and I have become very much anxious to return back to USA, and I have also already sanctioned it, in reply to your last letter post-dated Feb. 2I. [The real thing is that you are feeling alone, and because you are so tb say, child, you have become nervous. �Otherwise for a preacher there is no difficulty anywhere, irrespective of climate and conditions. I came here in the month of December, and as my counttry is warmer to you, similarly your country is colder to me. I am also in diseased condition. When di first your country I passed through practically all the seasons. I came here in I965, Sept., and I remainedjin the Northern pordtion of your country, namely N.Y., Penn., and dMass., etc., continually from Sept. I965 to Dec. I966. And you know how much severe cold is N.Y.; I passed through snow on the dN.Y. street, so certainly I wasn't very much in comfortable situation. kStill I had the strength of mind, and I continued to stay. kSimilar-

Before coming, you should kec>p my things properly in my room, k and and lock it prop�rly, and brin� the keys with you and deliver them to me when I shall be in N.Y. in the month of April. The cooking utensils, blankets, and the typewriter, my be kept very safelyk in the room. The typewriter may be kept in the metal box, and tee blankets and wrappers may be hanged from the hanger. And the money which you'ver got, may be deposited in my account in the Punuab National Bank, account number 9913.

When you come back, you can pease bring with you 2 lbs. of Triphala, and 2 lbs. of Badailaich.

I hope you are feeling better by this time. Your ever well-wisher,

n vl --;t.·

N.B. Ye s , you may take up such debate,.but not any qua rre l or argument should take place. It is good to have such debate, and to know the various arguments which the Mayavad philosophers put forth, and to know how to fully defeat each one. That God can come under Maya of their foolish arguments; therefore they say "I am God." This nonsense statement can be refuted in .full with our information from Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagwatam. What, then i s the definition of God? How can God become a dog?

If you are God, why are you suffering,life after life? God means Supreme Controller; can you control(anything? Not even your own body. What to s pe ak of the millions of planets s p inn in g so perfectly in their orbit. In this way, we must learn, all of us, to defeat these nonsense rascals, and curtail-this e p idem ic of Impersonalism, I1ayavadism, which is·ratal to the innocent people. We can stop this epidemic with this information of Krishna Consciousness, and it is our duty to do it.

The quest i on , does Lord Rama or Lord Chaitanya forget, is like saying, does God come under Maya, or forge tfuln e ss • . You must fully understand this before you can su c e ssfully de bate with the Mayavad arguments. It is very important p o i



ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple

5364 W. Pico Blvd.

Los Angeles, Cal. 90019

Harch 3 1968

I>1y Dear Hansadutta and Himavati devi, Please accept my blessings. I thnak you very much for your nice letters, one dated the 23rd of Feb. and the other undated. I have noted the contents, and your attitude of service is so niee. I am pleased to hear that you have begun practicing for the Kirtan party; please keep me informed how you are progressing. Yes, if you like, you can also arrange for costumes and wig; one boy may be dressed as Lord Chaitanya, another as Nityananda, s: as well as lt Gadadhar, Adwaita with white beard and Sri Vas with shaven head. Responsive chanting is very nice; one good singer may lead, and the others may join in, That is the system in India. It is very good for two reasons especially: One, the chanter gets to rest, so he does not become tired, and two, you get to chant and hear, that is the process. You may also have melodious accompaniament instruments, and amplifiers. Blowing of the conch shell and horns is very nice.

Yes, to be determined that the child will have his last birth into ignorance is very good. It is true that one should become a parent only if he can deliver his ward from the clutches of death. And that is possible only with Krishna Consciousness. This is a very great service for Krishna, to give all opportunity for the child to be trained up in devotional service, and it is very good that you are thinking very seriously on this.

The more one feels imperfect in Krishna's service, the m

more :t he is advancing in Krishna Consciousness. Even the topmost devotees feel they are inadegate in theri service to the Lord. So it is good to feel inadequate, and to try harder to please Krishna with better service. But one should XRX never feel, oh, I have seen Krishna, and so I am reached perfection --this is not Krishna Consciousness. Please continue your very good service, and do not feel any feeling of uselessness. It is true that Krishna has given some the opportunity to serve Him by nice writing, some by good »Hi business ability, some by nice cooking, and so on, but these various services are all accepted equally by Krishna. On the transcendental plane, one service � is as good as another. There is �mq no question of higher or lower. We are very tiny, and so we cannot really do very much. Simply vTe can engage our time and energy, and that is all Krishna sees. He sees this boy or girl is spending his time in My Service, and He is pleased. I hope you are both well. Your ever well-wisher,


IDJ:COh Hodha hrishna '.romplo 53G4 \J. l 'ico 1ilvd. Los AnGelos , Col. 90019


I'iy Det!r :.:Joth Hsrikishandesji,

I em so cl-<;d to re ce ive your letter NQ. 02�81, d�:ted Fob. 20, 196b, posted late, ns on Feb. ?7, l':GB. I thonk ;you on ce wore for ;your Dpprocintinr� my T!dssion of ond God, Uri Yri�hna; one s cripture, r_;hrnJved Gi tl'; ond one r.wntro� liorc Kri:Jhno. This idefJ is not r:n.:nui'ucturo<.! bj r!'c, hut it is outhoritc1tive statement in tlw Git.') iidwtrne �;c ,,ndhonurcn e. You hove asked me to let ;you kno\v £1bout the concrete plon for Bombay ond I beg to s ubmit os follows.

{I:ome yeurs before, \-.'hen I wr;u ::;toying in _your I rem l�utir� you expressed ;your desire to orr<:nizo a ._ii\N.KilU/d': pnrty, ond I wiah that it mr:y be dono no\'1 to help me in my mis� ion. If you hove sot opportu nity to purchose one copy of Life Nesozine, published .Feb. Y, l')(J8, you \-:ill find there on par;o �6, llo\"l n icely tho Jlmcric(ln boyc ond cirls ere dr:mcinc end ch rm tinc tho Eoly iiome of the l.ord. A ,_,/ii·IFI;":?'l1:�l: party ar; they con l>e ort_:.�nizee in Indio is nt)t possible here. Here the bo;ys ond r�irls, ttloy fJro very sorious sr;out th:cvtngntbendlentJea:endollDal njttbe,chanting, but bbey ore not bDainod sin �or s, or sincers in the tune we ch on t in India. 7horofore, I wish that if you orc1anizo a ��.U··il·aH'11111� p�Jrty there, cowp leto ly traindd in spiritual \'lays, end the l\mericnn students conbine \'lith them, I thinl::: a vory nice �;M,H·;IR'l1fliJ porty cvn be oru;anized to trove! all over the world. I h0ve tested it definitely thot o elodiou s vibrotion of 0Al·1KIICP,�Ii, if they orr: performed b./ se rious devotees, can attract people from the very spiritu�l plotrorm, ond it at once mekes tt1o spiritual bvckcround v�ry uoooth, when a ppiritual instruction from tho Bhoc�ved. Gito c<:m be implemented very nicely . Go my first con cre te prof;rmn is tlwt if you scree to orgonize such a �3;�i·lJ<IH 1\/.I� pEJrty, a bBtclz' of Am eric an students may join, OQd I con combine th!scAAm�rtcan and IndiEJn dovotoes together unde r di s cipl in e. Tho Amoricon boys ore boinc trained up strictly on spiritual lino, which 1 hove already explained to you in my last letter. Similarly, t!w Indian boys or gir ls must be spiritu ally tr ained ; it is only by sp iritu ally train ed v ibr otion can imp�ememt spiritual sneds in tho hoort of tho audience=, not otherwise. So, i.f you 9f�reo to cooport:Jto \11th me in this dire ction , then I \v9oh to r:o \·dth o batch of American stude n ts to your core and 6to;y in Bombay for·sor,1e timo, and try to opon o branch in Boml>ey of our socie ty . Bore we h3ve got mix 'fomples olroodyt cmd they t�re nicely boinc; Denoc;:�d by L he .American Vaishnovos under stri�t discipl�ne , \dthout their bein� l>orn in any hin du for:1ily. Sioilorly, in 2·ombEJy, \"/O are in vitin �

all clcBsos of men to �juin us; vie h<.,vo 110 distincLion of cust<:t, h creed, coiorJ or ruli[iousity. Anyone can j oin lJG, n e ver mind wever he is. (\ve .shall on tort ain Hindus, I·iuslims, Chrittian.s, ains, Gikhs, Buddhists, or whoever m By come. \·:e shall have no restriction. In that Temple, everyone will be welcome: In other words, in our se cular stote and in ternational feelings of Godconsciousness will be introduced, whore no one will be res tricted. ) And I am Blad to infor� you that this principle is accepted by evor,yono workinr.; udd:ermm. Go, the sum and substance of the concrete prog;rom is to orr;Dni ze a nice t>J\I'·iYIH'l'i\I·l party in combination of Indian ond American students. I want your cooperation in this ad ventur

He gardinr; VcdantG Ant! Bharcr1vod Gito. 'l'herc is no doubt ubout it tlwt Bhar:ovad Gitn is reol Vedanta philosophy. Lord Krishna says in the I5th ch apter that He is the Co�piler of VedEnta philosophy, and He is the Knower of Vedanta Ijr,illhsophy. Lord Krishna says this, and who can be a better Knower of Vedanta phlhlosophy than Krishna? In ouother place of the 13th chapt e r , Lord Krishna has ac cepted tho authority of Brahms ;)utDa, which is c:dso Vedanta philosophy. Go tho question is o�y how one explains Vedanta phtiilosophy or J5hae;avfld Gits. v;e are trying to explain EhD:, avGd Gita as it is, with out any interpretation . And ;you will be glad to knov; thut He arc publishing one .English edition of Bhorr:avnd Git��, about 400 par;en, through r�essrs. Bucl'lillan end Gompan;y. Anothor thing you havo \vritton to sny, 11 if you keop the t;ates of names and forms open to ultiwatcl;y re alize the formless, would be entitling in a l orger number of persons to your mission. "

My point is onu God. Ultimately you want to merGe in the formles�, or ;you \·wnt sor.1e material i'8cilitied>, or ;you vn:mt to servo Krishna as His personal os:..:ociote. Never mind, \vhatever ;you want, you worship one God, Krishna, and not botherin3 with the ultimate Gain. The ultimnte ggin can be achieved as one desires. Krishna is nll powergul, so if somebody wants material gain .from Krishna, it is not dif.Cicult for Him to evJard such bened�ction. Bimilarl;y, if anyone wants to mor�e in the !�personal Brahman e.ffulr;ence, formless, He con also award the facility. In the same wa,y, if Gnyone wants to associate with Krishna in five transcendental reletionnhips, Tie c<m award also that facility. So, my point is, that whatever you want at the end, that doesn{t mattor, but ;you v;orship Krishna, and He will award whatever ;you des ire. One God, Krishna, mcr1ns that let everyone come to one God, Krishn a, ond be engaged in Krishna Consciousness , ond the award will be os the devotee dosires. This is also stated in. the Hhac�avod Git B I "Chotur Bhi<.la Bhaj<mtemom". Also, it is stated in the :::>rimad Bhog\·Jn-Lnm, as follovJS: "Akama Sorvekama Va 1;1okshakama Udaradhih 'l'ibrens Bhaktijoccne Ya,ieta l'aromam Purusam." Akama means the dptotees , r.wrvfll(ama moans the fruitive \vorkors or !-;.armis, and 1-JoJ:sh:Knna means tho salvationist who \vants to morp;e in tho formlons Brahman. So there are three classes of men and all---are recommended to \lOrnhip tho 13upreme Person Krishna with greqt energy of devotional sorvice . 13o \·Je invite everyon e to join this movement, acceptinG Krishna as th� tanGible God for all practival purposes, and the worship of God is mvdc easy by chanting the Il ontro Hard 1\r inhna , which is e.ccopted even in far '�estern countries. You \dll be pleosed to kno\v that Hare Krishna Nantra is being chanted not only in America, but also in Eurppe


l>,y m,y rocord eli;ums, mHl f.ollu .-i,;J'f.>. l h<'VO cot :1lroud,y invitRtions fron nwn;y pcu.:ts of i·.u:rop17 ond they llre opprociatinc; my movement. IJobod;y foels roluct;mco in ,joini"Lle; the ch;·.ntine; of tlore l'�rishnn hantrB. )" ou:c (',omi �>oli' [ll;::;o o0livves in the H< !ntra and ccrt �inly in l�rishnli 1.1�3 God. I lwvc �.;Pon it thcJt [hvam i Akhen<.lansndt:l vJornhips i�ri.shna in his upnrtment in Bombay. .:)o we request everyone to worship Krishna and c�vnt tho hantrs, irr8spectively, never mind whether ono is a dovotoe, a fruitive worker, or ansalvB:bionmGt Gt tho ultimfltG c;orll. i·/e don't disar;roe vJith anyone, namely tho tormic, Jna;Jins, Yor;is, etc,, althou;�h v;o vre devotoos. �!O simply vhquc�st evcr::'iOne to \vorbhip Krishna <.1S the Lord nnd join with us in this c;rcvt movemont of Krishna Consciousness!

(�lease thorofare occupt thiu concrete propoG�l for common pltd:;.forru of trun3cend<mcc� �l!ld spro:lcl this rr.Jovo mont by all moans • y is tho most importaut city in India. i1here are many adv�ncod �entlcmcn in Bombay interested in transcendental elevation. lihy not join this movement vJhich docs IVJt discriminnte betvJOen human being to hum en boinr;, onu thus everyone, ei thor Hindu, Buslim, Christian, .] e\vs, l3uddhist.s, �)il::lls, or �m;yonc else, all can joSln in this Delodious G.�l·ihiR'l'All movement :.mel occc11t Lord r�rishna llrasadam in 1'emple vJith r;rcat rolish. I havo br[::un this movemont in this country America� ond I tld!lk I �m ;:;uccosEf'ul. I Huv� man.Y hundredr: of Krishn•� l>h;.Jr.:tas in thi::; country, ond they are increesinr, in number dnily. 1\rvJ �:lw <1ot in Indio end in Pekistan? l·io ere tr.ving to �et e<'lmmssion i. n tl·,c U.IJ. os non-covornmental or[-:c:•ni.zetion. Anti \·Jhcn uucce::;�ful, \JO sh all introduco this culturul movrJrr:ont in .:.11 countries, includinc; i·l.ussiG vnd Ghina J S ;:)o, thoso \;/bo uro :·�:piront of mcrginr·: into the formlosc. effulr;.:�nce oi Krishna, they olso c · n \oJOrdhip 1\ri.shn a. 'l'hat is recommended in all Vedic lit21·ature. But Krishna is the Supreme Lord. He has decided� said in :...>rimed .3hnf"\'!::.t:=m, "I<rishnas 'l'u Phecaven SvJa;yarr.". Go, if the Incti:"n tronsc.:mdeutaliDts, those who ,gre verJ' tJCrious ebout sprc-c.·dinc this rnc:..�sflr-e of Bhae:nvnd Gito, may join thitJ rnovc�mont, bJcked b,v the 01�NhiH'l'i1ii movement as enunciated by Lord Clwitenyo, it \-Jill be c;rest success. And 'Chore is V\rory possibility of oncne�s [1ll over the vJOrdd, \vithout any communal differences.

Hope you are well, end owviting your further reply.

You:cs sincerely,

Bombay-10, INDI.A

Sri Harikishan<.les Aggarwal Gupta Mills Estate


r , 1968

ISKCON Radha Krsna Temple

5J64 W, Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, C·,l, 90019

My De:•r Hansadutta,

Please accept my blessings, I offer the same to 'r.lY daughter, 111mavat1, and I ho pe she is dolrg well. I am vety glad that Krsnfl is already d lot tlng you how to make ,.,cr!ect the SA�1KlRA

TAN party. I com pl etely ngree with you acout the vrogr<Jm of our tr�vel lng across the country, be 1ng booked in several places , And I am glad that our friend, Allen Ginsberg, is helping you, There is no doubt aboutour success if we can make this Kirtan partv successful, The most important point in this connection is that we shal l never be professional, that is to say, we shall try to TT'Bke the Kirtan party perfect from the point of view ot Krsna Consciousness, The idea of introduclng Fancha Tattwa 1n the Klrtan party was also contemplated by me. Not only tha', we have to prepare d ifferent dresses for Radha and Krsna, and Their eight confidential Associates, Sakhls, Sometimes ou have to dress somebod as Nrislnghadev and Prahladr in this way, we shall �ave varieties of show alo g with the K1rtan, and all the varieties will l:·ep1oked up from Srlrnad Bhaewatnm and Dha�Javad �. We have to terjch the Brahmaoharies and the Brahmacharinis to speak in Sanskrit sone of the verses in this connection, and we explain the ve1ses 'hy singing, chanting, and speaklrs also.

Somet1mes1ntbe middle of chanting and slnglng, we shall speak fllso, So, all these varieties show will be so attr.:amtlve with melodious musical sounds, and above all our e.o"d bohavior and advanced Krsna Consciousness, will make this show very sucoesful. In the meantime, you train the K!rtan party as you are

doing, and the responsive method ls all perfect. I have alre!.ldy written you in my lastletter in bis cnnneotlon, adn aguln I say that the res ponsiVA method should. bepract1ced. There may �e more than one singer, just like you may t�ke the leader's seat, sometimes Jal Gov inda may take the leader's scat, somti es others may take the le der's seat, but the method. of chanting and res ponding , then ohnntlng, sho· ld alway s te followed. When I come to New York certainly we shall devise plans on this touring program, not only tr1vellng wit in the titates, but also traveling all over the world. And when we go b India in course o! our travel, we shall col1ect soTe Indlnn devotets also to Join us, Not only Indla�, we shall gradually collect devotees fro all over the wor1d with ut any dlsorlminat.ion. Our Krsna Consc iouanesss movement must be all-pervading, as Krsna �eft 1s allpervad.1ng.

You w111 be gaad to know that 1n San franolsoo they �e trying to purchase oae hous�'• I have alren.dy suggested Hayrama for a printing press for prlntlng our books. And some of the Brahmaohar1es may be engal-led. in the publication work, so:ne of them may be en�agcci lr.a t.e K1rtan f&rty preaolllng work, and some of them lsd1stritut1ng our 11.te:re.ture. That wll' sualis our missio perfect.

Just today we l-ad ont' tneetlng in the Califo n1a State College at Long BeDoh• Cal.t they issued the et':lolosed,arnpnlet w 1oh may 1--e publ1she" 1n I'ack ·ro Godhead. I ho.;e you are 1-.oth well and happ�.

Your ever well-wisher,


My Dear Mahapurusha,

Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter dated March 6, 1968, and I have noted the contents carefully. Regarding the observance of Lord Chaitanya's Advent Day: No, there is no need for any other devotional songs or chants; simply chant Hare Krishna, with Kirtan or beads, and sing the prayer

11Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu Nityannanda,.Sri Adwaita Gadadhar, SriVasadi, Gour Bhaktavrinda." You can also chant the prayer you asked about. This was spoken by Lord Nityananda while He was preaching in the town. He was addressing the people: 11My dear brothers, tou simply worship Lord Chaitanya; talk of Lord Chaitanya; speak Lord Chaitanya's Name, so anyone who does so, he is my life and soul�' Thus spoke Lord Nityananda. So far the reading is concerned, you may read any one of the books you have mentioned--Introduction to Srimad Bhagwatam, Professor Sanyal's book, Srila Bhaktivinode's book Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Life and Precepts, or English translation of Sri Sri Chaitanya Charrfamrita. Best thing is to take any one of the-aDove mentioned books and finish it, from beginning to end. You can do that with Srila Bhaktivinode's book, that would be very nice.

At the meeting everyone should try to speak something on Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's life, teachings, and philosophy. You can take quotations from the above mentioned books, and have discussions.

Fasting should be continued up to evening, then you may have food like on Ikadasee, fruits, milk, etc. On the next day you may observe festival. Janardan consulted me and said he thinks Sunday feasting would be best, so you may do that if you like. Or you may do both days, as you feel best.

It is very good news that you are holding kirtans at universities; I very much appreciate your endeavors for holding Kirtans. Krishna has given you good opportunity for serving and you are doing it sincerely, so there is no doubt about your being promoted to the transcendental platform, of eternal life, bliss, and knowledge. I thank you very much for your good energy in the matter of executing Krishna Consciousness. I thank you once more, and I shall �lways pray to Krishna for your more and more advancement in Krishna Consciousness. �ope you are well.

I L E Uidmldl §o�wami
.:AC1_;ha&ive�nb- 5wam8D
CAMP: ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple 5364 w. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, Cal. 90019 DATID ..Mar.c.h...7..,............................196.�.



Please accept my blessings. I am due receipt of your 1-:! dated J/10/6P,, and I thank you very much for it. Yes, the '\-Tind, the earth, the \.rater, and so forth, all have controlling pcrsonalities. Just like there is a sun god, who is in charge of the G"..ln plc.nct; similarly, for each body of "rater, for the wind, there are controlling personalities. They are in control of some small part of the material creation, but the ultimate Controller is Krishna. These demigods all are servants of the Supreme Controller.

I am very pleased to hear about Krishna's neH throne of gold leaf and velvet. I am anxious to come there and see·it, along "'ith all you my students there who are carrying on so nicely even in my absence. But you must knmr that I am al\-rays with you all so long you are executing Krishna Consciousness; and I am always receilting good n.:.n-rs of the Ne\v York Temple so it is very nice that now you have provided Krishna a beautiful ne\-r throne.

So far the Advent Day of Lord Chaitanya is concerned, I have \o�itten a full suggestion to Hontreal, in l-Thich the main points are that we should all observe strict fasting up till moonrise, and at that time, an offering is made to Lord Chaitanya of Ekadasi· foods, fruits, peanuts, milk, and so forth. Then, on the next day, Friday the 15th, a full-scale feast is held to celebrate His Advent Day. On the 14th, chanting, reading of Srila Bhaktivinode's book, life and Precepts, and Chaitanya Charitamrita, Introduction to Bhagwatam, may be held all the day in the Temple.

Householders may wear dhoties in the Temple, or as they like, bu� not of the saffron color. The�T may 'W'mtr 'W'hi t.P.: YP.J 1 o,.,, 0r ,_,�at�YE>:r-. Out£tce the Temple they may wear American eentleman's dress, with Telok, flag, and beads. It is not required to wear dhoties, as this society does not understand, so outside the Temple dress suit is more social]� acceptable. If they so desire, for ceremony, they. can dress in dhoties for Kirtan.

Hope you are we11.

DATID .. March .. l2,.. .... ........ .. ....... ... .. ... 196.8..
CAMP: ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple 518 Frederick Street San Francisco, Cal. 94117
26 Second Avenue •.. New York, N.Y. 10003

J\1 Dear Batavarupa,

rJ.tuse acoapt ...r bleas1Dsa. Your letter ot 3/12/68 1D band, '!he evening tw111Cht first appeared •• a beautUul cll'l to attraot the but later on tumecJ to u ennlq twt.lisht.

'!here la no J'8allt7 ill tbe •terlal beaut7. What J01l tb1Dk aa

Nal that la alao unreal beoauae en�hllls mater1al. tNDStorma in� •tter at .. �he ultimate atase. It .b tbe sp1r1t aoul wo lil lileautltUl and uot a the •tt••·

1·u plea..d t;a leara tba1J Jtupanuca 1a tulb oOaacloua about our IIIOT..nt anct be baa full ooatidence s.n bta · iiPlrlt�l


•ater. 'fo-da7 I baTe reoe1nd one letter tro• Bap;rlva aad

it 11 understood that be S.a teelial our aaparat1on. I bave replied b1m and btlye aakect b1a to aee .e ·when I u· 1il If.Y.

Hope ,ou are·all we11� P1•••• keep in touoh with· frad7wln&'•

�oa1 �perat1oia attalra.

Yours ever well wlaheJI'

lUCON HAWAUJ P.0. Box 506

Kaaawa, OahuJ Hawa11 96730

J1.:r Dear Satenrupa,

P1-• accept my bleae1nge. I am reply1ni your letter o.t

Jeai'oh 14, 1969. My preeent prog;rem rstonds as tollowsa I am aqztttns on the 31st March to �.11'. and then on the 7th o� · (approx.)

APril l amstart1ng; for New Yoric, And from N.Y. around about the �·or April I am going to noaton. So your t1xed program on the ltfl'b'.and 29th ot AprU4 and 3rd and· llth ot rtay •Y be t1xed up �tely.

So you can· arrange tor the 100dtins at the Entert�1nment club De. Az-k. and make 1t aa you soy that the �e can hold up to 1800 -.t oouplc and they so.w me in Snn Pranc1aco, and are ea�er to se me and huv J e tal.1c k¥ there. On the 6th or May, 1 think I shall have to bt} Pl'<ll'Hmt in Butalo. And around about the lOth or May, I shall have to be pr�sent 1n New Vr1ndaban or Coluabua. Ohto.

Regal"(J1ng Jadurany: I thlnl.< aha can �ome here alone and stay w1th Oo'V1.nda das:t tor around two months. The pres�nt place will be changed probably by the mi<'hlle ot• May, unc th1nr:s wilJ. havn to all get aet up acoordin1�ly. ,•;o you can arrange things directly 1n oorreapoftdence with Gov1nda dew1• d and she w1ll. be happy 9>

J'eC81ve bttt• when all le Nod�. :3o rar as y uroelf, you have to

"' Jteparat.e trom your w1 e t'oi' nl&y'be two mnthe., bocaus you 01anot leave Boston.

JIIJ'Oh 19, 1969 Pg. 296

Jteprd1ng the tape, you have eont me tape no. 6, so the no. 7 1s ttthere and no. 8 1s alao there. I am glad to note your ar3UJDents

wlth the Yoga meettng people. Actually this ao-callecl yoga system itnd·� ll!ditation that 1e so much in your ooun.try 1o bogus • aut la we speak the nakeO tl"''lth to the people, aomtrtilnes they nay �.&ngry. Because unpaluts.blo truth .a 1a not tole.J'8ted. It w call a black man black, he w1ll be angry because it 1e unpalatalbe. So we have to present our oaae very carefully. The beat way ot presentation wtll be like th1AI (1) Yuga system 1a recommended 1n the Bhagavad G1ta, (2) It io approved � system. (3) Dut 1a 1t 1a. not suitable frtr' ordinary :nan. especially in this age of Kl.ll1�

(4) '1'he so-oallod yoga nyatem prnct:toed by the people of thia age 111 not bonafide. They cannot follow all the ruleo nnd regulations ot 1o;a preot1oe, (5) Thel�fore it 1a oonoluoive that eo c&[ed yoga tollowera are simply cheated ancl ·t;hay are waal1ntt their t1me. I have already expla1ned theaft points in the Samkya yoga chapter ot ube Bbagavad G1ts Al!l It lo, tJO you refldlt them oaretully and present 1t. point by point, 1.n ou1table oooaaione.

% have already replied Jad�n�any• tf letter. Reproing her otteneea, ' dC) not remember when ah6 committed of!'enseo, and even though she m1�t have don so� l oxouoe hor 100 ti��, w1thout any hes1tat1on. So ahe has noth1ng to !:J )ther IU out. 1t. I have giucn her �truct1on not to work 1n her last letter, end we shall d1sauaa tt tuJ1;hel' when I shall arrive th.r-e. When rthe lrhall aomt� to th1a

Pr&• 297

�oeHawaJJ. abewillhave mpleopportunitytorKrishnaKirtan.on �beach.-andthe :Iat nhocean 1randwa:rm,noul'ish1ngsunoh1ne

lhope thin meets you 1n �ood ha�i�h.�dpleas�continue

uranynioly nd we shall thepos1tionwhenI

X"'8 very Boon. ..


. �
.I" • ;t I . -. .(


Plea�e ac cept my bles si n�s . I arn in due re of' your le tt er da ted Ma r c h 16 th; and I thank yo u ve r y mu ch for �t . I am so mu c h pleased to hear the wo .nder fu l ne�1 s of yo u r .Samk irta n me etin gs in N.J. It is very good . Th is . s(1r t or:enterprise is tho mo ot valu a b l e sp i rit uo. l a.t t.enJpt . And I thank. you from' the core of my he art for do1 ni:, such a n i c e th in g. Kr ish na wil l be nlensed upo n you, ond bon tow ll in P·en e rHc t i on . 'Hrnilarly, we wa nt to op e� h�ndr e�s of cent e r� , RO that oc0nle m�y tAke up K.C.-thnt is our mi ssi b n . . It is on easy np ocess , &n d ;1 �:-1, ·-a.l tn ;.r., nnr. the hi ;:: hest spi r itual r��1i�at1on simultAnrously. Pl�ase contin oo� _ you r exce llent wo�k in :Krishna'o se rvice, and wh en � como to NY, I sh all come . there to �e� hpw n ice,l� thi n :�s are be ine; carr led on . ••• i• .. \ \ . . '

I am hri:ppy� o -�ear .t hat -y:ou �ontin u�d t o chn.nt desotte so ma ny doubts an d .sk ept icis.m .- : 'Iba-t �is t he process . Even there rna y be doDbts ann skepticism, if on.e cont inues the ch l!n ti n: · proces s, the �oubts -:.1111 oll rlisapp ecr , an� ·r;�l knowledge wi ll b� revealed by the Groce of Krishnn. 'I'her e is th (•·examplf" F:i v en o :' t h (' jnun d ice p.9 tie n t • Hc is �'J 'feri n s from diseose, andwh�n �ivcn su sar-c nndy, hi ch is the cu re , he finds it very bitt er a nodi� tast.ef'ul. :.But tba t does not m(:S n tho su�a r-ca ndy ir'l no t very swe et and deli cio us ; it is s imp l y due to h is d i s ea�ed conrl iti0n the t it seems bitte r • . Io order to bo cured fr om·his disea se , h e mus t tflke th o me di cin e of sugar -6� n�y , despite the ap ra rently bitter tast e ., and as he bec0rne s ' cured , the ... real s·w-e et tas te of the candy is gradually revealed . Simil Prly, we ar� disissed, an� only if we take to th ls chRnti og Droc ess may we he cu red . �aya mAy put so mnny do ub ts end worthless ere �Mo nts i n t o our min �n, but ir we con tin e the cha ntin�, the cu rin r qr ocess will so on, never mind the do•;bt:->, and -:-r::;.duslly He �vi ll got a ta �t c of that �m eet necta r of Krishna J;ama. 2a.mki rtan. Tha t is th e pro ce ss ; and you may ex pal in it to ell yo ur �f�ien ds, so thoy m�y un derstand t h e nn tu re of their do ub t s and skcptic��m, a n d be benefitte.d.

Yes, your devot io n wi ll gr ow at "d o ub led ra t e s " as you �ive mo ro �nd mor e service to the Suot eme Lord . Krishna states in the Bhs �avo d GitA that the one Hho ·is s � re : ' di n g �C is the one mo .Jt dean to i! i m.S o, you are doing the mo st val uable service to the Lo rd by introducin� your class - fe llo ws and fr iend � to th is Samkirt'ln m o veme n t , and th ere for e, you Hi 11 fe el mo re and mor e increase in you r ci.evo t io n to th e Lord. Ple ase c o nt i nu e to d o like th is , and Kr is hna wi lL . be plea ed. an� you wi ll be alwa ys ���y-i� t a.f1 happy in this life, and \.Jha t to speak of the next .

Hopin g you a re we ll . ]

l: ote from le tt er to H a yr am� Apr il 2, l96e

Yo ur ever we l l -wi sher .


So far my n ame is co ncern ed, the re is no ne ed of ad din g mrid ondi Goswami , but s i mpl y have ,'it as A.C. Bhakti vcdant8 Swami . I do not li ke for Sri Bh akt iv eda nta S;,: a!n i, A.C• .Ehaktivc da nto is Svrami is sh or ter , and nice r.

L..l-Ler from t;.'f. temole
.:)�.,ran:l,ii Lo :._:rry, a '0Y 1;1 AtL1n1.1c ; . l_.; "J , •:�,, �, · · _. L ··, ,,� for on e HoGk 6nd o.n c.� l) ro uGht K.l.• hack with him. ,., 0,..., ,, h ...,omp ..::>,.1 !'!D.J' c . ?2,




Please accept my blessingso I am in due receipt of your letter dated :Harch 20,1968, and I thank you for it very much. I am happy to hear you have finished Teachings of Lord Chaitanya, and it is all turning out very encouragingo Brahmananda has done nicely both the Gita and TLC, now he has to make sales organization and that credit is him.

You should take BTG as your life and soul. Your work for BTG is first and foremost above all. If you do not find any time for other things, there is no objection, but I want to see that you make BTG a successful magazine like Life magazine or Illustrated Heekly of India. I am very much ambitious of the progress of the paper, and you can use your discretion hm.r to do:::tt. You are at liberty to do it vTith full power of attorney. So far discussions of political affairs in BTG, it is not a very good suggestion. Put if you can present political affairs in spiritual light, as I wrote some articles in the original BTG in the matter of political divisions of India, ::md catastrophies thereof. That requires a V8ry thorough understanding of the VThole situation, and if you can · do this, it 1.rill be a g.r-eat service. I Hanted therefore a combined editorial board. Unfortunately, you have to do evsrything yourself. For tQis work I think you will have to invite cooperation from others who may help you. Anyl.ray, BTG must be improved to the fullt?st extent, because it is the backbone of our society. Think over it, and do it nicely as far as possible, and if neccessary, you can stop any other activities. But people like your lectures also,and I hope you are delivering your nice lectures in the classes. For the time being, you stop thinking of Srimad Bhag.-ratam, and we will make plan Hhen I meet you in N.Y. It is very nice that you are preparing a book on th�1�fe of Lord Chaitanya. Also, if you can get the Isopanishad printed that is very nice. Part of it is in the orieinal BTG, and part is manuscript there. As for Brahma Sambita, I am not -vmrking on it at the nrc sent moment, but I have thougl}t of it. But I Hill see to it later on.

So far BTG is concerned, if Goursundar is not. able to help in this matter, you can take heln from the other artists who have been working in cooperation -vdth Jadura�y for now. You can ce sugGest to them and I am certain they will be able to do it.

e l h '-(

. Uid4:mdl §o6WartU F I
E ..ftC13haktivdan�
My Dear Rayrama,,.......................... .196.8.
Krishna Temple 51g Frederick Street San Francisco, Cal. 94117
Hope youare all well.


CAf.�p: ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple 518 Frederick Street San Francisco, Cal. 94117,..1968.................... 1968.. .

}zy Dear Hansadutta,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 7 l068 and I thank you very much for your encouraging news of the Samkirtan p�rty. ' please confer my blessings upon your very good wife, P�mavati, and I am so pleased that she can sew nicely, and make the costumes for the Samkirtan party. ·It is very wonderful that you have secured-already some engagements for our party and it is indication that it will great success. It has just begun, and alreadv there are so many •engagements. I am so glad that you have organized th� Samkirtan party, and it is very satisfactorily progressing. And at present, I am counting upon you more than anything else, because my program is, after going to New York for some days, then I shall g6 to Boston, to Buffalo, and to Montreal, and I shall take the Samldrtan party with me, and make an experiment how we get response. I shall then proceed ��th Samkirtan party to England, then to Holland, to Germany, and to any other countries, and/or directly to Bombay. One of my Bombay friends has written me as following: "I am pleased to receive your letter dated Jrd P.arch, 1968, and have noted the contents. vle are already doing Kirtan on Sundays and that is a part of our curriculun. can be made extensive by your team of followers from America arriving in India. The best place for contin"Jous Samkirtan is Brindav�m. Please let me knO\.J when you would come to India, with the devotees1 so that we· may arrange a reception and have a suitable- rogram. Yours sincerely, Hari Kishandas Aggar\oral. o, 1 we can reac ombay with -our Samkirtan party, and as promised by my friend, some Indians join us, then � shall make an extensive tour of India with the party, and we shall invite all kinds of religionists to join us. The Indian governrnent is particularly secular government, and if '"e can present unified form of Krishna Consciousness--one God, Krishna; one scripture, Bhagavad Gita; one mantra, Hare Krishna; and one work, His service, then certainly we shall get very good encouragement from Indians also. Hy future contemplation is to have tours all over the world for 6 monthsi and sit down in A nice place for the baJnnce 6.months, for training boys and gir s as well as editing our publications. You consult with Brahmananda and he may consult with Hr. how this program may be given real shape. But I think this program will be_solid one for propagating our Krishna Consciousness· all over the world. And in spite of New York City's so many faults, I have got a natural inclination to make my headquarters in N.Y.C. Most probably I am going to get my permanent visa, fran your government, and in that case, I want'a very nice place. to stay in N.Y., and make it my permanent headquarters for editorial office, as well as training Samkirtan party and preachers.

So far the advertising is concerned, you can follow the e)�rnple of the enclosed advertisement, which is very nice. I hope you are both well.

1-'23 Lridm�ll.§oj\�ami , · ;:AC1Jh�hthtedzu�.:a
26 Second Avenue 1:ew York, N.Y.10003 Yo e -\ '

Please accept my blessings. I am in receipt of your recent letter, and I am so glad to receive notes of your different Kirtan functions. So far preaclung work is concerned, I am expecting both you and Janardan to be very powerful preachers in the near future. Both of you are sincere souls, sincere servitors of Lord Krishna, and He will be very kind to bestow His Blessings upon you. As you go on preaching you will becone expert. In every sphere of activity the more a man becones active, he becomes more and more expert. Your humble attitude is very praiseworthy. You keep yourself in that very humble mentality and Krishna will be very pleased upon you. All three of you are very sincere servitors, and you all should become very good preachers, Janardan, yourself, and Shivananda, so that this Krishna Consciousness movement will be spread all over the world.

It is very good news for me that you are regularly chanting your 16 rounds; try to increase the rounds; but don't decrease. Yei, if you can inject this Krishna Consciousness to the young children, it will be a great service to the humanity and to the Lord.

So far the Advent Day of Lord Rama Chandra, it should be celebrated as Lord Chaitanya's Birthday was done. Fasting up to evening, and then take prasadam, and chant Hare Krishna whole day, and be engaged in reading and chanting off and on, ·chant for sone time, then read for some time, then again have Kirtan, and so on, throughout the day. If you have not got a Ramajana, then you can read Bhagavad Gita or Srimad Bhagvratam. that is all right.

Yes, a non-initiate can \.J"Ork under the direction of a devotee in the kitchen. So Eric can certainly wor1-t under your direction in the kitchen for distribution of prasadam. That is very nice.

You are saying that you are a fool, and I shall be glad to get a number of fools like you. I want such transcendental fools and not material intellecttlals. May Krishna bless you.

I shall be glad to know what specific function you want to perform, and I understand you are going to NcGill for performing Kirtan. That is very nice engagement. That is the only speGific function for everyone of us. I think you shall try your best to perform Kirtan successfully, and that is the greatest specific !'unction for you. And you can teach some of your God-brothers-and-sisters ·the art of cooking, which you know best.


Yes, I am going to N.r. after the 8th " of April an I shall let you know

CAMP: ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple 518 Frederick Street San Francisco, Cal. 94117 DAT£,... .... ......196.8...
My Dear !J..ahapurusha,

when I am exactly reaching there. Janardan wanted and I shall be glad to see you both th before I to go to 11ontreal after the month of after I Boston.

to see me in Ne\-T York, go to Montreal. I wish finish my engagexrent in

That is very good proposal, to get Indian Pavillion for our Kirtan program. Please try for it. And,we can exhibit some of our paintings, and pictures. When I go to Montreal, I shall take selected pictures from Jadurany and as well as some of the pictures by Goursundar and Govinda published in our BTG. Jadurany has now become a nice preacher. I have report from Satsvarupa that she gives lectures very nicely. If we open a pavillion I shall take Jadurany also at that time, so she wil1 deliver nice lectures. I shall probably be coming there to Hontreal by first week of June.

Hope you are all well.

3720 Park Avenue

Montreal 18, Quebec Canada

�I 1.: E
... . <c.;_---

51J Frederick S tre et

;.:ln Francisco, Jal. 94117

.:y dear 3a t sHarupa ,

Accept my blessin�c I am in due receipt of your letter of 4/1/68 and I am c�lad that yo1-l have solved the hospital bill of PradyuJllla. I am so glad to learn that He is taking part in I stogo s ti. His ariswers are very much int elligent. r have fixe� u�·date for going to N�Y. on the 17th.

One thin3 you: may .inform all devotees tnat �.raya cannot touch

a pure devotee: When you find a devotee is supposed 1n difficulty 1 t is not the 1-rork of �aya but it · is the work at the Lord by His ' l'ersonal internal energy. The randava 's tribulation in so · many vmys, Lord Har:1chandra 's departure to the forest, His l'l"ife the

·Godess ot Fortune's being kidnapped by Ravan, Lord Krishna 's death beine; caused by the a17row of a hunter, Thakur Haridas' s beinc:; cained in 22 oarket or Lord Jesus Christs beine crucified are all acts of the Lord per so.nally . . �fe cannot al�-rays linder sta� 9 the intrica cies of such bd:t ,inc .idenc es . i)ometime-s ·�hey are enacted to· beliilder· persons who demons. You should' therefore discuss in the _Istogosti fr�n current reading matters from BG or SD• We should onlzr tr�r to understand everything from the standard· of devotional service. It is stated clearly in the B.G. that anyone who is cent per cent engac;ed in' the service of the Lord is tra ns. cenden�lly si tua ted and the influence of :i·l:aya"has no more ariy action· on such .body . The Lord and His pure devotees are ainays beyond· the· range. of Haya 's action. .even ,thoug� ·.they appear like action of Haya, we should understand -�hei.r action of Yogamaya .._ ., ' ..,•_. ' or the internal potency of the Lord.

1·1Y blessings for you all� 'T am feel i-ng · · alright .

Your ever wellwislier,

j}ril )., 1 ')63 (A11 :{AUDiGITTJ.�N) 117 u.


'hfutry�: lnternatiotw6outty7or��11C65

CAMP: ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple

518 Frederick Street San Francisco, Cal. 94117


My Dear Brahmananda,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 29th of March, and I have noted the contents carefully. Your kind sentiments are very much appreciated by me, and I thank you very much for them.

Allen Ginsberg and Denise Levertov's appreciation, they are�.all nonsense, but in both the appreciations there is little substance--that Allen Ginsberg has praised my activities and has chanted Hare Krishna. But the other one· is still more rascaldom, but she has appreciated my students' behavior. That means indirectly she has appreciated our movement. If you think their names >-rill actually increase the sale of the book, and l·!acHillan also thinks so, then nev2r mind, you can add their appreciation. So far their study of 3hagavat Gita is concerned, th�t is completely nil. Best thing is we shall do it personally \-rhen I go to rJ.Y.

So far the quotation by the late minister Shastri is concerned, that stnte:r::ent is printed up in the leaflet with picture on it; you know the one, Yhere he is receiving the Bhar;,:n�T'l from me. He was very much respectful, and met me three times. He was to help me in so many ways, but he died; he was my friend. In the beginning on the Srimad Bhagwatam volumes there are some different appreciations writtcn by some i::1flucntial Indian gentlemen. Hamman Prasad Poodar also has written st:veral letters. I \-rill enclose one copy for you of a r:JO!'e recent letter, and also some other letters.

The enclosed Acknpwledgement should be placed with or after the Preface, for Teachings of Lord Chaitanya.


_:�d to hear you nrc h!lndling Pradyunna's hospital situation as.. "ibouWt. 'rho enp;age!!lents sound very nice, and�soecilly it is ood if they pay us. We are not cheap, we are distributing bona-fide process, so for travellinc far_distance th�hould esoecially p� �omething. For television ve should have at least one hour appearance; this 15 or 20 minutes, and�ons.en::m___ql),.illli>ns by the interviewer is not v0ry gQ.Qd. 'He should be given time for llir.tan.,-.and__f.Q:r lect_ure. 'rhat will be best ,·f �rnu ,.an �.PC,"'0 ........,�...,,...�-1.



. aJr �'£(_- � �

• .. w- -' ---.- -- :-'.......,.................\...

1;1g very nice.

I am pleased to hear that D:1::1cxlara is retu:-iling; plea:!e tre9.t him kindly and encourage-him in all respoctso So fnr the shipping is co�c�rned, try to get a statenent of account fron then, as I think they still have some of our money fro:n the last busi::1e::;3 tran�:tction.

Hoping you are vell1 and

p r r t
J.C ..6., ... ............... .......... .. ... 196.6...
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C!1:1t>: ISJ�co·r Rndhr:. Kris!mn Tenple

518 :!'re0.e:�ic1r Street. San ?rnncisco, Cal. 91..117

C.iUD llpril..9�································10G?,;...

Pleo.s0 ncce[Jt ny blessinr,s. I thaD1< you very much for yo·or letter dated 4/6/68, n�d I:.nv9 noted the contents. Su far your being given Horl�, there is no need for you to feel concern; you are already helpinr; on Sri10�g _3h:lfS1TQtal]}, and permnnently you can do so. So you are ceri.aiu .l.,y �-·-:;luded as Harker and editor for Sr���q nhn�11ata� already.

CCer tainly ,_,e are not goine to say these thines about the negro :!_)e0!)le publicl::,r; ue have no di�.tinct.ion betu2c�1 bb.d:: or 1!hite, or de!;lon or demigod, but at the sor2 ti:'::e, r:o lonG :o.s one is denon or deri.god, He ho.•re to behave in the pro::-;8r Ha.y. Just lil:e Gbr:.ito.n:-·2 !:a}1a:)n.blm; Ee h�c1 no disti'1ctian bet'.reen a tige�� and a :mn::".. · !�c uas so 0ouerful that He oould convert even a tieer to da.Dcr; • But so fer He are concerned, FC should not ir.Utate and go to some tiger and try to make him dance r But still, tiger is equ2lly eli5ible like a man. So, yo"J. cc.;,1 -.:�nd.:::rr-stand ·�h.:::.t th2se t.:1.l��s are not for the public, as they have not got ability to understand. Bnsically -:.-!e ha'J3 not got hatred for anyone, bu.t uhen one is demoni�c or at1x�istic, ue should try to avoid their companyo A preacher' s business is to lova God, to :1a1::e friendship with devotees, to enliGhten the innocent, and to avoid the demons. This principle He shall foll01-.r. But in higher devotional life, there is no such distinction. The topmost devotee sees ev-3rythine; in Krishna, a�d Krishna .in every-thing. Generally, as preachers, ue are middle class deYot.::lcs. So ue should not remain as neophyte de•rotae. Neophyte de7otee does not 1mou hm.r to preach. He si:n:ply goes to the tenple:, and offers everything 1,rith devotion to the Deity, a.nd he doesn't k.'1oH anjrthint; else. So our devotees of the society si1ould not remain in the neoph:rce position; ncither should they try to i1;rl.tate the top:r:1ost dcY..otee. '3est tl1ing is to re::-1ain in the vla media of middle class position, nanely to love God, to ma.1m friendshi:p Hith devotees, and to enlighten the innocent, anc to avoid the deTnons. The�c dif�crcnces o:!: body according to I·:arr.:a are there, but n devotee divides ther1 into the a!Jove groups, and so 11e have to divide them · into these diffe:o:·ent i?;i·oups and behave differently l·rith each of the groups. It is .true thnt \-!e should not e attached to the differences of material.bodie but practic�l.lly, in practical field, the behavior should be as stated above

So far standard Sans!a-it transliteration; that Hhich Pradyt'mnm-..i.-s<:'.-:Ji.:.lg \-rill be our standard. The spelling should also be standard, and based on his 1rork. So far the 1mra 11Ksh:J.triya", this is the correct spelling. All these discrepancies are hn�pening on account of my students being.m1a�nre of Sanskcit language. Therefore, I requested Pradywnna to lea;{rn--S.a.J<..�1,., very seriously. He has got the aptitu�e, nnd I hope he Jr.ay cone out very !:uccessful.

Yes, everyone of t'S should be idcnl to t!1e other so everyone can get i!:lpetus to ::nnke progress more :J.nd more. The college engaeemerrGs soi.m..:1 ·:-::ry nice; I sha�l re:1ch there by the first of £1Iay. Hoping you are all Hell.

�� � •• "loWJ,fi� 11 " .L <'� &i -- • ' J . 'JII au can �� ns �u. �he res u Ol. • ,re (-i-llS�� the trans'li"LcratJ.on lG �t.�ndo.:·d. � . ---·--

Car.1p: ISKCO;� Radha Krishn� Tcr.:plc

518 Frederick Street, San Francisco, Cal. 94117

My Dear Jadunandan,

April 137 1963

Please accept my blessings.. I am very glad to receive your letter, and I ar.1 very happy to learn that you are all coming to N.Y.. to meet me on the 17th. He e:re starting at 9:00 n..?r.., :'>.nrLt-�1_1 :-8.'1Ch there abot:t 4:/�5 p.,m., N..Y.. time. Regarding your quest.tons, hm-.r rn.:;terial thinr,s dissolve, I may give you one example: I·�aterial �anifestn.tion is temporary, as it is stated in Bhagavad Gita, that material ��nifestation at times comes into bning and it · · t t.imes vanquishes.. So, uhen mterial variagatedness vanquishes, it docs �:�-;7, 1ean that spiritu:�.l variagatedness nlso vanquishes. }:aterial variag�ted'�- - - is perverted reflection of the spiritual variat:;atcdness, ns it is des.�-_.-·_·)ed in the Bhar,avad Gita, that this m<:1terial mnnifestation is ju!>t like' ,. +.::·ee with the root upwards. Roots up'>-mrds of a tree means it is reflection��,. So :_;lso in Bhag\·Jatam it is st:1ted like this, that the material uorld is a ct.�-Jination of earth, '1-mter, and fire; just like a beautiful girl m..'lctc of e.:1rth, water and fire, st.'lnding in the Hindo\-T of a sto::.'efront. Similarly, this 1naterial Horld is imitation beauty of the spiritual world, as much as the do!ll-girl is ir.lltation of the real girl. So vrhen the doll-girl is broken, it does not mean that the real girl is also finished. Naterial manifestation is just li'ke occasional cloud in the sky, so when the cloud dis�ppoars, the sky remains. Similnrly, vThen the material world dissolutes, the s�xtritual HO.::ld rer.Lains. 1\rishna an� Hi::; King(lo::::., the spirit• �-.rorlt:l, e;t.<?.rr1'!1.• Uc heve to understand thines in this method. That is KrisJma Conscio1.1sness.. Do not r.rlsunderstand that after the variagatedness of the r1aterial vrorld beinr, finished, everything become im rsonal, that is nonsense. Try to un:lcrstand Bhagavad Gita nicely • our faith in the Christian religion is very strong, I can understando So, Hhen you \.rant to conv•::?rt Christians into Yu·ishna Consciousness, you should understand first of all the philosophy of l<'.rislma Consciousne2s. Hithout tmderstanding the philosophy of Kris!ma Consciousness, if \·!e try to convert Christians into Krishna Consciousness, it lrill be utter failure. He do not condem."l any reHgion because the Bhag.....atam says t,!pt the religious process is the best by which one can attain love of God.. So \.re are teaching Love of Godhead, not any particular t;,rpe of religion. O...lX Yu-ishna Conscious movenent is not a religious movement; it is a movement for purifying the heart. }�odern civilization is defying the authority of the Personality of Godhead; the more a rn.:m advances in his material adventures, the more he becomes covered by the illusory energy

t, �

This conception that when one's material concept of life, the materi.:!l vision of this also vnni<::hes. Actually there is one cnergy"of Krishna, v!hich is spiritual. Naterial consciousness of life means forgotfulner-s of Krishna; when one is fully Krishna Consciousness, there is r.o r.1ore any r!'.3terial exist ence in the vision of such advanced devotee. He have to learn it step by step; just like ·..te prepare prnsndam, and ordinarily it is rice, dahl, and choppatties.. But when it is offered to Krislma, it becomes prasadam. Hovr ordinary rice, dahl, and choppatties turns into spiritual prasa-Jam is to be tmderstood by advancement of Krishna Consciousness, but actually anything in relation with Krislma is spiritual energy.

The mind does not dissolve, it changes its quality, or rather, it purified. No, thout;hts of feelings of love for :\:!'ishna is not ego-projected, or emotionnl, provldod it is conformed by Spiritual Nuster.


Brahman reqlization is considered catastrophic in the sen�e if one does not make further progress to Krishna Consciousne�s. The less int�Jlligent class of men give more stress on the Drahman realiz1tion n�d they take it as final, so this concluq;i.on is a cato.strophy. ·Because one has to make further progress for Para��tma rr.alization, and further progress for God- rcalizationo If one finalizes everything by Brahman realization, certainly that is a catastrophyo ·

Yes 'Hithout cleaning the mind, nobody con advence in spiritual understanding. And the chanting of Eare Krishna is the cleansing process of the mindo That is our motto.

Hhen one realizes the Personality of Godhe:ad, he automatic.::1lly realizes the impersonal Brahman. H!1en you und�rstand •rhat is the sun planet, automatically you understand �.rhat is the s1mshine. Understanding of the sun planet, includes understanding of the sunshine, but understanding of the sunshine does not include understanding of tho sun planet. So imp8rsonal realiz:;tion -is al\.rays imperfect, Hhereas personal realization is ahrays complete and perfect.

Yes, the point is that \ore should not eat more than required� Eating, sleeping, mating, all these are material demands; the more we minimize, then that is good, but not at the risk of health. Because He have to vrork for Krishna, so He must maintain our health nicely. But vre should not eat more than is required for m3intaining body and soul togother. That is the principle. It does not meail,-' hm-rever,· that if one's body requires more food for Jno.intaining it, that he should imitate someone -vrho requires less food. The real point is that eating is for ��intaining the body, not for luxury or for SL<7.i.sfying tht.:�.:::r.l:,;r.d;:; ofth:::tcr..6'..'.(). "':es,:,rrm Bl"'"' rl!?:ht in sayin� that in the beginning of devotional service that one can only set! Krish.."la in the Deity and the prasadam that is offered to Him. But, anyHay, if anyone has the tendency to eat more, then let him eat more pras£:!dam, than any non·sense, but eating more is not encoUraged. But· it is not that if I want more food that, artificially, I shall eat less. Yes, green dahl1 yellow dahl, it does not matter, they are both o.k.

[Those 1.:ho are agitaten in the mind, they ,,rill hear neither Krishna Conscious philosophy nor Christian philosophy. So to Inr:tke the mind smoother, you should chant Hare Krishna nicely, not to do it by changing. the philosophical topics. The chanting \.rill \orork. Hhcn there is no possibility of talking philosophy,_He should simply chant,· nothing- more. Don't talk any thing. That will help both tJ1e sinr;cr and the audienceo Your little speech is very nice·; Chait3nya !·�ah�.prabhu also said there is millions of Names of God; and one can chant any one of them he prefers. He chant Hare KrishnA. because Lord Chaitanya also chanted Hare Krishna.. Ve reconunend to chant e:ny Name of God, but \o!e prefer to chant the Holy !rame of God1 Y-ri�hna1 follmring the Footprints of Lord Chaitanyn.J

[The ignorant people they do not. under�t.and either Christian philo�op�17 or Hindu philosophy; if somebody malws distinction behteen Hindu or Christ:i.<m philosophy, he is not a philosopher. He cm�ay the sun in the Indian s'.m, because it shines in India, or iti;-; :JJ1o Ar:18rican sun because it shines in America. But actually, the stm is the so.lile sun. Similarly, God is the snr.le either for : Hindus or Christians; one \.rho does n?t understand it does not understand:God., The ·christian philosophy says God is great; '!e say �o�r God. is great. Simply to kno'.! th:1t God is grco.t is not perfection, but to knm·T hm-r He is �:::-eat, i;, perfect kno-..rlcdce., Bha�avad Gita explains ho\.J' God is

erent. Anyone Hho can understand hov God is great, automatically he can ��derst�nd that God is greato You can mention some parallels from Christian' literature while explaining Bhngavad Gita, but you cannot find in any other scripture in the \.Jorld the full infor:aation as given in the Bhagavad Gita. vie should not forgat that >re are preaching science of God from Bhagavad Gita, which contains all spiritual instructions contained in other scriptures. But if tho public is unruly , simply to chant and not speak anything philosophy is the best. At that time the:-e is no use \.Jasting time talking with them on phi�ospphy. Better for both you and the audience to chant and hear Hare Krishn

I hope your questions are fully ansHcred, and I •,.,rill be looking fon�ard to again seeing you all. Hope you a:-o t-rell.

95 Glen-ville Avenue

Allston, Hass. 02134

f.!. ... . ..:<==----------


CAMP: ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple 26 Second Avenue New York, N.Y. 10003

DATED...April...l9,..................... 196.8. ..

My Dear Shivananda,

Please accept my blessings. Hope you are well. I am so much pleased that you are studying seriously our Krishna Consciousness philosophy. Please continue with your sincere efforts for Krishna. Now, regarding your question about Brahma, he may be chosen either from the liberated or the conditioned souls. In this case Brahma is a liberated soul from the beginning;· there fore there is no contradiction that Brahma can be Haridas Thakur. Those who are conditioned souls are eternally so, which means that it is never possible to trace out how long ago the conditioned existence began. We simply say that misuse of the little independence we have got creates so much trouble for us. But now by adopting Krishna Consciousness, we may finish this conditioned life immediately. That is Krishna Consciousness.

Your reasoning is all right that the Brahma enepgy must have conscious direction to manifest form. Therefore He who gives� that direction is the Ultimate Controller or Param Iswara. In Brahma Samhita it is said: "Isvarah Paramah Krishnah sachchioanandavigrahah, anadiradirgovindah sarvvakaranakaranam." Krishna is the Supreme Controller of all controllers and therefore, He is the Origin of everything including the Brahma Energy. This Govinda is the cause of all causes, and He is without any cause. This is the beauty of the Shastras, thRt one sloka finishes billions of years hard labor of mental speculation. Just try to give evidence like this.

Regarding the Christian's Trinity, I believe it is called God, the Holy Ghost, and the son. Person in Krishna Consciousness accepts this by the name Vishnu, Paramatma, and .Jiva. God is a Person, the holy spirit or the supersoul is a person, and the living entity is also a person. Also, Mary is the representation of the energy of God. Either as internal energy Radharani or as external energy Durga, the energy of Godhead can be considered the mother of the living entities. But there is no clash between the Bible and the Vedas, simply some people formulate their personal ideas and cause quarrellings. Nobody can say the Bible was meant for the same class of men as the Bhagavad Gita. And Bhagavad Gita is the ABC'x of spiritual knowledge. Beyond that is Srimad Bhagwatam. Eow great Srimad Bhagwatam is nobody can imagine. And beyond that is Chaitanya Charitamrita. But beginningfrom the Bible or Koran, on up the principle remains the same. Just like beginning from the pocket dictionary, up

'?""::- ' , � 1'· \ l , � t ' -. -..
Uid'mldl §o.swamt

I3KCOU R�=iha Kri:Jhna Ternpl�

26 Sacond Ave nue ··

NeH York, �·1.Y. 10003


flea3e accept MY blessings . I beg to ack nowle dge rec6ipt of your lett er da t e d April 1�� and ryos tds ted on �pril 24, 1968, with enclosure of letter from .Kirta nan anda Swam i dated Aoril 7, l96S. I Rm so glad to l6arn that your examination in M.A. is successful, and I h��e very soon you will have your Ph.D. de• �re es � both t i t l e s enga�ed in the service of the Lord. There are four thin gs desirable in thts material world , namely, good �a�enta�e, su�tuous wealth, sufficient ed ucation, and good heauty� These thin�s are some time � irepe d i�ents in the service of the Lo rd because such pe�sons with great parentage, wealth• etc., neeomes materially �urf3d up, and tbus deviate s from K�ishna onsci ougn �3s , but when they are em?loyed in tbe service or the Lord, th e ir value �ecome s· many more times greet�r•· Just like zero has no value, but when zero is nl a c e d on ri�ht side o� one, the va lu e of zero enhances to 10 times; simi lnrly, ou� life, �e al t h , intllligenoe, nnd words become 100 tim�s 100 great2r and gre�ter if they arc e�ployed in the service ofthe Lo�d. � shall always pray to Kr is hna that you may com? out a suc cessful a n d eminent scholer *o th a t your writings end thou;ht� ��y be seriously taken by t he �mun d a ne wranglers . Our only business is to presdnt Krishna �ons ciousnesG to the ignorant ��s o� oeopl ej and if �uch �eople agree to hear i n co os id erat io n of our iiT:pOl•ta nt POS ition in the ;1"8 teri nl \"Or ld 1 1t is a gre� t �ppo rtun ity to piace our submis�ion , and th e� eby our missionis tul�illed. Achoryas ln the di3cinlic succession of Lord Cbai tanya teach us th at we sh al l try to place t�e message or Lord Cbai tanya Very humbly to the people in �e neral and that will make U3 SUCcessful in cur s�rvioe t o the Lord. I ai nce�ely bl e s s you that vour futuro oooe� to oresent Krishna Con� c ious ne ss in t�rma of �rench custbm �ay be � r own e d with su�cess.

�egarding the action of Bo n Mab ara j : We shall discuss th e mutter whe� �e ����t For th� pr�sent, vou�a� �now th�t this gentlem11n is very much ma teri ally arobi tious . He wan t s to ·utili?. e �rishna Consciousne3� for hi3 mat�ri3l D8Me and f��o. Somet i�e s he greatly offended our Guru Mabaraj , an d it so happen�d th9 t at the last s t age , practically Guru MAhar�� rejocted him. And the result, we cAD fin d that instead of becominB a great preacher of Krishnn C�n�c1Ju�ne s3, th�c 0entle��n hns bo�omc artificially a h�ad of a mundane institution. To be come a very important �an in the mundane cst i �at ion is �ot success in Kr ishna Consciousness. Be was first deputed by my Guru Mabaraj- along with our :at� God 3roth cr, Ehakti Pradip TirthaHahnraj, to open

. l L t:. 'f_ · .

amissionary c e nter in London, an d they stayed thore fo r3 years.butdidn't�nko ncyapp�eciable �dvan�e. E�cept th�t .� pent enormous money of�y Guru Ma barRj • and later on the� were callod �2ck to Indic. So t�at i� D gre at hi3tory; !t is not pos � ib le to say ev�ryth ing inthis let ter, but f or the pr eseat. be sat1sried with �he�ewcr�s. an� later Y� sh all talk · more and 17'0ro . On the whole, :vou may know thRt he is not a li berate � p�rso n , an= th cr� fo� e, he cannot initiate en7 ��r3on to Kr ishn a Cons cious no ss . It reouires special spiritual bene·· diction froD' higher· autbori ties

The state�ents cf Thakur Bhuktiv i nodo are a� �ood ee �c r iptures becau�o he is lib�rate d person. Ge nerally the sp irit ual master come s from the �roupofsucb eternal as�ocietes cftbe Lord; but anyo ne who t"ollows th� principle� of such ever libcrated persons is £'s F,Ood as onein the abo•.re �e nt:!.on ed t?;rcu-r'• Th� gu�u8 from notur$'s study 3�� acc ep ted as such on th� principle that an elevated per3on in K� is bn � Co nsc ious ne�3 doe s not ncc��t an yo n e as di 3cipl e• but he accepts everyon e es ex- · pansio� of hl3 guru. That is very Ligh �osi tio n, called �sh�bha�avat. R�st like Rad hnr an i, so�et�es thinks a subord tn ate or hers ns her te acher, to undoretand c3evotion of Krishna. A person wh o is lib�ra ted acharya and guru"cannot com�it any �istRke, bet thoro nre per sons who ere leBs qual i f1.od or not l iborated, but st il l ca n act as guru an d acharya by strictly folowing the di�ciplic �u ccess i cn . It is th e injucction of the ahastras thst any one who see� the Deit y in the Te�le as m9de o�wood or stone, or consid ers th e acharyas and r,u rus e� orcinary com�on men # and di ,cri minate Va is hnavas or de� oteo s as belonging t 6 a certai� group or caste• are called hell�s�. Your ou�sti on ab out Bon Maharaj in relation with his di s ciple is ���y �ntoll1gbeb and intric �te , and we sh all dincu�s at long w�en wo meet .

R�garding Kirt ananan da�s letter. I may inform"yco that T nllo:aya thinl.t of' him and pray to Krishna f'or hi::J V,ood �ense. That is my duty. Anyo n e wh o corn�s to me for my help or wants advanco in. Krishna. Consciousnes�, ao d 1rhor:1 I i:-dtiA.te and accept .a s my d i sc i p l e. I mus t prayfor him an d · hisw�)far� �lwnps� So Kirt£:nanr..nda pcrsot:!ully sor·1t!oJt3 mo• especlR11y du:;�ing1ny ill.:. ness , Hh ich I alHa.ys remember� Bu t ��cauae sowehm..ror other · ha b;:a mhsu�d�r.stor-.fl our- Ret!:'ib:tie� th3t Cloc!l :-:o1: �-:J�!�:1 tt�t I am no lon�or his well wish er. I wr�te at the end ormyl�tt�r� tom� di3cipl�3_.· ,._.,,!!' y.:�r ..,,o11-wi�h�r!'• r.rn u� :.uch,. I cF;[")!"lnt. beco:m� other "... ia� than�..,1n� c'T�j"Y:r.;oll-wis�e;- of" r.y d !s� i":>1'0;:;�even t�wugh ho !'lay l.3:rre· rr1o., So J. \·W� n)•ayi':J;T. to!\rishna tb.d; Ito may save Kirtanan3nda fro� hi� �isunde�stnndin� and if' �ver be chA.nte:i Hare Kr ishna at lfi:JSt cnc5 l:1 sinc�re h�art# I am su 1•e Y�ishna would not al l ow him to go out of his lnfluon c�. Th er efore, Tb�lieve that he can na��r fo r�ot tho Form or Kr i� hn�, neither he can den y His Per so nalit y. It in !!,OOd nc�-J"s that he is trying to est�bl.ish a neu '.'rindP.ban. \ .J. �u�.�oste:1 thr'->n,::n H�yagriva. Br ahroa ch a.r�, a�i! ir he is suc c:: es sful, 5n his attenrpt • ce1•tc.inly :tt willba consi.d�r�i n =:�-re�t b�:1rdictio:1 upon him hy Lord Kri eh na. �·Jhen I odBeedd hi� Sannyas , I uxpected such l)reat achievements tb�ough him anj ir Kri�hna desir�s . he will come out-


out su ccc!l :Jful in his ereut et tenrpt. Ye s, I expres:!od my deslt·� to GO thoro throug�1 �nynr;riVl.J.. ���h�achary, and if I C!ll invi t��, togothere,by Kir taoananda Swa�l. it wi ll be my gre�t pleasure to sec th� plnce nnd enjoy his company. . . -

tpn the fir::Jt of }7ay 1 Rm proceeding to eo�ton. Last Hight we had a very nice m��ting at Templ� Dniva rs ity at Fbiladelphia• and thc�e were nico kirt&ne �nd speeches, an� qccstlon� and answer� from 7:00 to 9:00p.m. Theypaid U!!f Sl$0 .00 I'ortbre.n spor t.ntirn cblrges �nd "!!'.Y l�Jcturc fe£:s, and on tho 30th cf !..pril we are ho�g to hold si milar me �ting in Long Island . atthe State University o�N�w7ork, at�k. TheyalGC havepromis ed to pey o� �200 .00.] Slmilar mef'tings w�re hel� in different par ts cfSnn Francisco nnd Los Angeles, when I �a� there. So ther�is grea t possibilityof spread ing our Krl�hnAConscious �overnent• end if we work conjoin tly, wi th serious �in cerity, w� ero-sure to cam� out suddessrul in this great adventurb.

I expected to meet you here in N�wYorkbythis time� but I do not st.e any !ndi cP-.t. ion in yonr letter under reply. J.nyt,.•ay on receipt o� your let �o r I am vory much satis fied and I ohall be glad to bear rrom you J: tbir.k s.t ?ostcn. Empiog you ara well.

Your eve r we ll-wi sh er .

372 0 PnrkAvenue

�-iontreal 18• c;ucbec




CAMP : IS KCON R ·4ha Krishna Temple 26 Second �venue New York, .Y. 10003

My Dear Nandarani and Dayananda,

Please eccept my blessings. I am very pleased to receive your letters of April 23,1968, and I am very thankful to you for your nice sentiments. You are very intelli ent and nice boy and girl, and trying to understand Krishna Consciousne s, and I can simply pray that you sh�ll try to understand more and more about this transcendental science, and whenever Dossible, try to talk about Krishna Consciousness to your friends or whomever you may meet. Simply by this at�empt you will get s�perior strength and knowledge about Krishna �onsciousness. It doesn't matter whether a man is convinced or not, but your sincere attempts to convince others will help you progress. Nandarani is very intelligent zirl, both of you execute nicely and try to bring up your dauehter in the same spirit, and live nicely in Krishna Consciousness.

So far your questions about Karna, the first son of Kunti; that Radha was not the same Radha, as Krishna's Radha. That was Karna's adopted mother. Karna was born before Kunti was married, so in order to keep it silent, he was kept in a package and floated in the ocean. And this carpenter father and his wife, Aniradha, took care of him, and he was brough� up there with them. So Karna was known as the son of a carpenter; nobody knew that he was the eldest son of Kunti, and a Kshattriya •. This Has not known until he died, and.Kunti began to cry. Voisthir asked her why you are crying, he is the enemy, and she said, he was my first son. He was born out of her ear, so he was oalled Karna. When she was very young, she got some mantra which could be used to call any demigod, so just to try it, as experiment, to see if it worked, she called the sun god. He immediately appeared there before her, and said, I will give you the benediction of one son; she replied that she simply was experimenting with this mantra, that she did not want a son,. and she becarne afraid as she was unmarried girl. He said I shall give you a son anyway, and it will be born out of your ear. So as she was virgin girl, she became very frightened that people may say things, so she put him into the ocean. Yes, Karna had many extraordinary attributes. He was e great soldier, and a most charitable man. He was so strong that it was not possible for Arjuna to kill him; he had to take unfair tactics and kill him. Karna co�ld have killed Arjuna, but by Krishna's Grace, Arjuna killed Karna. In other words, Krishna killed Karna, otherwise, nobody could have killed hi�.

FlL � §o6wami JlC
DATID...h,l)_r.i.l...2.9,......... ....196�..

I am very glad to learn that your nice child ChandranJ; is growing daily. By your care and attention, she wil l c · out a Krishna Consciousness girl like Haridasi, the daugt� of Baladev.

l..-Je are selling our books, Srimad Bhagwatarn, 3 in a se' for �12.00, but a single book is $5.00. I am leaving for ton on Wednesday, the first of May, and you can send your care of the Boston address, (ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple, glenville Avenue, Allston, Mass� 02134). Hoping you are� three well • .

N.B. No, I think ther•e is not any"English version of Haha"r. but very soon, we shall have the Bhagavad Gita, -and the 10 of Lord Chaitanya, and you can enjoy reaning tbem; they s!.. be ready by September.

- . ' jVf1/



CAMP: ISKCON R.ADHA KRISIIT�A TE!·il.fLE 95 Glenville Avenue Allston, Mass. 021�4

DATED...�'!.C?Y. .3..,...... ..... ........... 196 .�.

l-iiy lJear Upendra,

Flea:>e a•!cent ·ay blessings. I a.rn in receipt of .:-·a11r lel.t•:. J�ted April 27, 19GG, and noted the contertts. Your f� el in�a •jf ��e�'ar;Jtion -3-re ve ry strong, and I thank you for your kind �e nt ime nts ex pressed the rein .

?o-far ttw uat e of the Rathaj a tra .t��stival, it is to be n th'::! 2Rt!l <)f June, and will continue.for 8 days. The .:.·e c.�::·t. 'wo f·:!.-.:tivJls; one go ing , and one returning. So �v'JU can :nftb; .·lan�; iikE:.• t:1�t.

Ye.:;, jf iL is neeessary tnen you can .make a nice bed foJ ·

:-'ord j.J,·:·Rn:.JI".h<-1 am1 .Lord BalarAm, and keep.them nicel,y un�il

.: reti.:.�n. IL is your responsibility to see to keepi11g all

�.1 f": tl•inc:;s wl!jchI lef t there very nicely, so pl e a��e see to .t.

.'.;n'.)ilG l-hP. '·ledlcines I left there you will find ssmc :....•�l�Jll

l·:liaJ o:;, vri.tl1 Lbc name on them "Bha sker Bajra Jog". Il en: ·e

."'tal ·n-:-� i.:tll'tediotely by �mail 4 p h i al s entitled as abovE:. Pl ea ;.:-e sec to it. CJkb,

Flea:.·- keep me ·. :i th information so far the chLE'Ch is eonc�rned, ancl try for it. Hope you are al l well.

Vid'mldt �o.swami
(0 �.i.o. ---· •( -- · /.� /
�J.3 Frederick Stre�t San Fr�nc isco , Cc;d.

1I;y De ur Gal'[_;am uni,


95 Glenville Avenue

Allston, Muss. 02134

May 5, 1968

Please accept my ble:-;sill[5S. I am in uue receipt of your very 11ic(? letter dated 4/27/68, and the sentirnents expre8sed in that letLcr by yc)U r_;ives me 'uore pleasure that you are apureciating the :i.·nporli<JitCe of. our movetoent. I am Bure lihiJt you must appreciate Like tbat bec8use I -nn cllways of upi11ion that l.Joth you and .YOllr cluer brciLIJc.l' are the _•:n3' of a r;oou rnother. So I very much reciote both _yuurs ond �.rour brother's activities ano it appears th:JL botl1 uf ,you ,..ere in. ,your previous birth advanced iu this line of h..risfma Gon:..:;ciousne :s, and l1ere i8 Clno.ther·chance to coml1lete it. i.:Ju by tlte Grace of h.rislma you have Dot e;ood intelligence, :you <.lre boru of Cl t!;I'e<_d:; nation, sod c;ood faruily; just tll.;ili�e the opportunlly to finish t!Je business of Krishna Conseiuu:.:.;lle:;s, \·,itlwut ··.Jedti''G for further incurnation. .SriPH:i.d Bhal�'-''aLarn sa;ys tJwt we should try for the llit,;hest uchieverncnt, aucl r.:o;nplete .it l,ufore the next death co111es. I tllink thet your sepal:<•. lion from Karunatnnyee i!:> Kri�}ma 1 s de�ire. So don 1 t be sorry for j t. In tlli::J connection I mu;y l:;ell �·ou my per�onal life t:oxperience. Nh�n T. ns mHrried at the r�ge of 21 with a wife who ·.vn�; only 11 years old, practically I did not like my '.vife. Aud ns I w:<s at th8t time very yount; man, and an/educated colle�;e student, I wonted. to 11arry r-1c;ain, inspite of my .vife beint.j lJrr��,.;ent. Becatlse G'llOllt:jSt tb.e Hindus one cc.m accept more tJwn one. wife (of course the law i13 now chaniSed). So, ,·,henever f�V(,;rytb:Lnr.; w:-Js all ready for my marriage with another r;irl, my c;re:·L fEJtl!er who v:a!3_ a t:;reat devoLee of the Lord; called rne ��nd i !1!3 t ['LJ.C ted 'Tie in the follcwin() ·,'JOrds:

''1dy deur bo,y, I understood that you are trying to c;et yourr::f•1 f '11:3JTLcr" t:'t:,:J in, but I woulo advise .. :you do.this. It i:.> FI�i::3hnn'u Grncc that yonr yresent wife is not just according to .Yr.'ur lik;. 'l'llis will help you not to l.Jecome attached: with ·,;i.fc and horm;, a!ld L'·Jis wlll help you in the matLer of your future ndvoncctnent o·f Krishna Consciousness."

How, I accepted my father's acJ.vice, and by his blessings, only, I was never attached to my wife or home which resulted in my complete liberation frotu worldly attachrnent Clnd devote myself fully in Krlslma Con!:3ciousness. Therefore I think your separation from Karunanwyee is also the same opportunity for your being cent per cent ent::,;iJ[;ed in Krishna Consciousness.

I thank ,you very n1uch for your check of 1)50.00, and I am very glad to learn that ;you are already in possession of a nice storeroom for exhibitine; your sellC:lule t::;ood!?• There are samples of picturet' ]n the t�mple ther(�, and whichever picture you like, Lo lwve in _:our store, I shall ad vL;e Jadurany to dispatch for selling purposes.

Yv�terday ,your brother Br·ohrnananda accompanied by Mr. Kallman 'J!Jd Purushotl.nm cnrne here nnd I underf..�tand t hat you had LeJ 'l'h01ne coJJversat:ion with him. He is also doin[; nice business of i I'!_' �J::Jmc: llnP- os yo11 are doin[_5. I have advised your brother <:ts ·''! 1 1 �l :.:; I <Hlvi Gf� you to t�e t experience of the articles tbat rn·r: •liGely �>elJ jnt_; !IJJU t lu:!n ;you rnay directly import them from In<1 i <l.

ioll hHve ,r,oL c;,JmP. infection, and I am very much anxious 31lo11L yoJJr cyst pain. I do not know whot is t he actual position l111t if lt i�, ordinary, t!Jen I think a little painting of Sloan's LiniPJt!nt may redu�e LlJe painful re9c tion. But if it is within the DkLn then you have Lo consult some physician, out you can try b;y opply·inu; Sloa11' s Lini111ent, and before applying the liniment you can foment uy heating some soft pad in hot water, and clJJ"Il;y on the spot. After beotine; you can apply Sloan's Liniment. I hoye you will be feeling better soon. Please keep me informed.

Ban 1i'ro.ncisco, Cal. 94117

518 Frederick Street
' . --------


U7 Dear Hansadutta,

Please acc ept my ble�singa. I am ·in dua receipt of your letter dated M� 13, 1968, and noted the contents. It is very good news that you are getting one bus !or trave l ing with the Sc..:lkirtanparty. Our- fin�t plan wr.s like that--that we should have a nice Samkirtan party and t ravel all over the country. But since you said that you could not organize such party, I requested you to go t o open a center in G e�any . Now our principle business and aim is to preach this Krishna Consciousness novement, and wherever we get the opportunity, we should take advantage of i t. Now , it is up to you, to settle up--whether ynu should go to Geroany or travel about here in this country. If you have got at least 6 members for your party, then I would advise you to travel in this country with the S�kirtan party. But if you have no menbers to assist you, then you can try to open a center in Geraany, as our good friend Subal is trying , struggling alene in Sante Fe, and still pul l ing on. -ou� only business is to spr e ad Krishna Consciousness to the best of our possibility, and Krishna has given us dlncrinination and judgnent. So, Krishna is within you, you chant and ask Him, Krishna and He will give you proper instruction.

So far from my side, I can say that if you have got a party �ho can travel uith you, then you can travel with them for sono time �itb the Sankirtan party. I! you go in the bus with your Sor�irtcn party, then ue muot sell our literatures, magczj�eB, books, records, etc. The whole institution is not in -r;ery sound financial position, so we should alr.ays remember this position and try to sell our articles so that "J..'e may again publish our books and literatures. Back to Godhe ad is already in difficulty for financial natter. It is givin g me some anxiety. Back to Godhead may not be stopped publication.:.-it wil l be a great s e tb ack for our missionary purpose. ··

At any rate, we should accept that bus.

Hope you are well.

� Dear Hinavat i ,

Please accept my blezsings. Today It is very n ice , I thank you very nuch

I am using your· be adba.g. for it. Hope you are well . ever

.--� I � � E �9�,���-mL � "..,..�
• Cf.!.:P: ISKCON RADHA KRISHNA TEMPLE 95 Glanville Avenue Allston, Mass. 02134 D.':TED.Hay..l.4..... ...:.......... ...1S5.8..
. 0w

Uy Dec.r!lda Swar:1i,

Ple�sc accept :ny bles3irigs. I was so glad to receive your letter C.ated ?lay 13, 19·S8, ar.d :my gladl1css knew no bounds , exactly like that �h�n one gets back his lost child.

You have written to say that you think of oe often and now it is confirmed that you ca"'lnot do· without thinking of I!le, .because I was alV!o.ys thinking of you. So.!!!etir.aes I silently cried B.!ld prayed to Krishna thnt how I have lost this child, But I a_."]. sure that you cannot be lost be�ausc you chanted very ·nicely in Vrindaban. .Anyone who once sincerely chru1ted the· Holy N�e of Krishna cannot be separated froo the .Krishr.a Cvnsciousness atmosphere. So I was sure tnat you were never lost and you would come Anybody \'tho asked me how Kirtc.nan.anda left I!le I answered that either Kirtanari.DJ"!da or Hayagriva cannot be lost because at they have chanted sincerely the Holy Na�e of Krishna. A:!J..y\7ay, Hay5griva cemc to me and v:�s very glad� him in New York, and I expected also to see you. You �Tote one letter to Janard�� , and I have replied that letter, and from the letter you can understand my.feelings for you.

Krishna has provided you with a nice 1)lot of land, and it is due to His causeless unlimited mercy upon you. You were in Vrindaban but you did r.ot like the atmosphere and you bccrune disturbed,so imoediately after your arrival in felt uncomfortable--that l could understand, a.:1d thurcfore you came back to U.S.A. although it was settled bef3.:-� staiJting that you Cljntinue to live in "/rinda.b&""l. Krishna i.s so kind that you went to Indian Vrindaban, but you did not like thut p�ticular place, sor.whow or other, and therefore He h'\.'3 so awarded so nice piece of 1 and, ex<lctly resenbling Vrind ab an . r1� s ho uld always know that V:rindabrul is not localized in a particuli:tr area, but that wherever Krishna is there, Vrindaban is autom3tically there • .Ar.d wherever the Holy Uarr.e of Krishna is chanted, Krishna . is present there because there is no difference between Krishna and His Holy Name. So I am so plcs.sed to leo.rn that you are chanting and meditating of Kr � shna, and once only you are e ating something to keep your body C'.nd. soul together.

But l!IY request is that as you have accepted Sann;yas in thls order of our disciplic succession·, you must do sor=1c more sc:rvicc to Krishna than chanting and meditating,and the opportunity you hove 'got. I unde.:-stand that the l<mc! is very big area; I henrd that it is 320 ocres �f lAnd, ond in t�� latter addressed to

r:n��:;· ,...,,,. ""'... • ., ,.._ ........... ... .,•....• • Iu!!.Cvd R_'I.DliA :S:n.Iuill�-'\. T.i!!·;i:PLE 95 Glenville Avenue AllHton, tias s . 02134 t�11l:;#.I!!.ay... 2.?., ....... ; .................... .... . lC:Ja..

Janaradan, you expressed. your desire 'Go convert this beautiful piece of land into NewVrind2ban in U.S.A. I wish that you may try for thin New Vrindaban to your best, and Krish...'la will give you all help. And if this piect: of ls...lld is turned intoNewVrindabru1 then I shall forget to return to Indian Vrindaban. I am getting older an<.l older, so actually if I e;et a peaceful place as desC:i..'ibed by ;you, the rest of my life will be. continued ii1 translating S�imad Bhag·:1atam and othor Goswami. literature, assis ted by some of my disciples like you. So anytime· you take me to your new her:rnit:?.gc, I shall be very glad to go there. So far your cooking is concerned, you are my first studcnt to learn Indian style of c0olcing and from you the disc�plic succession has spread and many of our students arc cooking. But still your cooking surpasses everyone's cooking-. I shall, be glad to participate in your nice and tasteful prasada!:l.

t am here till the en.d of llay, 1968, and the!l I may either go to Montreal or.may return to New York. It is no t yet settled. MY,"permanent visa is not yet granted; they arc making··so many implications. It may be that. I may get perma11.ent visa in Canada, but·nothing is .fixed up as yet, so I do not know what is tb.ere in. the future. But I know Krishna has something is His ;mind,·andwhateYer He does is the best. I shall be much pleased if you kindly write me at your convenience, and more. I shall b�g�ad. to hecu.· i.ihat you a.ce chanting Hare A:.t·i.:;hna,. Hare: A:rishua, Kr1shna, Krishna, Hare Hare. Hare Ra;na, Hare Rama, Rama Ram.a, RareHare• Hoping you are well.

Sriman. Kirtanananda Swami c/o .�ose R•· D. 3 Moundsville;w. · Va• You� ever \":ell-wisher, · . , ..... I - ;(;�:7(Lt.l \·tL. {L�<.t�.-u�ct ,�\: 'J.\..,L(J: ---� . . �--------------·�· .s:.f ,;4L>l .l�}VL 0- fJct;li �) t[l't;,'j -�) '/ . ;1 .. I o I ..,. 1 I ' # t)c .u._ t�i ·�·.... . -------·

6� ��:�6ocitty'ForI<Nruut.Ccnsc�tte6S

My Dear Upendra,

Please accept my blessings. I hav� received your letter of May 25, 1968, and I thank you very much for it. Yes, I received the medicine intact, and I thank you for sending it.

I am going to Montreal on Monday, June 3rd, and if I find l1lontreal quite suitable, I shall call you and some other students to assemble there to practice Samkirtan in a systematic way. Of course, chanting Hare Krishna does not require any artificial artistic sense, but still, if the procedure is presented rhythmically, then the people may be attracted more by the transcendental music. So, Hansadutta asked me about you and I have said that you will be able to come as soon as I call you, so first of all let me go there, then I shall let you know what to do.

For the present, you endeavor to make the Rathajatra Festival grand successful. You should arrange the procession and procedure so nicely that all the neighboring people may be attracted to join the procession.

Yes, your question about will and the individual and the difference between_them: Thinking, feeling and willing is the subtle covering of the individual soul •. This thinking, feeling, and willing is accelerated by the individual soul. In material contact, th!y are manifested in perverted way. When the individual soul voluntarily surrenders to Krishna and acts in a routine method, thinking, feeling and willing becomes purified and �t that time, there is no difference between the individual soul and will.

Shygmsundar is a good servitor from the very beginning, and so is Harsharani. I am very much obliged to you all that you are taking care of Jaggannatha so nicely. The more you m��e the Diety of Jaggannatha attractively dressed, the more you shall become spirituallly attractive.

If Jaggannatha desires, then I may also join you, but the idea of makin� San Francisco as New Jaggannatha Puri is my tr��scendental dream, and if you fulfill this dream, I shall be so much obliged to you all.

The example of Naradji, that when he realized Krishna in his previous life, that life and next life, there is no difference. The exam�le is given sometimes in th.- "f'""n"..

Uid4ndl §o6Wamt
DATED..June l.• ........... ..........196.�..
CAMP: ISKCON RADHA KRISHNA TEMFLE 95 Glenville Avenue Allston, Mass. 021 34

coconut skin �hen it is dried up, the fruit within the covering of coconut is hard. And if the coconut is shaken, it is found that. the coconut fruit is moving within. Because it has dried up and broken a·way from the inner walls of the coconut skin. So it has nothing to do with the outer skin, even though it . appears that it is within that skin. Similarly, when one is purely in Krishna Consciousness, it may appear that h<! is within the material existence, but actually he has nothing to do with it. He is dried up, like the coconut fruit; and that process of d..r;Ying-up is forgetting all sense gratification, and exeeuting Krishna Consciousness full time. So, when one is pnr.ely in Krishna Consciousness, his rresent life and in future life ere identical.

Hone you are well.

51e Frederick Street San Francisco, Cal. 94117

ou ever we1 wishe , tivedanta Swami



Y_our c,iC")·r I we l l--wisher, (-\·· ( \ H\{ :.\11\\. (( �-- ,; (rc.:Y(\lT 1 ', ' I \ . I . , \.• ,. \.. \ \ ....../ . .. . \. . A." • · B'halctivcdanto. Swami C::�-----------·-·------------ -----� �-

l�y Dear H.ayrama � . �� ,.• .J.unc...8., ... .. .. .... .. .. .. .... ... .. sG8.. .
Quebec, Canada
Pl case a.ccc;pt my blessings. I have not he arcl cmyth:Lng from you in long time what is the situ at i on with publication of our Back 'J�o Godhead. So I Hm anxious to know when :Lt will be again publisbcd) and if it can be rce;ul arly pr:Lni:';;ed, even on our mj_mcograph machin e . It is ·too much important that it must be distrib-· utod regularly) as it is tho backbone of our mis$1on. So, even it is not printed very expensively and h:Lgly, still, it; must be distributed even in mimeograph copy. Jmcl then in future we can print it very nicely, when there is the money there to do it. So ple ase see to it, and please let me know the pooition by return of post us soon as -poS's:Lblc.
I hope you arc well there, and d e l ivering your nice lectures for all to he ar and enjoy.


3720 Park Avenue

M:ontreal 18, Quebec Canada

DATED J.une 12, .............. 1968

.My Dear Rayrama,

Please accept my blessings. I tharuc you very much for your letter of June 9th, 1968, and it is very kind of you that you are seriously thinking about Krishna Consciousness movement and trying to engage yours�lf more a.nd moreseriously. My blessings are always with you. You are very sincere boy trying your best to serve Krishna and by His Grace you are quite fit for this business, and considering all these points, I have entrusted Back To Godhead in your hand. Because this paper is the beginnine of my spiritual life. During the time of my Guru Maharaj's passing away, His last instruction was to me that "You try to preach whatever you have learned from me in English, and that will do good to you and the people who will hear you." This instruction was given to me in 1936, and I started this paper in 1944. So during my householder life I was printing this paper and almost distributing free, and some of them were paying me subscription, and some of them not. But I was trying my best at my cost. You have seen the old articles about my tendency in this regard, and please try to follow this principle and improve the condition of this paper as you think best.

ou have got full liberty to make it acceptable to the general public, keeping pace with our principles of Krishna Consciousness. And as I have told you several times that I am awaiting for the day when this paper will take the shape of Life maga�ine or similar other magazines, in the matter of its popularity. From India this p{ilper has been brought to America, with this hope that American youngboys like youwill take interest in spreading this sublime gospel of Krishna Consciousness.

By the by, I require you to find out the duplicate copies of Srimad Bhagavatam, 2nd Canto, and a few chapters of the 3rd Canto, which are lying in my closet in my room, and send to me immediately. I want to prepare it for printing in Japan just after the printing of TLC is finished. I have decided · it now definitely that all my printing works now shall be done in Japan. In America it is too expensive, and in India it is too much botheration. Therefore in future if there is money sufficient I wish to print each volume of my book, 5000 copies. Now, very soon we shall get 5000 copies of TLC and we have to organize the sales propaganda. If there is sale, then there is no scarcity of matter for printing. Mukunda has written

that he is acquainted with some man for selling Back To God-

heads, and you can just contact him to know further about it.

I am sending you today the balance book sheets of TLC to Brahmananda. Hope you are we

- is er,

FTL E J\C�har:::Ja::6w� ��:�6ocitty7or
I ' .
e r


3720 Po.rk Avenue

Montreal 18,Qu ebe c Canada accept my blessings. I was ju st exp ect i ng your lett ' er since I have come here from Bo s t on . I have al re ady informed you ab out my successful program in Boston, attending many c ol l et:�s and unv8rsit ic s, and church me etings, practicclly throughout the whole mo nt h . And Sriman S<:!.tsvarup a is to be. congratul at ed for hi s endeavor to ke ep me en gaged in such meefint5s . I t hought that y ou were going to San Franc j. sco GS you iid'orme d me previously that during Rathe,yatra fe st iva·l you would be there. The Rathayatra f e s tival is go ing to be he l d be twe en 27th June to 7th July, and they are making b ro ader arrang�;ffient than 1 ast ye ar , and expec ting people numb ering .from 1 000 to 5000 v1ill attend the procession, chant i ng Hare Krishna . They have been advised to turll San Francisco .gradually into NewJagg<:mnathn. Pu:rt"i , and I have advi s e d Kirtanananda and yours elf to convert West Vi rg ini a into New Vrindaban. I underst and the s p o t is very· b eau t ifu l , and the hills may ibc rename d as Nev1 Govardhen. And if there lakes, they can be renc:o.Jn ed as Shyc::mkunda and Radhakunda. Vrindaban do es no t re qu i re to be mo dcrni2je d be;cause Krishna's Vrind.aban is transcendental vill age . They completely depend on nature 's be auty and naturc's proJ'tcction, The commu nity in which Krislma prefe rre d to belong vws Vaist:-·a comr:mni ty , because Nanda Nahar aj happcneci t o be a Vaishya ki?.!['; , or landhol der , and his main b us ine s s was cow protection. It is unde rs t oo d that he had 900 , 000 c ows and Krishna and Balal�aLl used to charge of them , along wi th Hi s many cowhe rdboy friends, and ev eryde:y , in the mvrning He u::>ed to go out with Hi s friends and c ows into the pasturing grounds. So , if you seric�,wly want to convert this ne'vv spot as NeVI Vrindaban, I shall advise you not to make it ve ry much !no dernized . But as you arc .M!lerica.n boys, you must make i t just suitabl e . to your minimu..l!l needs . Not to make it too much l uxri ou s as generally Europeans and Nner ic a n s are accusto�ed . Be tter to live the re without modern amenities . But to live a no.tural healthy li fe for executingKrishna C onsc i o usn e ss . It may be an ide al vi llage wher.:= the residents will have pl ain living and hi gh thinkingo For plain livi:ng v1e must have sufficient land for rai sing crops and p ast uring grounds fo r the cows. If there is sufficient Brains and production of milk , then the whole ec o nomic problem is solved� You do no t re quire a�y machines, c ineQa, ho t els , s l aught e r houses, brot hel s , nightclubs--all these modern 12.meni ties . Pe o p l e in the spell of maya arb trying to squeeze out gross pleasure fron the s e ns e s , which is n o t pos-· sibl e to d e rive to our he art 's content. Therefore we are con-

.J:1.tnc...l4., .................... m�s...

f c1 nud baffled in our uttcnpt o cscnc\l � . -;

t · ,

usc-"' •. ·- '11 � . rful life is on the splrltualgross matt--r. Ac �.�uo.. 'J' JO;) · t . �.. valuable time from forr•l thcrcforG ;·.-·e SllOuld try 0 OU-- . • c• ,�,, .t ., . 1 rctivities and engar;e themforKrlshna ConsClOU.:.>llCwvo l ma er1a a -- '-.. h to keep our body and sou But at the srJ_me time' ·�c.�causc Vvt=; aveff. .· _,_ (not t · on we musthave SU lClen '- • togetherto cxccu c our tnl.--, · , • 1" d b r r:r'�"'ains cxtrQ-vagantly) food to eA-t, and tha.t vnll ?� supp J.e _ ;y �t ' · t d ;lk so if voucandevelop tn1splace to �h._;,. fl'Ul s, a..'1 m� • ·d 1 -r,- • bn ConscJ.our mr>n 1. dc·a] life andthe residentsbecone l ea .n.rls a h"l "' , :· ' · - I th" k t onlv many p 1osopnl- inthc>.t pm't l•:' yourcountry' . J.n � no ,."�. '"llbebenef� callyminded people 'ltvill be att:.L'acted,but they Wl ited also.

0 fnr I at!l personallyconcerned? th� United State : Imn�-�rati�n Dop8.rtment hasdeniedmya_ppllc �tJ.on .f� � ��rr;��i_�t a VJ.Sa on some technica � ground. n i 1 t h ����hso-called Swr.Swruo.i, bccaus� tnegovc�nm ... � . · : ." ____ , .....�+- +-ha ;nnnf'.Pnt: public in yourcountry. The difficui·fy isthat the people in this country, theywant tocontinuetheirpractice ofs�nse gratificatio:1, and at the saJne time they want to beco:ne tre..nscendcntully adv�mced. Thin isquitecontr8.dictory. One can advance in transcendental life by processof nega.tivatinr; tho general practice of materialistic life. The exactadjust�cnt is in Vaishnava philosophy,which is called Yukta Varap.ya, ffiC6..l1S that ViC should simplyaccept the bare necessltfesof our material p!lrt of life, and tryto save time for.spiritual ?..dvancemer:.t. This Bhould be the mottoof Nev1 Vrindaban, ifyou at alldevelop it to the And I am alvmys atyour serviceto helpyoubypractical suggestion and assistance also.

On the othc;r hand I was thj_nkin� that if I get perr!lanent visaint1ontreal, I shall make 11ontrcal my headquarters and at that time I rrw,y require your help in so.many \W.D::i"S. As ·.•:e passed correspondence previously, that we s�ould live together either in Indi<J. or in this partof the worldfor publication of so r.1any Vaishnavs. litcraturcs. But ifyou·wantto develop Ne.w Vriridabon, I youfor that purpose, and b0 that we.can live there together. For the timebeing, ifyou actuallyV/ant todevelopsuch ideal ashram, we must have sufficient land, and all other things willgradually grow. For raisingcropsfrom the land., hovr mat�y meni-Till be required-that we must estimate andfor hcrding.thc cows and feeding them. \Ve musthave sufficientpasturine; ground to feed the animals all rou;:1d. We have to maintain tbc arlimals throughout their life. \Ve must not make any prograwfor selling them to the slaughter;J:10uses. is the wayofcowprotection. KrishJlo. byHis pre,c tic8.1 ex8.P1ple taughtusto give allprotection to the cows ::mdthat should be the main businessof New Vrindaban. Vrindaban is alsoknown as Gokula. Go means co-ws, and kula m•.,ans congregation Therefore thespecial feature of New Vrindaban vlill·be co71protection, and by doing so, vre shallnot be loser. In Indiaofcourse, a cow isprotected and the they derive sufficientprofit bysuch protection. Cowdungisused asfuel. Cowdungdried in the sunshine kept in stockfor utili§ing them as fuel in the

et,rnaloleasure frcm

villages. f'hey get v;heo.t vnd othur ccr•:O::lls produced fr'.J.:n the. field. Th2I't: iH milkWld vcge:to.blt::.:!:; t'nUtlwfuel: 1.s cov1uun.g, '"i1n<:lf11u.S,�ficy are s�If-J.ndepcndent J.n ·everyvl.TIUC;e. T!1erc arc hand v1cavcrs for tl1e clo-tll.-::tiJlUt1ic-country o1.l-mill (consistinc; of a bullwalkinE in circle round. two bic; grit.1dinr; stones, attach�d with yoke) grinds �he oil seeds into oil. �'he ·whole idea is th<:tt people rcsic'iing in N(:w· Vrind.aban raay not to· seo.:cch ont VJOrk outside. l"lrrnnc:;cments should be such that the residents should be self-satisfied. TaRt vii11 make Wl ideal <?,shrruu. I do not know these ideals can be e;iven practical shape, but I think like that; thc.t people mny be hc;pp7 :i.n pl0ce \'lith land and CO\'J w:l-thout endeavoring for tics of modern- Iifc--=vilircn.--sTmpry1nCJ:'ease a.n:;· !or m-aintenance <3llG propert!qUiiA.!eiit. 'l'hc less Vie are a.nxl.pUS for our body and soul together, the mo�e we.bocome favorable for advancing in Krishna Consciousness.

Hoping you are well.

-----·-·--- .. ...-� ' �·----,.,__-


My Dear Sa.tsvarupa,

Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter of June 12 , 1968. Yes, I am getting some good opportunities to meet here several learned scholars. Last night we had � rneetin3 in i;he house o.f Mre Abdul Rfl.bbi� ?.n.dthere were some University professors and a Dr. Abbot, a Dr. MacMillan, and many others, two clergymen, and their wives. ·one Father Lanlais was without wife. So there was very good discussion and by the Grace of Krishna, I was able to give them some impression of this philosophy, that i� is nicer than anything. Professor Abdul is Mohammedan, and is writing a thesis of Sufi religion. And he was also impressed. Un.fortunately, I had to eat there, but I accepted a little fruits only, while they were eating all sorts of nonsense, but at least they did not drink. We are the two persons only, Janardan and myself, we avoided all kinds of nonsense.

Brahmacharies and Brahmacharinis can live in the temple provided there is separate arrangement. The restriction is· there because if they live to§�ther there might be sex impulse� agitated. The whole principle is especially for the Brahmacharies to avoid causes which may give impetus to the sex desire. But in your country it is very difficult to make aloof the boys and girls because they are accustomed to mix together. So it is not 'possible for me to introduce this new system very strict� ly, because they are trained differently. Someway_ or other, if you are intelligent boy� you should make arrangement for the boys and girls to live separately;::..-3rahmacharies at one place all together, and the Brahmacharinis all together at another place. We should always remember that sex life in. spiritual advancement is great impediment. · So keeping this point of :view in front, we should intellig.ently manage things with great dare. So that our aim of life may not be missed.

Ma.har2.j Das::1rath, although he was a great devotee of the Lord, but because he was a Kshatriya king, keeping one's prom·· ise is inevitable for him. _ He preferred to banish Ra111achandra on the request of his wife on the principle of his promise. Ip. higher states of spiritual life, one can brea� even promises also, but they� are devotees of comparative merit. In the case of Vasudev, we find that he was spiritually more advanced than 1tlaharaj Dasarath. Vasudev was also in agreement with KaEsa that he would deliver all his sons to his hand, as soon as the child is born. But in the case of Krishna, he broke his promise. The point i

a appeare� as the full

f:ILE Uid'�;::W.l§ost'Ja.uu �'AC�6d«ai:�Je£i0Vf,�£,.3���r�
CAMP: ISKCON RADHA KRISHNA TEMPLE 3720 Park Avenue Montreal 18 , Quebec Canada

2 fledr;ed Supreme Personality of Goanead. But Hnm�1chandra appearr - ed as an ideal kinf.j. The refore in the Lila of IiaJODChandrB, '[T..J principles of morality and ethics ns tl..:.ey are to be follow.�d

�- ;:..-:, by ideel kine; and ruler was foll0\ved. In the so:ne sense, .He . -:. _ banished Sit a in order to prove Himself as an ideal king who �;_ �� wanted to make His suojc;;cts ;�t.lwaz,rs happy. The �·:hole proc;rrun was on the basis of an ideal king. But in the case of Lord �

Krishna, He plRyed as full independent Supreme Personality of r.�. Godhead. Apparently, therefore he transgressed so many moral

t and ethical principles. These comparative studies on the life �...... x;- of Krishna and Ramachandra is very intricate, but the basic · rJ principle is that Ramachandra appeared as an ideal king and Krishna appeared as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Alt..·. �. though there is no difference between the two., A similar f�.�� example is Lord Chaitanya. He appeared as devotee, and not as 1=- the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although He is Krishna t: Himself. So we should accept the Lord's mood in particular f:' appearances and we shmlld worship Jlim in that mood. Sometimes

�, because He is � Kris�a Hims�lf,

,,-..-. sh:tps H�"=l :tn ._.he s.gme mnnner e�S Kr1shna. But Kr1shl'la W3S 1n

the role of enjoyer anc.: Lord Chaitanya is in the role of being

enjoyed. So the party knovm as Gouranga Naga'ri, they .are con­

sidered to be deviated from pure devotional service, on account

of Lord Chaitanya given the same facility of Krishna, which He

did not like. Our service mood should be compatible to the

attitude of the Lord. Not that we should overlap the attitude

of Krishna to Lord Chaitanya, or Lord Chaitanya to Krishna,

or Krishna to Ramachandra, or Ramachandra to Krishna. There­

fore, in the Sastras, specific injunctions are there, just

like to worship Lord Chaitanya is by the method of chanting

Yes, it is true that Ramachandra banished Sita later on. Ayodhya is not bound up with any material worlds. Just like Vrindaban is not. bound up by any material lir.11tations, as much as Krishna is not bound up by any material limitations. So the kingdom of Ayodhya historically was a tract of lamd as we see at the present moment, but at that time the kingof Ayddhya was the emperor of the world.

Yes, that is very nice, your statement that "I am offering special f]:c:)wers and prayers to Lord Jaggannath every morning because I know He is liberal to crippled and mistake-making devotees of His Lotus Feet." If we are always afraid of our mistakes, Krishna will save us from all such misgivings and even imperceptively we commit some mistake, He will forgive us. But we should be always very .careful not to commit mistakes.

You are trying your best at_thrrt center, and Krishna will help you certainly. I am very glad to see that you are r.:ort· disappointed. This is a good sie;n. One should work with courage and patience, and certainly Krishna will be pleased. For the time being you have four or five devotees there, so you try to maintain them there, so that you can carry on your program. Hoping �ou are all well.

�� Lo:d:Ch�it�y
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c.•, .,:-�
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Hare Krishna •
. · , �



3720 ParkAvenue

Montreal 18, QuebecCanada

June 17, 1968


Pleaseacceptmyblessings. Iamverymuchthankfulltoyou foryourletterdatedJune 12, 1968. ThescienceofKrishnaConsciousnessistranscendentalsciencewhichisneverunderstoodby materialistic � persons. Therefore,theVedasorderusthat onemustapproachaspiritualmastertounderstandthattranscendentalscience. Andthequalificationofaspiritualmasteristhat he � hastohavereceivedtheknowledgesimilarlyfromabonafide spiritual mx master,andtheresultisthataspiritualmasteris completelyconvincedoftheexistenceoftheSupremePersonalit! ofGodhead,andheisfixedupinHisservice. Thatisthequalificationofthespiritualmaster. Inotherwords,thisscience isappreciatedbyserviceattitudeonly. Itisneverunderstoodby anychallengingspirit.·Onewhoissubmissiveandreadytogive auralreceptionofthe % transcentlentalmessage,tohimonlyth� transcendencebecomesrevealed. Sothemoreyoubecomeinservice attitudeforKrishna,KrishnawillrevealHimselftoyou. Krishna iswithinyooandHeisawaitingyoursurrenderandservice,·and assoonasHeseesthatyouareseriouslyinservingmood,youwill understandeverythingaboutKrishna---Hisqualities,Hisform,His pastimes,Hisentourage,andHisabode. Iamverygladtoknow

thatyouaregradually xXi steppingupwardsbyyourserviceattitudeand,Iwouldrequestyoutoprolongthisattitudeeternally, andKrishnawillrevealHimselfuntoyoucontinually. Inother words,Krishnaisunlimited,butthemoreweadvanceinservice attitude,weappreciateHiminnewerand KER newerfeatures. ThereisaversespokenbyYamunaAcharya. Hesays, sinceIhave beguntorealizethenewere'andnewerfeaturesofKrishna,Ihave forgottenmoreandmoreaboutmaterialenjoyment. AMAndthesummit ofmaterialenjoymentissex, AndYamunaAchyaryasaysthatwheneverIthinkofsex, I spitonit. ThisisthestateofKrishna Consciousness. Themoreyouforgetaboutnonsenaematerial x enjoyment,youmustknowyouareadvancinginKrishnaConsciousness. You haven'tgottoaskanybodyhowyouaremakingprogress,youwill realizeyourselfbythistest. Justlikeapersontakinglunch,he willfeelsatisfiedofhungerandstrength,himself. Similarly, themoreyouserveKrishna,youwillforgetmaterialhankeringsand �etspiritualstrength. Thisisthetesb.

Iamgladtoknowyouarefeelinglikethat,andkeepingchant�ingHareKrishnaandtheanswerisalreadyreceivedbyyou. Thank youverymuch.

Regardingyourquestion,howEKrishnacanbecomeamale: (yourquestion,. "••.I readfromSrimadBhagavatam, chap. 11,text7 "Oh,CreatoroftheUniverse,Youareourmother,well-wisher,Lord, father,thespiritualmasterandworshipablediety.� I wasasked, 1HowcanKrishnabemotherifHeistheSupremeMale?11) Youhave toforgetalwaysmaterialconceptsofexistenceforKrishna.

Krishnaistotallydifferentfromanythingofmaterialconcept.In thematerialidea,wethinkthathowamalecanbeafemale,orhow 9 afemalecanbecomeamale. Thisismaterial. Butyouknowthe picturethatKrishnaasGarbhodasayiVishnuislyingonthe XRX sea x�,andalotusstemisgrowingoutofHis amabdomen navel,andBrahmaisbornthere. Vishnu'swife, Lakshmi,waspresentthere. ShewasjustmassagingtheLord'sleg, andtheLordavoidedherandproducedachild. Hereinthematerial world,withouttheassistanceofthewife,nobodycanproduceachild Butthereisthetangibleexample, thatVishnu,withoutanysexlife XNXgwithwifeHeproducedachild. Inthematerialsense,wecannotconceivehowachildcantakebirthwithoutbeingbornthrough theabdomenofonewoman. Therefore,Krishnabeingbothfatherand mother,Hecanbeaddressedalsoasmother. ThatisHisall-powerfulstrength. HeisfullinHimself. Hedoesnotrequireanyone's help,therefore,He x isbothK fatherandmother. Ithinkthiswill clearyouridea.

Itisourmaterialthinkingthatishenderingus. Youare thinkingmale,ofthematerialworld,andamaleinthematerial worldcannotproduceachild, xxx AndifyouXk±kthinkalsothat Krishnaismother,againyouarethinkingwithmaterialconception. Sowehavetoavoid KXusingourmaterialthinkingandmaterialconceptswhenwethinkaboutKrishna. Therefore,wehaveto -��Fmxapproachabonafidespiritualmasterinorderto�understand.

Anotherexampleisexplained iRX intheBhagavadGita, that Krishnabegetsthelivingentities,withinthewombofmaterial

ThematerialnatureisalsoexpansionofKrishna'spotency. The potencyisnotdifferentfromthepotent. Justlikethebeatis notdifferentfromthefire. Inotherwordsheatandfireisthe samething; soifwetalkinthatway, thematerialnatureisthe motherandKrishnaisthefather. ButmaterialnaturebeingnotseparablefromKrishna,Krishnabecomesbothfatherandmotherat xk«xmthesametime. Theheatisfireandthefire a isheab, althoughyoucanbeartheintensityofhat,butifyouputinto thefire,youwillbeburned. The kHxXheatandfirearesimultaneouslyoneanddifferent. Thatisthephilosophyofinconceivablyoneanddifferent, expoundedbyLordChaitanya. Tytounderstandinthatway.

Yournextquestion, ("InSrimadBhagavatam, x chap. 9, text1, 1SutaGoswamisaid, thusbeingafraidoftheactofkillingthe subjectsinthebattlefieldofKurukshetra,Maharaj-Yudhisthirwent tothatplaceofmassacrewhereBhismadevawaslyingonabedofarrowsforpassingaway,forpa±passingaway. Bhismadavawas � endowedwiththepowerofleavinghismaterialbodyathis witttx willandhislyingdownonabedofarrowswashisownchoice.") DidBhismadevagetwoundedbyarrowsatthebattle �ofKurukshetra,ordidHe g simply� choosetoleavehismortalbodyand thuslaydownforpassingpnabedofarrows?") BhismadevawassurelywoundedbythearrowsofArjuna. Butwo8ndingisnotalwaysthe causeofdeath. Inourownpracticalexperienceweknowthatmany soldiersbecomewoundedinbattlefield, sometimesveryseverely, butstilloneisnotdead--herecovers±akin � thehospital. S


SoBhismadeaawascertainlysuchseverelywounded, butthatwas notthecauseofNi1hisdeath. HeprefeeredtoXXxKX+liedown onthebedofarrowsandallPandavasandKrishnarrivedthereto ERseehispassingaway. Sohis p�passingawaywasjustonhis ownwill--thatwasthebeneditiongivenbyhisfather, InthebattlefieldBhismadevaalsowoundedveryseverelyKrishna. Hewasa greatdevoteeofKrishna. AndLordKrishnaacceptedthosearrows piercingHisbodyasifsomebodyisworshippingwithsoftrose flowers. ThatisKrishna'stranscendentalbody. Butthosewhoare materialists,theyarecheatedbyKrishnathatheis �wounded. ThematerialistwillthinkthatKrishnawaswounded,butonewho knowswhatisKrishna,knowsalsothatHeisworshippedbythearrows. Sointhebattlefield,neitherKrishnawaswounded,neither Bhismadevadieddueto a theinjuriesoutofthewoujds. Hedecidedtopassaswyatthattime,thereforehedied. Thesethingswill bemoreandmoreclearwhenyou�understandKrishnabyrevelation. Ithinkifyoumakeprogressinyourpresentatt±gwxattitude,youshallsoonknowalltheseintricaciesofspiritualand rnateraillivingconditions.

Iam K verygladtolearnthatyouare �atLosAngelestemple. Pleasetrytoimprovetheconditionofthetempleconjointly,amd


JustnowI receivedonetelephonemessabefromSanFranciscothat agirlbabyisbornofMalatiandShyansundar. Andtheyaskedme forregistrationofthebaby'sname,andsheisnamedby me asSarawatidevi. Please �prayforthenewlybornba�yinKrishnaCon-

sciousness. Hopingyouareallwell.



My Dear Satsvarupa,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 23, 1968, and I have noted the contents. I ru.:t :n·rymuc:'l pleased to hec:tr of your good sur.r-ess jn tht?. p:rk on Slinday. · This is- very much encouraging to me, to hear so many people are hearing the chanting, and philosophy,and also taking nice prasadam as well. Yes, it is very good, and you please continue with this sort of program! This system should be followed and you �ill be successful. Because in New York also Hansadutta is following this system, holding Kirtan at Central Park every day, and he is collecting in the same way. All together he is collecting 50 to 70 dollars by contribution and by selling Back To Godhead. This is actually our successful propaganda. We want to distribute our literature and books .as well as our prasadam, and injecting our Hare Krishna medicine within the ear. So, reading of the literature and hearing of the chanting is the medicine, and prasadam is the diet. So, if diet and medicine are properly administered the disease of maya will be cured. But the physician must be always healthy. People may not say, physician is ill tl�self. That means the preachers must be of· highly elevated character, following strictly the rules and regulations and chanting regularly in the temple. There may be so m.any odds in the prog�essive march of Krishna Consciousness, but if we pin our faith in Krishna, everything will co�e out successful in du� cou��e�

Yes, Krislma didn't like tha.t place, for $350, so you coule not acquire it.

Please convey my blessings to Jadurany, Madhavi Lata, and Devananda. You are all good souls; please work together combinedly for sprea.ding Krishna Consciousness there ifu that city. Hoping you are well.

ffiaatu!t§oswam� J4c
DilffD .J.une 27.,. . .. ...1968...
Cflr.�?:ISKCON RADHA KRISHNA TEMPLE 3720 Park Avenue Montreal 18, Quebec Canada
95 Glenville A.-venue Allstcn, Maaz. 02134

Cfl�iP: ISKCON RADHAKRISHNA TE!'.I.PLF; 3720 Park Avenue

Montre al Quebec C anada

C.11�0.if�.n�....).9.s..................... ....... 1SS..�

My De ar Kirtanananda,

Please accept my bl e ssinrss . I thank you very much for you:rl ett e r dated June 22, 1968 , andI have noted the contents� The suggestion of c onstruc tin g New Vrindaban as I 1 ve suggested in Hayagrj_vu 1 s letter is the only method by which we c.::.:1 become suecessful in co ns truetine; the HewVrindaban schE:·:nc. P.ut if you have got impedj.ments in the matter, as yo u sa;)' tha t the propri e tor of the land is of different views, then I do not know hO'.'I you 111 be abl e to construct it freely ac co rd:Lng to our idea. Mr. Rose. may be very good man, but he doe s not know what is sectarian ru1d VJl:at i.o non-s e ct o.ri an . But at leact you should know that Krishna is non-sectarian. Krishna cla.ims that He is the se e d-givine; Father of all the 8,400,000 species of life visible within the material creation. They may be of different forms--somEJ of them a:t."'e aquatics, some of t hem ve get abl e s , pl&"lts, some of them are worms, some of them are birds, so me of th em ru....e beasts, some of them. are human beings. Krishna claims that all of them are His begot.t en sons. Neither Krishna claims Himself that He is an India!l or a Ks hatriya, or a Brahmin, or white or blae;k; He c l a ims that :-:e is the Enjoyer of everything that b e , He is the Propri e tor of &11 the p l ane ts and the creation, and He is the intim a te friend of all l iving entities. He never claims that one shoul d offer Him v�ry valuable th:i.nGS to satisfy Him; or very delicious foodstt�ff should be of fered to HiQ--but He says that even a little bit _of l e af , a little_bit of fruit , and vmter, you offer to Him withdevotionand love , aJ1d He accepts and eats �nch things. So it is a f ac t that Krishna is universal. Krishna is non-sectarian, and therefore if Mr. Rose act· want s to have some institution, he r:mst knov.:f.. how that non-sectarian institu�ion is possible. So f actual ly , · Krishna Consciousness is non-s2ctarian movement. There is no sectarian question. But if somebody wi tho ut understru1ding this nons ect ari an phil o sophy thinks otherwise, he himself becomes immediately sectarian. I the ref o re think that you shou.ld try to convince £:1r. Rose about our philosophy of Krishna Consciousness, and l e t him b e co;ne ac tu al ly non-sectarian. Without underst ::;m.ding Krisl;ma everyoneis se c t arian , and c ombinat ion of such non-Krisru1a Consciousness persons v1ill never create any institution of non-sect- · ari an nature. That is not possible. If Mr. Ro se is serious to �ive f ac il ity for a non- s ec�ari an institution in that part of the country, heshouJ.clunderstandKrishna and t.htsphilosophythoroughly. Our Krishna Consciousness movement is no re li gious m.ovement as it is ge neral ly unde rsto o d . Ourpropaganda is to make p e opl e feel for Krislma or God, and . become engaged in His transc zndent al loving service. Anyone who has a concept of God will· agree: to this philo sophy . "There are many sectarian rel igions where acceptance of


God is there, but there is no love for God. So we are teaching love for God. That uteans Krishna Consciousness is the post-graduate class fo� all religious sects. We do not protest the Christians,_ or I•.lohaml,ieda.ns, or Jews, or ru1y other r·3li{)iou.s seet� ·that there is no idea of God conception in their religions. More or less in every religion the God conception is there. But� nobody tries to love God. Just like in Christian religion, they go to church ,everyday and tries to exact bread from God, but they n.ever try how to please God. And because this love of God, and the process is not thoroughly j_nstructcd, thercfor3 they have co:ne to the .stage of understanding that God is dead. At the present; moment in many Christian churches, this philosophy is being taught, that God is dead. But so far we are concerened, we cnm1o�� accept this philosophy, that God is dead. But we preach on the other hand, that God is not only not dead, but He can be a:9proached finally face to face. And the method is very simple, cl1antine5 th�: Holy N�illle of God--Hare Krishna, Hare KrishnaJ Krishnn Krishna, Hare Hare. Hare R<:�ma, Hare Rama, Rama Rarna, H3.rc Hare. This process is standard, a.nd tested. So far it's test is concerned} you know very well about it b0cause in this part of the v1orld., all my disciples are non-Hindu, and non-Indians. But s·d.ll they have taken to this rnantre., Mahm,lantra, very;y a.nd they are deriving good result oiJ.t of it. So there is no question about its gen' presentation. We should therefore push on. this movement in the se11c cimple manner as we are doing. That ever-yone should come and sit together and chant this Holy Nam.:: Hare Krishna. If this system is taken as sectarian, then I am sure your attempt for organizing New Vrindabilll under the care of Mr. Rose \Vill not be successful. The best thing will be to chant Hare Krislma, call all the nej_ghbors, in that part of the stlate, and develope their taste for it. Then try to endeavor to do sc�·,1ething for developing New Vrindabon. For the present, live as simply as possible, w:Lthout any endeavqr to develope that part into Ne'·'' Vrinda.ban, or do it peacefully as you have mentioned, but you. must continue to chant Har2 Krishna, at least you and Hayagriva, and ask everybody to johi you. At least Mr. Hose crumot objcc.t to this peJ.:-formance of :rartan b-ecause he w<:.nts to give facilit;:l to all sects. So even if he takes j_t that our Krif.;hn.C't. Consciou:-3ness movement is also a particular type of sect, cerl:iainly he will not have any objecti.on. Therefore, the conclus:i.on is thett you must r0gula..rly hold Krisha Kirton, now, and oven as in m�r other centers they are doing. And live peacefully without any exagge�.-1!:;ion, and try to convince people about the non--s>3cta1·ia.n nature� of Krishna Conscj_ou.sness. I think that ·will mF.tlte you successful in this great adventure. Before the advent of Lord Chaitcmya, nobody had exhibited the practical way of developing love of Godhead, and the process is open to everyone; therefore this is simple, non-sectarinn, and sublime.

But, if the people are backwa!'ds and suspicious, then how your. scheme will be successfuL� in that part of the copnt�y? This movement is meant for intelligent class of roen, those v1h0 have reasou and logic to understand things in a civilized way, andwhoareouen--hco.rt�dtorecoive things as theyara. But apart fro:1. su;�h, I think there is not any cause of suspicion j_f soLl�body si:-153 Eu1d dances. So without rcHmneration if sometody sings and dances at hi.s place, vvhat is the cause or suspic:i.on'? !3ut if the plac.:: is inf"stecJ. with such susp:Lci�ms men and bi:tckward class, then hov1 you cen develope a New

YrJ.ndaban I i i I i

there? The circumst::·:ncos os you have described them is not very favorable. Thereforo I the attempt w:Lll not be very successful. Kris lm a Co.nsctouoness movement can be pushed forv1c.rd in a favorable atmo sphe re • . If the atm osphere is not favorable, then· don • t attempt� it will be failurc. Precaution you may taJce, but as you grow larger, if they are s usp ici ous then. they may cause trouble. Rece.use you can dress yourself and l ive peacef�ully at your home, but if your neighbors are always sus picious, then there may be always d anr;er. Therefore, v1hy should we make our re sidence in such a place . And I think no Brahmachary will agree to go the�·e and live in such uncomfortable situati on , with suspicious neighbors. Simply for land1 we don't care. We simply wont favorable place for worsh.ipping Krishna.. That is our idea.

Anyway, please keep and I shall be very glad hoping you are well,

rae informed hovv the circumstances are, to hear fro� you at your convenience,


-... /' 1) . .
ev.e:r: /1ve .-\'JJ.sner, . l Jl ;'I /5://t '\ . ( · 1 ( �. • ;' , ' \ / •. ·. .'- · r,.# l; 1 : � / · .. � · ,· ,.-11 . l'i ���� ·\ ·. I ( ( '( (J ( I • Bhc-iktlvedanta S'VBflil. .... c • ., . _____........ ... ---·--- . ·�·· -· .p__.....--:_____ - - . -

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 28, 1968, and I thank you very �uch for it. Regarding Bali Mahar aj : He is born in the same atheistic family of Maharaj Prahlad. He hap pened to be the grandson of Maharaj Prahlad , and as his great grw""ld-father, liiranya1:as!.:pu was very powerful , there was animosity between the demigods and the demons, Bali Maharaj also defeated the de.r.ligods several times, and was occu pyi ng all, the planets. At that time Bamandev appeared qs the son of KasycL11uni. Bali Mahar aj was very cb.aritably disposed . Sometimes the atheists are also very charitable. Persons who believe that we are doing p ious c=tctivities, making charities and welfare wor}:: to the huinan soc iet y , why should we bother about God?-�such persons even though very moral and pious in the estimation of the material world, also deuons, on account of their apathy for Consciousness. So, Bali Maharaj was a man of that type. Under the circumstances he was not averse to accep t . charity and other pious ac�ivities. He �as bein� guided by his spiri�ual master, Sukaracharya. Suk ara means the semina. In other words , one clai�s to becom e acharya on the principle of being born of a Brahmin father. They may be called sukarachai·ya, or acharya or preacher not by disciplic succession, but on the right of heredity. In India there are still superstitions that one shoul .d be initiated by such sukaracharya family. They are called generally as the jatigo�ain . �sain means the caste spiritual master. All over India, espec ially in Bengal, this jatigos�in spi ritual mo.stership is very prevalent. But really goswami means one vtho is master of thP. infll:..ence o.l� different senses, namely the influence of tongue , the influence of mind, the influence of anger, the influence of belly, the influence cf genital, ru1d the influence of talking. So one who is master of these influential webbs of sense Gratificat ion ; he is called goswami. Goswami is not by hereditary chart. So Sukarachg_ry·a posed himself as such goswami spiritual master. He had many mystic powe rs, therefore he was considered to be very influential spiritual mas·ter of the demons • .

So when Bamandev appeared, Bali :Mahar aj v1as attracted by His beauty as a Dwarf Brahmin, and as he was charitabl y dis pose d , he wanted to give Him some charity. But Sukara.charya, being elevated tn mystic yogic pov;ers, he could understand that Barnandev was Vishnu • . And in order to favor the demigods, He had come there to cheat Bali Maharaj ill the shape of begging some charities. Bali Ma.haraj was puffed up with his ma.terial vanities, and Baman-

Dear Satsvarupa ,
Pa�k Avenue Niontreal Quebec C anada . lli\T£1) . . July. . }, .. . ..... . ... ...... .. . ... 1968..

devas He is Vishnu, all-peaceful, wj.thout interrupting his attitude, just approa�hed him in the form of a Brahmin, \7ho has a right to beg something from the princely order. And the princely orders also are always disposed, to make charities to the Brahmins.

Question, pare. 2�answer: Sukaracharya as spiritual moster of Bali taught him t;hat everything should be offered to Vishnu. But when Vishnu actually appeared before Bali, he was afraid of Bali Maharaj's charitable disposition. He warned Bali Maharaj that this Bamandev had come there to take everything .from him in the shap.e of charity, therefore he should not promise Him to give anything. This advice revolted Bali Maharaj because he was .formerly instructed that everything should be :to Vishnu., now, why Sukaracharya was asking him not to act by his previous instructions? Sukaracharya was afraid of his own position. He was living at the cost of Bali Maharaj, so if Bamandev would take away everything from Bali Maharai, he was thinking how he would live. That is a materialistic temperament. The materialist does not want to serve or to give to Vishnu·, because he thinks that by giving away to Vishnu he \?ill be put into pov-ertystricken condition. This .is materialistic estimation. But actually that is not the fact, as it will be evidenced by the dealing of Bali Maharaj and Bamandev•.

Question 1, answer: That is the materialistic way of worshipping. Materialists are always careful .for maintaining his material status quo first, and then please Vishnu. Although they profess to be devotees of Vishnu. Therefore the Krishna Consciousness pe�sons are greater than such materialistic worshippers. Materialist person perform all pious activities or devotional activities for so�e material gain, and as soon as there is any hindrro1ce in the path of material gain, they at once become demon. Therefore bhakti means without any material desires. That is the sign of pure devotee. He has no motive to satisfy his material desires by devotional service.

Question 2, answer: That is just his military spirit, that Bali Maharaj says "If He be the illustrious Lord Vishnu not desirous of foregoing His own fame, He shall wrest from me this earth after slaying me in battle, or He shall be slain by�." The last portion of this question is not very clear.

Question 3, answer: Why Bali r.1aharaj is considered a Mahajan: Bali Maharaj is Mahajan because he wanted to serve Vislmu by disobeying his non-bonafide spiritual master. As explained above, Sukaracharya was hereditary spiritual master by seminic succession. But Bali Maharaj £irst revolted against this stereotyped seminic succe-ssion spiritual master, and therefore . he is Mahajan. Srila Jiva Goswami has described in his Karamasandharvh'a that one should be anxiou9 to accept a spiritual master who is bonafide in spiritual knowledge. And if need be one should relinguish the connection . of hereditary spiritual master and accept a real bonafi�e spiritual master. So when Sukaracharya advised him contrary to his previous instructions, specifically, he checked Bali Maharaj i.n the metter of worshil?ping Vishnu, and thus Sllitaracharya became at once fallen doi<Il from the position of becoming a spiritual master. Nobody can become a spiritual master who is not a devotee of Vishnu. A brahmin may be very expert in the matter of

F 1 t:. t:� HDG- SDG - July 3J '- "8

'performing Vedic rituals, accepting charities, and distributing wc.alth--all theoe are exalted qualifications of the brahmins, ·but the Vedic injunction is,. in spite of possessing all these qualities, if somebody is against Lord Vishnu, he cannot be a spiritual master. So when Sukaracharya advised Bali Maharaj af)ainst Vishnu, he at vance became unqualified for becoming a 1 spiritual master. Bali Maharaj disobeyed such unqualified spiritual master, and therefore, he is accepted as Mahajan� Mahaj an means a personality whose footprints should be followed •• So, his exemplary behavior in rejecting a non-Vaishnava spiritual master being ideal to the bonafide students, he is ·considered a Ivlahajan.

If Jadurany wants to paint the picture of Bali Maharaj, it should be like this: 1) �he hall must be very nicely decorated, a princely hall'· 2) in one side of the hall� the royal throne should be presented as vacant, and .3) Bali Maharaj should pose himself bowing down before Lord Bamandev, and Bamandev should be painted with one leg on the earth; and one leg high in the sky; and one leg comj_ng out of his navel,and put on the head of Bali Maharaj. This means the charity of one's possessions is not full for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but when one's personal body and head is given to the service of the Lord, then one becomes perfect in offering everything to:' the Lord. This is called complete surrender of everything that a devotee may possess.

Bali Maharaj may be shown as not more than 40 years old, very nice looking king, well dressed like the royal order, and with mustache and no beard. Sukaracbarya should be wearing a Shaivite telok, and also Maharaj Bali can have a Shaivite telok, until after he meets with Bamandev, and then you can change Bali Maharaj's telok into a Vaishnava one.

Yes, Pradyumna is typing that 3rd canto and will send you soon. Hoping you are all well.

F I L 6
w ll-wisher, . · ;· 1 . -. i/ . ,)�:'" � .• hak�l Swaml

�'IY Dear Rupanuga,

Please accept my blessinGS• I am so clad to receive your letteF dated June 30, 196t5, just -vrhen I Has thinking of you, that I nave not heard from you since you met me at Boston--immediate�y I got your letter and it lras so nice coincidence! At the same time, j beloved devotees, namely Brahmananda, Rayarama, and Gargamuni also arrived at the same moment. So just now in Montreal it x is very p�easing atmospehere. Last night we had meetings and Samkr� Kirtan very nicely, and Brahmananda, Rayarama and Janardan, they spoke each 15 to 20 minutes and they spoke very nicely. And as you are also making proGress in Buffalo, l'Thich I can understand from the description of your letter, so I am getting more and more enthused that my spiritual children are gro1ving to Krishna Consciousness, and I can hope each one of you in future will be able to propagate this transcendental message. I rms so glad to learn that you are coming here 1-rith you child, Hr. Eric, and I shall be very glad to receive him here. I hope he is chanting Hare Krishna as he is already accustomed to it. This is the duty of father and mother to EITII6h� enlighten children in Krishna Consciousness and thus save them from the clutches of impending death. The Srimad Bhagavatam instructs that no body should be come father or mother if they cannot take this responsipility, namely, stopping the repeated birth and death cycle of their children.

Yes, the new house sounds very nice, and you can decorate it as you have suggested. It is very nice.

Yes, try to let James hear patiently this Hare Krishna Hahamantre, and he llill be tamed 1-fithout delay. If xmn.e:g somebody simply hears very patiently, he will be �ztkm altogether converted. In India, if a man is bitten by a serpent, it used to be, and still tEss is in some places, that an expert cr man lvould chant a mantra,

...., (

al1�ys on the ba c kcroun d, sti�l Krishna a dv i c e d .Arjuna that you have to fight, at the � same time, remember Me. The same principles ue have to foll01i. 1·Te have to rrork, just liice oth er s, a:ml:r and at the same timethink of Krishna con s tantly . �� Ou tsid ers sh ould be eoucated to knoii that ue are the most humb �e service o1· the human su ciety.


1'ne Horn kR:in is significance o1· "Ghe wan-c;ras be ing the root of devotional activ1teis. Krishnaya, unto Krisnna; Govinaaya, un-c;o Govinda; Gup1�anaBa��a bhaya, unto th e pP�easure H eser voir o1· the damse�s o1· B :caja, and Svaha, ND:I.r:n::i:n:g o1"1"ering .flh:.:t2Ctb.s:

oo�ations unto Him. You wi�� get in tlille tne tra ns�a t ions ofa�i the mantra s .

Yes, ue have got a�� tne quaiitles o1· -c;ne tiu pe r sou� . The re!ore, un�ess .x�a::: the Supersou� has got c on s ciousn es s , h ow w- we can have consciousne s s ? �·re a.ce the samp�es, tnere!·ore the orig i n mu st have aii tne qua.Kities that l'Te have. There ls no such t ning as acceptance or rejectlon by the m1nd or the �upersou� . our m1na 0 ' lB in tne present materia� existence a nonsense. Itls business is simp..Ly to accept or reject. T he Supersoul has s.trn:xs:mrx.s&;pa:J:ar.:t:a

milirrxiXKRXL4ai¥XllNXXITXRX no separate mind �iKe that, but He ha s got mind a.l::>o, and lillatever lie thinks in His mi nri , a�so, tha t is a fact. T h e r e is no rptE.s::t:tmrn question of accepting or 1�ejecting. In · Sanskrit �a nguage it is c a l led Satya SankalEa• And our min d is �i:m

Ji1caloa. The mind, body and the Supersoul :txx is the same .Abso�ute Gru "th, there is Iii no distintion betl'leen Them. This is in ans1·1er to your question, "is the ' cone cien c e l the symptom or the S u pe r sou .l ? 11

Your question, 11cou�d ue use alchemy to make gold !" or Krishna 1 s altar1 ".r.d---I coul.a not 1·o�lo1v -..;hat you mean by u sin g a:tcr"N?"::ri!I: alchemy for Kr i sl�a • s altar, �h bu t if y ou can make Krishna's sitting place

made or eold, either by alchemy or by purchasing eold, it will be a erand success. But I do not advise you take advantage of alchemy for making gold, it it is not certain. \ie ShouJ..d·not waste our time on that rrhich is not very sure. If you can manufacture goJ..d, then ue can very soon spread our Krishna Consciousness, but I thin.J:C Krisnna wil.l not give us that opportunity, because as soon as He get large quantity o1' gold, we forget Krishna. That II<IJI: nature is incumbent in our character.

Yes, those twelve symtoms of the spiritual soul are correct, except for "all-kno1ving•. All -knowing it cannot be, but ful.L of kno1'l.ledge.

The scientists• anti-matter is different from the anti�matter conception :w-ID!:t 1vhich I discussed in my book, Easy Journey to ockx&±HRXX Other Planets. I thinK I have explained � this by cor respondence t-ritn Dr. 1velk:

Regarding your questions, "now the simpler faith of a real Christian, tnat is not so advanced in knorrledge of the Supreme Person, differs in ecstasy or the end :cesult of Goa-consciousness, 11 t1) and pEXs:mrx "a devotee I'Tho has expe::ciencea some ecstasy in the company of Christians suggests that if there be n�±� no quantitative or qualitative difference 1Ie::t'K:M: bet1-reen the two forms of Kirtan, tnen the simpler philosopny of Cm·istlanity nas the a::lh:a::Kxacl: advantage, and that our philosophy is for the inteLligent class of .men, true, but of Hhat advantar,;e is such intellignece if the end is the same?:: � :c)There is no ecstasy in such simple faith; there cannot be any ecstasy. The Christian faith as it is J.llH-T e:.x}Ij:p exhibited, they l�ve simply a faint idea of God ax as order-supplier. Certainly God is the Origin, Source � of al.L supplies, and either God-conscious persons or demons, everybody is enjoying the gerneral supplies made by God, It is just like a rich father mainGains all kinds of child-

�--i L --

ren; some of tnem may be a hlchLy qua�lrled, some or tnem are rascals. The father does not nind uhether a child is rascal or qualified, but out of his love for all of the� he supplies tne essentials for the chi�deen. out nsxxoc of such man� children, if someone of them feels grate.fu.L to the i'd±l:w:e:x father , and thus developes love for the i'ather, as it is expected, his position is better than the other children. .And the father is also endeared to such a devoted child. Siml�arly, Goa is equa.L to everyone, but one rlho developed love of Godhead, and nas practically employed oneself in the service of the Lord, he is in rea� touch ana favor of the Lord. That is the difference. (�)x We 1mnt ecstasy, it does not matter one feels it in Christian shurch or in other church. But, one uho feels ecstasy in Krishna Consciousness or God-consciousness, he finishes his ecstasy in material enjoyment--that is the test. One cannot say he is feeling ecenjoyment--that is the test. One cannot say he is feeling ecstasy in some company, and at the same time, he is trying to take advantage of material sense geatification. This is not possible. This ecstasy doesn't depend on the intelligence or non-inte.Lligence; it is spontaneous response, without any cause. If one is fortunate to have such a:s: ecstasy, it is to be understood that his l::i:k: life is successful. �·re do not advocate any sectarian religion. Ne are concerned to invoke our dorment love for God • .Any ma: method helps us in reaching such platform is w·elcome, but 1·1e find practically that by chanting Hare Krishna, many students have come to the platform of ecstasy. But ue have �rdly found anyone to corne to that stage simply by following the reliGious rituals; that is the difference. So, Krishna Consciousness is :ro:r::rr:rs neant for the most intelligent class of men.

rour !fR£.S:::t:br question, "if i_n the Vaikunthas ecstatic love

bet1-�een Lord liaraY3.n and His devotees and Lord Krishna Consciousness


and �is devotees on Krishna Loka is quali tat ively the same, then 1;!1at is the advantaGe of follo1-linG the path of Krishna Consciousness, uhoee philosophy austerity is di ffi cul � to und2rstand?11 Krishna Consciou...ness philosophy inc..Lud es the whole Vaishna va philosophy. ilhen He speak Krishna, the very Uora means, Hama, Urisineha, Baraha, and all other similar expansions and incarnations. So Krishna Consciousness includes Vai.h."Untha consciousness, but Vail<:unthat consciousness does not include Krishna Consciousness. Thoses uho are stricl1i.LY fo..Llovring the ru..Les and regu..Lations of Vaishnava activities, they are promoted to Vaikuntha ..Lokas. But those who have developed a spontaneous love for Krishna, they are pro,oted to the Krishna Loka. Therefore, although krishna Consciousness includes Vaikuntha consciousness pure Krishna Consciousness ±N is spontaneous love for Krishna vdthout any regulative princi�les. The idea can be exp..Lained that a young boy or a young gir..L are spontaneously a::gg attracted, •nthout follow·ing any regulati:ue princip.les previously. \'Then one developes such spontaneous love cr:f for God, that is called pure krishna Consciousness. In our conditioned .life, He have forgotten our relationship Hith God, but by regulative principles, i·Te can make alert the inert ac'tivities. Just lilce a rheurJatic crippled man is elevated by some bodily exercises. Similarly, the regu�a-cive princ iples are to maKe us habituated to our dormant service a��±rrrrftff,a'ttitude, but Hhen that is ma1iure, it becomes spontaneous, and that is pure krishna Consciousness. And such highly elevated Coneciouness makes one eligible to enter int the Krishna Luxa. The living example for such �pontaneous love are exhibited by the Gopies and inhabitants of Vrindaban. 1'le can learn this from Srimnd :Bnagavatam no11m\Hlll they love Krish11a spontaneously.

Va1Kuntba to eac h o-r;ner ana "to .Lord Uarayan ? Is c onj uga.L l.ove, parental affection, and una.J..J.oyed 1' ri ends h1p there in the Va11Cuntnas?" No. In Vailmnthnix.a there are two Kinds or transcendental mellorTS,Lltlhls dasya ana the louer half of sa1eya rasa. The lower na.J..r of Sakya m��x means fri ends hi p in adorationa And the higher half of Sakya rasa is friendship on equal level. So in Vrindaban the reciprocation of transcendental humor is higher than in Vaikuntha. It is there morefree and spontaneous without any zgz±���x restriction arranged by yoGamaya principle.

Yes, other slokas in the Shastra that refer directly to chanting the Holy Names of God as the � Yuga Dharma are mentioned, in Agnipurana, Kali Shantaram Ffl Upanishad, and many other s criptures.

Yes, other slolcas in the Shastras that refer directly to chanting the Holy Names of God as the Yuga Dharma are mentioned. in Agnipurana, Kali Shantaram Upanishad, and many :t other scriptures.

Yes, please KR�re decorate the temple with as many �R pic tures as possible. And Jadurany is very kN kind and xibx liberal to supply us pictures. She is R�R xx never tired of painting, and that makes her increased in Krishna Conxciousness.

Hoping you are Hell, and thinking you once more for your nice le letter,

Your ever rrell-llisher, A

'i.UUJ.' question, ''\:h3 t is the relationsnip or S\ie e"tnearts 1n
.c. Bhaktivedanta Suami

�c1.\haktiv�ta5wami{) 'kfutry�:Intematiot1a!6ocittyTor�ConsciouDnC65


3720 Park Avenue

Montreal 18, Quebec Canada

DATID.J:V:�Y...�.'---......................... .... 196 -�

My Dear Upendra,

Please accept my blessings. I was in due receipt of your letter dated Sunday, June 23, 1968. And your vivid description of the prearrangement of Rathayatra ceremony was so nice and elaborate that it has moved my heart. I thank you very much for grasping the momentu� of Krishna Consciousness, by your advanced service attitude. I can only wish that Krishna may give youmre and more strength in understanding His transcendental nature. The only process for perceiving Krishna and His name, qualities, form, is our sincere service attitude with our senses. Beginning from th� tongue, all our senses are practically led by the tongue sense, whose business is to vibrate and to taste. If we can change the materialistic nature of the tongue, by changing of taste and vibration, then automatically the other senses become purified. And we can render service to Krishna with purified senses. As such we should try to chant and eat Krishna prasadam as much as possible.

In the meantime, Gargamuni has come here and I have heard from him the details of your procession and it is so much engla9dening to my heart. I thank you all very much for making the Rathayatra festival so successful. Please convey my gratitude to all the boys.and girls who participated in this great transcendental service. This is the second year, and you have made a gr�at stride from the first year, and in the third year, I hope it will be still more successful.

Regarding your pen-friend in South India: I have not as yet received any letter from him, but as soon as I receive any news from him, I shall be glad to give him neccessary instructions. In the meantime, if you write to him you can convey this message to the gentleman. Any friend in any part of the world that you may contact, try to infuse him with this Krishna Consciousness idea. Never waste your time in any other talks. I think our students have already developed this attitude and they are not interested in idle talks. Amburish Maharaj, he set very nice example by engaging his mind always on the Lotus Feet of Krishna, and talking always about him. We should follow the same example.

I think there is a chance of my going to Vancouver and if I go there, I may call some of you there to open a branch. I think you sh:::1.ll be the first man to come there, and I shall be glad to know also how many of you can go to Vancouver for performing Kirtan.

I understand from Gargamuni th:::1t Hayagriva has sent you a letter inviting some of y��with him in W. Vir�inia where

Uiamtdl §c6watni

they are attempting to open a new center, but I am not very much hopeful about this center because there are so many impedimEnts. I have already written to Kirtanananda that in such suspicious and unfavorable conditions, no Brahmachary will be interested to go there. If there is actually any invitation for going there, I send herewith instructions to all of you that for the present, there is no nece�sity of going there. And in future also, nobody shall go there without getting my permission.

I sha.ll be glad to hear from you about further details of our successful Rathayatra process· • Hop are well.

518 Frederick Street

San Francisco, Cal. 94117



My Dear Aniruddha,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 2, 1968, rnscribing very briefly and emotionally about the nice success of our Rathayatra festival. When Gargamuni came here the other day he also described it so nicely and now you can understand the specimen of transcendental pleasure in which the human society as a whole can take part and realize transcendental bliss. The Car Festival was very simple. After all, it is a car with 4 wheels, but ft attracted the people s.o enthusiastically because there was His Lordship, the Jagganatha. Atheistic people may that the Jagganatha Murti was made of wood, and the car was also made of wood, but the spiritual bliss can be exacted-from anything, simply in Krishna Consciousness. Even accepting the whole affair ?S wooden, a Krishna Consciousness person can understand that wood is nothing but display of Krishna's energy. So it is the Krishna Consciousness energy that gives us transcendental bliss, just like it is the electric energy passing through copper cable which gives us electric light and heat. Simply the Krishna Consciousness electric energy can immediately be attractive by developing our sense of Krishpa Consciousness, which I am sure you are experienc"ing graciually how easily it can be done. Now, it may be -mentioned in this connection that India's electric energy of Krishna Consciousness is gradually developing in your country, and prior to this movement, anyone who came to this country from India to give the American people spiritual enlightenment,simply speculated on the mental platform. In the Bhagavad Gita it is clearly said that· devotional service which is called Rajayoga, or the king of all yoga systems, is transcendental and very pleasing to perform. (I have received one letter from Dayananda also, and t� reply is sent herewith, about his improved realization of Krishna Consciousness. )

There is a good chance for opening a center, in Florida, through the exigency of Mr. John Fugate, a friend of Dayananda. To implement this transcendental bliss to the people of your country there is immense work to be done ahead and this Rathayatra festival is only a . bit of sample. If we get opportunity we shall be able to over flood your country with waves of transcendental bliss, by the Grace of Krishna. We can intro-· duce various other ceremonials in connection with Krishna and His different expansions or incarnations in such a nice way that people are sure to be attracted by such thing and become immersed in Krishna Consciousness. So far your center is con-

J9-IL E UWmdl §o6wanU J.C1\hati:ttv�ta.5wami{)
DATED. July...7.,... .. ....... ... 196.a . .
Quebec Canada

cerned, now you have also got to introduce such ceremonies in Los Angeles. We have got altogether now 7 or 8 centers, and if each and every center endeavors to rise up to the required standard, it will be a great success.

Yesterday Janardan took me to a nice church here called Notre Dame, a �ery nice wooden structural workmanship with colorful figures and windows, decorated with nicely painted pictures about the Crucifixion of Lord ,Jesus Christ. Everything was grotesque. Generally the Roman Catholic religion depends on this Crucifixion incidence in the life of Lord Jesus Christ, but I think depictation of this incidence simply stimulates the tensions of difference of opinion, arid difference of religious principles, between the Jews and the Christians. My idea is that if simply by narrating the Crucifixion incident of Lord Jesus Christ, the Roman Catholic Religion can spread to such a wide area of the world, how much there is great potency of spreading our Krishna Consciousness by depicting hundreds of thousands of such incidences like Rathayatra•. There is not one incidence like Rathayatra, but there are many hundreds of thousands of incidences in different appearances of the incarnations of Lord Krishna. In different cities and different centers we can introduce such multi-pastimeous ceremonies of Lord Krishna.· And cert.ainly people will be engladdened to observe such transcendental and happy ceremonies. So in Los Angeles, as promised by Mukunda, you try to construct a grand temple and then we shall introduce gradually many ceremonial functions, which the people will be so glad to enjoy.

Think of Krishna always and try to work sincerely, and everything will come automatically.

Hope you are nll well.

c/o Dayananda das Adhikary 1537 Meadowbrook Avenue Los Angeles, Cal. 90019


My Dear Jadurany,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of ·your letter dated Jv_ne 27 , 1968 , and my first thanl::s to you because yvur pictiUl."e has attl.'acted th6 atter.!.cion of c·�·.-ami Sat-chit-o.nanda's students. This means your picture is helping us forward in Krishna Consciousness so that we could attract even the yogis like Sat-chit.-ananda's students. Actually .this is·the fact. There is � verse in Srimad Bhagavatam which was explained by Lord Chaitanya in 64 different ways before Sarvabhouma Bhatt�charya. · In that verse it is stated that even the atmaramas or the persons who take transcendental pleasure in their own self-actually people should be trained up to be happy with one's own self. So the yogis and the philosophers, they are trying to be satisfied with their own self. But even such persons are attracted by the pastimes of R;::.dha-Krishna, because the transcendental qualities of Radha-Krishna is attractive for persons who are already liberated from the 3 material qualities. P�yway; the pict�re which you sent to Montreal is well-received here, and everyone is speaking highly of your painting capacity and I am so pleased to see the picture·- · And you have improved very much in your painting capacity also .bY serving Krishna so faithfully by the talent which Krishna has endowed you VJith. Yesterday there was meeting of the Indiru1s ·and all of them s�oke very highly of your picture. Please try to paint the following pictures in quantits---namely, th� �'Mohan .i\'iadhur1 '' which you have sent her·e in Montreal; that . is to say, Radha and Krishna with the 8 principle gopies; the Samkirtan p:j.ctur·� of Lord Chaitanya; and·Pancha 'Tat-tva. These pictures should be popularized in our movement and try to :paint them ve·ry nicely. I am always an.."Cious about you because you are conducting one of th� important departments of our activities, namely', painting ·of pictures and this will make your ltfe successful• Keep yourself always healthy because yo'u have to work so much for Krishna, and vrhenever you feel some difficulty, you may immediately inform me. This girl, Madhavi Lat�, has come here to stay, for some days, and I learned .that several girls have·come from l'iew York to you; I do not know what they are doing, and I shall be glad to hear from you·fartl; matter.

I have sent Satsvarupa instructions for the story of Maharaj Bali. And �ou .c?fi begin from that.

Your questions about Lord Brahma: '1Braruna is a great devotee of Lord Krishna and Brahm.a Samhita, etc. ; reveal his knowledge · of the Lord. So ru.'e these�� (namely, _ 1. He doubted

/� L £ trid'zn!l§osl�anU- J'4C1J�M�e�·oa:t1.-511Wmaa{) 1-\dlM;a:
D.'lTED.July9.,....................... ........196.a.
CAr.�P: ISKCON RADHA KRISHNA TEMPLE 3720 Park Avenue Montreal Quebec Canada

Krishna became a cowherds Boy and stole His cows, etc.; 2. Krishna showed him the '� part of His c.reation after Brah!na had to designate himself as 4-headed Br�a.), are these 2 stories just examples to we conditioned souls, who think vve can put God under restrictions?" Br::Lluna is not among the· great devotees, but he is a devotee of Krishna. All the great devotees of Krishna are in the Krishna loka, constant companions of Krishna at Vrindaban. They are actually great devo·tees of Krishna. Brahma is great devotee in the sense that he wants to serve Krishna the best with some material power. That means that he has a tendency to enjoy some material opulence. So Krishna has made him the number 1 living creature within this.universe. But a great devotee does not want even the position of a Brahma. He ·.vould prefer to become an insignificant living creature like an ant or spider·in the house of a great devotee, than to become Brahma, who has got the inclinat�on of becoming powerful in the material world. The grea� devuLe�s are always liberated from all material deGires, big of sr:Iall. That is �he sign of great devotees.

Brahma came to Krishna because he has very exalted idea about Krishna, and he was doubtful how his Lord could come into the material world and become a cowherds Boy. This incidence is known as Brahma Bemohan lila, or the pastime of bewildering Brahma. In the beginning of Srimad Bhagavatam, it is st�ted that great personalities like Brabma become berlildered in the understanding· of the Absolute Truth. So somethimes such pastimes are manifested by the Lord in order to teach the so-called mental speculators. Even Arjuna was bewildered, although he was His constant companion. Arjuna also v,ras talking from the material v:j.ev1 point of standing. All this bewilderment of great devotees are created by the Lord, for 2 purposes: one purpose, is that even great personalities like Brahma and Arjuna sometimes become· bewildered, and therefore, unless they present themselves· i.:h s.uch position of bewilderment,· the common men do not h<:J.Ve the cnance to understand Krishna. If Brahma ·would not have p.osed himself as not knowing the vthole truth, then some truths about the transcendental position of Krishna would not have been explained. Besides that, we cannot co.leulatie even one day's ·duration of the life of Brar So, Krishna appears only once · in a· day of Brahma, and that talces a rotation of unlimited trillions of so1ar years. · So some incidences take place in one day, anCi other incidents take place in another day. Just like we do something today, and something else in a week, and we forget today's action.toniorrow; and tomorrow's action·after a week.· .lUld tha:t is the nature of conditioned life. Therefore, Brahna being a big conditione� soul, this fo�getfulness of one's affairs in the. next day are not uncommon. Just as we are fore;etful, Brahma also is subject to forgetfulness. Our so much so-called knowledge is nothing in comparison to Krishna's full knowledge.· That is admitted by Brahma there in that verse, that people may say they kn�w Jou very well, but so far I am concerned, I admit I do not know even a farthing of Youl

I hope you will understand this explanation,. and if you have got· further questions, then you can put. . Hoping you ru...� all well

ou vlel -wisher, A. · c: BhRkti·vedant::�. S"VB'Tli

·�c1J�Jh;1it1ed'M�5��� 1kfwya.:InternatUmaC6ocitty'For�fu-14,ColkScioUbne65

Please accept my blessings. Just on receipt of your last letter Irent you one detailed letter about the scheme of New Vrindaban. But since then I have not received any letter from you, In the meantime, I also :ceceived one . letter from Sriman Kirtanananda Swami which also I have replied duly, but I have not received any reply from him also. So I am very much anxious to know from you also how much this scheme has advanced. So far I could understand on the letter of Kirtanananda, that we had no freedom of action because the land belongs to Mr. Rose, who wants to develop an �nstitution appealing to all sections of seekers in spiritual enlightenment. Such ideal of impersonal views can never be successful. That is the distinction between impersonalism and personalism. The impersonalists ultimate goal is something void, and therefore, any attempt for self-realization ending in voidness is all the s.ame for the 1mpersonalists. But we the personalists, we do not agree that all systems of self-realizing process ends in the same goal. In the Bhagavad Gita, it is explicitly said that the worshippers of different demigods ultimately reach the planets of respective demigods; the worshippers of forefathers also go to different pitri planets, respectively; the worsnippers of mammon remain in the mammonish world; and the persons in Krishna Consciousness, ultimately ·reach to the planet of Krishna loka. So our mission is to reach the supreme planet, in the spiritual sky, n&�ely the Abode of Krishna. As such, we cannot compromise that all -sorts of meditation gives the same result. This sort of view is practiced and preHched by the impersona.list missionaries like the Rama-Krishna mission, that one may follow any path, but he reaches the same destination. There is no Vedic evide1ice, neither any proof of the acharya principles. You know that Lord Buddha was Hindu, born in India, in a royal frunily, but because He advocated void.ism, His philosophy was not accepted by the leaders of Vedic principles. .t!'or the time being, Lord Buddha • s philosophy was'accepted by emperor Ashoka,and due to royal in, fluence , it spread all over India. But later on , when Shankarac.harya preached the Vedic principle, the voidism of Lord Buddha was driven out of India. Similarly, when Ra.manujacharya found Shankarach�rya a second edition of Buddhist philosophy, he also expunged Shankarachary<;,i as compromising the Buddha, and he€stablished Personal worship of Lord Vishnu. Later on, other acharyas, including Sri Chaitanya, developed the transcendental reciprocation of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Lord Chaitanya preached that .loving service in

· Uid'anM§os�l'ami
CAr.-1P: ISKCON RADHA'KRISHNA TEMPLE 3720 Park Avenue Montreal
DATED .J.uly...l6.,... ........... .. ....... 196B.. .
Quebec Canada

the highest conjugal love with Krishna is also possible. So we are preachine the highest principles of loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and as such, there is no scope for compromising with any of the kinds of philosophies of the impersonalist school.

If Mr. Rose· wants something for the satisfaction of all sections of spiritualists, I think your endeavor in that part of the country will not be very successful. Under the circumstances, I would advise you to live with �e, and try to develope this line of preaching work as we have been doing since the last two years. At the present moment, I am just organizing a Samkirtan party and if you come here, then we can make a rehersal of the Chaitanya drama which you have already made. My idea is, Samkirtan with some dramatic deraonst�ation, by the members, will be attractive to the people in general. So I am trying to concentrate the idea at the present moment here in Montre�l, because in the temple, we have got suffici.ent space and if the Sarnkirtan party is successful here, as we shall try to make some eJcperiment in the local expo grounds, then we shall make a program to go to Europe, starting from London, and make demonstrations of this drama and Samkirtan in different places. I do not know how much you will appreciate this idea, but if you think it proper, you may come and join us here.

The New Vrindaban scheme under the present inconveniences is not possible to be successful ultimately.

Hope you are well, and awaiting your earlyreply.


Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 3, 1968 . I have heard about your successful execution of Rathayatra festival in San Francisco from so many sources. And I am so, glad to hear the news.. But till now I have not received any newspaper clippings, or photostats of news articles. I am very much anxious to get them.

Yes, this Jay boy has come here, and I have seen he is sincere in accepting this principles. I have dacided to initiate him very soon. They have got a two days' engagement of Kirtan here in the expo pavillion, and they have agreed to pay $1.50.00 per day. If the two days' program is successful, th�n they may get more money and more engagements.

Yes, I. have received Sriman Vinode Patel•s letter, and I have replied the same also promptly. He appears to be a great help to your temple, and please try to keep him nicely. This is the sequence of Krishna Consciousness. He is a foreigner and belonging to a different country and culture, but Krishna Consciousness is so nice that one forg·ets his material designations and one tries to associate with similar Krishna consciousness persons. This is in Sanskrit word, is called Swajati Snigdha �· That means melted on the pure spiritual platform. We hope to bring everyone to such spiritual platform so that everyone will forget lfis material false identification and come to the real platform 'S'f beco�ing eternally the servant of-Krishna.

I am so glad that your parents are realizing the importance of Krishna Consciousness through their·worthy son, Jayananda• A similar incident was there when Lord Chaitanya was present, that one :father became a devotee of Lord Chaitanya through the exigency of the ·son. The son was prior a devotee thari the father. So Chaitanya Mahaprabhu asked the fBther whether he v.Jas father., or the son \�a,� ,father, and the father replied that in his spiritual enlightenment, his son was his father. So you are acting like a go6d father to your parents. So Krishna Consciousness will spread nicely in ·this way. And Lord Chaitanya will be very much pleased on your benevolent activities. I have seen your father and mot4er, and they are very good souls, especially I remember your mother. And I hope by the Grace of Lord Krishna they will take to this Krishna Consciousness very seriously.

Hoping you are all well ,

.Y... l..2. .,. ........... .. .. . .. .... ... ... 196�. . .
My Dear Jayananda,
CAMP: ISKCON RADf�· KRISHNA TEMPLE 3720 Park Avenue Montreal Quebec Canada DATED
� ----

L E�C136aknvedanta-5w�



3720 Park Avenue

Montreal, Quebec Canada

My Dear Chidananda,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 8, 1968, and in the meantL�e, Uddhavadas, and Krishna das Brahmacharies have also come·here via New York. Since I wrote you about the stop payment instruction, I have received payment of both the checks and money order. So you need not worry about it. When you go to Australia, you must take with . you one mridanga and at least 4 pairs of cymbals to bet;in Kirtan immediately there. When I came to your country in 1965, I brought with me only one pair of cymbals, and it has increased to so many pairs, at least 50 times. .And I came here without mridanga. So when you go to Australia, you have to similarly increase the number of cymbals proportionately, namely, 50 times 4. That should be your mission, and I am confident that you can do it because you are a sincere soul. If you can introduce this Krishna Consciousness movement in such a distant place, Lord Chaitanya will pour His incessant blessings upon you, and your life will be glorious:. In this connection, I may give you the example of the boy, Subal, who was struggling in Santa Fe. Although he is not very much qualified from the worldly point of view, still his struggle for existence in Krishna Consciousness is advancing him more and more in spiritual realization. So far I know about you, you are intelligent, qualified, and willing worker for Krishna Consciousness, and I hope if you try to establish a center of our society in Sidney or any one of the important cities, of Australia, it will be a record in the history of· Lord Chaitanya's movement. I hope with this seriousness, you will go there, and alwa·ys pray Lord Chaitanya to help you. He is very kind, and"He is always ready to help a willing worker. And as soon as you establish one center, it may be thst I may go there for some time and try to help you in your organization. But before starting you should make an estimate of th� procedure of your working there, as well 8S you nust be assured of getting a job there. Here in are working and you are getting some money, but in Australia if you do not get immediately some ocup.ation, it will be risky. So you must consider all these pros and cons intelligently and then, depending on the Grace of Krishna, you can go there, chanting all the ways, Hare Krishna.

Regarding some- of your questions: Your question was, " I understand that we are not this body, mind, intelligence or ego, but are pure consciousness or pure spirit soul. This consciousness has been polluted by association with matter. By nssociation with Krishna this consciousness will be purified. This con-

I \ l.J)
DATID.J.ul_if l2, .......... .. .. ....196�..

sciousness is all throughout ou1.· body e;iving us the power to think, will, and feel, but how is consciousness interrelated with matter? Is consciousness like mist that hangs around a mountain? How do matter and spirit connect and how do they work together? l hope you under stanq my question. And what exactly takes place when consciousness is becoming purified?" A living entity has constitutionally mind, intelligence, and ego, but they are _ contaminated in,contact with matter. At ·the present moment, our ego is working under some designation. Somebody is thinking that he. is an American or Indian, and other is thinking that he is Brahmachary or Householder. This sort of ego is material but when one is firmly convinced that he does not belong to any material designation, but, >his pure identification is eternal servitorship of Krishna--in Vedic language it is called, Aham Brahma asmi. That means I am spirit soul. The Mayavad philosophers on account of their negligence to serve Krishna, may sometimes come to this understanding of Aham Brahma asmi, but they again fall down to the material platform on account of such negligence. Therefore, this chanting process is being constantly in Krishna Consciousness, there is no such .fear·of falling down of the devotees·. Your statement "By association with Krishna this consciousness will. be purified" is right. ·Consciousness is not related ,with.matter. ;Just like the,air is always pure, but when there 'is a mixture of dust in the air, it appears to ' be a cloud• . The cloud and air are different substances•. Similarly con�ciousness is_pure spiritual, but when the consciousness desires to enjoy matter, it becomes cloudy and dusty, or contaminated. And then at that time, .thinking, feeling, and willing everything becomes polluted•. The same example as r have given . several times that the proprietor of a car and the car•are different identities, but when the proprietor thinks that this car is for his enjoyment, he becomes absorbed in such thought, and as soon as there is some loss or accident to the car, he thinks that he is hurt. This consciousness is false, but one suffers the consequences on account ·of false identification. Consciousness is not like mist, but when it is materially contaminated, it looks like that. Another example, that water from the sky fall�ng down on the ground looks· muddy, but water is not muddy, it is clear. When the water is ag�in filtered, and muddy things are· precipitated, the �ater comes to its original lustre, crystal clear� So our Krishna Consciousness movement is that we have to clear.our consciousness by the transcendental addition of Krishna chemical. Then everything will be nice and clear, and we shall be aJ:�1;e; to see our identification without any designation. I think your questions are answered up to the last part, when you inquired "what exactly takes place when consciousnes.s is becoming purified?"

Please keep me informed about your plan�; and program for Australia, and I hope you are all well.

F. .......

they are follm;ing, because you have not assimilated the philosophy. But if you take the philosophy seriously, certainly you will be able to 9onvince others. I am glad to learn that you are r�turn, ing to Santa Fe, and I hope you will have good association th�re and you will be profited by some sineere workers in Santa Fe:,. I r: am glad to learn also that you sometimes fast the uhole day, and ' chant. It is a very good idea and you can follow th�s principle � -rigidly two days in a month, namely the Ekadasis. -I have got � aln�ys time to answer the letters o� sincere souls ·because my life is dedicated for their serv�ce, So you are always-welcome to & • send your inqhiries. And I shall always try to enlfghfen you

my best capacity. You have kindly asked me what you have to do: Tl�t I shall tell you later on, when you are fixed up i� our line of thought. So it is Krishnafs �race that you are going to Sa _ ntaFe, and try to assimilate our philosophy there, and the, I shall r let you knorT l.Yhat to do there. '.

Thanking you o�c� more, apd hope you·are well • . Your ever well wisher,

. .


Please accept my blessings. I tharuc you very �UCM for your letter dated July 3, 1968, along with Hayagriva's letters. I have replied Hayagriva �n det ail--you will see it. Our only life and soul is Kirtan, and by the Grace of Krishna, you are Kirtanananda. So the present acGivities which you are performing theres chanting and preparing Prasadam for the Deity, is very nice program. This chanting of Hare Krishna and our sincere desire to serve Krishna will ma._�e everything clear, even if there is some impediments, because from Srimad Bhagavatam ',·ie under�tand that a system of religiousity is to be understood as the most perfect if by following such system, we en:cich our tendency to love God. Actually that tendency is in everyone, but on account of not being associated with pure devotees, our love is placed on something non-God. The whole process of Krishna Consciousness is to replace our love to Krishna. So any process that helps us to increase our love of Krishna, that is the best syst.c.;;:a of religi01,.1Sity. Such syste!!l cannot be checked by any material impediments, and such development of love of Krishna is without fu"1.Y cause. Cha..."'lting of Hare Krishna j_s not meant for achieving any other.better thing than Krishna. But when we chant Hare Krishna without any offense, we relish Krishna, the Reservoir of all pleasure.

· Now, by the Grace of Krishna, you have got a nice place, a nice atmosphere. So I quite approve your �resent activities. Continue it sincerely, and when the time ·will be favorable, people may come to you and take advantage of the transcendental facilityfrr chanting Hare Krishna.

. Hope this finds you in good health. .

-' ·
D.1TEO..July... l!+. ,. ..............................1038...
My Dear Kirtanananda, Cflm,:ISKCONRADHA KRISHNA TEi·JPLE 3720 Park Avenue Montreal Quebec Canada
\ rQJ�;�l�I�-��?24z,(�zeirtt{t.c· A. b.
�iJ�• �J£'"lc�L/L 1i� jJctli�tl?It . L�1t�,_,_........... ,.,-•. '::-
�Bhaktivedanta Swami

My Dear Hayagriva,

Please accept my blessin�s. I am in due receipt of your two· letters dated July 6 and 8, 1968, respectively, along with one letter from Kirtanananda Swami. My first request to you is that as you · are getting a. job agein, in the Ohio State UniveJ....sity) you must accept it vdthout hesitation. In the Bhagavad Gita you have read that ·one should fully utilize one's talent for the service of the Lord. Arjuna was a military man--and he utilized his talent fully for executing the purpose of Lord Sri Krishna. So, by the Grace of Krishna, you have got some educational talent, and wherever there is opportunity, get some money, you must accept it, but spend the money for Krishna. As you are projecting to develop New Vrindaban, you will require money and I would advise you to purchase land there instead of taking on lease. If you want to take on lease, then it must be on long period, say 99 years; but first hand lease is better, that is from the government. I do not understand what is the position of Mr. Rose there, but I shall advise you not to ma�e any big plans on the ).and of others. There is a Bengali proverb th at if one is a poor man, he can go to some friends'house and accept food and then come back, but one should never accept residence in other's house. That i$ very inconvenient. Of coi.J.rse, for a Sannyasin like us, we can live anywhere and everywhere, rather we should not have our o·wn place. But for the New Vri.ndaban project, I would advise you to purchase land as much as you can because it appears that the atmosphere and situation is very nice there. Another thing, I shall·not advise you_ tg _purchase horses for conveyance. It _will b'e a botheration for you, because now you have not got sufficient ·assistance. If you keep horses you have to take c·are for them and for a little convenience of transportation, you have to take so much botheration to keep the horse fit.

I am so pleased to learn'that�rou·have got a Deity Room .and you are performing jointly Kirtan, assisted by a new comer, Harold Olmstead. He may be called Hrishikesh, there is no objection, but generally a noly Name after Lord Krishna is offered to a devotee after his initiation. P��vay, you can cull him Hrishikesh, andthesamename wi ll be continued. after his initiation also. In the meantime, let him be trained up in our line of activities to observe the rulesandregulations and chant Hare Krishna jointly with yo1,1.

In your letter·of the 8th instant you. write to say, "but it woul dbe difficultto s

hainal:ttra to the the inhabit

( ( . \ •, � '
' DATED..July...l!:l:.,........................... ..196.a...'
CAmP: ISKCON RADHA KRISID�A TEMPLE 3720 Park Avenue Montreal Quebec Canada

lnts here." Our principal cnm l.S to .preach the importance of chanting the Holy.Names of God. And -if there is no such· opport·unity then the place will be specifically meant for persons who want to retire from activities. LJo retire from activities is · not very good idea for the conditioned soul. I have got very good experience, not only in: our country but also in your country, that this tendency of retiring from activities pushes one down to the·platfor,m of laziness, and gra.dually to ·the ideas of the hippies. One should always remain active in Krishna's service, otherwisfi the strong maya will catch him and, him in her service. Our constitutional positio!). being rendering service, we cannot stop activity. So the New Vrindaban may not be turned into a place of retirement; but some sort of activities must go on there • . If there is· go.od prospective land, we should produce some grains, flours, and fruits, and keep cows, so that the inmates may have sufficient work and facility for advancing in Krishna Consciousness. In India actually the Vrindaban has now become a place of the unemployed, and beggars. Kirtanananda has already seen it; and so there is always a tendency of such degradation if is no sufficient work f>r service of Krishna. Another suggestion is that if you can attract·some retired men -···to live there peacefully and at the same time, make oneself advanced in Krishna Consciousness, that will be very riice. But I am afraid that retired men from this country cannot give up their old habits, generally,intoxication, keeping a dog, smoking, etc., and it will be difficult for them to give up· such habits even they are invited to live vtith us in Vrindaban.



Journey to Other Planets: You can inquire from Mukunda das l.f he is going to print it o . r not. If not, then you can do it because you have nov\' some money and spend for its publication. And regarding editorial work, I shall send you some manuscripts very soon.

Regarding visa: I am not proh;ibited like that, that I cannot enter ·usA, but the ·permanent visa was denied only on some technical ground.· There is no impedi+nent about my bonafides. But ·they have·raised an objection because. I submitted my application just after a fort-night of my arrival, and they say that I entered USA not as a bonafide non-immigrant. But I ..submitted my application, after consulting the Indian l!.mbassy, as well as the mnerican Embassy in Calcutta, but I see a different decision at the end. It is very difficult to take the words of government servants, straightly. Chanakya Pandit has advised not to trust a polititian and a woman, so practically I consulted all these polititians and they have given a different decision. I do not know what is their intention, but for the time being I have not gotten the visa. ·

My present visa for canada is up �o the end ually it is up to the third of September, but if here, I can extend it, it is not difficult. B'l!t togot9London,a.ndit may beinthemeantimeI couver.

I am very much anxious about your he alth . Is it due to the place that you are ,having hay fever? It . · sometimes so happens that moist pl a ces causes such disturbances. Are tJ1ere many mosqui toes ? The best th ing I can suggest that ;you try to keep your

of Auf5ust. ActI like to stay I am intending maygo to VanI I
- -�� '

,bowels cleared, and take· more.fruits and milk. That will k�ep .you healthy. I hope you will soon feel better,

, ; , *.: ....'i. p. :· Bhakt.ivedanta Sw_ami _____.. . ---; ----�---;-----·· -____:-:. �-:--.__... .--::-:.·.· ' ., . '



3720 Park Avenue, M ontreal ; Quebec, Cana da

•••••••••••••••• •••••••

July 25, 1968 \ N () I

My Dear Harivilas,

Please accept my blessin gs. L am in due r eceipt of your letter dated July 8, 1968, and r e g arding your previous letter or any other letters, it is my habit to r eply each and eve ry letter. You have c om p lai ne d that in Canada your l etters a re mi � sing. This is not a fact. Of course, since the la st four days there is a postal strike, nati on wide in C:1nada, and there may be some ir regula rities now. But I h a v e received all your letters in the past regularly, and I replied_ them also, w ithout delay. The leL�ers are • nis sin g somewhere i n y our re tur n ad dres s , because you are moving very swiftly, from one place to another. And I th ink if you wF.nt to do some req-_l s ervice to Krishna, and to the society, you sh ould now fix up y our mino to follow rny in s t ructioris and do some tangible work. Unless you fix up your mind to serve your Spiritual Master, Who is dir ect representative of Kris h nR. , it is not possible t o appr oach Krishna. Krishna is app ro ached throu�h the transparent via media , of Spiritual Master. Anyway, the letter which you s ent me 3 weeks prior was duly re ce i ved by me and I h ave duly replied them p oint to p oint, �nd if you have n ot received that letter, I am enclosing a true copy of the reply w11ich will clear all the points raised by you. Re£5ardinc; the :Jurtis, the letler will expl ai n.

In y our lettt:r tmder reply, I find that you are now anxious to r e tu rn to the USA. I do not think th at you will be more serviceable in the USA than in In eli a; I think if yo u try to remain in India in fixed up mind, you cnn do greater se r vice to Krishna. The first thine; is thAt m any of my dis cip le s are a lway s ready to go to India, but I do not encourage them to go there at the present moment 0ec a use practic ally we have no organized branch there. Achyutananda has formally opened a branch in Delhi, c/o Radha Press, but I do not tl 1ink it is actin g v e ry n icely. Because you are not combined. If you combine together there, fo ll owing my instru cti ons, you can develop a branch in India anyw her e veryricely. How to d o it, that I sh all give you instructions. ·You have simply to carry ou t lDY ins tr uctions in that respect. But at·the present moment you are not prepared to follow my instructions. You are simply vis iting dif f erent places , for s ight seeing recreation. This sort of service is not accepted by Krishna. Y ou . are t hink ing of coming back to USA because your sight seeing business is now finis h ed. But now you should think what service you have rendered to Krishna by g oing to India. Sometim es back, when you were in N abadwip , I asked you to send some mridangas, but you declined to execute the order. I asked you also to oevelop one ash r am at Mayapur, that also you declined. Similarly, Ac hyutananda wRs bent on opening a center at Kanpur, and the result is that instead of openin g a center, ther e, he has lost two typew riter s , taken away by force by some rogue there.

So, so l6ne; whatev-�r you have donP., both you and Achyutananda, let us for�et those t hin �s . Now if you decide to work rigidly on my instructions in India , then I can give y ou necessary instructions. Otherwise, you can do wh atev e r you like.

Rega rdi ng your coming bac k , it is not very good that you are beGsing money from Ind ians to come back. I1understand that you


;;�:Y:ed for tH:lp trom Mr. 1-'oddar, t{s. 5000 as loan for your corninf'; back Lo t..r.e UtJA. Such kind of bel�1;in1-; does not behove for the American stuuents. It is against the reputation of Americnn wealth, as well as our society. Even thoue;h you get some money by such begging, the v,overnment will not allow you to return to USA with India�money. You have to take money from your country for coming back, or youvhave to take help from your ambassador in India for coming back. The Indian government cannot pay anything from the Indian exchange to outside countries. So do not try to make collection for coming back to the USA. For your coming back, either your family members or your government or somebody here must send you money or a ticket for coming back. Last time when I was coming back the same difficulty arose, and I had to pay my ticket fare as well as Kirtanananda's ticket fare, amounting to Rs. 11,000, from my book-fund, which I dispatched to USA. I dispatched 13,000 Rs. worth books from India, out of which I have paid that 11,000 Rs. So this is the exchange condition. I think therefore, that when you have gone to India, for the time being you should .forget your mother country, US\. A' Krishna Conscious person is supposed to be without any designation. So why shoul'd.. you think yourse£.f as a citizen of USA? You should always think yourself as servant of Krishna. And as servants of Krishna, you combine to�ether and develop a nicer International Society in India. There are so many works to be done there. The Radha Press was entrusted for printing of my books, and he was paid 2000 Rs. in advance for printing of the books, but they have informed Achyutananda that they are unable to print the books. Now neither they are returning the money, nor printing the books, and I do not know what is the meaning. Please try to settle up this matLer. Ask Hitsharan Sharma to return back the money and deposit in my bank so that I can pay the money to some other press and begin the printing of books immediately. I am very sorry that he has neither printed my books nor is giving me the chance to get it printea in another press. So all of you 3 im;nediately settle un this thing and let me know the result. I have already writcn to Achyutananda about this 3 times, but no effect is there till now.

In' the concluding part of your letter, you write to


of the westerners here in Hrishikesh show keen interest in Krishna Consclousness- and some �yeri___atte!:ld��d -larg� Kff'tans atGita · B-haw<in with us." From this one line you shouLd know and understand howmuc�otef!QY is_th�re for preaching· our _ philosophy of!..snes�to_ 't_f1e_wes..tern people. The western boys and girls, actually they are frustrated in their material opulence. They are searching after some -thing spiritual. That is a fact. And you personally already know better than I can explain. So if you can consolidate all these western youngsters in search after some spiritual enlightenment, this will be a great service to your country, to your community, and to the world at large in the transcendental loving service of Krishna. ,2-'ry to orp:anize th�� �oveil}ent in India. Attract the western vounp.;sters to this Krishna ConsQ_j_ousness· have a_£_� east 3 centers, one in Hilihike-sh,one ln- vrindaban, one inBombay. + am stress�n_g on Bombror center for th�__fayL!Pa� in Bo!!lQ.£.L_.10U will fipd a better atmospher� o.f _ lDnglish_�aki_!!g_people. In bombay, 99% both men and women of all denominations, they speak English. So there you will have betLer chance for mixing with th� Indian people. And in �rishikesh, the westerners are attracted /


finding out some recluse, for practicing so-called yoga. can attract all the westerners in India in th _ at way, it will. 3��,qt_�r_:v_ice, a:qd :t:._ arT!_ repeatedly rec:Juesting you--co-takeupl.· mat��!'_ seri�':!§lY--�nd <?ombine together.

Yes, we are plannin� to go to London as a .Samkirtan party of 12 heads, by the month of September. And Mukunda in San Francisco ana JlansaautLa in New York, they are combinedly planning this scheme. But I think you have got better responsibility in In dia than to come here and join them. As they are doin� the Samkirt.;an program here nicely, similarly, you can also combinedly do the same work in India to attract the western ers who go there for some spiritual enlightenment. I think you \�ill understand me ri�ht and try to do your best to give a shape to this idea.

Thanking you once :nore, and hoping you are keeping in good health,

Sriman Harivilas Brahmachary

c/o l�.adha Press

933/3 -'"ain Road

Ghandi Nagar

Delhi-31, India

--·· -------------
ur well-wisher, ,
A. 'Bhaktivedanta Swami

a ti�o. You can pay ��.l ��l��c� ���cr the 27th. Thi� is all right. So far as tho throa s�ts o� o���� .. � ei� �ot receive th;;m yet. l do not knO\v ·to ·,.,rhic:1 <:�dJ�·-.:.::.:s c:i .! n..::u.C::::; vi:_:cs t.::nt. '.L'his afternoon l :c2turncd from .;;:...r. �;·rar• ..:i:::co \-JJ'AC:.:.:.. 'c�·.::;:c. vi<.�:; a v;.:.-ry, vc:.ry succcs::;fuJ.. .t{r..t.1-.a��a·t:,:a C�rcL,oi·.. �'· 'L':-!..:.:L-� \..t��._ c�·t 1._:;� ..·-� 10,:_;::,(; 1;.-.::v�·)l� \vho \valkL:•� ivith us t.o th_; oc2an for u. '.:... .-..ilc p:::..:..:-.-�•:l.c, ctnd e:vc;:ryono was chanting and dancir..g in ccst.asy. '.,:he:n :.1'.:. t� : .::: occ.•. :< t.i·•.:.:.rc. vms grand-scale ?r�sadam dist�ibution and ci1�n�i�q 202i� on in�o tha evening. �vcryone appreciated ��ris�n� Con�ciou��c=� LO �uch, �nd it is so encouraging to see ho•J� the young Lo-;:.; U.i'l� �;:i..:..:-1.:: of 'c.:-Je: vlc:.:.;'ccrn cou�-�1-:' rics arc gr:J.qually co!:ling- t:.o underst.;;.,;:-,(. :.;o::-,,::.::.:.hii:•; of t.:·li s .-r.uvcn.C:nt.

I ar.1 so glad to lc�rr� that l-.r. '!.·c,� i:-i�.!rk, the! -�nc.:cic�n poo.t, i::; nou l iving \·lith you as br(;;,hmachary. Let hL·.1 ;::.-cco: ,c. l'AOVT a .J�·.ish!1ava poet. rrhere arc so many Vaishnava po�ts in in<":ia� �.o\·l �,.:;; J�...��sima. Con.::>ciou:.;ncss is spreading, I think there Il.u::'.:. 0� :.:;o;::-:-� ,._...:;.::t...;.:..:-�-" V3j_si1navc-. !)OCts, and �r. �ed �crk mav be the first on�. �o i�r as �rivi�cra� is conc.:.:.rned, he is a nupcr tirst-closs br<.lr,.mo.c:-.o.ry. �--is s.: :v:�c� attitude, his submission is very nice althou<::)·h h:.; i:..; ;..:·till � iiC!\·J m..::;:,.)e:r. T!•�� t.:'ling is that he had the associa'.:.ion o:f .�u;-:..:::. �'iu·: · � ...,;·,o :i.s .�!1 :� hous..::hold0r dcvotoe;. I am feeling v:.::ry :1'.UC�1 p:cc...�d �j�:.·soi"..:; �)0Ccm...:c my so mnr..y house holder devotees arc p:c•;achirKJ I�ri..::.;'!-;i-.c.. Consciousn:::ss so nice:ly.

Chaitanya l·1ahaprabhu did not ;-;1ak8 a�y�c·t:i.on b�.·::. ...,c:cn t:w .z:o-calL:d brahmachary, house holder, or �:.unl1v.::.;.;;i. ci(� ;:; :.::-:�;cific,:.:d" si:ossed that those; designations a-rc su!:-nr?icial, p-::·:cc;<JS. ·co }:ooj_.-�s. lZ:cis:1na

Consciousness is tl1c function of the soul, i.i·�.::�·,. :..:.� 'i.:.hc VcO.�s 1t is said that the spirit. soul is without ��Y t0uch of 0atcrial contamination, but wh<m he i'orgcts !·:rish�1a he ·thinl;,::::: lt:i.JTtSC:L: a.=: .:1 r�.a·i.:.l!riftl )?roduct. 'I'hut is called 1'12.y�. .out in .:my po;_;i_·t.i.on, i:l·· one cc:�n undcr't.and the science of K:cishna ConsciousnC;s:.>, LG can (�.-)liv,:r mz(ny, many Iallcn souls. So it is r.1y r.::!qll!':�.st. t.o you v.ll ;:; t :1·:.:. you c3ta0lis11 an exemplary character a:1d sho'" hou ��ousc·ncl,:;<J�� r:<:,,..." �").:: ·c�1c first class transcendentalists. ·i·ihon 1 fcnl · tl.<.�t i:ty !·�ou:...l.;�·�cld�::r. ,"';iscii_)l-.:.s are preaching so nicely I actually fcx�l very ; ..uch ::;·.::,u6.

I unch�rntand from a l•:tt ..�.r fro,,, Gt�x.. <l·:·:ci:.:: t..-.:<1: ·:'C:u n.')V'� e:l·.)c:.::ions for officers for your tGr.,pl,:, <.. n..:l t;i,. r••. -�� ;0 :il2:i.!H:: :::·":: ;�.o:::·:.:s &r.: .'·lll vr:;ry Hf!ll suitl.:!d for thc;ir positiOil. . o\.r aJ.l ,y;= \lOu ''.>].: .�ls,� me:-�:�,: '}Uic'<ly the march toHard!i th·� <)o.::l of ::r:t�;h;·,,: Co;-:.. ;:;:;.Ju:...;)... . .... ov-:;:n·;n ;: b.-::i:1c: very succes.sful. dcr� Tamal F :cish:·:.'l c:l-,..:'� -.:i.:�.�.-(_;��r;,u;-�i h.:t<. nro:ni3·-�c'; r,·,e: to

i y i.)c.J.r ! u�zundu., . � . \...: . J ._. . .._:�,., . , . .. : J .,1 • ·... . J � .... 1.... .I l'.l'/:)_,.;. \,'•-.'..· � . . ·,. :: .u_ .. lJ\ .. · J , ...... , .._·,�..l.. .L ... . ·.· J.J. ...__ r ' ._.1·'·· '. Pl0�sc ccc :itV bl..:.s3i:'lq::>. ... :;:,:.;(:· �o '.:.;,..;.J� yc•1 ::':o:c your lr:.-:::.-i.:cr a�tcd J uly 21, l J. au... gl.:l-:t ·;:.�... :.: YGL �-!�.'h: ..l.L: d;.,·., :::.:.-�·l: i:o 1·.::.·7 '.lor:.:: part o:i: t�K:; c ol .,l,u�S. _.:, C:.u.. ..:::·.'·c ,,,,,..:..:r �:-.z.·t yc'": coul� not
all at


Dear Upendra,

Please accept my blessings, and offer·the same to Gargamuni. I am in just receipt of your letter dated August 12, 1968, 8nd have noted the contents carefully. In the meantime, I also received a letter from Mr. Renovich, which I have also replied and as he is very much eager to receive me there, he writes to say that I can reside with him so long there is no place of ou� own. As such , I have replied his letter that I am prepared to start next week by the 21st of August 1968, so you can let me know by phone (our number of the temple is 849-4319) whether I shall start or whether you are going to arrange for the passage money. So everything should be informed immediately after consultation with Mr. Renovich, and then I shall prepare myself also to go to Vancouver. When I reach there, other things will be discussed and done it properly.

Kirtan means both lecturinB and chanting with music. The chanting with music is specially attractive for the the mass of people, but talking from philosophical point of view on Krishna Consciousness is also chanting. The whole Srimad Bhagavatam is full of philosophical discussions and we are prepared to present our Krishna Consciousness movement both ways, whichever is suitable in special circumstances. If Mr. Renovich is interested only in philosophical discussions, we are prepared for that. But at the same time we are concerned mostly with the mass of people,there fore Hare Krishna kirtan is our life and soul. So there is no problem if Mr. Renovich is especially interested in scholarly philosophical discussions.

As he has invited me to live with him, since immediately we have no apartment of our own, you must see personally whether my living with Mr. Renovich will be suitable. Because you know that wherever I live, I live separately and my cooking and everything is done by my devotees. And under the circumstances, if the apartment of Mr. Renovich is too crowded, fdr.Goursundar and his wife and myself alV\ still you will have to do everything for me. That is, I cannot eat with Mr. Renovich, my food must be prepared separately, etc. So whether such facilities are available at Mr. Renovich's apartment, you must see personally all these points, and then let me know; whether or not I shall start.

Hoping you are well.

Ui�ndt §o6Wamt .._AC'1\haknv�ta
CAMP: ISKCON RADHA KRISHNA TElt:1PLE 3720 Park Avenue Montreal Quebec Canada DATID..Au.gus.t..lA,.............. .... 196 .8.

Please accept BY blessin�so I am so glad to receive your note dnted .Ausust 13, 1968, v1ith the copy of lease ag:reel!lent and I have gone thro ugh it carefully. ·.vhen you wer e here I suggested to purchase the land out-rieht. But I think it has not been possible. But on the face of the lease, it appears as good as sale docua1ent. ·

But the clause, "Excepting and reserving however, all of the conl within and underlying said prop erty, and subject to the mining r ight s ana privileges set forth in the deed conveyin g said c0al, made by Joseph E. HcCombs, et al., dated :?!arch 30, 1903, recorded-in said Clerk's office in Deed Book 98, at page 185," has caused my head ache. I do no�; know what is written there in the Clerk's office in Deed Book 98, but on con�on senses it appears that the area is coal mine or oiJmine. Under the circ u!!lstances, if in.fut1.lre coal industry is developed and if it is required, the government may at once ask us to vacate an::i no law can stop it. Even the governraent does not acqui�e our land, if in our vicinity sooe such industry , (coal or oil industry ) is started, the whole idea of Vrindaban �vill fade away. Vrindaban conception is a transcendental villBge, �ithout any botheration of the modern industri�l atmosphere. f:1y idea of developing Ne·:; Vrindaban is to create a.'1. of spi.ritu�l life where people in bonafide order of social division, n9::1ely, Brahmacharies, Grihastras, Vanaprastha , Sannyasir:Ls , or specifically Brahmacharies &nd Sannyasins, and Vanaprasthas, will li\re there independe ntly, comp:Etely depending· on agricultural produce and milk from the cows. The life shoul d be simplified without hampered by ·laboring day and nie;ht for econoJl·ic developm�nt, without any spiritual understanding. The New Vrindaban id� is that oersons who live there will accent the bare necessities of life to maintain the body and soul-toge.ther and the major part of time should be engaged in developlilent of Krishna Consciousness. The whole Vedfc principle is to develop Krishna Consciousness, without creating much botheration for the program of sense gratification. Industrial development ( or mining industry ) in tbe neizhboring places will mar the whole ide::1. Now you have to conside� yourself,looking for�ard to the future, of the 1 and, and then decide, what to do. I do not like to have· New Vrindrtban with industrie.l or mining areas. I have got experience of them in India, that the mining areas are simply next to dungeon . 'rhe v;orkers in the mines are considered to be residing in the hell. And we can never expect any good behavior

r�. r
ISKCON RADHA KRISHUA TEl!LPLE 3720 Pnrk Avenue Montreal Quebec Canada Cmm ...Augus£--�7-.,···················· ..... 195.8.
.My Dear Hayagriva,
- -·-· ·· ··· - ..

from such \'/Orkerso So we mu st thinl\: of the st o

Vrindabcm. InIndia al so o-:Jr present go ve rnme nt , they are trying to devel op e iridustrlesinthe vast trac ts of la nd around Vrinclaban, and c res t in g a hellish atmosphere. So I sha ll reque st y o u to be as s ured of the future of the land , and than do the needful. -The summary is that the face of the le ase agreeILent appears to be all right, but I am th inking of a spir i tual developoent . I hope you have recei ve·t my previous l ett e r aud I am expecting you r reply a s soon a� poss ib l e .

Last ni e;ht we ce l ebrated he re JanULiastami f e s t iv a l very �or�eously, a�d many Indians in la rGe number attended and they co ntributed al so very l i b e ral l y . One Madrasi gentleman de monstated a Krishna dance by his two yo ung daugh t ers, and it r:as nice. At t he pr es ent m o ffie n t , many devotees fromS� Francisco, New Ycrk (specif ically your intimate f ri e nd �o omapa t i, is present here ) have come here . To day they wil l ob3e rve Vyas Puja ce re mony ( my Birthday Anniversary ) , so from this day, I will be stepping on the 73rd ye a ro I hope the . remaining cays of my li £a may be ut il iz ed to serve you al l We st ern d e vo t e e s of Krishna. Please pray to Krishna that he may give me the necessary st rength to discharge the duty entrus ted by my Spiritual .Master. Convey my bl essings to Kirt ananc:mda , and I hope you a:;:-c all .i'ioiug well.

"- '\ l l . ' If/c) e;�er 1e r , i; \.. '\ .!/); - .::�i ..:l· . •I �-\.. -l-<.·l� . • '-· v' �..a..'v· ,,. ,. J A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swa�i _,.,_ ,.

r Avenue

1 Quebec Canada

My Dear Vinode, �Qte�

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 17th July, 1968, delivered to me just yesterday, after a month, on account of the mail strike. Anyway, I am very glad to learn that you are approaching the Guzerati people in San Francisco, and ak asking them for their support in the temple, that is a great satisfaction for me. Next time when I go to San Francisco, I wish to visit ,Personally all the Guzerati residents of San Francisco, through your exigency and I shall be glad to speak to them about my mission. My mission is to establish XkX that Krishna Stu Bhagavan Swayam. The International Society for Krishna Consciousness wants to establish that one God, one scripture, fiR one xxx�NXRX±x mantra, and one service. One God is Krishna, one scripture is Bhagavad Gita, one mantra is Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, and one service means everything for the Lord. So it is pleasing to me that the Guzerati ladies and gentlemen who are in San Francisco, they should take keen interest in this movement because istorical superficially or from the point of view, Krishna was a Guzerati. His father was a Guzerati, but His maternal uncle's house was i.n Mathura. And His foster father's house was at Vrindaban. So of «� course, these are superficial, so even we take Krishna as a historical Person, the Guzeratis must take more interest than others.

u 1968
Pg. 356

I thank you very much for your promise that you shall try movement your best to cooperate with me, and in my �ocm�, and for the temple, and for which all blessings and Grace of Krishna will be bestowed upon you. I beg to remain, Your ever well-wisher,

�I L.: E ,.J..�a ,Lt Pg. 357

_;','2() �";:r::J�Vt;!1UC

e>ntrt;ll ·:;w':Jec C�E;:::�" v Ple2 sc 3.c cc pt :!12.' blessin:::s. I ·o ec; to thanJ� you very r:mc!1 for ;y ou r note alons •:ith t!1e paperback co ver of the Bha3avad Gita as it is. And I vcr2-' :Ju ch a pprec i a te d the 1-;rhole thinG• The de si:n a�d the P"lnti�: 3nd evcryt�in3. So far Swami Ehaktivcda:'1ta, it is not very i::�portant thi!l::;. '!'he S�·;ami title can be 3iven , in the b ec i nni!l: or in the end, that doesn't 3atter. So �rou need not be very �uch uorried about it. So :far my name bein3 inserted jtst on t�e left hand of the Lord, is also very muc h ap pr ec i a ted . It is not exactly on th e Head, but it is on the left .!-. rr.1 , so ue are l!r!JS of the Lord, because 11e are fishting o.:;ainst t!J.e influe�1ce of -�a�'a, or ti1e �1 on:!d ev otees . lictually :tz;rR .tarrl:�:m::ut 1ie the ��ris:1�1:1 �o�13cio us people are soldiers of the Lo.rd, or .�rifls of tne Lord, and be c au s e ue are enersY at the same tir:Je, because all livin� enti ties are energy of the Lord, so energy is al�;ays kept 0!1 the l ef t side. -� s ;you have seen, Radharani is also on the l eft side of th e IJO.!'d' and similarly, Lakshmiji is also J-:: ep t on ��e left side of' t':1e L o r d, so �-ie are also L1arc;inal energy, not exactly like �adha:ani or Lakshmiji, but we are sup erio r energy than matter, or materiel energy, so we should keep ourself always on the left sid� of the Lord, and let us act as His Arms, or ar�y. I've also rr±a� noted with pleasure this descfiption of the jacket for the hardbound edition, and I understand that -:ny photo uill be there and it will be sold at �6.95. And you are expecting advance copies by the end of Oc to ber .

At last in this connection, I �u s t offer you my heartiest ble2sin3 because it is due to �our en d e a vo r t! we �fx�zexfi�itg� are findi�3 our �ha:3vad ;ita to be published by

· .:J:D.;t ?2, j jii
�reat publisher.

Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your letter dated August 24, 1968, with 2 pictures, photographs of our temple in Buffalo. You have �itten to say that Buffalo is doing well, but I think Buffalo is doing well because you are doing well. Every place is expansion of Krishna ' s mate-rial energy, and material energy being expansion of Krishna,in one sense there is no difference bet·ween Krishna and the material energy. The only defect of material energy is that it is something like the prison department of the government. But it is not that all the persons residJng in prison are under prison rules and regulations. Similarly, all conditioned souls who are within this material energy, are supposed to be the prison walls of material nature, but those who are officering on behalf of Krishna, they�e not members of the prison rules. and regulations. So our �embers of trishna Consciousness all over the world who are engaged in preaching Lord Krishnais desire, that everyone should surrender unto Him, so one who has taken up seriously to preach this message in the world, he is con'sidered as doing well. So my conclusion is that Buffalo is doing well because you are doing well. I am so glad to see that one of my sincere disciples has sacrificed everything for spreading Kr-is-hn-a Gon5-ci-ousness·, and I am so pleased upon you that you are showing the example of an ideal householder. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur was also a householder, but he lived in so perfect Krishna Consciousness that he is better than many Sanyasis like us. So far I am conc e rned, I could not live like Bhaktivinode Thakur because I was disgusted with my family members and I was obliged to give up my fa�ily life. But Krishna is so kind that although I left my few children born out of this physical body, Krishna has sent many nice beautiful obedient children for propagating my mission. And you are one of the�. So I am very much obliged to you.

The best thing that you are doing, that you are training our grand-c hild , ?.Ir. Eric. I al ways see that he is al·ways with you and from very childhood, he is �etting the Krishna Consciousness ideas, and similar opportunity was for me when I was a little boy , like your child. My father also trained ne and instructed me to his best capacity, and he prayed for me that Radharani may be pleased upon me, and I think by my father's blessings and grace, I may have come to this .position, and I might have gotten into relationship with His Divire Grace, 0!!1 Vishnupad Sri Srimad Ehakti Siddhanta Sareswcti Goswa:ni l!aharaj. So it is also Krishna's

CAf.1P: ISKCON R..<\DHA KRISHJ';A TE!1lPLE 3720 Park·Avenue Montreal quebec Canada DATID Augus.t 30., ...... .... ..... .. 196.8..
My Dear Rupanuga,

Grace that I get good father, and a good Sp:jritual Haster, and in my old age also, Krishna has favored me with so many good children. So when I feel I see that Krishna is so kind upon me, so I offer my obligations unto Him.

I shall be glad to receive a copy of the pictures taken by Joey, as you describe it has come so successful.

From the pictures of our Buffalo cen t e r, it appears it is very nice cottage and I think it is quite suitable for our purpose.

Regarding your question: "about the six-armed Lord Chaitanya you gave me ( Krishna, Lord Chaitanya, and Lord Rama combined. ) Why is Lord Chaitanya carrying a forked stick? What do the Shaivite-like teloks on His arms signify? And to who!ll was this form revealed!" The forked stick is a symbol of ekadandi. The mayavadi sanyasis, they carry ekadanda, one stick. As we Vaishnav sanyasis carry 3 danda, or three sticks, combined together. The one stick is the symbol of understanding oneness. The monists only accept chin m��a, there is only one spirit soul; they do not understand the varieties of the spiritual world. And so far our three sticks are concerned, we take it for granted that we have dedicated our life, for Krishna's service in 3 ways, namely, in our body, in our mind, and in our words. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur has sung in a poetry that my mind, my body, an�y-home is surrendered unto You. So a Grihastha or householder like you, you are also tridandi. Because you have sacrificed everything, your life, your home, and your child, so you are a tridandi sanyasi, in fact. So continue this attitude seriously and sincerely, so you will be also as good as a sanyasi even though you are in the tiress of a Grihas�ba. The Shaivite telok is three puncra, 3 lines, on the foreh�ad, in 3 parallel lines. Our telok udra pundra, they are distinctive ngrks of different sections. There are two sections of the Vedic followers. Namely, the i�personalists and personalists. So the telok distinguishes one from the i�personalists. Our udra pundra, Vishnu temple, udra pundra means Vishnu temple, so ·.ve are distingui:.Jhed fro;n the mayavadis who use the three parallel lines, tripundra.

Regarding my gain� to Buffalo: It may be postponed for the ��Ule being. You \'Jill be glad to know that I a!!!. proceedi�g to New York tomorrow evening, at 4:30, and re,3ching there at 5:50. I wish to r�.?:-P.ain at least for a week in New York, and then st

·for San Francisco. Hope this meets ou good health,

,. ' r · rt t c rltltc

M� dear Achyutananda,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your note along with Jaya Govinda's. The Bengali which you've written are simply nonsense. They are full of mistakes. And each and every word is misspelled. Just like you have written ��huta�e" as "Bhuthale." Is is not very much encouraging. Neither it is good that you do something wrong and at the end you simply write please forgive us. The best thing will be that both of may go to Bombay and begin a positive work under my direction. Don't be carried away by whims, and waste time and money. As there is no possibility of printing in Delhi, you kindly pack up the manuscript and send it to New York.

Hope you are well,

Your ever well-wisher,

fl[ .-. I L E

ltJTe�rjonALSOclCTY FoJt KR1S�A


l£y ])ear Brahl'lR.nanda,

September 15, 1968

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 9th September 1968, and have noted the contents carefully. And specifically about the business transaction of Mssrs. !.1acl1illan through Iri:r. Wade. Now, after reading your letter under reply very carefully, I have d $cided to take 5000 copies from them, provided they give us 50';G, not 47%. Then we shall take delivery of the books in three installments; first, t\';o thousand copies; second, two thousand copies; and, again, one thousand copies. And as promised by them, they must give us 60 days sight for payment for each consignment. And we shall give them bank reference. I think this will be nice arrangement.

The distribution arrangement should be like this: That as soon as you get the first two thousand copies, you distribute to all the centers, according to the capacity, and I think the first distribution can be made like this: 500 copies to San Francisco, 500 copies to New York, and balance 1000 copies to different cen�ers. We have got now about 14 centers; New York, San Francisco, noston, Buffalo, Montreal, Santa Fe, Los Angeles, London, Berlin, Hawaii, and Florida, Seattle, and New Vrindaban. So if you distribute our books in that way, they can sell retail. I am sending Goursundar to Hawaii, and probably I shall send Chidananda to Florida. And I have received letter from Sbivananda that in Germany, there is good prospect, and he is already trying to rent one very nice storefront, 300 marks rent per month. And two boys, Krishna das, and Uttama Sloka (a German boy ) are going there very soon. So of course we do not expect to sell English books in Germany very �uch, but maybe so�ebody will be interested. But in England we can sell some books. So in this way, try to distribute and let us risk. But they must give us 60 days sight, and we shall take delivery 5000 copies in three installments. And they mus.t allow us 50%, discount, not 47%. On these conditions you accept·.Ahd bank reference I shall give.

Regarding :Mr. \'lade's promise to Goursundar, to pay $225-$250, they must keep their promiGe. Otherwise, it will be not possible to do business with them, if they change their word of honor. You must say Mr. Wade like thR.t. In business principle, what is promised, that must be kept. If the promise is not kept, then we are not going to deal with them, with such business firm, even it may be very big. That should be our principle also. So I think on this principle we can arrange with them, and I shall give you bank reference when they require.

Telephone: 731-9671
518FrederickStreet,SanFrancisco, Calif. 94117

.Pl e as e a c ce p t r':iy blessinf,S. I b o �) e you have- rt: ct:i \leu ;..r1y ler.:,er r e g a r c1 i n e; BbR?:3V2d Gi t a 8S it is, and Jaya Go vinda' s letcer fro� I n d i a . �n the meAntim� �have received another letter .fr·onJaya Go vin d a , anci it a pr e 9 r s that he i s very ara·:i o u s to have tr1e i n d e tUJl i ty b o n d . He has give n o11e no�e below his that re a d s as foll ov1s : " I·J . B .-Sw a �.1i ji , If you would liE.e I�or P arb a t il a ha r aj to do me the favor of si2::,--ning hi m s e l f th� in c e mnity b o dn , t h en p le As e ask him th a t 6ire c t lv; of course, then he vli ll ask that I always reinain here at his ;.:ath. I am a sreea b l e to t h i s pron ositio n. Or; if y o u woul6 like for hi:- to di rect .'·!r. Om Prakash t o sign, then !Jlease ask rji11 that dir ec tly also. Thi s is P0- rb a t .::ahara2 ' s re <J uest . ( Ja yaG ovinc.: a)" This m e a ns th�t Pa rv� t }laharajis c a n v a s s i n � to break them from the s o c i e ty onc1 reiilair; \'Jith hi·n. !1e is an other e u i ti o n o: .cor... i.: c. ha raj , v; ho has brok en t�e poor l-Lrishikesh f.:c:;.�1 trw so ci e '-Y · Bes i d es that , you have s�nt rne a note d a t e d 9/1 0/68 , which re ads as i'ollov,;s: "Dear Sr; a ra i j i , Please a c ce pt wy 'nost huoble obeisances. bnclosea is a �1au;azine publ ishec by S ri .Srir.1ad ��rbat � a h a r a j which Jaya S ovi n d a sent us. You will be i L�eres �ed t o see one article published aoout �he cian FrA n c i s c o Ee.t .na Yatra festival . ( B r a hm a nand a das)11 Fro cn this r. ote it a )Jp e ar :; th at .2arv at r.·: aharaj is mis rep rese nting hii!lselfas t he publisher of tr1 e pape r :• Trut h. 11 But a c t u a l ly he is no1; so. It is uubl i s ned by one very bi€5 Doctor, l\iedic al .Practitioner, Lr. N.R. Sen. I knew this g e n t l em an in connection wi tl1 my med i c a l business. So in this �ay, i t rl s cl ear that th is P�rvat baharaj is trying to en tice JayaGo vi n d a . ·r he l e tter �h ich I have s e n t y est e rci ay r.o Jaya Govind a, a co py ofwhic h is enclosed herewith. Kow you should clearly wr i t e to him th::;t if both of them joi ntly wo rk in Bo mb ay , on behalf of ISr�Co!:., and und er clear d i r e c t i on fror:� rne, then th e y can remain in Ir;.dia, and you will give him the re quireo indemnity let ter. Otherv;i s e t he y must return to Germany to a :s i s t Sllivenanda there. In Bo:nbay they ca..'"l ,-,ork on behalf of our s o c i e '-Y by �ell irH:; m&gazines, se c uri ng ad vert is e�ents for E a ck �o Sodhe a d , and sell i n � our books. �Chat wi ll be their ·nain business. So far l e arn i nt; a new l e n e; u a t; e , 13e n g a l i or Hindi,e t c . , tnis is simply a �aste of t i m e ;the y aren't scholarly boys. 5�d they been sch ol arly then t h ey would have prosecuted their mother tonEue education very nicely. So anyone \';ho is not s c h o l arl y cannot pick up any f o r e ign lar.��:uase so (J uickly. even if he p ic k s 11:0 SO':'Je b ro ke n ·:.'ords, t;fr� t. c a1�not be used for ::ny �u rpose . So c!earlv a dvise them not to incul�e in chi ldis h fr ivo l i r. i e s . j,

11JTe�TjonA.LSOclCT.Y foP- foz.jSiJt)AC01')$ClOUSryess, JfJC.
Telephone: 731-9671
Septe�ber17, 'Gd
518 Frederick Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94117
c:!.-J --.-tl t �
!ws alre::H..:v •:.•o. · -r;ec. lv r10nt hs ti·ne bv his childish f :-:_ :'..rol i cie s; so-ne ti:-:le s 'nrc :� c he r, so:ne ti::1e s �c·l.:tru, ·· an d sorc..e ti;Jes �c. ::..n2 ::.c.,• .-,0 _you ·.'.ill. �in(ilv -ive t..herr. cle:..J:- ir.c.iicEil-iOL ;::;jat 1V..c""'SSI�

My Dear Hayagriva,

Please ac c ept my blessings. I beg to ackuov1ledge receipt of your letter dated Sept. 16, 1968, and I think everything is going v1ell with you, bo th.Yes ; froJl the very beginning you just revise Srimad Bhagavata:and now we shall print 12 volumes, for 12 c anto s , under di ff erent na:nes, each canto. That schem.e will be nice. Regarding enc ro achment by Maya: There is every possibility,at every time, becaus e we are living in the kingdom of Maya. Her influence upon us is very strong, but as indicated in the Bho.gavad Gita, 7th chapter, that in spit·e of her very great influence over the living entities, a living entity as soon as he fully surrenders unto Krishna, the influence of Maya will no more act upon him. This is a fact. So the more v1e become stronger in our Krishr1a Consciousness, the more Uaya is aloof from us.

Your poetry is nice, and I am keeping it with me for future publication in Back To Godhead. I shall send it to Rayarama in my next mail to him.

If you can write a nice short article, inviting the hippies, to take to Krishila Cons ciousness , and practice it in New Vrindaban, Ithink many sinc ere hippi e s '.vho are looking after something genu-· ine, peaceful, they will come. So our movement if it is introduced amongst the hippies, becaus e so far I can understand, they are after such thing for peace of the mind. Not only for the hippies, but for everyone. Everyone is seeking after peace and :ttappiness, but they are seeking in the material platfonn. That is not possible to be achieved there. One has to be elevated on the spiritual platfor:n and then his·;aspiration will be fulfilled. Ithink you can 1vrite a nice article for publication in our Back To Godhead. Hope this will find yo u in good1h

""al th. HARE KRISIDV...

....� co-rysc1ousry�ss,Jrye. 518 Frederick Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94117 Telep 731-9671 5516 Roosevelt Wsy, N.E. Seattle, Was h. Sep 22, 196
sociery f'�r{ K�1sJJ:�
y u"r> �ve �sher-.::- .,. (. I �� ·Lr&f A hakt�ve Swam� .. ' <::" _::::--__- -�

Please accept my blessings. I am so pi ease_q. to learn that you are le�turing in the Boston University class in mysticism, ·and they areaupreciating your �ersions. Please alwaysremain submissive in spirit to Krishna and Spiritual Master, and by their Grace you.will get all strength to speak and satisfy your audience. ·I, remember when you were walking with me on the New York s-treet, y'ou were proposing me to _:become lecturer in some University. And your -honest desire has been fulfilled by Krishna, that He has given sufficient strength unto you, that instead of me, you are speaking there as my representative. This is all Kr�shna's Grace. But one thing I may inform you, 'that thethree books which I have already prepared, namely, the Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Teachings of Lord Chaitanya, and Srimad Bhagavatam, al·l these books are the .. ult'imate source of knowledge. If ypu simply reproduce what I'have tried to explain iri those books, surely yo'u will come out victorious, even in the midst of so many �reat mundane scholars. The description given in these books, are not mundane speculations, but they are authorized versions of liberated souls, presented by our humble s·elf. So the S:;rength is not in us, but the streng�h is in the Supreme Lord·. And we lave simply to present them with- · out any adulteration, in humble service spirit. fhat is the secret of success. Hoping you are well,

My Dear Devanan�a,
DATED.sept.. .. .28.,.�... : ... .. .... . .. ... .. 196.. 8.
CAMP: ISKCON RADHA. KRISHNA TEMPLE • 5516 Roosevelt Way N.E. Seattl�, Wash. 981'05
� -------------

Post Of-Fice box 181�6

Delhi 6.. lliDIA

lfrl. dear Jayananda,

s�oc. 29. 1967
pr4$'1<'ent:. of ISK00N Sa.n Franc1. .::::.:·o brahch. Your €l�ct16rt ·as presldc:;n·:. _;, a rcc•:.'.ln1ti:m by Y��:-1shna anr thE"'I.".r·i\:;.r<: I }�rtllr.J- �SP't j'' .... '' ,. J • - .... -�-"L .. ..<.. :-,."'""' '··c·!' . , ""c ._·1 ,_ 1-.-�.-:' .. · . - ., .. . . "' .. .•· '. ... , _ ..... . . •·' .;'.H ;·, .;t.. 1.'1(1 make- " ..L;J' 11fl. ...., ...,;. •,..i1:1�· ·' '1"" � '·' "' ,...� 1 •· 1.t1 ....,. l, ... .,J \-• 1 V \,.; \,.: ".... L .J .t 1.. " .]'( . . . - -.J ..:l .• --( 1 ... r . .. _ -a r! •"' :l'l· ·;·�·· .. -- ,_ ... -> ,.,� \�••·' I . . l'·� • " ,.. -� 1s· iJeq�cait!n::; M2> life tor K:ri�·!�rw l� ·t-ll!"'t:nc'':· cl ��<:in;;a>il c�n::ri �:f he 18 fJ :mb1�;,:H�r ::<ilh. If y'b-0 1':\.kt:.. '.j::cH.r.,��'trn 1':�{::-.<,me· �,- iK·L·;·cXIlt' hbld-Qt"' 304 I"Ve no opje·c�loo to that.. f.\ur' 1/A.i�hnav.;:, :mLt-.):".i:5.)ny tn·�cNet<A·

to become "Vidvati sanyasis", this means a man viho kno�tnl ch.ings as they are, ther0fore a devotee who knows th� t everythin� belongs to Krishna and tl--)at !· c is the proprietor of all such a deV1Jtce 1e certain1y a Vidvat1 '1anynsi. Our philosophy 18 tl1nt. :··c should accept thin��s as pra!iAdam of Kri"'hna and nothin[� fnr sense enjoyment.� who ac,r.:ptA thinc;fl fo.r sense enjoyment even if he is externally a r,a fron drc JN! mrm 18 not a sanyn�>J. 'rhe mayava di ��::mya s 1 c:onsidera hlmt�el · as God, this Cl1nc · .;t ·:)r life develops und0r illu�ii()n. 1•'hr--n 8 person fails to be c >rrtE: :, l1r· Lord of the un 1 v 1' .-,' �-

the worlcl, t;herefore they se.y tl'V' \A�orld is faP c or tr1e ..:;robes are sour, the vK'rld is no�; false Kri··hna is the sunreme trut!·� and cannot b0 false; but ;C must •;hat X.}u•��: t.hi�� cft"r··:y 1. . .lnfcrior to Hi�� "'piritL� 1 r·:ncr:,; . As t.1ere are hairs and nall:..- .n V1e body when the :.;h( rnaterta7. �ncri-;y 1 � :"''Derated from the service _)f' temporary. :·h same temporary nergy when surchar(:,ed v.1lth Kriehna �onsciouanes.\ it tran�Gorm into supreme energy by the su�reme will. By thi·· v.; ll any energy can be transformed lnto another just llkP. cl .ctroni JUUf� enerc:�Y in a r•eferigerator or in a heater, to a·: ordina� y layman, he sees cold and hot but to an electrician,

, • . r• • 1 .� !'ox tvh attemot:• t· 1.·.. ,,,
t .�

he �ees electricity. So when one 18 engaged in th� �crvicc of the Lord that perGun lf' llr,..ncly in the spiritual energyJ nnd a sanyasi and the real purpnsP of A. sanyasi io to transform �- himself from tlw ln.fl·:r'J.)r to thr :.'.'uperior, snirlr.nnl energy. If y011.C' ...::· .n'' ,� i JUSnc;: :i 18 absorbed in' Kribhno �/811 are always a sany<.Jc.L.




5516 Roosevelt Way N.E. Seattle, Wash. 98105

DATIDO.ctc.her . l.,......................1968

Ky Dear Eansadutta,

Please accept my blessings. I have not heard anything from you since last few days; hope everything is going on well. N0w. regarding the house which you saw on 772 Sherbrooke Street, in !rent of �acGill-D�ersity, do you think I shall seriously negotiate for securing the house? The condition is that we have to pay at least Sl2,000 per year, or $1000 permonth. You assured me that by opening Prasadam restaurant downstairs you will be able to raise this SlOOO. If you are confident about this, then let me know immediately, so I shall renew negotiation with the party.. You may see-the house once more inside; the process to do so is as follows: "Permission to inspect maybe obtained upon application to the Base Construction Engineering Of!icer,6769 Notre Dame Street East, Montreal,Quebec (Telephone 255-8811-Local 280), between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on working days only." So you can arrange to see the building by phone and let me Know your opinion as soon as possible. Regarding your press , and publication of Back To Godhead in French language: I have not heard anything. I have also not heard anything from Janardan since I have come. I shall be glad to hear from him also . Have you issued any mimeograph copies of Back To Godheaa till now?

So I am anxious to know all these informations as well as general information of the temple affairs. Offer my blessings to Himavati and all other devotees. Here the Kirtan party is doing very well. They are selling Back To Godhead nicely and making colle�tion of 530-to S50 daily. Awaitiri0 your early reply, and thanking you�

N.B. While in Montreal, there was one small gold platedbowl kept in a gray flannel drawstring ba�, kept in the bookcase in the apartment. In packing it is somehow missing.. We do not know i� perhaps it was left there in that apartment, and ir so, could you a� Eimavati i! she found it in her cleaning of the ap artment a!ter we left? It has somehow or other been lost; please check about it as far as possible.

---·----.__ .
pS.Ifwl..":u_t(l'uJ)Ji/:i/;-r>., h->1A111_ttud1121' ... 1( �( �&-.�0.:...JLw(, )V�'uu.... Uf.!r

My Dear Yamuna devi,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your nice· letter of 9/27/68, London Yatra, and it is so much encouraging to me. Your appreciation is so nice, of Srimad Bhagavat Gita and Teachings of Lord Chaitanya, and please continue to study and preach in this way to all you meet. I am very happy to learn . that you are going to various· homes and lecture halls, and holding kirtan and delivering lectures from these transcendental literatures. This is very nice. And if you continue in this way, gradually so many people will be attracted, and our London center will be very soon successfull. I have received also your handbills, and they are also very nice. All this good news is very much_encouraging to me, and I thank you all six sincere souls for carrying on this mission so enthusiastically.

The drawings for the certificate are:ericlo�ed herewith, and you can place them in proper position, as they iook best. _These recommendations may also help you: "Best use a l5x20 or similar proportion paper (hopefully you probably already have used similar size) Be sure that after pasting in each corner� that the edges are kept cJean�_ �o that they do not show when phot6graphed. For printing they can be reduced some, to about an inch or two larger than a piece of typewriting paper (with whatever exact proportions are convenient to use in the reduction)." Murlidhar das has drawn. th�se pictures, and they are· very nicely done.

Today the�e was a :television station interview in my apart=-.; ment. They came with big cameras and mfcrophones, and I played harmonium and 6ne lady interviewed with a f�w �uestions. They took also pictures of my altar with Radha Krishna Deities, and Lord Jagannath, and the cover pictures o:f my Bhagavad (}ita and Teachings of Lord Chaitanya. So it will be on the newscast at 5:00 this evening, in color, and we will g'o and see bow they have done it. They also came to. our class -last night, and took pictures of our students dancing iri ecstasy. So this ·should help our movement here in Seattle, as so many people will see, and come to our temple. You can try for television· appearances there also if possible.

I hope you are all_ well, and I ai!1 always looking forward to hearing your good reports of the activities· of the London . for me.

� Camp:
........ ..... ... .... ....--t-t October 3, 1968 r-----· - --R..J.I..J.?:P-.. � Jt:.:�- ,....--..... -�- "'---�..... --c, .. --�
ISKCON RADHA KRISH�A TEMPLE 5516 Roosevelt Way; N.E., Seattle, Wash.98105
• 1\ . ('®'fc� A. 'tlv�aa�ta

Jf.CGJ3fiaktivedanta Swami

Founder-Acharya :

International Society for Krishn a Consciousness CENTER:TI'T"T

�y Dear Prahladananda,

Please accept my bl�ssinqs. I beg to thank you for your letter dated September 11th ann the contribution check for the Bhaktishastri examination. You have asked me for suqgestions of what to say to different persons on Partv, bLJt there is no specific sayinq to any person. Whatever we say we say to everyone. It doesn't matter Hhat is his age. Krishna Consciousness teaching does not depend on the aqe. It is the eternal platforr'l of the soul. 'rhis is the meaning of transcendental; that is is beyond any consideration of material qualifications such as aqe or intelligence. Just like thunder in -the sky does not n-een any explanation to any oln person or to a you�g child, similarly, the transcendent�! sound vjbrBtion of H�re Krishna and preaching of :ahagavad G;ita philosophy will act on everyone, regardlese-: of whether or not they are unnerstandinq at first. When preachjnq you only repeat what you have heard from the disciplic successi-on and this will act.

Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in good health.

�ridandiQoswami F
DATE ....O.c;t.o.Q�,. ... ...19.69.

DatedJ October 6, 1968

Hy Dcai:

Jayapa taka,

Please accept ble�sinc�. I am in due receipt of p your le tter Sept. ,16, and I hav e noted the contents carefully. I am very �uch concerned about yourself tttthat you have fH been inj ured, by \\l o r kine; I do not 1cnow VJhat sort of ougr e--knrL1a you were do1nc, but wlwtever you do, you mus t b c ca r eful . Your body is d ed i c a ted to Krishna, ther efore you s hould rot be neglectful about �- your body, You shomld always think that your body is no more your body, but it is Y\X ish..11a 1s body. Therefore you should taLcc c nre of it . So far studying Deneali, of course if you can do with sp a re time, I have no objection. But I don' t think ther e is noy i�por t�nce in s tudy ing Bengali. It is too late now to study Bcneali and boco�e a sc ho lar , ne ither Heng3ld is v ery us eful in your country and this p�rt os t he ".JorJd , but there are many l it era tur e s in Bengali. If you can study conveniently, t hen spare your ti.r.1e; oth�rwis e ,2 do not \-mste your til:Je. If you have got s owe tiL.Ue, the \13 best th ing \WUld be to chant Hare Y\Xishna .l:iore and n;ore. Decause our life is very short , ond we have to fL"lish our Krishna Consciousness this life very qu ic kly . \Ve do not know whenwe shall meet our next death, our next exit from this platfor�. But before going out of this platform, we may try to finish Krishna Consciousness . That is our �ain bus ine s s .

I have not heard anything about publication of our Back To Godhead in Frenc h language. \'!hat about the prinying in mime ograph machine? I am very much anxious to hear about it . Please i s sue t he mimeogr aph copies of Dacj To Goohead as soon as pos s ible. And Hasns a dut ta �e �ro t e me about st arting some press, but I have not hea rd anytiine ab out the pre ss st ar t ing . I am interested in starting the press, so if you cnn manage it will be very nice. Another thL��, you ask Janardan 'vJhy he doe!:> not \·1r ite me 5ince I h.:lve come back to New Yonk from l·)ontreal . I have not heard o ny th ing foom him. So I am al so intere s ted to know v1hether he is doing translation work or not . Plea se ask him to write me. And also, I have weitten one letter to I�nsadutta that plea se ask him to rep ly me as soon as poss ible .

Here in Seattle, thine s are going nicely, and it may be from here I may go to Florid a. There is some fr i end in Flor ida who VJa nt s to help us to open a cented.P there. All of you plea s e chant Hare Krishna, and hear the sound v ibr at ion , and serve Krishna and Spiritual Master to your be s t capacity and everything e will be �11 rigt. Please offer my blessings to al l the devotees ond I am eY.pect ing letters e spec ia l ly from Hansadutta a nd Janurdon. Hope this \-t ill find you 1n good health1

Yours ever vJell-vlisher

�� L E •
f, L L-:Ji.-J
Campz Iskcon Radha Kr}hna Temple 5516 Roo sevelt Way N.E. Seattle Wa s h ing ton 98105
"::� t�-._..,

CH:JP: ISKCOiif RALfU. LLUSHI\ll. T2L2L3 5516 Roosevelt 'Jay N.E. Seat�le, �ash. 93105

o;rrm .o.c.tob�r .7., ........................ 1S53...

My Dear Hayagriva,

Please accept ny blessings. I an in due rcceipt; of your. letter d2tcd October 2, 1968, and. I ao vary much pJ.;:.:ascd. to learn· t ha t you have seG·ured a v2ry good apartment of 5 rooms, and it is very· near to your offica. I have· receiv-ed one lett er f ro::J Pradyl.llil.n.a as well as Kirtanananda Uaharaj, fro::.1 New Vrindaban, and I am enclosing !l�rewith the replies of' s letter; I hope he has be this time co�e . to you.

Your statement" "within the I hope to have sot:1e stu��An:t:a {""&-1'"'\�"'P""r..;,.,l"f'An -ic .,,.,a..,.....,-� .anl"'t""'11'T"'1�.;.,..n"' ..;-""""" """""' c-.,....·-1..--4-4-.;_ '-�-....---·- ------o --· .........J . "'··-----0.-..0 ... ...,4 ...u.-• y�.r........�.L�.-�.......v .a....:l VJ...t..o mother of all languages; there is no doubt about it. In our cnildhood, we read one gr�iilar r:uade by two English professors, �1r.. Rowe and Webb, in Calcutta, Presidential Col le;o , a.Tld they have given their statement that Sanskri ·ti is the motb...=:.=- of all languages. Besides that, we understand froo reliable r�sourcss, ::tb,at S8!lskrit is the spoken by the higher pl anc tary denizens. :It.. is therefore called Dcvana3a.ri. D�va.nag:;ri neans tha cities of the de!!ligods. This language is sp oken there. .And so .far, AUM is concerned, actually, the )_.u, the alphatbet A, ·is the basic principle o:t all languages. And Krishna so.ys, Aks.e.ra.nsn .Alcaras!li ·-.the A a:tongst all t;s, is Krishna. Because .A 1.s t?"'.•:! bt::--ginning of all lB.:2guaE;e. A or Au. So your rcpres�!:tation that Sanskrit is the origin of Icdo-Europcan languages, is �uite ri�t,. but our !llain con�crn is how we can i:J.pre ss people about the im-portance of Krishna Consciousness, and your scholar:'ly presentation of the Anglo-Sa.xon 1anguage is very much pleasing to me; I bope in future you have to·rn.ove amongst tile .sch.ola::-s, representing our Krishna Consciousness movemenc, so I am glad that you are thinking in th at v-lay for our future progr31il..

RegardiiJ.g your enemy, tfr. Lust: I have noted tb.� C.ifficulties, but we should always reo.ember that K·rishnc>. is strong0r than any de:!!.on , and ar. Lust, or his fath.:r or his .gJ:'anC..fn.t�2r, nobody can do anything provided we thkce shelter of Kris�n.a vary tightly. Now so far your personal matter is concerned, you are a Brclloachary,. you can marry at ar..y ti:::1e, and in l:e�'' Yor�-c, all the nic� girls, they are actually ver"".f suitable for our students, and I encmi r!.lge that all. the Brahmach::1.=-ies :nay be very· responsible, aud marry ore of the girls. BcJcause gen!!rally the girls desire good husband and a good ho;ne, childrca, that is their natural propensity, so we want to sho� so�a ideal householders also. But the proposal th:J.t Hill solve t;hc queatioi;l o:f lust, {3 not practical. I·leither wife sh:Juld be

accepted as a rnachine .for satisfying our lust. The mar.;:-iage tie should be taken as very sacred. One who marries for subducing lus t is mistal-:en. Becsuse- lust cannot be satisfied simply by indulc;ing in sense gratificotior... It is comp�red with tha t extingu.ishinG the fire '.'lith large amount of petrol. For the time being, th·� fire may ap�e ar to be cxtinguis!:ed by pourinc; a large quantity of p�trol, but the petrol itself is so dangerous that at any ti�e, it can be in .fl2�e. So to subdue luzt is a differer"t proccs.s. T!1crr you. hu' to tat:� to Deity worship. Krishr�a is U::.dan L!ohan. You have already statcd in your letter, it is very nice, thst you would much. prefer to chann,�l all your desir�:3 to Krishna, and you ask me ho':: is this possible when enveloped in rn3.ya, seeing only ;nateri�l forms. You have also writt·::n to say that if you can see the .Absolute Beauty which is all-attractive, then you could not help but be attracted and ·sould scorn be3.uty. �his is actually the rea.edy. So yoll £!lay take im.r::tcdiately to the Archan, the . Deity \•/or .ship. Kirtanananda l'.iahoraj ha.s also begun Deity vrorship in N��7· Vrindab2.n, and Frudyu�"'l.a kn9vrs how he is doin�, and sim.ilsrly, in He•.1 York, Brah.::lananda is also engaged now in the Deity worship, and �he process is a little difficult , in the beginnir..g, but one habitua.t�d, it is not at: all difficult. 3o apart frO•!\ tr.e narriage p.roposc>.l, you aay if!liJ.ediat<�ly tal-:c to Deity worship. I aC!. sendin6 her�-::ith Oil.e copy of the pr:>ces3 'J.f D�ity 77orship, 9.nd col.!;.·iled by Br:::.hxaananda, that will help you �nd Prn.dyLLma also kn·�ws, so combined togeth�r, you i.c..:lediately bcc;in Deity worship as Kirtana."landa a.od Brah!nar..anda is doing, and I o.r!l. sure this process, helped by your regular chantins, will kill Ur. Lust, res� as�ured. uf course, when you b�gin, I a:J. a.t·y'::>ur s e rvice always, a:u.d give you sugsestions ar;.d ways and. scans to .sa.'lc� progress .in the Deity worship, but you can i.::nediatcly :J.dop"t this principle •.

Now so far teachin�s co the students, I think in Eew Yrindo.ban ':te shall r.. :1·ie our o'!m ir..s ti tution for teaching some boys, and I thir..k you can be r-=cot;nizcd prir..ciplc o.f th·3.t inst;itution. So far I understand, that the-lar1 of your co:J.nt;ry is that nobody can k�ep youngst�rs �ithollt being s�nt into the· scho::>ls, so there are i!lany juvenile Brahr:i.ach�ries in. S::tn. �S--1-��--, --� ��c4- -"thA� ic. n��n1Aynrl wh�rA tn send them. o requcs... you �o th1n.�e on th1s ::nat cer how v:� C.?-'1 or- ganize :3. s:tall party of Brahaacharies' school, so that govern­ ment m.ay recognize it, end that will be a ntce progr9....-n..

Regarding hippies, I know hip?ics have no monev. Bll� in I-!e·,7 Vrindaban, our program is that th':! inhabitants should produce their own food, so:neh0'.7 O!." o thar th.�y should be self­ independent. Otherwise, what is the use of occupyin g such great tract of land. If we can think of st?.rting a Si:'!.all in­ stitution, I think we shall e;et help from. govern:n�nt and L'lany �oundations, if they understand th8.t \'.ie are actually a·�ng peopl� for building up c·haracte r �md l:ealth along r::ith. ic:I­ parting education.

The Fre� University program is a good proposal, and if we can introduce study of our books, Bhagav�d Gita As It Is and Tcachin�a of Lord Chaita.nya, that will a gre'-1t success for our r!Ji�s.topnry P.rot''=!fS:J.nda, as well as fin'anc.ial h"!lp to our r ..'"·.: 11 ,...1-r111··:.·•n ��·�n-.:··,,�. Jn cnnc1usion T r·l-t'T i_nf'nr."• "-"' " • :, .. •· ·--,.,

Please acce�t my blessings. I beg to acknowl�dge receipt Qf your two letters dated October 10, and 11, and noted tq§ -contents carefully. idy first -r.hanks .are due to my dear·�·son,. Mr. Eric, who is so kind to pray ror my good health. So offer my blessings and thanks to the good child, and I am also praying to Krishna f�r his long life an� prosperity. . .

'Regarding Mr. Fugate in Florida: I have read the letter, the copy of which you have sent to me, and I am for�arding it to Nandarani. Because she is also very much surprised at the behavior of :Mr. Fugate in connection with I1!ahapurusha. After all, this class of men, they are falsely puffed up that they know something a1;out mysticism, but actually they \va.nt:=-tCF-be want to be flattered by somebody. So they are keeping some spirit�al master or instructor, means to keep them as pet dog and cat. I think r�lahapurusha may not have spoken anything which is very offensive, but he was so intolerant that he could not give him shelter even for one day. So r_e was so angry. That is not the sign of a mystic. Anyway, please try to deal with him softly b�cause he has got some tendency for spiritual upliftment of his life, but he is misguided or without any know1EC6� in the line. Neither he is ready to accept any bonafide inst�uctor, this is his position so far I can understand. There is a proverb in Sanskrit that you speak truth but don't speak unpalatable truth. ·.-!hen you speak the truth it must be. very palatable. So this social convention is·not· applicat,le to a person �hri is preaching the Absolute Truth. Absolute Truth is not dependent on material pleasure or unpleasure. I think Mahapurusha's personality did not impress upon him, but so far I know, his behavior could not be anything offensive. So forget the incident, but our mission is to preach Krishna Consciousness, and if possible, try to ·tackli� this gentleman.· Because he has got some inclination toward Krishna Consciousness, so let us try, to help him as fhr as possible. So continue correspondence with him, and let us see how we can deal with him later on.

PreachinB in this center, Seattle, is also going on nicely. The students are trying to understand our philosophy, and in spite of some countcr-pro:;-aganda by one Nr. I.1iller, a Christian minister, that we are trying to impress some .r•.:digious principles. Still they have invited and they are hearing, so things are going on nicely here. And so far London, and Berlin_is concerned,

Cfir.1P:I SKC01'1 RA DHA KRI SHNA T:2:i!IPLE 5516 Roosevelt Way, N.E• . Seattle, ·v·,·ash.- 98105 D.1TEDQg.t.9.R.C?.r....:!-.5..,-,........................196.§..
My Dear Rupanuga,

things are pro{3ressing nioiy, and Mukunda is trying to establish a bonafide branch of our society in London, with cooperation of Englishmen; Mr. Alan Ginsberg, he is also trying to help }.;lukunda by introducing with some influential nen there, so I think this future is hopeful. So far your Buffalo center is concerned, you are trying your best, and Krishna will help you. Go on doing like that, and our business is to try our best. Result we leave it for consideration of Krishna, and we shall not be disappointed whether the result is favorable or unfavorable. Actually there cannot be any unfavorable result, because we are serving Krishna. One person may be or may not be inclined to accept Krishna Con� sciousness, but that doesn't matter, but if we try our best to make one person Krishna Conscious, then our duty is carried nicely. That is resognized by Krishna. In Sanskrit it is said Yatne Krite Yadina Side.hati 'Kotra Doso.h. That means, in spite of our best efforts, if things do not come successful, then there is no fault on our side. That should be the principle of ·our preaching, we shall try our best to convince others in Krishna Consciousness, and Krishna will be pleased, that is our gain.

From Seattle, for a day or two, or utmost for a \':eek, I may go to Vancouver, then I shall go to Los An�1es. Perhaps you know that 'Ne are trying to take one office in the Church center of the United Nation, with an idea that we may try to propagate our Krishna Consciousness movement, amongst respectable 'lea·�ers of the nations who are attached to the United Nations, so Purushottam is corr�sponding anC. trying to arrant;e for this, let us_see, how Krishna helps us. I hope this v1ill meet you in


health; I am

� d
Yo 1, r ''f? -:wisher, - ·{!Yiiflc· • a :;:;w ...........-----··�---···_____,..___ -----­----·----··----


CAMP: ISKCON HADHA KHlSHNA TEMPLF.: 5516 Roosevelt Way N.E. Seattle, Wash. 9Sl05

DAT£0Of.tQJ?.�r.J5..,.. .... 196.�..

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your two letters, dated Septem,ber 30, 1968, and the o:ther one, October 9. I am very sorry I could_ not reply you earlier, because there are so many letters, and I have to reply them one after another. Anyway, the issue of Back To Godhead which you have sent me is very very nice, and Krishna is helpin� you for your sincere efforts. L hope you will continue this attitude and improve the quality and w.riting of Back To Godhead, both nicely.. It is also gratifying that Subal has joined you. and so also Bhaktajan has come back to assist you. Now I think you hav.e got sufficient staff, and you may not require the help of the boy, Chintamoni in Montreal. I think ·(;hati 'be's required there .to assist Hansadutta.. I have received letter from. him•

. I have noted with great attention yo�statement that you are sitting at one desk in a tiny office, roo�, which is ferociously hot in su!llrner and freezing cold in winter. So people might .think you mad if they heard of your crazy work.. So spiritual activities are like that. Sometimes my contemporaries from India, they also write that in this age, the age of 73, when people would like to retire, and I am working here. So this is all possible by Grace of Krishna. Krishna can adjust opposing elements.. In the material world, yes and no are two opposin0 element, but by Krishna's inconceivable power, yes can be no, and no can be yes. That is the law of Krishna. And austerity, Krishna Consciousness, there is some .:-:1.usterity. So .,.,e should not be afraid of any �ondition. Narayana Parasarve Na Kutaschana Vivyati that means, those who are in Krishna Consciousness, they are not afraid of anything. Either they are in hell, or heaven, for them, they are all equal. They do not make any distinction in the material world; this is good, or this is bad,this is hell, or this is heaven..

Your idea of issuing a special issue concerning the Varnashram dharma, and Gandhi's movement; it is very e;ood idea. And actually India's position is now degraded; i't is not advancing. They have lost their original culture, and now they are beg5ing from outside. So actually they have not gained by sacrificing their original culture. Of course, tills superficial loss of ori- . inal culture is visible only to the so-called educated person at the present moment, and they have become befooled as it is stated in the Bbagavad Gita: Maya:Y§l·Prihatejnana, their knowledge has been taken away. So if you try to criticize that will be of some value because you are

rview of the Indian govern-

. �§o.swami

ment, but do it very carefully, so that you may not offend anyone. But you must speak the right thing. I shall send you some matters also, that how many rascals and fools are employed in the government service who deride at Krishna, because they think that He was black, therefo�e low-born. In this way, how much they have become degraded. Jayagovinda's article on Rishikesh, is very nice. If he sends such articl.esfrom India, it will help you very much.

Regarding your constitut.ion making: don't be very much hasty, immediately, as try to do it slowly. Because your first business is to organize Back To Godhead. And besides.that, whatever you do, first of all send me a copy and then distribute.

Regarding my letter heading: Don't complete it now. Bpcause if we �et our office in the Church center of the United Na�ions, I'll have to make a different body of letterhead. So I shall let you knm� when everything is complete.

Hoping this meets you in good

co::---:. .i.; ••.

Please accept !IlY blessiD[;s. I am in due receipt of your lone; letter dated October J.J., 1968, and I am trying to repl,y tl.>iD Jetter in tv. ro \?G.'J'f3: The points of hur:mn civilization Bi3 well as about our constitutional program. The first thing I may infonn. you thnt I am going to Eontrco.l by the 23 or the 211. of October, because I :have got an appointment engagement with the Consulate General of Un:i. ted States in the mo.tte.r of my perrno.:ocnt visa on the 25 of Oct� in Montrcnl. I tried to transfer my file to Vancouver, but that will t�ke another mon t.;h, so instead of wa.:i.t:Lng another months I am c;oing tb.ere to make the matter easier. So if some of you come to Montreal, to sec me there , then we .can talk in detail about the constitutiono.l proposal as well as other thirigs, becau�e from Montreal I mo.y go to Santa :F'e. Tha.t is the prog:carn. And wh:i.l e � somebody ma;y bring my overcoat which :i.s hGJ.!(; in my closet in the apartment.

Her;a.rd:Ln[s your present edition of Back 'l1o Godhend: I have alrc::ady informed you in my previous letter 'thc1.t it has become very rlice � and try to continue the in1proving the quality and I think you ar·e getting e;ood o.dvertisemcnt also. And if the advert:i.scnent income is increased, ;you n incrE;ase the pages BJJd rec;din2; ms.tter <:J.long vlith it. You should s:i.i'rtply accept ac1v ertj_ se!;:ont collection for publ :i.e a b. on costs--namely, tbe peper m1Ci. printing costs. So at prc��ent if you try to get more adve�tise11ent I think there will be no difficulty. Similarly1 i

ment. If they try, people will be very glad to give advertisement :i..n ou.r pepcr� even thc;y vlill be glad t'b .mcmt:i..on their name on:Ly � that this space if'; donntod by such and such. �Che;y r,;:Lll pay. Thev are nrenared to �av like that. e are nublif:; n�Jn::.;c:n:::;;_:; r.-�-ass:;;,ines ;:JSV thG;)' arc in that \'iC.:�T. So this is a Vnj.sJ·mz,ya mar:;::';_/;inc� and j_n J3omba;y espeeic.J.J..�y, ths:cc arc ;·'1any Vai�.>hn<.l.VC:i.S l!1en� rnerctwnts) they \'Jill be:: ve.r:f ��lad tbr?t l':r:i.::;Jm::) Corwc:Low:;ncf:�;:; i�_; bc:Lr,g p.rblchn(�. :Ln l\rnerica) and tbcy \;.i_ll clotJcltc; n_pscc. They have e;ot money. �;o let these t\'.'0 l!CJYS v.'o.d�-:L:n thut 'ii8J') c.Dd (:i.str:LJyutc Buck_ 'I'o Godbe;;td free, o.ncl simply colJ.cct rnoncy for donation of sp8ce , anc1 :i.ncri:'<1:"_:o tJ1c vo:Lu·ne of v·.r';. I Uri.nk both ;yol, 2nd J3r;_:hnu:Jnanda \'.r:Ul request them that instcuJ of si.tting idly ru1d talking so�atj_mos to 1x:co:,'c t!li�; or l)eco·;c; th::J'L; f>O fe:e <Tnyago·J:i.?Hlo, be can also vu:·:itc nice GTtiele:.;, his Drt:LcJe 111Li.::;h:LJ.::c:r.::l!': :i.s nj_cc. People will 1)c f�1ricl to :e_:C:'JC1 sucll art;:i.clcf> :i.n thi�� c:ou.nt:cy. At the f;�<.'rJc

C!�;·:Jl: ISKCON H.!\DHA lG?ISHNA 'I'�i�i':J?LE 5516 Roosevelt Way N.E. Seattle, Wash. 98105 \i' C' 1 '-.� J 8 . . .. ·�"''" ......... . .... ... ...
r(1'1(' ·"' T �J , •. 'iT.•L •., '1 .. .A r.j- t ,_., ..... ,''lQ" .•Ll'l J..'"J�c]_-·,·::- i- 0 C)'c /!.,."'' -y:-· c• p -- 1 l\,.. -' ·--· LiLt) JJ.\ \..J ..o C•.l (.J. •. J (.:..\ V (:) 0.\..-:.. .....

.;, people in lnclio. 'iiill be r;l:Jd to J.c-.trn Lbc:lt Kr:i.:::.;}wa Con!::_;c.;iur�::>·11'::'">'' tle-·L·,··r;· l.,-. i11 ·'·cC'O'lJltr·l· t·ll-'J ·--· \'':'y \··n 11·\'C' �.,.. • ._J - CJ - .. .> , ..... .... _c ....) ••J. � ,.....,.. .__ to f()J:':!l Intcrnot:i..ono.JJ f3ocicty. So prnct:i.CC'Jlly now �-.. c o.r·c i.n the 11)i"..l�ir:r; of, so ;yotl go on dr8fl.;int'_; the cor:st;:itPti.on, but; don.• l; (\:L:o:-tr:L'!;ute YJC.l\\'. \nJatcvl'o.t' ;you c(o, you .f:Lrnt of all Gl�J.Or·J m.:� � <:mc1 tlJc f:i.rwl e opy v-: ill be c1istribut u Cl) then Yle �3lw.ll call .:f'or a mcc tin[� and then 1/C sho.ll adopt. Don•t distribute ..�.11yvwy, try to do it conveniently, there is no h0ste. but don� distribute anything ·Nithout shovJ:in3 .me. Do Jar the constittr!. .ion goes, riJy i nstruc tior! for tb2 p.t·c::::;ont is th:l.s.

Next--regarding ;your poin�:: l.>.:cogrn.rn for a sp:i..ritur:d. •:-wrld. civil:i�ation--it is very nice suggestion. And practically our Kri�:>lma Consc:iousnos:s i�WVeirwnt :i..s buLI..t on th:i.s ideo, thnt we W3nt to tu?.Lc a \'/Orld civil:Lzation on the b<:H3is o:f sp:i.ri.tnDl understanding. So I am givin3 you some points which you �ay expand or do it for understanding of the people in general. But the point should be as �ollows: lst point, that any civil1. z!'"")_t _. o·�-1 of ,., Q.., ..... �-· ••• {� :,)("'Is .., Jl .,.· 0]1:'' r Co l"Cl'01 c:-nc:\CC·

is no civilization at all. It is si�ply a polished type of

t!1c •110d.ern civ:LJ.izn.tioD on the br:u3ir:> o:f so-c3llcd E>c:ient·ific knov.'lec�c_:e and econom:Lc developm.cnt is tr,)ring 'to avoid God consciousness, or Krishna Consciousness--that is the defect of the mode :en civil i7.-'lti.on. The :co fore), in spite of all enen t it is zero. So zero has no value. And milJ.ions of ze.:cos put tot;;(Jther docs not make any value . But one :Ls put on the left �.:i.(e of the zero� it :i.ncreo.c�es the V'Etlue. �Chen ?ne zen·? b::'C0;2!Cs .lO, two zero llcco,:nes 100, tl!:l:-ee zero llccomes lOUO, so lt lS very nice. 11h:i.s point should be cl esYly di:::-;c1u_-:;sed, that v..:i.thout God con.:"ciousner:;s, Lrishnr-J. Consc :L0usnc�ss, un;y attcrr1pt of hurrH:n'l civil·· ization so�called philosophical or political or econo�ical or labo:c-, thsy arc o1l ze:cos. The;JEJll soc:·Lety ::;bould be div:i.ded. h� a social order, as the intellectual �en, the administrator class, and the mercantile class, and the laborer class. And so far order, they shou.ld. be d:i.v:i.c.J.od c.:::; Ll..ttJ J:UlJULI.lJvcu ord�.'r of life� retired ord•<c of life, houselloldc.r� e.nc1 student rTl · -r· "' t "''- 8 ]'"'. r_,I,("> .('( 111 ...- • .L.•L L , ..L!. • � J.. '-'· -c . _ standing the Supreme I)c!-:-sone.lity of Goclhc:;ad� an.d this Krishna Consciousnc:;ss movem6nt is 11eant for teaching this necessities of lnnr:an civilj_ z.::t tion< )!:OJ.lrth poj :n t ; so .f ::::c th<:� D d:rd n if:>t.l'clto :c class of men, or mercantile class of uen, and laborer cla�s of mc.n, there ar•J meJ-J;y iw:>titut:i_Dns IJ11t to troin a f':L:cst man, t:lwrc is no inst:"t.tutio:r.. all over tl1e world. 1\nd there: is no inst:i.tut:i.on for· spiritua.l t.raLJinc; DlEw ,. So th :i r_:; Lri�.:)';Il[l COT')sc iowJrlC ss �!'!OVC::l0 nt ir_; t:r:-y� jj e: 'l;o I.Jc:Jp the h1.Ellcf(l i:>')C i (:� t;y on thc[�8 t\·lo po:iJJt:=�) \'.'bich they DJ'C ]_acl(:LCJ:_;;. 0o v-1c lD.\rc ttwrcforc ta\;,;:·-� a lo:c;:';�;c trr:Jct of l;::md to bc�:);:Ln \?:LtJJ� :i.n '}/. Vir�;:i.nia, the plucc� :is c0llec� Fh'J Vr:i.ncJc.JbWL. 1:->o v,;e \'v<Jnt f:;tlJcle.ntf': for .b 'C l' . '(" "' f. · .·- ,_ ··11 '· . J n···"- rr ' · ''' • t� e e,(, l_ <. Jo .l.IJL•C :) "- .L •:..> OJ ! , c.<.HJ .U _, d.· \'!bole hnmsn socjcty ubout 'Lhc u:Lra o.f life� and Lrisbna CorJ�,:;ciou�:.:-nu3�:i or God coj•sc:imu:;r�cr.w. So -..·.:e arc :i.r1v:i.t:Ln� the der3ir:i.n;_>; or intcnd:i.n:�; studE:nts to joj_n :Ln Ol)I' :i_Iwt:i.. L.ll t :i. on and r;c :inv:Lte: the public e..nd c;ov(::r_·rtincnt to COO]JC·rat::: v;j_th our n1ovcnc:nt. 'J:1bc f:U.'tb poi.nt is L}ut :l.n ;·!lntov;;r c'l.iv:L;, o:1c r,.u.y b2 ; th:i.s ver�y a:im of liJ e �:lDuld be to ;,:: c:;.ti.<-;J'y t}Jc ,'3upJ·c.!:,c-: _Pc rson :Jl it;y of Gadhc8d. It i.s the duty of avcryonc1 it doesn't m3ttor in

•<-·v.l.•-• .r ...._ uO vOll.'::-vlOU._onc.,, 01 >..I L ...., tld 1.,::, . u ..) ·,,)·=·�
...C. t.... • --L J.· v mOJ!<Cnt�
�0 t

y,J•e.t ::;t:Jtuf.:;_ c:f l:i.fc Ito :Ls �>itu:)Lsd, but if he ·:Jant;�:;. Lo h��-:'c_a_ succ:(:::_;:;;ful Ltfc) then 1w JT+l.'.��t Le::ar.n to f_;ec: ho\'! lJy lns o\C"f,:J.V J. L:L.Cfc) the ,�)1J.j.Jrc:te J.ord :i.s !:;r�ti�3f:i.ccl. 'J'hu.L �.JJ(;lJlCI. be t;ho n.-i.111. �1:1het1 :i.t. c1oc:�.> not�c:•' ·.:1hnt :i.fJ the pos�_t.i.or; un<J occupaLio:n of tl1r:; r;uJ.J.:, but he L; in the ordc r of e:i. v :d.:i. :/..r.:J t:i.orl llce <:tu�:>c h:i.�> v·::.r·,y n.i1;, :i.G to f3;_1tis.fy tbl: rc.r;:.:;o:oul:Lt�'/ of Goc]hc:od. l::Cxt poil1t, Ancl :i.n orclcr to le:Jr:n this �:1.rt � bcl\'l he i�3 o.i)lc to setL.:Jfy trw Bupr\'-)r:JC I'cr�.;orwJ.ity of GodJJC<td, or1c l1c::�; to take irJf.3tiru.ct:ion o.r· cc)_lJCCJ.t:Lon j_n the arl; of K:d.:.;Jt.jjCJ Consci_Oll.:?.LcDu, b:>r rc:ndii:li_'; B'Jut:_;o\·ud - 'iS :J· t· i c b-,,. -:_, JlP· l)h·::rr·p,--_, -- c cnJ al:nG_ 1... _' .,._.:,)) v' \:: <.- .t. _ J. _,-Gl>':.A l� ��-- - - - .. the-science of Gocl� tmd folloviif'G the �Pc-)<:�chincsf3 of l�ord Cha:i.k'l.rt;)'<"1., su.cb prr:ct:i.ce �3huuld be pcrfor·::led :=:->�:-b:nn:·:3. Jt i�1 not that one ma;y mcditute for 15 iL1:i.nutc:-:>, and he bcco:J.c�:> �3pi:citv.<:Jlly udvanccd, it j_s not l)c�::::;iblc. So the Kri�:;hna Gon:::;c:i.�nl.S'Jesr.:. movc;mc�nt is t.r�jiiJinu: J. e h·Jv.r to ·be 8bsorbec1 in the thou[5ht of Kr:i.shJ w, 211. hc.)ur�;. �[l<J.k(' fo.·� exo.mplc, the Bhuc;c:tvo.d Gits: the instruct:i..o.n o:f J<.:rh;hna in the BJJeclt;E�vad Gita arc jlwt sn:Ltublc-; for a perfect hlFne..n civ:i.l:i.�Jat:i.on" So one r.:;hould lea.r:n tb:Ls tE�;J.Gbinc;s of Bhag··· av?c1 Gito as :i.t if:�. Next Doint, in ordc:.t· to understand thirs . t'-'"f" -- o·'' T'1J'J'l'"·\r�-) Gl' �-.l" r_,J..,

centers V!hcrc people can as:::�cmblo daily, morning anc1, and try to understond this Krishna Consciousness or God consciousness movc�ent. So �e arc trying Lo open branches all over the world -in every city, in every town, in evsry village, and �eoplc

sue b. in.:;titutions)

accu.F.Jto:ned to &i3130ciatc:; those diffcn·cnt ecnter.B, of Krishna Consciousness movement� they w:i.ll one day come out of the 1fi£.Lterial concept; of J:i.fc. Just like one bccolDcr:.:; C::tV·?GLcn·��d fro:�1 sleep, While slcep:i.n�� or.1e sc;cs BO no:r1�:;en�;e clrea:llS) but as soon nr..: one is tli',IDJ:e.ned, he becomes consciou�.:; the.t oh) I ViD.f.:3 · f)' ,-, 1 T c d""l'_)r�nc:- !')c ...


) ,,._ -�-- u. .._to_ ;;:, 1 ,... ·.


stand the falsity �cprcscntation of this material civilization. J-.:cy:t po:i.YJt) c-md when he :is av;c�ke.ncd, b.e bcco::Jes cor;tplctel;;r c1e-·· tc::chcd fr(y1 Vl<:' so--cc::llcd !:)f.'fection foe c'l.e�;j_gnation�;\, namely�� f1'ien·2f:;}J:i..p c:x.:.d J.ovr:"• Next poirlt, l:;:/ nnc:h und.e:�� or1c :i.s :·1ot; 12.0 !:uch !E::J.t:•?)_':L;;.lJ.y oc.t:i.vt:, OnP ·i r� s :::d; i::f:iE�(i v;it!1 in·- UlH1CCC'2·2·:.)r-· ily for sEnse gratification. The defect of the modex� civil:i.zot:i.ou tJ:w.t eveT·yon�-� :i.E; c�n'niDs no:•l.•:'y n.ncJouryt;c-)dly :i.n 1::-;.r.;:se vol1.FilCf3 � but he does Dot tno·:,; ho,'l to sr>c.ncJ. He :j_�:.:; sps·!·;c1:i.ns cj_i:rpJ.y for E.-cr1:�;e ��;r·nt::i.f:i.c£11-:l.oJ� ;:1:r..Ci the J<:.:-::1; ;;o;'cl of nense c;.r·o.t:i.f'icr:t:i.o.n i!:.> sc:;-:, thercfo.l.'C ull i�wr:ccy i�:; b2ine; f::pc-:.nt LJ) fo:c- intox:Lcat:i.on n.nd scxu.::l :U.fe, m..1dey (1D.rJcc, lnH'icy tl:waL,r, :i.n. i:>o mrJ!\f·v.rcr;;'.'3. �L1flclL TJC<'DlS the�>' e.r'l:. f>po:'t.1:i.EC::: Lhcir hwl�'Ul r_;on:::'CC' of crw:cc;;y. r-:r.�xl: po:i.r,;;) 0.1\C f.:J)·w,..:lci be �;o t:cE\! Ul) tho:t ·,;:i.t'hin t.he }le:O:lrt; he v!ill be frccc1 fro':1 ::-1ll mo.terial �ttLr0cti <-•n, btll:; [iO lo:nb the' bocl;y i�; l;l1c j'C') to Lcep th(:� body nnc'i i::;ouJ.. t.o;�ct:.Jwr, he h<;:[-; to \'fork l:ikc ord:i.n:n·y man. Next po:i.nt � tlw r.:;oc:i cty, fr:L<::r:ch31i:ip on(1 love; o.f mc-;tc�r:i<:Jl c::d.�·�t-�;ncr:: :�JC.·-3' be ncccpL;cd 1..<i tJwul rmy stLrnct:!.o:"l, nnd v:h;,t.cvcr the ::;o--callcd :-·.oc:i.ct;v � .fr:LcndsiLi.p Dn�"J love Y.i(Jnts to to.kc r;c:•· tro::1 u:::;)o:�c� cd1ould. r.::i.i"!))ly r_;Dy� ycr;� :i.0 :i.::.-; vcr�v nice, b1Jt Dctu:.-J.l;y JJ c� ;:-; ho u ld · giv c J1iOrc :i.1:1pox·i; un c c .f o.-c �;J>:l. r itnc1l :=tdvun c. cr;wn.t of lif c � J\Tc;_}:t r; o :i. 1� t ) c}n e r:_;}1nll.1cJ J�Jl(_)\} :Lt; c c .r·t o :ill t11u.:.� !Dr�. L �--�x· �L :J 1 .r·c r..; o11��:·c (�r� ; cj.-i:.lwr Ln tJ.d,c; plc·.n:::'t. or :in other pluncLf->, c:i.t]Ic=.r :i.n the nty o:c

C> [· 1"' c1 r'
J. .: .__. J.:. .J v.l _,-u_ .. ·
should t q,, ,., v t rj ,,_'(-' or"' l. t ,, ·"> ]. (.� )l n CJ u C' <::' t · , ()1""] 0 "!· .·,10}') E·' t· <:; t-·'·'].,c (' ·'l···i C·l·J· l... - (.J ( J _, • '-' - t.;; � .. �.... -- - .._, I-. - -I, . J <.:.-- - (, !,J .../ ) �Lter into them cen�ers and institu�ions, but because we have to ma.:i.nt;:;;:i_n
sl"l.oul cJ volUJJtu:c:LJ.y eon i:;r:i.h·· 1.) t� ""n r'j -�·: h '' . .·( (' \r - -�··v r>·l '1 o") "T 0 (' c (.'o cl li C· ·.-·t� l"lC.J 1. l'l"L'; \'i11 0rl pn 0' V--- �- - --- C 1:J tl - L�-� •.h , � �
. - .-
11 ..:>8 .Lcaru...:.� C.•. IJUD. y ._, n) . v..:-.1.. • ("'-j fi"J .·,l ,..1 "('"I .. r n• i}r:·f} l) , l-•.-. ov·l b c c o n (::-, J-Tr.,l. c 1·1-'1° \ l'' c·· -\· L 'l C· J·J ') c J n ,:: (-�--.-,
r. ('• !ff C' 1·! 1-··j c:h •:;p ·:· · LT;'f) l :rJ C) i . ,., -'-') .'t" l·J -�· i' 1-J 0 c1v ,. .-. /1 C'�f'l1_)] 0 er-r.' t�1-, E� r· r<l)Ql \..... .. J- o 1••c .... '-· 1 l1C...l .Jt J . .J J v c.J ... \... .._."-./ u...... , .... ,.. c.... he :i.s no i•lo:�·c ir•.t;s.H:::>ted to i.ncrcc-:.::>e the b<.=tn/._
c. Gt; ..L ...._")! c:<)u. ct\. Vc
(..."\ c ex.' lCC ll �Jo I\811;)
.• .._;::._ ..,:
,:;. •. 1. co. •ul.•. � 0) . <_;. ,c �. -·

w:ithiil tlw curtl1, rw.mcly in tltc !'line�:;, all the propcrt;ic;:� tlw.t i�:> being ulili�cd at the prc�;ont J:wmcnt a�) cconO.IILLC dcvclopc:Jrtc.1lL,or.1c c1lwu1d undcrr:>t:1nd dcf:LrLi;Lel;y tho.t Dll the inc;�.; suppLi_cd or qrc o.ll tl1e; stocl:c�Ci, fo.r· ez<:tmplc, the pctrolcv_n noli stocLccl within the c<:a·Lh, anO people a.r·c ut:i.l:i.z:i_ng it for so J11EJ.ny pO\:er l'lt:tchincr.)'--·-one shotlld J�J10<:·: tlwl; thi;::; petroleum belongs to the Supre:'lC Pc�._...sorwl:Lt;y_ of Goc1hcoc1. It is not m.:nkrrw.c1c. No.r· t.he sc:i_en1.;ists C8ll r:wnufacture • ,Similarly c-;vcr;yt;hill£!;1all com.nod:itic:::.; � all thinr;s, nll propcrt:Lcs, they arc rn<::dc by tb c 13upreJne l)crGonal-· ity of Godhead. This understanding must be there. Next point, one can enjoy svch propertic�> but v.'itL. this undc:cE:.ta.ncHng, tlw.t the;y belong to the Supr�::rne Pcrconnlit;y of GodhNld o J\u-Jt one is s.i..tuo.tecl :i.E the public purk in a very nice garden, public park.) but one should always re�ember that the public park docs not belon g to h:i.:n, pcrso:nally. But it :Ls the property of tbc govcrn:ncnt or the state. Next point, tbercfore, the properties made by the Suorcme rersonr.tli t·v of Godhesd can be utilized by all livir!o' cmt··.... \· b itics. Every living entities, not only the human beings, but also the animels, they h< got r:i.c�ht to live on tbe propcrt;y of the S1:1p.reme Personal:LtJr of Godhead< Next point� nobody can cmcrc.Hlch upon the right of other living entities, r:ver;yone is supplied by the J�ord, the, shel te.r, by natural a.r:c·angernent, so nobody should encroach upon the right of living of others. As such� the human being considered to be the hir:;hest developed con� sc:Lou s an ira<.�.lB, so if they util:Lzc . this consciousness in rclc-1t ion·ship with Rrishna � ths.t is called J\.:c:Lslma Consc:iousness. Next point 1 a Lc:Lshna Oorwcious pe.rson docE> not encroach upon the right of other livins beings s as such they do not approve organ·-· ized slaughterhouses for killing animals. Next point, if you mainto.:i__-n sluughterhouses then y-ou have ;t;o suffer the consequence, becHu�.Je·:iJ.'J,th:) law of n.ature, there is no distinction betv10en one life to another. Every living en.t:Lty :u3 equally valuable. l\Iext po�nt � every living crLLjty is clc:dmed e-s the son of the Supremo l)erE;onality of Godheod � the;>r may l>e dressed differently, bee ause the body is dress, the body is not identification with the living entity! therefore the living entity may he dressed in R�4QO�OOO of different dresses, and the living entity as he is, there is no guDlitative difference between lnunun being and aDiPH:J.l. 1'J1crc-fore, their material necessities are the same, namely, eating, sleeping, mut:LDc;� dd'encJ:Lng. Flcxt po:i.n!:-� the>h :Ldcn that ls or.-- J!lor1t:=� o�c c;tllcJ�· li\'�.J1f:� 8rJ-t�it�:i..eG J.Lc-;.-v-0 fl(J, is the basic cause of human sinful nctivj_ties. Next point, one should be satisfied only to fulfill the Lclly, that is the eating process. If you can satisfy your belly by such things as gr·o.ins � vecetab:Les, frn5_ts C'..cDd 12.1.LU<:: � you �;:we no rie;ht to kill Hnotbsr ani.::!al Jo:c sD.tif:>fy:ins tbe t;c�[:>tc of ycm.r toncue. '1'hc ht1.1ncuJ Boc:i..cty if3 !:!G<.tnt for living on the n;::.tln·<:tl proCuction� n<::�;!JC:1y, gra:i.ns, fruits, vcc;r.:tobl(...:s� and rn:i..ll�. �.'.bc�l s11ould not j_ndnlgc extr::·�vugo.ntl;y for other tl:Jinr';;=:;. J:nd i.f acL:t\ally thcv c'ti'C K,,ir.->bna C01·-1

p�-JlEttablc c·;:Lsb�;;:, only f:c-o;n tlJc vacicLie:r:.; of Vl�sctul1J.c�>� gr8in::;, frn:i ts, c.nd !�d1k. If rmj·one:; t[·,kc�; r:Jon': tllon he :ccqu:i.rcs then he is to be [>. nolJOCiJ sll0nlc1. ncc:uil'LJl<1tC for futtn'o COJ.lf.>U!:lpt:i.on of fcnily� �3oc:l.oty, or n::lt:Lon, more money or l!W:c-c ��J.'<�:Lnc3 OX' r;wr.;:: VS��·:.d:ubl.:.��; O.t' LlOX·c ca.tC:\lJ1C:::> � OD(� shou1c1 hrtvr:: only .:1�; rnuch aG he :•:·eqn:L.r·c�.3. Jf tk�rc i�; c:rcntcr _procJuct:i.oJl, tlH3t ::;bould be d.istr.i:butcc'l to pc:-r�wru \'bo need thc;-;J, Bcc<:.tJSC food n-r·-,Ln"' the··· ,,1·1' .,,.,n!- fr,.-. cnt:it·jcc' ,,) .

they �:;houlc: be spo:L1cd. 1!cxt pc:L11t1 tJ;crcfo:cc, one v.:ho �\poiJ:-;

c.·" -·L''l' "' ·. t-ll l··r1 ··J •.:; ·L ( ' <> r1 ·[' l1 n·,.- t 0 T'('f) r·c · JL_ ·:.� q 11CJ-, (· o :p _,,)�·- l•.J . � I ��- \.. ,\ , CA _,_ � ,, __ ..- JJ )
>;. - <
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C• ''' ) �'.1:
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�;:.ra:i. n f...; nnn c c c;,; � ("tr:i.1

;\nd BccordilF'' to Lhc law of r:wt or c:cco.rd tcJ ti1c lo;:!

God, such pcJ'�>On!�; o.r'u �:;u:cr;ly to oc pu.n:i..sbcd.

�-'Jd�.:; punisir-.wrlt mrty iwt'. be v:i.:::;:iblc in t;h:is l:i..fc, but bce<.m:-.�c lif'·;-; is ct:.::l.'l1c'.1) :i.t i�; cor1t:i..nuit;y, CfJC ::m�,,t be prepC::r(�C� to

one 1wciy to CJ.n.o LlY�.P) e.l1C� that :i.[; hi �; probJ.crn

hu•rwn life is ."lcunt for �;,.); thi::;�:u. All

i11�d. Ji,'v('ll thoy enter into the house or in tb c f:i.r;lcL and talw their eatables) they shou.ld r�ot be stopped. }3ec;-:u.J.�.JC thc;y have <-; got Uw ric;ht to cat, CF1tables �mppliccl b,y tlJe I10rd. And they �ill not cat ntorc) noithnr they will take at home. They ar.:� bctl�cr than hmnan beings. ]fa human being if3 allowed to entc1: into t11e field or into the g<:-d.,dcH) he y,;ill try to take r�we.y f.>O'.'Je·-

should take to very hnrclt.:h:i..p lnbor. r.Phc modern c.:Lv-ili�s.tion hos c:l:Lscoverccl scv<.�re types of dang;erou.s inclust,r:Lcs, and. labor-ers are ettrocted for high wor:;es. But the:y sltculd

<:Jrtific!.al demo.nds of the bod;y·. Bet'cc.r one sbouJ.d be satisfied with agricultural produce than go into large cities to �e engag0d in indus�ry. Peaceful life depending on aGricultural produce, can bring him r0al happiness and pro�re.rity� not ot.he� ��lle more per��ons v;ilJ. be satif3fie6 at ttieir J�JOJn(), with horne economic�;� 'i'lot to go out:::d.dc the hone, that :i.s peaceful lLfe. In Inc1ia� l.-lEJhat;ma G<:>n.dhi tried to org<=n.d:-::.e v:Lllae;e�:; in t!Dt vN:..y so that not to d.rac; t.hc pe:ople to the town. ��o peaceful o.t:no:::;phi?:rc con be atLained only when there is large scale village orBan:i.zation) �ctually villaBe life. rot to borro� the i�e?S f�nm thP nttics in the village life; poet �0l�cr said that country is made by God, end the cities and to�1s ore made by man. So that is the distinction.

There are many such nice idcas�for peaceful living on this p1c::n(�t and execu.t•3 Lrj_fs!F;a GQj_1sciousnesr3, so ·LlwL uw..:: ,i!ctJ 1Jsco:ne co2uplctely freed fro:a contr!mirw.t:i.on of existc)I1CG, and get cterrw.l life, just oftcr qu:LVc.:iD[£ th:i.�; body. �:his is con-f-' �·0 • d . l ' )) r- r,· r , d " · . t·

Eounteya. By simole prosecution of Krishno. ConsciDusDess, oi-Jc:--(:;c>e·s-b'8cfc___t'o .horu �� � 1Jc.tck to Goobc:ac1) just o.ftcr quitting th:Ls present boc!v.

Ii' ·o � co te' \'1-'Ln·l t-;, .. , 0 ](r·'L ]j'•') ''l. CoJl <' c.l· "lU <'] c "s Til()Vl'" n t .. J ..- ..l. .. \. 1.., - �-' 1.. l..l. 1...J \..- • '-" •· ) certo.inly a bet+;e:c typc of' civ:i.l:i..7.,etion c<m be :Lntroduced for pc.r;nancnt peace and prosperity c;>f trie v.rhoJe vio:c:LcL

Hope th:i.s will

r:1cet ;you

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.Flease accept m�1 bl css inss. I beg to acknowledc;e receipt of yuur letLer un d ated, but I know this letter was received a few days :1go, and I co•Jld not reply earlier on account of heavy pressure of so many leLLers. Anyw<Jy I may inform you it cioes not rnatter tha t you connot pRint one iJiC ture daily, but you ijO on doing it as :nany pictures as .''OU can finish in a month or in a week. �o it nicely and I don't press upon you. But the idea is that I w an t e d so :nany pictures from Jri:Had Bhasavatam but I wish that some of my disci�les, cither individually or collectively may produce at least half a dozen pictures daily. Anyway I think Krishna rJill give you stren<-';th more anu 1:1ore. Do not stop your work, 6<.> on paintin� as far as possible.

Regarding your question, what color is the ocean of milk, it is white. You can make it bluish s11ade in order to distinguj_sh that it is water. Vishnu's color is sky blue, and Lnkshmi's color is just like gold, molten gold. LD..kshmi is not always with Vishnu, there are many Vishnu forms :·:ho is alone. That form is called Vasuoev Vishnu. No demi�od remains with Vishnu. Demigods are destined to live within the material world. In the spiritual �orld there is no place for the d�migods, but who are elevated to the po$ition of pure aevotee, ·they can be promoted Lo the spiritual world. In the material world, either ordinary living entities and the demigods, they belong to the same category of jiva tattva, the marginal potency of Vishnu. The marriage ceremony of Vasudev and Devaki, the daughter Devaki was offtired by her fathelj' named Devak, to Vasudev, and Devak had eir;ht daughters, and all the 8 daughters were offered to Vasudev. The marriage is performed generally by priest. Sacrificial fire you have seen in our ceremonies, it is in the same way, but there are some decorations, just like a canopy is made with 4 pillars and it is decorated with green foliage and flowers, and water· pot, under each stand, and in this way, it is decorated. *nd just outside the canopy, the relatives and other Brahmins they sit down to see the marrioge ceremony going on. The omen was heard while Kamsa wascarrying his sister and brother-in-law in the chariot. There were hundreds of other chariots also, given in dowery. The omen was heard that it was addressed to Kamsa that My dear Aamsa, you are so joyfully carrying your sister but you do not know that a son , the 8th son of your sister ·A·i_ll kill you. The Bth son of Devaki was Krishna Himself, and before Krishna, all the sons of Devaki were taken by Kamsa and killed.

� I L
CAMP: L:>KCOlJ _>.{AlJHA t\.RI0H.NA T.r.::·.•.tL.l!: 5�·:, 16 Ho o ��e ve l t .ia-;/ Il.E. Seattle, ',:::1sh.'_3(3105 DATID..oc.t....21.,.............................. 196.J. .

.6yo.�su11daro. Please accept my blessings. I beg to rece�pti of your letter dated Nov. 4, 1968. The description of your letter reveals tbat you want to serve Krishna more and more This is very good sign. Service of Krishna is so nice that one becomes enthusiastic to serve more and more. That is the nature of spiritual service. I can understand also that because you could not start a temple in London you are feeling little disappointed, but there is no cause for such disappointment. I can. understand· that you are· doing very well there even though we have not got our own temple. The pictures which Malati has sent me. are nice, very very nice. From the pictures I can understand how sincerely you are working there. So even we could n9t establish a templ�, there our preaching work is not in vain. So there is no cause of disappointment--you go on with· your work as you ate doing and everything will come successful in due course. Yes, it is your good fortune that you can serve Krishna in so many ways-to work, to write, to speak, to paint, to build--all of these talents must be employed in Krishna's service. That will make you perfect. We are so fortunate to be in this human form of life, and to have the opportunity and the capacity to serve Krishna, and as there is very little time, we must do as much each day as we possibly can to serve Krishna, and to become always engaged in thoughts and activities of Krishna. Maya may try to pull us from Krishna's service, and try to engage us in her service, but we must simply persev�re, and try to do as much as possible for Krishna each day, and gradually it will be easier and easier to keep engaged in Krishna Consciousness activities. And pray to Krishna to please keep us al�ays engaged in the service of His Lotus Feet. Krishna is very kind, and He is never lingrateful, and will give you more and more opportunity to serve Him. That is His Mercy.

I hope this meets you all in good health,

My Dear M.alati, tl-Vov-,etb�

Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much· for your nice letter of October 29, 1968, and I have noted your nice sentiments. Yes, we should always think ourself as the most fallen, the most ignorant, and it is simply by the Mercy of .Lord Chaitanya that we have even the opportunity to serve Krishna.-. We have no qus.lification of our own; it is simply by the merciful glance of this Most Munificent Appearance of the 'Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabh1 that we have bf!en given the cJ:!ance to serve Radha and KrishnbtYour .questions are very nice.. Yes, the Supersoul and soul both are -unchanged. 'The .difference is that in material· contact, the soul appears to be changed. · But ·the Supersoul· is not affected by material contamination, therefore there is no sign of change. The change of soul is like that water, becomes ice in conta6t with refrigerator. And as soon' as there is temperature the ice again becomes water. Similarly the changing nature· of the soul is just like chang� of water · to ice. The tendency of ice is to melt and become water again.· ·so due to contamination of matter, the soul by· �llusion . 'identifies with material existence. But the tendency is to melt again to Krishna Consciousness. So when there is sufficient temperature in contact with bonafide Spiritual Master and devotees, the soul a�ain becomes Krishna Conscious, like +\-,�- \'-.10."\'�,.


Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter (undated) and thank you very much for it. Your sentiments are very kind, and I very much appreciate them. li.ogarding your question about •:Jhat determines our fortune, generally when we are in the material world, we try to be prosperous·by material opulence. Just like a com�non man tries to have a good house, a good wife, a good property, good social prestige, and this way, go on increasing the bodily concept of life, and possess more and more in relationship to the body. This is unfortunate. All living entities beginning from Brahma down to an ant, everyone is trying to increase such materialistic way of happy life without knowin� that any amount of material comforts of life cannot make the spiritual living entities happy. therefore, when a living entity beco�es very seDious to become really happy and gets into touch with Krishna Consciousness by the Grace of �rishna and the Spiritual Master, that is the beginning of his fortunate life. And the more one becomes advanced in that fortunate way of life, the more he becomes happier and happier. This is the difference between fortunate and unfortunate. The beginning of contact with Krishna Consciousness is the beginning of good fortune.: That some people may come and others may not, this is also due to association. Suppose a man accidentally comes in contact with our soci�ty and gives some service willingly or unwillingly, tha� is the beginning of his fortunate life. �·ve·go from door to door canvassing people to join�hrishna Consciousness movement means that we are trying to make them fortunate. Anyone who gives some service to this Krishna Consciousness movement is fortunate proportionately. At least the seed of his·fortunate life is sown there. �:/hether he gives service of some sort, willingly or even unwillingly, the seed rs sown, and the �rtune will come proportionately. Even if someone looks shabby and unclean, if he simply says this Krishna Consciousness is very nice thing, even he is not able to take full advanta�e of it at the time, still he is far more fortunate than any .rtockerfeller.

A�d your guest�on about Bhisma deva, a£ter he. left this planet, he went to Vaikuntha. Because he was .!:<arayana worshipper. In Bhisma's prayer, it is clear that he is worshipper of Four Handed .Narayana. Although he knew that Narayana and Krishn� are non-different, but his affection was for Narayana. Therefore he entered the Narayana loka.

DATED··NOY....1-3-,.............................. 196.8..
CAMP : A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami 45072 N. Hayworth Avenue �os Angeles, Cal. 90048

Those who are devotees of �arayana or Krishna, they

;,re not afraid of 3ny plsnet, even t hey are sent in the heave pl anets or the hellish planets, because they have Narayana within their hearL, they are equally situated.

Hope you are well,


-·... _.. --....-_...,...._.-;! / ,, :I I

izes a8. a mathematician or a historian, etc. So that special qualification reveals in the higher stage. So these topics are not to be discussed in the conditioned stage, and when �e come to the liberated sta�e we can understand. This is useless talks in the preliminary s (age. · .J.n the beginning let us do the preliminary routine work very nicely, and be cured of the disease (out of �aya), then we can know what taste you have for what particular type of food. So these things are not to be discussed at the present moment.

Yes, you can pray to Krishna--Krishna may be prGyed that 1 a'Jl unwi l l in g tc become .1\.rishna Conscious, so you cGn force me to become so. You put me under certain circumstances so Lhat I �ay be forced to accept Krishna Consciousness. You can pray like that. It is Krishna's special favor and mercy that He so�etines forces a devotee to surrender fully to Him.

Hoping you are well,

-----=----------·-- .

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledse receipt of your letter dated Nov. 11,1968, and I have noted the contents. Later on I he ard from Tamal Krishna that Purushottam has decided to come here and I also heard that Gargamuni has got a nice apartment by his father. So I am little relieved that Gargamuni has now a good apartment. But about him I have already written to you in my letter d3ted Nov. 12,1968, and you should inform him about my opinion when he comes to New York. If he feels too much inconvenience at the care of his father, he nay come back to you and help you there in New York.

Regarding DiaNippon publication, I think if we disregard them and print Te ?-c hings of Lord Chait anya at this mature mo!Ilent, it will not be v.cry much to our ovm good credit. They have adv,mced so much already and they have invested money to some extent, and if we stop at this moment, this will not be very good,for us. They have got good regard for us and we oust maintain this position. �he best thing is therefore that you send them an urgent telegram that we must get the books by the end of this month, and otherwise we will arrange for printing else�bere. �o we must give them a notice to warn them before we take up the work for printing ourselves.

Re gard ing opening of the press , my idea is that unless we are fully independent, in all departmental works of the press, we should not attempt it . Your suggestion that the papers may be sent to Holland for binding is conpletely utopian. If we print we must bind ourselves also. This is not practi6al proposal that we shall print in our press, and send for binding in other countries. Therefore it is essential that some of our boys may learn about binding also. rtb.en we start our own. press, v1e Ol+St simply print our own publications and cragazinEs and boo�:s. i'le shall not accept 3n.Y outside work, and by selling books and magazines, we shall to maint ain the family of our devotees, or the bra�aacharie�. That sho�ld be the ideal work. We shouldn't depend for :naintgining the i'lorkers by accepting outside job -works. �o for the time being, the DiaNippon business must be finished im•nediately. 'l'hen after getting Te aching s o1 Lord Cha it any a, along with Bhagavad Gita, we will try to start our own press by tbe sales proceeds •

Regarding �ama �rishna's book r €v i ewi ng, I a� not very much in favor of this unne cess ary publicity to a person whom

Dear Brabmananda, CAf,iP: A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ISKCON RADHA hRI3HNATEMPLE 450�N. Hayworth Avenue Los Angeles, Cal. 90048

·;;e do not like. �Ve know that this institution is a bogus hum-

hug only without any substance, and why should we bring them in prominence by criticizing them. They are not very much popular in America. They are working for the last 75 or 80 years in this cotmtry, since 1893, b ut I think our ISKCON institution is better known in your country than the RamaKrishna mission,ary activities. If you actually make progre3s in the constructive program of our Krishna Consciousness movement very soon we shall surpass all nonsensical activities, including RarnaKrishna·mission, Yogananda ashram, or so many yoga societies. Simply we . have to push on· the Samkirtan party and organize them nicely. And increase the sale of our Back:To Godhead.

I understand that you 3re still planning to send order to the United Shipping. You should im�ediately send them the order to execute if you have not done as yet. �e shall re� quire so many kholes and kartals for spreading this Samkirtan movement.

I understand that JayaGovinda has sent the Bhagavatam, 2nd canto, by registered surface mail. But I do not know when it will come. He sent a packet of medicine some 3 months ago, by surface mail, to the address of Montreal temple, but it is not yet reached. The best thing would have been to send the package to United Shipping corporation for being dispatched with the kholes.

Regarding Purushottam, both you and Rayarama have inquired from ne what specific duty he will have to execute here. My intention of calling him is that he expressed a strong desire to live with me in Montreal, so I wish to keep him with me at least for some time and train him to act as secretary. Of course, he will work in other spheres also, to secure ad-· vertisement, but in case Govinda dasi goes to Hawaii , I shall require a secretary. Govinda dasi is quite competent to act and she is doing very nicely, she is willing worker, educated and intelligent, everything complete, but the only thing is tha t she is young girl and I am a Sanyasi. At the present. time of course Goursundar has gone there without any money, so he has no suffieient means just now for her to go there, At the present moment she is living at night with handarani and in the uaytime she is assisting me as my secretary. Formerly when Goursundar was with me, she was living at n ight here also, but since he has gone with great responsibility for organizing a Hawaii center, he cannot be called, although I am feeling his separ<;Ition because he was always helping me day and night. So after all it is an experiment, I do not know how the future program shall be fixed up, but if Purushottam's service is absolutely needed in New York, then he may go back o.go.J.n.

Hope this meets you in good


Please accept my blessings. I beg to ac�nowlecge receipt of-your lett�r of Nov. 12 , 1968 , and I am very much pleased to not e the contents. The handbill of Dr . Frog, Ph.D. ··is very funny, and -.;e should try to fight with these frog philosophers overcrowdi�g all over ·the world. Your success in kirtan performances in the University ca�pus is al so very encouraging.

New VrinJ.aban should be taken up very seriollsly because actually I want to develop a replica of Old Vrindaban. I have got ambition to co11struct there 7 te!!lples a:J follows: l. ?.e.d.ha Madan l-iTohan, 2. Radha Govinda, 3. Radha Gopinath � 4. Radha Damodara,. 5. Radha Raman, 6. Rad.ha Gokulananda, 7. Hadha 3h:;ramsundar. ·.1. ·he who le modern city of Vrindaban was est:,.-..blished originally with these temples, started by different Goswacrins • .And later on, mGny kings and. princes started their O'<"Jn temples and thus t:;],-te present Vrin<ia.ban is nov; ful l viith small and bi� 5000 te�nples. :ie have to make such scherc.e in our Ne w Vrindapan, gradually expanding to an area ofonemile l ong and one CJ.ile broad. Bamandev is still here , and I have e.dvised hLn to construct some thrones for Radha and i(rish..n.<?-, because i'TaraJ:,:arayar:.a ·is attemptinz; to i_:;et so:ne pairs of Rsdha Krishna durtis 2L.�" high. /ie &hall require so· many pairs of 1adha ?rishna l'.'Iurtis at _different temples. Anyway, do not feel discouraged. As soon a� New Vrindaban is. connected with a lind road as-well as electricity, very soon i�-will develop irito orir idea • I_shall personally go and s�ay there and see it is developed.

Regarding Srimad Bh2.gavatam, please send t.le the chapters which you have already revised. :t want to see it, ho vJ it is being done. I ao glad that you are not oo.iting anyt!1ing, but just making grar.J.atical correction, and phrasing for force and clarity, and adding Pradyumna's transliteration, that is ve ry nice.

Yes, henceforward , as I have already told you, that Srimad Bh agavatam will be ultimately seen by you, before being printed. That will keep consistency, I quite agree with yo u. 1.1y presen.t pl an is to stay in Los Angeles, perhaps at le as t for .G1ore than a �onth, which will cover Christmas holidays. And so, during that titTle, if you co1rte here, it will be very nice. In January I may go to Hawaii, if Goursundar t�ke s me the re . As you have given up the idea of marriage, I think you can give up the idea of seeing your parents ar:.nually'-:;::--._You

I.SKCON . 450% N. Hayworth Avenue Los Angeles, Cal. 90048 I• 0.111:0 ...nov--..··18·;·· .........................1V5a..
just prepare

for further advan ced spiritual life. After all, our mundone rela tionships with father nnd mo t her, or v1ife and children, can not protect us from the tr:1p of maya. It is s aid by one Vaishnava poet tho.t in every form of life, one gets a fat he r and mother, because .without father and mother, nobody is able to ge t a material body. So father and mother is po ssible in any form of body, b ut o nly in this human form of body one can get in liouch with :Krishna and a bonaf ide bpiritual I:Iaster. That is the hi ghest c;ain of our tr avell in g in different species of life in different pl anets .

I am so pleased th�t you are feeling for me and listeni n g to my old tapes with pleasnre. As you are remembering our old meetine; days on the second avenue, when I first sta.C·(jed my lectures there, si�lile..rly I also remember the incid e n ts and speak to so many friends and disciples. So our m e e tin g was Krish11a's de sire . Apparently it was accident al but a ctually it was Krishna's plc>..n. So v1e should alvmys retne;:1ber this plan of Krishna and :"1u�.t continue to work j ointly for advancement of Kris�1a Cocsciousness movement in this part of the worl d . I shall always pray to Krishna to sive you .nore and more strength :�..r1d confiden ce in this great responsibility and I shall pray for your long l if e lio execute this missio n .

Thank you once more for your nice sentiments, and I hope you are all well.

P.S. I wo uld like to know whether if two young boys come there, if you can take charge of them as teacher for theD. Th�y are very nice youn g Krishna Uonscious boys, and theirmother is very much in favor of them being tr a i ned up in our philosophy. Tbey are bet�een 10 and 12 ye a rs about. By teac hing I r:1ean te ,; chin g them The Teachings of Lord Chaita.1ya, Bh�gav_ad Gita, and Srioad Bhagava t2.�, not p relirain sry educ at l. on preli�inary ed uc at ion they already know. Please let me Rnow about thi s.

Y a. . . . • c; '"' - I;;; ' 0 I v ,,,-, -··'rl·'"'h<>r A � 1 - f(�l_t( A. • �J.veaanta • r --- -�-

l'I '\1\.J-..1:10ney, but it rerl3ins here, and sEcOND FOLD he socs alo�e •..·:itll his. o:;ork�> onlv to �cceut :1uot.h.:.:r different .t::inu of bodv, for et ., ... •J tinG every ching t)�b.i11d. but if he acquires t,>Orn8 s-oiritual ossets ·ili (;OCS with him, :::1'Jd even iG i::; not nerfec't in this lii'e, it begint> aE:oin frnn t.n:Jt nqint in ne:{t life. t;o ·\':e wir-;h th;:�.t. Shri :!.t!'lvi 3bankarji :1'1:-t;y unoersLc:ucJ this sDiritual technology, and utilize hi.s t;o.lent. for bencfi t t_).!� the lltH!lan society. �·.;e are interested for the hi.�:h���;t benec.iction ·of the hu:n::Jn society, oth.e.r•·:i:::.c \'ie co not; >.:XI.>i.�ev ��j' it,;"i�l :::.':·::"1 :•n"''"0r.e in I"JOnel:rJry consideration. ., _, t; Simply tiwt. thenc influen.tial ruen co�:w alon�� and chant w1th us. !tc;.�::rdir�·� r:r::\;i: '�'her-e is no need to ·,..-orry th'=lt you c-lo not have suL.'ic ie:.t ti•Jc- to 80 it irto.ny ti:-!WS cuily, etc., simply do •�:hat you have- t;ot· ti::�e for <Join�.:;, that is sufficient. Onr li·.re�· service, ana you �re perfor�ing kirtans \ . � : . -... ,


could no-c ho\·J.:V2r ::�lay lTi l'T:�eJ'2.Lic:l��

Li:�e · rec:Jr�e:�th�t Govind� Dasi has wasn't big cnou�h to hold the So t�i� oornins I got �ayananda's la�ger ta9e rccoreer and heord with

grer�c en oyE1e:1. v your s�-·eecn ano. "o:-lr-c :::1. Lys -� I., rur1..l.Silo·c·ca,·l1, Kartikeva a�d Govihda Dasi �oined with vour kirt�n cla�pinM0� and u -' t.l -we enjcy�d tran�ce�derrtal bliss. �h�nk you v2ry �uch for your 0 rio.-.. �- r r - .... �� a-,"1 "'lD�"'S,...,i---_.....,..., C._c. fi<,"�!"ll--u-e ":")":1!:11--Ll·V-·noc'e ...ln ..l• �n-;.� -,110

,, J. __ ..... ·J �.-. •J u_ --l.... (..· .. ..... c.:•. v.._. ::; -..._.. l.J "'---v v :9ush 021 their lifs lon ·.:ission. 'rh2J:ur Bhal<:tivinoci.e, i::1 ��- �� S the ye:..:.r of r.�lJ' bir·Cll, firat a-cc·�- �p-cec:_ uo in.CJ:-oc"1t;_c� ·c!lC,.::e L!Lissionar:,� c:.ctivi·ci:;s ::i :.1 :-:cGill lhlive:...�::.d.t;y ::mc"c t;he S3.rJe e..tte:::pt is beins r2�1ov:::.t::d b;y your co:]bined ·3fforts. I a.;n sure t;:::.c�·::; or C11"'=li J-.. 2'""'{� �;s,!11. ''SS"'CJ. �te·.., ... ..t-l•'ill·----o�e J:h·-"'1-1.1..... ·,: ,__,_ lJc.. �.J.-L �'-'- �v, Lc. _-o_ .... ..::-.:. "''· �-- !!.'...!. --c.._'\.-'anf 3he.J tisicche.nt 3:::.ris·.·:·t:Ci, ;_:·ill b:: pJ ee.secl to be:�tc':I t'D.ei:!:' merc�.c U)On �-'01J.. :? try to co�')_t�.nue this s tteT.1pt e..:-:>.d I 2,::1 sure you shall be s�ccessful� . I shall keer this tape for a fe'.-.' -:;_.:.ys . ·ore e,n5 t;�_c:'l l"f::t·L�r-1 it to· you. I ho-ce �rou havs r:c-eived 2y r�vi�us �ettsrs.

I··Iy De;lr �-Ls.ys.;riva, Los .A11.:� .les o ,-, ?Li. �(�,f' 0,-, ........ . ... . ......"·•-····... ·•• ., ••••••.•••••.•. v!.:l..••.
tc:_·�e. .. . .. , • ...r· , ., '"' . .. , -�
.J . ..1... ., � ,. • I -,... 1 .... � , t '
C\1., J.J.. '·'-'' 0..-•!.(;J .::> ·J. �1•<---'- ·- ...JL c-.• ,lJ l� c. C..�- .C1Sl• .:... ," l 10•,-, 'o,-:o·-to;·'er, ,-;·10.,.., '1 .. '0·"'C!:11.1c" ,-OU a1"'=' -'-r.,r·i �'11"' ..•.. (' ... u.._.....
Please acce;yc sin Just 're::iter::' e.v I received -your



�y Dear Upendra ,

Please accept my blessings. I have rec�QVed your letter of Nov. 22 and have noted the contents.

I think that the troubles you describe in your letter are due simply to misunderstanding. Do not worry because next ·..:eek Garry shall return to you and Krishna \-Till cert ainJ�r h ely you in your endc�vors. Jivananda shall remain with the Samkirtan Party and si:nilarly Harsharani shall stay vrith him in Los Angeles.

�e must always remember that the leader in charge of a temple must learn to successfully deal with the other persons there. No one is working as a paid servant so if the dealinss are not friendly every one will decide to leave. The leader of the temple must try always to be sober and tolerant and at the same ti�e r::t�"'lage everything nicely. I' continue to try and cul tivate this talent and I know you will be giv en all intelligence to do this.

I-�hink that if there-is Regarding the prayers of Narotamnadas Thakur , you will be pleased to know that we have taped these pre.;yers 2nd this tape shall be reproduced by Danesh for all of the centers al ong with others and alsa to be sent out is the transliteration and translation of these prayers. So I thi�c you may wait for th e s e . It is nice that you are tryin� for recip es of 'Krishna Trasedam to be printed in loc al nevispapers and if you can also thee run some of our- art ic l e s fr8m Back To Godhead this also shall be very benefici2l.

Hope this finds you in go od health.

Yo e er well-wisher,


uid4mdl §o$WanU
DATIDN.o.Y�.!flR.�.:r....�P..,... ... 196.....
lntunatioM£6odttyTor�Consciouc� CAMP: 45012N. Hay\vo�th Ave. Los Angeles, California
j 1 [tfO�eRfcf·ii1WR -....
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

r1y Dear Kirtc.nanda,

Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter of Nov eober 20th ana. have noted the contouts ca::::"efully. Also I have seen the neuslet·cer of November 20th reg2.rdin0 the procress of our: center s in I:;"evl Vrinde b an and Colm;;bus. Both these centers are progressinG nicely and I have no doubt th&t under your able dir·ection the .rie\·t Vrindaban Hill become a most prosperous endeavor in spreading Krishna Consciousness and attractinc; the attention of I!lany nev1 pecple. There is no need for discouragement because you are working sincerely and according to hri shna ' s ?lan your activites prove to be of great use in prop agatin g our movement.

So far as your life insurance policy is concerned, I do not think that you need sign this over to your father. The father•s duty is to maintain the son so there is no necessity of you givinG up this money to your father. You are serving the greatest Father and therefor all other fathers are autor:1atically served.. This ooney will be of_c;reater profit if you 1-;::eep it to further de'relcpe .L';eu Vrindaban. Regarding the six year old cow, it is too old and I do not advise YOiJ. to nurchase . ?lease thank andv for the c;ift

"' •

�Thich he has sent along \·,ri your letter.

Hope you are all well.

C!lr.JP: 450)� H. Hay\·lorth Ave. Los P�seles�o848if. CAilEO J�.?.��.�.r::�.�.�. ?.?.t .. ..... .. HJ5.�..
A � ..........
------�--- -- - -------
Bhaktived.ar1ta S\·m!i!i


Please accept my blessings. I have received your let ter of Nove�r:ber 30th, 1968 and have noted. the contents cs.refully. I have noted with pleasure tha t you have spoken before n group of the Catholic Church. You should l�now that as far as our Krishna Consciousness movement goes, we are better Christians thtn those who proclaim that they are follmvi r..r; the orders of Christ. This is because 'iJe are follov.:ine; .:.:::·.� Generally they are not. Just like the 10 Commandments order that thou should not kill. But these so-called Chri stians performing so much killing by mec;.t eating 3.Ild ·,·mrs. Sc lw·:: are they good Christians? You may ask them thi s inyou.r neetings and try to convince them of their position. Also, we do not commit adul t ery, we do not take the Harne of God in ve1in, in fact we practice that the Name of God is just a c;ood as :�od. So according to the 10 Commandments, nobody is Chri stian, but in ou.r own \tay \•Je are follO\·lincs th :; pri ncipl =s of the lC· Commandments.strictly. So I think you may ex-pla in to the!i1 h0\·1 this Krishna Consciousness movement 'iTill help them advance to be better Christians.

I have also noted that you write to say that you are h�.virig trouble with sex agite.tion. \·Jhy you do not HV.'.rry then'? Either you become grihastra or what other c ho i c e is there ? Ei ther you train yourself and pray to �rishna )becci�� that you may brahmachary or else get yourself marri ��. J.

un the Disap!)Oo.rance Day of my '3-uru r:Iahc.r a j , ym1 may hold meeting to discuss His act ivities and offer res]-ect to �i s Me�ory. �r�cticelly, this movecent is His be c Qus e it is under his order th : tt I h:·.ve come to your country .

So continue to chant your full 16 rounds daily, even there is effort and 1 am sure that you will be helped by Krishna through the difficulties of this inferior energy, maya. l hope this finds you all in good health.

Uia4ndl §o6wartU-
CAMP: 4-50J�N. Hay,·rorth Lve. Los Angeles, Calif. ')0048 DATED...P..�.�����F...?.t.. .. . ......196�..
r r �;����q A. . • '"'lal!ll f.9. Cu.,,/ "'i1tiJl·tt}.f;i'a((��w<t-« "' �a/f-1!L�< 4'zt�1'1''1, (J�.

l'!y De ar Raya:cama, .

]?lease accept my I have rece:Lvecl your lett er o:f Novcnber 29th, 1968 and hD.Vc noted the contents. I am encouraged to read how Advaita, Udclhava and Subal are all doins nice wox� in spreading bur Krishna Consciousness move1ncnt. This is vory e21coura6ing to Fle [).nd please "lih<'m}:: them along with your other press men assistents for the nice work and accomplishment they a�e doing.

The answer to your question abou� the marGinal energy is that the jiva soul is al\,Jays called 1n.:�rginal energy whether he is in the suiritual world or :Ln the material world. There hre instanc:es ,_.Ji}ex·e me.rg:Lne.J. en.ergy ;jivn souls have f'<�llen from the spiritual world, just like Jai and Bcjai. So the potency to fall u1·1der the :Lnflue:1ce of the lO\'lei' ene:cc;y :i.s. al\·.re.ys there. !mel thus tho ind:i.. vic.ual j iva soul is called as Krishna's mar- · c; energy.

So far· as the lette1�head is conccr;1oo. � yes, ;you may t-;o ahr;)acl. v1ith this, hut f:Lx·s·t; you may sencl me3 a clrm·linp; o:f wha·t you are })laD.nin[; to make.

this fi�ds you all in good b.calth.

NB: Yon may send each month one copy of J:f�'lc��--·��;;-··c:;��u�;.;.d---i�the follov.rinr; address;

Asoke Kumar Datta

97, R.B. Ghosh Road Khoshbagan, 1' 0 J'c� ·1·' ,, • t • 0- - I ,. ' t-ine··:· l3r-'"l'"D.l ·"-"•:> , IlfDIA

Cn!�ir:L!-50/2 N. Ha;yv;orth Ave. :cos Angeles, Cali:f. 900LJ.S

Plea se accep t my ble ss ings . I have received today your letter dated. L�, Decerr1ber 1968 e,nd have carefully reacl the contents.

You have asked whether you may use charcoals to use for fuel durin:; the '.vinJce:r. and since this is the Si:"!lplest thing to use in your present situati on certainly it is all right. In all such questions as this you need only use your good coomen sense and depend upon Krishna as alt:Jays to guide you nicely. So far as the governulent maldn:; re�:,,airs on the roecls � If they are '.villing to do it this is very good. ';!ith nice roads VJe can invite many people to :New Vrinde.ban as \·Iell as facilite.te om.:ovm · activit ies there 3::a so such proposal is wclcooe. For construction of ponds I dont knov1 if you 1;.1ill be able to use them for bathing in the cold v-Iinter so it is better if yo'Ll ca..'Yl. construct a well if this can be more used in the winter. So if you are pressed nou for ti:Je, the ponds �nay be constructed in the spring.

I have noted. from your letter that you have available a Lincoln auto�r.obile "�.-lhich you are able to clonate to us in Los .lmgeles . At the present 'ole are requiring just such a car so I think you may r:2e.l:e arranGements to hc:n--e it brought here . This is all Krishns.'s Grace so as you are able rlee.Ee make arrangemen ts for t�1is. So far as yo ur utiliz ing r:1achincry e,t . Ne':l Vrinde.ban, iL:s.uch ma.chine2.."'Y is helpful th�tn you may take advantage of them. 'de are not ene:nies of xacb.ines. If they can 1)e used for Krishna's service then \·;e 'tt/elcome them.

You \·Till be glad to 1:...."101.'/ that we nm·T signed. lease for a ne· ,·: ternp�e for the Los ."'....'1seles center. It is very lc>-rge, fine chapel a.' nov! there is progra:n beins organized here to set everything up very nicely and invite many new people·.to participate in our proc; Krishna has been very kind to grant us such facilities and not:! ther8 are many efforts to be made to use it nicely.

Please convey my bless i ngs to Hrisha�::esa and I hope this letter finds ycu in good hee.lth.

... e \'lel�-�'lisher, .

I I 1'!�1I I ..torJ��f'ffhl'il� vJ�13twu.snr-55
Cm:,r�.ll-50)z N. Hayv10r'Gh Avenue "4' J. 0 '·· Los Angeles, Calif. 90048 8 8 Li•i....n-<lrl.- . ,. ......• ..
Hy DeG.r Kirtananda,
0 ftr-�c-t.: . __,.
.dr.�.n .. I -- · ---

Hy Dear Upendra ,

Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter of December 6, 1968 arriving last night and I have duely noted the contents. In your letter you have made it cleer that you are finding some difficulty with sex desire and have aGked guidance from me to instruct you how to handle this problem of the material body.

FlrGt of all I think you should know that such problems are not very unnatural because iB the body the conditioned soul is very prone to failure. ]3ut also we must reLJember th-tt such failure will not discotirage us from executing the most important mission of our life, to become fully in Krishna Consciousness. So whatever falldown has been, you should be regretful about it, but it is not so serious nor is it a permanent disqualification. But you must try to check

�' Ol.l..l: :.:e J. I frmn svch ::;.rt.iJieial tb.insr.� e.D.d take full shelter of the Lotus Feet of Krishna. I think that for such checking marriase is the only solution. It is understood that everyone has sofile nasty habits but by sticking to Krishna Consciousness, chanting our required rounds loudly, and tending the deities, these items will surely save you. So al\'m.ys be seriously enga:;ed in se:rving Krishna and pre.y to Krishna to help you with your frailties. But I think that marriage is the solution with no other alternative. If you are married you can continue to practice all the iterns of \·lOrship and \'lith more peace of mind1so such solution, alone with redoubled efforts to serve nicely and be very plensing unto Krishna, these things �·ill help you. I hav e al\·18-ys knO\·m you as very good, sincere boy so with utmost seriousness you filust consider these points and act upon them. I shall hope to be hearing again from you soon on this matter.

Hoping you are always well.

� §o.,wewti..:/J.C1.\haktiv�ta
CAMP: 45Q;2N. Hay\'lorth Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. 90048 DATID .D.e.cember...9.,..:..... . ..196..�
------- - -


I1y Dear Saradia,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your recent letter and I have noted the contents with pleasure. Your kind thoughts \·ihich you exyressed are very nice and encouraging to me. Also you have asked some intelligent questions and I am ans\·Tering them here'..

You have asked hm'i Krishna is '\·lith the spirit soul 'in the sniritual uorld a's-!.the anS\'ler is that Krishna is the heart-of the spirit soul, or spiritual body, So Krishna is never apart from us. Either He reillains in the heart of the material body, or He re�ains in the heart of the spiritual body. This is Krishna's Causeless 1-'lercy to all of His beloved children, or living entities.

To answer your second question, you should know that Arjuna and Kunti Devi ane not in Krishna Loka. They are eternally associated '\·lith Krish.•·1a only in the material Horld. Just like Krishna is al\·mys in the spiritual l'lorld, so similarly He is always in the material \·Iorld. and. His Pastimes are going on there also. In the material world, Krishna also has eternal associates, such m Arjuna and Kunti Devi. There is a difference betv1een the body and soul of Arjuna and Kunti Devi. But although Arjuna is -v1ith Krishna in innumerable different material universes at one time, still the�e is only one spirit soul who is Arjuna. This spirit soul exp��ds into many different bodies and thus you can understand that there are also incarnations of devotees as well as incarnations of Kris��a. This is the power of the spirit soul, that it is unlimited. Such conception cannot be understood while one is still 'in the conditioned state.'

Regarding your third question, both incidences are correct. I hope these shall answer your questions. Please convey ny blessings to Satsvarupa, Jadurany, Devananda, Rukmini and all others. Hope you are all \<el

wel \<is er, A. C ... Bhaktivedanta S\'mm!i.

tru:Cmldi§oswanu �I
CAMP 450/2N. Hayworth Ave. 1 : Los Angeles, Calif. 90048 DATED P.�.Y.�P.l.l?.�;J;;J,..?s.. .. 196 �.



CAMP: 450/2 N. Hayworth Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. 90048

My Dear Hansadutta,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letters of December 4th and Decemb�r 7th, 1968 and also I have received the beautiful first edition of Back To Godhead in the French language •. _This is a great joy to me to see such p)lblication being printeq so nicely and my heartfelt thanks are due to Janardan, Dayal Nitai, Vaikunthanath, yourself and your wife, along with all the others \·lho have helped to make this publication come so expertly. Such French edition \'laS my great ambition and nov1 that you have achieved success, I request you all to improve it continually so the French speaking people will h�ve opportunity to take advantage of our Krishna Consciousness movement.

So now there is plenty engagement for everyone at the temple and if you can secure funds simply by selling our literature, by prasadam proE;ram and by some sewing labor, then it will not be necessary to take karmi jobs outside. i::>o 1'>.rishna has given you very good facilities to be engaged and make profit at the same time for the temple so even though you may live poorly, if you can support yourselves simply with these activities it will be very good.

.. i;1tM•fc.•JI..Jjfi�'l6


You have expressed some the English Back To Godhead, but l think that there is no need to interrupt their way of thinking. Now you have chance .for your own editon so do it nicely and according to your o�m ideas. You are artist, so you have .facilities to make a very nice editiori to sell to the :French public. Sin�in J·1ontreal 75;6 of the populace are speal::ing French I think you have v'ery good chance to popularize and improve this magazine.

So .far as my book fund is concerned, you have said that you do not wish to take profit .fro� this fund so as you like you may take the commission as Brahmananda has proposed and then you can return the profit to me in Los Angeles. That will keep the accounts clear. But somehow or other oee that see that our books are sold very quickly. l·1y book fund is now drained b:v- $7,000 and I should fill up this gap very soon. I require to ke�p this .fund because because it �helpful in acheiving the immigration papers as well as credit .for such iterns as temples and books .from Naci•lillan �d Dai Nippon. This account should therefore always be k�pt .for an emergency. Also, I next wish to publish a new book entitled Heeter of Devotion. So i

l.P with these .funds ·-

G-idandl. §o�wanU. -;
I L li)lC 13haftivda1tta
DATID ..:0.�G.f;l.l.l1:0.��...12.,............ ..... 196..8.

Please ac c e p t mybl e s s incs. I have received your lettel.' of De c emb e r 15, 1963 <:nd hav e noted the ccntents uith much s e.t i sfo c tion and cncoure.c;ement. This accredited c our s e \"!hich you have attnincd at the University of. =Buff al o is a very nice br eak- through for Lo rd Chait<111ya 's m o v e m ent in the \.'est. ?l ea s e do thi s very carefully a.nd s e r iou s ly and I am sure that Lord Chaitanya will sive you the intellisence from witbin to successfully e::.: e cnt c thi s neH, i w:!Jo r tant project. I think that under your c:cp ert suidance r:w.ny of the s tud. en�c s in your class will eventually understc:11d somethin::; of' the great iopor t illlc e of \·Jhat you e.rc t c &chin:; . By Erishna's G:race perhaps the nore intelliGent will a l s c decide to join you and help you. I am hnndin� over :;he course T) r oDos c:� l w:1.ich vou llave sent me to Haya[riva \vho is :here in "'" Lo s Angeles \·Jith ne. He is pl a..r1nin5 to a tt emp t a similar course in the Uni v e rsity of Ohio. So if vie can teaci.1 to the c oll e Ge students in this way surely it �.,rill be a. great boon to our society. You have laid gro und Hork for thi s proj e c t and for thi s I give to you my h e arty thanks .

Rego.rdins your qu e s ti on o.f the plenetary syste:ns, the nlancts are arrans e d in each ��iv e �s e in layers like the pet�ls of a lotus . But in each l ay e r there is mixed both heavenly, hel l i sh and middle planets. On t he outside leyer t D.e r e are these three kinds of p lanet s , on the middle layers there are the thr e e kinds of ple nets and on the i:J.ner-E!·:::lst layer th e re are found these three ldnds of r:lancts . Above these layers , in the ce;.1terJ is the :Orc.bmaloka V!bere ::r_jord Erahma, th e creator is resid i n�. So the earth p lan e t and the �oon p l an e t are both on the saoe layer but the earth is middle p l an e t and the moon is heave nly planet.

I have sent to JaGad i sha his beads duly initiated upon by me and I ho�e that he has r e c eive d them by now. Pl e as e offer n;y bl e s sins s to Erne stine , i·�r. :Z:c-ic, Bhurijana and all others �1o are helping you at your c e n t e r . I hope that you are all in v e ry good health.

N. Hay\·Iorth Ave. •Los AnGe l e s , Calif.90048 D.1TED...D.occr.Jbcr..2o.,...................1S5s...
- 1 � ·• C. 13h
enclosures: 1 .._..-- ---�·.------. I
fiJ ivedanta S\Jami

I1y Dear Harer Nama,

Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter dated December 10, 1968 and have. noted the contents carefully. I was very happy to read how you are keeping nicely engaged in giving lectures at schools and preparing for a puppet show of Krishna Consciousness stories.· This is very nice and if you continue to accelerate with engagements such as these then I am sure that you will be very successful in propagating this movement of Lord Chaitanya. vlhen *rishna sees that h'e are trying very sincerely to preach His message to others tte becomes very pleased and showers all blessings upon the devotee. So please continue to progress in this s rit and I am sure that Krishna will arrange to see that your �iif Krishna Consciousness will be very nice.

Regarding your question about Krishna recommending the chanting of His Holy Names, probably you have not marked it in your study of the Bhagavad Gita , but in chapter 9, verse 14, Krishna describes ho\"1 His devotees are al\vays chanting His Names. Lord Chaitanya, although He is Krishna Himself, is even more merciful than Krishna in that He has shown to the fallen living entities of the kali yuga how the chanting process can immediately elevate one upto the spiritual atmosphere.

Your second question about falling dovm 1'rom the brahmajyoti is anm1ered that it is not that one must.fall dO'I.m, but that they geneJru.lly fall do\m. There is a verse in Srirnad Bhagwatarn, lOth canto, 2nd chapter, verse 26, which says: 11I1y Dear Lotus Eyed Personality of Godhead, persons \'V'ho are very proud of becoming one with the brahma effulgence and thereby consider that they have become liberated are factually in a contaminated consciousness on account of the absence of devotional service · unto You. Such persons may rise to a hiGh level o..f spiritual understanding as far as the impersonal brahmajyoti but on account af the lack of devotional service unto You, they generally fall down again into material contamination.q

The final question which was csked by Tosan about the valmity of the story of the�sparrow and the ocean, you should know that everything that is found in these scriptures is factual. There is nothing allegory. �ut you must not depend upon your O\·Jn limited experience • \'1'hat happens in different corners Of the Lord's Creation no one can say. But we can hear front· the authentic Vedic sources such as the Puranas. This story of the sparrow is found in the


FILE u-1� Go�\'JtMtUJ /,", /' . � /' / ...;;;-SJ�)({,! �'T��'7,!Docicty'fOt·£\r�[�w;.UHSC"!U?»US C.,r·�· 450/2 N. Hayworth Ave • ........ Los Angeles, Calif. 90048 C�T'"L.D ....:P.�.�-�wP.�;r;-...?J.-.,.............. .... IS�.�..

.:AC 1;/iaktiv�tta 6wamiD

tAmarytt-: �6ocitty'For��iou6flt66

CAMP: 4-50}� H. Hay\wrth :'�ve. Los lmgeles, Calif. 9U0Lt8

DATID Dec.eober. 29.,. ...............

196 B.

i'iy Dear Upen dra, flease �ccept oy blessings. I have rec6ived the copy of ·:he r.rticle printed in the University District Eerald, :1ncl T th�k you very much for your nice efforts in publicizins your temple ac tivi ties . You will be glad to know that just yestrr,"Y, the Los .Angeles '.rimes there v1as publication of my o,.,j !lion L'bout the !!loon pl<?.net excursion. Such work \'lith the lor.�· �e·..:sr�'.ners r:_::; you are nicely doing is very good. Try to agit .::t: � :�s f:;.r s possibl e our activities •. Alvmys be enge.3ed so thut: :"lo.ya ':ill not distm:-b you. Chant:1llare Krishna as !7lany times (_:.urine the dr>-y as you are able. Cccupy your time in deity worship in full cooperation with Gaj endra das and there will � •10 disturbance. As 30re articles are printed about you::- -?.cti·;i tics ple:::o.�>c continue to send them, it is encou.r.:->cins to sc � 1'·J\·1 �l0U \·!crking nicely. I hope this finds you all in ::ood �,ealth.

.,t I

y ------c::::=....---

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