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The Scientific Basis of Kr�Qa Consciousness

the people on earth to pray to God for the safe return ofthe astronauts. Such is the situation. At times of danger, most people tend to remember God, although at other times they forget Him.

Now,let uslook into someverysimple andgraphic exampies of the artistry of the Lord's creation. We see that among the lower forms of living entities, social organization is very smoothly maintained. For example, in a bee colony the queen bee is nicely taken care of by the drones (male bees), while the workers collect nectar from flowers all day long.It is quite amazing to consider how the bees, with their tiny bodies,can collectsuch a greatamount ofhoney for themselves as well as for other living entities. In this way, the colony is maintained with beautiful order. Similarly, the loving relationship between a mother and her baby is quite clearly visible even in

Perceiving the Supreme Scientist. Sri Kr�Qa 19

very small forms of living entities. During the monsoon season in tropical countries, when there are torrents of rain, the small ants run to find shelter, carrying their eggs on their heads. The spider makes its wonderful webs with great architectural skill to serve as a shelter as well as to catch its prey for survival. Silkworms spin hundreds of yards of fine threads to form cocoons for their shelter during the pupa stage. Inside a tinyseed,smaller thanthe size of a mustard seed, the whole potency of a big banyan tree is present. In this way,we can see the wonderful arrangements of the Supreme Lord, who is creating, maintaining and guiding all living entities, small or big. Kga;a says: "Furthermore, 0 Arjuna, I am the generating seed of all existences. There is no being moving or unmoving-that can exist without Me."7

Newton 's laws could not explain who caused the apples to fall.

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