Ily Dear Upendra,
l)lease accept my blessinGS. I am in due receipt oi' you":' letter dated Janu2.ry 2, 1969 and I have carefully noted the contents. You lw.ve ex:!_:�ressed the desire to become an t!ryovedic physician but I do not think that this proposal is very good. '-�his r>cience is not so important to us noi·l because in your conntry t�ere is amplefacility for receiving medicines. Beside� 11any·of the herbs which are needed for A.ryovedic treatment 'v·rould have to be sent here from India, and this is not ve�y practic.:-1. This :tomeopo..thic medicine you have mentioned is not csenuine anll the1 :fore is a bluff. So the first medicine i·lhich you shoulJ be concE-'rncdi'!i th is to chant Hare Krishna and to become increc>.sin.e;ly steac�y in Krishna Consciousness. Study Bhagavad. Gita :\s It 12:md Srimad Bhagm·�atam and continue to help your r.;od.-br o thers in developinG Krishna Consciousness. So develop< your preachins abil.i ties in this vvay, and this ir-Till be the most successful C:t't'� ap�r�ciated endeavor.
· -:o�c;o..rdinc the anm'lers which you gave to Bilo.s 'Iigrahada:_;, l;hcy ·;ere all correct. I'.Jb.en you study very carefu.lly all of ·£-;he l:U;r.;�_,nture 1..·rhich is avails.blc, especially .r..lhar;avac1 Gitn l..s It±s, :·ov ·.-z::_ll h[",Ve in you:r grasp anSi·lers to all questions that ;�r be �ut to you. Flease encoura6e the others to read this Bhagavad Gita at least one ch2..pter ev• ry day.
Pleo .se co!lvey m;y- blessings to the others at your te:nple. I hope that thisfinds you in good health.
A. • Bh ctJ.vedan a �a
�6odtty'For�Consciou6ncos CAMP:450�ll. Hay·<:rorth . A.ve. Los Angeles, Ca+J.f. 90048.
l�50)� N. He.ywo:c··Lh Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. 90048
lt1T!:O .. �-?:����?;;f. .!:-.?.,....................IDS .?.
Ny :Dear Kirtanananda,
Please acce:pt my blessings. i · bes ·i:io e�c'!cnovrlec.se receipt of you::.... letter dated I:e.cem'b2r 31, 1968, andI the.nk you for yo·ur good wishes for the new yenr. Please accept the same from my side.
So far e.s \·Ie e_r;; cm:..ce::..'i1ec.\., our new yeo.r is every day because Krishna belonss to the nitya leela. Nityn leela mecns that all of His Pastimes are going on in either of the so man;y u..."(liverses. It is just like tile rising of the sun. In your country the sun is SU:)posecl to rise at· 6:30 at the present :::onent, bu� at an.:r tin1e you cc:.n inc�uire in so:-,1e pt.rt of the \·Iorld and there it j_s the se.r::e 6:30 e..:1.c. sm1rise. r.Jhile you are in this :-Jericlie..n, inanother cotmtry it nay be 6: 30 An, e..nc1 the sun is ::·ising.
So you have no':! te..l;;:en che.rc;e of the sunrise of He\·! V:cinC.c:.ban. Our pro;re.:J is there fo:..... constr-:...1.ctine; seven ter:'.ples. One Rupa.nuza Vl..c"-�a ,·.J...'n-:-> �,n..,t l·s·� sc,,ool ·""o" e � c - b...,..,..... ;.,"'l'..l·,.,C':' '!:'!·•a' v..,ic:-'""" ... -r.� l.) c L:. c.-- v v. o. 1-..L - ... o.v t, .:.. c..-ld "-':> c,l_ ::�V c...::> • ¥Je have eno,J.c;h of -GecJ.�olozical and other types of ech:..cations.l ir�stitu tio::.1.s, but perh2.ps thc:re is none \!here actual brahmins anG. vais:::.:.nc:.vas are :�·rocl,;cecl. .So �;1e \'Jill b.:..,_ve ·co estc.blish an educc..t;ione.l L1sti-Gution fo:::- tho:i:i :Ju:r.:-;-ose.
A first ex<:;.mine:cion vJill be held so::etirJes next Je.nuary on � . ' . I..... I -.• . . ll ' .. � f L;Q ...;..:;. -�' ar:c -c.nose paS!�;lnG; 'dl nave -c;.1e c�eS2..'ee o Bhaktish2,::;t:l:·i. l�ext "'re::;.r \·ie uill hold a."l exa:nination on S:!'i:Je.d Bb.?.<-:- " ---· t • ' , •11 • . . t ...... , .,..,. 1 . . -.b" }'@ P.Ll, -c;nc person ':l!J.O passes v!l nave -cne 1 v_e bne..:.::·cl be.l "·�2.ve.. And the next vear we shall hold an exanination on Teachinss of Lord v . ------ ---Cb.Edteny .• l-�ectHr of Jevotion a:ncl Vede.nt:J Snt:ra., and those ·.-.TrlO •.-:ill ...' ------·--..- ----- ---su.ccessi\J.lly pass uill be a•:mrd.ed -;:lith the title of BhCJ2-;:tivecla:):te..
By 1975, all of those \·ib.o he.'.re p9.ssecl all of the abov·8 exa;.linc:�tions \'lill b� s:;::)(�cifice..lly e:op01·rered to initiate e.nd increase the nu�nber of the Krishna Consciousness population •
.ILnother ir:-<:?Ortarit scher.:e _is to start a nice :Press ne:.::t sprin;. So these ci.u..ties a:.."'e ti1ere in .Uer:l Vrindabe..n, nnd t:Te sh::.ll have to live there self incle�)end..eatl;y, sinply by raisins co·.-:s, gra:i.ns, f:cnits � and flO\·;ers. I hr:.ve alread.y e:�r;J..c.i!1ed these things to �-Ia:rasriva, and he is nov; r:u.trriecl &"ld a res:)o:nsible crihaste... You ar·e of cou.r.se sannyc..s. Your d'-.lties \·,'ill be :::o.'!......e to pre.:J.ch w.1.cl SU?e:rvise t�!e act:L.t . -'-h ..., t ., J ., • • • •�
v1 ·1es �.� .. ere. DU'G c.o ever;:;:·cDlng JOln·;:;J..y. ":an;:r c;rLlo.scc.s anc. oranmachcries will join you for full coo�cr�tion. Sone of them have already pre?ared to go there io�ediately, and r:erhaps you have re. � l t '- b J 0 , • ,...,
b . . t eelvc;a. sorae e ·�.�er:3 aou c "Gnls. oo evel"Y vrnnc; appe.::rs ve:r..'Y rlSr1
- . • , .I .., � ,
cess will surely beth�rc. The
necessity is
construct some simple cottages for livinG pur�oses andthen
will e;raduo.lly coue out, one· after another. I hope that you are
in touch viithIIayac;riva, and '!:le Dusth2.vespo�en to yon about t!l.s:se ideas• .MayKrishnabless you withlons life in executins theidea of ourUe�:lVrinclaban scheme. ' Tho.nkinc you once nore.
. 'b f •J , h- .', t1. . 1 � in-c..e 1..1 :, c na.veo.eCL \n.·cn .11113svery sc.c;ac1ous "J' .:.me. suc-
t o
. !I Your e; cr , <Jell-•,Jj_sher, ,,( _ _," , ('(rtl . (i,1..c·:'(-�((��(( rrir(j I:i' '((' Ii'\(l /' ' \,\..,,. � '· ' \) ,.._,•'. )\i;' ··,) 1:.' "j '\ ,...._/-''·'-" ():,:t:\, '-.�� - -... \�- · . -------. ----------- '.<:"::...::::::::=A.C.Bhalctiveclant£l. SHami
.�C�hnWdvd��5t� I
Hy Dear Kanupriya das Brahmachary,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter o:f January 9, 1969, and I am pleased to send here�vith your beads duly ch��ted upon by me. Your spiritual name is Kanupriya das Brahmachary. Kanu me��s Krishna, and priya means dear, so Kanupriya means one who is very dear to Krishna.
Iam so pleased to learn that you have been already receiving some training up from Rupanuga and you are-assisting the temple activities along \·lith the others. It is very gratifying to kn0\·1 this, and please continue in this way. Also, you must be certain to chant 16 rounds per day upon your beads.
Regarding other yoga exercises,if you tru{e Krishna prasadam you shall keep your body automatically fit for vJOrking, so there is no need o:f extra exercises vlhich are required by persons 1;1ho may eat more than \vhat is required. So for prosecuting Krishna Consciousness one should not eat lllore than \'Jhat is needed. One should not endeavor beyond his mpacity. One should not talk unnecessarily. One should not stick vlith sor::1e extra regulative principles, nor should one associate vlith persons who are not in Krishna Consciousness. One should not be too much greedy. \ihat one·should do is chant the Holy Harne of the Lord with faith, enthusia$m, and firm conviction on_ the statement o:f Lord Chaitanya that sim9ly by chanting the Haha l·lantra one can be gradually elevated to the highest platform of spiritual perfection. Also Hhat is illlportant is to :follow the four-regulative principles of avoiding all illicit sexual connections, meat-eating, intoxication and ga�bling. I am sure that Rupanuga will ably guide you in these matters.
Try to help in our Krishna Consciousness activities, and \vhenever you feel the necessity o:f my help you are welcome to·address me in letter. Read 3hasavad Gita .As It Is very carefully, and \·Je are going to hold an examination next year in January upon this book. I hope that you will be enough e��ert in this Krishna Consciousness science to pass the e:xarJination and be a\·Jarded with the title of ":i3haktishastri", one \·Jho knows the principles of devotional service. So t�ink over these matters discussed herein very carefully, and Krishna vlill help you in all:respects. I hope this meets you in good health.
C. Bhaktivedanta S>�ami
1ntunatiotw.£6otk.tyTorI<rn�Consciou5JU6S CAF11P: 450/2 N. Hayv1orth . Avenue Los Angeles, Cal1f. 90048 DnTID....J.anu.ar.y...l5., ..............196.9..
The absence of the idea of God is not very important, but ta sense of loving God is the most imp ortant. The cowherd boys and all of t�e residents of Vrindaban were so much absorbed in love of Krishna that naturally there was absence of the idea of God. Yasoda was so much absorbed tn love of Krishna that she did not care to know that He ts God. Our whole philosophy is to increase our love for Krishna Love with awe and veneration a nd love that is spontaneous ts different, but still one h a s to learn about the greatness of Krishna. To come to the stage of spo n t aneo us love for Krishna is a very high stage, and it is not to be imitated. In our conditioned state o! life we should worship Krishna as God with respect and veneration. � That is the system. The relation ship of the Spiritual Master an d the disciple is not the same as the relationship w4th Krishna in Vr 1. ndaban. The relati on ship with the Spiritual Ma dter must always be continued with the g rea test respect and ven era tio n without forgetting H1s exalted position ; like father and son.
Regarding your question a bo ut my Guru Maharaj , ; I never told anyone that He �as one of the eisht shaktis. I do not know how you got th is news. According to Vaishneva princip les , nobody shoul think or imagine somebody aS Krishn a , Radarani, or Their associates. Everybody should aspire to follow the footprints of such associates. It somebody thin k s that som ebody is Radba or Krishna that is not sanctioned by Vaishnava philosophy. So far as I know my Guru Mahara j ' s posit ion was one of the assistants of the maujarts. For the present it ts better not to dtcuss on these confidential thingG of a higher level but you are always welcometo put your genuine questions for an answer. Otherwise how will you know thtng s as they a re ?
The photogra ph s you sent me appear very n ice , but the house photograph is covered wlth snow. I have seen this house from the outside and sometimes I was thinking that this is a n ice house for a temple. So I shall be glad to hear from you how and when you are going to situate a temple in this house. That is the most essential point. Hope this t1nds you in good health.
Your ever well wisher,
j.C. Bhokttvedanta Swami
NB. Enclosed is a speech which was delivered by me by means of t� pe recorder in a meeting held in Lon don Center with many important guests. Please hand it over to J anarda n for translation into Frendh and prin ting in the Fren ch edition of Back 1£ Godhead.
(Jan 1 �
Cn�;]p: 1!-501�? I·f. HeyHorth Avenue Los Jmc;eles, Calii'ornin. 900'1-3
cmm Janua:ry 18, 1969
Hy Dear Sha7Im Dasi,
F'lca::>e o.cce:qt l'W blcs.:;i;1C';s � your lett,;::r- of January 14-, 1969, you.
I bee to acknowlcd�o rccc�pt of and I wus very clad to hour from
You have as�-.:ed z:nc sone oue:.;;tions ab01..1.t the functions of sex life in l�rishna Consciousness, anci: the b::tsic ::_)ri:'lc:Lllle j_s tlwt :Lt sl1ou.J.cl be avoided as far as poss ibl e . Ho\·Jcver, if it is un.:tvcic.l::tbJ.e, then it shculc1. be utilized onJ;y for bq;etcinc; K:rishna Con::;cious cllilcl��·�1. In thc,t case, tlle husb:,ud c.nd \·fifo should. cha�1t o.t leas·(; fifty ro-ll.n(1S befo��e go:Lns to sex. ·rhe recoomcncled pcriorJ. is six clo.ys 0-ftcr tho menstruatJon period.
I am glad to hear that- yo-v. are helpin;::; ou·c in tending the Deities. This is very spirituc..l ly beneficial e�l,z;q:;encnti and, <.tlo·:l,;; \dth cl1anting the req_uirecl number of rounc.l.s of Eare EriG�n.:., �:rish11�1_ is sure to give you all facilities to perfect your lifo in full Krishna Consciousness. In this connection, the recipe for the ch:.•.r:i.n-acrita is enclosed here by Kartikeya.
Plea ::;e con·iJinue tio infor�n me oi your pro�:cos.s in rCiil2.ininc; e.t Uew VrindHban. I hope this finds you in goo0 health.
ever. \'Jell-•.·Ji:.:.;l1cr,
. . /·:- \ . ·:. ! I' ' I ' I l• I t. ' I j ' I . •. .. I I • /II / . .'; ' - , '' !" . I '/,..' ;. ' I I I I .. 'I • I , l ';..!Ill / \•, I : ( - II . ' I ; - ' I - I ( /t/ .' I ' / /: I / f { '� ! \ { ( :' ' t \! '\ l I � / f I I tl I '. I \ ' I ( �. l , ' , \ - ' • .i . • · ·a J • � A., - �-�-fJl.ve ··- � ·-·- �·�··. ----·
.�n.cl t;11C'
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h.,..r C""l'CC1"-
' �nrJ. ·i.;:1j_.:; CC.Il.l:o·i; :Jc (J o·!.c . i::,;, ;� cn.c�llcn;:;i:��� s�-·�-·:·it . r�o::·C. Jes�·.s Ch:-:-ist .:.lso' .3aid t3c.t ::;n..:) 7:inc�lom -of C:oo. is only fo= t�0 humble ;_'t:r:-:. r:�ce::.
In rc��r2 �o yotu� nc::t quos�ion, �elf rc2lizo.tion �can� God rco.liz.:�tion, �.!1'� �o(. r,..;:-J.·.i_: .c>:tio:::'1. ::-:e:::-.ns �elf :;:-·:::c,J.:i.�-� ..,.,jcio�1. J1.�st 1:.::c �co sec· tl\c ::,,_,_� r:--.c · n� to ::;(-)2 o11��c:lf, ::.1:..c1 .leo .::.;cc o:t;.cscll �c.�."-�8 !;o !3ec t��c ::;1.u1. Sc::..f .:::-c2.:!.i::.:1:t:i..O(! C:.e.,.,r::r:.c.lG c o?."i;Jl ctely "...1.�)on God rcaliz.:::�;ion, or elcc "it is z�ot �oo�lete. One Gust �now his rcl�tionshi� to �he A�solvtc �'ru.�v!1 to full7 �:nm·T :1is r;ositio:n. The :!!1,...._.,:.::.vzc�i sc"!.1ool si:�,)l7 ("\
,;_no\·! CC.[;C. l1e should �now t1lc aiflcrent ��nifcstatio:n� of
also. The hi0lcst �anife�t�tion of the spirit soul is t�e S�prcme rcrconality of �odhec.cl, Lord Kris'::..::1a.
In th.is c.cc t�1o :-.1ind is �o n!ucll ac;:tt.:.tc<.�.
up on
c.?.:l'!""'ot 'be fi:-:cd
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·ch;l.t it
the; Sunrer::e Obj cctivc.
to '.:;1�.0 p�_.--...t:�c.J.'i(i oJ: :�ri::;b.'•i..') Con.::;c�.C:·l�:.J:l.C�S. vY!l�.r hy ·t;11C )nf.J."•'':"'C o:' yotU.' ��1:.1:.�1; �l;•.'ui�;�-� ;'_::;it �;c>iEG pr::::-�.1:::�:.:-: ::1orc tirr1c for ;;ou �co �'..r:.�1::-;l; . Ac:�-:i.11 :·;::.; • I l1o-;-') � ·��1: �:;...-�·..- ·:.;�.1c GJ;::,_cc o J--: 2.�::."'j. s�1no. yo1.1 \·J :.! J l =-; t;icl{ :" �-�:-i��J. �,. i;o c1,P'.ntinr; �:r)1:.r 1() 1'(>1_1.11(�.:; O:' ;,w:.-c r::;.iJ.�.r. ':'!J.::i.�_:; ,·:i1J. solve .'!ll of �.·t; .. . , ., . ., .... . . 1" .. ,. . , ('llr:0t:1..'on:.:;. .c:·�r -co ';�Y> ·:c �t:''.' ':.:;r�--:� ln ·,;:F: �crV).CC o. !,rl�t1n:..1. o.rv.: o·v:.'_ i;>.. :J.nn; �·:ilJ. be ��cv.�:'.lc�5. to :,:on ·.:·.i..:;hi.Jl�·i.; i:::.il.
., -.�dr; i"'!.:._ :i,.�;.;t ;�(J�[·l c,J..' r.:r..;-�l �_-..;::,·�:i0�1-, :-�'.D.'"�. l;::�r; Oll}_ ..v· o:1r; ":.'f:.. �.c�; ·.-;·-t.ll � ... �'0'',.. .::r.::•,;' . :i.1i.l.r . ., ,,, ) :.•r· r:•:'"' c··� ,,,.-.-- .,..,ct ror"lr1r'-""l i.':\(l .; ..,.,..,"J"'(JT','•"! ·j ::, ... . ,I)'• I • ,., ,, e o , o., ·,J , .) .,. .. '"" o _.. � IIJ o. Ii .. � ., .. t.,J -,, I I .) ' • , , til�.)' :u·r:; .:-�l.rc::•.r.i;o,i C0•".·�C".::�·>J. �J,'.' ��O.l."�l !·�r:i.;·;;l�Kt iTl :;h() �·.h::\·r:• :.-•r'l. r::i.-:;:•.• .:�ctt1::ll�.r � �:l:·:'·..r-:·(; : ' .... ::.o·:�}":;_.,.,_.�-; ,_,_,:,�o:--t:� �·.'i�;l:. �-'OU bcc:1.U::jC �rq,.... 11.�··/C: .::_-::·r: COt.:'!.C
.�.>lec-.. �c o.ccep·:; my blcs...,in:_:�;. I .:::.:J in due receipt oi' you::c- letter ·1· ·�.C:u Jcnua.r�y--· llf-, 1959, �'i1'� I �WV8 nctccl t!.lc co::;.tGnt::;. I em plec_ced to n ote t' at you enjoy �oi�� ott into the ct�ceto chantinG c..nd :9reochin:; fro1:1 ·-.;haf';CV�Jd Git-. • is a very gooc attitud.e :.�1d in accordance llith che tco.c�1inc;o of J_Jor<l C'i1a.itanya thct the p:.coccso of Sanl:irto.n should be 1 ::::-o::..�er:.tecl to r.1cn c::ll over the 'io ::::-1<1 . So <:3 you arc able you should co!ltinue to co into the streets to chant, and I am sure �.�l.:.nt �chr- o·l;nc:cs at your te�plc \Jill o.��recictc G03nr with you as they uro o.va:�" le. Surely ��:is :o::-:...�ctice uill att...act many people t:1o.!..�e :iJsc t'"".:s soLe i!ltercst i� ��is i: -i�hna Consci0usnczs �cvcocnt.
-ecardinc your req:cst for cookins information, it is best if yo-:J \Jill cons·'lt Yamuna Dasi in London. She is very ez:)crt cook, nn<l t:Iill be able to cnm1er any questions you ho.vc re:;a..rdinc prac: c1o.o nren�rations. I undcrstcnc thnt has uritten a reciue book -./_icil they are tryin:; to ::1..,ve r.·rinted in IJondon scon, so � this c.lso \-Jill be available to help you in this connection.
Rec;c..rd.in::_: se:.vin� your sodbr-cthers, ·chis is e. v,:r. cood practice. :I:he Bpiritn�'l r-:o.stcr is never ui·chcnt Eis �ollO\'.rers, so to :...crvc the Spirit e!l 1-ier-ter etlso nec.ns to be t .. c se va·'1t of :l::i s (j_.--ci�les. i·.rhcn you \'ic.�t to serve t 1e �:inc;, �101. r.nst c.lso sc:::-vc l1is ni:n.ister, oocrct;�ry, c.�1c everyone 1;iho serves hi�:1. 1!:1(' ·c(;· ....;crvc h:is serve.· :ts uay ··.lc :::.. sc �iG r:o:r·e tll-::U""l t o se_,_ve t;le ::inc �crsonc.lly. So chc Spiritu;->.1 �·in�;tor is net c..lone. Ee is r�l'i:J...:to '.ii'-.:::1 ilis c::1touruce. \·Je arc no� iL1))crso:w.lists. �·.'c ��=e care of o·vcry ya.rt of the uhole, cs ::mch c.s one should ta.�c care of ::is :�C!.-� cs ·uel l ac hie sho e s. Both ere equally impor'l;c::.nt for t!10 u_.frec�; of ·chc bod.y. I hoye that you \·:ill unders·t;and this � i�:�tly.
I c is i:r:mortant that \'.le p:rcc.ch the Dessnge of I�rish.'1.a Cons:i..· E::noss Gxactly o.s ·t:Je have he�rd it from ou.t S:ril'it al •·asuer • .�10 ; ' :: o philosophy and s_ irit nust be there exactly. Just li1:e L'c ·c::,_�-v:·.c in this ce:untry e::c.t.ctly as ·..·c >.eve �-_(;,_rd fro.n o1...r SpiriCL.l ��a..;tor, but t.1E;l'e are c aE:;es dt..c to t.1e i:-�le, ciz-ct!., _::s·cancen, 1 t . :t:· • • t ... '1 • • 1 . . t r:,·�.J. ra�neos. nc S�HI'� OI 'Glle �C S"v.CCeOS�On nay no be ch.:msed but the:-:e !:!ay be [H::justments made to suit t;hc special 8 ·i ·c1 .. :sto.nces.
r-:e:._:<.n•...'iuc:; your last qu.cstion abou·t; the inport2.nee of chant in � U1is ci.::ntins process is the only vmy of rrttainint; i'ull Krishna Co�i�=>ci:. usncss in ·chis a· e of kali yuc;a. Lord Chc.itanya s·!;ressed t·po.1 ·::: is �oint, a.n<l we uay Ja.::e it from His <.'!ut1·.·!..'ity that no o't;�}C:r 1 � -;tl10U \vill prove to be S1.1CCCS�ful in vhis · �:::.ttGr.
r>o con·cinuo to push on our Ha:r1burg center a:� f<�,r c...J �-.ossible. iou i1.vc cone to Gcr!'Jany, �1ot oven l:no·.Jins hovl to SI�.::-�i: t�1eir l;::1�l.l:2�()' c.:1d y:m are tryinr:; to sive to the!!l t1c l."'rr::oc j mml, ;·l"'isl1na Coj1sciousness. I· knou that Krishna is VCJ..Y plc:::.ced 1ith -:dl of your effor�cs there, and. surely He uill ::_;i iC ;yJu e.ll f'<::.cil; tics to come out succes:sful in y0ur o:Cforts. I �lope �his •:•ill ..�ce·c you in �ood health.
l!�ift!l �T anuary 2�, 1969
Pleo.se acceut 111-; blessincs. I an in due receipt of your let-· tr:;r cl<:..tcd J·allu<.!.ry 10� l9S9, c:ncl I h<:tvc no·tec_ -tne contents carefully . . I eJll very· pleased to note thnt the ne·,-;s:pe.per c::.rticle l·:h:;_ch you he.cl h8l�;�Q ;;·.rro..ngce':. has resulted j_n nruc:1 in·ccrcot in ov.r moverrieiJ.t in I:mlG.ll. It is c..lso very enc01J.rc.:;in[_� 'Co note tJ.1<.=dJ yo1."!. m·e goinc; out ir�_to the streets· to chant and nree.ch to the peonlc there. This is a ve�-:r csoocl polic:v-, c-md as far 2-s possibl e you should continue to go out andv let t;he local inhc:�bitnnts of Fte:t·!aii beco;-:1 e ver;;r familiar Hith the sou.:'lcl of l:Ic:.:ce ICrisb.na Fc:,ntra. This uill insure the success oi' our center there, and it is also ver-;_;1 :9lee.?ine; to 1:rishna to see I-I is devotee tal�ins courace in this �w·:l. So by no nec::1s shou.lcl you give up this ve�y nice activity.
Re�ardinp your questj_ons, the so-celled love which soes on in t�s ne:terial \'lorlc1 is sir;l�)ly a pe�_·vertccl for!!l of cl.asya rasa. :8-veryt�_,_in�; in this world is a oervertcd form of rasa. Just like Yasoda is levin� Krishna as her Son.So this is bvatsalya rasa, pa�entnl love. \ftten Krishna is serJar::o..te fro;n Yasocle., she cried for her \'/hole life and thus beca�e blin�. In this world there is not a single instance wbere a oother has suffered so ouch in separa�1on from he� son. Therefore, it is pcrve�ted refl ecti on of the renl love.
Regardin0 your second quest ion, the other nae1es of I�risbna \·lhich you have mentioned, such as Gopala and Go-·inda are as powerful as the nc:u!1e Krishna.
I hope this will meet you in very good health.
�Y Deor Mahapurusha, C,...·�· •..�.:i • ": .... , .-� (1Y1UL.. ' \. _,. :.• . ( \'. , - \r"/ ..'....r;. � LJ 50'!. •. I. ' ' . .- 12n. w.;y�·1or·cn .-.venue Los Angeles, Calif. 90048
Yo�r ever well-wisher,� li /\I II I I I -� f I I" f 11 tfy � /,-' -- lt1 { \' t\ ' � ·� --�----- - -- ·-· --- . A. C. BhaJ::tiveclanta S\·:ami
Ci1r.1?:1150i�N • HayHortl1 Avenue
Los Angeles, Calif. 90()l�8
nnno January 31' . 1969
Ny Dea.r Haya;;riva, Please · .o.cce:)'li -:.ry_ blessings. I bee; to e.c�:::no'.'ilecl.sc recci:1·;; o:f your' lct; i.ier d�::!;cc1 JG.nue.:>..."'J 2:3, 1969, a:1.G. I C.a.ve carefu.l]_y no·i:ied.. ti.1e 'contents. I �:1 ve-;:y :?l,cctsed. to lec.rn thr,t the ei.1tire firs-c ce-!r'-;n sho•-tld be co:.::;?lc"iiel�r eci.ited. b�.-._Ez.rc:i.:t _8th, e.nc1 I ar:t-also sl�.d -(;o h ··· - �c· · , t, · 1' � JJ� · .1 car ·c.:::ta:G �rour ..LJorcL �1n�-..;c.nya ]-<:-Y �s CJ.- _c:-.s·..; co:.1p e·..;ec�. •rotl ·.-ma..; I r.. �one -�-� o·: -;-�,; s ·)1 """ 1- c c" e '-14at J- .; � vc--�.:- ·:el 1 •.,. U - -'J....,_ -"-"'.; • .._ 1. \.1..,_ .t.f./ \• -done, si:J�)l i�..; is a li tt;le :r.olon ed. Othert.-·Iisei-�..; is ve:cv nice • .l.. • .. " I hope ·;;:.,at ' , ·:hen i:e St2-::.."'t our o•.-m press \-Je 'shall e;ct th:i..s. boo�:· :)r��!.teci_.
:Rese.rdin:: f<lY con'\ans there, I think ypu Gho.ulc1 i"ix u:;::> my d�. ;;e f b . '.. .-', '] ....... .. �-- . . 11 . o · c::u1:; -..;ne:!'e �.·a��'l .!- .e.n :...-�nsoers. ..;:rovJ.s�onr:. y, you can se·G uy my dc.te of ar!'iVD;l by the !:id.c1le of .�..p�il as C.escribsd b�--you. I ce,n undc:::.•n·t;nhd fro::1 j'OtU' lett·er t'i.1a·i; your cc,r is _ no','f bro::en :..-:!!C_ 1.:.3�less. In the future, ue sl1oulcJ. not purclw•.se a�- secor:cl.-nc.n:..�_ cc-.:-�·; :..t .. .. . .1 . . t' . h. � .I • t' .... . . �s <!.l.':l2:;;s -G.::-ou o esooe. !ll.S �s -.le 1i �ret G�!ne -na. v sue.a c2.:.:-:- .a.c:.::; ce\.w�x1 us ().ifficuJ.ty. Ru:pa..nusa y\l,rc�-:.azed a . .seco:lcl-::..3-nd co..r fer .;;6·JC:, "' ... ro �-o ·o., u.c:on]e'"S · ' 110 .tl, e.,.. \·'"S r·-i --o'Y'\ .;.o·' .......��-..:,,-'-.!-� � ..-.."! •••• v �o,:;� v "" '" "" - .:. ••·1.- .. . _ ''-· o-V'-'.:.- ..., r . ..:-.i.:..v..:·.�..••• v·.��, ..:--·-· ....i-1; s .._oo -- ...o•rc<.l 11o·'· ve -:,. s t.; <:··f':-1ct·o,....-:\· o -'-he -:-..,· -,.-..::.. ; ,.,..,c;:. ; ·; u. ..... u :./J:. ... v - -'IJ· • . V...- v�•··-'"· ..--. _..., � - -yours. I_f it is J_:)ossible to t;e·i; it nolG_ �.nC.. get Bo:r..e :.:oncj-, ::,"ov. c�..:1 pu::;.."'cl:.e.;:;e 2. s::c..ll tr;_l_C�: nev:, or else \:�:enevcr \·re nc�d. a ·�;!'U.cl:. ':!e c:,:.'!. rent it. Jut C:_o:.l.t :p1)_rc:..'\..2-�3e .:u1y :.:ore sc•::o;.1cl.-h.:.�l1c1 cars; t;L.cy r,:;:-.:) t•JO muc:'1 t;:::.....ou1.)leso:�c.
Re32.r6 in:;; the :?:'e:.:;s, I hc.ve :::.lz-ee.dy \·:ritten iio 3rc-.h::-Je.nc..nc1.c. c:.'bou;; this. :.·:c c . ;-_isl:_ �2_90 _for; _;'��1.t �!}� OP.�., ye?-r . �}!.� j:;':�·q��tory hous� :.::c;). meri"vio'i� ed. So inr.:cc'1_it�t;ely you si1ou.l6. i:lt'..�:;:e c.rrc."'.nser:t·3nts fo�"';illis.
As for �rour ·!dee �enti::ents o.bout ouz- first r;ic::d;j_!!c on }-i:ous·�c:! � � Stree..G, it �-::.s r.ll arre.n:;ed by I:ris�nc-.• ·rhat ':!2-.S ?rc:cticeJ.l:-" r. fc.--:o-:._' s11o•.-!!1 to :10 b:r Krisi1nu bGccuse .J. c.:-..r.:e in your cou.�".try b�..· superior O:r--�e,.... 1 · b e '-'eclJ'n,-. lon · �1�r altbo,,-:-·1, I 1 -'-;,e ,·1iS"'1.·o,, o:t:o s ·--...-..·!-_ ..... -• £.<. ..... .J.. - ...-� J " .,; "'_ - ···v _ v._ ···- ._. __ J. v-..
.., lt-...J.• o c. �0 · .,.•••,_ ,...C.,-'- �� .....·• .:- ,..., ':'t'> ,s ..;.'t..L .;...i.:) •.:>! ,;,;....,*) .. ... .._v • ..:.l .L.!..- ...� ..:t .!... V ,,;'-1...'. i...·\..· •·.•- , a,,..'1 t .. o e our '·'�C! !'::1 , t:!o .._,..... .� '1cs;i...� of' �ti""'J.. �·,.,n ·'7i�l,��-:�-...� �..... . .,._,o:� '-"··o:� u.�.l.- ,_ _._�,;,; -·•- ....-L--'-·• •. 1 ..,.J• .._._..__,.., bo�·lO.::o UC'! or .,.OI t"1c..a.. 1"'!")·'·-!· er '-'11of "'"'o··� -:-1,.,:, �1.·""']eo ''1�'0 �':"'C . '-'1. .a. •Jt . ..... V .....�.. Vv ' �.. - V ,..,. ��....., \,;.... '":'· · ..J ..:-....;.� • •• '-"·0"'"'1·�.... ... ..,, .._., Me ll"'V-"' "le..... 'ov .....�1"' r< "'<'C 0.::0 ::,....���1'"0::: •\ s St1C�., o-:-.�..,...-r_ '.1-liL- '·• ' -�.. •;, L. V "' V.a. ""' -�·- �·�-�-�·• .; . . .A.,.,;,' -'J --.,; one s:1ou.lrl ��.l'.I-::tys .feel the res��·,o�s'L'b:i.ltty thnt :�!''ishnP. ··...:;�.n·(:;s t�.s· ·i;o O.o so;-·,3t1.1ir�s for lli;:t, em•}. -:.-ie nuGt :L2ve;:;t c.l1 of ou.r en.O!"'Sics ..�o fulfillthis· :.1ission of Krishna Consci.onsnezs. � over )
. The boys D.:nc1 sirls in JJondon arc cloinc very. nicely.· hY Guru J:iahnr<.-:t.j sc::r!J Qne sc::1�:;y'tJ.s:!., S:·:a�J:i. ?3oli. r-:aharnj, co p:r:c2.ch · :r:rj_shna Co:!scicusncss in I,onc":..o:l, sor:w·:;i;Jes in 193:i. Althoush he tried for ·i;hree years c.nd. at th� e.::·:-!JCnsc ofm.y Guru :D,l).a.r.?.j, h� could no-t; do any ' c.ppz-e-.. cic.blc \•lor:·�. Bo Guru i·It:t.hc:.r<;l..j, .bein� o.�s[::urd;ed, C�lllecl him b�.c:..:. In CO::llJrll'ison to trw:t ..si·:;u.:.'.tion, our 6 yotm[5 boys and c;irJ.s are. �either ve::::y ::1Uch n.O.v$.�ced in their study of Vcclgnta nor any other Vedic li"lier::..'.turc, !leithor c.re th52!;:,� s::nnyas:i.s. But st;ill Ghcy c.re doincj :-.:ore tan.:;ible \·Jo:r:k th.:?n uhat Bon Hab.c.rt\j coulcl do there 35 yec..rs 2.co. This very fo.c·� co:::tfirms the st:.1.·i.;ement of Lord' Chc.itanye. thn:t; D. pr0�cher or ·t;eo.cher may be "- householder, a sannya.si, o. bre.h:ai:r1., a suclre., or· anyo21e, pj:-ovidecl he !:nous ·i;he science of Krislm.o.. lmtl to !�no�:i t:�e science of I�rishna ::::eF.ns to serve Krishno. t'!.nc-:.er the c1ircc·iiicns of a bona fide Spirituc:�l 1-!�.s"lier. l·ihcn \·Je serve Krishna in this t.:my, Krishna is nleascd to·rev cal Himself. So we should follow strictly the Vedic prir..ciple th:;:t anyone �·;h.o has 1.Ll1flinchinfi faith in r-.rishnc. and. the Spiri·cuel Eas ..lior, to 'him only the science__ o.f Krishna Consciousness becor:1es rev . ea.led. •J.'hen t,·;hen •,,Ie ere f'ull:.r conversc.n..G in revela·iiion of Krishne. Consciousness, \·Ie can neet .eny opposinc; elenen·iis t>.ncl co:-.!e out victoricus. ·
iio\·r you ;re gri�e.s�.;ha, and there is no need ·co bec1esponc1e:;.1t, �imply \·:e :1:J.vc to bcco2e sincere to act fully in K:;:-ishna Consciousness. lour Hif.�, Sheme. :Uasi, is. a ve::y good sirl. Sl:le will be al•.-rays hel�ful to you. in doing us the boys and. girls in Lond01� are doing in at.tre.ctins the utte:1:!;:Lon of ve.rious ty9es 6f' people f::::-o:n �tll over the \"TOrld. ':(hey are doing ':Tonderful service, and it. mru:es 110 difference thc.t they a.rc househ.old.e::::-s.
Do not be very nuch a!"..::iou.s \·rhether you. o.re fj_reo. fro:t:l your :)resent service or not. :aut youm s:1.oulcJ. not do so:.::et�:tng there ·.-:hich
•, 1 • " • .I • • t .1-• ' • • ' • -T • 11 • r
�·n.... 00 C��Slitl::::':)�.:1t; ·o u!l� C.Uv!102."�li�es. LO'.·Tevc::-, �n c� _ C�:L..C1.:<.;",1S'ii;:;_�lC·:::3. t .J '.. .C' -.- • .. c . t ."' \·Te mtl.s e:-::ecuiic ·iir1C l)ro::;rr?.::1 0..1. .::"r�GJlW:'. o::r:sc�ousness, even a- "V ....o risl;: of diss?..t:Lsf;.;in2; the.so-called er:1ployer mP..SJGer.
Ple:1se convey ny blessinss J�o Shc.r.lc. Dasi. I· hope ·t;his uill t b ._.. . .. , 40 � ., 1 mcc you c·�.�n. �n •1appy mooct anc� cooc. nca_" 1.
.:c c::plc.J.�!.cd ·c,�a.·c 1:0 :::s out \"''lkin--i·� !-rlC r·'··.-.,.-..c i.i Ia-'-c""' o . -1 �-t'"C' .:ou..'tld that ::c ·.:c:.:t �.;o see � ·� • • ----� .o..J.•u . �l.J_L,; • . J v ..L --t __ u i""..-i:.J :! C-lrls"G��n �):cles"Gu.:o h0-<l �!-.��res�cu. u��on his ::Li.:1Q t;:r.t o!'lc co..n i.�:'irL: uinc e;:"'�;c·:- ofrc:-'i�.:- it ·:;o .!.JOrJ Ohr'l.st o:-: :;;lc fir:t :7ric:.:-v of evc-.J..'-J -o::th. I h3c bee� infor::Jc<l by =:ar'.;ilwy.::: th2t before his · co·1in�· co cur :�richnc. Conoci:.usncss cc..::1n he \:;.--�o drinl�inz-· too :::uch. Go nou 'w ..,,. to ,,·ivn c�'l·Cl�C-iCC t1'1:..t ,,,. , ,. ��oor'l ·•>o11 1.•.,_ ic· o·�fC"'"'l� lt,...__..... .... '-·- ""'" " _ --· ......_. ,.L.:....:> 0 1..4 ·�..1 _ lJ v - �v ... ·co LorJ Cl:2:'i:-:�t. I .!cried. to cor1\:ri11cc 1:.i:: t.-1�t ,- ::i�'!.::i;.:� is r:�, c ::t :--12 ,:ooc1.
J)li- n:-�r-cL:cyc;. GO"G 1:::-: . y up.se-c, JUSv \':.O..li!.ll!l 15 L�iEutes, he tool: m.ro.y his bo..t.;s a.nd b"'cco.zes 2.n�1 pb.oncd hi:.: sis·ce:c..nd \;en-G to her plc.cc. 'J:'his 1:-:orn.ins, i.:>udo.12D. phoned hir1 ti:!3.t if y�)U co not like to live in the tc::r le, ycu cc.n cor.10 bc.cl-: O.:J.ct livc ·;it_::. 0�Jc.�:ij i. J3ut he l:as not corae bc..c!:. S1erefore, for the tioe bc:l.n�, it is to ,. c u 1derctood th:J.t he is victiuizcc... by the strol:c of :'J:J.yo.. I do ·_yt ,�··:8'.: .. . . f'� , . 1ti '. , .. . 1.s m·:ct1-c1n;_; ..12.0 .!..- cure _ov, ou- o..� sure -c .. Gc :no sc:rv1.ce -co
'Krishna o..n�:. to l:is :3piri tunl .i�nctcr uill !10t co in vci�. Iiut i·.-�eiviru.:::l inde?endcnce and ocy� arc so otron: th�t t�0y co.n stop �ro�rcco ot .:::ny r!O:Jcnt. :Jo lon: �.:; :1o u.:::s �1e:2c, :lC �.-.::;.; i.ic.�:i:1s co.rc of ::::c very
I·:y l·cc..;1 Govi::1c.r� ·ti: t · : .. i . - . . , 1 · J - c:::-�::-;c occc:r>· cs:::r-:.:::;::. 1. oc� -co o.c...:710\: c rccc1p c of y ,ur lctt�r , ic· tell �T.::.�uc..2.....y 30, 1C)G'), nncl I c..n no cla.d to lc.:.rn t:.;o.t r-u ,.. - •·r��-; .... � .. ,...�'""',..,- c· ... �- v "''C -; -.j ...... Jt c.. � ...-;c::· ."'7':ur J:'le..,.:-;e l;I'3- ·co · �: ·,�Orl: �s iar O.G 1e l;.:,o."G 'j\L' ..."' ... .... J.....,.;- e ' ,n,.-;-;-JY ·;c-� �,·c r-e·'--'-l"'Y) u ua. - .J- u,,r .... ...... ..._, ..-t..A.� _ a -• \1 - � vv -oo::1e inco:-.2c \.'L:!.c� :is cs C!1tia.l for houoe;wld er life, a.n::=. y · u a.rc livi n·· •·lith ...... },u�1·---,' "'0 I�,, v�,....7 .,uc·n · l · -1-,....,t -J·.-u ..,-�- 1 · n --0 " U .J ..L. - o...JU... , t -' "-"'--- '-- ,.) J. ;;:;J.- • u \,I..__L.l. '- <--...._\.... i1ClPJ-Y :Jooll. 1m: I :::-.c.:l c;urc tb.c:..t you '.'Jill be c.ble to co:-:·cribt'!.tc �·:5,0'}J to oy bool: ::::u::.C.. I U:J.cl.c:'�t.:::�1d tho.�c
so:::c difficulty ·uit� ycur dicto.�honc, ·c.�d no soc� �3 y�u fi� it, I vill conti�uc to 3cnd y :Jli so;..:c '!;.::;"'•0::;. ·,...,-r·-1.·'-r. -r T ., -, r-orv.-- -'-o ;.,ro-...., ...,r,,- ..._,•.,-4- ,..., ,, 0-� r•· o'-- ·-� .;,�._, �-<..-.!.u ;.�..,;L c·t � '--·' ...., .:...j lJ - --L .!.U ,:�•-"' L;.�.... u '---- � -�c:;, �1r,,... C"''l c�-.-.-'-;v�··-c· �"'" ---�" ,�..;.,"C ·-::·-·'·c;T':,:•-:r �1C b"" lc·nt ...-'--'-:J �,.,...;�... ,L._ ... v __ ... v _ ..........., ..._ .... '" u..L. _\_, '"''-.;ull .... ........ c.' ' . o..J J.. -1V CO....,n....,·Q�r :;-::,C C" •., .;..,.,.., -.:-e,-�-0.,.... "" ":n·l;c·,-, o n � ·,C 1,-r-.r- �[);c;,-1-;- fa�� -v -"'" ;:c....;. '"":�� -..1..- \....A.'"' L.J -�-L.:. t.. -v -· L J ---;- -.. �- t .�u v.. --. �::.Jrc t.:J.e.n ·c lrc�o ll:.12..::';::; ._--.:-: __ -.:.lc.Cl b.c c..::::e n:.c::,
vcr�r f;�ct t!1c.c nc nb.oi.Ild (:elL·-0�1 -�:-:..::. :�·:·�;:; o�ii :J o_ c···,-.:, · .-,-� ,;11 y "'r'�1'"" -j-;- -lro ,..,; .•l·r:·t-··· · • C" C r"." .. --,.-j_ .··, , ,.., cc --•• •• - -..w - #t. •-' __ ...,. - "') - -� ·--J - •:V- ., _,�,....,- ..i. .. � �---J V-- • C\Tr>·'-·' �·o.....,t:, •nrc _,., -'-;-," · o·;· ,..,cl 1. -is ,�.-;.:: .; -G ...•·• • _...._ •• .- ' ..._ II� - J•. , .• - \..-.. ' - 11..,.)\. .....- t-1 � J - \. n':·.�- '1�.il�r f'o�:· �)::....c:-::'1. f:r·o-: l.:hc I..or<:l. l:'l "u�1·i.c ·..-aJ J..:.::c:.:·c \:·· .:; ;_;�,�·.:c rc. o :r�··)·--·-..i" ' ... ' ·c , . '". rl·---..&."1 ... ..__...,-:,- - r "' --·o· ... """"�C �.-:1,·1,., ) l . ..l"' '1" .....r- ···11 ,_,�_,_ "1.1-'·' t v . \J• ·-' ,_, !..\.,!ll.I.J...,_,Y ..1.\,.;• ....-llu .:.. .JL! L_, \Jl___ -.... • \. c ...: 1J c..1..1 'c:1t;ic:fiC(.1. I ��-::·-- c�·::·�oc�: fl"lc:: �·� t:�L:sr�o·iJ·�-;o_:_"i_ -·-�-::.£.:.·c i.il"2e "\l� r.lc ; i��·!::.t !-:c :,:::C no�- .-. ti ..�-:'ic-'i '1. ...,1C ··· c-�.;- ·cJ,.. ,;n-A -+- - ...i·�""' ..,,...,,.,� 1 \·;�. .-. t...,l'-- u o..J ,_.; \.-• ...... J.. -�v .......,, , .., ..... _...._..l_l...... L..o....� L-- ... ,... . '·'l·"-'r1 :--c I ,..,("_.,- ......,l 11i·· ·� o 1-er""' : ,..,.,...-::·i' ..r.··r..., fo,-. "'O"'C -:-l·,..1e 1."n '1ic- 1 \-' v -........... .... u...... ...\....o\,..:... £.--•- "' __ .....,, -<.;....1..1...: ...._vc..J \...<.. --...; • .J. v .. 1 1.---U lr •J I � t T' ' • • ' •• ' 1 ' • ..L. • '-' • �rGU"!l r
you b.:::vc
��c�·;-. ::'(�in:.:; y�,uz· Ger::1:ln C.C<]Uetinto.?lce, I undc:.:.:-;tcnrl t".o.t he r o..y bJ o. very i;1tclli�-;ent "--:�n c.n,: beleives in ncience. L"lut cvc:1 the �cn-=- c.:1.VD.!-:.ccC. ncientist dcne:r s on the :::;t,:tc�Jentc of ::�:.thc.rlties. Science bc�r,ins O!'l sone e:.cfiY!ot0 d--t:-,, �u!it like Sir Isn., c �:cuton discovered tl10 lou of c:rc.v:i.tntio-:1, a.r.::.1 so much ncientific adva.nceoent der;ena = on nuch o.u·cb-:-ritG.tive nt::.tc:;::lC::ltn. So even scientific l:nouleclc'J has to nt :1d o'-1 i�hc c7i- c1cc of o.utllori ty. :ic o.u::1its tho.t ue o.re o.ll spirit soul inc!de ��c body e�tro.ppcd, a�� he beleivcn this body is co�p�c� .c- ..,... • • • - ' ' • • ' • t ., 1 'n t .ro
OJ. :-!".l us C."l-:7::lc��.:.:.:; r::):::u� '.j_�::.c 1
rw·c :;z-ov.l.ce � bod:J' lE�c this; t�is is c:..lso a scientific f::>ct. Just lil:e rnsrull� is o. '· il::: �roc1uct everyone l:nm·:s. But ho\'1 to nc.ke a ::-.::..crulla rrow rd.ll! requires e:r-pcrt furtb.c:r- �:-nculedc;c. 7-herefore' ui:J_I)ly to 1-:nou tha.t this bod.;;r is ::alic of chcoict::.ls is :1ot sufficient l:notflecl�;c. · �·.l".a.cn one c:::1 re:ciro:lucc n . sioilar body 1.-:ith the l:notr�1 chcr:J.ic::.ls, the� he is to be conciclered o.s �che exn ert scierr'cist. The snirit soul is i�2:7os.-ible to find out by Bo.terialistic scientif'ic me'lns,but if one vill he<.1r fro!:! the ri:h·;:; nu.thori ty, he mo.y understand. The gentleoen is clisc.p!)Ointc1 t��t ;. robably :10 one \'Jill ever b."'lm·; o.bout spirit, but t.1is i...; not true. \ie �:�1ou "�.-ihat i:: s:pirit, h01:1 does it �mrk, ho-..; oo-es it 'c:::-c:::s_:i:;:.·.:;.tc; fl"'O;"J o:1c bocly to o.nothcr or .fro::! one planet to anothc::::- • ..'e �:-:.m: t::c::c very scie:::1ti.ficnlly, :::�_·:� 1:Je �:ro fir::ly C0!1VL"lced nbcut i"c.
�i:.-ni:1:. Dnlcn.::; on0 uadcrnt2.n 1c ToJ!l::.t is this spirit soul, l1is further c.:�vo.::.ccLJent o.f the Supre:Je Snirit r-od has no value. So this gc:1tlena:� in puzzled in his understo.!1c1in:; about uherefro�l \le ll..::>ve cone, \'-Tile� ";"Je G.rc, c.:::1c":. ul1cre \'.'e are coin:.:;. But ue are cert ain about it. :::>o if _p.e uants to 1;:noH all these things, there is bona fide source for underst;o.ndin::.; tuese problc:�1s, proviclint::; he ac;recs to Give a sub!!lissive au.ra.l rocention to the re[mecJcive authorities as :::.uch nr: he bcltbivcn in the c.uthorito.tive ntate:.:Jcntc of Sir Isn.ac ��e·,;ton. So either to accept the sto.tc:,1ents of Sir Inao.c :reuton or the stnter.1ents of Lord Krish.na, the beGinnin:::; is o. �:ind of· faith. Unfortunc.tGly, thcs · so..;.callcd _scient-ific nen can usually pin their fcith o� Sir !sane �ewton but tiot to the statcne::2ts of _-rish:na or his represe:nta-'clves. So try to c:-..�lc.in to hin • ..t-• • l.n vi1lS \Jety •
Thn:nl;:ins you o.�ain for your nice let·cer. I :.1ope ·iihis uill neet you in very good health.
Your ever �-.'ell-uisher, A. C. Bhr:.ktivcdo.!lta
:1-;c :::·::_�-, ;,nd l li\.�� :L' :·:' :c:-::c: �!!1 vor-;; ::uc;1 o::li��cu -co .:; �.·itl1 t :c !]...::.::ir�C': i:"J:;.t to �1 o. :1ic. I ci!:rl·- c:.ic� t:1.:::t �!._: :::;.:::-�:-, c.:!r.� :1e bcc.:::....c l!�Lc.·;_;. -·�,...... ·-·-·'-' 0
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nr�;U!Jonts a::_;cinst
anu :J:o�; ('0 ·•c :;0 �1--t c·l · 'Dl""7 ...,,,ce •·e _-. .1.....,r-'- our crr· O Q�"t:· \o;;o "-- t.... • •• • ll "y t....-.:> \.J -....JIJU. \I L\.l i.J vc..:..! �, - \...' ....... V�_r �-,.�-·�o::r:..·i'-,..,� • 1 ·, �· • --· · t · .l.'!-.c ut.:.v:� -V<..:I.ilVC sources _J...;:c or ,JJ..S rcpresen."Cn 1vc. . -,- T ---• 1 1 1 i . • . 1 ,... 'h b :...w ..uor� �.r1.::.:;me. speo..:c ::.)OU..; sp:::..rJ..I.i sou 1.ro::1 l.i c vccy e-:-
o. :rca aeo. • .uu Ort. "·ce1""r ,--;�-11 �11 �-1,-:"' c�-,,., ..,-;c�l co co o ct e .. •re <::',...
••-V- f....ol..
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\t --
c o
c tic
this conviction,
Will cet a gre�t i�)etus.
I underst22d thut in �ev Vriniaban you huvo sot electricity, 2-.n� J: shc:..ll be ::.;l2.c.'1. to l:210';J -('1-:'..C is tl.�e CO:lc:_i-;ji0::-2 of tile a·c:".os·;lle:-::8 t�:�:c-';;. Tl1c o-L-;!.lel."' c:c;.:r, I s.s.\·r i:1 �c!1e l)-2.lJer ·t;::2...�0 Jc11e::'G \}8.3 V81'"}J·- sJGl""'OilS S:J.OT;i-st;.:�..:-:·is in 1:0'.·! Yo::'l: :m.._� the o.i:::o:;ort se:...,vice hc::ci. stop�)er5. tl�ere co�:::)letel��. Is .1..'1crc ("':o._,....,..� ("'0 ..___'"')......,
.."-!.� -,. , -�·'-'/ o - 0-----"-·-'. :,.J... U l•c.<.:_.;:t C'. '.clt Ul.L .0, ·•.·.\.: _.!, i�li C:o2s=::' ·c -�;c.:.:e ��.--lD.cS:, .:c:.2on i:.=-�}.;)"' �1o·c :�1r:-.:-:e fo1.1�..1.S.o:Cj_o:1 s·Co!.18 c8:�_,e� :c::.:.�-;- c:: t�1C:...!c·:_�_2-G.; j_� :c�.-r T::'i:::..��e�i)G.�'l? I:E' ·Cl'le cJ i�:1.�.-ce is �1.oc ·Coo ���i...1.c�i_ o�::�::·cr�.:�c-��--fr..: .. tl10::.. ,.·:e ce.�:.. ��ol(�_ ::·. ce�...e:·!on:_,. 01.1 CI.lc�·c (:.e.�.:- 011 e.ccc·l,_�1C of J�ol�C_ C!ll2..i-:.;2.::.:-:::-... •::; Lclve::.�t; o.n(�_ l2.:r ,�_o·.-m ci.lc f01mc:a·cion s·co:1e of OlE' i.. e'.·i. '/:rindc..o.;:o.n_ co:!.s·c:::.....-_,_ction uorj_;:.
In the ne�nti�c, I a� enclosin� �crevith so:�e �lru1s anf e lette� fror:1 .'\::1:;olo Cu::El:i.:'l:::;s -::i:'lo is in l:e;.-r �(or�;: tcr::.ple. =-�e is also :r.'c:::-6.�-- ·co help i:.:.�--:_:��·') const:r:-..1ction '..'ic::.'�:. fter eza��:L1in:; t:1e �l2.ns, �rcu cs.:..: :....etur!l. t1_::..�:.1 ·co �jhe bo:- j_:l 1Je:1 lol...�c ancl. o:::en corrosro,l..c.e:.:lCe \:j_Jc�l :1in. if '· ""�"<"":j"''l ,.....r� hn CO"'�c.--i�"-i-:1-.r T'OT'1' �f"T'�.r Olll C1�l "<.T C !"'oTl"'-:-�- c ("·VO: --. J.,......,.__........,c,..· C..-- '-�-J..'- v -..l..t,J !.I ,J ·----, V..:...L ..._._e,.: _ --· ---v '-"·U-.1-... \·:ill 'be finished. F].ee.se in��or:-,1 :ne �-rC.at u::s tl!.e r·��::Ol"'C o:f: tllc �::ress oo:vs . _��..r...:r'..rc..�T", press or 2!0 :;!:'eS3, i,Je r�"l.IS-'� .,:.1a4f1e so::�8 hotlSeG t1le:.."""c 'bec2.1.�se r:.a!l�,r s·::;:)_(e:xts are very ro.ucl::. cc.c;e::.." to r;o to l•eu Vrj_�d:J.ba-::1.
Ple2.se co2:ve;7 n2� blessL'1..[;S tl1is �-iill :..'lccJc you j_n ve::�' .300•l
�f'.r"j'1• rr 'LT.-.�r'·' ..,....t-�.1 �,Vo'!1U;::. ..iiu • I \, 1- . . ... .(...l.t..l \.;O..L V.L �... �...:,.:_ ..... Los nsclc.s, Cali:C. 900L�-3 J?le::�sc e..cCelJ'G L"'.�/ blcs.si11.�;s. I 2.;·1 in due rcceiiY� of -r-o,_,_:c lct:.;e::.· o � "t 7 1 f\,.- , --'" f � I , J -., .... ..I'�' , , anc: .l �2..'t2 �'loccu ..:;.:J.e co::rcc::-:.c • .L e..:;1 so s-·-c:c f:o l "'�1.-...,.., - - ��,.., \..-c;,,�·r)"'-r::· -:s -�-.,�:-J· nr· "'0.�""' o S -i"'·'· ·-.r:�c·'- ·in 0''� ·-V-- -- ....... 14-e •---...:>. �:;:_0 -'- JC--- v �o...J ·�-·- •J·...,__._ - �"'-...:� Hare I:risll::.;.a ::ov:::�lc:n.·�. '.f'.o.e:n lw e..c[;r'.e..lly cones in co ��rishna Co:�:sci:J'---":.2ne"'"' -1 .,,.,c·'- 1 •-ill .,__,�, 1·-,, -l-11e �r,-,···-- 11".,-.... +>,1-�-l,-,-..e .... t ·'-'·1..,-·- -·-1· o-,�·· .;;:>..,J' •.L-- - 1. ..�-""....... u •- --U....., ...... v-... v � .L. �l ......,.....-.L J. �.,. v ·-- ' (,_"' L ,._., V u __:._. ·DOVe2cnt
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__._ .!.• ·: i.L-"--' c.c_. .::.O. _ •.
<_:,0 'IL<.;; ;:,v:;;_ c..,ll !"'1(:> �-(-,,.,-,...o C n'l"'P ;�c.-..-..,.,. ·1- ·r,o ,..... 'o·,c•-i;)e s lll"'·'-c1 '-' -···� "'--�- ..1-�--'-v- .J.�;.;_<.; --'-''v� L-"-'---- u uv ..• In .Lo:�Cl.o21., thc�r i1ave not ;ye�c been 2.ole 'Co fL1.6. ou�c a stl.i te.ble t2�.::_:--l8 bot,�P �)�,�- c ,_,o-·-�- -is :--o-;'..,17 011 ·v·c.,-.-.,.- 'l·:.L·cal-:r • .,- -."' • .._,_,' 1 -·U -- VC.:.----.._..... u ...l, -· ...:_J .-.l'-:_..:> -• .J.. V V e �-- t:;; a'(j0 �-e';"'(l �l.·_-• '"; l �1 0 C' -:- C\ ";"o'';; 1'1 l �.,'0 -!-C:: Qo-1nT·T'l ,·> "> J• '."'\ ·:_.-;-��- !CIn C.,..,.(:''1"��1'>:71en�- S ('_ .--._r· _--;-_"1___--C" \.J --------_, l..:.. · VV ..._,_V ...-- :_; -- V "'-" -- ---::...-.-lJC....-- J.-V•-' ._. 0"(' s.; .... ... ., ,.·..lis""'! �""'o--s �.,- -:o-i·ncrl -�"!""'\."":.\"""", ,... .,.... ::'o T "T 7r""'r'""' �-;.,i1·"!'1,_._;""' ..• o·'· ---------·""'"" - .�.'.. -'-_,--- �- �� L.<;C <.;; <:) -�-�'-'· V·--�'-' ._·..J.l.. • i.J -� >;<,0 V.c.� �- ·•••••:.:_. ' ..:_ ;../\-;_L_ins -�!.13 J�o:1C.o�� -'�e::�;le OJ.: t;l1e _bi�:'·i;:1 J.;c.:) of Lore. c:�aits.:l:78. �-J::ic:� I��2_l:c. 0-1 �:��c,--: '' l0�c, T ;"',....... - -'-o -·-���r-� ,...,"oo.., -'- .;-;.,Jr 'c_,.·- -i-" l >IC
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Ou, Ca�
PI\!"I) . •
.,.·'\ ,�_..., . ,-, .· \ I, • ·1 (':-:: h;·( .. >;J;J,\1 ;:,r Il- ---· ·r�-�c> r�·t';ll . . .............,.. · l1os .:\n(;olcs, Ca1:i.f. 900'-!-8
)?J.c�se o.ccop·c Ll:'i blc�·>nin�:;::.;. J he.vo rccc:i.\Tccl. ;/oUT vc:i.::/ J.oi·t:�.: Jc�G o�·=· c1_��--c�c.1 · )J:'ll_e:c;y- �:�, J_C)�->9. ]� llo.\rc t;c :eco.�� :l_·t; ·\rc::....�)' ce.:cc:("tlll�; :.t1.1c1. :ccr):t_:;r ;you :l.n chw co1.'.:c-.c.>c, bu·c I \·i:���h �o :Ln:("o:e:a you -�hc.t ·t�h.c a.dvo:o:.-·c :i oc-·
@Cn�s 2�0 not. vc�y con�cniul to cur prentigo, copo�ially the hippy
Jd.nc1 o:::· �J.c'.vc:n··c:Lsc?�le):d;:::;. 0o \·J c have to t;!.iin:� ovc:::' hou 1.-.:c 02.:'1. c.voic.l
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nn<l ·oui)J.:Lsh ��·c the :::r.'.ue time. 'J.'hc l:r:i..�i)V ac'.vc:c· c:i.Gc- ��u rr·"!·,,·:-:.-=- . ,...c·?o·r·--·c·�t · 1)·,, · -,.., )··-·: :- ,,.,,,_c:· ,.. .,, ; ···. .'-·c·· ,.., o o·J C O"'"'r-1·1·' ·- J •• •• · � "' v e} •• I . .. Uv_.. <••• ;..� . , lJl, - tl l. - u. '.Jb.c::n .t J.oo�.�: t!:::.x·o1.�£;!J. -the b<:tcJ: :i_r:;r:1.1c�;, · tho co;J:i.c ;:>ic l;n:;_·es o:C V<.u,w.nc:.cv, 0:· cll f' ·· Of ·'·} ]r> 1o·r•·j 'lrt-'.'.,...00;:1 '> •·'-..� C.")(•1� �--'11·j 'l .·l.'l' '·'-··""0- ... --1 .. --� V.... . ' ... v ._.. - ·-\. ._.. .:_:;.1- ..._ lJt./ ) ol.. ; l1 (.) L , c.l .. � u V '· "'· · vc; I !-',.·L ···, > .·, ·�c.•·:-(.' r>L:: of C•''l'�· •r:···, ··1,·· O'l't'' .·111 . . •.•�r·'- '-r.>·, . o·? 'r)001- ..... ·• .. V .r.•........ ....J.J•...JV� .. • · · )"- ·c..:,· ·.;,_;t .. 1.'-..... . - .. ..... l' .. · JoJc..• VlJ'-"'·· ·- .. � ,'7'\-; i r: ... .;.-:.· ,.; i -�-,., ,.}-:·� 1 . r.. ri -r •• '� �r;... .. .=\;, "·: �1 , ,.• .· ·L · ,.. ·'-1-.,r .-:.... .. ).�;.\ '-'"'' . . _vJ_ . l.. •.t.C.1 \lv ... .0 .lOG '-·t:>·'·'·C, ,,c . _(L l·.v.L .LuG v•..o.vL>C lO.:. such co:Jic ):�c·ct1:C'erJ. Un ·�;1.1c \·iholc, I •:J:L-nh ·co :�):ecc:e:o.-�; }}_Z��.!�� ��2. :-:�2..�lE�.�!l:Sl ·o,,-,,p1-..� -i·:1 ··-�:1n 'J·i o·:' �'·r···L<')'"l'" .- <:·r.· ·'- - ,.._.•.,,.J,, .•. � · 1·1 c·,�·i ·'···,c-:c··.-1 .:"·-·'-"·-L: •• . v._..., ····- J.'l. .......J ...J.t.: ....:>.� ... l-·-·J-...•.,,J v ... J. .... '-·.r. \... v J_v O·f ·'-,-.,0 O"(li('11- r,,.·, <'"·1 � ··· -.•01.1 lr"17"' •.-�.-,·j .-,·.-··v '-·i Cl ('�' -.J -.!" - --u,, .! . o1 . . .!L .vl.:' ,,_,____ ...J; , c,;:> ,I c..:•• ti.•- vv · J.. ·'- <..... �-'·- :;.;;>��;l1ac j_ s T�c:::::�r �t1i c o. (0'/CJ.')
is pu.bl:i.r:.;he::d. b�r then. ::;o J ·i.i! J. :i.n>.: \!C) r:: rou.1cl. follo·..: �;h:i. r.:; pol:i.e;;·. J •·h·>l1 r·J'1(1 ·'·o f'T'()'1 ' r11 ·'-•, ·," CCl''''GC '···l 0'1 .,.•. "'C':,.e 'T•'l·i cr···- COJ l� v ..c.. ••. :1 ••r.. • lo .• •.• ; ., �� ..... ld� •• o.:> 11:. · 1.1 •• l <.•• 1.1 J 1l.•.. .. o:• lJ •rr•. �·.i _ · C"' ;.''ll'- ·'·} :•:. ·I···L.'l"' ,Dr:···1..,,,. . �:. �-�.,, •:··o 0�" '" '" · -'- ic• ··· c·r"q-.ri ·i -n•,. __ .J . V _ v c.; v. 11 ....... ,.• .. LJ�-l ilt... ;..J t..-"-•.) ·.- lJ ·--•J ..t.. 1..:>c.... ..,._,_.J.A.,_;, .,t::''(""ro·'--j )r=-.;·,·'·.- 0() lQ"lC ..,,. "\TQ'i ("t .• .•�0 �.l.•ll")1')'\T ,-. · '·1·r '''·' fr.·-. <.... ·• . ... v -Lr._,, ....... .. J. •• 0 c..:.. ..:> V \. t..•. ·- Vi_ .t.. .l ,,- L"\ •- o,.:•• ._,v J.v c......_l •• '-.;... ClG :Jos.=.:;:lb:t c. 1 hopu ·i.ih:.i. s \·i:i.ll ::wc·c you :i.n :i.np:c·ov:i.nc·lleal·ch n:o.(l chcc:t•:tul i:woc�.• _ . ... -·--· ··--- .... c::.:..:.-----. ·-.---�· -- _ . �..--··--·�····.... �· ---�-
Pleasa accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated February 13, 1969, and I have uecided not to go to London immediately. Rather I may be going to Hawaii soon so you can peacefully arrange for the temple, and there � no hurry. But immediately my request to you is that in London you try to sell at least 2 to 3 thousaild of Back 'l'o Godhead. From practical experience I see that in Los Angeles on the average they are selling minimum of 50 copies daily, or in other words. sometimes they are selling 100, sometimes 150, sometimes 85, sometimes 40, etc. So in this way, on the averaga they are selling not less than 1500 copies per month. Now the price is going to be fixed at 50¢, so I have asked Tarnal to contribute to me $750 against delivery of 5000 copies of Back To Godhead. By selling only 1500 copies at 50¢, they cover the whole $750. 'l'he balance 3500 copies left for distribution either may be used for profit or they may be dL�ributed freely. In neither case are we losers. But this program must be executed. I think you have got now licence. for kirt an on the stree_t so you can now follow the same principle. In other words, I am just claiming this contribution as your pet child. Ny father was ver� much affectionate, and in my childhood, whatever I wanted from my father ha would at once give me. One time he purchased for me one rifle, and so after iaking it I demanded that he must give me- another. t·1y father denied "You already have one. �vhy do you ask for another?" So my argument was tmt I must hue two rifles, one for each hand. Due to my obstinacy my father finally agreed. Later on when I was young and lost my father, I was very sorry to_have lost such affectionate father, but, by Krishna's Grace, I have now many American fathers and mothers. So I am appaaling to all of my American fathers and mothers to help me by this contribution. Pleasa let me know if you will do this. I am awaiting your early reply.
I hope this will meet you in
February 20, 1969
Dear Nukunda,
not less than 1500 copies per month. Now the price is going to be fixed at 50¢, so I have asked Tarnal to contributa· to me $750 against delivery of 5000 copies of Back To Godhead. By selling only 1500 copies at 50¢, they cover the whole $750. 'l'he balance 3500 copies left for distribution either may be used for profit or they may be ditributed freely. In neither case are we losers. But this program must be executed. I think you have got now licence. for kirt an on the street so you can now follow the same principle. In other words, I am just claiming this contribution as your pet child. My father was very much affectionate, and in my childhood, whatever I wanted from my father ha would at once give me. One time he purchased for me one rifle, and so after taking it I demanded that he must give me. another. l-1y father denied "You already have one. Why do you ask for another?" So my argument was tmt I must rnre two rifles, one for each hand. Due to my obstinacy my father finally agreed. Later on when I was young and lost my father, I was very sorry to have lost such affectionate father, but, by Krishna's Grace, I have now many American fathers and mothers. So I am appe.aling to all of my American fathers and mothers to help me by this contribution. Please let me know if you will do this. I am awaiting your early reply.
I hope this will meet you in good health.
our. ver we l wisher
C. Bhaktivedan ta Swami
w.-o.44 1'""1 """'""• t...IV �.u, ..L...;) nO..Jt V.U. 1,.1.1C O.Vt:J..c1E)t:::.... l,,Ll� CU:e :::ie..l..L1ng
�y Dear Kirtanunanda,
Please accc')t r•;v bles;3inr;s. I :�ee:; to uckno;.-Jledc:e recei nt of your l�tter d�ted.Feb�u?ry.lS, 1969. I thank you �ery Wl�h for your imri tin,s r-:8 to :-rcvl ·vr�ncla:)o.!l, bt,t, co�'lsiciering the lo·�E!.l cJ.i!��::-:.te as prsE.;entc;d i)y :mu I think: J- S�l:o�ll _:>ostDone it until the end. of • . � T -. , l.���· 1 ' .._' l • ' f tr • , JiprJ '.. ar;1 e:lc.Los:t.n[; .c:..ere i:'e9-Y Go une cc.cer o..: "�aya�rl va 2.n-:::. Sha�a devi. �
I hope th�.s 1.iill ;·:-.c:et you in very sood hcc:ilth.
' =o 1, "'o L' 1..{·/ ;; 1 •l e .t.� • ·: Los Antles, Calif.
�--------------------· P Lli•l . '{ .
DAliD February 21, 1969
:fo.'Iy Dear Ar�ndhuti,
Please accept my blessings. I thank you so much for your letter dated February 13, 1969, and I have noted the contents with much pleas ure • . Your. tear�:; at ldrtan are a good· sign, and it shov1s that Krishna is pleased upon you. So remain in this status and chant nicely. You vdll see you \·;ill be more and more graced by His Lordship.
Your desire to serve me is very praiseHorthy. But because I anl the humble servant of Krishna I cannot accept any service on my account. So �iliat I say you follow so you may advance in Krishna Conscious::1ess. That is your service and I acc·ept.it on behalf of Krishna. This is a very good attitude, and your \'Jish to serve me actually means to serve Krishna.
Now there is aiilple activities for you as the Radha-[rishna Nurtis are installed in Boston temple. So under the direction of Satsvarupa try to help out in these activities as far as possible�
Please convey my blessings to your godbrothel''S and godsisters \td.th you. I hope that this v1ill ·meet all of you in good health.
CAMP: 450� N. Hayworth Ave.
Los Angeles, Calif. 90048
t.he typGfiC�'i:.t:LJ"lL and Jaycut
........_. ...... l'' t\•l.'l ....... ... - tV.,' • .... ..... v ,�, ... ... ' ., .. " .," . t " "' J • ' If l.Uc,_�).'b'0cJJCt G:!:.ic c.:1e::y a��c LOJ.ng o Cf!<U't;e no:cc J.or c ns v;orx. _ \ iG hc.vc to 1')E:l.Y t!Wiii r!1ore for-· the t�·1)oset. anC 1<Prout then there .. .. � • is no ques tion of stopp:Lng. our ovm ·n:en from doing thit:; v;orl.\: • So
our pol:Ley :..�hould be e:.r:�
' . � 1?2�'�:D·I����;-/?_.c �1.���:�:.��};�· , _ eO.<!�.'.ut:� J,l:_-;()�)Il/ ):!_:�:c-_;,J�.� Ut..C. CvL;J.C �J.LC-IJ1J !fl0tl po;.:sibJe. Dc[iidc:::; t.h::tt., :i.f t_;ornG of ou:c :.:;tudcnts ·..-�:cite c..s they have e:.s�d.u:l.J..:.t,,..;d t.!w pl-::U.o.'.:;ophy, th.:tt. alno ::.;!im;_lci_ be� i.-ioJco:.-::o. You c•D.y tl.,n'L- ·r1 i J"' i c:· ,�-11 _ :-_-· <:·'(' c:·c) c:111 Ct'O CO'l'l r• ):!r)J·!; 'j'l"' r't ........ ' . ..... •• ·-'�' '-· v . �.�, u J. ... • . � .\ ... . l .. t ... . . ot£1er z.�:i.rlf; the:cc:: �,;uch a:-:> Ind:;_ra 't!ho c.::1.r. also do t.h:i. �;. So ">18 t�hall f.· -, -� · · ., · ' · '-r , · , · - T � 1 1 · · ' l. !. 'll.iJ paL',(:![.; S�!.l:.!p. y I'·.'J.Cll ·�eCt:I.C J.CtCC:f:;, !\0-\J .:OiiC� '!)O :LCY be �:;tr,� i!_)1t that tl1:i_ o l�£��].(_-�i:':_C�---Co,.2)!.£c�( :i_ s co;r::·J.ctcly cl :Lffc:ccnt frm·:1 !;'.1·1 o-!-�.-;."(' ·l.-,fl.-i,.-·i YJ!':'IC· /� C:! 1-1,,-:-.y·.-... ::ircl fi; f'f"'7\l---�"'il'i-. r:J�.(··::· .-�; nc--�(', r--cl1#' c1·i ·ffpr�·.·l'L- -·-\.. ..., _____ •c;..{:Jc.;/J �.·....). ··�-· '.J---, . ----�.:..: ... _.__ ··---,_,·-;.• ··- -- .. ... [,t�b,·] t:� ct, 1 ..1<:.t,t,e1"'::; , t}·:.i :-..; ;:�D.;;�.:.t ��i 11c · , ·�·i ]_]_ 'oe s :!.1�1r)] :-t e_}o"' o·�.r1cl f'or· Va:1.s1".:Dft'la 1)'1.. ; r-. c· o : , y - Or' �·'•·tj ,-. 1 ··�-,. r•c )1r-.·n- "1)'''1C ("·-· "'C'Tci cll"'- 'j''1·· �-'- ('1"' ()1..,](� ....... e 01.!1...
j.l! .)' ' . JcJ. .o:.>.Lllc::( v ) , ,,)·�_!_..._. .. 1 .:), ,,_, l:l1, : ,;:...u. ,,;<... v <'.! '--- •. 1.1 • .. policy. Do iLL·�:dLJ.t.c:ly you c;:'.n .?..J.'r·;?,n.cc tor t1• .'Cl m:)nthr:> 1<-tyou::�·. HoH ......... --o·· f-·oi··,·� J,,_.c . .,.,J . c1�"'c�'). T ,.r)\'.,C, l-j,-8
ky Doar lU.:yarulna, JJO�-r H·.. y-, ror'·}l ,-") ,: ,\; • f.... • L' J., • 1 I r· r. · • '1 '"' C � 'L' f' C(lQ} t\ JO.::. Jtllt,E•.. (:.._,, .:- ..L. • .,. J·U February 22, 1969 Please D.ccept my bJ.os:::d.ngs. I am in dnr� receipt of you:c letter d'-�t.c(1 1i'c])l'"''l'V ] Cl 1c69 ·�r,cJ I ··�r� '-·o r··l .,,l to l c �o·('n Vl:tt the Pe'·-' Yor'· .... ,�- •• �LA.� • ., .. - ,"'" ' .. / c.:� - • • , c..;... . :\ �-J ,-,.. u--u.\ .. ..-J. ' <.: -.. • '' J\.. t.E.J;,!).J.G \ill.L oc a:)l<.:"! to r.;cet t.ne �1·1JU, r, ;on t hJ. y pt>.yr.-:ent,f) .L roqtJ.C[:'ted. s� fnr as Dai H:L 1Yoons t:Lon at. :�2, 100 for 20, 000 co·c·:i..er.:: \·::Lth a ,..�-y. c1' -.>·r D"l"l • (;"'t. �DeJ-"'t) ... c'te•l :t' 'fc•·J.·y "'�;-- ·c'" o·r.�J· , ·:tl· I_,.,l' Jlo.V �..:".) \ \;;;.. \. J. \..:,: • ) . �c;(.U....,. J.. - · \;.. .. . if you hr-::.ve :t.·e cci_vcd r:.nvt.hinr�. Bu.t I had w1dcr:-;;tc>od thnt ndo. ,,, c: C': · - ].'' 'IJ. '].. !) ry to J (.'c' :.::. -,� c':. r, r;;o'] t.() ., ),.\. . J,() li'·�or1 \rOtJr · , nt P)'' J-· ••C..V tr.�> t..... V <.:::• ��-1 v... l . l-· L. -.'1- c J. • •' ..... ..... ses ·y-ou c.J.:Ld not l.�.:.'lc.1.ert;t�\nd th:::.t I ;;:eant.
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Kri�:.;hna L1ovcmcnt Exploded. 11 I have rcc(d�-v-cd E;ugrsest:i.on .fx·oJi1 Dindnynl-�he is gettinr-r, c;oo<l rcsponue from Bc:d.�cly nncl he. iiJ cxpc-!Cting that the \'.Thole quota of 5000 mo.y be complctc;ty sold, In Ha�aii� however) they have no Back To Godhcado, and rcccip1 of t.bem j_s v-ery much cJ.olo.yecl and sporadic.. So if the sh:Lppin( is closed they c�. be sent by r:tLX' cu.rl)O o So \'18 lutvc to orgu:ilj_zc the transport means also. I think there io some special postal rate for 50 lbo lot. So with the assistance of Subal please do the needful and make Deck To Godhead a successful Krishna Concrcjousnees magazine.
My proe;ram is to stay hc:ec up to the· end of March, but in San l�'rancir.;;co they olso vnmt me for a few dv.ys there o So before going to New York I may go to San I''rancj.sco from here. Of course, you thinl;:: you cannot loa.ve your office jtu:di now, but this place :i.u very nice o I thinlc if you could managE} to com� here a few days then you cnn directly exchcu1ge letters with Govinda dasi�
Please care for your in5s to all the devotees
...___________.....--------·---------·--------------·--- - ---.
25, 1S69
Please accept my blessings. I beg to ackno,,'.'ledr;e receipt of your letter dated Febru&ry 22, 1969, and I uas so rnuch engladdened to note the contents. I am so pleased 1·1ith your sincere efforts to succeed in this Chapel Hill center program. I th ink that by now Tosan Krishna has already joined you there and I am sending him a set of beads by separate post.
You vlill be pleased to kno>·r that one devot�e, .Kartikeya7 has already received his 4-D ministerial status froG the draft, and I am en c losi ng herev1ith carbon copy of the letter I have sent to your draft board. So we shall save you from the draft. If you stick to the study of our bool:s and continue as a Rreacher, there will be no difficulty for you to get 4-D classification.
Regardinr; Lord Chaitanya's Birth Date, it is !-!arch 4, and you may celeb:cate it as elaborately as is possible for you. Immedio.tely you slwuld contact Brahmananda in N'e;,'l York, and ask him to send you a few chapters of Teaching_� of Lord Cha�_tan'@:_ \·:hich you ':Jill return aften·.•ards. So on t:1is day you may read from these chapters. To celebrate you should have a picture of Lord Chaitanya on the a1tar and decorate Hirtl viith floi·rers very nicel y. Chanting and lecturing may go on. In these lectures you shquld explain very carefully Lord Cha itanya's teachings that we are . eternal servitors of Kri shna , a11d it is not that i'!e are ourselves the Suprece Lord.
So I aB very pleased .....iith your sincere efforts to make a success of the C hap el Hill c enter, e.nd. please �:eep ne in�ormed of your prosress. I hope this v,rill meet you in good health and che erful rnood.
My Dear Bhurijana,
N. Hayvrorth Lvcnue
o s AnEeles, California 900/1.8 February
------------enclosures: 1
1-1arch 2, 1969
Plc-.HL· acce'"'t rr.y ble::;�·inP:;s. I beg to ackno\t.fledge receipt of your Jetter , undated. It is a very long letter and, as you have >nTitten 1 t in t\,'O !'1or.ths, perhaps I'll also require similar tin,e to reply to·this letter. On Monday I am going to Hawaii at least for a month, and there I shall try to read your letter very peacefully, i!nd rr1aybe I'11 be able to reply in great detail.
In the :�cantir,-;e, ! mG.y inform you that your newspaper cutting, "Non-Chri�ti�n Unity Eulcd Out," is not very surprieing. Religious bir;otry is one of the strong r;atcrial syuptoras, therefore, in the beeinning of Sri:--..:td DhacaHntcur. it is said dh<trma projhit_!!. This me<lns that the idea of reliciosity, econouic develonment, senser,ratific.::ti on, .:..md endeavors for nercin£ into the ir:per�onal absolute are the different .?.cti vities for the r;aterj_Glist person. Leaving aside the too cros3ly r.i&tcrialistic per::-�ons,l·.rho o.re wit.hout .:lny moral princi�les or social conventions, if we tako the right type of civilizcd ;::an, then """e find that he is engaged in sollle tyoe of religious principle. It doesn't r11atter if he is Christian, l1oslel�1 or Jo•v, the synptom of a civilized r.an is that he must have the recoenition of religious principles; that is required for civilized r:Jan. But geTierally nen take to re1ie;iouo princi files "'or e conomic cJ.evelopment. Just like in the Ghri �.t:L:-m relipiosity the prayers for solvinr; the econo:::.ic ;')roblem or bread problei'lr Similarly, in the \Teclic rituc-:ls c::.lso different L:et!i.ot.ls of !3c?.cri.:'ice� are recoru1ended !'or �"l12c:sinr; the de: ..itods so t:h·Jt they will sup,ly quantity of rain and there l\•iml be o:ww:h gr:-.in for eating. In t!1is \·Jay, relirious ;>rinc;.-:·ler; e.rc [:(;'lerally pr��.ctictd by !T.en for some economic developtlellt.
In this ��darn age, people being scientifically advanced, they seek economic devclopwcnt �vithout any reference to "'orship of God or follo\ving any religiQUS princ i ple. So �uch people are e;radually forgetting their eternal rcl.stion��J:i':l \·ith r.od because they think that ,.•i thout God they ca.'1. inquire ;:mfficient ;)roercss in economic develo;llnent i.,.hich is required for sense gratification. Sor:-�e of them, w�1en they are frustr.:!tcd, try thinking of voidness or r.1erging into the iumersonal ab:·olute truth. So voidness or iuT)ersonal idea of th� abGulute truth is just an oppo��ite of Jr.ateriai variegatednesfl. So tllis idea canqalso '.:le acct:pted �s t!-.e r::aterial concept.of transcendence. So thint:s are t_:oing on lil�e t�1is, not only now, but it is the nature of the ;Lalerial 'tiorld.
Ny DC?ar Janardan,
450� N. Hayv1orth Avenue Los Angeles, Calif. 90048
T H�_.rcfore, the c�rir:l.J.d lJhc.u .:n·::::.tc.d'1 hac UGt.!d the !.1.. it.:lhlc \·t:>rd, "'>' dhama pro;jhita. That �:leans to tick out the ::;c-calle:d rclicious princ1plco, economic develor�cnt, sense �ratification, and liberation. Accord::.ns to Uh.:H:::a\:at, these are all cheatinr: ·�rocet.;seR, because by follov;inr r;uch proceases, the living entity cu.n never be ha!"'PY• Such principle� in different forms accordi'1[ to different circur11stances of cu.n di date, place, and tiD e, they are �im,ly cheating formulas. So our Erishna Conr,ciouonesf- movement does not belonr to any such cheatine process. They are c}1eating processes· in thv 5ense that the bacic principle is for economic dcvelor>mcnt, �nd if it is oimply for �olvine the problem of bread, it is not true relir:i.:.m ao described by fri!nad i3ha�·.:.."-'atu.m. Even if the living entity is born v:ith a oilver '·rpon in his rr.outh he will not be ha�py so �uch plc.:..ns for econor..ic oevelo!"ment are zimply cheating proccn�c�. Thcr<:forc, t.he ::.rec.t ri�·his in the forest liaimir:haranya inquired of the [reat nate, �:uta Gos•nrr.i, "How camethe living cntiti�s actually be ha'1pyl" ��rir-:ad Bharat-:atam ans\·mrs this question that the top-mo5t r;upcr-excellcnt l"eli[ious princi!lle is that which following, the prota�onif:;t Lecor,cs a devotee of the Suprem.e "Personality of Godhead, \..:ithout r..otive ..J.nd ,..;ithout being checl<:ed by any material iru;:>cdiu.onts. 'fhclt Hill rr:ake a person corr;pletely satisfied, and that is our rroccs�:. ;-ie are educated ��ople how they c;.m develop their ciorm.:1nt love of the Su;wcne Lord without beinc; ir:Lp�ired b; any r:·aterial c0ndition.
,:e shuuld tru.in cur dL.ci:•les us v;..;ll as ourselves in such a �, irit t:1at e vun if the Hh.... , le \-wrld is a!;ainst us, i'lhi ch is imros�i ble to h�pren, tho ;,ar;-J�irtan kove;;!ent r.-iu.:.t be pusr1ed on v:ithol.)t c.lny re:eren ce to .:.!rch�olot:i cLJ. evidence· or any such scientific udv.::m ccr::ent of ::no•:;ledr:e. Hesides t!l.at, the arpunent .that archeoloeicc.l evidence ·�ill lead t:c:.iny people to accert tne philosophy of Lord Chai t�.n ya tltiS no �vide:nce. F'or example • the Christian religious !>rinciple is nm" established in arc!!eolo.tical evidence, but still it is .r..ot t::at tbe '"hole pe;ople of the '.>JOrld are attracted by Christian reli[ion. :!:.vcn a r:rent scientist, ?rofessor Albert I.:;instein, \�as Jm.Ush by rc.:l ::.cion, but because the Chris.tian religion e;i ves e'!idential proo f of arche:olorical di r:covery, still he did not becor.r.e a Christi.:m. :�o reli[i0n or no r)rinciple is accepted by the i\'hole world; that is a fo.ct. I can cive you a statement of .abcrt £instcin in \�·hich he nays 11The Dost beautiful and most rro-utHHi emoti on v-:e can experience is in the senGation of the mystical. It is a shov:er of all true science. He to \·.horn this emotion· is a r)tr.:tnccr, he Hho can no longer stand ra'!)t in av:t't, is ao eood as dead. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior r ea�oning rxH':er which is revealed in the coraorehcnsible universe forws my idea of God."
I thi.r1k that our Hure l:rif,hna I��ovcrnent is just folloidng the sarjc concept of God by ai·ml;ening the dormant tr�nsccndcntal emotion of the human heine; \dthcut .:my consideration of relir.iouo faith. In our camp all of rny disciples are coming from different faiths, mostly Christians or Jews, and why are they accepting this Sat�kirtan ��v�nent, unlcss there is the awakenine of my�tical emotion described by a creat scientist like Albert Einstein.
If so;r'.cbody docs not accept Chaitanya I·:.:l.haprabhu for vi�mt of arciwoloe;ical evidence, it 'dll not ha."!1rer our r_Jovcr::ent. There is
�:...1 2. ., ,..;- � )\ --� '-�
!:;ufficicnt �trchooJ orical cvidL:nce in t 1i:1 connection, and it c.::.n be sup,�licd fror;-� various so\<rces ,.,'flich 'r(. in Indiu.. T!1ere is cvt:n archeolorical evidence of Vyacadeva \·1hich wu.s recently nropounde:rl uy one Dr. Chakruvn.rty. I per:.;onally BD.\·J tlliS in a IlJOnthly x:··:tr.CiZinc of Calcutta of the n<Jr:Jc !!other in "rlhich I \':as riving my art i cles. If you like, you can inquire from them or ::..uch institutes as Chait.:mya Hesearch Institute, sto.rted by n•y t:odbrother, Tirtha r·:c.nraj. That is not a very difficult ttisiz1
Actually \·:e have nothinc to do 1tdth compromi!>inr, \ ith Christiane or Buddhists. Our !'rinciples tihould be to preach Kri:::lma Cpnsciousnesf' �s it is [:poken in the Bhacavad Gita and Srimad Bharawatar1. JlfJ \'iC are :1o·t1 collecting rome fortu.r1ato students in our r.over .ent, similarly, it will ue ·possible to collect r:10re students in the future. But it is a fact that the unfortunate persons v•no · Etick to the four r:1a.tericl nisbehaviors, just like illicit sex life, etc. cannot acce?t tl1ese principles of Krishna Consciour:neGs. But still th(;re is chance for them si�ply by r:ivinr, aurc.l reception to this tran scendcnt<..J. sound of Hare r:rislma J.:antra. If we turn our atten• t.ion to fit \vith the Ci1rir.tiilll peo!)le, or any other relir:ious �ect, I think it ·..:ill not. be very mucb. fruitful Lec.:.;.use nobody \-w'ill chane:e his f�ith ..::ven thoucil he iu c;iven scientific or archeolor;ical evidencet>. ..:nd t1.�t \-dll al.Go not he1r anybvdy. \�e have already di::;cusscd this point in r:.J.ny <...rticlc:s c..nd chanr:e in relie:ious faith docs not m�ke one adv.::nced in spiri tu<.o.l under;,tandinr:. The s"'>iri tuul understc...JHJinr; ns taucht by Lord Chaitanya is th�t all livinG entities .;:.rc ete:rnally scrv.J.:1ts vf Cod. he htive to propor;ate this philosophy, and for this we bavt.: to make propaeanda. Every relirion believes in God, and \;e .....-�:1t that cv�ryone should actively con:e to this v.nder�tanding of ucceptine; one's eternal servitorship to God.
There are many things to criticize in the matter of any faith, and if v,te divert our attE::ntion to such a.ctivities \-Je shall sil!lply create more oppo�ite cler:�ents and ;;�tste our tirr.e. Better if l-:e try to pu�h on this Krishna Consciousness I:ov€oent and u�c our ener�y, education scientific hnot�edce, etc. to simply convince the pres(.;nt r(.;'1C: �tion that everyone is nerva:tt of God. 'l'!'lcn our mis�icn 1.\'ill be successful. I ctually at the pr<:Sf::nt moncnt, never 1dnd if cne is ChriutL.n, Jc,..;, or Fofilern, I1�ost pecple are Godless and don't care for Gorl. They sir:9ly take an official st.::lnd, but actually, frorJ the dcptL of their lh:art they r1ave no idea what is God. So "v;c have to in·Joke the tlor�..ant undurBta.nding of God-consciousness; that is the principle of .Krishna Consciou"·ness J,:ovencnt.
If a Chris tian believes in let him love Cod prominently rather than 1ovine !r.attcr. If we 1.sh to criticize Christian faith \ve can do so, and t>:e can prove that hardly thero are any sincere Christians. In the ten c Jr:u:nnndments v1e see tord Jesus Christ advised "Thou shalt not kill," but this killing process is still }"'rominent amone Christians as \...,ell as any other religious group. So rnucl1 so th�t it is siu,ly �>rrib�e. Recently, the head of the Christian people, the Pore, declined to s�nction the Y.illing process in the embryo, natnely contraccpt.ive PJethods. v.·e can see that so many Christians revolted. Apart from this killing process wi.thin the embryo, there is alGo killing process in the slaur.;hterhouse u.nd in t;O nc-J1y v:.::1ys. I do not �now ho\."1 a Christi&n can vio-
) • 4 c. r.�
late thin iiL.,ort<..�nt co.,J:<u.ncbc.nt of kill�" fo i� this w3y, if �e \�nt \>.rill �imply increaLc our enc:r.icc,. t .€ .. tr.:..moccndcntal er.otion
the Bible, "Ttou �hult not to criticize we CDn, but it Better Jet uo try to _nvoke by ch.:.:.ntinc and dnncin£,.
Yot.:. try to understund this ryhilu�ophy �Jore '"'E:riously, and as you <:..re alile try to \:ri t.e urticlez on thiL ::,ubjcct r.1.attcr \'Iiithout beint: 1.nclinud to coiii·'rinine ·.;1tr. any otl cr rclir:iouG fc:aith. I s!lall 11ritG you a,r_-:c.in f:--or:: Ha\.:�1ii. In the r:cantiL!c you can J.ct rae �.nO\'l if you It....vc r.ot t.he r:�.!.:-ltwcri..,t fro::. l ayar.::a:1a, and reply to t-his letter to the !�.:l',!:.ii .:lL..dre=:n: I;�·:CJt:, 4 Leilani Builcin[;, 1649 i�apialani boulevard, Lonolulu, Haw.:lii. Enclozed is a pa 7e of poer.1s by Bha1�ti·Jinoclc T' •...tl�ur to be trc.:.�sl3.ted into French and printed in yotc.r i"!.W.faz5nc.
I hope this \vil:!. uect you in r,ood health.
Your t:ver '.'iGll-vd.�hcr, A. C. Bh.:l�:tivcJ.<:.nta �\m.r:i
My Dear. Ro.yaramn ,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
P.O. Box 506
Ke,aawa, Oahu
Hawaii 96730
March 6, 1969
Please accept my blessincs. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of l!'ebo 2'7 .. 1969, c.nd I e.m so glad to re ad it. Keep you.r health in c;oocl condition and \7ork very hard for Krishnao That is our motto of lifeo I am so glad to learn that you felt too much inconvenience ln the company of the karmis in your last tour to Los An�eles. There is a verso in Bhakti H.asamr:Lta Sindhu in \'lhicb. it is statc.d, the nwrc you l:!.dvance in K:r.'iGhna Consc:i.ousness, 'l�hc more ....-:o become dis�� gusted ni th the ma.ter:Lo.l modes of l:lfo o When 'Che .AmericDJJ. boys a:ce d:Lsr;u.st.ecl w:Lth c:l.c;H:ect;tcs smoker, o:t:· listening t;o rock mu�;:Le and meaninc;less chr::i:itorine;'i it mcr:ms there is KriGhna' s Graee o Hr:w Kriohna bless you mox·c ancl more� as you advance in Krishna Consciousness.
You \'n�.rd;od one assi�:.d;ant cd:Lt;or, and I can unders-Gt·',p.d that you nw.y f'oeJ. in.eon.ven:Lonce vJ:l.th Haync;:r:Lva � bu'G \'iOUld you like to have as your aGsistant edito�, Goursundar? So he can help you ineiiting work even from such distant placeo But the cl:i.t.f:i.cul ty :is that hn :l.s rJorl::ing here to maintcin the cstubl:i.shment. I have adv:i.sccl Gov:Lnda dasi to thin.Jc of th:Ls and he liloY nrite you.
Hegard.:i..ng J3hogavad G:l.ta !tlonusc:e:Lpt: If ;you have r;ot tno copieB then you c e..n. eend one t; o Je.ncu�dan. Othc:cv;:i.se you htr�'e to send hir1 a copy only� Rnc1 l:r:,0p:i.r,c: 0110 r_::.op�' Yi:U:h �,ron.. BoC<:Juoo :i_n fnturc I am th:LDkins of public:h:Lng a rc,,·is�.:;d c:.nd on.l8:ee;cd ccl.:i..tion of Bho.g<!V'nC.. G:Ltu As It; Is. You_ kno\7 that vte lwve to cmt sho:::•-t; the book bcentwc the lbcl',1illnn Compnny W[m'Gcd \'tithin '-�00 pacer::. So you J::nor.r tbt:d-; the mHjo:c':i.ty of the verses in the back portion of the book wore not �:i.vcn purports. Therefore in our next publication we shall 5ive purport fo� nll tho vc2scs. So ;)rou should J;:ecp o:;10 cop:l v1:i.Jch you before you send tho manuscript to Jan��dnn.
That Hoh:LI):L Ku:nm� :is assir;·i:;:l.n.(?; you :i.n fu:·t:i..stic o.bilitios io YC):!y (9:-utif,y:i.ng. So you aJ:!c prcpt:u:-:in� :Co:c tb.c J'c:.:.peneGc :i.ssv.cs. In fnc:t � f:con1 the nm·lbox· nhcn vw bc[�in Ol.U:' J·o_p,�ncsc issu0 wo ohall stop ndvortiseGcnt oltogcthor .. ••• oithor hippies or dh:Lpp:i.or.>.
You select you� articles nccording to your boot choice but I �;hall rocolil�lCDcl. to publ:i.f.;;h t1w v.r·t:Lclc of Il<�.��ng.l':ivn, "HoJ�o J{):-ishn ::.;. ti
·-) '- .<' __ ---If'- I . . ,. l-.. .. .,. - ··c·,-, . :: rl�11 l\,:_t:\:.<.-'1'�.. ( ' :.·/I,.' ''' •. ,.
My Dear Mahapurusha,
Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter dated March 6, 1968, and I have noted the contents carefully. Regarding the observance of Lord Chaitanya's Advent Day: No, there is no need for any other devotional songs or chants; simply chant Hare Krishna, with Kirtan or beads, and sing the prayer
11Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu Nityannanda,.Sri Adwaita Gadadhar, SriVasadi, Gour Bhaktavrinda." You can also chant the prayer you asked about. This was spoken by Lord Nityananda while He was preaching in the town. He was addressing the people: 11My dear brothers, tou simply worship Lord Chaitanya; talk of Lord Chaitanya; speak Lord Chaitanya's Name, so anyone who does so, he is my life and soul�' Thus spoke Lord Nityananda. So far the reading is concerned, you may read any one of the books you have mentioned--Introduction to Srimad Bhagwatam, Professor Sanyal's book, Srila Bhaktivinode's book Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Life and Precepts, or English translation of Sri Sri Chaitanya Charrfamrita. Best thing is to take any one of the-aDove mentioned books and finish it, from beginning to end. You can do that with Srila Bhaktivinode's book, that would be very nice.
At the meeting everyone should try to speak something on Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's life, teachings, and philosophy. You can take quotations from the above mentioned books, and have discussions.
Fasting should be continued up to evening, then you may have food like on Ikadasee, fruits, milk, etc. On the next day you may observe festival. Janardan consulted me and said he thinks Sunday feasting would be best, so you may do that if you like. Or you may do both days, as you feel best.
It is very good news that you are holding kirtans at universities; I very much appreciate your endeavors for holding Kirtans. Krishna has given you good opportunity for serving and you are doing it sincerely, so there is no doubt about your being promoted to the transcendental platform, of eternal life, bliss, and knowledge. I thank you very much for your good energy in the matter of executing Krishna Consciousness. I thank you once more, and I shall �lways pray to Krishna for your more and more advancement in Krishna Consciousness. �ope you are well.
I L E Uidmldl §o�wami
.:AC1_;ha&ive�nb- 5wam8D
CAMP: ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple 5364 w. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, Cal. 90019 DATID ..Mar.c.h...7..,............................196.�.
This is my idea of the general plan for the guestionatre: work it out more elaborately as may be required. You can
Q.l. The names of all seminaries and their locations, as follows:
Q.2. Heads of religious schools (presidents of temples) and addresses.
Q. 3. Curriculums: Study of Bhagavad Gita As It Is; Sr5mad Bhagavatam; (3 vol.); Necter of Devotion; Teachings of Lord Chaitanya; Vedanta Sutra. (In this way, arrange the currilulum program around these our books, and the professors, those who have been with us ample time, such as Brahmananda, Hayagriva, Kirtananda, and have also acadamic qualifications) This is She complete course requiring to study 7 years. When the first exam is given the student making passing grade is given the title of B�aktishastri, second exam, Bhaktivaibhava, 3rd exam, Bhaktivedanta.
Q.4. (answered above)
Q.5. Personal conduct: Our four principles of restriction, no illicit sex, no gambling, no intoxication, no meat eating.
Q.6. Yes, Goudiya MxX Vaishnava Society in India. 60 missions. hqtrs. P.O. Mayapur, Dist. Nadia; West Bengal� India
Q.8. Requirements are as follows: They should attend class in the mornings from 7 to 8 a.m., then during lunch hold kirtan, then frbm 12 to 4 samkirtan party, evening arati, and MWF evening classes.
Q.9. July 1966;/?. Registration of the society in New York under �&¥:hmpcEmmb:
the religious act of the state and the copy was submitted to your officer who came to inquire in Los Angeles, and here is the copy of the l$termerein it is admitted that the certificate of incorporation is seen by Mr. R. E. Davis, LTC, AGC, Assistant Area Coordinator.
Q.lo. Yes co-ed. List to be submitted. (list all members of all ptemples to be sent by all temples, as you request.)
.ll. Faculty and degrees and academic or religL·us accomplishments: (list all names of members who h�e such, as Brabmananda, Hayagriva, Satyabama, Kirtananda, Lilavati, etc. who have academic background qualifications)
Our religious principle is as old as 5000 years and the whole thing is explained in our recent publication of Bhagavad Gita As It Is, published by MacMillan, of New York and London. If required, a copy of this book may be secured and the whole idea may be grasped. And this is a missionary society for enlightening the peopleaabout God-consciousness, :m�: which we are preaching as Krishna Consciousness. Our main principles are as follows: God is the Supreme Lord. The living entities are qualitatively one with God, or in other words,, living entities and God are one in quality, but by quantity, God is great. As such the living entities are eternal servitors and subordinate of God maintained by the Supreme Lord. This relationship is eternal, therefore time is also eternal. There are two kinds of natures, the spiritual nature and the material nature. Material nature is temporary and spiritual nature is permanent; M;;.terial nature is simply temporary x manifestation within the jurisdiction of spiritual natures
The living entities somehow or other being entrapped by material nautre are meeting all kinds of material conditions. His birth death, old age, and diseases are due to his contact with this materiai. nature. The living entity is evolvingdli..:fferent kinds of material body numbering 8,400,000 different forms. The human
form is a great opportunity for the living entity to understand God, the living entity, time, nature, and different activities. The ma�erial activities are temporary, therefore if the living entities are trained to transform his activities from material to spiritual he regainB his original spiritual nature. And after such achievement he is promoted to the spiritual world, wkexe which is far beyond this visible material sky. lll these understandings are based on authentic vedic knowledge. The Krishna Consciousness movement is for enlightenment fof all human beings without any sectarian understanding of faith. Our principle is that the human being has ao awaken his dormant love of God. Any rellgion or faith which teaches this development of dormant love of God is considered as first class �ligion. There are various types of religious faiths in the world but they are imparted according to the students, or followers, time, place, circumstances, etc. Theprinciple reli,ions af the world are Hinduism, Christianity, Mohammedianism, and Buddhism. Every religion as a matter of principle accepts authority, God being the supreme authority, ·and His representative also as authority. So we have no quarrel with any type of religion but we simply teach that awaken your dormant love of God which is�chnically called God consciousness or Krishna Consciousness. We think the whole world or the entire human society is dwindling their faith in God so much so that some of them are declaring God is dead, and some of them are in frustration, manufacturing different kinds of isms, under different names. This state of affairs in the world ia not very satisfactory at least for the advanced and �ivilized human society. IT is essential therefore that scientific God consciousness which we are preaching ander the name of Krishna Consciousness, should be braadcast very widely. I aame to this country with this mission, because I know that America, although richest nation in the world, still there are so many frustrated youngsters both boys and girls. I started this movement in 1966, single handedly, but by the Grace of God, I have now hundreds of intelligent young student disciples, who have taken up this movement seriously. They are executing the rules and regulations as described in statement 5. And they are feeling hap�y. Many of them have taken to household life and they are living very peacefully with wife and children, and some of the married couples have gone to England and they have been preaching Krishna Consciousness movement very creditably. So �is movement is very precious missionary activities for the present society. � request the government should very scrutinizingly and wisely study this move ment without being biased to some stereotyped ideas. -t will be good for this country, and for the whole world at large it this movement is seriously taken up and broadcast �11 over the world by the American people, joined by the English as well. I think my idea and plan is coming to betrue very soon because I have many intelligent and sympathetic disciples, both from American and England.
h .
is very niuch anxious for t�e press worK Hv �uv.J.. c ......... because he writes like this: "I. think of the printing press lying idle (as far as I know) in Germany, and as printing and the graphic arts field is what -I have the greatest amount of experience and training in, that seems to be the place for me to go." This means he is very anxious to come to Germany and I am glad to learn from your letter also that you are trying to get him in Germany by the end of this week. This means perhaps you have already arranged :for his come back to -Germany. If not, please-do it immediately because it will be a great help to our German center, and I am sure you will be able to start BTG in our press there in the German language immediately on his arrival.
Regarding other points, tha_t there are many people living in German villages and when you distribute BTG in German, if you go from village to-village then at that time you will make my mission success'ful. You are very sincere worker and I am sure Krishna will give you the required strength for this preaching work.
I am · sorry to learn that you are also attacked with the flu fever as most of the boys in this country are also attacked this past winter. So this attack of Maya's agent is not very uncommon. When Krishna Himself was present He was being attacked by Maya 1 s agent almost everyday during His childhood. When He was just born, within three months, he was attacked by Putana. When He was a little grown thea He was attacked by Sakataswa, then by Trinavarta, then Hagha, Makasu, then Kaliya, then Godavarsu, and so on. So the Maya • s agents does not let go even Krishna, then what to speak of Krishna's devotees. They will act in their own way, but- as Krishna miraculously -saved Himself from the hands of all these demons, similarly, He will always save His devotees. He has declared in the Gita, "My Dear Son of Kunti, just declare it to the whole world that my devotees will never be vanquished. Therefore your only_buain�ss is hQw �o become pure devotee of Lord Krishna. Then everything is all right. Please remember this truth always, -§.tld do your dut;y:._£.or st�ngly_ILUSlliJ:!g on thj� Krishna Consciousness movem��D-Germany, in cooperation with Shivananda, Uttama Sloka, and Jaya Govinda, who I think might have already joined you. So far my going there, it is not very important thihg--I.maj go or not go, my beloved spiritual sons are there, and they are acting very nicely. That is my great satisfaction. I am glad to learn that the local Indian community is also cooperating with you. Actually my ambition is to form a strong Sam.kirtan party end travel all over Europe, and then in A.frica, Asia, India, and Japan, etc. This is my thought.Please try to give it effect. I am glad to learn that the temple is looking very nice. Arid as soon as you get at least $100 extra, I shall
!5111r/{bCf_ J<.rl$hf.\C\\)as�
em..��: A. C. Bhaktivcdonta Svrami ISKCON HAWAII; P.O.Box 506 Kaaawa, Oahu: Hawaii 96730
C.�TI£0 March 16, 1969
My Dea� Gopal Krishna,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acl:nowledge receipt of your letter dated March 7, 1969, and thank you very much for ito I am sorry I could not acknowledge receipt of your money, but it was dep'osited in the bank less $3.00, and some cent:s--about ��4. OO,o So, next time when you send me your con·tribution you can send it in American dollars. Otherwise, they deduct some exchane;e difference. You can send me always your long letters--it is very pleasing to me. And I am so glad that you w2.nt to chant 16 rounds of .Hare Krishna .Man·t;ra every day. And you �n chant immediatiately, but you should also, att�'\.e same time, follo\'1 strictly the four principles of restraint . lf you follow the principles of restraint and avoid the 10 kinds of offenses in the matter of chanting, it will be quickly effc£ctive. I'm very glad to learn that you have vowed to follow these four principles, ao far as you can in your lifetime. And because you arc so sincerely trying to push yourself in the ·mutter of Krishna Consciousness, Krishna is giving you some intelligence al so and you are thinking in so many nice ways in the matter of serving the Lord . I am so glad to learn it·. You are returning to India by August of 1970-·-do you think that you will not come back again in Canada? If so then I shall give you some work which you can nicely perform in India. In the meantime, you can send some articles written by you to India, informing them about the Krishna Consciousn�ss movement in the Western countries. To tell you frrulitl� one of the objects of my missionary activities is to bring to notice of the educated Indiru1 public that devotional service orie;5.nated from the Indian side in its pure form, propound ed by so many stalwart Acharyas, ��d- it is now rejected by the no-called educated public and the leaders of Indian people spcc:Lj.'ically are deliberately violating all the principl.eo of India's original spiritual culture, in the name of secular stateo Vfuen India was divided into H�ustan and Pakistan, there was good opportunity for the Hindu Indians to follow strictly the principles of Bhagav�d Gita, and the state religion should have been declared Krishna Consciousness. Mahatma Gandhi wo.s a great advocate of Bhagavad Gita, and when he was alive I requested him to preach the actual purpose of Bhagavad Gita in Krishna Consciousness, but I did not receive any favorable reply from him, because he was too much politically contaminated. So anyway, taking consideration of India's present governmental policy, in the matter of educated public opinion, I do not think that in India there is any immediate possibility of spreading Krishna Consciousness very serio�sly. pnder the circunstances, if you go to India,
�ic{.!"})'1dt �C ttt�\\1U:fk(�
you have to make some propagunda a(';ainst this attitude of tho e;overnment an0. the pnbJ_j_l) c Yonr <les:trl? for o:re:ninc; nwny te1npleH is very laud able, but unless you prepare some temple wo rsh ippers then the temples will remain vacant. So in this ne;e, it is more important to create devotees than to ronstruct t emples . My Guru Maharaj advised me to give more stress on literary work such as publishing books and magazines in Krishna Consciousness, and temple opening is a secondary consideration. I am just trying to open some temples in the Western c ountries because there is none. So far India is concerned, still there are millions of temples, but gradually the number of temple worshippers is diminishing. Perhaps you know that recently within 50 years, our capital New Delhi has developed tremendously, but the constructor of the New Delhi city has not erected even a s ingle temple. So this is the tendency. Neither it is recommended in the scriptures to give more stress on temple building. The best thing is in this age to propagate this Saml..:irte.n mo_vement. So I shall be very glad to utilize your energy in this Krishna Consciousness movement as you are willing volunteer.
May Krishna bless you with more Krishna Consciousness activities, and you will feel a glorious life by Krishna's Grace. I wish that all your good desires may be fulfilled without delay.
Thanking you once more,
Cfu�]p: A. C. Bhakti ve danta Swa.mi
ISKvON HAV/AII; P.O. Box 506 Kaaawa, Oahu.; Hawaii 967.?0
�.�roJ Ma't'Ch 18, 1969
My Dear Hayagriva,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due reccj.pt of your r.ice lonG letter of March 12, 1969, and have noted the cont,z-nts carefully. I hope by Krishn.3.' s Grace all will work out nicely with your j ob arran3cmcnts. I am glad to learn that your yoga society is going on nicely . Regarding Pr�dywrunna: I shall write to him in this connection, and when I come t110re in May, I shall see the situation and make the suitable nrrancem�nts as necessary.
Regarding Srimad Bhagavat�: No it is not po.-;sible to delete so much of the bo oke . We will print it ourselves. We d o n�t find any spe cial faci lity be ing published by l:lacMill�n, so \'.'C shall publish on our om1 pres s . That is the besJ\i idea. And Brabmananda is organizing a sp ecial department for book selling.
So far I understand, Narnnarayan \�ilJ. arrive and I shall send als o Vn:nandev. Most probably Va.;.:nandev Dnd Murari wlll go there so you will have ample hands to construct buildin[js. In the mea..'ltimc, when I go there we shall do "'Ghinc;s accorclint; to J,1au and with the hel p of these boys who are our c ai:'penters. �.1y ambition is that we shall have all editorial staff, all artisans, and c onduct our press there to print at least four boo:(s yearly and 50POO copi es of BTG �
So far Sbama dasi is con cerned, she is very good girl, s.nd I amy�ry much pleased to hear that she is typing so nicely the Srimad Bhagavat am. You are good couple, worlc combinedly in this way. I am disturbed to hear she is feeling some chest pain and faintiD3, but I do not know what is the matter ••• it is all right if she wants to rest, and can go to her Grandfather's house not far away.
So far the living arrangement is coi�cerned, the Grihasthas should be given chance to live together as husband and wife. If not, th e n all the girls can stay in a place and all the boys can stay in a place, �-f there is not sufficient space.
So far the Bra.!lmacharics, you cannot check the association with householders. But their living should be scp<.1ratc. Kirtananda r-,.taharaj may be the supreme autho rity for the New Vrindaban center, but the management should be entrusted ·t;o the Brahmacharies and next the Grihasthas. He should not directly inter·-< fere with the management--he can simply give direction and the
}'·· i\� ••�.;,.
� 4;--.C9'W'\p)�
and the BruhrJlachurj.es pnd GrjJu.-l.sthao can cnrry out the manfiG;ement.
During Kirtan time, all membe:t.:•s should e.sscmble toc;ether. Only at night they should livc sepz.rately. J\nd Kirtananda Liaharaj should live and associate with Brab.macharies. Best thing is that he should be completely aloof froJI't everyone,. and assisted by one Brahraachary. But he should be the man in chare;e to give direction. So far as. the tvJO of you workine; in conjunction, you and Kirtananda Maharaj, whatever is prac ti cal can be adopted in this coimection.
I shall most probably reach there by the lOth of May, and i.f not called by London, then I may live ther0 all surnrner to construct New Vrindaban, and the press affairs.
I hope you �:e all well, and please convey w.y blessin13s to Shama dasi, and all the students there , and I shall be happy
to see you in Mey.
; '
� J , . . • er ... Ji(J:�MU�JPti�I!P.t �- _ . ·�----------- " . .-----------------
CR:J�:A. C. J3hakt:i.vc�clo.nt;a Svwmi ISKCON HAWAII; 1).0. Box 506 Kaaawa� Oahu; Hawaii 967:?0
fiJH:H Ma.rch 20, 1969
ISy Dear Hnyx•am.o.,
Please accept my blessinBS· Your letter dated March 11, 1969 in in han.cl, and I ha·v·e not;ecl. Jvhe contents.. I?.er;arding Hawaii: Certainly it is very nice place, tho climate is milder and there is mueh fresh a:Lr from the occm1 and s1.mshine, and the sceneJ:-ic position in also beo.nt;:i.ful. I 1.voulcl have :l.mmed:LatoJ.y developed a colony for preGs operations but ·�uJ.fortu.n<::dicly there is no facility for conducting a proos here at p�Gsento But so far I can think� you1� edi"tior:Lal s·t�aff must; be s:Ltuat;cd where \70 he.vc got our onn presso I do not know whethor it io Krishna's desire that \':e shou.ld sta.J:-·(; our pr ess immoc1:i.ately····-bnt the c:b:-cwusto.:C!CeG g:tve me "Go unclel'stand that \'JG must st;art; our p:ceso immocl.:La:liolyo Because the noc;o·1Jic-t:ion.s wlt;h Din Nippon nro ver::;· much prolonging. I am th:Lnh:ing very seriously :i.f we can pr:i.nt tho 20�000 or more copies of B�!G :Ln our own press, as \7eJ.l D.D at leas·!; �� bool�s ( the size of my Srinw<l Bhe.gavc.rtc-m) in a yom:-o That shoulcl be our futuro pJ:-ogrcm 9 bac-.ked by our Samldrto..n p<:t:�.:·tij.es moving all ovel� the worldo So for this proposal yfe he.vc r;ot 01.1.):' land al""" read�y· in Non Vr:i.ndnb<:m; no I do not knov:r whothcn."' j_t is feasible but I VJic.:h to concontrr;l.te there in Nmv Vrincl.aban the major port . f •t. .' . Tl IT . . .• "I 1 b . :Lon o our ac -:LV:L"G:t.eo., 1csc :tarm.:u.an :t.s._anc.G DJ:'G v,n�y ful but at present there is no facilities for working out our scncmo·--ivb.erco.s we have land. in New ih·inr.l..c::htuJ.o I c.H1l t:;.uc�otu·ut:;;ing Goursundar and Govinda dasi to try to devolop in this side anoth.or ple.co, as Nm7 No.bac1.rJii'. So just j_mmocliatcly there :is no possibility of operating our press in tho islands� but in futm:-e \'JC shaJ.l see. But if i.�hcre :i.rJ too EJ.nch. di:ff:Leul-Gy to work out; ·[:;he Nc;:.bad\7ip plc..n. then I m.<).y call ba(�l;: Gour-sunda.r and G·o·-·'
opera"ii:i.ng pr0ss � bu.ti we have not got our mn1 pJ.aco there o:i.·bhero I have hcm:·d :Vc from D:i.nda;}ral that :i:ti may bo poof::::i.ble t;o get a hons o :ln Brm li'ronc:i.�:eo Bay Area, oxpec-t.ccl to be donated by a c1evo'cee lady. So I aa go:i.ng t;ho:ce and soc hov1 that :i.o possible o So f
CC· "'n�.d
•0.1.. oXX'<A11,)e.,.O]).l, .!.•:.> COll, l . . v ll.l.1.11 1. J OU _co.V8 got nice staff to assist you? and Hnya�riva hns also uritten you to consult ho\'/ you CP.:tl work j cd.n.tly. I t;l:l.iY>:�k .:for Krishna's s0J;:o r!C chaJ.l try to vJo.r·k toc�etbc:c oven at the
1)c'a c:l"'
J' to l\Tc\Tl 'T·-.·i n (1nb f0 .... \'10 ·)"l(l' !? s !:O ...... 0 '" �-l•e Bin(' l V.J. l Q.o.:o.. , · .L -· .c .:L�� •. ..L 1. V-• •'-• .l. ....r.o I Or1-i ..,.).· tl · .. '(:0 J ' d ·1 •:• · ·" -· �· ]-·' r1' f ·� � . .n <;t •••-.I.O:I.J ...I.a J.oCJ a . 80 00 P--</.ce J.Or \,0 ...I.l1u .OI
r:).PJ.c of l:i.ttle pcrr:.�onHl :i.rwonvcniencc.. Ou:c fo:eom.or::t; cone:ern is J(r:i.slmao If • ' 0 c •'L ,.. Ol"l r• e�1 \'"C t:' h 1(� ·'· "l'·r 0 L•o Pgct ..�•••' o .. ;.;, • �:. � .. ,, · ,_:,.... li j .L . .. · ., ' • "( ) ·1 1 ] 1 our })c:csona.. :�.nc;onvcnu;nccn.. . .D1ovr you n:co a :r:·os.c y etc.vanccc ·j 11 �-11.; <:• J-y·· 0 f.o )" r•J' ·� )· l"J�) 0011'' c•"t0tl'-'l" 0.c• c O.ll(l Kr.'Lc•}1ll..... .,,.•) ., · .... ..... •=> U v .L )...� _,_,_.J ·'·· ...••) ... •.) .I..., ......:�, . • ....:- . \ l ..... .. you :i.n·0cl1:Le;cn.ee more and rnore � bn"l:i you Gt:Lck to this p:t....j.nc:Lple ns you hz.ve t8.lccn your J.:i.fc' FJ v-ov1 to imp.r·ove WPG. That;. :i D my
. ., c• t · "'f '' ·· " '''
'· ' c•
·•· ·'-) ·' 1- r 11"' · - nr
rociu8nt; o ��hut \'J:i.ll i-'�oh:e you victor:tous in nch:Lev:i.n.r:; Ii:cishno.' s bJ.cF;s:tn::.;o o So I nm comine; very r.;oon to ne:m York b;y the end of the first' week of Ap:c:Ll, .t1....'1cl we shall' chall:: out on:c p.r·oe;:com. In the meantime try to recoup ;your hculth, depending on Krishna, because after o.ll) H0 is the ul timertc Me.i3tcr of all s:i.tuat-.ions. It is not the doctor� lOr the medicine� nor "Gho place, but; it is ultimately Krishna Who is the Moster to do cvcrythin3. With this viewpoint we shall go forward. .It will also be be tt e r if G01.J.x•stmdar 'and Govj.nda, dar:d aro within· the staf.f of B�i.'G act:Lviliies, but to adjust"·these thingss VJO' requ:i.ro lCriGhna's helpo .
Your index idea for Bhagavad Gita is very nice. If we cotitinue to get o ur printed mc.tt:ers .from Dia N:i.ppon then certa:tnly it will be very much corivenient if the whole staff comes here to Hawaii, as it is nearer, but if we have to ch�nge the printing wo.rk ·to our ovm press, thon we have to rcc.ons:i.der the whole idea. So let; us depend on Krishna· o.nd hope fox· th0. best arrangement by Him ..
I hope this meets blessings to .all the
1·�.· � vI c�----··-··-----------··-···-··..:···-- ·-···-..--·-·..· -·-------------··----·-...:· -
D.iln:D Ma.�.·ch �7, 1969
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of i1:1arch 21, 1969, and have noted the contents carefully. Yes, you can begin negotiations and as soon as I shall go there, we shall see and if possible we shall purchase the property.
Regarding my going to London: If you accompru1y me, that will be a very nice thing. I want your company always for editing my writings very nicely, but because you have to work for maintaining HeT.v Vrindaban, so let us see what F:rishna desires in the future. If the pres s is started in Vrindaban then certainly I shall have to st0y there the major part of the time, at least for the summer season•. In the near future I shall have to stick to the press work and publication work •
Regarding the publication ·work, and editorial matters: I shall definitely settle it up as soon as I go to New York.
' is impro ing oy this. time.
Hope you are feelin0=>· well, ano.: I hone Shama dasi's heat
Dear Hayagriva, Cflf.J?: A. C. Bhaktive<lanta Swami ISKCON HAWAII; P.O. Box 506 Kaaawa, Oahu; Ha.waii 96730
\ � � {' / , .· � 1 !" ; ' .,11� ;,. I! '1.. I / u .. ell- .. I�Shcr, ! • . • l / ( � 'l' • \'f.'' .. .· • ' ( < .. ..� IJ\tc� 1 �� .U[L( e-tc· .._r : .. 'Bliaktivedanta ·Swami____ . --------
A. C. Bhakti·.,red�nta S·::3J'Ji ISKCON HA-/!AII; P.O. Box 506 Kaaawa, Oahu; Hawaii 967�0
C.1iiW Uarch 30, 1969
l.1y Dear Satyabhama,
Please accept my blessin3s. I am in due receipt of your letter da'tied Feb. 22, along 11ith the :Deities dress, and it was received by me just yesterday. I think due to my change of address it was delayed. Anyway, everyone here has very much appreciated the beautiful dresses you have sent for the Deity and today v1e are changing the dre::ss by putting on your dress on the transcendental Body of the Deity.
I think I have replied your former letter also, which I hope you have received by this tiwe, and I am so glad to learn that you are feeli�e; very happy in New Vrindabnn. The basic principle of our life in Vrindaban will be cow keeping. If we can keep cows sufficiently and grow our necessary foodstuff$, then we sh3ll shor1 a new way of life to your countrymen ••• completely spiritual life in healthy atmosphere in divine consc:busness. And you willmve aiJ:)le opportunity to clucate children and write books for them because there is sufficient matter for publishing such books fro:n the Puranas, I'.Iahabharat, Srim.ad Bhc.;gavatan, and many other allied literatures. There are thousands of ideal historical events·, which if v1e can put \'!ith suitable pie:,tures, it .will be a gre<Jt idea and people v1ill lil�e to have such literature. I have got many ideas for developins the Nevi Vrindaban sche:ue and if Krishna gives me opportunity I may be able to show somethi11g very '.17onderful in you:�country. Unfortunately I have no noney neither the rj cher section of your conntrymen have taken any serious view of our movement. Otherr1ise there is more than sufficient money and if one or tr1o :.'lE;n of your count !.�Y gives a 1ittle attention, with this v1e can develop mo.ny New Vr1.ndabans. \1lc are not very much expensive; simply if v1e get the necessary ·r:lOney, v1e ca.n play Vi6nderftll. Our only hope is books and literature. So v1e have to start press, and fol� that purpose, and publish varieties of books an.d li't�rature for getting soo.e financial help as \'/ell as propagating our mission. So as soon as I co�e to your place I shall give you all nice ideas you have asked for in your lette� under reply. And I thank you very much for givin5 ,c.l.� all these ideas for our future activitie�. Please convey my blessings to all your Godbrothers and God-sisters there, and especially our Shana dasi, I hope she is doing well.
So far keeping Deity in your separate house, I thi�k there is no need for this. Because if you keep Rio there, you have to take proper care, with arotiks and attention, and thus dive.rt
� I '•:t.
attention frorC!. the DeiLy in the temple, ancl f1·o:n ch:-.mtinu; C!nd so znany oth2r forus of s� rvicc, like your \'Jr.:i.tint; and SC\Jin�, etc. So I think it best if everyone centers his attention on the Deity in the temple, and in that \'i3Y the tcr.1ple ·,•JOrship will pull on nicely. Of course::, if the temple is unapp.r·oachnble, or too far,.or somcthins liJ�e th::.t, that is dif.:t"erent thin.:;, but if· the temple is ea�Jily accessible then this is the best _program-for all to go there and attend arotik and kirt3n etc.
No, I do not think you should give c.Jae;ganath to small children l:ecause t.hcy \'Jill not take proper careand mal;:e offenses. In this cow1try their parents do :l!.·:�t give them proper exam:._Jle of norship::_ling the Deity \'iith all respects. Jus·t like in my childhood, I was seeing my father bm·;ing down and offer:i.ng respects to the Deity e11d I did the same on seeing him. But this is not done here, so it is better to take sone care in giving JaD;:;anath out.
I hope you are all well,
..... . ------------�-------
:Please accept my blessings. , I thank you very much for your letter.ot March 7• 1969. · .At;. the px·esent time, I am living at Hawaii� therefore yolR' letter was redirected from·L.A.: temple to here� so I received.it lat�. I am very,so�ry th�t I did not reply y�ur last letter but I thank you very mueh·that you are sending me letters every week • Your very strong desire to return to Germany is already approved by me, and Krishna das is very much eager to receive you there. In his letter of March 2nd,· he writes to say "we may send Jaya Govinda his ticket via AE.immediately; hopefully he will arrive·here by the weelt•s :..end." . ·
Therefore I hope you might have already received the ticket tor returning to.Germany. >But before your leayin(! Delhi,either·tor l3ombay or for Europe,··pleaee book·the \JllfjOld goods taken deli'Yery from Atme. Rams arid Bone and ..send,, to. our shipping agent in Calcutta• ao they<may ship them to N.Y. Your sympathetic expression'about mymagnitude of work with which rl,· am pressed here' is undoubtedly very much e�couraging.to �e, and certainly I am pressed with heavy·work.· I am receiving· letters about 12' . daily. !rom different centers ' with .diffet-ent problema '·and then at ,the same time I am;'just.trying :to write my books� SriJilad Bhaga� . vatam9 Neeter of .Devotion,· and Krishila ,:· mid.lately Vedanta" Sutra •. 1 :So certainli ·this· is • heavy task .., but:by the ·Grace ot .Krishna , it.doesno� depress:' me. I , : , reel en�ouraged tfo ,, act \eo busil.;r day and · · night. ;·But the body sometimes doe$ not allow me : to·Cio so • . So ! have 'to sleep about 4 to 5 hours:· But in comp�isonto our,predeces$ors, the Goa�· 'flamins, ·this engagement is , insi!Jlif1cab1; •.<\ �hf)s� . Goswamitts used to. work almost 24 hours;. They,.used· to sleep not more ;than 2 h6urs·· and' they pro'duced' immense,literature� ,Of·course, it:.is not possible to be in',their·level'of activities, but as: tar . as· possible, we should eveeyone..:of us try" to, work· as hard as possible for,Krishna's :s-.tistaction. This·materi$1 body c� 'be:' ad;justed with, practice.· . It· we: adjust these bodily;activitiea·.towarda: Krisbna�s· side9.:t)leD. the labof\ · ;rlJ.itf · :'if. \Y�h·�d�' · · · just . �owards Maya's side•,the �labor. is ·use�. less�,· A-little,,labor ddlie ·.tor 'Krishna, is never lost. · �u� ·the .til :dorut for.':Mqa ·. �e, simply waste· ot. tim', I: <the: Grace of· Krishna you. are teeliri!,. nice ,pow. ease t17· to.. work,.hard:tor Krishna, ·end yourlite·will b� glor.� ious•' . ByXKriehna•s .()race an"- b';Y.:·His>desire�·: you are. destined to to::Germany;-: to e thi!::work of..�'.'eG/in Ge an ;::Tbe;�h.r�e,:<b�;ts :�ow there are very: since�e ·wo�ke:t-�· :,a;-.� '.ala():,rverr s��� c7�e ��tt and o,I. am.-. �ure � gq·:.·t:tif!t�O: you·
fJ.rt,d , ,a · var1 _, "- < f:\: ISK90Ii �·WP�k��$·
'X. am .tio 618d 1.H nJ:$'
Ej1lhn.•AblJ:: �he rtl .'�eJ;UtrtltiOn· Of: ISKOON . cl�vo.�.o tees.:·t ·am.,vecy'.mueh·'hope�Ul;>tliat ·Krishna·ltirtan, will be nice1y•.ihtroduoed in:the,Westem·:world by the Grace .. of:- �d by, .�be .. ,effC?rt& o�::_C)t1r.•
ISKCpN tl,\a� ·in ·, di�· ou o n · 'pf:' s separat io�., ,. '- S() India .
My Dear Jaya Govinda9
r�I \�•
Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter dated J,.larch 25, 1969, along with the two magazines. These are very excellent both in nppecrance and in re<Jding matter. This �;hould be the standnrcl of our]3<lckJo .Q_oclll0acl. As in the next issue there will be no advertisernents, we shall be abh� to give substantial reading matter like that of Dhaktivinode Thakur, "Teuchings of the GoJden Avatc:r". We hove got many such infonnations from the Vedic liter<.lture. The mayavadis r:ejcct the Pu�'ll.:ill�' but actually the Pt!�Q� are supplimen-i:.ary to the four Vedas, the Jli2.fl.ll\?h<lcl§ and .Y._cd<J...Q��.Q· This is confirmed by Srila Dhcktivinode Thakur. f?.r_t!llaq ,Rh<wi.'l@.tf:m also is considered amongst the Pur-ana_!'!, but because the subject matter within is purely transcendental, it is culled the 1::1��"@ Puram�· So from the _Pu:t,C},DDS •;;e can give many, many instructive articles with nice pictures. Similarly, we can give many vnluable articles, even from political or social points of view (although they arc not our business), so much so, that the people of the \':o:rld v1ill have completely novel spiritual ideas. /\s people in your country <.:re very rnuch receptive to nc\·1 ideas, I th:i.nk v1c can place Ba_ck Tq_ G�cl.l"l.§_'l.cJ very nicely with sensible layout.
The present issue is excellently done. It is rich in all respects. Your article, 1'Nine Points•', is very instructive. I do not knov1 whcthm: p00ple ,-.;ill ·�ub: 0u1 aC:vise, but rv0 fJtUst 90 vit iJi.8S8ftL:'t.ng Llt�su iJ�C!S Lv tl1t.' lJi.llftC.ll soc1e�y. If you are not going to print any more issues in the interval period beh.reen this issue and the Japan is sue � then I think you can';fwint another minimum 10,000 copies for continuing the sales propaganda
I nm gl0cl to learn t.hat you are trying to \'Jork out things with Hayagriva. I have advised !1im that he may com e also as co-editor. In yo�r previous letter you \·:anted th<1t the finZJl v.:ords in the m;:�nagcr.1ent of .!_3nct; T.Q �1odhend will rest on one person, either on you or on Hayo.griv<J. I think thut for rnanJgoment it is b2tter to h�vc h;o he<1ds thun one. Dut even there will be two heads, I still wish thRt you shnD continue 0r. the rn<lJVl<)inSJ editor as you are doing now. l!atur<11ly, the finnl decisions will r<t�.t upon you. 1\nc.i if there is actually c1ny controveny, J. th:i.nk thc::cc \'till not be, th·;n I arn ah1ays at your service. In a recent letter from l!e:•y��gd.vD, 1 undoJ:st<lnd t;.�lt h() is feeling little disappointrn0.nt b�cause there r·!<IS no invitat:i.on frorn your sldc. I th:Lnk no·:.' you sh<�ll invite him and r:o:r-k jointlY tJs you \'!:::r: e clointJ before. l u.rn still sanguine thnt my decision in tho bc�ginrd.ntJ nbout you and ll<;yogr:tvai•:orld.ng t'JS cdito:rs for !k.fkI'2.f!.o..9J:t:-E':..<.� \':l!r. very npp:r:O}'J).':'Ln-Lo. I \"l:l!:.h to see that both of you� being so in'i:ell. i�wnt <�nd !;:i.nce:cc devotc:c?s, r;h;:1J.l wo:rk together� t1nd tlwn lCrishn(l v1ill hc:lp us to p)�opo�a to th:i.s S::nnl::i:L' �;:�n Movcrnc:nt fii:Ol�i'lz:i.nc· so nicely
My Dcor nayarama, C{\!··:r)• I- ' · k St ' .,,,,. .- ·:r.ooer1c. ·rec·.: San Fransisco, Cul:i.fornia 94117 u;mm /:1?.�--�.��-' ........ ... ... .... ........ WG..�..
) :!) , r· · -·-· .... . (ovo:r)
.... ..... -.
JI.C. GJ3fiakjivedanta $wami
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 95 Glenville Avenue Allston, Mass. 02134
My Dear Lilavati,
Please accept my blessings to yourself as well as to your good husband and nice daughter, Subhadra. I beg to thank you for your letter dated April 18, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully• .Regarding your question about the relationship between the livinq entities and Krishna, the answer is that qualitatively we are one with Krishna• There is no qualitative difference, although the living entity has a different function than Krishna. Prakriti means nature. Just like fireJ its nature is heat, and the heat is not a different quality although the function is different. In one sense, fire and heat are non-different. Therefore, Lord Chaitanya's philosophy of inconceivably simultaneously one and different is the perfect philosophy of our relationship with the Absolute Truth. Everything is manife�tation ot the prakriti of the Lord, exactly like theheat an4. light ot the fire. Heat andlight are not different from the fi�e, but at thesame timo, heat and light are not the fire. In this w�y we have to understand the Purusha and prakriti. The Lord isthe Puru��a,or Enjoyer, and prakriti is the enjoyed.
Regarding your question about our relationship with Srimati Radharani, She is the internal anergy, we are marginalenergy. Marginal means sometimes internal, sometimes external. When we are under the internal energy, that is our normal life, and when we are under the external energy, that is our abnormal life. Therefore, we are called marginal energyJ we can be either this way or that way. But being qualitatively one with the Purusha, our tendency is to remain in the internal energy. Being in the external energy is oQr artifi- · cial attempt .
I hope this will meet you in good health.
CC:;ridandi Qosw.·uni
DATE...�.R.f.� �. . � ?.t .... . .... .. ........19. f>.�
Please accept mybblessings. I am so pleased to receive your letter dated April 18,1969 here in Boston. I a� glad to learn that little l•'luradvaja is not-T become recovered from the fever he experienced in Los Angles, and I<L-n also glad to learn that Handali Bhadra has already begun the translation wor�. It is Krishna's desire that we should meet together and cooperate for the cause of Krishna Consciousness movement t-Thich is so badly n e eded throughout the world. You and your husband are qu�.te competent to take up this responsibility and your little child, r;t.rradvaja, is a great hope for our future activities. He is fortunate boy to l1ave such nice father and mother, and if you can raise him properly for this purpose, you shall all be benefitte� from the spiritual standpoint. I a� glad that Ananda is ��ecuting the Krishna Consciousness r:1ovemcnt there in Vancouver very inte l ligently \-71th determination and sincer i ty. Please offer h� my blessings, as well as to your husband and child.
I think if you can start for Germany in the beginnigq of July, that uill be very nice help. The boys who are working there are sometimes in disagreement, so if you go and take charge of the center , it rillbe a great service. One boy, Jayagovinda Brahmachary, is returning ack from India, and combined together, the affairs of the Hamburg center weill be arranged very nicely. By the Grace of Radharani you are already inclined to Kri shna ConsciousnessJ now you have got regular engagement to continue this con sci ousness to perfection, I under stand that Y...rishna hns helped you 'lith soma source of income. All the money \1Crequire is nimply to meet our nccess! t ies, and l·7a do not require any more for the purpose of sense gratification . nut for our necessities "'e can ahmysl�nm·rthat Kris na 't-ri ll help us Hith all facilities. Some Hay or other ifMandali Bhadra gets the facil ity of fully working on his translation "rorJ� , it will bq a very nice thing .
-OU have enquired about how we leave our body and enter into the Spiritual Sky. This information is very nicely e�:nlained in the S r:ofld Canto of Srj.mad BhaqJ7atam, First Chapter . The idea is that this universe is just like a coconut fruit, and exactly like the coconut fruit there is covering of several layer s . Each layer is said to be ten times more than tha other. So when a living entity is eligible and fully prepared to enter into the Spiritual Sky, he merges his different bodily elements
My DearVrindabanesbvari , 95 Glenville Avenue All ston , Hass. 02134 69
which are called earth, fire, water, air, and ether. In those covering layers these bodily elements return, and the living entitt goes back to the Spiritual Sky. Pure devotees do not desire to enter into any one of the higher planetary systems of this universe. Soemtimes mystic yogis are interested to see the higher planetary systems, and byfore entering into the Spiritual Sky, they take advantage of seeing the higher planetary systems. But a pure devotee is so much eager to enter back into the Spiritual Sky, especially devotees of Krishna, so they do not try even to enter into the Vaikuntha Lekas. Everything depends on the intense desire of the living entity, and Krishna gives all facilities for fulfilling such desires. So far as we are concerned, we should ahmys be very much eager to directly contact Krish.'1.a1 follm1ing the Footprints of Lord Chaitanya. And as ��u are Vrindabanesbvari, you should always pray to Sri�mati' Radharani to engage yourself in Her Service. That will be the fulfillment of your life.
I hope this "ttrill meet you in good health.
Your ever \-'lell-'t·Tisher, A.c. Bhaktivedanta Swami.
JI.CGJ3fial\J;ivedanta Svvami
Founder-Acharya: International Society for I<rishna Consciousness
CENTER : 95 Glenville Avenue
Allston, Mass. 02134 .
My Dear Hayagriva and Pradyumna,
Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for sending me the poster with pictures of Mr. Ginsberg and myself. It is very nicely done. Now on that day I shall lead the kirtan. I shall first of all chant, and our devotees should respond as usual. And with the devotees Mr. Ginsberg will also be amongst our devotees, and the public will be requested to follow this response. In this way there shall be kirtan performance for at ·least half an hour. For our men I want four mridungas and tHelve kartals or cymbals. If Kirtanananda . can play the harmonitlm melodiously along \vith the chanting, it will .be nice. If somebody can p).ay the tamboura, that '\-Till be st.ill more nice. But they should be rhythmically played. So I do not know how many devotees are there or hovr many mridungas are there, but we will require four mridungas. If this is deficient now in men or mridungas� then you should arrange for that by calling Ne�r York men and Buffalo men. Recently I have made one record in Los Angeles, so in trying to train our men in that rhythm is not difficult. Just arrange for sixteen men; four mridungas, harmonium, tamboura, and the rest playing kartals. If we can perform kirtan following the recently made recording, it will be marvelous. The summary is that you should make the a,bove preparations for when the advertised meeting is held,
I will be reaching there in Columbus on United Airlines at 10:47, so in the· evening if there is an engagement, we can accept. I will not be tired, On the 9th, lOth, 11th, if you want you can make some programs. On the 12th it is already scheduled, and similarly, on the 13th and 14th you may make arrangements. On the morning of the 15th I shall be going to North Carolina.
On the engagement with Mr. Ginsberg, after the first kirtan with me lea�i.ng, �h�n�r.Ginsbergmay�p�aksom0thingabout the Samkirtan�ovement. You c�n also sceak abo�t it,andthenIshall give the concluding speech, or if someoneel s ewishestospeak you canarrange for this. Afterthespeaking there will be kirt'-lnint�:esame way. But if you .;;o desire, Mr. Ginsberg can lead this last program and all the others shall respond. I think this will be nice program.
I hopethiswillmeet you
DATE .....ot"19-Yo)0,0..0000..000000..00..19.Po�
·---0---··--------0--0----o·------------- ----·---·..0-0 ••
318 East 20th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201
May 13th, 1969
My Dear Tarnal Krishna,
Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter dated May 9th, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. I am pleased to note that you are doing nicely for giving the student community to hear about our Krishna Consciousness Movement. Yesterday, at the Ohio State University we had a tremendous meeting, and nearly two thousand students were dancing, clapping and chanting along with us. So it is clear that the student community has a nice potential for accepting this philosophy. I will not be going to North Carolina as I had planned, but I am sending Kirtanananda Swami in my place because they have extended my program here in Columbus. So now I have to create more sannyasis to lecture on our philosophy, and I shall pick these sannyasis from the brahmacharies who are firm in their decision not to ma�r¥-
Your next festival will be as follows• RAIRAfA -- On this day the Gopies played by making Radharani a Queen, and She is seated on a gorgeous throne, and Krishna is made as Her doorman of the palace, so He is standing by the throne-room with a sword. So this is one Pastime arranged by the Gopies, and there is nice feasting, dancing and singing on account of the coronation of Srimati Radharani.
You have asked about my travelling schedule, and I shall see if London will invite me, and if not, then I will return to Los Angeles at the utmost by the end of June.
Please convey my blessings to all of the other devotees there with you in Los Angeles temple. I hope this will meet you in good health.
NB1 Enclosed is one letter received from Chidananda, which you may read and do the needful.
�£_:J!![,��ivedanta$w�iL E
International Society for Krishna Consciousness CENTER : 318 East 20th Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201
My Dear Rayarama,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 14, 1969, and I have received a similar letter from Brahmananda also that you are finding some difficulty in keeping pace regularly with the routine vmrk. My advise to you under the circumstances is that at least for one hour you must all go to have Samkirtan outside on the streets or in the park. That is your life and soul, first business. The next business is completing the chanting of 16 rounds 0.very day. The next business is your editing, and if you find extra time, then you can attend the temple ceremonieso Otherwise you can stop these activities, but outdoor kirtan, your editing work and chanting of 16 rounds must be �one. Outdoor kirtan must be done, even at the cost of suspending all editorial work. That is your first and foremost business. Temple \vorship is not so important. If need be, the \vhole temple· can be locl<ed, but the outdoor kirtan cannot be stopped.
Regarding Birbhadra, Kirtanananda is not here now, he is in north Carolina, but when he returns I shall talk with him about taking our boys to New Vrindaban. Otherwise, they will be returned to their mother in Los Angeles. Regarding the tvm bool<s you mentioned, they are all right.
DATE .....-�-�Y..f:?.'....................19.?.�
f'y Dear Vrindabaneshvari,
Please accept my blessings, and offer the same to your nice j,ov. I am in due receipt of your letter dated !-�ay 14, lSG9, and I have noted the contents �·lith care. I understand fro:n your letter that our re7ered Godbrother, Srimad Sadanandaji, is again sick and going to �e shifted to so:-ne other place for medical treatment. i-ie is v·:=ry sicJ-:ly from the very beginning since I sav7 him someti:ne in ths year of 1934. 'The best t.hir.q is that he may not be disturbed l:y correspondence. Let him peacefully pass his days in J�rishna Consciousness. Reoarding his su�gestion that he is not sure if my activities in 3urope will be su�cessful as in the l';.�, you have \-Jriten to say that 'urof.Je is ''quite a ci'ff'erent.pluce fror:: US,';--mostly in that the people are rrore approached thro";.Jgh the intellect than thru the vlill. 'T'hey are TI1ore careful, rrore critical, r.ore "sophisticated". I quite agree Hith you that Europe is dif-':erent from Ar.terica, but Hhen I came from India and first.landed ir. Poston, ! '\<las thin�ing like that, that I have come to a di�ferent country from India, and hm-1 will they accept this p'hilosophy of �-�rishna Consciousness in the same \·ray as Ind:i.ans accept it? Actually there is great difference betHeen India and America, especially in the mqtter c� living stan.-:ards, socia.l custorr.a and cultural at�osphere. �'ihen I landed in "os·::o , I 't·rrote one :Dengali poetry to i·rishna that I do not knovr VThy You ha-ve brought ;"le to such a distant place •J:h-=.�re e·verythi:-.g is op!;osi �:e r.v:-�:<:�r, and hov1 Hill I re able to cor:·.rince therr. a1�out this r·:rishna Consc:iousr:ess I'ove!'l'lent'? But by the Crace ofF:Vrishna there •.vas no difficulty. As soon as I started my first center in Hev1 York, two or t'hree you:1g rr.ena \>Jere attending, and gradually they took interest, and novT v1e have got s teen branches, practically managed by my disciples. So if the USA3 which is completely different from India, can accept this philosophy, I do not find any reason \vhy Europe, which may be completely different from the USA, Hill not accept.
Actually; in our London branch, already about six young English �en have joined seriously, and although they are not officially initiated, they are e��actly follo\·ling rr�y other ini'ciated, American disciples ,..rho are novT 'l.vorking there. So I dont think there is any cause of arprehension as suggested by Sadanandaji. Pesides that, in Hamburg the boys Hho are v!orking have re�)()rted that German boys and girls are co�inq to join Sar.kirtan, and they are getting at least fifteen or t\·e:1ty c;uests every Sunday for their feasts. So I dont think there is
3 FILE . .....:.. :�oundsvillc, irlest Virginia 69
L.Ct7 VRir'Dl1BAl. RD
any cause of discouragement because we are \tlOrlcing on a different platforrr..
Recently \·7hen 1 Has ir. Columbus there \-laS a big meeting, and more then one thousand students attended. Poet Allan Ginsberg was there uith me for chanting, and all the students \tTere responsive irr.mediately. Therefore I advise you that \tle nrc working on a different platform. We are \·!orJ�ing neither on the sensual platform, nor on the mental platform, nor on t�e intellectual �latform . We are working completely on the spiritual platfo�.. The concept of European, American, or Indian is based on the bodily platform. So long one is under the impression that he is this body, he cannot make much progress in this movement. Lord Chaitanya says that factually all living entities are the servants of Krishna. This servitorship cannot be rendered from the material platform, because rrishna is not rnatte't'. He is Sat-Chit-Ananda Vigraha. Anyone trying to serve Krishna from the material platform of body, mind and intellig2nce cannot apprecinte tbis fact. One has to become free from the contamination of matter, represented in gross and subtle forrr.s as body, IT'ind, intelligence and ego. Until then, one is not a pure devotee. In the larada Pancharatra it is clearly stated that one has to becor.e free from all material designations. So long as o�e is und er the cover of rr.aterial desic;:nations, he cannot serve !<:r�shna. 'There-fore, vre have to transcend this po sition by cleansing our hearts fro:n such rubbish concGpt of life that I �u P�erican, I am European, I am Indian, I �rn this or that. Ariyo:1e kecnin� himself under such impression, hut at the sane tit::e trying to get into i<rishna Co!'lsciousness is called · neophyte de".rotee, or pral(ritn. Lord Chaitanya has given us a very nice method of chantinCJ Bure i :rishna, and if \.,e execute this �,;ithout any offense, ve ca� transcend this prakrita platform and come to the spiritual platform of serving I:rishna. And unless \ore serve I�rishna there is no possibility of getting l:-iis Grace, and \tlithout His Grace it is not possible tc preach r :rishna Consci.ousness. Therefore, �,re should r.,ore depend to receive l-lis Grace than to depend on mental or intellectual activities.
So dont be discouraged. If you follm·r the principles of I�rishna ConsciousnGss, your activities may be accepted any\·7here. It doesn't 1r.atter vrhe·cher it is in Zurope or America because it is all transcenO.ental. You may just continue your attitude to ser•.1·e Radharani and you can be on the spiritual platform, vrithout any being deterred by raterial impedi�ents. In the Sriroad Bhaovratam, First Canto, you'll find that the first class occupational duty is to develop love of God Hithout any motive or impediment. vlhen vre shall be able to execute our business of Love of Godhead, unimpaired, at that time vre shall be freed from all spphi sticati.on .
Regarding your question about the other mantras you have heen given, I think you should simply cha.nt Hare ��rishna regularly- and follm-1 the regulative principles. You must complete si}�een rounds at least. !ollovt the restrictive principles and avoid the ten kinds of offenses. Then everything -vrill be clear gradually. I hope this Hill meet you in very good health.
Your ever uell-t-risher,
., ·- .
A. c. Bhaktivedanta Sv1ami
Please accept ffiY hlessings. I thank you very much for your letter datcc1"Victoria Day", and l have noted the co!1tents t-1!th pleasure. l have received letters from the Hamburg devotees, and they appear to re very much jubiltmt to lmow that �rou Hil l be arriving on '"--;une 27 at 9 c 30 cmie I am also very glac that yo'l' Hill he prepared to go there. In rr.y previous letter to Mandali Dhadra, I alr·eady informed hirr. that he ttli 11 act as the editor of the German � 1Q �o1h�nd. So when you go please set up everything in a ceoperative rr.cod. The \<."'Orkers there are very sincere, and upon your joining them, they will be very much enconraged. I am also glad to learn that you are enjoying reading the book, Teachings of lord Chaitanya, and now both you and your husband have to preach these teachings.Qf Lord Chaitanya in the European countries. So please read our books very carefully, and as soon as there is some question you can ask me. ln the future I hope that Mandali Bhadra will translate this book into the German language.
Regarding the =irst question in your letter about how do we know of the spiritual abodes since once going there no one returns, you shou ld knm·J' that the great liberated souls and incarnations who appear fro:-n time to tirr.e in this rr.aterial Horld are r.ot actually coming back, because they are never subject to �aterial contamination or the la�,J'S of material nature. For the purpose of delivering the fallen living entities they corr.e here temporarily and then go back t-�hen there busir..ess!is finished, and this is all under the direct order of the Lord. So the appearance of the r.ord or the great liberated souls in the material is different from the appearance of the contaminated living entity who is forced to take birth in the rr.aterial �10rld due to his desire to lord it over the \'lorld. In your second question you asked if we will re�ember the earth wbbn in }/r!ndaban r and the answer is certainly. vlhen F arada 1-�uni was talking to Vyasadeva, as you may have read in first volume of our Srimad Bhacravatarr, he '"as in a spiritual body, but he re�embercd his previous life and explained it to Vyasadeva. In material life there is forgetfulness, but in spiritual life there is no forgetfulness. I hope this will sufficiently answer these questions for you.
Please convey my blessings to your family. I hope this will meet you in very good health.
Your ever Hell-•,.,isehr,
I·:y Dear VrinC:a1:x:m<::H:;hvari, i�Er:1 VRit".DAB.tJ.: RD3 - ' ,. • t-:oundsville, t�est Virginia .:rune f., 69
�£_2!��ktivedanta $��:L E
International Society for Krishna Consc1ousness
My Dear R. Chalson,
I beg to thank you very much for your kind letter dated June B, 1969, addressed to our New York temple and forwarde<1 to me. I am very pleased to read the contents. My Spiritual Master, Om Vishnupa�a Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Jvlaharaj Prabhupad, sometimes used to say that if after selling all of my property I can conver� one person to Krishna Consciousness factually, then I shall think my mission is successful. S�ilarly, I am also thinking like that after reading your letter that if I could induce even one person to Krishna Consciousness through my publication, Bhagavad Gita As � 1_!, then I shall think my labor is successful. So I am very much encouraged to read your letter, and I have received many such lettera from others also, so I am very hopeful.
I am sorry that many of the important verses in Bhagavad Gita � It Is were left without purport explanantions, but the Macmillan Company wanted to mini�ze the volume of th� book. 1 am not satisfied with this, so my next attempt will be to publish the same with explanantions for all the verses without any exception. Actually, our Krishna Consciousness Movement means to propagate in the human society the transcendental understanding of Krishna. In the Bhagavad � it is saia that out of many men, only one is interested in self-realization, and out of many thousands of self-realized persons, only one may understand Krishna. But if one understands Krishna as to what He is, what are His transcendental activities, then such person �ediately is eligible to enter into the Kingdom of God, and not to come again in this rnise�rable world. People in general do not even understand that this world is miserable for the conditioned soul. Neither are they very interested in the Kingdom of God. They want to make this miserable world as the Ki.ngdom of God without God . So there is a great necessity of propagating the Krishna Consciousness Movement. As you appear to be very intelligent and interested in this connection, I shall request you to help this movement as far as possible.
Thank you again for your kind letter.
. 7;;ridandi {joswami
DATE ..... .-l.�n�. .l.��. .. ... .. . .. ... . ... 19.69
CENTER: NEW VRINDABAN RD3 Moundsville, West Virginia
t�E·o�J v::ur.DA:t:J�;·
RD 3
Moundsville, �est Virginia
June 21, 69
�Y Dear Jayapataka,
Please accept my blessings. I am so glad to receive your letter dated 18 June, 1969, and I have careful l y noted the con tents. The Rathayatra Festival you will perform from the 20th of July to t}·,e 27th of July. The main item is the car, so how will you observe the Festval with out the required car, or rathal If you war.t to t ake the Deities onthe shoulders a<�= tbgeeveeee3, thatiaed�onicg. 5ut if you would convey the Deities on a car, that will b� very nice. The Festival is tha the Deities are taken to som� river side, if not the seaside, and �ontreal has got a very ntce river, the St. Lawrence River. The system is that for E'days the Deities remain on the seaside, and kirta� goes on, prasad is distributed, and people offer flowers, fruits, etc. to the Deities. Then on the Bth day, the L ord return� to His own place. ?his is the system, and the care 1� taken it: great procession, complete with chanting, flm·.. ers, etc. This year Easton is also trying to celebrate the �athayatra Festival, and if you like, you mayopencorrespondence with Satsvar�pa in this connection, and he will help you with further ideas.
I ar:: so glad to l earn that kirtan is going on, ar.d by I-�rishna •s Grace you are getting some collections. This is very good nct.;s. If during Rathayatra, you cannot keep on the seaside, then you take carin procession to the riverside, �nd come back the same day. the e_,''... �- s, as far as possible distribute ra sadam , enpeciaay you also hold the cererr. ��������--�ease arrange to take nice photographs of yourFestival activities as well as of your other kirtan activities. We wish to print many such photcgraphs in our � To C-odhead, so take many pictures, ar.d send them to r.rahrnananda in I�ew York.
ThisEonday,June23rd, I am going to Los Anqel es , so you May address futurecorrespondenceto that address. I hope this will meet youingood heal th.
Yourever\-lell-wisher, h• c.
Bhaktivedanta Swami
F:l L E
1�7= �. LR Ciene�a Fo�l����� ln5 hnoele�, r�Jiforrie �� --
..:ur.c .'., ,
l·.y Dear Laban�alatika,
F-lease acc��::t i:"'.' blensir.c:;s. I <::!':". ju3t loo:�ir:r-y over the lettc::that you had oivcn to rr.e in �-ew Vrindaban, so l shall repJ �, ts it. herewiti1. You are a very good g i rl, ana I have seen -v:ith �;leasure your advance!"'er.t i:-1 �. rishna Consciousness. :r:t appe:ar;; that ir: ycur previous life yo�1 had cultured this kno'Vrledge, and or. a ccount of your pious life, you have qat a very good son who i3 develcnirr in l<rishna Consciousness. So t-e�·7 Vrindaban is the right place fer you n0\-7, si!!:ultancously to a dvance in Krishna Consciousness and to take care of your boy directly in your presence. 1 have ad.vase:-1 r:irtanar.anfla Fahar::-j thc.t �irl s ,.,.'!10 ·arc livir.::: in i·e·t-.· Vrindabar-. should rs engaged in th e following activities; 1) takinq care of the children, 2) cle an inc the te:"".plc, };:itchen, etc. 3) cookil"\9'1 a;.<:': �) churnin� butter. So for the tifT'e beir.9, you remain in i,et-: Vrincaba!'"., follo•·; the principles c�refully, and I am sure that your life will be su�cessful.
Please convey �Y blessin�s to the others. I hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A. c. Ehaktivedanta Swa�i
cENnRl"-l75 Li.t. Cicncgc� j;;_i.vr:r:. 1"..r.):J .1\nsruJ.c:..:;, c.:-�1. �OC.l:.J
DATE July :-i 1 1969
I·<Ll-:;r.�:�r;· J:\r::rc��··d: �-r'.\' l)lo:-:·:�ings. :C 1-,eg to ackn01iJloc1ge -·r;'ce:�··,:: c,:"' yc'�.'.':" l('C.'t:eJ:-(1::-..'c.c(l �Tunc 28, 1969, ancl. I am �v c--.::.:-td t -'1-:t·: T<>:�.::'1n2L h�·�s af�·.er all given you a nice p1.::cr·· ·�c r,-':'1: ..:.:'1 :�.t' ::�.JncJon and. spr(::ad l<rishnu Con:::cious:·· .�;�� �: �..; ' ·.1""1 1.\if )·r· � c�1 ·t�-n_,�::l.rl. Sln. Your SL1ccess:tul mect,inc:f
:\... .. C.. •••!•• l._·, t...•IJ. . . rt•• '-C l.d .J. :- ..J..• .._. ,_,._.
iC no'• ,_.._..
cn:--<_;•Jn:L:.:::. ·to ·!:�"\P J.:Lv:Lnq en'I;.:Lty • In ·the� �Jcster.n
no >:"'lOv.rJ.edge ho'lr to get. out· ·o:E
. :..:'. r':--t·:·:>.�rrJJ•ln(�n·:::-.. '!:'J1e only 'bonafide cn��aqcrnont
T!��--� ... ;'H'i': -::-:--.:�···:r:-:·.o·-�:-:Pc::�� :i.'or :::.>1c all around bene:E5;t·of
�:.)c� !"l()'>� ,,_.,.:\ �-'.-i."=Jt� oo·�: \'e�y ST�c..t rcc ponsi1,1li ty ;t.o e1'rea:f!
J.:"h:'�::; !r.c:�_::·.:.:.-:_c.-.-: ·:.� �- O\'O::': �-.:v� 't.·Jo:r.:i.c'l, <:tnd. in Londol'l,YO\l· hnve
c-=)·::. roc·��·.!' �.� (' :\:.::�··..: "-11::'--�C :·� ·i:.o l)r.c.:1ch :Ln the mn3·t. :Lmoortal1·t · � �
c:�. �::" / �J�:: ·::."·"'"!� ·; · -:.-.�c)��J ci . D' coJ....:').t-f.' - y · .;.. • : �- " . -· , ' . .
:::;;::r �-�:; ,-xy:.:::::_;:.�..::'. Yo'llr �.t"Jc.'�l for. h()l<'.U.n� t�1e Vyasa J?.u.ja·.
('.,-,:::c.L'C'l1':'· :'.>'" '';r'o•·t .-:;1.1 �:.he :�'c.h of Sep'i:.C2ri'tbc�:r j_z VG.i':Y much
C)x:-.-y:::�:, <,r�r:·. ..:>n ·:�)::') t:·i:.h Ser.�·:::c:T:1l•er :i.'; J ::mmc:tst.m:i. Day� �.-,,.� �-:-.: .'C -�· � c- c: ::.'.r·:/ on0 :('·�:·r.:.c�:c :C'x-orn .Shy<JJ:>.s•.:nc":.nr :· n '1.-;rh:lch �:.�. �-:��:� ·t· :--:-::...:�\·: ..::1:\·\�. ':.r0. ::·.�·lo�'\ .1..<�� ;1;:.�v(� Ot1r ir�st:.i...tl�L.::J.t:t.on. on
,1 �,.OC•l'; :i/\:::;.;L. 0:.1 t11e t:':-·t!·, ,,,rc O}X':n fo.r-
"'7c:�J.c::o:-rte::. 2\ �:!pc�c_
·. '.._.,� _ .. . .''!: _-: .· . :·.�-:::�\.1(' c\:0:: P-':"1:� m.�.v bt":� c':lone, ra�(l yot1 :: ·-··�-...... •• ' ..
c Y::. ��·:·� :::)::.-� ( c:r,r;e: �.;:L·:.::h J.:·cD.''irn: �n.anc1a � bec.l.u �'>C pubJ.1cb.-
o·:; L:��-:_ ·.-:.�LL nc��·;r . J:>e conc'Juc'cGd by Is1ccon Eook Dc��·t.,
;�L:; "·'.:U.l '.:)c 1.tn•.:.::�i:- t.h(� St1pcr.v:Lslon o:E .�:rahrno:r1.:mcJa l.:tr1ct r-icoy��':;:-:-.�v<::. · r�:'\)'�-�:-��mu dn.. ::> T.h"'-'t:1machc.�.ry is called by :ne b:> ' i·i , ; .,. •.•. '·h •, . ' "'·" "" -l . t ... 1 ,,.. ct) '{Ol..l ...... , � ,....'�' ,.. ' ·'· t... '- c .. ·:.... .s�=- l:.LtJ o . l••.t. ... , ..c . · w::�y c-::.•.I:�:·c�-�!'�1'K;, ,.,_.:_�:�1 :::�r;::• l;m�tnn.':lc�a in this conned:::ion.
1�(.'·?"<''-'�(!�_n.-:r >'.:t·t·.;·,
:r.�' :::lie� mr,\.:l.l1'':.inte, Shyam:-.;undm:- ;:t�1y T)'�(��"·':tr·��
�:·.:-�(· --; ·: r•r: ·::�·;).'(:1'!1' 0: ·-· 't·7h:Lch I hr.\VC qiven him ·::.�"l� ('ir!:�:LrJih ·
�.\V·:· �:·cc:':�v:':'� (\\:() Jc,'c.t.er ?:r-om I·1uJctmc,iJ., r::�.v:i.nrJ .-��--·::._ ·, :·: ,., , ,·-. -_, -�T:.n,l; C''Y-:•:t(�:.:::nw:�ntr; .:l.n ��.on.clon H�lr-!n I nc' ....- -"\.�"\ .• ..... .
:Ln O:·:;·o�-:-r.··. :i.::, ,, _��·1 vc:ry r�\-JCU'c1J.-Dc;:�nq. 'J.'here ls a verse :ln .:>n-�- '::· �1 " ·· ('''·, ·.- ::. ·::_.- •·�·,·:i ·::::n in v1h:Lch I<ri�hnat'las Kaviraj says -�·:::.;· -�·--;· .�·-:·,,; :.>):,�:--\:��,�---��- -L·.,. .., to ·1oy or. to suf·fer b . yt_•. <J .. '---· · .. . .. :.� .. . • .. t.hc-:i.:o:- rr:::nt:ct:.i.v:�� r···:·.ul.·tc of 1-:<lrrna, pious or j_mpious; · --,. - -· · 1 ·' . .. , .. , -1!1 ·'·1,-',.. 1· - o :... :,. (.t, .! ;''1:•,,_ ' : c . ,_.)( .. •._ J••.• (l,·JL.·:.. . .::.. .... :��-, t::11_�r::-v:Lnc; ;��::!'..:or:�.-��- .1.:i.:Ee in some higher planet i;\nd some:; ,oc1v :: .'� :::u��:·:'.-�1:-:�nrr ��ome H�<lt'.·�'rlal inconvonienccs in :.:-;omo Io-.-:�::r <')l<:•.li•:-i.:.:·:.. : ·u:.:. �::�·lGY c.lo not:. know •chat suf:Zering or > � ,{--::. • -·' � r· '•' '.� ,-·'- �-·'- , J..•1·se,
'.:-::-.:;�Y�.:-:·::_ C\:·;. '.::<)r;:-.1�''-� .-::K� ,'\:T:c;; r 5.ca, t.hcy.a!;)pear · to be eh joy_;_L·:.- -� ..�;-.-� "·n :.117• v:·.. c\•7 of -:::.'·"\() Eastern. !)COplc, nnd there.... :!.c·. -''� ;::'J-:•,v ;·,c:-,·�- ��t".l : ,'l.'C'�l a1:,ou�: t'he opulcncos in the . di1:: � :-(_ r· :.. c: :�: . ,'·�':'i'.'''H�- ·:: : c:r: -���·\(t . ·_:Q\,\r·n�·:l o:r· .Ac1-1C �Vestern COtlntril��t
.. ._._ :· :··c:·o::
, :1_ :: _ :v· . -::'·�--�v �-v\vc·
: .k·�: ... :·'7. •, ,, :: : �
J .. •1• -� \ · •·.• , ::.-'-::·.· ) · :.c. :- ;_ nc�. on i:>to St:h is rn.y
,your �::�����,: :. · : 'c"· � :·� c··l :t:(Jtl'/• :�··o \:j')�_f; :!.c'letl
b::.r.Jc.h(:.:ay, or·
_" �- .Sl".,)Jn.'1.c�cv::., she �mntec1. t.o (;iV(>. 1..1s �;();'(\(': }:.1;:��:.::.. �; r::::'"' T4� "_·, :.:_,_:[�1 �t.r� �:::1lCG she 1laS J.(.:.�ft t.1i(� US·!".. . �:.i_·te;_:h�'l.;.: nc:>:: ,., . ' 1.· _,_:,-_ ��--�.::: .,·�':'tr:�·::. she :l.s.going t.o c1o. �;o you co.-��- '·.·--.·.-· .. ,-,- �·"·-l�; ,. .-.... ·[··eo·- · ... -� ' •- .. J. • - •' ' • .. ' 1••-1 • J \_ ...... l ,t_ .._.) ':; .,(,.· , • ...,, , , tl.t:r�. l;:_>: ... -�· c" '_,. ·:·.: . . <�. :�:1. not:, then, ;,..,0 sl1a.LL huve to �_._.r:r::;_:.-;��;..J ?.:.o:r· ::.:--1,--. �-. ��n .. .·ny r:�<"I.Sr:\, if. J·�ata ji ooes not. co'Yi:..t-�• . �:o-· 1.ri:c :.:: �(� :::'·�:·:L-:.::.::.r·��:, :'..._�h:.\11 ·t.z:t}-:.e:� H:Ct.h n16 son1.'� b(�i·i.:icr.; t·lh,c�n I (_'0 �'J) :·••o;<r.",,·,::.
737 North FonnoGa hvcnuo
Los Angeles, California 00048
July 11, 19G9
Please accept my blcssin<;s. I beg to ackn0i T10.Ctgc: receipt o;: your letter <Jat.cd June 25, 19G9, �-.nd I \mdc:c:::t;'.nd thc:1t you h<1vc <\ln"'::ldy purch�scd the t:lcl<ot for my journey frora Ncu YcE:·Jc t.o Lm:cr.'tlx�r�J on thr. Gth of July. But noH I um 8tc::t.y:.i.n�r <xt Los hns;-clcf�, r.:o n:.l·i.:m;�\).:ty you huvo to purchi'WO my ticl<ct from Los l\ngclon or S<:tn J?j7<.mr:;J.r:co to '\. i>crnl,erc; o So for the �::tmo being you cu.n rc·tm:-n t.h:lr: t.ickc:t v �mc1 il::: I rua going t.o S�n Pr<:�.nsisco to t<J.J(o p.:u:t in the Rzt·:.:.h<tyu'..:l·u J�·��o'�::.v<"<'. \:hich :to goin0 to bo pon:o:nncd in n co."ls:i.do):-o.'blc gr<tnd GC<"tlcl; m.T''Il:Jcc1 by all tho dcvot:ccs on the Nest. Coaut; n.:nncly Los llngele:Jp Slm
FJ:nnsisco, Snntc Fe, Seattle, Vanco\:,vcr, ot:c o f3o yow� p:co�l!:',"l.l•1 111:1y by cusp�nc1cd for u forthight. at leanto no:-:ido�; th<.Lt, you h<:. vo u:.:-:i.�.ton th:\·t the schools Hill be closed by·the J.lt:h of July, <:md thoy or,cn so;;:8t.i!:-.·;) in. September. Under the c:l:ccurnr;·�:<J.ncc:-:, \·Jhy no'c }X)[.:�·.ponr. c·vor�<:hing to thnt t:i..me7 But st:i.ll I '-�u prq;.>al.·cd to go :l.f ym� ·�:h::.llk ll'.y pl·escncc there cnrl:l.cr \·lill bo n:Lcc. 'j.'hon yc)\J c�1n an:-<).l1�W fm� >ny tick.e:t. from San Frunsisco to Luxcmbcrg. In soritC pr.cv:Lour.; loi.:·l:.o:c, l·:ui�undn u:co-:.:e thnt he Hould send tickcto for bot.h me l.'lnd l't':Y.'\J�::hr:Yi.::(:.;\n. D'-1 :i.f in the meu.nt:tme he se:nc1s ticket for Pu:cu::>hoi:t.<.un, t.hcm h(: c.:-n1 alr�o go \vit.h rnc. I thj.nk tho best. nrrctnsrcrnont. \·�ould hav\:� bc:r)n :l:\.' ·by 1':\u\:u.:tl consultat.:ton you ma}(0 tho t::c.:tnspoJ:-·tu.t.ion c:tr:r.an�JCitKmts fm� J,·.y Ei.u:o:)oun journey. I do not kno\'1 \,!hen !'iukunda is �;oin0 t.o ncnu r.�n thoso ticlcets, so you cun con::::ult \lllth h:l.rn. ln the rnni..ln'd.m�, :l.f y\.i1.i. ll:co ublc onJ.y to send one 'l::i.ckct for mo, P.m::\.lf�hott.;).!n 1nay c:.ro J<�tc;� o:1. But �\nY':�y, I heard that after tho ljth of i':.LHJu::;·\-. there vd.ll b:) li Cl)i1cc�ssion iu \:.hi:l :Cc\:L.:: frcr<� .T\.:;'\2ric:;:1 to Furo•�r:. r:n von c<in il1Gu:l.:cc i.'.L:.·u�: i'c. I shu.ll be in San l?nms:tr:;co by tho 7.s�h of� July,Yrjo you co.n J.c�·. T:\': l�lio-;1 you:.:- decicion .:tt the Sc:tn Frc.lnf.dcco udci:..·cr;�� o1t the Los lmgolc.�; t.:.c'lc1· • rc:::;s, \·1hich ever lE: more convm1iont. f:or ycu.,
Rcsar(.1ing S<::rn1c:i..:r.tan P2l.J:-t.y, \·ih�:t.cvl�J:.- ill:'!i,CJs �.....�...., h:.,..,·c �;(�'::;. (�t. t! •: · pros::;nt: r.\oHlont, yon cont.inuco '.L'hJ.t :Ls our. It1;:tin :i.:u:l\.;;_:i,<:m. 1l'�iC p:i..:-::�·.... urcG un<.1 ounmh1cts .:rouaqovindc.> hrti.l [:cn'c rile <:tre VCj."'.J' ntuch ci-lCOUl\.�rr:i.llcr. L .L ..1. .. J
You can liiC\l�c my prognun fQj� lcct.tu::i.ng :Ln tho Inr.lo--Gc:.:n'C"t.r. �;oc:tct.yg 'L:;:\l�r· 5.n�f it that I shall he go:Lnc;r th())�·c� :tn t.hn month o:i7 /�uc:;us·t. I l�l1().; thero are m�ny Sanskrit nchoJ.c:u:G in Cc:c;·.<::'.riY:· b.�:: t.� �f L·tv·�� no practice t.o spoaJc in Snn:::;l�rit. I cc.n j:T�<d ;�r:(i \n�:itc, bu'.:: :( '.> · .:"_.:. r:poctl� in Sanskrit. f.lut. I clont th:i.nJ.;: my �v:i.l.k:i'.c:s :in S�1nr:k.r�.): HLtJ. l':-) rc.:n.d.rec:l, ancl 5.f X rend fl:C>Iil San:>}�T:tt J:i.l:(.::;,:·;d.:uj·,�. l�.J(� n1Yln.-�v.-t.c1 C:i·:·,-.. f-27..:i00d n��:::.\9'·rcttu.m-s that \·Jill bo nuf:ficicmto hf�·.r:�..-.-<<l.l, -T�.;in-·l�ot·
to Ccrrn�my i'!S t.1 .SunsJ.:rit ccholu:(, but. rny i:\'c.�:er,lp�: \JJLI. 1x: t:o <)ol:iv, :thc rnoss<:l�fC of Lorc1 Chaitany<' .i.n the sl�i'\po of J�:..-:!.r:l1n.-1 Conc;c.:J.our::v·:�::J,. l hope?. thin \d.ll m�et you :tn 90()(J h��tl't:h.
A. C • .
BriM\'l'J.VEDhl:-'i'l'l\ ;;\·�N·il
�) vc:•:.:; I1K� nK':l..�8 nJ.e<:!G":..l)''(J i::J.:()u'l.: vou:c s:i.ncc,,:;:-;i. 1:1; of :3er·vlco. :r . c:rn i\:1 no c�l�.'J.L·: :::-::, )�DO\ ,r that. GOrr.<::'c.:Lrncs the . happilH:H;S
Fo;1 s:c�tdtitlll:'-/ the oc(�c:Jn .:i.s dr�;d.nsr up� ancl trH': lW.'t(l .ir-:; cou�.nr;� •r-J\(��:cf>· fore, thi3 lftC.'."terinJ. ocenn ):;· d��c:t:e()s;i.n'J:� but th(': i.:J:-c:mr::c·: inc!cni:_,..,J c.�::·'ln of bli ns i :� cmJ.y increas:i.n�r G So l cal" on .ly :::(;l y {'.; , �: t. y'c'u r.: t::icl· ·<:,-, yo\Hpr0f�ent nice serv:i.c�,. or�tnJDtc-�d . upon you 'Jjy 1ny C\l:cu -�·ic:l;1:-,�:<1.:i ctil(�l r·:;:;i,:.:i·,nrl. 'J� ... . '-·..._,· ... rove f-o vo ··- . · · · · " ....... .·'· ... ··'"' .r._y .,_._ . .sup.. · � �_ U.:. l::..::.t. . .:.C.)t_o nJ.r;; � . II!\,,_., •.JI..!;,t ..1 1 • ' ' -�.t<�o"• r.�;:: 1 'l:ishnu, c-.r)d l·�ab,�s·\·:;,;x, l:.l)fi · r·::c:t:n(::\�1).i }3h2Jlr�: J. :-; '::.'1:; .�.. n�J t-.o jo:l.il yr'l) r' �:; J.ncJr·;--.:. �Chcsc fou�: pr:t nc:i.p;:d. dcn�:Lgod :c.� ;;:.t·u l:oc:: 1:.r·:">.'i :1 :i. ·;-,\ �- n· :) 1,-�b.:::\ �: ' · fi i... Vf:!�.... �!t•: 80 · �( r10fJ'� :i. !l t-:.1'1�� YJf.?!ilZ, �=tJ.t�tJ):t:: �=�ll:i. \7Etn( t.i'�\Ji.·.\.1 � 't'.�\l ("�; •::) :i:: � ) (r· 1 . " · .{\\'t.;• ,r,,,:: �-;-;, nnd ;•,<;l.ndoJi B1V:1(1:r.it · v7LI.J. hi::.v::;� fu\:t co;:·lb:ol <.'l"JC.(' u·��·� r.;,::j.'J\� >.l\ �: nui \:�f ·l,c:·,y:: by p·,Jch:l.ng on th:l.r; mncy:.��:ti;.e 2�.\?Ei�i.S::!s. 2.�.'-:'t S"is:LJ,:·:::�t\:. ::: :::li;:JJ l..:: '!J;:.�_,-1. /:(• he:<'n: \IIV.3tJ.-:�r by this -t:.:i..Jn0� l'-1anctn1i BhL>.cli."n h-�1�;; nr--,_·.i.vc<'.! t'I:-:!XC·.
l.l• C. Lii.iiJ�'.l'JVi�D,:;L,'J'l' ;:i ·t \i•·:.: 73'7 r!o1:i:.h Fo!:· t: \o::_:, , .i��.>r.liJ\.1·.::· Lor:; .�\n<)"-<'-(�; ;, Cnli<.'oJ.T.:L:: .\ (;: :c)(;:· .....·-- ·-·............. ""'''"...... .. ··•·· ....,__. ... ...... --· ·- . ... . -�···....... . . . . ...·-.... ��k**"**�*����0�i*����������� FJ.(!;�·,s�::-;:,c:ccpi:... H'y l. . . n�J ..:l. :1. D.l''· :i.n ()u:.: :r·,::.!•:::i.; ·t (;:(: y::.t,i:· :: •:·:·.; . '.'•.' c., __ . . ,.,r, · . - ·,..,rl'· "t]r)\'<J · · ,. ...., .,1, ·1··· .. ,.. .,. ····. · �,,!. �· -· ,)< . • :. .;;!;. '· l,'.,.., ' . of .. 1.1 -.;:.-.:,•,: J..' I ,.(·.iJ ;.:::-:..':;.:;, :' � 1 •.''.'·.�: b:i:.C:'5.}• :ct j;:> '\'f:,:ry, \le.�:�� n:fcc. Yen.\ 1"1:"�\1.'� ·':l (�ld C\ lf::'/t ;:' crce::ol: )l,l:.::i�.' ::i.n·�l /'XI;i1t l:">cy C.::tll�t't L�Jlt.U.'Dj • Ji,y Gu:cu I"·i<�h�l.r :c�. j had i.!l.'l c:lnb:i.t:J.oll ..:) r�tJ)J:!.r;h th•.� \:'"•r;.� sacJ�:l of J..o:;:d Cl1n.it�myt:•. in ;:·,:t.J. ,th(! J.;.mqu<•gc�> of ·:::h:' \·K:.i:ld., .:-uJ<'.: '.olh'''l �ii� .. (..... '"')<· .... .. .... 1....,.�':\ ,_ll . .; · ....��-)· c.···· ... I ..J . . · .,. r· ..·t\':· 1-J)·-'1.''>· .. . , l:'XC�·t::• . �· . n:.•P . .).1.. H:.t .. .1.�·-. 1 ..• :· .1 1 . L . r.\ ·;. ·····.!' ·'.•' "'' .... • :-· t , .., • '" "' .• :._<04 .. � r �� ...,.. � 1 j "'1\(.�\ 1.., ,;.,, \1 • c. ' l •..• ,,·-: -,,·1••• Or.C ).11 .l),l.tll1 <),.(. .1.. .h,.,., . O. l( · �... �,� . .. ,.. U ., . -� - ...J..." 1 rtJ,,, '· • J!Y Ol·.i.a. You:r::· :z;\n:-i.iek ��"..n.- Cot.t:lc::i_·t :i.�> cc!:r�t;�-�::tnlv ;t l_•n.1.c::·•.:·� q:iJt. ·�:<:' '\::·:, .,_� .,, r . ,,� ..,_ 1 • ' �:::---:-· ..--·:; .....y7.:-··' o::-·.: l '( -, .,.. :, .,.. ' r'i ·· \' t": ,_., .•. · ,. · ,... ,. <.<.r( • ..,.k. l f...VC.-. r:.; . ... . . • '-· J •.• d ... . ycu .. {, .. .\ .. .\ t••. t . d ..• ... (.l lll r::o� V()"l :l.,...l .i'rr•a' . '101.1 7�-;i-·:. <:l' ) ll" ·f·c<)"Jl'f'l�··.'] . ":•>·t'\1'1. (''' 1·.. ,.. ·l,.. . · • • ·•. ,_,·: ; •• .,.: � '-··'• • ,. . � •\.. , 1 ._ _.. ,} t \,.. ,J t,. 1.� ) �. . .. . �. •·· .\ . • 1....• · '-'•' , ,, ,• � ,.J .. r;5.on. 1';<��, Kr j shna bles::; you 1�1n:i�G <':nd moi:-(� • .i'\i'Jd t:u:: :,.r(-,t! \.•::.:,;.h -::h:�t ::l�:i.:·; sc:cvic; ��'-Y cor!t..:i.ntlr� ·tlu:ouc;�·hout aJ.l your.J.:i.fc .::;w'( \.;),� )r.T):·:.:, r;-�� :: ·r.
yo�J feel f:: VC;J.'Y st.i:·orHJ • 'f1 . ;r:�:tc :i.�-. c • <�"" o'-en . .,. a · ••• · "� · ·'·'1·''1· ·'-1-'14" · ·r·T'\T� ·· ..., j <· r'.. t.:r.-;_,nr:r .·r'; 1·-� \".rOT." .l .. J ... ' �"' L.· ..1.'1 ..., •�- ( �./. - I,•J_, _. · ...�} ·>�::- . .J.\,..\.... •�J d(�)y;;al oc;:c::�n of·bl.is��. ��\n.:;n(l�) <'J.rnbur::th:L }:>::l:c(l.:>rJ::lm. n,.._.r·o H0 h<'lVn ryut. ::·,:·� n�-J" l .� l1C·c� of· 1-l-t'' 1 · -;,--;,:�i • �"7'i='���y ·· : . . ,,,;1·: ,., 0Jl t· itr• ( , . ;:. ,.,. -.,: \ , ••'-... .,. ., \.,. �.� · 1 .... •,_/ ,.�, .� , ,lr. '\.., ... .-• '• \...• • · · .- • - ., h�.n��r c:;rncJt.J<.lJ.J.y it. i�� d.t'�CJ�0.<:1.D:lnr::J. }to:cwdly -t:J�.G vTl'lol(! pJ..:.�.r�ct ':.':1:- n,.:::i•::�=:<:l i. ., .... ,.) .,.,.• ..., .. �.,. •. ,.. .•.\. }·•• ·''· , - .. r.• ,-,1-r)".''' �J-'1"!"�'\·)··,c� , .....�.� .. ... 'lo\� \....-�.-:.(1 (".t.t ... �Jw'- 'tt;. •• .._-... · ... \.•...• ;- .LL. ',"d,:.' ,�,.!,i.i,l'-( . !t J � ,- ....\:,. . 'JI,�t.•!,l.-1
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1. H.:.J.•u::ly
J:)C)Ll 1 ;.tJ !.Z�.(."t',: j 1 J<'I �: ·1;i')·�·. .'.\ !.Jl ,-:;c c). :1. lk;.·; .:;, he<:n-(1 t.h;:;t .:i.t. J. f:; vei: y n
o::Dn l:i. v · \ 'i.:! I·. t·(: Rccu:r..-c:ly. C-)o ut: l•�a::> l.: in L'c:H V.r:l.n(lah.:Jn l ho!_:;c' t:��---�:�:·::' \·r:i.Jl L�--� r-.c_c :iuch
<.l!:(1. t1:·:i.c:.:; :i.n thc:,-t: '�·.;ty to <.:n.rt:.amatJ.cD.l.1.y l••)comc· LO).'d u:�: <.:;'.'·.'::·�· �.ol:}d. n�r. \'\'112.t. hn ctmt p<n·fo.r:m by hi�;: oor.m capc_)city h�·: W)nb.: ;:t) br:vo dc�nc t'y "/).-:·� Jr.ol·c;ed into t.1'1e Dtm.1:cwe J.o:1:<1 � 'X'il<.lt :i.:�� t.h.s� m·::.\lt.<·,J.:i.'h,1 oL t �£(� (:cnc•j·;:ll ;.J �. • _.. people. But if anyone becomE.:.•::: httrnbJ.�:-;r i:.h<:�n t:ho ':J.r·.:_�.:::o <tl,(f H•Cll',:! ·LoJ.•.!J.'r'.nt. t.han the ·t:ree, it. j,B u.nO.er;�\:.oo•::! that. he ht:<t.� ��ccerlt(\(:; D. :3):l:l:r:3.t.I.F�l J.'.".:>� t':::r. Bt:sid(�S 'chat, if Nt':! c>.ccopt S:i.J�sh;:.s t a�·<: <:•.r> <:nx::ho:c:i.t.v "::::tvc·;) by Irx<"d Ch<lit:m�'"', t.hi u ID.(.:<:lns · \'7e accqYt: I.ox·d Chn.iti:�!1ya i:l.:; ��p:ix:i.t.\.!i:Ll l·:;'.: �o.• ':(f ·c . ):n -;:he BharruV<1d G:U::a it. Js ·opc�nlv nleni:::l.onG(l th<)C .ih· ·jl.U'l<.';. <' .:: J:::.:�-:;;h-·
llC.J.l.'hCX. (10 J. \H:tHt. ct J. U.lL .J• .i.l.lJ \·;.I. L -. •.> •.•. l,.J.l..il ,1 .'J ,(')l, 1:o b�cornc a norvu.r.d:. of the Lor (l :· 'l'o b(!COJn:: t.hc-� ::.·:�.:·:v<mt. of tho Lo �·d 1n�ao �· to u.ccept a Spir:i.·t1.i.t1l l·ii::tS'tc:c. \'/:L t.hout. ncccD\.::I.r.lr.'f ;;o,·,,n: JO�J�., .:J.::; l ...;:is··-,., .., ·
sc.r.-utin:i .::.:i:o�(:.y. :Cn ·i: .h· ) t.::�£l1.J�]�:g!�fJ'L:i� th?!ro :Ls rnent.J.on. �J'�·n2!. l:'!)�.::�.l'.:!..��:!. l.::r:.:l<�::<:t.:�- 2.?'·:'��/.':! ].>:,.::,�(��A bi.E!,. By th� m�::�.r:cy,.of i.:lK! ::>pi l:' i·;:.u<:>.l r·;;:,::>·U�:,_. <'J.i !( ·; !-�rinhn<t c•nc. c:J).l 'Jet. t'h';\ SC(!dS of· :QJiql:;t:i .f:!:�S-:.IJ:i�, t.h\:� pl<�.nt of dcr·:..rot::.o,)dl ;·:·:•:.n:·v :i. c(.!.
c�i .}-i..:,_ix...J:o?t.t&(; •:=;;7 • :;:i: \V�� x1 :Lctt.=::ly ()=��rJ �·:tlt J :..�:.c� � �-:; ). i.:. ::� r; ·h:ct:::d �:.·�':c:>on::; N:Ul J.i.Vt:.! tiv:'!:Cr) (.incJ [•·:::;_:!.C!':C•J1Jy C�Ott!';l"i(:f)S • "• ,· .. �1'(� .�.; 1!..; ()Lt 1 !·,'l:.: ('''J�' ::�, . (�l., :;. t·.:t \.' �:\ ::�: ;< l; :l.s). ':''};) (�( : : l:: .... You ht\vc� :lnqu:i.J�\.'�cJ v.'i1}' Cl�.�.d.l:<.lriy<:\ L:,.h;'.'.} u: ah11u i 1: · : � 1 :�>�:. ·:!l':;n L::o; ; •. �c1 ·'' r: :; · ·.. .. ,, ._ "l c' . . . '" �·� ·,, . .\'i·\l''l 'l·····• . f'i�· ,..... , . ,· ) ,-t,.,: ..\'J ·· •. .. ·,· .. ).l1�·; d�·i.)•. <..C .!t .p,.:J.., Sl o)j_) •..•• •. c . ,<:' · .' • 1 .. . . ··'"·''· ' ' ••·• .• •. ·• '· :':;. ·· )·\CJfl�:; �:ou l�(lv·t� ln:i.!: :f�f:�(1 t.1·Jc:-: F'l):trl"l: \:1l<.:t�� ilo: :;:.:,.�_rr: !�!2 ��!.-!!.:� :.i.:..:.'.�.\ !-':·.��-.·5.'!.� -.: ,-�1..:!.-:� �-�!: ! :):�:�·.��-;t! �v'\ :�;;·. (1 "' , lvu· :\. • Th:i. ::> rn��iH 1 r� ono l1a!� ·t:o c �'li.\lJ ·t. ·the HoJ. ,, J. <:1!1\C: ::·: c.;: ::. ci. ; 11• :: .:·r iY."-·-c���·F,:-<,_--');t�·;bJ �r '-l··,··l ,�:., . . ,\; · r:�··•rP ·l· n ] · · Il t·'· ,, ·t · ,:� '• ::;n ......l_ � • · l..l.;.- .J, • . -· 1 .. I( .). ._. \ .. �. 4 ) (, • ..\.... • , .. , • • .. ..J t , ... \� .•� �uhc c<u\ )JC�corne: 1·)\n�tble:r \:.h<.Jn t.nc: flt".r�n l\..t un.l.o:�.t:::� n•:! c:'l(:t:<�}Yl::l .:1 bp:•.. · , :.'.l'.lli t.l. !-'.�sl:r�J·'j '''h<:1 ",rhol":: 'v1CJl.'l(l :i.!� pDf:f(!d up. Ev<:'i:")'Oii.e h\.mL·::: Lo ))�:c.-y.;,t" t·:'i<' I "1 f • '· 1 1 · . tJlt·' · j·"··-··---�-· .. ,.. . .,. _,. , , . . . 7 ,.,. t· �O!.C 0. C'"Vt;;,yt. \ •• l•9• . J.lik\ .• y, ;.JI ·.c.l('<.•.\. •.• ... 1.' J.>>�.L.f..l:·U I _ .l�<' 'J. \ •.• . ... ;... C' hcco;,\C! onf:.! \·J.t·t�l tJK� Stm��erne l.o.n:;. �L'h::.::; rn<,:tm!> i::.h�n:·Ttrt'6fl-c>Tl7f-r/i:n;·; ·;:T, .
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International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 1g·;s So. L2. C:i.c:noc_Ju i�oulcv:trd Los Angeles, CaJ.ifornia 9003�
!·:y Dear Gov inc1t:l Das i,
!'lease accc�)t my bler:>s:Lng.s, unc'l. ou�o:c t.ht:� t>UhtC t:o Gour�!u;�:lc.�r. ): run so r:;uch plcascCi by rending yom: leb.:cr o·J: .)uno 2G, 1�)69, c1c:jcr:i.Jxl.n9 your preaching act ivities in Hawaii, both husJ)and and w�fc to0uthcr. Xt is v0ry ii<uch pleasing ·to rne. I 'lrms shocked \vhcn 1 hc.:lrd that. Cou:rsuncl.ar \·ms hurt on the chin, but at the smnE� t.imc, 1 Ha[: so much cnJ.ivened by houring of your spirited preaching activities. l am prou� thnt a li·;,.�lc your.g gi.!'l J.ikc you is �o rm.1.ch spir::.:.:ud in prcuch:Lng Krislm�\ Consciousness. Undoubtedly :L vias very rmJch sorry 'to lea1·n a})out. Gour·· sundar being attacked by a fanatic, but dont be disheartened. �vcn hityananda also faced such difficult problems, but try to avoid them <:w far as poss:l.ble. The \·!hole '\oJorld is full of: :CC'.n<:t'c.:Lcs and utho:i.si.: cJ.c,sscs of ri\Cn, so sometimer> He have t.o face such c'Jifj·:icu.ltics. Du·t th5.s is all tL:.pasya. 'i'lithout tu.pusya, nobody can 2.<p�)J�oc:tch :i�rish;:'Ja. So pro<·tc1-1�rs •-.•ho boldly face all kinds of diffj_cul t:Lcs a:cc con sidon!(� to be under tapasya, and Krishna tuJces note of such t.apu�:ya o:C t.i:w <.luvo'cec, and the devotee is recognized by Him. :c have asJ<cd the iJ'.l'G men tc publi sh your heroic preaching activit:les under ·the heading of "r;croino Govinou. Du.sl'. So l am sure Krishna is very much ploa::;ed of this incident, and He will surely bestow His blessings both on you and Goursundar. So try to continue preaching Krishna Consciousness to the suffering humcmi ty as far as possible.
I hope by this time your house problem is solved, and I shall be qlad to hear from you on 'chis poin t. I have rcceivcd or.e le·tt.e:r. from Subaldc::ts from Phila.c1e1phia informing me 'chat. 110 has opened a ccnt.e1· there. So by Krishna ' s Grace our progr�m is improving day after dny. l·;os·t probably another center in Laguna Beach 'i.·lill be opened soon, und they are arranging for a gorgeous Hathayatra Ccre:Jnony in San Fru.ns:Lsco. So you have all my blessings and encourv.c;cme1rt for you.r nice prcachj.t:<:r \o:<;>:J�� anc1.. I can simply pray to I<rishna to save you from all sori:s of d�:cc �cul t�cs.
I hope this \·Till meet you in good healt:h.
CC!Jridandi [joswcuni r J ; 4 , ,;...,. -
DATE .... . �:v./s. 7., .. . ..... ........ ....19C,9.
--- - .....-
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 1975 So. l..u Cicn.:::-<Fl BouJ.cv.::.n"l Los l..ngc� J. C.!:::, C<1l:Lrorn :i .:=.t �00311
DATE ... .�:\?).Y..�3.�... .... ...........19 ..f?�l
Plc;:u,.;c ncccpt rny blc�-::::;:iIVJS. X bo<.J 'co i.�c1;::no�fl.c.'clc;c rccc:i.rYt of your lc\:t<;!r (l<d:.cd July 3, 1�169, u.nc) 1 have note,·{ ·tlJ.:� cont.cntr.;. �.:o :t. am <,;!'1·..::�-'l to lenrn that yo\-lJ:-p.t"O(_!)�D.m i :::; to do so:'lc vJOrk :i.ndcvmclcntly, anc1 u.t. tho SL-<���8 tiP.IC to clo Ho�:k for ou:c i�;ci.r;hn.:c Con�:c:iOtl:;nci.>[.; t:0\1(:r.·,cnt.. 'J.'hi s formula I hf.:.ve a.lrc�;.cl.y ucC<:!pt.cx1, c:mcl J havu c.:;:i vcn y�;u permission according to your lcanins. If possible, than try t.o 0ivc the results of your \·;orJ::: to I<:c:i.c.;hnu. \'lc:. do no'c c·li:-..:<:>.pprovc o::= c1.ny nctivi'cics of th.� 1..;orld prov:Ldcd t:.ho rc!.sul'c j_s qiv.::�n t.o 1\:ci�.>hn.-.t. rrhat is the ,.,rhole inst.ruct:i.on of the Dl"l92.��QQ,9L�·-D.You hc.vc J (!il rned thj_s philosophy for so n:w.ny yoars, �>o try t.o c:.:xc:cut.c� i·i:. t.o your best c0p<1cit.y. So fo.r o.s :l an• conccrnc-�d, :C 1"12tVC c\ccepU::d you i.'.�' my d:Lsc:LJ'le, and yotl l1ave a.ccz:�J?tcc1 rnt� u.s �'our :::>J�:tr:i.t:.tlL=ll f<.\·t.l1c�r. 'r1-1:i.[.: relationship cc:.nno'i:. be ended anymore. It. ir:; cl:c:!:CTJc<J. •. So :i.t: \;:i.l.l. 1"�:-: rny c�.u.'.-.y al1v-ays 'co pray 1:o Krishn<J. f:or you:c fuxt.hc:r ctnd furt.h(�.t· :lJnprovc:l;(;nt in K.d.shna Consc:Lousnc!s�;, r::o you i::houlcl <_:o on fJcr.·v:Ln�r -L.h:i.�,; 1\•0VCii:E:ni.: to your. best capdcity. So f<:u:- v.�> yot.�r co;1J:i.ng ho:cn, :tr ��c1u .j'\ rn�·;,:f,� cm1 corJc by the 16th or 17t.h of J\Jly as. you lv:1VC! s·cat:cd, tl.nd th�n ( rr.turn to t<c\·7 YorJ(, th0.'c it-:: all right. Du'c 1 �m f::c11ec1ulQcl 'co qo ·c.o San F.'rrl.nsir::co by the� 2 !Jt.h, ana c.�fter :l'in:L shh).Cj ·tho r�u.·t:;lvJ.yt:l·i.:r<:< Cen.::rnony, in C1.ll probability :C \·!ill be goin<.:r to Gorrn2:ny. 1 u;H·lcr:�·l:.c\n(l thc:tt. hrishna vas h;;.!D o.lrc�::'lc'i.y s.::mt. my tici.-:et. J::r.-om i·.'l:w Yo:ck '\:.o I.u.•;.(..;;n})(::rs, but 1 h<tvc not rccoj_vccl :tt. as ye'l:. Pro})abJ.y :Ll: i::-� on 'cho \lo.y. So n•y 0·oin9 'co Gern1<.tny :i.s :1::l.xn(l •. :C:C you thinl: i.:.}v:-.tv1hc;·1 yon con<<J for one \·Jeelc He shall be able t.o fin:l�·;h un 'c(v:,: \,/hole: book, ·L:hcn t.<:·l�o t'h•:! trou1)le to corne ht:rc�. Puru::-;ho·t-t.arn 1-w·;, sc�n·t:. t.he mor;i:. p�:.:ct. of ·chl.� rc-· rnc::.d.n:i.n<J rnanuscript. to .:r�yG�.c'Jvu.i'ca for t.ypin�r L1i:c copic:c;, <mC t:ry to finish it as soon as possible.
�!ntho b�:ro honee.rforuax'Tl t theJ:Ji(;'b\i:C(}f: or gp:r J<lrn}�:i.rt<ln !'·:qvc·rn·:-:!n·t should be i.nsortc�d u.s rnuny t\D possible. 'l'hc! \iho1,, .:l.c'tGi ;ls nm·J in [!J'C7 complete ventila.tion of ou:c :i.c"lcas :-:houlCi 1.>e c;:c:1t�'ti1·ci0(1 ?:cur11 'c':cvu··tcGs t.o devotees by writ.ing bon<.<:Cide .:::,:;:--t:i.clc·;: nlonc�� \·d 'i:.h the othc.::·:c artJ.cJ.0�;. rrhi s paper should no''' bu co;npJ.o i:(�J.y <:1 :J:m�cv;;:ircJ of our movomont. ·So co·:.bincx1ly mu.kc it su.cces:..:;:(l.ll.
I hop� {:his will meet you in good hc�<;.J.-t11 •
CC.:)rida1uli [io.sv-J.:llni J1 ·
.-.- ..... - - - .. -·· �>::--__ -------------·--· ----
Ple�sc accept my greetings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 18• 1969, forwarded to me here from San Fransisco. I c:uitt! appreciat.e the difficult problems in India, and I quite aqree \oT!th �lOU cent per cent that India 1s now in a miserable condition by its poverty, and natural atrocities like floods, earthquakes, ete. :'our uuggection t'hat: bhis can only be solved by Loro Krishna, the Or.\r.ipotent, is al.so right. Therefore, if you want to do sornethin<J for In1ia, the only remedial measure that you ean take is to spread Krish!'u Conscicusneas amongst the peoples. Othendse, tr.e next step is surely corr.munism as you have already suggested. You sal' that there is a cor.T:iur.ist rncnace, and materialism is trying to dominate, but at the ��e tine , reli�!ouc faith is also progressing. �� things cannot go o� simultaneously. Actually. India is the country of religion. The present governntent policy to kill religious faith of the people ic resulting in fru�tration of religious life because it is not organizedly taught. But by nature the people of lndia have a hankerinq �or cpiritual advancemert, and therefore the present situqtion is a raturz.l =-esult of the clash Detween to oppoe1te ideals. ln this case a!zo the best treatment is to qive the people scientific re�igious ideas \•:hi-ch are vecy clearly state<.1 in the Bhagavad Gita. .But unforttmately, t'!J'lscrupulous and rascal so-called scholars, religionists and phj_losophers 1�ave misinterpreted the teachings of !_ord Krisr.na in the Bhaqavad �. and they have misled the whole population. Bhacravad G1� .i.e popular net only in Ind!.a_, hut a�.so all over the world. Unfort.unz.tely, the r�al iaea has been distorted. we ha\""O therefore presenteq our Bhaaavad � {!.§.. .!S I!!• and perhaps .rou Y..no"� it� it is publir;hcd :."y t'<:�.�illa!1. :r have tri.,;;,d to cn:plain in this bcol� the real pu1:-posc of the B�1arr;:-tva(1 �· Bhaqavnc1 � is the authorized book to teach pe.:.-oplc hot.v to love 1-�rishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhen�. 'J.'here :!s nothir-g else except devotional service to the lord described there, hut great t>Olit1ciana have misinterpreted the sunshinelike clear statements of Git.a with a cloud of raental concoctions. So if you thinJ� seriously to improve the condition of India. you can begin even in a small-scale the propagation of Krishna Consciousness, and if you do it seriously and sincerely. surely you will be successful.
I came here alone in 1965. Gradually the younq men here tooK the philosophy very nicely, and now they themselves are spreading and opening many branches, even without my presence. Similarly, you can do this also, under my instructions. Just begin with a small en-
1975 So. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles , California 90034 69
deavor, Jand �radually it will spread. You have asked me what are the formalities that you have to observe for recruiting Krishna devotees in India, and the first principle is that you have to become a pure devotee of the Lord. Then you can attempt to convert others to become aevotees. To become a pure devotee means one should be firmly convinced of his being the eternal servant of I·�rishna.
You have hinted about the value of concentration and in the stories from the Bhagavatam and MahZlbharata, but I do not exactly follow what you mean by this. The statements in the Bhaqavatam and Mahabharat and the ?uranas are all different historical incidents. Mahabharatais call�d, according to Vedic authorities, as the history of India. I do not know \'Tho first designated it as an "epic�. That is the cause o� the falldown of Hindu culture. They did not belt6ve in their Vedic lit�ratures presented by Vyasadeva. The�, are not stories after all. Stories ara imaginary1 but they are not imaginary. They are actual. faots. �ut such historical faots are not chronologicalJ but for the teaching. of the commonplace people some of the important incidents of history are there. It is said sara.,.., sararn sarnud dhritva, 'I'his means only the essential facts have been collected, and they are put tot}ether in the shape of ?urancHj; i·�ahahharat, etc.
The formalities are as follows• You should take a vow not to have any illicit sex life. �hat means sex life should be accepted only by married couples. You should not take any�hing beyond the group of grains, fruits, vegetables• flowers, milk and milk products, and that also or.ly after o�fering to Lord Krishna. You should not accept any kind of intoxication, including drinking coffee, tea, or smoking cigarettes, chet,Iinq pan, etc.. Finally, you should not take part in any ga�bling, including so-called sports, cinema, theatre, or any such entertainme�t. Then you will have to be first initiated for chanting the Hare Rrishna Mantra under regulative principles, avoiding 10 kinds of offenses and following the above regulative principles. Then, on or before the completion of one year, you will be finally initiated. ln the meantime you will read our books like Bhaqavad � � lS �� ��chings of � Chaitan,�, Srima� BhaqavataT, Nectar 2f Devotion, etc. These books are all in.English, and in addition you should read our monthly journal, � To Godhead. You should go on inquiring about your pros and cons ideas in the matt�r of Krisrula Consciousness. Along \-Tith this you chant flare l�rishna in the assembly of friends and fa.'rJlily members regularly, morning and evening, and then Y�isnna Consciousness will becomeurevealed unto you. Krishna Consciousness is already in you--not only in you, but in every living being. Such consciousness is aroused just like a sleeping man is aroused from slumber by vibration ot soun�. Similarly, a conditioned soul !s aroused by the vibration of the Hare Krishna Mantra into Krishna Consciousness. This is the process. We will be glad to qive you all instruction on this point, providing you are serious to accept it,and to propagate it.
Thank you very much for your letter. I hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A. c. Bhaktivedanta Swami
International Society
for J�rislu1<:).. Con.sciousness
CENTL:f�: J.�3"/G So, !..:-\ C:i.OlH��Jtt. 1:-ouloW':l:"Cl Lo�; li.n<Jolor-:, Cnl:U:or.n:ta �100::14
DATE ......�\-\�Y. .•� '··· ...... . ..... . ..19.(:�.
Hy D��<r Subalc'l.(1S,
Plocwc accept: my blcss:i.n<Js hundr-eds upon hui.'lrJrc�c1!.> or t:i.r�tC::!S :Cm: yoi.:.:L succc ssful n t.tc;ilp·t. l app;.:c:.c:l.v.·;:.;; yo1.:u:· c:c�!:v:i.co v.:�):y mnc.;h. l,u;i orge�nize the centc:.::t.· in l?h:i.lodelphia v�:ry n:i.c�cly t:J:3 you hc'.VC <Jut: a gooc1 place, e..nd it Hill be 1ay plccl.CUJ.o to v:i.r..:i'\.: '\·Jhcnc�vc': tht)l' 0 :i. �::; an oppm�t.un:tty. l�m·l you \·d.J.J. have g-ood ,_u:;s:i.rYt.c.mco in t.he pc.-�rson r:: of Lal.:U:. Fumt:-<-r and Gopinat.h, and if you requ:i..r() more rr.on, you cun ask �l'c.un.:::.l Krishna unc). he H.:i.ll help you. 'l'hc l.A ccnto:c :i.r-> no'' r�pcc:i.-·· aJ.ly motmt. for tra:i.ning ckvotccs and c1ispa'i:.ch:i.n<) t1wrn :i.n diff,-)rclri:. .. ' " .. • .. ,, cJ • t' r:·
'l:.rncrev(�:C �n·.Jy CIX(:l :ccqu�:r:oo.. �-o opc�n col�.t'c:::pcm 0nco. \·lJ. -n n.:·mu.l l(r:lE-;hn<.·., and I also w:LJ.l tcJ.J. h:i.rn to ac�.>:i.ct you us fur <:w po:w:i.b).c.
Rc<j<.1.rc1in9 you:c tlr:c.::�r::·t by the pol:i.ce, it Ul:lf:: J�r:i.nl'.i.'lc•.' a cJ.��s:l.;.:-(j, so thc).t .:\.'i.: is no\J aut.hor:i.te::d:iv0ly adrr1::.t.tf�d t.hat: ,..,.c nro not. �.ruilt.y. You Cc'.n tai(C a. cert:i.f:i.ed copy of the juc.�.g-cwcnt.. �L'h:ln \dJ.l hc:lp ncY�: o;1ly yow: ccnt.cr, but o·i:hc:;.:-ccnt.Gl:s aJ.so. lt. '·dll )x� of cm·:.:··dci(;�r<.�.blo a:i.d in <Jc"t.tins_i permission frora the poJ.:i.cc. You ·tv.J�c ·th:tr.; copy :i.imllr;;di?.tc;:ly un<.l l\le.J<.c eovel.'Rl photost<:t·c cop:i.os, 0nd £Jr.;\:.'lc1 'co cvm:y con·i.:c):ar.c1 o�1c copy to rr.c. G<:d.:. l\U:-:tdunsFVJ c.tnd J�;:u:··i:<;J.H f:co;n hex-J Yol:l�. Yccp our booJ'r.: anc1 rn2go.z:tncs su.f:Cic:i.c:::nt.J.:,.' 1 a.nd rnab:� p:cope:\�i;.nc� c::. \�ou <•Xi" nou a veteran c1::;vo'C.r..""e:, so you cv.n hoJ.p o\�.hc:n:-s e1.nc1 yotn:r:;��J.f n::.cc�ly. S5.m.ply you. hu.vc ·co c::-.0cu1:c: tho princ:LpleE> vo:.:-y :r.:.i.<:J ::.cuy <:�.nd fa:i."i:.h�-"ul·ly. 'fhcm ovc.Tyt.h:i.lHJ i�: thcj:-c, a.ncl. c�lJ. r:>ucccf:;r-� j,f> r.;.i-. you.:c cc�r:)i•l��ncl, Rc��c.·x<":l:i.r:g vou t:rtl<:i.nc.:; <J. joh, :C hopo if you lYcc,pt::cly c:-=c:e!ut.c your ac"t:l-· vitie�-;, you '\·7:i.l1-havc:: no l<::ldc o:l: monGy. ln the bc:,j:i.nn:i.n<J ·t:ht:�:((l lilOY be c:� 15.t.·i:J.c� h<.'.ruch:tp, 'ht:.t. cvcry\·Jh:.-!ro :i.t hC\s �)l:ov,·.�c1. f;uccu:::.:;ful. 1 hcwc �.nfo:r:t':1<.-..t:i.on :l:ror. � Bl.�c:J·lr:.�:;.ltU'l(:a th<J.'i:. l<.H>t. n:ont:h UK;y co::.J.Qct.c<'l about. !�2,400. So nf:1::.'-':!X' nll, H: l!3 a�.J l(r:i.;:;i:r."\c.J. 'r.; money. 'dhcn Ue r;(�<..:�::; us vc:;:y faithful c:n;d ·crust.T:.�cn··chy, Ho·gives tuJ H:i.n Jt1tXrc::' foj: c·��f''.::.).JCl:i.-· tu::r:cs • Simply pr<-l�l to Kr:ishnu t:ho.t. you H•.<::q })C <:.:blc }',y Hj.f; e:('2CC to scrvC! Fi:i.r:.1 nic-�ly. Om: pray0:r:- of ·the Ec:>x·e r:,:d.sl1n.:.1 1·c..1iYi::r:-a mc:v.n;; D(Jdrcssin<_;· R2uhCJ. and I:risrn·•<:.. for b.:dng· cn�F��fcd .:i.n '::'hd.r S<:!)�v:tco. ll�\�:-e K!:-i[:hn0. mc�rw "Oh Ha:cc, Oh Rac1h.:n·<:trd.l Oh .i�:c:U..:hn:.�.! PJ.c<u;e cng<).�;·c PC :tn Yot.1.:c s'•rv:i.c:t-1 so that. :r co.n <:_!(�·(: :r.c.U.cf fn:•r:t t.h::; c:,:.:):·vice of 1-:ay<J.. �lu.ct. J.il::c a pcrr.:on .r.c�sig-i1�> from rm 5.nfc�ctor < of: r::orv.i.(:c� v.ncJ acccrri:s Cl. sup:-J:r:-5.or quc�1H:y o:C sc):-vico, · s:I.J:�:LJ.;:).t'ly, o1.u: p;:-c.;yc:c 'i.:o l�r:i.shnc.t is to �;j.ve u.s roJ.:i.of fr:o�n th� in:Er�:t.·:i.o:c
�ridandi Qos\vtuni f"""'1 f'V I (I / I · e-; .,_"' � 1 ,.. .,..... •· ,�---�� I ) II /'/. ' I ' · '· I . (./o ..1-» · �� J. V u_ _�.. L \ I r;· ' 1 \ I. r-,, I;
c_{U<-.\1i ·\:y o:: �;�.�:cv:i.ce
E.:::yD., and b"" c.:· · · <IU"•l·i�-v o·'- · to r· · 0 •_., - J,;, • o ,1.,. C.11,,., ...\,...J. J,. •J w'.,lo .,.,.;;;J ( I Sr.,·vic"' �-o ,.·c· "',... t·c "'c·· (; --• _�..,..: -....." \... ........ ,� t.: �-.J U.t...l,; ., .!�.. .-� - ) .\.... •J , pc�·J.or qual:i.'i.:y of DO:i:vic('� :i.n i(riuhna Consciou:::;nr:��;s. 1 hope {:h�L:=! 1:: f:i.nds you. :tn good hd.tlth. f\ / , , I ! I I 1 j 1 I ; -H J; 1m:, \. ,{ JthJ.lV� l·�ib'['Ltf!i r\.i�/
r_/J.C. GJJ.fiaktivedanfa $Wt;l[l1i
International Society f<?r Krishna Consciousness
My Dear Dhurijana,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 27, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. 1 can understand that you are in need of some more brahmacharies there, and I have already told Tarnal Krishna to send some devotees there. You may correspond with him immediately to make definate arrangements for this. You will be glad to learn �hat another center has recently been opened in Philadelphia, and another is to be opened very soon in Laguna Beach, SO miles from Los Angeles. Our to open branches a t to a e rad n. I think you have enough potential opportunity in your center, so go on chanting things will come out successful.
I am pleased to note that you have decided to remain as a brahmachary because it will be the most "undiverting'' for your Krishna Consciousness. Actually this is correct. If one is able to remain as brarunachary, that is first class because so much botheration of household life is immediately avoided. But Krishna Consciousness is not limited that one must be brahmachary to execute, or one must be sannyasi to e){ecute. Spiritual means that there is no conditions whatever, so in any position one may be in he can chant Hare Krishna, preach l{rishna Consciousness, and pray to Krishna to engage him more ancl more in His transcendental loving service.
I remember that when you were in New Vrindaban with me you took some photographs with your camera. Please send these pictures to Brahmananda in New York for our Back To Godhead. �n future issues we will be featuring many such photographs of our activities. l hope this will meet you in s-ood health.
. \9ridandi Qoswami
L� L ;;,
CENTER:1975 ·so, La Cienega Boulevard los Angeles. California 90034 . OATE-;.,.�':l�Y.• �t ••••••. �·· . . �····· ···· 19 .69
______.,...-�--· �-
JI.C. �fiaktivedanta $wan7i
I11ternational Society for Krishna Consciousness
Ny Dear Arundhut::i,
Please accept my blessings. 1 beg to thank you for your letter dated July 71 1969, and I have noted the contents. I }�n!l>v! you are a very sincere devotee girl , and Krishna will bless you more and more because your qualifications are quite on the standard line. It is ordained in the Vedas that a person \.,rho has sot implic it faith in Krishna and the Spiritual 1'-':aster, to such person the real import of the Vedas is revealed. I see that you are chanting very nicely, you have good service attitude; so continue this attitude. You have a very nice husband also, so I shal l be very glad if I sec both of yo11 advancing in Krishna Consciousness as you arc doing it nicely at present. Haya is som etiraes strong enoug·h to put impediments on our progressive march. But if you stick to the pr i nc ipl es of rules and regul ations and chanting, keeping faith in Kri s hna and Spiritual 1-:ast0r, then Naya cannot touch you.
At present your most important duty is to compose bool<s \·lith the help of your husbc:md. I am very much am-:ious to see that you beginthis \·lOrk as soon as possible . You have \-lritten nothing about your training in \-rorking the composer machine. I hope this will meet youing-oodhealth, Please offer m¥ blessings to your husbnnc1 and the others.
�rjdandi Qoswami
1975 So. La Cie nega Boulevard Los
al ifo
D�TE .� .. ; ...."J:uJ.y.. l.O.,. ... .. .. .. .. ......19.6.9
Angeles, C
rn i a 90034
�----·-·--·--·-- -- ..... -----�---
Jl.C. GJ3fiaktivedanta $wami
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 1975 so. La Cienega Boulevard
Los Angeles, Cal if ornia 90034
l-1y Dear Giriraj,
Please acc ept my blessinqs. I beg to en close herewith one letter I have received from your father ".rhich will speak for itself. From this letter it appears that you are a good scholar and there is very good background in your education al career. So if you wish to make progress further in your educational c ar eer , that will be a nice asset for our Krishna Consciousness l'·iovement. You have a taste for psychology and divinity studies, and this is very nice. Of course, our Krishna Consciousness 1-�ovement is on the line of divinity, and we ha ve got so many books about the science of d ivin ity. Unfortun ately these books are not yet on the university curriculum, but if you take your post-graduate studies in divinity by camparative study, then in the future we shall be able to present the philosophy of Krish-na Consc i ousn es s in comparison to other theological presentations. Actually , we are te aching the science of God; we are tea c hing how to develop our dormant propensity to love God. Be ing parts and parcel s of the S upreme, we have got an eternal affi n ity to love God. Vnfortunately , by our contact ,..,ith ma'tter \-.1e have practically forgotten that we are et ernal ly related with God. In our Frishna Consc iousness philosophy there is no question of sectarian views. Krishna Consciousness is the po st-graduate study of all relig ious conceptions of the world. 1 like the i�ea that you should make a thorough study of all theological schools, and in the future if you can expla in our Krishna Con sci ousness Fovement as the post-graduate presentation of all theological these s, then it will be a great accomplishment. You are a grown-up boy and inte'1. l igent also, so you make your pos it ion clear and do the needful •
I hope this will find you well.
�ridaruli (jos\vami �;.. ''"·
DATE .....Y\llY.. :1.0.,. ..................196.9.
JI.C. GJ3fiaktivedanta Swami ll
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 1975 do. La Cicncga �lvd.
Los Angeles, California 90034
Flease accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 9, 1969 along \o�ith your rr.oney order for !;iSO. I thank you very much for your contribution towards my book fund. I•iy next publication is going to be I·�octar of Devotion and a paperback edition of Teachinas of Lord Chuitanva. I thank you very much for your appreciation of our Krishna Consciousness .t-ovement. Except for th� Krishna Consciousness hovement, any other attempt for spiritual realization, such as drugs, voidness, impersonalism, bodily e�:cersizes of Hathayoga, etc. -- they are all something like unconsiousness under some super-intoxicant. Srila Rupa Goswami has given a very nice example in this connection. He says· that a conditioned soul remains in the slumber of unconsciousness just like a patient bi�en be a poisonous snake. In India there is a class of snake-charmers and physicians who treat snake-bitten persons with a particular type of jungle herbs. This treatment is to bring the herb near the nostrils of the patient for being smelled, and then the patient comes back to consciousness and finds relief from the snake bite effect. In our conditioned life tore are bittcn by so may types of I .aya snakes, and more and more we are put into unconsciousness of mind without any ho9e of eternal life. Krishna Consciousness is the only herb for such }aya snake bite condition. So our dutt is very responsible. Ne have to awaken so many snake-bitten patient� under the spell of l·:aya. A sincere soul like you will be a qreat help in this movement of Krishna Consciousness. I am glad that you are reading our i�haoavad Gita � It Is and 'l'eachirit:ts of Lord Chaitanva. You \vill get much enlightenment from them. Also you should read i'.a.r,Jc 'f'o c;oohcad. and Srimnd Bhacr�vatam, and surely your life will be sublime. ln the future \o�e expect you to be a great preacher of this r,ovement to the t-rorld.
, Yo r ever well-winher, � { ' l / { , 1 ; 1 l : ( (' (i ' I I ' / ' ··l' /('·� ox� �(I (: Yf. I/ I �, i . I I/ .. L . . \' '· '. . . L' \; "' , A;- c.-uhaJ(tivcdanta Swami----·-· ... I' -----------· -----·
Dear Carl Lange, DATE .......��\lY...+A •.................196.9.
I am glad to learn that you are coming to S<1n Fransisco for the Rathayatra Ceremony� and I am so much obliged to you for contributing euch month for the book fund. '!'hankino you once more. I hope this meets you in good health.
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 1975 So. J.,a Cicncga Blvd, Los Angeles, Cal i fornia 9003�
My Dear Goursundar�
Please accept my blessings. X beg to aci.;:nmy·J.eci.gc receipt of: your lett er of July 9, 1969 along '\v:i.t.h the copy of the article, and I have noted that your new address is Box 168�, Sw1sct D�ach, Hawaii. l think it is Krishna's desire that you \<lould vucat.c the :Eorm2r building and go to the hippy quar ters . Actually, Jche hippl.cn arc our bost customers. Almost all of ou.r in1portant disciple s arc r ccruited fro!;-. that group, and you arc also from that group. So act.ually uc shouJ.cl try to serve the hippy group more than others because 'chore is g1:-eut. po·tency of recruiting Krishna Consciousness c1evob3cs from them, You \'lill be pleased to knm·; that one hippy girl named Chris '\vho c0.mo to see me in your apartment is now living in our Los Angeles temple and doing very nicely. So if you rnal<:c propaganda arnon<:rst t1lc hippy group simply by our standard method; Sa:rCIJdrtc:m, reading some portion of Bhacravad �. and distributing prasadam, thsn l �un sure the <!uartor.s in \·lhich you have no\'7 sh:5.ftcd ,.;:i.ll be very rnud1 procpcct.ive. Desiclcc that, it is a beach and the atmosphere is very ni ce . So by tho Grace of Krishna do it nicely, husband and '\>life combined, 'i'hut. Hill be a good example. I '\·las so much pleased '\·li'ch Govinda D.:1si and \ol:i.'ch you also vihen X heard about her spirited preaching and your tolerance like Hityananda Pra.bhu. 1'-iay Lord Chaitanyn and Nityananda Prabhu bestoH '.l'heir blessings upon you , and dont be dctcrrccl in any circwnstanecs. Serve Krishna '\·ri th serious attempJc. Your article is very nice and gradually you shall improve. Go on v1riting. X'c is my policy to publish as many as possible of art.icles by my disciples. BTG should contain neHs of our temples, articlcrJ, pic tur e s of our activities, etc. The bunch of pictures you huvc sent have been fon·mrded to Brahmananda for publication.
Regarding E!.Q , l am so glad to learn that your ccnt.er Hill be a good distributing place. Do you thi nk tha'c you shall be able to distribute 3,000 copies? Then X shall ask Japan to deliver the copies directly to you. We are chargin g from diffcr0nt centers $750 for 5,000 copies of BTG. Sirnilarly, for 3,000 copies you have to pay proportionately, and the marginal profit \-rill be 25<� to 35rJ:: per copy. So even if you reake 25¢ profit, and you can sell 3,000, that means about $750 to r;l, 000 profit. Xf you pay $750 per month, you get 5,000 copies, and by selling only 1,500 copies you r0alize your investment money, and you have 3,500 more copies to c1istributc. So \-1e have to calculate business like that. Xf you think you co.n sell 3,000 copies, l shall notify Japan to send them directly to you.
'1!)ridandi [ios\varni Jl.c o -<1 . • • Vf78fl11
DATE .. . . . ..:J�-+.Y ..+2t .. ... . ... . .... .... 19.0�
I am ahvnys thinl::ing of Gov:i.nc1a D<.wi. Although �;he i::; young u.nr1 delicate and almost al\vays r.:uff:crirH; from so;.w aih•cnt, still she :ts �o sincer(:l dcvot<"e and spirited pr0achcr 1·hat r have nD.rncd h8)� Heroine Govinda Das!L. 1•\<:�.y Krishn2.. bless you bot.h anc1 be happy in the:! preaching HorJ' of Krishna Consciousness. Grc:t<.1ually convcr:t the Ha,·raii Islanc1s intc) l�m-1 l�abac1Hip Dharn.. I am sure you cc:.:.n clo it if you go on preaching '"1Lth the so.mo present spirit and onthu:::iiaf;rn.
l hope this will meet you in good health. Please convey my blc�cing·s to th� others.
·-· .,_ .. <:...___ ,._....-----" ---
cfl.C GJ3fiaktivedanta $wami
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER:l975 So. La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, Calif. 90034
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 14, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. Vlhen Lord Chaitanya was discussing \-lith Rcu-nananda Roy 'who is I the best educated man, the ans\·Ier was that a person who is in Krishna Consciousness is the topmost educated man. Similarly, Prahlad �!aharaj stated before his father that one who has taJ�en to Krishna Consciousness, he is supposed to be the best educated man. In Srimad Bhaqwatam also it is said that unless a man is Krishna Conscious, his external advancement of knovllec1ge has no value. On the other hand, any person who is on the platform of Krishna Consciousness is supposed to have acquired all the good qualities of the demigods. So your present engagement is very nice; neither I think that you can be better educated in the universities. Practically we find that in your country there are so many big universities, and the government arranges for educating the entire population, but still the hippies are co1ning out from the educational institutions. lt is understood that in some of the big universities the entire student body has turned to be hippies. Of course the hippy philosophy is nice in the sense that they have been disgusted \'11th the materialistic vray of life. Therefore they v1ant to renounce this stereotyped '<my of life. Unfortunately, they have no good leader, neither they have information that there is another beautiful life in Krishna Consciousness.
I am so pleased to leurn that you have taken Krishna Consciousness as the most valuable gift. One who can understand this is not an ordinary living entity, but is the most fortunate. I think therefore that in all circumstances you should steadfastly continue your Krishna Consciousness engagement, rather than joining any more universities. So far as the draft board is concerned, I may inform you that we are arranging our institutions to be recognized by the draft board. In that case all our students will be taken as divinity students. Already some of our students have avoided being drafted by this way. So that is not a problem. If you are engaged in Krishna's service, He will give you all protection from all kinds of obstacles.
E • A • I v 11-wish ft c. Bhaktivedanta Swami
'1?;ridandi Qoswami
My Dear Giriraj, DATE ......J)-11-Y.. 2)., . . .... .... . ..... . .19. fi�
r hope this will meet you in good health.
cfi.C. �fialctivedanta Swami
International Society for I<rishna Consciousness
Hy D�ar eel Chalson, Pl0�tsc �ccept my blessings. I thc:mk you very much for yom.� co."'ltribution of �200. From your previous J.ct·ter as ':Tell as thi.s lctt.er it apt)ears that vou are the ri('l"ht. ncrson to grasp the philosophy o1: K:r:i;hna Con��ci�m sness, and y(;u h�vc go+ srooc1 assoc:i.at.ion of the: devotees in Emv Yor�c. Also you are ']'iVil1Sf nice service so you have got very good opportunity. ?lease ��ead our. liter.:l.turcs care·· fuJ.ly, and try to give service to Krishna as far as possible. mK:D-4 evor you are in aoubt you can asJc rr.c, and I am at your service. Bu·i.: one point you should not miss is that this life is very important to awaken our dormant I<riclmc. Consciousness, a�1d v;e should not. rniss thi� opportunity in any circu;nstance. 'l'hat U0\.1ld be v. c_;reu.t blunder. �·Jc mus·i:. be very cautious to not fall prey to the clu•cchcs of Naya bcca\'t�e 1n '\;hi� rrat.eric\1 \·7orld r.·iaya is very prominon'c although "rish:'l<:l iti everything. t<ayn and Krinlmn il:t"e jutJt likt!l ·t.ho tJunshino Qnd dm:J�· ness r the dar}�ncas has no independent e)ci.stence Hithout thG stm. BuJ..:. still the darJ::.ness is mdsting in smne corner of the sunl:t\[ht. If \..;e therefore ah1ays :�ecp ourselves m:poscd to the open cunlighi:., there is no cause of being attac}::.cd by the darJ<ncss. If you keep yourself f:"aced to the sunlight, you will never see tho darkness, c.nc1 as soon as you turn your bc:t.cl::. to the sun, then immediately you fincJ. iri your fron'c a huge shadm'l of your m·m body. ':'his shadm·l is !·!u.y0.1 and if you turn to the sun, to Krishna, then there is no shado'I:T. 'l�herefor.e, Krishna should always be in the fron·t of us, and !·�aya \·lj.ll dic<:.ppear C�.utcmat:.ically .,,ithout. <:1ny separat.<.., titt.ontion. Yogis c:mc1 jnanis artificaially try to get. rid 6f Maya, but in spit6 of th2ir much endeavor for spiritual realization they arc still in the Kj_n(j'-dom of I�aya. 'I'he conclusion that God is im;)ersonal or that cv0ryorh.1 is God is the statement of a person \�1o is in Naya. ln other wordo, �nything \·Ihich is a set.bacl<: to the reali�u.tion of Krishna Consciou:Jness is Haya. Anyone v1ho is not in :r�rislma Consciousness is supposed to be in Haya, and anyone \'lho is in full I<rishna Consciousncst:l is out of the clutches of' r.;uya. This is the ::Jt.atcmcnts of the Vedic litcraturoa, and He chould try to unclerutund an<.J folJ.oH tho principles.
I hope this will meet you
cc;:)ridandi Qosvva1ni
CENTER: 19'l� So. La Ciencga Blvd, Los Angeles, Calif. 90034 DATE ..... ��\l.J,Y..?:?-.( ..... .. ... ..... ... 19 . .9.9
J!.C. GJ3fiaktivedanta $vvan1i
International Society for I-<.rishna Consciousness
Ny Dear Pradyumna,
Please accept. my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 22, 1969 with enclosures, anc1 I hctvc noted the con·::ents. So far us dcvanaaa.ri charac tor is concerned, you can correspond Hi\:.h Remington •rype\,7riter Company. In Indi�, in most of the government offices dcvc;�naaari type is used for corrcsponc.encc, o.n::l Remington 'I'Y.!.Jcritcr Company has got contrCJct \-lith the govcO!rnmcnt t:o supply th'.) typm·:ritcrs. So I am sure they can supply you \v.i.th u (1t_;_y_<},!?�£IOQ 'cype"�.-lriter. I am expecting this printi11g of our literature, e::::p�ciully Srimad L>haaavatam, with �nagari type and diacritic translitcrut::i.on \-Till be completely entrusted to you. So you cannot typ8 evc:r:y·thing =: rom ..:he IB!·l. That is not possible. In the IBi·'I machine you �hZ�ll do the :C:nglish \olOrk and the diacritic transliteration ,,rorl�. .3o far as the dcvanaaari type is concerned, you have to do it \·lith t.ho hr)J.p cf another machine, and either you will have to paste on the lines or adopt some other device so that they can ba joined. That !::ha.ll be the process. But if \ole publish our Sr:i.r•1ad Bhc:'.cr.§vat�I!} exf.lc·tly in the way I have already begun it, it will be a unique cdntribution. The scholars only require diacritic marks. 'l'hen it i. s all rigi1t.• 'f'hat should be very correct and standard. lf there is dcVC}J)_p.r.;�ri character it is still better. Otherwise, correct transliterations will do. So you think over this matter seriously anc1 train your wife for composing, and help her to the best possible v1ay.
I am glad that you are also holding a Rathayatra Fcst.ival. l mn going tomorrovr to San Fransisco to participate in the same RathCJyatra Festival there. We received report from New York that they have collected last weak $1,000, and they are selling at a rate of 200 copies of � daily, on \oTee}�cnds especially. I have received report also that they nr�; selling 6'0-70 copies daily :i.n !?aston ttnd collcctinc- ::50 o:c �60 on th2 averc.�gc. You:;_· CoJ.tunbu�::; cc!JLc:r .i.a vt.::.:r.:y n:i.c·::, t�nd tl·, .· plac0 you havo got is a very suitabl0 plac�. So you try to orsa:)i�� your center very nicely. Whnt did you do about tha mridunga suppJicr from Bombay as you \'lere discussing it \<Tith l·�r. Vora·"
The beads referred to in your letter hav� not yet arrived. As you recommend this boy, Jim, so highly, surely I shall chunt on them and send back to him. Last night ,.,e initiatcd here one dozen nm., devotees, both boys and girls, and they appear to be very, very nice. Last \·Tee}� also I lnitiated about seven devotees and installed tho Rac1ha-Krishna Nurtis on the 16th of July. So make propaganda nicely
�ridandi Qostvami
CENTER: 1975 So. L0. Cicncga Blvd. Los Angelos, Calif. 90034 DATE ... .. .:Tnl;y:. 2:1., . ........... .. ..•. 19.G9.
amongst the stud:mt conununity, and there is very 9ood chance of yo·:r center being developed as one of the important centers of our socict�.
Please offer my blcss:i.ngs to l�rundhuti. I hope this vlill meet you in good health,
Your ever \'JCll-T..vishcr 1
Bhaktivcdanta Swami
-..\. · --
A. C •
J!.C. �fiakjivedanta Swami
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 1975 So, La Ci�ne·ga Bl vd , Los Angeles, Calif, 90034
1-1y Dear Rupanuga,
Please accept my ble:::lsings. I am in due receipt of your t\vo letters; one dated July 8, 1969 and one dated July 18, 1969. Both of your letters \·rcre delivered to me by special air mail, Unfortunately l could not reply you earlier because l \oTas waiting for the help of others. Anl'\';ay, I have signed the certificate and sent it to !Jm·T Yor!< for counter signl".lturc of the president, entitling you as .Bhal�tishastri. The certificate was finally made a little hastily, so the printing is not to my full satisfaction. I have asked Aravinda to make a nicer copy, and if you like, we can give you this nicer copy later on. You remark that in :i:''e\-T Vrinc1aban the capacity is lacking for tal:i!"lg care of the children. If you can organize a higher level school of theology u.ndcr vr-oJ..� care, I shall very much appreciate it. In Los Angeles, although 'l.hP .r;lnce is nice, it is already almost congested.
We arc planning n1in:i.sterial status documents through the la\orycr herE;, "-nd it is almo3t prepared, 'l'hi::.: ciocm':lent \·Till b!:: submittcd to the druft board, and copies �1ill be sent to other centers for doing the neccss.:-,�y artangcments. Bh�J<tishastri is actually recognition, accepting a person that he l�noHs the principles of devotional service. In isf>ue #25 oZ BTG, page 14, under "Orgunj_zation of .Society", \-lC discuss \vhy our students must be relieved of this draft obligation. So you read this portion when you receive this issue.
If you are planning to perform the marriage ceremony for Jagadisha and La.."anir.1oni, then you must knovl the prayers to be said. I thinlc you have a copy of a tape recorded at our initiation ceremony in ouffalo, so the prayers are there. Purushottarn tried to transcribe these prayers from a tupe \...re have here, bu-t. it: was not cone ut all. So if you arc planning to perform this ceremony, then I shall send you further instructions along with a tape and \·Tritten prayers, as you require.
Regarding your question, "t·1hat: is the difference betu.rcen the spirit souls conpri sj ng the Bra"hma jyoti and the spirit souls here in Lcwa'i " , in the Brahr�ajyoti the c�irit souls on accou�t of their inperson2l v1C'.·ls are dcvo1d of a body, exactly like here in �aya there are ghosts 0ho are devoid of any g·ross bodies. The crhos\:. b�incr devoid of a bo0.v, he � Jsuffers ter.L i::..;J.y because he is unublc tc satisfy his senses. ?he spiri.t soulc in the .::sr�hr:\ajyot.i. although they have no desire for sense gratification, still they feel inconvenience like the ghost, and they fall c1m-m uguin in tho 1·!uyC1.' s atmosphere anc1 develop a ma terial bcdv. In the Bha0�vut therefore it is said t:1at persons .,.;ho are i�pcrsnnC�l-
'Gridandi Qoswami FILE
DATE ... . . V.\lJ.Y..�1..t . .. ... .. .... .. . ...19��.
ists anc1 so not develop the dormant devotional attitude:, their intelligence is not pure, because fc:c tvant of a sp:tri tuu 1 body, they co!.�E:: do\'ln agGin to the lnGttcrial Horld. lr. the Ehugavnd. gita it is clcll:rly said hy the Lord that tha only Hay of not coming buck to the rr.atcri�l world �s to be pro�otcd to the spiritual planets. For the impersonalists there is no such assurance of not falling do'\·m in the Hholc Vedic li t.c1.·uture. 1'he conclusion is thc::tt \·Ji·thout developing the spiritual body and \·lithout being situatcd on one of the spiritual planets, the so-cnlled liberation is also illusion, or it is not. con�Jlete. A spirit soul Hho falls down fro:n the Brah:-najyoti to the Kingdom of I·:aya may have n chune of associating v7ith a pure devotee::, and th�n he may be elevated to the spiritual planets of Vaikunthu. or to Golol<:a Yrindabe:m. From the Bruhrr.t;;J.jyoti there is no direct promotion to the spit'itual planets, ar1d it j_s clearl v stated in the Bhacra.vatar.1 that :;uch souls fall dm·m & natantvadhn. - �
Regarding Katyayani, it is decided that she will go to Buffalo on receipt of: the passage money. IJast night I \7as discussing- this in the presence of Tarnal Krishna, Katyayani and others. Probably they \#Till talk with you and the necessary arrangements vrill be made. l thiriJ.� she should go before l go to New York. For the present my program to go to Germany is almosc cancelled, but by the end of August l am sure I shall qo to London, and at that time I shall cro via Dmv York. So all the marriages can be performed at that time; or if you can manage yourself, you can also do that. Please inform me where is yo\lr son. Is he in 1'\ew York? One boy referred about him in a letter from Ne"\v York.
Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will �eet you all in good health.
" ' a v an i-- -
�Y Doar Xrishna Das,
l'l.:>aGc a�ct:!pt my blessings. 1 bc�g to thani< you very rnuch f.:or you�: letter d\lted "�uly 12, 1C)l)9, and ! havo notc'd t.ho content::� vnr�/ czu:ofully. 1<y first t.ha:nkr; aro ch.1o to Sl:-J.mo.r1 Cliver l·Jho lm.'1 (\ru\m thi:; Vishnu picture, and l like it V8ry much. 0\lr service to Gorl· i� �lw��B tr;::tnsccn(.1ontal. It c'loC!s not: dopcnd on anyt.h::i.n�.� rn<.lt(n·:i.<:�l. 3o thm:o Has no r�·u'l.:m to r�cccr't: tl"1i n p:tctnro <:1.n a very qoo�J rh�<.11.-1Jng by· SJ:-:LJ:�;:m Oliv0r. ;.;.1.·ishna ncccpt.<.> the !:;p:LrU.: oJ: th:'� offerinc;�, v.nc1 <tnyonc \·iho offers Him some f;��rvic0 in sooc1 dovotiona1 r�c-rv:i cop t:1mt. j c · :l.r.!rr.<��J.i.;\·::c1 \1 <lCCQpt;.cc1 bv r:rishn�). The:cc nr.·:-:� mDnv j_r.st�mC<':J in 1'-:-lhnbh'"l.r\·l :� \·Jh!r��:l. ,,. ; find.that J\.rinhna r\cclinc·cl to accop;c. 1:hc �.nvJtat.iori.-·o-f DY\t�r};o:Ji,-�no, '-:ho \·1.:-:1:;; th�n the:-�mpcror of the \·!orld, but. !-lc c:-ccetAc:e'! tho :i.nvl'..:al·.i.:)n of Vidur:-t, \vho tvo.n fumoun as a poo1.· rnan. X\: it> S<:tid "Vidurn • o lv:n:�.iclo::> of �p:a:tn," Bo our buninoaa is to offer our sinccr:o :Jn:c-.ricc:, mvJ it in ucc•�l_Yt.cd by l\.rishncl. From thc:J Ul:tintic point of v:l <�\·1 J do not. f:ind �nyth:tng t.-7rol1<J in this picture, no ho shonlc1 be cncour,:·tr;rcd t.o clri:l'tl many picturas for decorating thG temple. Jadurony wan not in tho beginning � vcr�' good pcdnto:r., but: tryj.ng to ::wrve l(rj_r.�hniJ �1h::� hr.ts b,�coiln a v,·n:·y good puint.cr. �-;e havo got tHo n:l.cc puint:r.!l::G in Lor;; /mqclc�J <:tln); �<u:._-liohar nnd Devnhuti. 1'hey havo druvm t\·JO "'"�r.y l::.:l.g picture:-::; t'oJ: t..�1c Loa Angalns tcmpla, and th�y ara very boa�tifuJ ond perfect. so cncourl:HJC Olivcr to go on paintine:.; rnorc cU')d more p:l.ctu.rN:, rmt.l 1.'1�. \>1tll b·:: W!r:y nice for tha i-li:-LI"(lburg b::;n,pl�.
I nn v\1ry much oblJ.ge>.d t.o you for your n:lco etpj:>:cnc:i.i::l.'i:.ion of ou:r. hu:nblc activ:ttiQs. J.;'hcn r thin}-: of you, u li'c.tlc� hoy, but you \·T.cl't;e flo r�iccly, as if you arc rny l:i.'l.tlu f<:tthor, So J w:i.sh l�:c·:ishna t-Tlll �r:lvc; ym.\ r;�orc und more ur.derst."!:idin<J abont t.h:tn l<.r:t.s1mn Conr:c:l.ou.::mof.->s l'·!ovc;ncnt:, �nd. you Hill l.x-:> ablo �-o �(�rvo mo,.�"" r>nd mn1�c:.� b0ant.:t·ru1Jy. I quito <tppr.·�cinh: t.h:.t ynn :fcm�:- 1:h .l-:-e; nm'l;Oly your�.:olf � J<:·.y0.c::wvind.�.�� Shlvanonc1a, 'Ei.'\1·· daJ.i J3hadra, assisted by his \\I'J.fc, Vrinc'L�li:·::mc.,;,�'m,.-,r-;;: · HJLJ bn <·1 vc�ry vcr.';t good cor:1bination to sorc:<:-:.d our movcn�c:n·c :ln G<�rw..:wy. Ot.;l." f:tr:::t :l.rii))O}:t;(\·'l�· business is to hold S:mk:i.rtan us many timer:: [�;;; po::;r-;:tbJ (�. 'l'h:� nc::.t j_:op·� ort.::.nt. business is pu::l:i.cntion ,;o:rJ,. H.cce:ni.:ly X received one; J.c::tc:c. fro;·;� Shivananda that >e :i.s also thinld.n<.:f nic(�ly to imp:covc ou.r. P'�n::1:� Ho:cl-:
I hope in the future · ·ou r.:hc:.tll be able to ot;u·'c a rcgu.lu:r. prr:•:-;r.: :i.n Gr:r:lr.any for print:ing our booJ(s and lit:.c,:.:ltut..o:::.:, l hr.1.v.;:: hc,:lrd that :\.n Ger ... r.1�ny the press mnchin ··s an� very CJOOCl und chU-4.P• 3o :1f you jo:ln�;.ly cnn think of ntu:r.t:i.nq a p::--e3s there�, thn·c vl:i.ll be n qrca-t: sL:cccsn. ;;;..J f:;J.:c a� doing busines� by �mporting Indian goode, thn£ i� n nice ideo, ]Jut it in seconda�y. We should not dcviat� much of our t.imo for uny ounin0sc m"-nipula'cions. (\ur ma:Ln bus:i.n(:::f�s ) ::; SaJruc.i.:ci:<:tn. 'iou H·:iJ.l bl! vn1�y glad to h�ar that in 8W York lust wack tl1cy colloctcd $1,000 nne cold � �t a rate of 200 !'er day on th�.:: \·wok-:md duy::;. .:.,im:l.lurly HO have: got:
i\. C. Hrli\l''f'l\/,;";;),i\h'J'l:. Sli,�.r· I 1(' 7 r. ,, • . c· .. .. . -, r l ' . . '., �: _,JOt J.•('l .. �j.:. ;OU. 1.!/.tl.,: loJ An<:_..;ol cs, C<.1l:l.:Co:r:n:i.<:"\ �1003.:!. July
22, l9G9
') ... �<)Ctc.� rc.���(Jj:-t:. :(:cc)!n r:r)r..;·�:.c..Jrl t1..!a\: t:}�2):" f..,J�"'r:� rJ<.)lJ,.:.:c::t.1.1l�f �·;:50·<i.:,srJ (1.,::\:��J.�'� ::tll(� r.�.-:�1J.5.11S� <.:.})(�\.rt. G0-70 Cc.)tJ:�.·:·:r� o:( l��-��.:. ,:.:�rJ.(t ·.-..;;J;}t ..(::. !·.: 1J;�::�:�� ·,·.�:;� I�t:..::-;; .::�.r\ (:·,.�J. �.:;;:;'f �Jr.) if: \7c.� c�r1 orc;r�.ti:i..�'.t:- t.�tlJ.. · ;:;,�--rr·�>::l.t"·i.:.t:\J.l !·,)"t.J"e::t,·\c).�--\t, ·::-�}·,::�:<'::� ·�·r:j.. .J.J. })·:: i"tC."I [;�(;;:-::�.·c:J-�.. .\: C.)j: r�ortc�r; '�c�s t: nt:;�:>t-'.l'C!c:!. S·.�•-rt: \·;c l�L(.l�/ (1() :-J{)l'·.,..-.�: 1::-tt�:;:lr!·�!;; ..�.) 'J�-t.-1.:��11 � 1;�:: �:c::.:n::).t':: f()X' 0'1'C'";����,�� (")•'-11"''"f•• : .,._..._ i-1..·: · !·· •. , ;:.· · · ,··· ,, . · -,. · L....... ...... ,.\:,;� ..�· \..,J -·'·······"'•' . ..... • ... .. .. . ... .. ,_... ,.l.t ...... • • � · .... (, · · I. J. ••1. nc:.:E� in Xr?di.::.ll qood;::, th2:i: H:L1J. nt)'L .t·;.(l <:1 v�,;:.-·y •;}<.)C)\:; :i.•.3··�··'.!. :I·i: m�':/ 'b� clot�e C\ll�v·.:::ni·�1n·i:l�� a!; .:::. :;;nco:·1<�l'!:C'}' ;.;::1-�)f;.�:r<��-<'\·:-�nt, bu·c t.hr! r.).r:iiWli�Y -::1\•�Jt(_:·c·r·�'.'�nt. cilOI�lO J:-;i.") <.:: ::: al*"o·.,·c.: r.�c��1t:i.ct·ll:;!t1. iO/.o(_• l:t_,,, . {·o (__,,.,._.,::······' ·r C". ..,., i:'�c"'t\Y'''\l !-..:· ·v·,-·.,7 rnu.c·n :•:H':":-:6: \:o - · · ·-,··.l' .... . :·�- -�.. ...."�.. .. ···:.: :·-h.. .., gc> t!-.r:.t·c.� (�r�-:.1 :>p(�ai� j,rl tlJ.e:', ·.::: })r tJJ)(�(l��s t\�it)t; ·�: t.r1��! :lJnrr:)�� :·1 �-·\{� ,::: ():f c··�, r· J::�ir,.,ll�!a Co.:.1Gc:�.ot: •.;r�<�:3�! �. .c�.'�..:t·l��:::·l·::.. [::c, ,�:r.::.: �{<..'":rL1 1l€1.\l�") :.\'��: �tJ.·! �.:i.c.J\'1\�·(l ). •., �'wu:r l�t.tc·-r· ,Jl;Cis):- 1:-c�pJ.y, you CiJ.i:1 n:r.-:t:r:m�_�,;� fo:�� m�ch rit:.��-;�::\.i'•'::•:.; i).t l•·::.'HJl: :i:o:.: (,:('1.:� J:(:n;·:h '-: ...·� ..; ·· .. 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'...J;i.11 mo:.:;:;:� yc1.1. :i.n r;:oo-J. hc.�J.\:.�:•___,__..# __________.. . .... . . .....�-----"· �.....--· .......... . ....�-�--�·-·· ..� ·-· ............ -.
JI.C. �fiak.tivedanta Swami
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 1975 So. La Cie�ega Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. 90034
Hy Dear Prahladananda,
Flease accept my blessings. l am in due receipt of your letter dated July 21, 1969, e::nd I ltave noted the contents carefully. I am very pleased to learn that you have been nicely assisting Rupanuga, and now the Buffalo center is gradually becoming very successful. It is very encouraging. It is a fact that ,.;herever we go, if 1t1e simply let the people he� our chanting and if we repeat what we have heard from the bonafide Spiritual Naster, then surely many, many sincere souls will become attracted to our movement. This is because Krishna Consciousness is lying dormant in every living entity, just li�:e fire is dormant "'ithin a match, If "'e simply strike the match, th?n ·�he fire within '\Plill come in blazing light. Our method of str�king the match is Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare. This vibration is sufficient to awaken the sleeping spirit eoul to the fact that Krishna is there, and if we try to remember Him al\vays �nf'l spread His message of .!?_hc>.cravad Gita, then our life becomes perfect ana "c are perfectly executing our position as part and parcel of the Lo.cd. So if you let all the residents of Buffalo hear the sound of Hare Krishna and read our literatures, then there will be the greatest all-around benefit. This past wceJ<end in San Fransisco there ;.ras a gigantic Rathayatra Ceremony just on the order of the one held at Jagannath Puri, and at least 10,000 people were chanting and dancing along with us in full transcendental ecstasy. The boys and girls of .1\rcterica are generally good souls, that is \o7hy they have t�en birth in such a nice country, and now they should make perfect all of their opulenccs by engaging everything in Krishna Consciousness. This will be the finishing touch for all the nice qualities found in the American people, In New York I understand that-they have sold 3,000 copies of BTG in just t'l.·m \>leeks, and I understand that in Buffalo you are also selling � very nicely. So please continue in this 't·lay and your success in life is assured. As Kri shna saes that you are working very seriously to bring His other children back to the Spiritual Kingdom, then He will become very pleased and will bestow all blc�sinqs upon you. Krishna is never ungrateful for our �:forts to serve Hirn, rest assured. Regarding your question about Bhava 3:1akti developing into Prema, this is covered i� our book, Noctar of Davotion, and there is no necessity for you to trouble yourself over such advanced topics at the present time.
Please convey my blessings to you in goou haalth. (over)
�ridandi Qoswami
DATE ..... t-1UlY.. .4g,., . .. . ...... .. . ... 19.Ei�.
Jf.C. GJJfiaktivedanta Swami
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER:l975 So. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, Calir. 90034
DATE.....July.. 3.0.- .. .. .....•........19. 69
My Dear Yoland,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 26 July, 1969 and your nice poems, and I have read everything carefully. The poems will be submitted to Hayagriva, the editor of Back To Godhead, for his consideration for publication. I am very pleased to learn that you are now living at the Montreal temple, and this association with devotees of Lord �rishna will help you to advance further in Krishna Consciousness. You have asked me, "Could you accept me as your student until eternity?" Ny reply is that you may discuss this matter with Jayapataka, wr� is in charge there, and if he agrees, then you may submit your beads to me through the mail. Also, there is some possibility that I will be going to Germany sometime in August, a nd in that case I will be stopping in �ow York. So if you are able to meet me in �ew York, then the ceremony could be performed there.
You have asked the question, "What is the difference between a Mayavadi philosopher and a Krishna Conscious person?" The answer is that the Hayavadi philosophar has only imperfect knowledge of God, whereas the Kri shna Conscious person can understand Krishna fully. The example is giv�n that a person may know about the sunlight, but that does not mean that he knows about the Sun God within the Sun planet . Within the Sun there is a Sun God, named Vivaswam, and his body and the bodies of the other inhabitants are made of fire. It is the heat from these firey bodies that gives warmth and light to this universe. So if someone knows something about the sunlight, it does not mean that he has knowledge about Vivaswarn. Similarly, from Xrishna's Spiritual Body there is the emanation of the Brahrna effulgence which pervades the entire universe. The Mayavadi philosophers are trying for knowledge of this Brahma effulgence, but even if they are able to merge into this effulgence emanating from Krishna's Body, that does not give them perfect knowledge of the Source of everything. This Source is Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So both the �ayavadi philosopher and the Krishna Conscious p�rson is seeking spiritual advancement, but the Krishna Conscious man is higher because he is going to the Source of everything, including the Brahma effulgence. I hope you will understand this nicely.
1 am very pleased to note that you are chanting 25 rounds daily. Please continue in this way, :1nn more and more Krishna will be pleas-
intelligence to
'1;ridandi Qoswami
c/l.C. �fiakfivedanta $wami
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 1975 So. La Cicncqa Dlvd. LOS Angclez, Culif. 90034
l·iy Dc.J.r Subu.l,
PleClsc accept my blossings. I <:tr.'l in due receipt or your letter dntccl July 26, 1969, and I have noted the contents Hit.h pleasure. I am gl«d to learn thu.t the l"hilv.d�lphia.ns nrc quid::l\' t::tking Go:-nc interest in our i\rinhna Consciousness I<ovcment, and you nrc sin1pl�' stnnding on the corner ,.,c"'ring robes and the people come to ,_-mrchnsc cot,ics of � 'i'o Godl)y1!_d. So if you can continuo in this H<•y, letting them h�ar your chc:mtin�r nm:l sellin<J LlU£:1..;. 'l'o �odh8ucls, then nll GUcccss is autorn<J.tic.:.ll�, tl1cre. I rcmC"bcr th.:lt my Guru l· aharnj would often sEmd young boys out to sell litc�rnturc of l(ris'im.:. Consciout:ness, nnd if they Hould come baclc having sold only a fcvr insucs, Guru r·iaharaj Has very, very pleaned. l·1Q\.,r you report that vou hv.vc sold 300 issucn of H<:1cl<: :co Goc1� in just n fcvr days, so I }:r�o't·T that Guru I ;Clharaj :is very, very pleased \·rith your 'vorl{.. Actually, in all of ou r centc�rs our :;)amJdrtnn :Pnrty and l<rishn.:� Connciousnoos 11tcrnture i:;; bocominry more and more popular. Pcrhapr.. you have heard thnt Drnhln.ananda han already m41c'le nrrnn�rcmcnts to incre.:1se the number of cot;ics prin\:ed from 20,000 to 25,000. 'rhis is all very encouraging, co cnntinue to increase your aales of � 'f.'o Godhead as far as possible. You are a serious worker, and Krishna will ret-lard your efforts v;ith success.
'l'his t1onday I ret.urncd from Sun J.:.'ransisco Hhcrc ·thcv performed the H.athayntrn ceremony, nnd it \·ms tremendously successful. '.£'here vrcre about 10,000 people ,.,rho joined us for the day, beginning from 12:00 in the aft-ernoon, and las·tina till around lOrOO at niqht. All thrm.HJ�l the duy these people we1:c feeling the bliss of !(ri!>hna Consciousness through chanting, dancing tal::inq l�ru.sadllm, wat.chin9' pul:)pet stories about i'rishna, and hcarinl} us speak on Bhacravad �· 'l'he local papers printed nice pictures and stories .J.bout our J?cstivnl, nnd '1.-inon \>le have them reprinted X vrill send a copy to you. ?lease offer my blessings to the others, and continue in the nice way you are doing no\or.
l hopo thio will meet you in good health.
·Your ever
'7?}ridandi Qos·wami
DATE ......�\l.l:Y. .•��'· ........ •.... ...•19.6.�.
Jf.C �fiaktivedanta Swami
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 1975 So. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, California
My Dear Lilavati,
Please accept my blessin<JS, I thank: you very much for your letter dated July 23, 1969 and the photographs o£ your little daughter. 'j:'htsephotog:caphs 'i.·lere so nice, and I Has ve):y much englac1clenec1 to sec how jolly Subhadra is. You write tlBt she is already very ent.husiastic about Samk:i.rtan Party, so train her up very nicely. If such a pious child is trained properly as you and l�urari are doin<J, then surely she Hill play a very Horthy roJ.e in our society and in helping to inprove the vTOrld concUtio:1 by t:hc propaga'c:i.on of Krishna Consciousness. It is not unusual that a little child is often very jolly, but in the material situation this jolliness passes very quickly. But in Krishna Consciousness, because the spirit soul is by nature very jolly and blissful, this jolliness only increv.ses more and more as the bliss of serving- Krisl1na. incr<'�ases more and more. So 110':7 your daughter has a very good oppor-tunity to maJ�e :final solution to her bir'chs in the material vTOrld, so keep her very nicely. r�ishna Hill be J�:l.nd upon you for th:Ls.
J: ccm understand th0.'c you are feelin�r for a pJ.aymate for your child, In Kew Vrindaban we were thinking of having such place for mo.ny children, but at t.he present i'l: a.ppears to be di:0ficul·t because there is no sufficient l'".ccomrr.oclations ·there. I did not exactly folJ.0\·.7 Hhc.t you meant about :Lnadequacies in the editj_ng of Ehacr�3..
G:i.'c<'� A:-::: _!"t. 1�. HG are planning to pr:i.n'c an enlarged edit.ion of this boo:�, Hi·i:.h purports to each and every verse. The J:.oo�� Has abri0.ged due t.o the requcs'c of t.be ;.��•.cmill5.an Cor;�pany, but l am not su'.:::.isfied vlith t.his, so \1C uill print. the cornple-t.e ·v1ork in an unabridged edition. j: ara pleased to no'ce that �rou are t.h:l.n}::ing of openin�r ne\'1 centers and you consider South Indiana t.o be a <,:rood place. For starting new centers and for suggestions in this connection you should 'i.·7ri·te to 'l'm11a.l J{rishna because t.his departr:lCiTl: will be entrusted to him in the matter of supplying men, etc. I have also very much apprc3ciated your poem at thG end of your lett::e:r.. It is very nicc1 and I v.'ill have it. subm:i.tt.ed to Hayagriva for consideration of publication in B�t'G
Pl0ase of:Eer my bless:!.ngs to meet you in good health.
the others. I hope this will
. 7;5ridandi Qoswan1i
DATE .. . ...LlPJY...�? ,\ L . . . . ... .. .. . ...19 .C?;J.
2> �- - l>lJQ)_,:,t.:i-Y.9.£:1<::m·:::.a ::::Hami
cfl.C. GJ3fialqivedanta Swami
Founder-Acha.rya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 1975 So. La Cienega Blvd. Los Anqeles, Calif. 90034
I·ly Dear Hayagriva,
Please accept my blessings. I <::.m in due receipt of your letter dated July 22, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. The money matters dealings are somC\vhnt an embarrassment to me. I do not know what they have paid and what you have received. The best thing is as you suggested that the girls who are there may come back to Los Angeles. I h.::1ve asked Tarnal also to write them. If Tarnal is not sending their �oney, he should look after their comfort, and the best thing would be that you ask them to come back to Los Angeles, \·li thout any hardshi ps and burdens on you. You taJce care of Girish and Birbhadra nicely, and I shall ask Sheelavati to send the money directly. Yes, Kirtanananda i·iaharaj is not very much in favor of Hara 1\::.rayan, so for the time being I am not - asking him to retu1n to New Vrindaban. He has done very nicely here in the Rathayatra Festival, and it was very successful in San Fransisco. I shall send you later on the reprint pictures published in the local newpapers, �nd you will be glad to learn that about 10,000 people participated in this function. The procession was taken along about an 8 mile distance, and the people followed all through, simply chanting the Hare l�ishna �·iant.ra. This was a unique sceno in this part of the ,.;orld. SQr.\e of the Christian-minded people becrune airnost envious • and I have received some anonymous letters. ��aybe as our move:r.ent increases in volmne the orthodox s�ction of Ch�istia�ity may be envious of our successful march. J t�ink you should collect �orr.e information from the Bible that . Samkirtan, chanting of the Holy Na:�.es of C-od,· is recommended there also. Tl1ere is a book·-called J�nad.C'ln Gosnel in 'tthich it is stated that Lord Jesus Christ lived inthe te:mple of Jagannath. �vithout being His devotee, how<:j��ld he live there and how the authorities could allow a non-davotee to,..there? Frorn that booklit appears that Lord Jesus ·Christ lived in intimate relations with the priest order. So c. s far as possible, you should prepare yourself for future writings '.. \at our movement is not against the philosophy of Jesus Christ, but i� is in complete collaboration with his line of religiosity. Actu&lly, we dent decry any religious tl--:e world, but we are simply adV:)Cating that people· should lea,rn t.o J.ov� God by follmdng their religi:.us principles. If one is not fortL'nate to be learning hm.r to love God, then his religious principlea are slmply fanaticism, without any value. We are presentlng the Sdme thlng practica.:�ly by which one can learn very quickly how to love God, and tiv:n hls life becomes sublime. So our process is a system:, follm·ring 'i·:hich any man from any religious sect may come and join and learn hoh" to love God. Net.; you should thin�< 1r-:t Mi�.9�
�rid;;ndi Qosit /an1i
DATE .. . . .. .'!��'!. .. ��! ...... ... ...... . 19?.�. Fill
k:livedanta �-::ljlr1J
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 1975 So. La Cie:ncga Blvd. Los Angeles, CHlifornia
DATE . . t,lJ(rUSt.2, ........ ........ . 19G�-
Ey Dear Goursund�r,
Please accept: my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 30 July, 1969, and I have no'ced the contents C<;l.rc:fully. I ar:: aluCJ..j'S encm.:ra.gccJ. to learn of the nice ac·i:i vities of our Ha\·mii Iskcon as t'i1ey C:fO oD t.mder your direction. These concerts \'lhich you arc at·tcnding \ITill r:o'c go in vain, because all o£ these people 'l:l!io are nm1 hearing 'chese �Tibrations of ;��v..re Krishna ;-. 1antra >·Iill be gradually coEd i1<?- to our ce�.r:!p of �<rishrw. Consciousness. This is the Vedic process that. sirr::)lv bv sound vibrctions there \·Iill be the reaction of spiritual benefit.- And for all of these people Hl1o are joininq you in chanting c:�nd helping you in your vurious activities, for the� Yrishna has shm·m I-Iis Spcciu.l Lcrcy, and it is to be understood that Krishna Hill g·uide t�1em rr.ore and more to return to Him again in 1-:iis Spia:-itual l'.bode, Coloka Vrin.da�Jan.
i-�egan5.ing the dif:ficultics you are having becau se of the police stopping your chanting· in the streets, \vhan Subal \'las arrested in Philadeophia for this sarne reason the judge declared him as "not 9uilty" Hhen he learned of the nature of our rr.ov0..ment and the purpose o:C our collec'cing. Su:Dal has testirnonial of this " not guilty" verdict as declared by che judg·e, so if you think it Hill be of help to you in 'J • • • � t' 1 . .r.: h . '-. . J.. •• gec.c.:'-11? per"•�:tssJ.on rror:1 nc po J..ce .Lor c" ancJ..ng on ... ne s·crcel..s, 1:nen you may •-.rrite to Subal for a ::erox cOJ?Y of this testimoniv.l. ::�e9arding· your order of 3'J'G, on such rnu.ttcrs you should negotiate Hith �aiilal J<r:i.shna. Dut or�e thing is that He are nmi' stel_)ping up publication from 20,000 to 25,000 per month, so \ole nust like"Ti�>e stei> up our sales on Sc.Lr:'kirtu.n Party. In Philadelphia, Subal has reported that sin,;?ly by s·cunc1ing on the street corners ".rearing our robes, automatically mc..ny, r.:\any people co:-:.1e up to enquire a!1d purchase .B'l'G from tne::n, and they are selling al::-out 80 copies per day. Ly Guru i·iahara j alt:;ays st.ressed the iEportance of distri:butir�g triis Frishna Consciou.sness 1., -• -1-t � "t - ''J D • J.. cer�-curc, so ..ry -o co 1. 2s rar as possJ..D .c. ,cgarcung your o::>taining a neu ternp]_c, and your ideu for your:::elf, Govinda Dasi, Bal<:!bhadrc� and '.I'uryadas to �fO to '.l�o)�yo in Dcceraber, on such matters you may consult Hith '.C<:ur:al :<:rishr:.C\ in J..�os Angeles, because he hu.s agreed to take charge o:E org·ani:::ing 'c'iais c:.spect of our movement. Bu·t 1 do not knovr hm·.r you are plt.�nning that t.i1e HaHaii branch \vill be maintained if so many impor-t:v..nt. DC:c;bcrs leave for 'l,okyo. Just today I learned that in about one rr.onth Sucl.arr.a and Bali Nardan v7ill be leaving to begin this Japanese center, and Sudama has already arrv..nged for free tickets for ther.1 both. So you rouy open correspondence to
�ric/an r;ns1van�i
eJ Ct .L L
cfl.C GJ3fia
discuss this with Tamnl Kr i shna . }:y idea is that you �ay not �ivert your a'ctention to 'ro:�yo a.t this time. Your responsibility in Eauaii is very great, so mc:.:(e it Hell-established first of all. Then you may try for anoth�r center. For your sell i ng STGs there is noreaso� for you to be strain ed. Whatever you ca� do conve�icntly is all right . I have receivecl information from the United Shipping Corporation that the !·;urtis are cor••ing fro�·.1 Calcutta r. H��t«&!..-
l am glad to leQrn you have perfonned the Guru Purni�a Ceremony by Rirtan ; that is all right . But this Guru Furnirea is generally p2rfornec1. by the rayavadi sects. 'I'he idea of Guru Purnima is to offer gr atitude to the Spiritual }:aster by the disciple once in a year. That is called Guru Pu.rnima. So far as ue are concerned, Goudiya Vaishnavas, we offer all of our gratefulness to the Spiritual Master on His Appearance DclY Ceremony, called Vyas Puja. So kirtan is our da ily function; ':lhatever you have done is all right, but actual -...;orship of the Spiritual }�aster will be done by all of my disciples on t' -'=th - -'= � J ' • t d -.._ J • ne aa.y 01: .::>epc.em.oer, JUS one ay arl..er anar�as�.-n.n
I a1n pl eased to note that you have performed at certain "yoga" groups in the area, and already you are making a nice dent in their Haya, as they are now pre ferr ing the !'<�aha J.i.antra to the chanting of Om. 1'1ct.ually, this chanting of Orn is also a bonafide form of meditation, but as vle learn f rom Vedic li terature and f.ro;::� Chai tanya. Mahaprabhu, the chanting of �are l�rishna is the prime benediction for this age, and it is the authoritatively recorrmended means of Godrealization . Also, I am very encouraged to learn that you have your o-vm rad i o sho-v.r for one hour every Sunday morning. Here in Los Ang·eles I have so many tapes of my singing prayers, chanting neH tunes of Hare Krishna, playing mridunga, and purports to prayers. So if you thinl< that so�ne of these tapes \·Jill be ni ce for your program, I '.vill have copies made of some of them and have them sent to you.
Please convey my blessings to Heroine Govinda Das � . Yes, it is nice if she can drm·l pictures for 3'.I'G covers. She may ask Brahma�1anda -v:hat pictures \vill be required for upcomj.ng covers. £>ut as she is still sometimes feeling \·leak, she should not tire herself out in this connection. Please convey my blessings to all of the others.
h. 'c. Bhakti vedanta S\·Tami
cfi.C. GJ3fiaktivedanta $wami
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
1-'lease accept my :t..:tessinc;s. 1 b�£? to thank you for your nice letter :-:!.:-•ted Julv 13, l�G9, but J�ailed on ..July /.9th, and now it is in hand. :.t can unoerste.ua trore your letter that you are a quite fit soldier tor fiqhtinq \-lith ,, aya. Our i<.ri shna Consciousness l.ovement is a dcclarntior cf war aoainst th� activities of t,aya. The real description o� :·.a,,a is r:ivcn ir. a Vedic literature called t·:arkendya Purana in t:1e chapt0r Chandil�a. cnanuilca is anotner name of the external energy called , c:va.�is Cha.ndiRa is d escribed there as the Goddess who is putti r:c' '111 r.ondit.ior;0d souls in C:a.!:"(l��ss. lr� this material world, everv li�inr entit�· is un�er th� sccll of this Chandika, almost asleep in oar ... �-e3S cyf knm·.rlec-1-J�. i:.•Jcrv li•;:inr entity is �art and parcel spirit soc'., !.:'<t in cor.ti�·�t ,Tith: a�m i-t... has developed different types of con;.;;::io���ness, ::-1�:a·es�rtnd hv v.-:.rietics ot bodies, beginning from the a.n1 nt.i.cs and s;oiL("f t.('l the t::o··lie� of -.:·�eriicro<is iP higher planet s. '\'lie;.�P. djf::h:�ren t or�d ..�s of t·oc1ies r!re <1evclopin� in terms of diff erent crr<"de;; of ("'Onsriousnoss, ar:cl consciousnes::> is the symptom of life • .·11-.en the c:or;::>('im.:sn!:?�s cones to t.he point ot .r�rishna, the Supreme l·E:rsonality of Co•:�h�-�ar., tl"lfnl lJ.fe t·ecor.-es perfect ir. its original condi ti:m. 'h<?.refore, in a ser:SP. this i.'r:ishna Consciousness i·.ovement is declarir'1cr war ac--ain3t CilancU::&, H .c- :.a!: l<ept the livincr entities under her ::>0ell. r.::hanclil�::. • s rirst spell is to ;11r.tY.e us identify ourselves With t!II-'"'!SC H:Flteri:'ll r�or;citiOI1Uo .:·:·st: 1j_1;e ;> livir�cr er.tity, because i1e is --.Gr�J "lr,d l;ro·: •,� •.:o ir. t:.:��'!ri···t,·: cor'l�ition, he thir.ks hi.mself as .MJ�E'r.i;.:m, 2if,tiJ;:�rl'-'• otl-, ; .r.s c"·r tt;ir.'.inc:- they are lnd ians , or Canadians, or ·1·re:1c"1, '::n'_�. sc .�> � 1�• ·-�_,al� ,.· , o�ir. is i-:::;ne of these r.aterial designatior.s, ;...,:� •1(:! j_s j· ''"re . ::i�•m.::•. r:,,;1B-iou.-:'nc:ss, no\v covered by the spell \)� r;r,.-f!"••.. i,:g's e11cr:-r·,. ,,1· ":.he �· ...tt.:�l-i.�l e�.er':�·,.· •
.:>c.; ,_o,.::r .-n·oCtr;l · , • }:�eninolv li'�.c r·i.!.:i.tarv men, r.tilrching with the r�.:-.r� ;·-.rj:;r:n�• ;·:?nt!.·�� ,::;loc��:. iE vt.r': :rv��� €r.•�ouri1cino to :ne. I am ah-1ays cJ.ce:n,;ii..:. o··· ;:. ·.-�orl•' .;;.;·::irt.·:\!' � : 1�t.: vour i-iea of n·arching 300 solj��T.s fa �.!. �·.·:r r:L": -.• ,_�·rl.:i •-15tl' tl1c- .c-.r•.· .'rish.::� 1.2ntra is almost in fulf·Jll,r,F;;t ot n:v :!-..:· �o::-... .:.rc1 it vot.; .... !1-:l:..; ,-.c ir: t·his Gdver.t ure , certainlv vo1., ·,yi_ Ll r.,•: ,�:_·_•:·-:. :•r;-',·.t. ···.�·.- 1 r1·· �crvice tv t:he humonity and there! :r(' ::t":is:�Ji4�L: . :_-� ... "' : � ::--lso.
t··,.- ;;r. t.n�l: '-'• •. �--,;:: int•?":e.3t<�d in Indian philorr: .;.::i�' '1':1:-:u;,.· �; r.')I;:7W!"'nr.( , ..::::���t.!]_!:a �Ut!� iS the • 2.�- . :=a ! t ..�. _,: 1:�' . .. . ·n� . ; .c :, V", _!-!.2 is t.loe ''r<::J:irr.i nary study of
FILE {;ridandi Qoswami
CENTER:l975 So. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. 90034 DATE . i.U.C)\J.St ..�.�..... .. ... ........ 19.69
Srimad .3haqavatam. In the Y�haoovad Sita we understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, as tic is explaining Himself. We cannot understand the position of Godhead l•y our mental speculation because God is beyond our mental, bodily and speaking capacity. But when we are sincere in service mood, just li}�e Arjuna, who surrendered himself to Krishnu, then we are .:�.ble to u:-"·;erstand \vho Krishna is. Arjuna understood i<rishna a1:tcr h·C!.J.rina t:�c i.�:.a'javad Gita submissively that Krishna is the Sunreme Absolute Trut:.1, the Snurce of e�rything, the Supreme .Purity and th� Supreme Person. He also confirmed that Krishna is accepted as such n::>t or.lv by hi1:1, bet also by other great authori tie SJ such as Vyasajeva and l,arada, who propaoated the philosophy of Vedanta and S rirnad !�hacrav<:!ta� all over the universe.
'l'herefore, i\rishr.a Consciousr.ess is al so a sort of fight J but not with rifles. Our weanon is kurtals. In this aqe there is no need of fightinc with rifles because the J..""'Opulation is so poor that they are already ;cilled by so many di �turbar.ces. 'J'hey are short lived, poor in knowledge, slac� in advancement o� spiritual life, unfortunate, and e��arrassed by so 1�anv niscrable conditions of life; like war, famine pestilence, poverty ai)d so on. So to kill these persons by rifle is like brinaiuq a canon for killina a mosquito. So Lord Chaitanya introduced this fightino orinciple of S amkirtan r:.ovement to reclaim all the fallen souls, who co nsist of so-called philosophers, half-educated scientists, misguided cducntionists ano a niscreant society. If you can consolidate a �arty of soldiers as (Jescr i bed by you, chanting Hare Kris hna !-�antra and clairdno evervone of then to Krishna Consciousness, that \tlil1 be a glorious tas��. and you have all of my good wishes for you for this purpose.
Your guestiof: about not chanting while attending class is also welcome. 1 dont mind if you ao not -.:hant Hare Krishna Hantra, but if you kindly sit dm-m while chanting is acing on, and if you simply hear with attention, t�at .....,ill al3o 3ct. vlantina to become Krishna Conscious is also as qood as being in a state of Krishna Consciousness. There is no actua i difference ; Lut the difference is onlv iust like the differcnce bett..;ecn orenr. �nangocs an,l fully '.(ipened . mangoes. The ripened mango is not a scn<1rate manoa, }··ut. it is another condition of the green mango. So if tl1e oreen �an�o is pro�Erly taken care of, it will surely come to the st:ac;rc of the ripened rr.ango. 'rherefore , as a mango, there is no differen�e bet\·reen the t,.,o stages. So far as your dress is concerned, that is in�aterial. But as a soldier you know that every soldier has qot a uniform d ress accor:.'linc} to the army etique tte of re9ulation. 'fheretorc, the arnv o:. i�rishna Consci ousness must have at least the tela}� on the foreh e ad in all conditions. For your business you can wear yollr r..:1val servi c e uniform: similarly, if you have telok on �our forch0ad as a soldier of �ris hna Consciousness, you may not have so much ob_i.-:>r:·tion, bec.,use it is essential . Your ideas are great, ar.d your ei.fi-.:icncv is �;,,,_ll.,u;)le. The best thing would have been if vo� could r:�10 her� and liv� with me at least tor·a week. We
,t.l{. � • . FILE 2.
JI.C. �fiaktivedanta Swami
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 1975 So. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, Cal. 90034
�y Dear Rupanuga,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you very much fo:c your letter of August 3rd, !969, and I have noted the contents carefully. In further reference to your question about the form of the spirit soul of the conditioned living entity , there is a spiritual form ahvays, but i.t develops fully only "'hen the living entity goes back to Vaikuntha. This form develops according to the desire of the living entity. Until this perfectional stage is reached, the form is lying dormant like the form of the tree is lying doxmant 1n the seed. Regarding the higher school of theology, according to the Vedic system it is not at all difficult. The students are taught by the Spiritual Vaster, or the teacher, and the students thems�lves go from door to door for begging alms, and because everyone • ·; !"=-:""' j s in the ashram, nobody declines to give alms. So there is no financial difficulty at all; but I do not know what to do in your country. There are so many lav1s. �'/e have to ad just things to t�e circumstances. I think as soon as our institution becomes fonnal, as Tarnal v���hna is doing through the lawye r, it will be easier to start a rheo1oJical school.
Regarding Krishna Devi's proposal, that is too immature now. We have to see the boy's tendencies first. This will be judged when he is at least 16 years old. Before that, up to the 15th year, he should be given all sorts of education and training as brah�achary. He cant impose anything from so early age, because ':Then he is grmvn up he may not like the idea. So all thj.s co11templation is premature. For the present your duty is to make him healthy and strong, physically and spiritually. Of course, if our I�ishna Conscious children are to marry, the marriage must be performed within our group.
I am very pleased to learn of your nice progress in Sa�<irtan and BTG sales. In every temple we are seeing great success in these areas. It is also encouraging that your course is again apprcved in the university, and I have full conf idence in you to do your duties very expertly . I h0pe this will meet you in good health.
�ridandi Qoswami FILE
DATE ..... _J��g-��!-.. ?.t:-hL ... . .... ·� . . 19.E?�
To His Jioll.ne8a Svami. B.s. �Haharaj
Revered Sr1pad.Bleq�tMaharaj,
Kindly aeeept: my humbl• o�iaances. I bee} to thank you very much for }'011%: �etter dated 9th July, 1969, postmarked � Bt.h� Auqust, 1969. I see th1a letter vas addressed t:o me .in New Vrindaban• and .from there it was redirected to Los Angeles. I wulerstand that yxru ad�essec.t another letter to me dated 6th J.une, 1969 addressed to my �ew Vr1� aMreQ,. but 1 cU4 � �ve that; letter. PJ:Dbably J;t 1a JB1e.s1ftCJ• I was expecting your reply of my �etter <a:l May 23rd. 1969• and I am so glad to receive your letter in lland. :t have also gone through tm. Memor•n4um oL Articles of Association of your MJ.se1on and particularl.Y sean the speci�!c portJ.an �errec! to 1n your letter under �Y· :.t sea it is t,n order. but aJ.mU..arly. we have al.8o 1ncorpora.tacS our International Society� Krishna CDnlJd.ouan- purauant to the reliq1ous corporation lava or the st.Atft of lllev York.
The ma1.n purposes of thie 1nst1tut1on are aa follows amongstl othersa 1} To systematically propaqat1! sp1r1tual lmaw�edge to society at larqe and to educate all peoples in the techniques of spiritual life in order to check the imbalance of values 1n life and to achieve real unity ana peace in the world. 2) To propagate a consciousness of Krishna as it is revealed in the Bhagav�dGitg and Srimad Bhagavatam. 3} 'l'o bring the members of the Society together with each other and nearereto Krishna. the prime entity, and thus develop the idea• within the members and human!ty at large that each soul is part an4 parcel of the qual!ty of Godhead (Krishna). 4) To t�ch and encourage the Samkirtan movement. conqreqational chantinq of the holy name of God as revealed 1n the teaching'S of Lord Sri Cha1tanya Mahaprabhu.
So praeti.cal.ly there 1.s no difference of opinion 1n our adaaionary activit.iea• especi.ally because we all &re. deriving' if'&p,tration from His Divine Grace Prabhupa<! Sr11� B�siddhant:a Saraswati Goswam1 MaharaJ• X think all� our Godbrothera are 4o1"9 the same m1ss1.onary aet.iv1tiew vithout a doubt. but st.1.U the reg-rettable fact !a we are doinq all separately• not 1n conjunction.
21st. 69
I have also read specifically your articles on the matter of acharyas, wherein on the 14th Paragraph I see the acharya shall be entitled to nominate in writing his successive acharya. But we do not find any record where our Srill Prabhupad nominated any acharya after H�. Different persons have interpreted on this point, and every one of our Godbrothers are acting as acharya, so this is a controversial point which I do not wish to enter into while we are proposing for cooperation. I think now we should cooperate fully for preaching the Mission of Srila Prabhupad. He very eagerly desired that the message of Lord Chaitanya should be preached all over the world. About 40 years before, Sripad Bon Maharaj, guided by our senior old Tirtha Maharaj were sent to London, and perhaps Gaudiya Mission was established at that time. Since then, activities in foreign countries was practically stopped altogether. Although I was intimately connected with the Gaudiya Math institution, I was a householder. But when I first met His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupad, He instructed me to preach in the foreign countries, but I could not do anything tangible on account of my family attachment. So after taking sannyas in 1959 I prepared myself for coming to the foreign countries. As soon as three books were ready, Srimad Bhaqavatam, I started for New York in 1965. This was out of my inspirition in re�eipt from lrila Prabhupad, and it appears that my attempt in the foreign countries has become successful to a greater extent. By my personal attempt I have established preaching centers numbering about two dozen, beginningqfrom Hamburg to Tokyo. I think if my other Godbrothers would have attempted similarly, preaching centers would have been established all over the world by this time. Therefore, I wish that Gaudiya Mission should send their preachers and establish different centers in different parts of the world. That will fulfill the Mission of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj.
I know there is some difficulty in the matter of getting the passport and visa for preaching in foreign countries at the present moment, but if the Gaudiya Mission decides to send their representatives in all other parts of the world, I can help them in this matter. Similarly, I would also expect cooperation from all our Godbrothers in the matters where I require their help. This mutual cooperation can be established immediately. Apart from the point of the acharya question, I think everyone is working in his individual capacity. That may not be disturbed at the present moment, but if we concentrate our energies for spreading the message of Lord Chaitanya all over the world, that will be righ misiionary activities on behalf of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupad.
I thank you very much for inviting me to your head office in Calcutta for heart-to-heart talk and discussion. I shall be always glad to abide by this suggestion, but the thing is if I go to India, it will cost me at least Rs. 25,000 to go and come
back. In this old age, wherever I go I take with me one personal assistant. This means if I go to India, I will have to take my secretary, and that means two return tickets also, as well as other expenses. But if something is tangibly understood on the line of cooperation, it will be not difficult for me to go and see the acharya of the Mission for the final decision.
I am going to Germany the day after tomorrow via New York, and therefore my next address will be c/o Internationale Gesellschaft fur Krishna Bewusstein, 2 Hamburg 19, Eppendorfer Weg 11, West Germany. In the meantime I shall request you to cooperate with my missionary activities to supply me 10 rnridungas (kholes), first class and 50 pairs of kartals, Nabadwip made, first class, every month to our different centers like New York, Los Angeles, London, Hamburg and Tolyo. Also I would request you to arrange for supplying Radha-Krishna Deities made in Vrindaban or Calcutta, 24" high, for our different centers. We can also cooperate in selling your books in our different centers, and similarly you can cooperate by selling our books in your different centers. So there is ample opportunity of cooperation in good will, and if we continue like that, in the near future it may be possible that we completely amalgamate both our institutions. I hope you will give your due consideration to my proposals and shall be·qlad to hear from you at your eattiest convenience. Also please let me know if personally I can become a member of your society under elause 3 on page 19 of the Memorandum.
Please offer my humble obeisances to His Divine Grace Sripad B,K, Audulomi Maharaj and other Vaishnavas of the Math.
A. c. Bhaktivedanta Swami
enclosuresa copies of news cuttings of our Rathayatra Festival, which we held in San Fransisco, London, Boston, Ohio, and Hamburg.
2 Hamburg 19, Eppendorfer Weg 11 \<Jest Germany
August 27th, 1969
My Dear Brahmananda,
Please accept my blessings. I am pleased to inform you that our journey from New York to Hamburg was very comfortable, and we safely arrived at the scheduled time. The boys were present to receive us, and the apartment they have selected is very nice. I am sending herewith a letter addressed to Hayagriva. The second part o� the Ginsberg conversation article should not be published, and our policy should be to only publish our Krishna Consciousness articles in various forms. We are not concerned with any other movement save and except Krishna Consciousness in its pure form. In India it is said that a little bit of a pure thing is much better than huge volumes of impure, adulterated things. So please try to follow this policy and publish in BTG only pure Krishna Conscious articles.
Regarding press starting, I have already given you necessary instructions, and again I say that you complete it as soon as possible. I wish to see the press is started when I go back to UsA after my European tour, probably in the beginning of November. I received a note from one girl, Gita Rajput, and I am enclosing it herewith for your reference. If she comes to decorate in the temple, encourage her because a little servoce to Lord Krishna will protect one from the greatest calamity. That is the version of Bhagavat Gita.
I think establishment of the Deities here will not be possible because the place is not very settled up. There is objection by the health department for performing kirta�. Anyway, they are doing very nicely, and in Monday's meeting one Dr. Franz Bernhard, a learned scholar in Indeology, was there, and he is very interested in our movement. Yesterday I had discussion with him for about two hours and he is impressed, as you will find I have explained to Hayagriva in his letter. Please note also the items I have requested Hayagriva to bring here when he come.s.
I hope you are doing well, and I shall be gl�d to hear good news from you by return of post.
A. C.
2 Hamburg 19, Eppendorfer Weg ll
V/est Germany ---
August 27th, 1969
My Dear Hayagriva,
Please accept my blessings. We have safely reached exactly at the scheduled time in Hamburg, and the journe� was quite comfortable. Lufthansa i � a very respectable airline, and the ladies and gentlemen and stewardesses and hosts were very kind in their treatment. One girl was insisting that we take some food, and when we refused she was very sorry, but she brought us a sufficient supply of fruit. So everything was nice, and I have lectured in the temple on Monday night. Professor Dr. Franz Bernhard, a learned scholar in Indology, was present. We had a long discussion yesterday evening when he came to see me, and he admitted that all his philosophical talks were simply wasting time. He remarked another thing that he had thought of us as hippies because he saw Ginsberg on the notice board, seemingly like one of our members. From his conversation I understood that people are very badly impressed about Ginsberg, especially respectable persons, on account of his hippy tendencies. I of course supported our case that Ginsberg is a great friend of our society and we advise everyone to chant Hare Krishna, and I believe he aJ.so does so. Anyway, we should be very much careful to publish anything in our paper vrhich v!ill give impression to the public that we are inclined to the hippy movement. In our papers nothing should be published which has even a small tinge of hippy ideas . I must tell you in this connection that if you have any sympathies with the hippy movement you should kindly give it up.
Hegai\_'d.ing your coming here, it will be very nice. You \·Jill have no difficulty to stay with me. We have got two rooms: one occupied by me nnd one by Purushottau. So you can stay here or in the temple, as you like. In the case which we left behind with Brahmananda you will kindly find the following items and bring them here with you: one Bengali character J?hagavad �ita and Purushottam's copy of Bhagavad Gita As It Is.
I hope this will find you in good health.
PS: When you come here, please also scripts for Bhagavad Gita As It Is. Mc"""d,l4·
bring with you the original manu-
A. C.
r�Jn,. ��1 t;a�wl� "t4" &)�')'1}1,�"'.
HamburG 19, J,ppendorfer vleg 11 \·;est Germany AUGUSt 31, 1969
My Dear tihyamsundar,
Please accept my blessines. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your
letter �ated August 27th, 1969, and l hav� noted the contents with great joy. You are improvin� in every respect of our London Yatra proeram, and 1 think your labor to make friends with the Beatles has been successful in the matter of pressinG the Hare Krishna record. 1 hope by this means many thousands of pounds will flow into �rishna's treasury. We are very poor financially, but by Krishna's Grace we are getting help undoubtedly. That .is nice. I came here without any money, singlehanded, and Krishna is sending me so many nice assistants and the required money whenever it is necessary. We should be satisfied with such Grace of Krishna. We do not want any extra money for sense gratification, but Krishna is so kind he is supplying the necessary amount. You will be glad to know that Satsvarupa in boston has purchased property worth 7u,OOO dollars. �he immediate down payment is 6,uoo dollars and monthly payment is 1,000 dollars. So he has taken the courage with my permission, and by hrishna's Grace everythinG is being arraneed. bimilarly, in other centers also, including your center, Krishna is sending us all necessary help. I am very glad to know that Sriman George Harrison is nicely cooperating with your endeavors, and this action of him will not go in vain. Any little bit of service rendered to Krishna does not go in vain, so I am sure George will be benefitted in the matter of Krishna Consciousness without doubt. Please convey my thanks to him for his willing cooperation with our men.
I could not clearly understnnd what is the reason that you have left the temple to live in a country ho11se 4u miles m·my from London. 1 understand that by uctober lst everythinG should be settled, and you may invite me to visit at that time. This morning I had been in the hamburg fort and Krishnadas informed me there is a passenger ship whch carries people overnight to London. bo I hav� asked him to inquire what is thereal situation. 1 think we can go to London by that shipping carrier. In October l have. no program here, so there will be no difficulty to visit your place at that time.
In your last letter you informed me that �eoree Harrison may be interested to publish my book, Krisl1na, so 1 am carrying with me the manuscript. l want to print this book with many pictures, and the pictures are also ready in Los Angeles and 6oston. uo if possible, you can talk further with
A. C. Bhkktivcdnnta �wami lNTEt<NA'l'Iul'JALE GESELLSCiiJ\F'l' FUR KRISHNA 13Ei/USSTS:.:;IIJ
him about this publication, and if he does so, it will be very nice for him as�ll as for us. lam also very clRd to learn that you are meetine 1;r. Harrison for negotiatinr; \·tith the 11rchbishop for the church. That will be very, very nice. Please try for it very seriously.
On the whole, your sincere endeavor for serving &rishna is gradually being accepted by the Lord, and the more you endeavor for such service, the more you;ll feel sublime in�istence in direct contact with �rishna day after day. i am also very glad to learn that you have already prepared a groundwork in .._,nglarid of the hrishna Gonsciousness tlovement, and if .1. go there I shall �ah� the opportunity to convince the people in general, philosophers and religionists of I.ondon about the importance of the Krishna Consciousness Movement. Sometimes back I sent one letter addressed to the ArchBishop of Canterbury, supposed to be presented through Mr. George Harrison, and I shall be glad to know what happened to that letter. If it was not presented before, it may be done so when George Harrison meets the Archbishop for the church. Actually our Krishna Conscious movement is genuine Christian movement. Christ me3ns KriGhna, love of Godhead, Who has His face anointed with telok. ihere is a word hristoc in the Greek dictionary, and this word is supposed to be borrowed from the �anskrit wor�'Krishna', and Christ is derived from Erictos. l find these thinGS in a book known as Aquarian loospcl of .Lord Je.S!lS the Christ. Anyvrn.y, any cenuine Christian will find our movement nice and perfect. We simply want their cooperation in this matter that they allow us to use their many vacant churches in the Western countries for rejuvenation of spiritual life in this part of the world. So if the Archbishop kindly gives us a church through the intervention of Mr. Harrison, it will be a great success for our movement. So try your best for this achievement.
Please offer my blessings to all others and especially to your daughter, who I think is growing nicely in Krishna Consciousness.
2. r<l,_ \ ' ,. 1 ,• 1 · I .
----�----- -------------------------
2 Hamburg 19, Eppendorfer Weg 11 West Germany
September 6th, 1969
My Dear Raktak.,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of September 1st, 1969, and I have noted the contents. For the time being there is no need ofgoing to India. The first thing is that you do not know the Indian language. If you want to be really helPful to the society, at least for the time being you should remain in a place to take training to assist our society's work. I do not know what is the disadvantage for you j_n Hontreal. If you feel some disadvantage, then come to Boston or LoE Angeles for soce time. In the meantime I am corresponding with Achyutananda in India . If he actually requires some assistance, I shall advise you later on. If you have got money, keep it carefully as it may be required later.
Regarding the two books you have mentioned, Sri Ramacharitamanasa by Goswami Tulasi das is not very authori7ed, and Ramayana is authorized. One thing is though, you have got enough other books to study. Did you appear in the examination held on Janamastmi Day? Why should you go toRaroayaua when you have got Bhagavad Gita, Srimad B a a atam and Teachings of Lord Chaitanya? Dont divert your attention in that way. �he author of Ramacharitamanasa, Goswami Tulasi das, has a tint of Mayavadi philosophy. He belongs to the Ramananda Samradaya. They are mixed up combination of personalist and impersonali&t. �herefore, the author is not considered as pure Vaishnava. Pure Vaiahnava is free from all material coabamanation of fruitive activities and mental speculation. The pure Vaishnava is simply, purely disposed to transcendental loving service to Krishna. The pure Vaishnava rejects anything which has no pure idea of serving the Personality of Godhead.
I hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
AI Dl Bhaktivedanta Swami
2 Hamburg 19, Eppendorter Weg 11 West Germany
September 7th, 1969
My Dear Madhudvisa,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you ver much for your letter (undated) and the enclosed check for dollars tor my book fund. Also I very much appreciated the poem that you have written for Vyas Puja Ceremony, and because it was too late for being published in the Vyas Puja booklet, I have handed it over to Hayagriva for publication if �· This poem was esPecially nice and I thank you for it. I am always encouraged to learn of your activities in the San Fransisco temple, and l thin! that by the Grace of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu you shall do very great serVice to His SruruCLrtan Movement. For so many countless lifetimes the conditioned souls have beon giving all of their service and energy to the service of Maya, and I am requesting all or my disciples that for thia one lifetime you give all of your energy and service to Krishna. The spiritual force is eternal, so to give simply one lifetime to Krishna is not a very difficult thing. And yet if we are serious in executing the devotional principles, this one lifetime of service to Krishna will �bsolute and final solution t� all the problema of life. Sincere devotional service ia even one lifetime is sufficient to make one eligible to return to the Vaikuntha world permanently. Krishna Consciousness has got thia power. So stick to this path as you are now doing, and as your sincerity and determination increase more and more, Krishna will surely be pleased to bestow all of His blessings upon you.
This Thursday morning I will be going ably by the beginning of November I will Please offer my blessings to the othe�s. you in good health .
to London, and most probhave returned to the USAI I hope this will meet
Your ever well-wisher,
A. C,
Bhaktivedanta Swami
"it:terhurst Pari-:
•;·1 tte!1hurst ; louEe hs�ot, �.er�shire
Sept:��rer l1t.h, f....,
1'1 easP. accept my hlessings. J hP.>q to t h�n}� you vP.r.y 'T'uch -f"or your letter, and l h<!ve note� your situC�t:ior: as you ht"tv� aescrit-f'rl it thereiTt. 1 al", very pleaser.l t.o Jearn that y01) 3r� co,...ir-1? to our • riahna ronsciousness te�ple in C'11o anr you ar� �ice-ly �ppreciating this �ove�ent. J cen understand t:h�t yo� are � �i�cerP soul, an0 l am sure tha t · rishna will help you to solve n ll of your present difficulties. So far a� the queFtions an� dcuht� ra icer:'i ny your father, you �a�' rest assure1'� that to every questi0P your father rnay r�ise regarding the exister�e of �o� and ever to �u�h higher questions regar�ing the nature an� activities of (""o�, t.he • 'edir. 11terature which we are -f"olloHi nq hn.s th� pr:·rfPr.t. l'rd authorit?.t:i ve anF.v•er. Put t.o UT'derstand aboct l 'ocl C'lr.e rrust. 'bC> purified. lr. cont:a�inateti state or,e cannot E>·-:n�·=-t�to \Jnc'!erstnnrl ahout thP i'rsolut� '7ruth. vur ·rishrn •:on.:::iou::-;:e�:: �o·J�cr.t j s for brine:::Inc; the revotee to th(;". J>ur:i fie-i t::O:'i2ciou:::r.esr. vJhP.re he un<'ierst.ar.ns 1 riEhna arrj serve;:; i:i�� in unalloye": devotional E�rvice.
t,egording the inquiry, •·:f there :is �-ot"3, ho·.·.· rar. t'"'Ere l-'e S-:.Jffering tn�n ci s�ase'', th� s i'.iilar quest� on may 1:-e .:>.sl:�d, "H5 the presence of an �ffArtfon�tP •ather why should a chjl� su�fer fro� c'liseases·, Does it ... ·enn there is lack of t.he fa�.her's affccf tion towards the chil� or that th� father is giving the child thfl! �iseas es ' t •• God is the Suprene Father and t)e �1 ves us the process for being relieved of our sufferings. "!:'ut if or.e refuses to accept this gift of Co�, thP.n he must �uffer from the results cf his activities. Anyon� who is suffering or enjoying in this ��teri�l world is doing so as a result of his o�T. activities. �rishna says that if we surrender unto llim, Ee will r elieve us of all sufferings, so if someone re jectc thie offer of :'rishr.a and then says that there is no Gp� because he is experiencing some suffering, that is not a very intelligent position. :'rishna wants everyone to go back to Horr.e. back to Codhea�, and enjoy eternal life and hlissful knowledqe there. lf your father agrees to this proces£, he also can he tal<en back to t�ome, back to Godhead, with my other disciples. �here will be no difficulty for �e. Vou een t@ll your fether t.hat. :·u1; !,rf" ho "Oft� not aqree, what r,_srh>n�H\111t.y i"' r,of1'8i hvoryor�e! has got his indopenden'!e,
September 14th, 1969
Py Dear Tarnal Krishna,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters daten September 7th and lOth, 1969, and I have noted the contents. You write in your letter of September lOth that you have not received my replies, but I reply each and every letter. Especially your letters, Brahmananda's letters, Satsvarupa's letters and Gargamuni's letters I take special care and reply each of them. I hope by this time you have received my reply. Regarding the house, I have answered this point in one of my letters. But one thing I must let you know is that I may be a poor man's son, or a poor man myself, but fortunately I have been transferred to America to become rich man's father. So I wish to live like rich man's father, as ther� are many American rich man's fathers. Now you can do "'�atever you l�l<e. But one thing I can suggest is that we are now gett1ng our O\om p::ess, and as we have go so many books, if you can arrange fGr the sell�ng of these books, there will be no scarcity of money either for the father or for the son.
I am pleased to note that you will be giving four classes in Los Angeles universities this year, and everyone is \oWlcome to appear in the Bhaktishastri exa�ination and take the title. But one must be acquainted with Krishna philosophy at least for one year. So the students may attend class for one year as you have already arranged, and if they learn this philosophy, even if they dont become initiated students, it will be a pleasure for us. Regarding the tests you are holding there in Los Angeles, keep them there, and when I return I shall see them personally. I am encouraged to learn that you now have a very nice place for photography \olork, and you can send me photographs of the size of TLC of pictures for the Krishna-book and Nectar of Devotion. For Krishna you have the pictures by Jadurany, Jahnava and Murlhidar. Then there is the Radha-Krishna picture by Devahuti, . the Radha-J<: f ;U_l.na pic�ure which Has kept in my room on the wall JUSt to my r��hand Sl.de, and the Radha-Krishna picture which was kept on my altar while I was there on Formosa Avenue.
Regarding l�guarian Gospel of Lord �esus The Christ, I have taken some stray extracts just to support our views, but we dont give any importance to that book. The best thing is that we accept Lord Jesus Christ as a great devotee of the Lord and the son of God. It is better not to discuss in any detail about the Christian religion or any other religion. Your idea for Rukmini and her husband, Baradraj, to go to Chicago is nice. I understand that Sudama and Bali Mardan have already gone to Japan and I am anxious to get their address.
Plense offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
/). L. L·i:I� :...L. ;Jl...I ,-• JI - · · -" TITTEl\HURST PARK, SUi\1': IM::HlLL London Road, Ascot Berkshire, England FILE
01-dtJiJi·Jj.jJ;r J 1\Aff1,1i A. c. Bhaktivedanta S\olami - ·
Jl.C VSfiaktivedanta $wami
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 'J'I'l'T.'��:HU::<S.T PARK, riTTE�HURST HOUSE Ascot, Berkshire, ENGLAND
�y Dear Giriraj,
Please accept my. blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 13th,l969 along with your check for $20, and thank you very much. I am receiving very encouraging reports from all our centers, including yours, so we should know definately that Krishna is giving us all o�ortunities to serve Him more enthusiastically. Actually, the whole universe is Krishna's property. Xrishna's devotees are His bonafide officers or sons, so if He likes, He can entrust the whole charge to HiS devotees immediately. It is not difficult for Him, hut He wants to see how His devotees are developinq unalloyed Krishna Consciousnes�.
You are a very nice boy, and by Krishna's Grace you have captured the opportunity, and Sat'svarupa is a very good associate for this purpose. So combinedly you try to spread this movement, follow the rules and regulations, chant Hare Krishna, and gradually you will see your life is perfect. So with all my good wishes, offer my blessings to the others. Here in London they had a very nice reception, and the press cutting in one of the papers is sent herewith. The BBC television station very much appreciated our �ovement, and we were interviewed on one very popular show last Tuesday evening. So things are progressing nicely, and our movement is gradually becoming popular. You will be also glad to know that we have recently opened cente.rs in ·rokyo, Denver, and Laguna Beach.. .t-'lost probably very soon there will be another branch in Chicago. So let us worK sincerely, and the requisite money and men will be supplied by Krishna for His service. I think Jadurany is very much busy in painting pictures, otherwise she should have written me some letter by this time.
I hope this will meet you in good health.
. A. c. Bhaktivedanta Swami
�ridandi Qoswami FILE
DATE .. ... :?.e:::P.t:-�I'!'.J:'�� �.�:t:Q.•.. .. . .. 19 .f?�
�y Dear Sachisuta,
Please accept �v �lessings. I am in due receipt oF your letter dated �eptemher �th, lq60, and 1 have note� the contents with enclosures . I have very mu�h appreciated the intervie� �rticle with you in the paper .::-:thos, nnd l am so plen.sed to knovl that you have given. right interpretation of our l'rishna ronsciQusne.:;s � over<1ent. r:ow you haw� got a nice v1ife, lnc3u.,ati, ann combinedly toqether you prea�h the rr.issior. of Lord Chait.anya as far as pos.::>ihle. J ha·JF� wstt!tlewhat you have written ar.>Out vour protection 1-y r:"Y hur1ble self", hut' th"'t is i'levit:ahle when a �.;piritual ;-aster accepts somebody as disciple. T'rishna says in "?.haqav<v1 r jta th0 t He takes charge of a surrender�d soul; so much so that Lora :·rishr.a rrotects f1is devotee fro� all his sinful ac-tivit:ies in the rast ......ir,ilarly, the .::pjrHur..l raster, \>then !:e ar:-cept.s a discirJ.e n'lrJ the dj ;,:-ipJe surrender�: u"'to �:im, lie has qot t-.he responsihiJitv of ah�iorhin� the si.,f"ul reaction of His disciples•life. "his i·: a crrei3t resporsihility of the -�riritunl �·aster. �e shoul� therefore be very carAful not to over�1rrlen o�r 3piritu�l raster ry further r.eoetition of si!".ful activitiec.:. Cf course, ona who ha:. enteren i f1to 1' ri 8hnFI :'onsc iousness cann ot a .... t. r1eliberately anything sinful. �till, we should al�ays be on guard against such activities. 3ometire: He hear that people are going to church to confess their sj.nful actions for being ez·:-userJ, but as soon as he coMes out or the church, he beqins the sa�e dra�a eg�in. rhis is 1iY:e the f>r. thin('l of. the elephant, who in•.mediatel y throws dirt i'iCJain on his body. ·.�e should not folloh' uch example'";. lorn ChaJ.t;:;nya accepted Jagai and t adhai on condi o they V.'oulr� not co.,.lliiCbt furth�r sinful activities. �o all our students should be careful in the matter of violatins the four principles and at the ��me time must carry on the chantillg process riqi.dly.
�egarding your question, this is also descriue� in Chapter 9, when '!'�.rishna says that whatever yo·u lt:;acrifice, whi'ltever you eat, whatever you give in charity---give it all to . e. .:uch acti.on is also called Sannyasa �· Sannyasa means to sacrifice everything for the Supreme, and if we link up our activities in such way as is enuoci�ted. by the Lord, then all the diversities become unified in Frishna Consciousness. :.rishna Consciousness is itself r,rahma platform, so all our students who are engaged in the service of Sod, they are not on the T'laterial platform. They are already liberated
'T'l'T'1'Et-:HURS1' PAR:{ .�I:�•:..:r-ri:';:{.3 r iiOUSE Ascot, F.erY.shire, EI'GLAI·.D
:epte�her 19th, 69
c_//.C. GJ3fiakjivedanta $wami
Founder-Acharya: International Societyfor KrishnaConsciousness
Berkshire, ENGLAND
�Y Dear Tarnal Krishna,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your letter dated September 13th, 1969, and I am so glad to learn that two new branches are now opened; one in Laguna Beach, another in �okyo. With great interes� I read the letter of Sudama, and I have also sent him a letter of congratulations. You have proposed to go to Japan next year, and I am very much pleased on this point. I wish to go with a big Samkirtan Party from Los Angeles. So if we can overflood Japan with this Samkirtan Movement, it will be a great great achievement in the Eastern countries, and if we move little further more into China and Russia, then we shall build up a strong belt all around the world of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
Here in Lo� the activities are going on. rhe place where I am now staying is a very big garden house, and the place alloted to us is a super-excellent temple site. The only difficulty is it is far away from the city, so the city people cannot conveniently come here. The temple in the city is not finished being constructed yet, neither is there sufficient space. It can be used as office and residence, but as a temple, it has no sufficient space. So things here are not yet very smooth, although the movement is accepted by the people in general as nice. The Hare Krishna record is sellinq very nicely. Yesterday, it sold 5,000 copies, and this week it is on the chronological list as #2 0. They say next week it will come to be #3, and after that it may come to #1. So they are very much hopeful of this record. Mr. George Harrison appears to be very intelligent boy, and he is by the Grace of Krishna fortunate also. On the first day, he came to see me along with John Lennon, and we had talks about 2 hours. He wanted to talk with me more, but he is now gone to his sick mother in Liverpool. So if this boy cooperates with our movement, it will be very nice impetus1 for after all, he is monied man. These monied men and women have to be very cautiously dealt with in spiritual life. We have to sometimes deal with them on account of preaching work; otherwise Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has strictly restricted to mix with them for the Krishna Conscious people. But we get instruction from Rupa Goswami that whatever opportunity is favorable for pushing on Krishna Consciousness we should accept.
�ridandi Qoswami
DATE .... . ..9�P.t;�R�:r;.).��J:l.•...... 19 .. ?�
F .. ... .
You write to say that you do not know what is my desire, but my desire is an open secret. I simply want all over the Western countries people may take this simple formula of chanting, dancing and eating Krishna Prasadam, and being happy. I am simply surprized that they should not accept this simple formula and be happy th�selves. My only desire is that all people become happy and prosperous in Krishna Consciousness, My predecessors , Vaishnavas, they were so generous that they felt very much afflicted for the suffering of the human society, Sri Rupa Goswami tried to elevate them to real path of happiness by introducing thia Govinda Ganamrita, the Nectarine of the Songs of Govinda, That will make them happy.
In England there is very good prospect for pushing on Krishna Consciousness, I am trying to make some arrangement with Mr. Lennon to have the facility for having this garden house. Here we can accommodate many devotees, and if the opportunity is offered to us, we can organize a very strong Samkirtan Party here and establish at least four or five branches in England. But the climate is not at all suitable for me. 'l'he idea you described in your letter about unifying the temples is very nice. I am enclosing herewith one newspaper cutting of our airport recetption for your reference. Last Tuesday night we appeared on one very popular BBC television show for a forty-five minute interview, and it waa very successful.
Please convey my blessings to the others, I hope this will meet you in good heal�h.
Your ever well-wisher.
A, c. Bhaktivedanta Swami
-r a IYJO 1 kr·.shho- Z2. FILE
Jf.C GJ3fial{j;iFedanta Swa1ni
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
TI'fTEf:\l:uRS·r HOUSE Ascot, Berkshire, ENGlAND DATE .•••..
The Tnt.::!r��tior.::-..1 Soc:i ·�t'.' for !-:ri shn?. Ccnsr.iousness :1 a 8 bonl\fide religious society strictly follm1ing the principles descriPed in the \'edic scriptures and practi ced in India for thousands of year s . Our b�sic beliefs arc as followss
1) The Absolute Truth is contained in all the great Scriptures of the l-:orld; the Bible, Ko ran, Torah, etc . Hm·rever, the oldest knm·m Revealed Scriptures in ex i stenc e are the Vedic literntures, rrost notably the EH.\GAVF..D GITA which is the literal record of God •s actual ;·lords.
2) God , or KRIS:-::,:/1. is eterna l , all- knc\..ring, omnipresent, allpo\..rerful and all attractive, the seed-giving Father of man and all living en t itie s . He is the sus t aining energy of all life, natu re and the cosmic situation.
3) Y.�an is actually r�OT his body, but is eternal spirit soul., part and parc el of God, and therefore eternal.
4) That all roen are brothers can oe practised only when we realise God as our com�on ultimate Father.
5) All our actions should be perfonned as a s ac r if ice to the Suprerr.c Lord ••• "all �hat you do, <1ll that �:ou eat, all thc:.t you offer and give away, as well as all au�terit i es that you may perfor:n, should be done as an o[fcring unto Ne." (Bhagavad Gita , lX, 27)
6) The food that sustoins us should ahrays be offered to the Lord before eating. In this \-lay He becoroe s the Offering, and such eating purifies us.
7) We can, by sincere cultivution of bonafiec spiritual science att&in to the state of pure, uncndinq blissful consciousness, free from anxiety in th i s very lifetime.
8) The reco'":"rended r:�c<tns of <1tl<tinincr the rr.ature stage of Love o� God in the pr0.�0nt: ciCTC of 'Kali •, or qu<trrel, is to chcmt the Eoly t'i:r.:c of. the Lord. The c<1sie�t method for rr.ost
�ridnndi [josHlc.1mi
19. c;_�
�c;�9.l;>�;-.. J..!ll$; '· ••••••••••
people is to chant the Hare Krishna mantra z Hare Krishna Hare Krishnn , Krishna Krishnn Hnrc Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Ra�a H2re Hare.
Our basic �ission is to propagate the Samkirtan Movement ( c h anting of the Eoly r�awcs of God) all around the world as was reco�.rr.ended by the Incnrnat)on of the Lord, Sri Chaitanya !-:ahaprabhu. People in this �qc nre reluctant verv much to understand a�out God consciousness on account of their unfortunate condition of li�c. ':'hey ar.:: \·lorl::i_r.�;· ll�trd da.y and night sirnply for sense sratification. Eu� this transcendental vibration of Sam'<irtan •,!ill }�nock at the door of their hearts for sp iritual a•..·�l�c::r:ir.��·. ThereforE�, the�, shoul<1 be given the chance for this, opportunity.
It is not recorrcrnended that a ��ri!:;hna Conscious devotee go into seclusion for chanting by himself and thereby gaining salvation for himself alone. Our duty and religious obligation is to go ou� into thG streets where the people in gene�al can hear the chanting and sec the dancing. �·le have already seen practically hoH by this proce!'".s many, many boys and girls of A merica and Europe havo hc-:::n f:,,vr·'"l rro'TI t.hc irr�'loretl practices of" tJds <H1P ?nrl h�'''� r····' . ; ... •; ... � ..., '-r,�:r Ji""S tn th-� �<"'tV�-<c· '.�F :"tj;::;,.;t�c�.
The stat.e lm·rs are spe�i r jc<:�] Jy 1 :eo.nt fo� rr.ukl.ng citizens roen of good charac ter, and c_rood c1•arcl�tcr me2.ns avoiding the foll oHina sinful activities: into��ication, ill icit sex life, qamblinqand meat-eatin�. We arc checJ�ing people from praciicinn ihese sinful activities. All of our students are applyin� these principles practicully in th�ir.lives, and they are teachincr others to folloH the s<.�me pr1nc1ples. Therefore, it is the duty of the government to help uo in our missionary work rather t han to hinder us.
It is hot)ed that the qovcrnrne�1t <tuthorities \orill cooperate \lith our sa�}�irtan parties in enabling us to perform Sa�kirtan on the streets. To do thi s it is neccsso.ry that we be able to chant the L':ar..es of Kri nhna, dunce, play the mridunga drum, request donntions, sell our societ.y's journal, and on occ::asion, sit do\·:n \·:ith the mridungtl c1rurn. A�� d evotees of Lord Kr 1shna it is our duty to teach the people ho•.., to love God and \olorship Hirn in � �cdr oetily life. 'Phis t1 etlm and destinat iol" o human ll.fe,
/. l! (' \Jl(Q �LlJ(tlc:f<:U(jvvUfti Hhakt1ve�nnta �wam1 ---------
r-�y Dear Krishna 'Devi,
Please accept .lTly blessings . l· beq to thank yo·J veryrrrm1ch for your letter dated October 21• 1969 and have noted the cont-ents. It. is very good news that 18hnu Arata is advancing nicely in Krishna C6nscio,,sness and l know that you and yonr husband will a h.-ays do. your be,st to bring her up on the right pa+-h of Krishna Consciousness. To raise one soul to f�rishna Consciousness 1 s connted by Krishna as a very qreat �ervice, so you do this duty carefull)' and l<ris.hna will surely bestew His blessings upon yo•J, ! a!'!l also glad to learn that you a-re developing more and more a taste for thining of Lord F;r!shna an� His �evotees , S11ch thinking is required, and you will see t.hat a.s yo'.J think in this way, your taste for relishing the nectar of such !"\ed!tation will increase more and rnore, Th!s is e.alled the li!r.itless or:ean of. the ne-:tar of devotion, �his ocean i.s unending, and therefore the pleasure of relishing the ne-::ta.x: of this o�ean is also increasing unendingly. Reqarding your questions, yes, a woman can certainly rea�h the perfectional stage of devo�ion to Krishna , A�d t.he gop�s of Brindaban are the ))est exal'l'\ple of this. They are sil'T1ple cowherds girls, and Lord Ch�itanya has praised their ·,.rorship of Lord Krishna as the highest form o·f worship. Erishna
Consciousness is transcendenta1 to all such m�ndane considerations as if one's body is male of female. This is the meaning of sp1r1bJalt Krishna Consciousness is beyondthe limited bodily idea ,
Regarding yot.:r other questions, the Yad�, d vnasty completely destroyed itself because Ktt'shna wanted t his. So far as ini tiating disciples is concerned, anyone ·...rho is q>.1alified can do this. For example, Srila Bhaktiv!node Thakur was householder and Sri la �haktisiddhanta Sarasva.ti was staunch brahrrlachary, yet. they bo,..h were qualified for init iating dtselples. Regarding your q 11 estion about feeding el"\otions during .kirt.an, these are real spiri tual emotions, Spiritual a-notions can be experienced by the fallen soult but one who is feeling spiritual emotions is not actually fallen. That is the benediction of this S&Jr.kirtan :·ove:nent that it elevates one to the highest po s ition of spiritual experiences.• RegarcUng your final q1Jestion about Laxrn! ji, she never has con j1:gal relations with Lord Narayan. l�either does she desire to have conj ugal relations with Krishna. Her desire is to follow the Gopis of 1Undaban, P l ea s e offer my blessings to Damodara, t-:adhlJBudan, Kanchanbala, and of course your fa.ily. I hope this will find you all in good health.
'T'l�$'1\RYA�Y "l"lTtt��SIOSZJSE As�o'ts��rl!i,re:J':G�:o o��ber 2, 69
GJ3fiaktivedanta FILE
1�·ou ndcr-Acharya: In ternation.al Society for l{.rishna Consciousness
CENTER: TITTEi:�HURST PARK, TITTE::H··�s: HOUSE Ascot, Be:r-kshire, El�GL'U;�
DATE . � ...�'?�C?.l?!=:�.. �.�.'........ .....19?.?.
:';• :;en:-?radyumna,
rl���c accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of yo�r letters dated October 8th and lOth, 1969 and I have noted �he contcr.tn carefully. I understand from your letter of October fth Lh�t there is a struggle with the Kazi. This obstacle by the Y��1 1� not new to our Krishna Consciousness Movement. It was t.b':"ro even during the time of Lord Chaitanya, but \ole must steadily so on �1th our activities without caring for these so-called custu1!nr.n of law. We are the most lawful citizens in the world, but i� �o:-re dc:ron Kazi gives stumbling to our execution of duties, we ro�r.ot a!'-idc by such order. I am very glad to learn that. some of the Ca•.:.�.ol ic priests are sympathetic with our movement. The govcrn�.c-nt Gays ''In Go::l ,,e trust" 1 and \ole are preaching the message of lo·.rc o� God, plead:ing with the people to become servants of God. So \>Jhere is the cause of breaking the public peace? I am enclosin� here�ith a dc=laration of our Krishna Consciousness Movement t..•hi�;h you :-r.ay pr�::;ent in court if necessary. You. depend on Krishna, try to face the ch<lrges b�· your best abilities and surely Krishna ...:i11 help yon. l\ s imilar charge was brought against our men in Philadelphia and the learned judge found that we are not culprit.
Regarding our �ooks, the scholar'fway should be followed. That means as Dr. Radha Krishnan and Bon Maharaj do it, and as Dr. Singh recor:vr.ends. In all our books and magazines henceforvrard the whole process should be changed. Whatever is done in the past forget. No� everything should be revised and presented in the scholarly way. That means throughout Krishna should be spelled K��rya, Vishnu should be s pelled Vi��u and Chaitanya should be spelled Caitanya, etc. I think this will clear the whole thing and there will be no more �aya impediment. I a� sorry the NOD manuscript has not yet reached. This is another ill luck that the Post Office has not delivered. So �hatever you have got finish it. If the manuscript does not reach: then we will have to rewrite it again. If there is such need, I shaJl send you the duplicate. If it does reach, hoT:Jever, please inform me irr@ediately. Your idea that our books should be read by schola�s is quite appropriate. Without following the diacritic marks according to scholars they will think it inefficient. Yes, \>le want that businessmen, econo�ists, religionists, students, etc. will all be carrying Bh�qavata:·\ and Gita. Yes, do every t-;ord of our books rneti-
�ridnndi Qosn,·aini
culously and perfectly accurat ely transcribed so the most erudite and deep thinking men of the world can enter into the intricacies of meaning in each verse. Your idea is nice. Please help all our li,..eratures in that way and T<rishna will bless you. Never mind what has been done in the past. You follo"il these principles steadily, chant Hare Krishna, and everything will be all right. There is no question of being frustrated. Regarding Nectar of Devot ion, although it has been little procrastJ.nated, things should be done slow but sure. Your questions certainly are not s tupid . They are very intelligent questions and I am just pleased to discuss all these matters threadbare. I quite ap prove of your way of thinking. So do the work and Krishna will help you.
Enclosed herewith is a schedule for my lectures and one good news is that our temple which \vas being checked by the planning commission for possession has"ovl been released and we are now able to possess it. So our temple at 7, Bury Place is no"' fixed up. vfuere is Hayagriva and Shama Dasi ? Please combinedly expedite the printing matter composed by the IBM machine and let me know of your progress.
Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will m�et you in good health.
A. C. Bhaktivedanta S\vami
D�.�b� 2" FILE
J.•J.coso c::t�ccpt my bJ <"'.:L>3ings. I b�g to c\Cl�no·�rled(J0 recei).-.>t of your lct:tcr dated October 15th, 1969 anu tho copy of ��,rue� Zu� Gotthe_it. I hac'l r-eceived a.not.her copy o.C t.his :lssue �-md I th:i.nK. I had uc1G1<.nvlec1gc:drccc:.lpt. Any,,;ay, no'i·l there is a second copyJ that is all right. In the meantime l<ulu.shokhu.r hZlS gone to Germany along with his \>d.fe to a ss i st you. Of course, vleaJcnef:�s in Krishna Consciousness we should always feel. 'Phnt is a goon sympt.om. Ne should never think that we arc strong en ough . BJt the source of strength is Krishnil <md His manifested represen- . tative, the Spir:tt.ual Master. \Vc get this instruction from Cha:i.t<mvn Ch�itul""lrita th<.1t \ve receive the seed of r-::rishna consciousness through the Spiri tllal J•lasi:er and Krishna. 'T'heref-orc, �.,e should serve both simultaneously for continuous supply of spiri·tual uitali ty. So you are novl serving Krishna under the instruction of your Spiritual Master, so there will be no scarcity of supply of strength unless there is some weakness on your part in the matter of absolute faith in these tvlO shelters. So if you hnve still some doubts in pinching your faith in the service of your Spiritual Master and Krishna, then you can clear it up. I am nlv;ays prepilred to assistyou.
\·�hem you ccune from India to Germany you told me that you felt complete satisfaction being in Germany, having a good engagement for serving Krishna. But at present you express that you may not be feeling that satisfaction intact. If you would. explain to roe Nhy you are feeling liJ(e that, then I can help you. v1e are trying to lrtanage a great inst:l::tution of Krishna Consciousness !�overnent, so there is possibility of adjusting so many clr�umstances. But in all circumstances we should have our stuunch faith in Krishna and the Spiritual Mastor. Then we will never be shaken off. I hor_,e t.h:i s boy, l<ulashekhar, ,,.,ill be much helpful in you1· depC'!.rtrnent and you \·Jill feel more st.reng\:h in pur:�h:i.ng· on this Gel"t!ietn cdit:ton of E}'G. There is c\ proverb i.n Sanskri\: lit.erature thc:tt enthusi.:J.stic p(:!rsons achieve the favor of the Goddess of Fo�tune. In the Western part of the \�orld there is tangible example of this slogan. People in this part of the world are very much enthusiastic in nt().teri<:tl actW..ttlCemt':!nt. ut10 U1ey hc.:.ve got it. Similv.rly, nccording to the instruct.ions of Srila Rupa Goswruni, if we b�come onthusiastic in spiritual mntters, then we also g�t success in that Hay. Tal�e for t.'Xamplc, I came to vour countrv in ripe old age, but I had one asset: enthusiasm and faith on my Spittual Paster. I think these assets only are gi "ing me some 1 ightE; of hope, whateuer I have achleved so far with your cooperation. I hope this will meet you in good health.
f&tt Oc.AJ) �
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-r �l, \1� ,.1: \) \ ;' 1/1'/)v ,J" :. J _.f rf/ A ,j q;; /�,A\.J.,t 'FILE
..'er -. l
International Society for Krishna Con��ciousness
My Deai Sats·�rupa,
Please accept my b lessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of vour lett�r dated Octol�r 10, l9C9 with �he deeds enclosed. I do not understand the technical language, but I can follow that there is a property in the name of the society. Yes, Krishna is the Proprietor of not only this property, but all the properties of all the universes. He is the Supreme Enjoyer of everything, and He is the most Beloved, Sincere Friend of everybody. That is a fact. People do not know it or they have forgotten it, and our Krishna Consciousness �ovement is trying to understand this philosoph�' and make others understand it� So you are a sincere devotee of Krishna and He has given you a great opportunity of service, perhaps #1 in all the centers. You are the only pioneer center \.,rho possesses your own property and press. I am so glad to learn that things are going on nicely and Krishna is giving you good income also. Please therefore manage things very nicely, both husband and wife and other assistants. You are also very fortunate to have an assistant like Giriraj. This boy has so quickly �aken up the Krishna Consciousness cause and I am very much pleased with his behavoir. Now Advaita should be assisted by some other intelligent man. Jadurany should be ·given sufficient space for her painting work, assisted by other artists. And Giriraj is the right leader of Samkirtan Party. I am sorry that r-:urari has left. Pray to Krishna that he may come back again soon. Yes, this Uher tape recorder is very nice. It can act both as tape recorder and dictaphone also. It has got exactly the same speed for direct typewriting, h..1t because you have not got a tape recorder that plays at this dictaphone speed, we send you higher speed tapes.
In BTG the � leela episode cannot be published. We are writing on the activities of Krishna and rasa leela is one of the most important Pastimes of His transcendental activities. Therefore it must be published in the book, but it cannot be published in any public paper. That is the i�struction of my Guru Maharaj. Actually, r� �la means to c1..:rh dc·..m t.he lusty propensities of the conditioned soul. Unfortunately, it acts differently on the conditioned soul if he is not prepared to understand what is Krishna. So do not try to print this.
Yes, I am very much anx.ious to go to Boston as soon as possible, but at the same time I want to see London center well estab-
'1;;ridandi [joswan1i , v "'� .. : _... v f-(,1-; ::J Lrt 11 Jje,-rfa· rQ f� ...,._,..tL I.'-...-!...I. � ..I. .... '-+ ... l "-'-4
CENTER:TIT'rEI'1HU�S'l' PARK, TI1"rEHHURS1.' Ho,Jse Ascot, Berkshire, ENGLAND DATE ....9�.�Ql;>�r. .��.� .... . ........19.9.�
lishpd. Since I have come here Krishna has given us our permanent place which was in dispute at 7, Bury Place. It is very 111ell situated, and perhaps London center will also come out very successful in the near future. The Hare Krishna record is going on in England nice ly, and I heard that in Australia it stands 4th on the list of 50 important records.
I have heard also from Brahmananda that he plans to spend 3 days per week at Boston, but I have also heard that during his absence 3 devotees have left the temple. So things should be managed so nicely that our devotees may not leave us. We get a devotee after great endeavor, and we must train such devotee in a nice way so that he may not go back and be at largcin the clutches of Maya. I think I shall visit Boston in December surely, if not in November, and I shall let you kno'l'l the exact time and date. As you are talking of myself that I am your only shelter, similarly I am always thinking that you all boys and girls are only tny hopes. When I was first in Boston in the same Commonwealth Port I was thinking how I shall be able to establish my mission in this country. Now, by Krishna's Grace, the time h&s come when I see Boston is the first center and in Boston we have got so many nice devotees.
Please offer my blessings to all the others. I hope this will meet you in good health.
r. � . hi\ ?J ?V� .fb�t'l1Af · He· A-t .4/JY!i(C. k-1 Cf- j ,y��0-1�.4{. • � • 1tcu;_ t:0 - tt-l.- -(;{�w-ff/P.P/,
A. c. Bhaktivedanta S�1ami
�y Dear Kapiladev,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 18, 1969 and have carefully noted the contents. It doesn't matter that you were unable to remain in Vancouver because now you are serving Krishna in the Seattle temple. This is the meaning of transcendental. The devotee of Krishna is beyond the touch of time and space because these are simply external features. The only concern of Krishna's devotee is to serve Krishna to the highest level of perfection in whichever situation Krishna wishes him to remain.
Regarding �ityananda Prabhu breaking the sannyasi rod of Lord Chaitanya, the explanation is that this was to show that Lord Chaitanya was Krishna, so He had no necessity of taking sannyas. In the higher sense the 'laishnavas are meant for being members of the family of Krishna to serve as friend, to serve as parent or to serve as lover. So for such elevated devotees sannyas is superfluous. But still, Lord Chaitanya took sannyas just to prove� it factually that so far as the material conditions are concerned, they must be given up. Without knowing this fact some so-called Vaishnavas have turned to be saha1ia. This means one who takes everything as very easy. All the acharyas, beginnigg from Lord Buddha, Shankaracharya, Ramanuja, etc., all of them renounced this world. So renunciation is required, but when one makes further progress after renunciation towards spiritual life and enters into the Pastimes of Krishna, then things become perfect. The summary is that sannyas is renunciation, which is imperative for all. Nityananda's breaking the sannyasi rod of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was with the purpose to show that Lord Chaitanya is transcendental to all material conditions.
Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher,
Oct. 24, 1969
cfi.C. G_Bfiaktivedanta $vvami
Founder-Acharya: InternationalSocietyforKrishnaConsciousness
Ascot, Berkshire, ENGLAND
My Dear Satsvarupa,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 22, 1969. I have duly made corrections on the I§opanisad glossary you had enclosed, and I shall send it to Brahmananda as requested by you. I want that in all of our books, magazines and other writings the scholarly present�tion be given in all instances, so for every Sanskrit word there must be the appropriate spelling and diacritic marks. Regarding your question about BTG containing more than one essay by me in cert�in issues, you may use your o� judgement in this connection. Enclosed is a tape for Krsna; and at the part on this tape where Kamsa is killed, that Is the end of the first volume of Krsna. The remaining portion shall be published as the second voh�me. No1tJ we must make arrangements for its publication. Please consult with Advaita as to the price for 10,000 copies on the style of�· There will be approximately 350 printed pages and 50 pages of p�intings. So combinedly you determine what the production costs will be and let me know your figures. Regarding your final question, you are correct that Garbodaksayee Visnu and Karanod;:�:�ayee are not divisions of Paramatma. So you may change the words ,;divided into" into "is one of". I am so pleased to learn th==�t already the press is ready to begin printing some K��Qa Consciousness booklet, and please keep me informed on your progress.
I hope this will meet you in good health.
DATE ..... �?.��1;>.��..�.?.'..............19 �?.
i . .� ( ; \ ( ' ' . I· J I , IJ • .. I : . -!./ • :, .· '\�·' \ ,,.../ _,,. V �--------------------.. .... ·-A. c. Bhaktivedanta Swami
JLCG[jfiakj)vedanta $wc11ni
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
DATE.... 9<;.�91?��-. �.?.•. . ...... 19�.�.
'�y near Ppendra, f.lease accept my ble ss ings. I beg to thank you for yotJ:r. J�t:ter cl<� Led Octot-er 16, J.969 and I have noted the contents care fnll y. 1egatding the "Pr a bhupad's 'T'a ble", froM the next year yo11 wj 11 be q�t:tit1q so r1any books f.or selling. I have now made a polir-y t-hat �" soon as My books nre printed in the press I shall distrH ·t Jte th.-=-•n i n all the centers along with the respective bills. Yon \vill }�jnr'!ly seno me the money for the Book Fund as soon as yon s�J.l th��. rhe roonev �nv he sent to me or to the coastal president . T'·1t J shol J. overload you .,,ith books. I am so encouraged to learn n[ yo•1r nire propng"'nda work in the local schools. Last r,·on<�<'�Y vr� Her� at r� l<H<l college and at least one hundred law students "!ere L'P and r:hanting and da n cing along with us. So there is Much J•otf'nt·ial for orqanizing the student commonities to take part jn O'lr ll'Ovem�nt. I am pleased also that you are decorating yo11r t-ern['le nj �ely, and the mor e yo'' decorate the temple beautifnlly the r1ore VO\tt heart: 1dll be beautiful. The example is that the more ·;ou deror at e the orig inal the more the reflection automati��lly is r]pr:ornled. So 011r heart is the reflection of the O rigi n n l Conr-;:iotlsness, 1·'rsna, and the more Krsna and His paraphernalia are dec-orated the �or� t·his will be refl��ted in our heart and we will Feel trans�endental bliss.
I c'lo not kn01:1 \·.'hy you write that you are unhappy. Yon can j oin 1:9 at any ti.me pr o v id ing your business does not suffer. You ore dt"veloping the Seattle temple nice!y. If vou think in ''0'1t :::1 hscnce t-here will be no mis�anaaement, then you are welcome to st�v with rre as long as you like. -I like your cooking very much, so 1 sh�ll �njov n i ce good foodstuffs. nut at the same time I desire thot vour field of activities may not suffer.
Re9ardin<J vonr qnestion, in one sense both vo'J and l''�hE'pltr'.'Shi'l �re right. '!'he f=1ct-. is that after the dissolution of the 11ni "erse t.he living entities remain in slumber within r-·aha Vi�nu, and again when the creation takes pli'lce they are impregnated in their origin"�! position and they come ont in different species of l if e . Pv 9rad11al evolutionary proC'ess, when they come to the human form there is good chance of ge�ting out of the repeated birth a nd death, and one can enter into the Spiritual Realm. But if one loses this
'(.:>'ridr117' fi QoSH'ilT71i
cha nce he is again put into the cycle of birth and death. The conr'litioned s ouls are i'\lwav� within the r1aha Visnu Form, whereas the liherated souls in �'aikuntha, the y are eng a g ed in the s�rvice of the J ord. Constitutionally every living entitv, even if he is tn the ''aikuntha Loka, ha:, chance of f alling down. Therefore the living entity is called marginal energy. But when the f all� do•vn has taken place for the conditioned soul is very difficult to ctscertain. Therefore two classes are designated ! eternally liberated and eternally conditioned. But for arguments sake, a living entity being marginal en ergy, he cant be eternally conditlon�c'l. The 'rime is so unlimited that the conditioned souls i'\pp,.,ar to he eternally so, but from the philosophical view· he t:"nnot �e eternally conditione�. Since we cann6t trace out when we h�ve hec ome conditioned, there is no use of arguing on this point. B0ttcr to take care first how '�e can get rid of this condit ional e>:istence; as m1Jch as a pat i ent should take care for treat in') his disease more, and less waste his time in finding out the ca11se of hjs rUsease.
r!ease offer my blessings to the others. you in qood health.
I hope this will meet
·1 .& .�Wi(�?tt:��:
-------- -·------------
A. c. Bhaktivedanta
(j1�C� vBfiaktivedanta [')wa1ni
J.i\ -n.1ndcr-Acharya.:
International Society for Krishna Cor1sciousness
>i c �� '=e ac,:cpt my greetings . I am very glad to learn from my cU!::c]nJ.e, Srirr.ati Govinda Dasi, that you are reading our books;'! C:.i11l 1�-'.:.Grc: ture with some j_nteres t. Ic. has glven me much satisL•. �.:.iuu, a:--1d if you read our Srimad Bhaqavr1tam yotl \·d.ll find there 1·J.:;.t. i.s t.lle distinction be·.Neen realization of Brahman, Paramatma '· jq. C.l ::-:-�-:c. 1 S;Jpersoul ) , and the Personality of Godhead. According 'l:o :: ci.lii;,d ::.h<::.e<a uatam, all of these reali�ations are on the transc,:-nL�;.;·ta.i tJl;:ipeas-;;-,Jch as sunshine, the S!Jnglobe, and the precJG!I;j_n�;tirr; deity on t:he sunglobe are all ftJll of li9ht and high i"c.!�·�pe:-.-�t.u�·c_::.. Simj_larlv, ei-cher in Bral"!!l2!2• Parll.!_ll:§_t:ma or BhnqaW-1!}. (h.'l':.<':Ji.:].J.t" of Godhead) realization you Hill ah·Jdys find spiri�-l�l J.:Lght. anJ heat. But as there are different derrrees of sun:-;!,:·.H:� u-,c;, :->tJ'!qlobe and the sun's deity, sirnilal-lV there are also th 1 rc!�S ot' t:.ru.nsc:endental bliss in the difi:."erent f: e�:,tures of the J.J �.. l·l,J:·.��. The summary is that: the Absolute ···ru1:11 Js the snm: :..1:.. ..i <-"� E�e:cnity, bliss and Y.:nowledge. Impersonal F eature of ::.he .t'1J:.;olute ':'ruth is reali?a.tion of eternli.:v. 1....ocalJ.?.ed Parami-� i .,1,, 1.·cr:.l i �at ion is realiza i:io11 o� t.rans�cndcntaJ. knov7ledge, But c:.::u·:e all these as they are described in .I<.l.!.Q•::E�.:::�'-2.� �?--��� there .is l-""lu::r)1.:.Ulm, the Suprsn,e Pe.rson. T·�Elt i::; r:-+:;na. lil thn "ecl as it is E3t<:11:cd that. one who has understood t:hc S11premc P(�j:-;:;on has under:.;-;.:.nod ever-• thing. rhis is bc�r::ause evervthincr is subordinate to the �it'l';:c.;ne Pel-son. So if vou ld.ndly try to unciors·t:and this philosophy t.• •· ::!10 Sup1·cme Person as descrlbed i.n _!?hqggy_0_?. Q.iL��.. 8th chapter, �'·:-•u ·.·!.UJ. undersi.:and our activit.iE-:3 more clearly. Or j_f' you so de�·d.l�e, you can \·7ri te t.o me cor furth(�r under�:;t.:tndinq of thls J<rsna Consd.ousness philosophy. Hare l.(r:.:na. I thunk �'OIJ aqain for· '.7our interest. .
A. C. BhaktivedRnta Swami
"(jridandi (josu1:Jmi FIL
CENTER:TIT'rENHURST l?ART� TITTBNHCRST HOUSB J't.scot, Berkshire, ENGlAND DATE .... .Octohez:./.7.,..............19.69
· -
c.fi.C. GJ3fiaktivedanta
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
Ascot, BerJ<:shire, ENGLAND DATE
My Dear Satsvarupa,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 28, 1969 with enclosures. The pamphlet sermon is not unfavorable. It is indirectly favorable because in that pamphlet the writer has admitted that the Christian church is waning and people are seeking after some new type of religion. That he has adsnitted. He says "Suppose the Christian church is waning, suppose even that in 10 years it will have gone out of existence. What then?" So these Christian priest are already feeling the pulse of their religious principles, and they are not very much hopeful. He writes another place that a woman being asked by her friend why she Has not coming to church, the tvoman replied, ''Oh, we dont go to church anymore." So far as we are concerned, he has admitted that the boy-�hom he spoke with was soft-spoken and polite. He seemed intelligent and had obviously been well brought up. In another place he says "What interested me most hov1ever was that here was a boy who was obviously religiously inclined. He was trying ·to find God and was trying to help other people find God, and he had taken up his post in front of a Christian church to preach Krishna." Dont you think that indirectly he is feeling the effect of our preaching work and his whole pamphlet is ·,.:�ritten as if he is afraid of the Krishna cult, •..vhich is spreading like ·""ildfire? So ·we shall not be at all discouraged by such writings. Rather we should take the real fact that people are actually hankering after the real type of religion.
Yesterday we had a very successful meeting at Oxford at the Town Hall. About 350 boys, girls, old men, ladies and gentlemen participated, and we made the� all dance and chant with us, every one. After the meeting, many boys and gentlemen carne to congratulate me. Out of them, one was an� Egyptian gentleman. Similarly, in another meeting in Conway Hall one Chinese boy came and offered his obeisances exactly like my disciples, bowing down to my feet. Negro boys are also taking part. So it is a fact that our movement will appeal to the heart of everyone, and they will join us. If one is not very much sophisticated and overburdened by material contamination, then he must respond to our call. The only thing is that vle as preachers must be very, very pure, sincere and serious. The crude example is that when a man is physically very
7?;ridandi yo.<-:\van1i
. ....o<?�t.C?��:r:.-��!. •• ••••••• 19 -��
strong, and if he has sex intercourse with a ,.,oman, she is sure to become pregnant. When pregnancy fails, it is due to the weakness of the male partner generally. Similarly, if we are full ·-;ith Krishn vitality, then wherever we go the audience will be impregnated with Krishna Consciousness. Now some of our leading boys, like you, Brahmananda, T�mal, etc. you should be very careful to train yo11r other junior Godbrothers to the right type of preacher, keeping full faith in Krishna and the Spiritual �aster, and executing the routine works of chanting and following the regulations. That ·�ill make you all great preachers, and wherever you go you ,-.7111 come out victorious.
Now coming to some other points discussed in the Cathedral Sermons pamphlet, we may take notice of the writer's statement which may help us in understanding the real position of Christian religion. In one of the statements he says that Bishop Dean, the former Executive Officer of the Anglican Corrmunion, said to the general Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada last month that he gives the church as it exists today ten more years of life. The reason the church was dying he said was because it had become irrelevant. This means that the church people no more can convince the advanced, educated men of the present day. In another place he says in discussing the Ten Co�nandments of the Bible about the sanctity of'human life'� Instead of exactly quoting the the commandment "Thou shalt not kill," he replaces by his own words "Thou shalt do no murder". But he does not know how his ovm v1ords reflect to the then society v1herein Lord Jesus Christ -v1as preaching. To say to his audience, "Thou shalt do no murder" means they "'ere very much accustomed to com."nit murder. So what is the position of that society where the members are accustomed to com"nit murder, and what class of preaching can be made to such persons? As we see in another religious principle there is instruction that henceforward y.u shall not co-habit with your mother. So we have to judge such societies where there are murderers and those having sex life with their mothers, what kind of men they are. In the Bhagavad Gita the religious principles are divided into three categories: in the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance. Generally, all so-called principles are in the modes of passio� and ignorance. }laybe there are some moral instructions, but moral instructions without God-consciousness is impossible to follow. In another place the gentleman quotes one book written by Prof. Charles Smith. The book's name is "'rhe Paradox of Jesus in the Gospels". In this book it is admitted that all the statements in the Bible are not directly spoken by Jesus. Some of the� are staged through the mouth of Jesus Christ; and specifically this passage: "I am the way, the Truth and the light. No man comes unto the Father but by me." �his gentleman admits that it is put into the mouth of Jesus because that is the literary convention of the author of the 4th Gospel.
t�DG � S D G 2. FilE
Such kinds of 0bservations definately ,Jggests that there are IT ny passages in the Gospel which are later on set up to be spoken by Lord Jesus Christ, but actually they were manufactured bv different devotees. So far as our Bhagavad Gita is concerned, we do not find any such thing. EveryvJhere it is stated sri bhagavaD_ uvacha: the Supreme Personality of Godhead said. And all the acharyas have �ccepted these words as they are spoken by the Lord. No authorized acharya h�s ever commented that it was put into the mouth of Krishna by �Tyasadeva or Snmjaya or any other person.
I give yet/all these hints not for general discussion, b'Jt for your personal understanding to know the respective ·"�positions of different types of religious principles. Ours is transcendental becaus� we are not very much concerned with the minor moral or immoral principles, although each and every devotee is a first class moralist. But our religious principle or natural occupational duty is to learn how to love Krishna. We are practicing this and we are teaching this. So let us very steadily stick to our principles and our movement will surely come out successful.
I hope this will meet you in good health.
. _r ��. � ": HOG- so�- 3 FILE (J) 2.
A. c. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Founder-Ach.arya: International Society for I�rishna Consciousness
CENTER: "i'I'I''l'Ei,;HUH.S1' PARK TI'l"l'ENHURS1.' HOUSE Ascot, Berkshire, ENGLA
Dear Krishna Devi,
Please accep� my blessings. I beg to thank you very much for your letter dated October 21, 1969 and have noted the contents. It is very good news that Vishnu Arata is advancing nicely in Krishna Consciousness and I know that you and your husband will always do your best to bring her up on the right path of Krishna Consciousness. To raise one soul to Krishna Consciousness is counted by Krishna as a very great service, so you do this duty carefull�, and Krishna Hill surely bestow His blessings upon you. I am also glad to learn that you are developing more and more a taste for thining of Lord Krishna and His devotees. Such thinking is required, and you will see that as you think in this way, your taste for relishing the nectar of such meditation will increase more and more. This is called the limitless ocean of the nectar of devotion. �his ocean is unending, and therefore the pleasure of relishing the nectar of this ocean is also increasing unendingly. Regarding your questions, yes, a woman can certainly reach the perfectional stage of devotion to Krishna. And the gopis of Brindaban are the best example of this. They are simple cowherds girls, and Lord chaitanya has praised their �orship of Lord Krishna as the highest form of worship. Krishna Consciousness is transcendental to all such mundane considerations as if one's body is male or female. This is the �eaning of spiritual: Krishna Consciousness is beyond the limited bodily idea.
Regarding yo�r other questions, the Yadu dynasty completely destroyed itself because Kr�shna wanted this. So far as initiating disciples is concerned, anyone who is qualifie� can do this. For example, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur was householder and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati was staunch brahmachary, yet they both were qualified for initiating disciples� Regarding your question about feeling emotions during kirtai?-, these are real spiritual emotions. Spiritual emotions ca;:� �l)e experienced by the fallen soul; but one who is feeling spiritual emotions is not actually fallen. That is the benediction of this Samkirtan f.!ovement that it elevates one to the highest position of spiritual experiences. Regarding your final question about Laxmiji, she never has conjugal relations with Lord Narayan. Neither does she desire to have conjugal relations with Krishna. Her desire is to follow the Gopis of Vrindaban. Please offer my blessings to Darnodara, �-:adhusudan, Kanchanbala, and of course your family. I hope this '.Yill find all in good health.
CC3ricfandi [jOS\VDI11i ff""'i ) 0 ( &"'"") ·.rf r. ve I(.r, /.1-!- r) Vo;�1:-'L.�.a.J . La
DATE ... . ..�-1.Q�t?l"Q.R9J::.? '· . . . . .. ....19. 9.Q
(\ . /"-• t ·iever; ell-';�· her, f • . ; ; ! I I I ( 'f.-1''.., )(;' , ' . _l ;f) 1/'tY( 1�1/ ( : J•:';-� (Cf) / \,.\;_,\. .. \ I'·' , ..
Interr1ational Society for Krishna Consciousness
l'.scot., Berkshire, El'�GLAND
DATE ... . . Kone."12ber..?.,..... . ...... ..190.�.
�y Dear Hansadutta,
Ple�se accept my blessings. 1 beg to ackno�lcdge receipt of your J.et:tcr dc1.1::.ed October 4, }.969 and t.here �rc throe :i.mportcmt s0bject m�tters of Ahich you have tried to get my opinion. I may inform you that they arc all very nice proposals. So far as the buildit:•3' is concer;v.;d, if you cc.�.n rn.::-.nage for the :-.IOl'l(:!}··, j_rnmediately try to p•.IrcCIC�.se it as Satsv.:-1rupa has done in Bosto•:. Similarly, regc1.rding Jc.he land, it is Cl.lso c:t very ai::. trC'Active proposal. lf the land is not rocky and there is sufficient open space for pasturi�g ground so that >·.re may keep co·.,15 all the year round, then it: is a vQry nice proposal. Tamal Krishna told me about such land, and he is v2ry hopeful about getting Otlr men in th�t quarter (Califor�ia), So you can try for it, and if possible please let.: me kno0 what is the actual situation oE the land. Regarding rny accepting a te:ochir;g pos:i !-.ior: in BE::rkel8V Un:i.ven::; i�:y, ;,�hich is E;aid to be the :Cinc,.:;i: Univer.:.;:i.ty in th.C! O:r::i.�:ed S;:<:�::-.e::;, t.hi�> i.; a.l�Q a nice prop8.;c:•. l. Aci:uall•;, 1 ;.,·<..!.nt to ha·Je su.c�1 pos:i.t.:i_on fo:r: .=;o;n:� tj.,;-,e in orcleJ:- to cti:trc-tc�: the tL-,i-;ersit:y studcni:s. But. one: t.hing- rrm.=;7 be no·ced th.:J.t I ,.;ill not l::e freG ;:o te:�J<:.c ':he cU\ss bc·>;c.om 11 c:wt and 5 p�. If that is possible, you can negotiate fo� such post. If tW'tua1J.y· l get. such p8st, r.a t.urall y 1 '·'i 11 ha vc to l:i. vs: in Berk.•JJ.cy. And c<E• you s2''l the cli:r,at.e is nice there, tlwre •..'5.11 be no (Urf.:i.cuJ.ty.
RcgarcJ.ir;g- /OUr quo.;·:-.ion o.bout Lo:cd JQsus Chr:Lst., .·· e accq).·.: hL:, as Ei::::l�ty,::..·;eslw. ct'·'.::>.'::.c.r. I.o1:d 5v.6oh:•. is in the s;::•.e cc.:i:e·:,o1:y 2lso. Loni. Bu:..1dh:t :i_s n'en::.io:·Jc:.:.-'1 f;p��c::i.-.!:ic<:.1J.ly :in �r:L!.£:.::,�3 f�}2:�'�(<_1_'.��,_t.s:�:_. .:C!.-3 in c<n:!•c::t t.:i.on of Go:i.h'::''·d, and yc-i:. :c.1 :i. f:,rm<:•."0.-"� do not. b.CC.(;pt hi f; philo-sophy, ·.-�hich is clc.lss::.f:ic!d �.!:::� ath!.:::i,,r,.._, Si,nil<.:;rl\:, even if ·.-.:c ac·cept Lord Jesus Christ as shnktyavcsha avat.ar, it doesn't mean thc.tt 'tiC hu.ve to accept. his pililoGophi• But we ha.ve all respects for hir"fl '.-Ji thout fai L Regarcang boo::s lii<e �f.l:.:l��_ria:g_ §Q_��I?�.:l or even the �·est.ir;·.cnt s, ':lG Ccl.i'li!Ot'. accept. Lho:n CJ.[.; au. the>rities bec:::-1 •JS2 so::£:?·tiJ�as it is lc�rn_t tha� the words �re not actually apoken by Chr-i sr· \. '·h::.-,; "''r(!• c·o ::-:o·i !1),.' t·})(' de··c,'-c�r-'; '..;'OJ" ,.,-.•;::,nl e ; n
. , �- '- -·. Cl�- �• _ �> ...... _. "' . \1 \. ---·· e �- - _,.f'l. .t ,- ·J t.he ·_.en Cr.:y,·.''1<.�nc!:�·�r::.;t.s :i.t.
7;Sridanc!i [)oswwni �c · ''i '"l:c:j t] ,, .... i
cJ.c:lJ:-ly s;;_a;:t:,c\ ":L'hou::;
bu.t. sv:�t' :;: )_�:Lop i r: Ho:::; J:.o:: h:, :-: c: 1:. ncJc::} :��-. to " r.i.ou. ;:; he::J. c. 6.o ro r;-:·.u:d-r'' 't''·ic r·.-,-, 18 ' ) " p· . ,,,,...,, .,.,r'c· I.e 1'"'C' '··olc'J .:'!or ,., c • ... t!,., ...� •.. t...:'.... l" · .. t·..:.. ..-.I.. :c·. i\._.;,) �, , 1... ..:.� 'LJ l •... .t.. _ c.. .....d•c'\o ...l ... .. \. ..·• t er • So d:::>:1t. bo-:�_h��:c c-•}Jl'")1_!:: (t J.l th �-�·�\ 1it (�J:a.�·.u:te:s • \'Ic� h<·. v:c� t:tJ.l
sh::�lt r�o': }::ill'',
respect for th ese great preacher�, but we do not require to study books save and accept for some reference. We must push on our philosophy how to love God. Our process is sirnple. vle have got volumes of books also, so it is better for us to mind our own business than to divert our attention in the studi es of other books. This was definately forbidd en by Lord Chaitanya.
hftcr all, Krishna Consciousness philo so phy is as old as 120 mi llion years at the least. So nothing can be compa r e d with our philosophy either in the matter of antiquity, philosophy, ethics, science, morality, etc., all in correct vision and a pproved by groat sta lwart acharyas. So far others are concerned, they cannot be compared even. For example, if Lord Jesus Christ said ''I'hou shalt not kill'', or "rhou sha lt do no :ar.urder'' to the peopl e , it c1oC!s not reflect very good social structure of the audience. Our phi lo sophy is a bove all these things. Just like we prescribe to ou r student� no illicit sex-lif e, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling, but they are not ends in themselves. The real end is how to serve Krisl1na and sacrifice everything for Him. And to learn this transcendent.ul art vle have got so many volumes of books. So t.he SUi!"L't'.ary is that instend of diverting our a t tenti on to read such unathorized books, bett·er pay our att.ent.ion to more authorized �.raishr:ava literature. These scriptures of the Buddhi sts and the Christi�ns may be the words of God, but still they are not always applicable to us. lt is just like a king may give so�c r ul e s and regul�tions for some cr imin a l s in prison; but for the good citizens cut of the pri son e1csc rule s are not necessarily applicable. So these Christian and Buddhist s c ri ptur es �ere delivered for a different class of men, and we needn't s pen d our ti�c in studying their c1octri�es. You s hould read our own books ov er and over ag<tin and as far as po s s ible do not try to en t er into controversy. We do not concern ourselves with any othar religion. Our re ligi on is to bscome the:servant of t.he serv<mt of the servant or Krishna.
You have sent me one plan for constructing a dctis for the Deitie3 in which you have placed Radhu�(rishna undar Lord Jagann�th. Inst.Cc1c1. of p'.J.t !:ing it li}�c this, you put Lord Clw.ii::c-utyc'; s S<.:l.!,d<:irt an picture undernc<"tf:h Lo:cd ..Tu.ganr�ath, and. rn.r:tko a scparc:;.te throne for Radlw.-!.I\.rish<1-:l. exuctly on the pattern of Lo� 1\ngeles �.e:T.ple. Regarding Vel van i , I am glad that he has co�e to you from �ontreal, but his photo shoHs he is not in the st a :1 d a1·d dress; and lhe tilok is not co:rrect:ly m�cl.e. lm�r,·:cly, y..:>u. •:wlco:ne hhn. He ls a very nice gentleman. But try to convince him to follow all 0f our princjplcs. Th�t will be very nice. Please offer my obeisances to your good
f \:it,e, IIh.1a i . r· I hop<> this "'i 0�ft- ' ' e:::;h'":: 1 :tth 11J ' • j.r-;r:,,,dJl·.··� .t:' ' •/ } /' ' ' I ) /" .. . ·· I '· ·····11· . (,J,, ,, . 1/ .... . I (\ I I : i' ', / . (\ ;';""-, ,\ '/j ·!" I::·; . ., -'..� '· ,. t ..... . ;,.,!. ''7t;·..;�/v - "'-··�· .1 'r\··,·(. '/i.J'; ,�� ·l: ,.. �·' t' ·�· .! IV,', t. _; �-:.( I. t:,.j,�,:' :','')' .. . -� ,..-- '.. . l·r-',·I"'• ..!_. J ·..... , ·.�, ,......, / C , , .. C' , I . �· I ... � I · '1:.. •• 1-::�.1., \,.,·/� ..> 'i·l . L ...\.... �\�'.... . . · . t v . . . ' /!• •t ' ..., • . ,···-·-·- ; ·-----··-·-· fv • 1• ' �·'y ,.-1:·;1 'r:'.·:�·;·_...,:0>;.:1- ,-yJjl:t.... ...::_...._..-::::.-·-·------------
cfl.C. �fiaktivedanta Swami
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
Ascot, Berkshire, ENGLAND
My Dear Arundhuti,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknoHledge receipt of your letter dated October 24,1969. Regarding your working hours, if you can \olOrk more, of course that is very good. Chaitanya r.1ahaprabhu says that vre should be engaged in Krishna's service ahvays, without any gap. So we should mold our life in such a way that not a minute will be blank without Krishna's.service. Regarding your first question, the proof of Krishna Consciousness is that the Bhaqavad Gita it is oldest transcendental literature about God-consciousness in the history of the world. It is estimated from authorita.tive sources of '!edic literature that Bhaqavad Gita is eternal truth and was first revealed within our knowledge at least 120 millions of years ago. So what other literature can be compared v.Jith Bhagavad Gita throughout the �..vhole 111orld or universe? The second proof is that Krishna is accepted as the Supreme Personality, not only in the modern age, namely v;i.thin two thousand years, by great acharyas like Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya,L6�tr� t-!adhy::.>.charya, Lord Chaitanya, etc., but before this in all �ledic
literatures given by ?yasadev, I<rishna is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So �t�hatever is spoken by the s�_lpreme Lord Himself is certainly the most authoritative. So far as we are concerned, we do not make any alterations in the statements of Krishna. Therefore ,..,e are also authority. Just like 2 plus 2 equals four is mathematical truth. Anyone who accepts this axiomatic truth and ,_.;orks on this principle is also authority. To become authority is simply to follow the authority. If someone makes ? plus 2 equal to 3 or 5, he is a rascal. That means he does not follow the authority and thus he fails to become himself an authority.
Regarding crying, Nhen someone cries during kirtan, this crying is crying of the soul. But if anyone tries to imitate such crying to g·et ::;orne ado.ral:.:.ion,U1atis a bodilyfunction. Regarding vour final question, Krishna is the Cause of all causes. That is a fact. But we being subordinatetoKrishna,sometimes we create ourcauseunderKrishna's sanction only. Just like a child may persist in trying to do something, but unless the mother allm·rs he cannot do it. Another example is that n criminal is put into jail by the trying judge; this is caused by the judgementofthe court, but it is actually caused also by the criminal person. I hope this vlill meet you in good health.
'15ridandi Qoswan1i
•... �1Q1��rtll;>.�r:.;4 '·...... .. .. .. .19.P.�
e •,;el er ------------
cfiC �liakJivedanta $wami
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 7, Bury Place
London, WC 1
lease accept rry blessings. I thank you very much for your letter dated October 17, 1969 sent from the Detroit temple. I am verv �uch pleased to note your sincere attitude towards our Krishna Consciousness •-•overnent, and this sincerity will lead you to the highest spiritual consciousness if you continue in this way. That is the special Grace of Sri Chaitanya �ahaprabhu. In former ages the processes of spiritual elevation were very difficult and long enduring. But in this age of Kali Yuga o�r lives are so short anj our minds are so restless that the process for spiritual realization must be very simple in order for success to be achieved.
'':'herefore, Lord Krishna appeared on this world as Lord Chaitanya to show the fallen living entities the easiest and most sublime method of achieving Krishna Consciousness. His formula is that e ·,eryone, in ar,y position of life, should chant the Hare t<:rishna Vantra. So this is what we are teaching, and any benefit you are feeling from this procedure is simply the '· ercy of Chaitanya r ' ahaprabhu acting. I am glad that you are very much appreciating the association of Bhagavandas and Jagadisha. Thev are both very nice devotees, so when you have any questions about our philosophy, you consult with them, or else I am also at your service in this connection. Please continue to live at our temple, follow the regualtive principles and chant at least 16 rounds daily. wost likely this Dece::cber I shall be staying at our Boston temple for some days, and if it is possible, you may then come there to meet me.
I hope this will meet you i�
(;)ridandi [joswami
DATE .... �!�y-��1;>��-.� � .... .....19.€?�
y Dear Nico Kuyt,
A. c. 3hakti�edanta Swa�i
c/f.C GJJ!iak.tivedanta Swami
International Society for Krishna Consciousness CENTER; 7, .a,,ry l;lr-•ce London, �-JC 1
gNGLAl\:0 DATE ..... . X1������.�� ..� 1.. ... .......19�.�r-·-., DC!21 r Ha r.er 1 <:1)"1'\b,
Please a,..,:;er:.t my blessings. 1 t'eg to rhar.l<" vo1' ''ery ;:'l!lCh for 'y'OUr leH:er dat-.ed .I''O••ember ), 1969 and have no+-ed the r�Ont,,n ts •.,ri t:h ple =; s11re. r'or som.e time I hav 3 been anxious +:o hear from yoq, <:.&nd no�r1 tha-t �'0" h.:=J•,e '"'ritten I arn enc011raged to learn of vonr ni�e ar.tivities in Colorado . I am pleas ed also t:hatBhavananda, f-· c 1ika Dasi and Prabhr-� vat:i Dasi are a11 •l'lorkino so sin�erelv ar.d steadfas+-.1y to promote this Sam'-:-ir�an t. ovement, cmc'l s'1rely Chai�anva. r-:ahaprabhu will besto•..v His f u ll blessings upon all of vou. T'his is a qualification of activities in Krishnn Consr;iotJsness '·hat if one ren ders even a small amoun+- of sincere deuotional ser"it:"e, I<':rishna ber;omes obliged to elevate s•1ch person; and '"'hat to speak of one -:.;hose entire life and soul hills been oedi�a+-ed to T<rishna's ser"ir.e. So contim.·e to push on as YO'l are 1·.ow doinq and as far as possible distrib,te our books an"'l rnaaa7.ii,es. 1'-"o�"' tha+: our press is ready in Boston, '"e have more than one dozen books ¥hich are ready t:.o he print.ed, so '"'i +:h vour help I ,,rfsh to o•,erflood the marketplaces ""ith o•1r literat·Jres. l''ow people are reading all kinds of nonsense books, and th•1s their reaning capacit:.y is helping' to pave ::heir wav through the cvcles of birth and death. If thev will simply ta�e to re?din? this t.ranscendeni:al lP:erat,_:re we are presenting, t.he same readiY· g capacity �..,ill elevate them to the highest. perfection of .;;pirit1•al life. 3o t.his is very important task we are doinq, and all of you push forward in r.olorado with increased enthnsiasm.
Here in London things are going on ni cely, and at. all of our -neetin gs, hundreds of people join in with 11s in the chant:inC'T and dancing. Similarly, from all of our centers we are gettinq very goon reports , and I think that before long yo,,rcenter will develop into a ver)· important cent.er for Ollr rnoue1"'1en ""·. Please offer my blessings to the o t hers. I hope this will meet "O'J all in good health,
bridandi Qoswan1i
A. C. f3haktl ver:lan �a S'"am1
l1overr.ber 7, 1969
1y Dear Hayagriva,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 29, 1969 �nd noted the contents. Things are going on nicely in every department, and it is very encouraging. �ut as I have already told you, your first business is to see about the publication of my books. I have already advised Satsvarupa and Brahmananda in this connection, and they will take the necessary care for it. I want to know if rectar of Devotio::; is coming along at proper pace. So you will kindly manage in Columbus that the printing matters are substantially ready for the press. The press may not sit idly for want of printing matter. Then it will be very nice from all sides. Pradyumna is in charge of making the diacritic marks nicely, so I shall be glad to know if he is doing that work accordin3 to plan. f{ecently I received one letter from Arundhuti that she wants to work very hard. So Shama �asi should also do this as it was previously programed. rhe main point is that the press should not sit down for want of printing matter. �hat you �ill kindly manage.
As you write that you cannot fi�fit suitable work in Boston, you stick to Columbus and give sufficient time to your editing work. Please also take care of the children. They are our future hopes, and the adolescent age is the most dangerous age. It is the turning point of one's life. In this age, if you take care of the children, surely they will come o•Jt first class Krishna Conscious devotees.
Regarding publishing articles from the Harmonist, after the departure of my Guru �aharaj so many nonsense things have been written. So we should know who has written these articles. Articles written bv my Guru �aharaj can be published without any hesitation, but articles written by Prof. Sannyal after 1936, they are not at all good.
Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this \vill meet 901.1 in good health.
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
My Dear Turyadas,
Please accept my blessings. It is very kind of you to se�d your le�ter dated November 5, 1969, and I am so glad to leurn that. you are px:og·ressing in 1-\rishna Consci ousness. 'I'he secret of success in this line is to render service. Wi'ch our prese;it senses, materially covered, it is very aifficult to understa�d Krishna, His transce�dental Name, F�ne, Form, Pastimes, etc. But if we begin rendering service ur.to Krishna, then beinq pleased with our service He will reveal Himself from within. So the more we shall try to serve Krishna the more we will b� nearer to Him. All of you there are a good comination, so wor� con j ointly in pushing on this movement. You will be happy, the people in general, will be happy, and Krishna t.'lill also be very h�lppy and thereby bestow His best blessiPgs upon you.
I hope this will meet you in good health.
JLC. �ridandi [ios\vwni 0 � /.. �-.. ......c ,a. .. - c-· J.' ' ...... j tL .. u · .. ,
CENTER: 7, Bu.ry Ple1ce Lo·1don·, WC 1 ENGli�l'1J) DATE .• ... JAov.cmb.et-:.J.3.t. . . . . .. . ...19.69
A. c. Bhaktivedanta Swami
7,Bury Place
London, we· 1
Fovember 15, 69
My Dear Harold 7orf,
Please accept my blessings. I am very glad to receive your letter dated �ovember 11, 1969, and I am so much obliged to vour for.your kindly offering me your service. You are rightly placed by Krishna's Grace under Brahmananda, and you try to follo« his instructions. As soon as he -..,ill recommend, I sh::>ll initiate youJ most probably when I return to Boston. Your picture shows VOl� are a very nice boy, promising to become a good aishnC!va in the future. Krishna has sent you for being taken care of by us, so .,e shall do our best. You also �indly try to follow our Instructions. Regarding Omkar, you mav kno� that Om is the impersonal sound form of Krishna. Those who are unable to utter immedia�ely the Sweet �a�e of Krishna, they are reco��ended to chant em. Just like a child is taught to ma�e a particular type of sound, and �h�s he le � rn s the name of father, mother and other relatives. �hat is the beginning. So in the beginning, o� is the right vibration of transcendental sound, and the meaning is to address the Supreme Lord. Our business is directly with the Supreme Lord. Impersonal feature of the Lord is just like the illumination of the lamp. ·:he lamp is the more i�portant thing. Yo� will gradually understand all thes e features of the Absolute Truth if yot·· read Bhagavad Gita and adhere to the regulative principles. If there is diffi cu lt v in underst�nding, you consult with Brahmananda, or still further vou send your enquiry tome. �hank you very much for vour letter. I hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-�!sher,
A. C. Bhaktived�nta S�ami
Jf.C. GJ3fiakji;;�d;;;{a $wam1fIl£
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 7, Bury Place
London, WC 1
My Dear Madhusudan,
Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter dated November 18, 1969 and your maintenance check. I am so glad to learn about your Maha Samkirtan Party consisting of 60 devotees and your realization of the fact that the situation appeared to be Vaikuntha atmosphere. Actually it is so. Srila Narottama das Thakur in his prayer says he wants to be associated always with devotees. So our Krishna Consciousness Movement is to educate people to create such associatd:on. Even in the midst of a small family group, the whole world is missing this point. This is because they are creating societies of sense gratification. Therefore, in any group, either in societies, or communities, or nations, or at last in the United Nations, they are all unhappy. Because the real point is missing. So our movement is very genuine, scientific and benedictory. Only the fi�st class intelligent class of men can understand the value of this movement. But Lord Chaitanya has given us the Hare Krishna Mantra which makes things very easy. So go on chanting this mantra, following the regulative principles and rules and regulations. Then it will be effective without any fail. I am so glad that you are gradually appreciatd:ng the luster and beauty of Krishna and the taste of Samkirtan Movement.
Regarding your question, it is welcome. It is not outrageous. Any honest question is welcome. The Spiritual Master is meant for answering any honest question. Krishna has genitals certainly. It is said that He has eternal, blissful �dy, full of knowledge. So when He has got a body, He must have all the parts of a body. But we should not consider that His parts of the body are the same as ours. In the Brahma Samhita it is said that His parts of the body, or limbs, each of them has got potency of the others. For example, with our eyes we can see only, but we cannot eat. But Krishna's eyes can not only see, but also eat and beget children also. In the Vedas it is said that He put His glance over Maya and impregnated her with all the living entities. Therefore, although He has got genitals, necessarily He does not require to use it for the same purpose as we do. There is another instance that Garbodakshayee Vishnu begot Lord Brahma from His abdomen, navel, and the Goddess of Fortune, Laxrni, was nearby. She was just massaging the Lord's Lotus Feet, but He
DATE ...... �1<?-':'�f!lP�.� ?.�1 ..... ... ... 19. ��
did not require the help of the Goddess of Fortune to beget Lord Brahma. That is His omnipotence. He is self sufficient. He has got all the limbs for all the purposes. but He can use all of them for any purpose. This is inconceivable by us. We should not therefore compare our bodily function with Krishna's. His conjugal relationship with the Gopies is not exactly in the same way as we have girlfriends, neither the Gopies made friendship with Krishna exactly in the same fashion as here in this material world a girl makes friendship with a boy •• They are different spheres of activities. Therefore, I sometimes warn my students not to discuss much about the affairs of Krishna's dealing with the Gopies. In the Srimad Bhaqavatam such dealings are described in the lOth Canto, and as it is already explained. 9 Cantoes have been devoted just to understand the philosophy of Krishna. In the 2nd canto it is recommended that one should begin to see Krishna from the Lotus Feet, not from the genital. Gradually, as he advances in understanding Krishna, he should go up and up. In this way, one should try to see the face of Krishna; and His dealing with the Gopies is compared with His sweet smile. So for the present we should better stick our faith and observation to the Lotus Feet of Krishna and pray fervently that He may give us the strength and capacity to understand Him as He is. Because as soon as we are able to understand Him as He is, immediately we become liberated persons, eligible for entering into the Kingdom of God. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad GitaJ.. 4th Chapter where the Lord says "Simply by understanding My transcendental position, appearance, disappearance and activities, one becomes eligible to enter into My Abode, just after giving up the present material body.
Regarding your second question about the rasas in Narayana's Abode, it does not go higher than servitude and reverential friendship.
I am very glad that Kanchanbala is performing the regulative principles and worshipping and helping you to become an ideal Vaishnava householder. Regarding sannyas, yes, according to Vedic principles, as a married man. you must give your wife at least one boy child. And when he is grown up, after you are 50 years of age, you can take sannyas. The grown up boy may take care of your old wife. That is the Vedic system.
Please offer my blessings to all of the others. will meet you in good health.
A. c. Bhaktivedanta Swami
December 4, 69
r-·y Dear Bhadra Bardhan,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated �ovember 23, 1969 and have noted the contents. I am pleased to learn that the Columbus center is improving gradually and now you have begun to perform plays for the guests at the Sunday feasts. In one way or another you should always be engaged in Krishna Consciousness. This will protect you from the onsloughts of the material nature. Regarding your question about items being used in Krishna's service becoming spiritual, you should understand it that anything which will remind one of Krishna is spiritual, and anything which will make one forget Krishna is material. Actually, everything is of spiritual nature because everything. is coming from the Ultimate Source, Krishna. But when something is offered to the Lord or when it is used in His service, then it resumes its spiritual quality because it will remind one of Krishna. Therefore, even though such object may not have consciousness, it will act as spititual. It is just like when an iron rod is put into the firet the rod has not actually become fire, but it will ac� in just the same way as fire.
Regarding your question about the Brahmajyoti, it is explained in Bhagavad Gita that the impersonal Brahman effulgence is is emanating from Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The brahmajyoti is just like the sunlight, which emanates from the Sun God& Because the sunlight has no personal form, �his does not mean that the Sun God has become impersonal. You have seen in pictures of Lord Krishna that there is a nice effulgence corning forth from His body. This tttulgence is the Brahmajyoti, and it is pervading throughout the entire spiritual and material manifestation. But above this Brahmajyoti is the Supreme Source of everything, Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhea�. I hope this impori ant point is clear to you now.
Please offer my blessings to Jayagopal and the others. I hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A. c. Bhaktivedanta Swami
7, Bury Place London, we 1 ENGIAI�D
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 7, Bury Place London , w::. 1
My Dear Steven Hebel,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your nice letter dated �ovember 27, 1969 and have noted the contents. I am pleased to learn that you are regularly attending all of our classes and you are serving nicely in the New York temple. Continue on in this way and try to understand our philosophy as far as possible. Krishna gives assurance in the Bhagavad Gita that if one is very serious to perfect his Krishna Consciousness, then automatically, out of His Causeless �:ercy, Lord Krishna gives such sincere soul the intelligence by which he can enter again into the Spiritual Sky. Actually, Krishna offers this intelligence freely to everyone, but only the fortunate persons will take to it. Unfortunate persons will speculate upon the words of Krishna and concoct some meaning according to their own sense gratification. But Krishna and His bonafide representatives are giving this knowledge freely to evervone. Now it is our duty to assimilate this knowledge and practice it. Just like the electric current is equal on all points of the electric system, but different light bulbs will take different amounts of energy. This depends upon the capacity of the bulb to accept the electric current. Similarly, the Lord is not partial to anyone, but according to one's sincere desire to render unalloyed devotional service, so will He respond to enlighten such devotee. So the way for you to increase the capacity of receiving Krishna's !•!ercy is to chant Hare Krishna regularly, at least 16 rounds per day, to associate with devoties of Krishna, and to follow the rules and regulations. In this connection Brahmananda and the others will be able to give you good guidance. My request to you is that you stick with this process sincerely, and I am sure Lord Krishn� provide all facilities for your advancement. I shall be returning to Boston around the 21st of this month, and I hope you shall come to visit me at that time.
Please offer my blessings to the others. you in good health.
I hope this will me�
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
CJ.J...\J. ...1-./.1.. i.U.J.. �.1. v \......-U(.Ll L.LQ (!_) vv Ql.i.
ENGLAND DATE ......J?.���?:'��.Z::..�!.......... . . .19.?.�
for I�rishna. Consciousness
CEf\ITE.]�: 71 Dury !.'lace Lmldons ViC .1.
Ny Dear Jayagovinda,
Please u.cccpt my b]J_>::�sinSJf:;. :t .b:.::g t�o acknoi·7lr:..�c"3.�:re j�"CC:f;ipt: of your letter dated December 3rd, 1969. Tl1c descriptions given by you ar9 VC':ry pleusing and nice. I<:incUy l�eep up the st.nnda!.··d of your temple act.:i.vitJ. es by mu\.:ual cooperation, <Jnd everything '"ill come out successful and smooth. Kr:U.::lma is g:lvin':f you all hc.lp, and the more you serve IU.m. , the more help '"ill como au'co-· matically. You were in India, so you have seen our Godbrothers have hundrr::ds of teillplos c'lnd Haths, a�1d others alno in IncUa; evE:�ryon3 is nicely mu.int:.c-J.ining_, depc:ncHng on Krishna. ActuaJ.ly they have no fixed income, but as they serve the Lord, the Lord ar.:r:anr!.es evm:ythJng. 'l'herefore, our principle should bt� to serve nicely·, nnd everyt:hing HiJ.l be urransrcd by the Lm�·d.
Try to muke your prcsf-3 depai:·tmE::nt very n:i C(::;. 'fhe magztz1nc is alrendy selling� nnd if you �al�c further irnprovemonts, the sales Hill also 5.m;:n:-o-ve:. Just like our Ens;J.ish !?_��<?._: from 5,000 copies they h::tvc incn.�cwed to 251000 copies per month, und t:hey are going to inc�ease thG number of pages 1rom 32 to 40 pages. Regarding the If<N typev:rriter, j_s t.his a compcJsing machine or an orc1inc.n·y typm-;ri-l::cr'? If you are able to take a composJ.ng m::-tchin:o�p f..��+- �
signs, that is very nice.
Regarding your quc��ion about Krishna's associates, the prJnciple is t.l12t all liv:i.ng ou�:i�ies c.re e)�p:-;nsions of the Ori�Jine::.J..L,lvir:g r::nt.:it.y, Krishna. But. there are different g-rades of living cnt}.'ciest Vi::;hnu Ta-ttva and Jiva 'l'at.tv;;-�. Vishnu Tatt.va. is almost equal to thr� level of the Person�J.ity of Godhead, and Jiva Tat..tvo. is m:!.nt1tc particles, So \·lhen Lm:d Chcdt.anya app��a)..-ed, N:i.tyananda Prabhu nncJ. l�dvaita Prabhu uet-e Vishnw Tattva; 'i•lhereas Gadadhar Prabhu und Srivas Ptabhu wcro Shakti Tattv�. Jiva Tattv� is �lsc within the Shakti Tattva. These things are explained in :U& and other of our books. Lord Nityancmda is Bala1:arn Him-· self, not an expansion of Him. SrilG Narottama das Thakur has sung t.h2t thr� Lo:::-CI. \d-!::> upp<:1ared as the Son of i:J<:lndc, !•1ah:::n:·aj h<1s now appeared as the Son of Sochidevi; and tho same Balara� has appecu:·:�d as l·�it.yu.n<:)_nO.a. 'J�his is the.: f3t.i::lt,cn�cnt of Srila N.:::u:otta.ma. c1ci:=:; j:'h.J.l-:::ur. · r h-:JpG thj_3 �-:j_ll 1w.::ct you in <;j[)Od h<.:i1li:h.
"'0,...�r ""'.:C"" S� .f=_._:�-r �� .. ,.,......�r ...-..1':"\n f.�... --·.� !·!�1-.!::: -�.......�- ......."""--� ..., "''-·.J'-l' ......c. ....;.. ---"-"-..;"':lo-1'-.A. l"'...L..�Io --- -
.,-111 bo
K1:·ishna day-�glo\·l
----- -------------- -� ·------··-"--
Jl.C. GB1�'aktivedanta Swami
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 7, Bury Place
London, WC 1
My Dear Suchandra,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 3rd, 1969, and I am very glad to learn that you are feeling very strongly for Jesus Christ. You have already mentioned the exemplary character of Lord Jesus Christ that he sacrificed everything for God. This example should be taken. The process should be to follow the example, not to imitate the exact activities. For example, Lord Jesus Christ wanted to preach amongst some persons who were practically against the principle of accepting God as the Supreme, and the result was that these people crucified him. At the present moment, the world situation is more dangerous than before. People have become actually Godless. So if you follow the footsteps of Lord Jesus Christ to preach God-consciousness against Godlessness and dedicate your life in that way, that will be the real purpose of following Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ revealed that he was the son of God, and Krishna revealed that He is God Himself, the Supreme Father of all living entities. So if you dedicate your life to the service of Krishna, the Supreme Fcther, dont you think that Lord Jesus Christ will be pleased with this( At the present moment we have to preach in an enlightened society. So Krishna Consciousness has got inexhaustible treasurehouse of philosophy, logic and science to convince people about God-consciousness. So if you are actually serious about following the footsteps of Lord Jesus Christ, you should take advantage of the great philosophical background of this Krishna Consciousness Movement and make people God-conscious, dedicating your life. One should try to make progress. One should not try to remain satisfied at a point which awaits further advancement. For example, the Commandment says 11Thou shalt not kill". This means one should be non-violent. This is a good principle, but in the actual field, for want of sufficient knowledge, even this Commandment is being misinterpreted and misused. In the Bhagavad � you will find there are 20 items for advancing in knowledge. Perhaps you have read in the 13th Chapter. Out of the 20 items, this non-violence item is one. But devotional service is so potent, that if one is engaged in devotional service-to Krishna, automatically all good qualifications are there. Thus, from the practical point of view you can see the distinction bettween our disciples and any other group of religious faith. We do not
'"(;ridandi (jus11 ami FILE
.....P���-�p�_r;-_ .£?.•..............19..E?�
indulge in illicit sex-life, which includes not to covet with another's wife or daughter; We do not eat meat, and that means automatically we are non-violent. We do not indulge in intoxication, and that means we are sane in considering things in their true perspective.
You have asked to know what is the difference between Jesus Christ and Krishna. That we have several times explained in many meetings, that Krishna is God and Jesus Christ is the son of God. And as there is no difference between father and son, so there is no difference between Krishna and Lord Jesus Christ; but still the son is never equal to the father. So you have got advantage of reading our many books for advancement of knowledge. The best thing will be for you to engage your time more in Samkirtan Party and reading our Krishna Consciousness literature.
You write that you loved the Deities some time ago, so why dont you love Them now? What is the reason? Let me know the reason how you liked to worship the Deities, and why you are not liking this now. Then I can explain the situation to you. The best thing is that whenever there are some doubts you should ask me or some senior student. We shall try to explain. But dent try to make any compromise and be agitated. I know you are a sincere boy, so try to understand everything very clearly.
I hope this will meet you in good health.
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
�y Dear Satsvarupa,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 7, 1969 along with the article of Achyutananda. Your decision not to publish this article is correct. To the neophyte devotees we should issue instruction that there are four stages of understanding the Absolute Truth. The first stage is re-establishing our relationship with Krishna. This is the first stage. The second stage is after understanding our relationship, to perform devotional service under proper guidance. The third stage is acquisition of the desired Object. The fourth stage is relishing the nectar of perfectional love. So Radha-Krishna Leela belongs to the fourth stage of understandin, and we are publishing BTG for people in general to re-establish their forgotten relationship with Krishna. So we should always remember this and from Srimad Bhaqavatarn, Bhagavad Gita, and Ishopanishad they should try to write how our relationship is revoked from this stage of forgetfullness. They should write articles like thisa 1) Krishna, the Omnipotent, 2) How God can be realized as All-Pervasive, 3) The Original Source of Everything, 4) Transcendental Process of Hearing, 5) How one gets out of the Clutches of Maya, 6) Prayers by Arjuna, 7) Prayers by Kunti Devi, 8) Prayers by Bhismadev. They should try to understand Krishna first in so many ways which are described in our Bhagavatarn. They should read them carefully and pick up subject matters as above mentioned. What general people will understand about Radha-Krishna Leela? Immediately they will take it as ordinary boys and girls in spite of a thousand warnings, "This is not this, this is not this." So you shall issue instruction that they should write articles on the subject matters as above mentioned. They should read our Bhagavatam. The purports are there• They should assimilate them in their own words in a literary career.
I was very much plea to see one of your articles which you picked up from Daksa The articles should be very scrutinizingly published. We want to make our BTG an authorized, first class magazine, and the writers and students should be equally responsible. So when we meet we shall talk more about this.
Yes, you can expect us on the 21st December, Pan American .----�- - �--,.-----�--
Flight # 55, arriving in Boston at 3:40 pm. Purushottam has al ready written to Brahmananda about procedures for our tickets so you may immediately consult with him in this connection. i am glad that you are corresponding with Hayagriva and when I there he may also come. ' come
Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet all of you in good health.
London, WC 1 ENGlAND DATE .....P.�.G�!!'R�.:r;. J.� 1..........•.19��.
Jl.C. GJBfiak.tivedanta Swami
Founder-Acharya: International Society for Krishna Consciousness
CENTER: 7� Bury Place
London, �"lC 1
My Dear Chidananda,
Please accept my blessings. I was very much anxious to hear from you since I did not receive any letter for a long time. So your letter dated December 7, 1969 is very encouraging and welcome. Since you have gone to Vancouver things have improved very nicely. Nm·l He are going to print 50,000 !ITQs per month, so try to increase the sales as far as possible. Samkirtan and �iGtbributing BTG and our other literatures is the field\"rork of this movement. Temple worship is secondary. People are invited to come to the temple to see the behavoir of the devotees specifically in the matter of purification. There are two kinds of purification methods, external and internal. In our Krishn-a Consciousness Movement, Deity worship helps to keep us externally purified and Samkirtan helps to keep us internally purified. So as far as possible we shall e>cecute both of these processes simultaneously. And by your exemplary character, the general mass of people "'ill be benefitted. Our hearts in material condition are filled with all dirty things, and this Krishna Consciousness Movement is the cleansing process.
I am very glad that your feasts are becoming very successful. Yesterday I received a letter from Ha'\rraii that they are now receiving about 100 guests and they are charging $1.00 each. So now they have a good income. You may know that Goursundar \-las forcibly sent to Hat-Iii, by now he and his '\'T�fe are both doing very nice propaganda. Please offer my blessings to Rabindra, who is working so nicely for Krishna Consciousness. Krishna will certainly be pleased upon him and his life \·Till be sublime. Just mal<.e your center still more established, and when you are prepared to install Deities in a nice place, certainly I shall go. I havehever seen Vancouver, and from l.os Angeles it is not far away. 'so let us hope for that future date. I hope this will meet you in good health
�ridandi Qoswami
DATE ......R�.c;�.f!\R��. ?'·..........19.
• .10 �jew;; -� isher, ... -·----------·-- -..-··- ·-·--··... · ··-�. A. c. Bhaktivedanta Swami