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EDUCATION ~ KNOWLEDGE ~ WISDOM an astrological analysis

Krishnaraj Divakaran basics & analysis of typical horoscopes


dedicated to sri ramana maharshi

The basics mentioned here are taken from Varahamihira’s Brihatsamhita, Parasara’s Hora, Jatakadesam, Deva Keralam and translations / interpretations by my Gurus and contemporary respected scholars. Thanks to all those super-humans. As you may note, there are many contradictions in the rules in one context to another. The wise jyotisha should apply the rules mindfully and come to relevant conclusions.


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Preface Introduction Astrology Basics for the topic Rasi & Planet descriptions Understanding Graha Strengths More about Grahas Nakshatras Dasas Ascendant Navamsas and other divisions Bhava Chintha Effects of various lagnas Results of planets in houses Results of planets in Rasis Other important rules Case study – 1 Adolphe Hitler Case study – 2 Rahul Gandhi Case study – 3 Albert Einstein Case study – 4 Sreenivasan Ramanujan Case study – 5 Henry Ford Case study – 6 Abraham Lincoln Case study – 7 Bruce Lee Case study – 8 BV Raman Case study - 9 R Tagore Case study – 10 Osho Case study – 11 Ramana Maharshi Case study – 12 Deepak Chopra Case study – 13 Mata Amritanandamayi Conclusion

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As you may note, i have avoided Panchanga results, Transits, Ashtakavargas, Yogas etc. as they don’t feature in these analyses.



We have known many, who made good use of their formal education and rose to great heights in life. And, people with formal education, who failed to fulfill the potential of their knowledge. We see many a person with great knowledge but little formal education. People who rose up from most difficult circumstances to supreme levels, thanks to their high cadre of knowledge. We hear so many educated people lament that their education was useless to them. Then, we see so many who desperately want to be knowledgeable but somehow not managing to be. This book is an attempt to bring to light, how to astrologically assess education and knowledge of a person. And, to understand the role of something most important- wisdom, or the viveka to put knowledge into proper use. Reading in between the assessments, you will be able to understand how to understand the field of education and profession of the natives. Conventionally, education is judged from the 4th house and knowledge from the 2nd house. Other factors considered are the Vidya karaka- Budha, and Gnana karaka- Guru, and the 5th house as it rules wisdom. Then, there are more subtly critical parameters like the Rasi and Rasyadhipa swabhavas (nature of the rasis and their lords), drishtis (aspects), etc. And, most importantly the


lagna sambandham (relationship with lagna) which makes the bhava results happen. It is this subtlety which makes us astrologers go wrong, when we are not alert enough. The basic rules are interpreted and then 13 typical horoscopes are analyzed which will help us gain a wider perspective on the subject. I know, there will be lot of disagreements about the assessments, but then all are welcome: or to: krishnaraj divakaran, 2/364, aarathi, vazhikkulamgara, n parur, ernakulam dt., kerala India - 683513



Before we get into the technical aspects, let us try to classify education and knowledge. Education is the process which leads to knowledge. It happens consciously and sub-consciously. It is said that we come into this world with all the knowledge, but by the time we start using our consciousness, we have forgotten most things. We all must be aware of this fact that we remember things better, when knowledge happens to us, without being forced on, interestingly. I still remember an incident in my childhood. I was quite confused about centripetal and centrifugal forces. My brother came to me and gave me a stone tied on to a string, and asked me to rotate it. He told, “See, the stone is doing its level best to go away from you, and you are using the string to hold it back. The force the string is feeling, when the stone is trying to move away, is centripetal and the force it feels from you is centrifugal”. Oh. I was so happy, that I learned something so cool. And I remember it still. Little wonder, experiential learning is the big word now in education industry. So, let’s try to classify education into various fields. The time tested categorization method is a) Arts b) Science c) Mystical. But now many of the courses have such a mix that we can’t say if the art part predominates or the science. Take for example advertising industry or animation industry. Or take the case of a psycho analyst, where the art of leading the patient into the inner realms takes much more than the scientific knowledge.


For our topic, the parameters applicable could be: Technical Vs non- technical, in which imagination and intuition take common sides. Medical and Engineering sciences may be categorized under Technical whereas Administration, Arts, Philosophy, Psychology etc will be under non-technical. As we go deeper we will surely realize that there are no such clear demarcations. And, that it all depends on the approach. Now, regarding knowledge, there will be no single true person who can claim absolute knowledge on anything. Knowledge is expansive by nature. The honest ones will agree, deeper they go, more distant they see the light. Now for study sake, let’s dare to simplify the definition of knowledge: It is your awareness combined with the insights of the subject which renders it useful, in the most appropriate way. Usefulness, again is relative. A person having Sani in exaltation in 2nd house will have a different grade of knowledge and way of using it as compared to a person having Guru in 2nd house in neecha. Ultimately, what matters the most is the insights you gain. (This is taken as an excuse by some lazy students who quote that knowledge has no relation with education!) There comes the relevance of 5th house, Gnana karaka etc. Knowledge leads to light. Enlightenment, the most wakeful state of mind, which lets you absorb what your senses perceive and intuitively leads you to positive actions, which results in correct responses. Ultimately resulting in energizing your spirit. Anyone who reaches this state does so, after constant effort. Consciously and not. Effort and struggle are very different though feels similar during bad phases. And that is the relevance of Dusthanas, 6th, 8th and 12th houses. If one has the wrath of these 3 houses, one’s efforts will be proven to be useless, frustrating one to the end. Positive


6th, 8th and 12th houses are sure good houses to have, to lead to positive results. Isolation of these houses is excellent, though never possible to the fullest extent. Yogas and transits too play a great role in making one’s education a success. Aspirants should and must consider these before making any sure prediction. Let’s end this introduction with another interesting point: The house of karma, the 10th house is the 7th (nivruthi or result) from 4th house(education). It also happens to be the 9th (bhagya or luck) of 2nd house (knowledge). The importance of education and knowledge is very clearly seen here, without which a person will just end up as a luckless karmi for whom the results will be always evasive.



As per our science, the Virad Purusha holds the destiny of the universe, of which we are a part. The Virad Purusha’s angas (body parts) are clearly demarcated into 12 houses, namely rasis, which together constitute the Zodiac. These 12 houses are the 12 months, starting from Mesha to Meena. (It is slightly different from May to April as there is a difference of nearly 230 in the calculations of the east and the west. Vedic version looks better as it has taken into consideration the tilt of the earth and has accounted for the changes it presently undergoes.) We are all miniscule elements of the Virad purusha, and have our “own� identities, thanks to the chaitanya vyatiyanam, each individual has acquired. Each of ours destiny can be assessed by an accurate study of the planetary positions at the time of our birth. Then the question arises: which is the birth time? The mating time? The fertilization time? The time of umbilical cord cutting? Or the time when you take your first breathe on earth? Though the most authentic of all texts, the Hora by Varaha Mihira clearly stresses on Adhana lagnam (mating time) we take the time of the first contact with the outer world as the time of birth, as it is very difficult to correctly assess the other times. So the Jataka chakram is about the


planetary positions in the Zodiac, and its strength and nature at a given point of time. Let’s see what is basic zodiac structure: It consists of a circle(360 0) of 12 parts, each of 30 0. For easier understanding let us make it into a square of 12 equal blocks with a space in the middle as given below:








Karkataka Dakshninamoorthi sloka kailaasaadreesakonae suravidapi thadae sphadikae mandapae sanmathangarathi peedhopari parilasitham sevyamanam suroukhai janustham vamabahum mrigamapi parasum njanamudram vahantham nagodyadyogadeshtam njanameesanameethae





Kaala anga description: (body parts) Mesha represents the Head, Rishabha- Face, MithunaThroat/neck, karkataka- Shoulders, Simha- heart, Kanyastomach, Thula- intestines and the portion under the navel, above the urinal, Vrishcika-the excretory areas


and buttocks, dhanus- thighs, makara- knees, kumbhashin, and meena- feet of the Virad Purusha. Of these, Mesha, Simha and Dhanus represent East Rishabha, Kanya and Makara represent South Mithuna, Thula and Kumbha represent West And, Karkataka, Vrischika and Meena, the North. (Rasi directions) Also, Mesha, Simha and Dhanus represent Fire Rishabha, Kanya and Makara represent Earth Mithuna, Thula and Kumbha represent Air And, Karkataka, Vrischika and Meena, Water (Rasi nature) And Mesha, Simha and Dhanus represent Dharma Rishabha, Kanya and Makara represent Artha Mithuna, Thula and Kumbha represent Kama And, Karkataka, Vrischika and Meena, Moksha (Purusharthas) Mesha, Mithuna, Simha, Thula, Dhanus and Kumbha are Oja rasis or male signs. Rishabha, Karkataka, Kanya, Vrischika, Makara, and Meena are Yugma rasis or female signs. Simha, Kanya, Thula, Vrischika and Kumbha are Dinarasis or day signs whereas Mesha, Rishabha, Mithuna, Karkataka, Dhanus and Makara are Rathri rasis or night signs. Mithuna and all the day signs other than meena are Sheershodaya rasis(the ones rising with the head portion) All night signs other than Mithuna are Prshtodaya (rising with the back side) Meena is an Ubhayodaya sign(common)


Mesha, Karkataka, Thula and Makara are Chara rasis. (moving) Rishabha, Simha, Vrischika and Kumbha are Sthira rasis(fixed).Mithuna, Kanya, Dhanus and Meena constitute the Ubhaya rasis(common) Mesha and Thula have Rajoguna predominance. Rishabha, Kanya, Makara and Kumbha have Tamasic predominance. Simha, Vrischika, Dhanus, Karkataka and Meena are Satwik by nature, though the first 3 have Rajasic tendencies too. Mithuna is more of a mix of Satwik and Rajoguna.

Rasi swaroopam: THE 12 RASIS: matsyo khadee nrumidhunam sagadam saveenam chaapee naro aswa jaghano makaro mrugasya: thoulee: sasasya dahana plavaga cha kannya sesha swanama sadrisa swacharascha sarva: Mesha- Aries The sign Mesha is blood-red in complexion. It has a prominent physique. It is a quadruped sign and strong during night. It denotes courage. It resides in the east and is related to kings. It wanders in mineral rich hills and predominates in Rajoguna . It rises with its back (a Prishtodaya sign) and is fiery. Its ruler is Kuja - Kuja. Rishabha- Taurus The sign Rishabha’s complexion is white, and is lorded by Sukra-Sukra. It is long and is a quadruped sign. It has strength in night and resides in the south. It represents fields/ villages and businessmen. An earthy sign, Rishabha rises with its back. Mithuna- Gemini: The sign Mithuna rises with its head and represents a male and a female holding a mace and lute. It lives in the west and is an airy sign. It is a biped sign as well as and is strong in nights. It lives in villages/performance stages/ playgrounds/mating places and is windy in temperament.


It has an even body with green grass hue. Its ruler is Budha- Budha. Karkataka- Cancer: The sign Karkataka is pale red. It resorts to lakes, ponds, sandy belts, and agrilands. Represents Brahmins. It is strong in nights. It has many feet (i.e. a centipede sign) and has a bulky body. It is Satwic in disposition and is a watery sign. It rises with its back and is ruled by Chandra. Simha- Leo Simha is ruled by Surya and is Satwic. It is a quadruped sign and a royal sign. It resorts to caves and mountaineous forests and rises with its head. It has a large, white body. It resides in the east and is day-strong. Kanya- Virgo: This sign is a fruitful riverside dweller, and is strong in day time. It rises with its head and has a medium build. It is a biped sign and resides in the south. It has grains and fire in its hands. It belongs to business community. It relates to hurricanes. It is Virgin, is Tamasik and is ruled by Budha. Thula- Libra: Thula is a Seershodaya sign rising with its head and is strong in day time. It is black in complexion and is predominant with Rajoguna. It relates to the western direction and resorts to satras and market. It is destructive or mischievous. It represents Sudras and has a medium build and is a biped sign. Its lord is Sukra. Vrischika- Scorpio: Vrischika has a slender physique and is a centipede sign. It denotes Brahmins and resides in holes, marshes and hidelands. Its direction is north and is strong in day time. It is reddish-brown and resorts to water and land. It is hairy and is very sharp (or passionate). Kuja is its ruler. Dhanus- Sagittarius:


The sign Dhanus rises with its head and is lorded by Guru. It is a Satwic sign and is tawny in hue. It has strength in night and is fiery. A royal sign, Dhanus is biped in first half. Its second half is quadruped. It has an even build and adores an arch. It resides in the east, resorts to war grounds, gardens and horse stables and is splendorous. Makara- Capricorn: Makara is lorded by Sani and has Tamasic predominance. It is an earthy sign and represents the southern direction. It is strong in nights, and rises with back. Its body is large, complexion variegated, resorts to wet forests and lands. The 1st half is quadruped and 2nd half footless, which moves in water. Kumbha- Aquarius: The sign Kumbha represents a man holding an empty pot. Its complexion is deep brown. It has a medium build and is a biped sign. It is very strong in day time. It resorts to deep water, universities and is airy. It rises with its head and is Tamasic. It rules Dasyus, the 4th Varna and the west. Its lord is Sani. Meena- Pisces: Meena resembles a pair of fish, one tailed with the head of the other. This sign is night-strong. It is a watery sign and is predominant with Satwa guna. It denotes resoluteness and is a water-resorter. It is footless and has a medium build. It rules the north and rises with both head and back. It is ruled by Guru.

Lordships of Rasis Simha rasi is ruled by Surya, the King. Karkataka by Chandra, the Queen. Mithuna and Kanya by Budha, the Yuvraj(prince), Rishabha and Thula by Sukra, the Sachiva (minister), Mesha and Vrischika by Kuja, the senadhipa (commander), Meena and Dhanus by Guru, the Purohita (Priest) and Makara and Kumbha by Sani, the Yogi.


These rasis are called the swakshetras of these planets. The benefic planets like Budha, Sukra and Guru prefer rasis closer & clockwise to Surya. i.e. these planets acquire more strength in these houses. i.e. Budha acquires more strength in Kanya than in Mithuna. These stronger Swakshetras are called Moola trikonas. Likewise, negative planets prefer Rasis close & anticlockwise to Chandra. i.e. Sani prefers Kumbha to Makara. From this, you must understand that Moola trikonas have more balam(strength) than Swakshetras. Also, each planet has got an exaltation house(rasi) where it acquires maximum strength. For Surya it is Mesha, and to be precise at the 10th degree of Mesha. At exactly 180 degrees from its exaltation point, each planet has got its fall or debilitation point. It is called Neecha. For Surya, thus Thula 10 degrees becomes the Neecha point.

The table of strengths Planet



Surya Ucha(mesha) 60 points Moolatrikona- simha 10 deg 45 Swakshetra- simha 10–30 deg 30 Bandhurasis 5 Samakshetras 7½ Satrukshetras 3¾ Neecha (Thula) 0 Chandra

Ucha(rishabha) 60 points Moolatrikona- rishabha 10 deg 45 Swakshetra- karkataka 10–30 deg 30 Bandhurasis 15 Samakshetras 7½ Satrukshetras 3¾ Neecha (Vrishchika) 0



Ucha(makara) 60 points Moolatrikona- vrishchika45 Swakshetra- mesha 30 Bandhurasis 15 Samakshetras 7½ Satrukshetras 3¾ Neecha (karkataka) 0

Budha Ucha(kanya) Moolatrikona- kanya Swakshetra- mithuna Bandhurasis Samakshetras Satrukshetras Neecha (Meena)

60 points 45 30 15 7½ 3¾ 0


Ucha(Karkataka) Moolatrikona- Dhanu Swakshetra- meena Bandhurasis Samakshetras Satrukshetras Neecha (Makara)

60 points 45 30 15 7½ 3¾ 0

Sukra Ucha(Meena) Moolatrikona- Thula Swakshetra- Rihabha Bandhurasis Samakshetras Satrukshetras Neecha (Kanya)

60 points 45 30 15 7½ 3¾ 0


Ucha(Thula) 60 points Moolatrikona- Kumbha 45 Swakshetra- Makara 30 Bandhurasis 15 Samakshetras 7½


Satrukshetras Neecha-Mesha

3他 0

Degrees of combustion as per the Surya Siddhanta Planet

in direct motion

in (R) motion


12 deg



17 "

08 deg


14 "

12 "


11 "

11 "


10 "

08 "


16 "

16 "

There are permanent and temporary relationships between the planets. Temporary relationships depend on the mutual positions in the zodiac at a given point of time. Note the signs which are the 4th, 2nd, 12th, 5th, 9th, and the 8th from the Moolatrikona of a planet. The planets ruling such signs are its friends, apart from the lord of its exaltation sign. Lords other than these are its enemies. If a planet becomes its friend as well as its enemy (on account of the two lordships) then it is neutral or equal. The list of permanent relationships is as below: Planet





Chandra Guru Kuja


Sukra Sani



Surya Budha

all others



Surya Chandra Guru

Sukra Sani



Surya Sukra Kuja

Guru Sani



Surya Chandra Kuja


Budha Sani

Kuja, Guru

Surya Chandra


Sukra Budha


Surya Chandra Kuja


Budha Sukra

Temporary relations by position: The planets posited in the 10th, 4th, 11th, 3rd, 2nd, or 12th from another become mutual friends. There is enmity otherwise. (relationships will vary from one horoscope to another- temporary.)

Compound relationships: Should two planets be naturally and temporarily friends, they become extremely friendly. Friendship on one count and neutrality on another count make them friendly. Enmity on one count combined with affinity on the other turns into equality. Enmity and neutrality cause only enmity. Should there be enmity in both manners, extreme


enmity(atisatru) is obtained. The astrologer should consider these and declare horoscopic effect accordingly. Benefics and Malefics:: Among these, the Surya, Sani, Kuja, waning Chandra, Rahu, and Ketu (the ascending and descending nodes of the Chandra) are malefics while the rest are benefics. Budha, however, is a malefic if he joins a malefic. Planetary governances: The Surya is the soul of all. The Chandra is the mind. Kuja is one's strength. Budha is speech-giver while Guru confers Knowledge and peace. Sukra governs semen (potency) and happiness while Sani denotes grief. Planetary Castes: Guru and Sukra are Brahmins. The Surya is a royal planet while the Chandra and Budha belong to commercial community. Sani rules the Sudra (4th caste) Sapta dhatus Bones, blood, marrow, skin/nerves, fat, semen & muscles are denoted by Surya, Chandra, Kuja, Budha, Guru, Sukra, and Sani in order. Planetary abodes: Temple, watery place, fire place, sports ground, treasurehouse, bedroom, and filthy ground are the abodes for planets, starting from Surya in the order mentioned above. Planetary strengths: Strong in the east are Budha and Guru. The Surya and Kuja are so in the south while Sani is the only planet that derives strength in the west. The Chandra and Sukra are endowed with vigor when in the north. Again, strong during night are the Chandra, Kuja, and Sani while Budha is strong during day and night. The rest (Guru, Surya, and Sukra) are strong only in day time. During the dark half (krishnapaksha) malefics are strong. Benefics acquire


strength in the Suklapaksha. Malefics and benefics are respectively strong in Dakshinayana and Uttaryana.

Natural Significations of planets: Surya Soul, individuality, political power, heart, bone, father, king, right eye, wisdom, ruby, gold, seperative, east, physician, wood, forests, wool, fame, pungent taste, wheat, Shiva Chandra Mind, fast moving, emotions, blood, childhood, outlook, chest, mother, queen, public, memory, water, whiteness, silver, pearl, left eye, pond, well, north west, goddess worship, milk, watery journeys, romance, salty, rice.. Kuja Satwa guna(the quality to be balanced in all states), red, blood, valour, violence, explosives, fire, courage, theft, injury, brothers, bone marrow, coral, capability to face danger, south, surgery, litigation, ability to work with machines and electricity, red gram, etc. Budha Speech, words, education, skin, games, mercantile, intestines, colon, green, memory, impotence, accounts, north, shoulders, wit, communications, Green gram, Vishnu.. Guru Wisdom, Putram, expansiveness, liver, digestion, yellow, hips, north east, high education, priest, Vedas, spirituality, morality, astrology, faith, respectable scholars, gurus, .. Sukra Sensual desire, semen, sex, face, throat, urine, luxury, marriage, south east, conveyances, liquour, passion, actor, voice, diplomacy, diamond, partnerships, etc.


Sani Discipline, hindrances, servants, knees, separation, sacrifice, denouncing the world, iron, windy complaints, harshness, slow, leather, oil, sesame, west, hair on body, teeth, tamoguna.. Rahu Foreign connection, reptiles, duplicity, material benefits, south west, corruption, hypocrisy, doubt, espionage, drugs, poison.. Ketu Moksha, seclusion, detachment, deep meditation, back biting, separation, etc.. Calculations of Gulika etc. Divide the day duration (of any week day) into eight equal parts. The 8th portion is lordless. 7 portions are distributed to 7 planets commencing from the lord of the week day. Whichever portion is ruled by Sani will be the portion of Gulika. Similarly, make the night duration into 8 equal parts and distribute these commencing from the 5th day lord. Here again the 8th portion is lordless while Sani's portion is Gulika. The Surya's portion is Kala, Kuja' portion is Mrityu, Guru's portion is Yamaghantaka, and Budha's portion is Ardha Prahara. Gulika’s position: The degree ascending at the time of start of Gulika's portion (as above) will be the longitude of Gulika at a given place. Based on this longitude only, Gulika's effects for a particularly nativity be estimated.

27 stars in 12 rasis. Aswini, Bharani and 1/4th part of Krittika constitute Mesha 3/4th of Krittika, Rohini and ½ of Mrigasirsha – Rishabha ½ Mrigasirsha, Ardra, 3/4th Punarvasu – Mithuna


1/4th Punarvasu, Pushya and Aslesha – Karkataka Magha, Pubba, Uthra 1/4th – Simha 3/4th Uthra, Hasta, Chitra ½ - Kanya Chitra ½, Swati, Visakha3/4th – Thula Visakha 1/4th, Anuradha, Jyeshta – Vrischika Moola, Purvashada, Uthrashada 1/4th – Dhanus Uthrashada 3/4th, Sravana, Dhanishta ½- Makara Dhanishta ½, Satabhisha, Poorvabhadra 3/4th – Kumbha Poorvabhadra 1/4th, Uthrabhadra, and Revathy – Meena 330 360/ 0 30 Meena Mesha Poorvabhadr Aswini, a 1/4th, Bharani and Uthrabhadra, 1/4th of and Revathy Krittika

60 3/4th of Krittika, Rohini, ½ Mrigasirsha

½ Mrigasirsha, Ardra, 3/4th Punarvasu

Dhanishta ½, Satabhisha, Poorvabhadr a 3/4th

1/4th Punarvasu, Pushya and Aslesha

Uthrashada 3/4th, Sravana, Dhanishta ½

Magha, Pubba, Uthra 1/4th

Moola, Purvashada, Uthrashada 1/4th

Visakha 1/4th, Anuradha, Jyeshta

Chitra ½, Swati, Visakha3/4th



3/4th Uthra, Hasta, Chitra ½


Aswini, Makha, Moola are the stars ruled by Ketu(7 yrs) Bharani, Pubba, Poorvashada – Sukra(20 yrs) Krittika, Uttara, Uthrashada – Surya(6 yrs) Rohini, Hasta and Sravana- Chandra(10 yrs)


Mrigasirsha, Chitra, Dhanishta – Kuja(7 yrs) Ardra, Swati, Satabhisha – Rahu(18 yrs) Punarvasu, Visakha, Poorvabhadra – Guru(16 yrs) Pushya, Anuradha, Uttarabhadra- Shani(19 yrs) Aslesha, Jyeshta, Revathy – Budha(17 yrs)

Nakshatra characteristics (results are for Chandra’s nakshatra) Aswini: Means Horse – with the power to reach soon. (Rasi lord- Kuja, Nakshatra lord- Ketu Devata- Ashvins) Emotionally detached and physically vigorous (KetuKuja). Likes to participate in physical group activities like sports, but requires emotional space. A very nourishing star. Healing is the underlying motive. Feels the privilege to live in one's own way. Often fails in their search for deep emotional connection. Bharani : Translates to “Container". Discipline, sacrifice and power to depart. (Kuja-Shukra-Yama) Emotionally sensible & conservative. Feels persistent heaviness in life, many obligations and duties. Issues with jealousy - one tends towards envy of others and also others feel envy towards the native. True feelings may be effectively masked. Tends towards human resources roles. One's work will also bear sweet fruits of wealth & rewarding work-related relationships (ShukraKuja). Can be a workaholic. Krittika: "Scissors” – Burn and purify.. (Kuja(as first 1/4th is in mesha)/Surya(as 2nd 3/4th is in rishabha)-Kuja-Agni.) Emotional orientation is permanently energized to sharpen, strengthen, reshape, & improve. Acts to incise inferiority, imperfection, and disease. The body has hot temperature and the passions fiery. Uses words as


cutting instruments. Surgical skill with cutting edges, razors, knives, lasers, fire, most forms of metal weaponry. Good cook. Deep anxiety can trigger excessive behavior to food, drink, and sex:. Rohini: "growth and fertility" (Shukra-Chandra-Brahma) Artistic, materially focused, and sensual. Beautiful eyes. Females in particular like to display their fine dress & ornaments, vehicles, and home decor; also they display a silver spoon short temper. Rohini adores children, fine arts & music, & favors a luxurious sensual lifestyle. Physically attractive & highly knowledgeable in sexual arts & sensual pleasures. Mrigasirsha: "fulfillment" (Shukra/Budha-Kuja-Chandra) Intuitive & self-protective. Like a deer, the native is constantly traveling in company, searching & hearing. Usually calm; easy to work with, & instinctively caring. Natural host, excellent for professional entertaining. Often sniffing out others, likes to know where others have been, thus good at journalism, research etc. Ardra: "effort, search for betterment" (Budha -Rahu-Rudra) Intent on making lives better, one’s own and of the ones’ cared for. Influence of Shiva penetrates their lives, propelling a lifelong hunger for creation & destruction. Ardra is firm and decisive, to the point of intolerance for tyrannical & harsh. Deep sympathy for the animal kingdom. Favors military & police work, restoration of damaged properties, behavior correction, any instinctive stimulus-response. Punarvasu: "Amass/gain" - fertile & facilitating (Budha/ Chandra- Guru-Earth) Intuitive with plant & minerals devas; most types of animals too. Deeply grounded into the Earth forces; seeks refuge in the company of life-force spirits, soils, & seeds of life. Famous for their ability to "bounce back"


after trauma like a burned forest, attributable to their lifeforce grounding. Prone toward easy forgiveness, due to awareness life & death cycles. Plain spoken, straightforward, & honest about the realities of life. Craves Earth-life connection.

Pushya: Power of worship (Shani-Chandra-Brihaspati) Knowledge & expertise in religious practices, including the rituals of civil government and political entertaining. Pushya's down-side is arrogant superiority toward those perceived as lesser religious beings. Wants only the best for self & family, has trouble accepting anything less exalted, may appear self-righteous or intolerant of others' views. May apply moralistic dogma when compassion or common sense would be more helpful to those in need. Craves ceremonial religion. Ashlesha: "Serpent" –embracing to entangle (Budha-Chandra-Sarpa) Ashlesha expresses their devotion to family through a subtle, entwining, choking embrace. Likes to work in secret. Ashlesha is suited to therapeutic professional relationships where one can become over-involved with clients, such as psychologist, social worker, counselor, divorce attorney, or diplomat. (Also snake-handling.) Best result = applied medicine, when Ashlesha uses their genius for poisons in the service of healing. Also can channel positive effects by defeating the public enemy through extremely skillful manipulation & deceit (espionage, disinformation) Magha: Greatness. End of a cycle.(Surya-Ketu-Pitris) Tremendous intuitive leadership capabilities marked by profound self-confidence. Requires social recognition. Steady drive toward wealth, power, position. True elite. Elegant & self-confident style. Deeply loyal to mentors, parents, ancestors - whoever is the grantor of


lineage title. Self-assurance makes one friendly & positive, although one never yields control.. Purvaphalguni: Union - refined & discriminating (SuryaShukra-Aryaman) Active beings, both socially and physically. The native is sensual, sociable, and committed to the path of enjoyment in human relationships. Surya creates generosity and some philosophical awareness, while Shukra pursues the path of sensual pleasure and fun. The need to feel privileged & refined is very pronounced. Uttaraphalguni: Prosperity through associations. (Surya/Budha- Surya-Bhaga) Deeply friendly persons who seek to form bonds of companionship starting from the family & extending outward to the world.Two traits are famous for Uttaraphalguni: the need to be engaged in relationship (Budha) and the need for rational control (Surya). Excellent position for executive leadership in demanding markets, where partnering & decision-making are both running at a raging gallop. Hasta: To gain into one’s own hands. (Budha -Chandra-Savita) Patient, sensitive, and systematic. Genius of skilled crafts, healing & decorative arts, from blacksmithing to massage. Like to talk, gesture, & measure things. (Chandra-Budha). Even if other factors create risk (military career, extramarital affairs, financial speculation, political resistance) one will break taboos in an approved & routinized pattern. Emotionally possessive & dislikes change of calendar. Often restrained or abused in childhood, where emotional approval is provided only upon obedient performance of duty. Chitra: Fruits of right conduct. (Budha/Sukra - Kuja-Tavashtara)


Chitra are quite competitively ambitious types who form excellent strategic plans. Strongly desire to obtain a precious jewel: (usually) social elevation through money & power. Pursue their goal with a high sense of entitlement, reflecting their noble & cutthroat style of practicing the arts of war. Charming conversationalists & entertainers, esp. in the Budha-ruled padaas. Famed for insight, artistic ability, & for their power to work in hotpressure environments. Swati: Move. Change. Breath. Free. (Shukra - Rahu - Vayu) Wants to travel the world. Artistic & intuitive. Socially gracious. Are quite capable of incorporating illicit & vulgar persons in their circle of relationships. Talented in fine, literary & performance arts. Strong financial sense; attractive, interesting, good communicators. Can seem superficial due to nice behaviors, but are actually quite deep & persistent in pursuing satisfaction of their deepest needs. Likes to learn, dig deeper for insights, know secrets esp. re: life, love & beauty. Succumbs to flattery of their beauty or talent. Emotional restlessness seeking more intense love experience. Visakha: Effort and waiting for the right period. (Shukra/ Kuja-Guru- Indragni) Forceful & brilliantly intelligent, known for quick, flashing wit and Brilliant Intuition. Downside of Visakha can be jealousy of others' material wealth & social status, esp. in the quarters of Kuja. Rishabha’s bursts of truth are unpredictable, so typically they are not rewarded for their social contributions until a body of their observations has built up over time. Success after mid-life only. Anuradha: Compassion, devotion, gain. (Kuja-Shani-Mitra). Collaborative & contractual partnership. Sincere interest in co-operation with colleagues & peers. Participates in


schemes for large scale human benefit. Good contracts are the source of their wealth. Likes to travel for purposes of meeting others like-minded. Respected & appreciated for their fairness in business practice. Their downside is a flaring anger temper, evoked by jealousy that can run out of their control. Basic compassion will normally bring the Anuradha Chandra native back to their senses.

Jyeshta: Hero. Supremacy (Kuja-Budha-Indra.) The Jyeshta Chandra folk radiate a sense of seriousness & natural superiority. Courageously defend their family and all those who seek their protection. Can acquire large followings due to the trust & admiration they inspire. Gifted with Budha-Kuja energy that can grant occult or shamanistic powers. Often there is physical hardship in their lives, imposed through accident, illness or conditions at birth. Efforts toward overcoming this disability force the native to concentrate intensely on their mind-body links Moola: Detachment from Root for a new beginning. (Guru- Ketu- Alakshmi) Ketu's detachment combined with Guru's optimism creates Moola's tendency to violate human-body boundaries. "Alaxmi" gives reversals of fortune, labeling Moola as the most volatile & dangerous of the nakshatras. Normal life and conventional relationships leave one perpetually unsatisfied. Emotionally, Moola profiles a betrayer who feels they have been betrayed. Subject to destructive thoughts, tinged by a longing for something impossibly distant. This life is not easy. Pastlife memories of earthquake, flood, & fire caused by Earth Changes perpetually re-run across the native's subconscious. Poorvashada: revitalizing, as from a bath. (Guru -Shukra - Apah)


Purvashada "the invincible sea". The ocean always wins. This native, however wrong-headed one may be, will never change course and never give up the fight. Positive traits include personal determination, work ethic, fierce loyalty to a cause, and unshakable commitment to reach the goal regardless of its validity. Uttarashada: unchallenged victory Surya -Guru - Vishvadeva Under the auspice of Vishva Deva, Purvashada expresses mainly the outer-directed worldly energy of invincibility, whereas Uthrashada expresses the innerdirected conquest through discipline and control. Also typical of the Uttara group, Uthrashada has success only later in life. Surya & Guru combine to regulate the feeling in a righteous, patient, and responsible way. Distinguished by one's firm refusal to abandon the path, once it has been clearly chosen. Very steady parents, teachers, and moral authorities of the highest order. Attracted to religious vocations which involve austerities and lifetime commitment to vows.

Shravana: "Hearing"- attentive to public opinion (Shani-Chandra- Vishnu) Excellent listeners who are attentive to public opinion and wish to maintain their social reputation at all costs. Marvelous historians, sociologists, and curators of traditional knowledge. Natural ability at public-relations, opinion-polls, political campaign managers, and holders of public office. Under emotional stress in relationships, Shravana navamsa Chandra can evoke the native's inner fear of not being heard. Reactions to this fear include compulsive making of announcements, storytelling and general noise, in order to attract attention. Dhanishta: Abundance (Shani- Kuja-Vasus)


Craves elite recognition. Must dance in (wealthy or powerful) circles. Strong leadership skills & talent in performance arts. Excellent dancers with a superb intuitive sense of percussion. Lifelong association with music-based performance arts. Gets material wealth but may suffer from self-obsessed greed for more, more, more and fixation on the elite public image. Needs constant company, becomes insecure when alone. Dhanishta clings obsessively to parents & children, urging everyone to "keep moving" in a constant cultural performance, driven to drum & dance. Satabhisha: "thousand healings" (Shani-Rahu-Varuna) Amazing healers who are immersed in the ocean of visionary perception. Shani-Rahu is a very difficult combination, and these peculiar folk can be difficult to live with. Their reclusive, moody sensitivity and struggle to articulate their bridge-between-life-and-death ideas does not ease their path into conventional society. Shatataraka can practice their spiritual truth, but may struggle to explain to others and ultimately fail in communication due to the limits of the conventional worldview . Purvabhadrapada – Support for upliftment. Shani/Guru-Guru- Ajaikapada Marvelous public speakers and performers expressing higher truth. Takes it upon oneself to assert the personal wisdom they know and feel, which can manifest as extremism despite their dream of freedom & opportunity for everyman. Fine leaders with inspired vision, but often unable to take advice from others - even close colleagues. Uttarabhadrapada: "Prosperity for me and for all (Guru-Shani- Ahirbudhnya). Likes to stay at home, often working in the home on business or literary projects. Protective of family & grounded through family. Usually blessed with a small


number of devoted, well-behaved children. Can be problematic for marriage if the spouse needs more praise in the limelight. Uttarabhadrapada feels psychically a deep need to ground and recover their integrity. Revati: Abundance through nourishment (Guru- Budha- Pushan) Great healers, with lifelong love of music & children. All-one embrace of intuitive connectedness. Caring, responsible, committed to reunion, reintegration, and restitution after wrongs. Often damaged in childhood, which reminds them lifelong of the need for connection and forgiveness to heal.

Dasas When a person is born in Aswini, makha or moola star, he will be under Ketu dasa. This is called Garbha sishta dasa. He will get the full 7 years of Ketu only if the nakshatra Aswini, makha or moola has just started. I.e. out of the 60 ghatikas, if 45 ghatikas of the nakshatra has already elapsed, you will get only 7 x 45/60 = 5years 3 months of Ketu dasa. This dasa system is called Vimshottari, which is the most used. You may refer more books to know more about other systems like Kalachakra dasa, narayana dasa, etc. Vimshottari Dasa Natives born in the following stars get dasas as: Aswini, Makha, Moola – Ketu 7 years Bharani, Pubba, Poorvashada – Sukra 20 years Krittika, Uttara, Uthrashada – Surya 6 years Rohini, Hasta and Sravana- Chandra 10 years Mrigasirsha, Chitra, Dhanishta – Kuja 7 years Ardra, Swati, Satabhisha – Rahu 18 years Punarvasu, Visakha, Poorvabhadra Guru 16 years Pushya, Anuradha, Uttarabhadra- Shani 19 years Aslesha, Jyeshta, Revathy – Budha 17 years Within the dasa there are apaharas(sub periods).


Refer the appendix given to get the calculations. We understand that the Zodiac is so drawn as it appears from the earth. The planets are traversing the rasis not just in one plane, and in elliptical circles. So the time taken for traversing the rasis also differ. Also, the relative distances also are constantly changing. 2 ¼ stars constitute 1 Rasi, i.e. 30 degrees. So each star is 13 degree 20 minutes. This is also expressed as 800 kalas. For Chandra to pass a nakshatra(star) or 800 kalas, it may take sometimes 24 hours or 60 ghatikas(nazhikas) or sometimes more or less. I.e. 56 ghatikas or 64 ghatikas. For Surya to pass a bhaga(one degree), it will take 24 hrs. i.e. for Surya to cross a rasi, it will take 30 days or a month. Kuja- 48 days, Budha- 45 days, Guru – 1 year, Sukra- 45 days, Sani- 2 ½ years, Rahu and Ketu- 1 ½ years

Ascendant- the pivotal point Now, let us see how we fix the pivotal point of the Jataka charka, the lagna or ascendant. The ascendant is that point in the rasi chakra, which seems to rise in the eastern horizon, at the birth time. That is, at a given point of time, from earth’s reference, a rasi will be rising in the zodiac. To make it simple, On Mesha 1st day, at the Sunrise time, it will be the Mesha lagna rising. And it will be Mesha lagna for the next 1 hr 59 minutes also. Afterwards, it will be Rishabha lagna. i.e. Every 2 hrs approximately, the lagna rasi will be giving way to the next rasi to be the next lagna. So, if on Mesha 1st day, if Sunrise is at 6 30 am, it will be mesha lagna till 8 30 am. And between 12.30 and 14 30 pm it will be Karkataka. On mesha 15th, after Surya udaya, mesha lagna will be available only for one hr. And so on, on mesha 30th, it will be available only for seconds.


It is better to depend on a good software to calculate the correct lagna sphuta. (to ascertain the degree-minutesecond time of lagna)

Navamsa: Navamsa or 3 deg 20 min partition of the rasi is one of the most important sub divisions. It is said Grahaanaam Amsakam Balam and Phalam. Which means you can understand how much the graha will do good, from the amsaka. I.e., if Rasi shows the sthoola character, Amsaka shows the sookshma. Eg. of navamsa calculation: If the ascendant or any graha happens to be Mesha 16 degrees, then its amsaka is the 5th, which extends up to 16 deg 40 mins. 5th amsaka means, in this case, simha rasi. For Mesha, Simha & Dhanus, the amsaka count starts from Mesha. For Rishabha, Kanya and Makara, it has to be started from Makara. For Mithuna, Thula and Kumbha, from Thula. And for Karkataka, Vrischika and Meena, from Karkataka. (Aja mriga tungataulee chandrabhavanadi:) While reading divisional chart, the reference point is the lagna of the rasi chart and not the rasi where the lagna’s amsa appear. i.e. if one has dhanus lagna, and if in navamsa chart lagna is seen to be in kanya, the navamsa reading shouldn’t be done from kanya rasi. But from, dhanus itself. (refer bhava suchaka navamsa in Dhruva nadi and Devakeralam.) Jaimini talks about making the referral point as the rasi occupied by the (the planet which has traveled maximum degrees)atma karaka, namely the karakamsa, but then this is a totally different methodology. Rasis have so many sub-divisions, like 1/150th of a degree called a nadiamsa, but here we are dealing only with the relevant divisions.


Dasamsa: 1/10 of a rasi. Used to get more insights about karma. Starting from the same sign for an odd sign and from the 9th with reference to an even sign, the 10 Dasamsas each of 3 are reckoned. These are presided over by the ten rulers of the cardinal directions viz. Indra, Agni, Yama, Rakshasa, Varuna, Vayu, Kubera, Isana, Brahma, and Anantha in the case of an odd sign. These presiding deities should be in the reverse order for an even sign. Chaturvimsamsa, 1/40th division of a rasi can be used for knowing learning of a person, but in normal practice, it is very difficult to have such precise knowledge of birth time to calculate 1/40th sub division.

Bhava chintha: Moola sloka of what each Bhava denotes: lagnatmoorthi keerthi sthithischa Vittam netram vak kutumbam cha vittal Dhairyam veeryam pradaram vikramena Vidyal kshetram vahanam bandhavam cha bandhusthanam Budheem putram poorvapunyam twa amatya, putral Vyadhim satravat dwidvrinadi Madanagamana jaya aalokana anyatsya bhatsyur Maranaharana dasa klesa vighnani randhrath Gurujana parapuyanyoushadham navama bhavanada Kha maana karmaspadadyam Sarvavyapthir dukhahani bhavakhya Ripho ripham swakshayam pramsamevacha. Abhyantharam: Horadayasthanukutumbasahothabandhuputraripatnimarananisubhaspadaya: riphakhyamityupachayanyarikarmalabhaduschitkasamnjitagrihaninanityamekae. Bahyam: kalyaswavikramagrihapratibhakshathani


chithotharandhragurumanabhavavyayani lagnathchathurthanidhanaechaturassrasmnjae dyoonamchasaptmagrihamdasaKujahamajnja. The houses 1-12 are treated in totally different ways here in a and b. while a is about bahya(externals), b is about aanthara.(internals) First House: Physique and health, personality projected, appearance, intellect, complexion of the body, vigor, weakness, happiness, grief, and innate nature are all to be guessed through the ascending sign. Being the 10th of 4th house, it indicates the karma of education, i.e. The way you go about it. Being the 12th of 2nd house, it shows the frustrations/confusions in knowledge. And, being the 9th of 5th, it shows the bhagya of having wisdom, the enrichment in atmachaitanyam. Second house: (Swa) All self acquired things. Knowledge, wealth, food, family that one administers, death, enemies, metals, precious stones, face, teeth, eyesight, especially right eye, gain of property and oratorical skills, are to be understood through the 2nd house. Being the 11th of 4th house, it indicates the gains from education.(the qualifications that accrue) And, being the 10th of 5th, it shows the wise karma or right conduct. Third House: From the 3rd house, we can know of the following: valor, assistants (attendants), brothers, sisters, stubbornness, research, communications, market conditions, initiatory instructions, journey, parent's death, skills in painting and music, accounting, neighbours, right ear, hands, throat etc.


Fourth house: Education, conveyances, relatives, mother, domestic environment, agriculture, estates, happiness, simplicity, treasure, well, lands, and land/houses are to be consulted through the 4th house. Being the 3rd of 2nd house, it indicates communication of your knowledge. And, being the 12th of 5th, blissful detachment through wisdom. Fifth house: The learned should deduce from the 5th house previous janma’s punya(the positive energy acquired), ministerial qualities, wisdom, learning, progeny, royalty (or authority), amulets, sacred spells, etc. Being the 2nd of 4th house, it indicates next levels of education. Higher studies. Depth of knowledge. Being the 4th of 2nd house, it shows the comfort through your knowledge. Sixth house: Maternal uncle, doubts about death, enemies, diseases, debts, ulcers, step mother, etc, are to be estimated from the 6th house. Seventh house: Desire, Wife, travel, partner, business deals of long standing nature, trade, loss of sight, death, organs that indicate male/female etc. be known from the 7th house. Eighth house: The 8th house indicates longevity/strength of jeevan, obstacles, diseases due to purva janma karmas, forts, wealth of the dead/inheritance, theft and pertaining to the cavities of the body. Ninth house:


Guru, Father, Fortunes, Compassion, next birth, wife's brother, religion, brother's wife, visits to shrines, etc, be known from the 9th house. Being the 6th of 4th house, it indicates the easiness/difficulty in education. Being the 8th of 2nd house, it shows the time taken for transformation through knowledge. Being the 5th of 5th, it shows the diplomacy and ministerial usage of wisdom, to show light to the society. Tenth house: Esteem/Honor, Royalty (authority), place, profession (livelihood), living in foreign lands, etc. are to be understood from the 10th house. Being the 7th of 4th house, it indicates the result of and sharing/associations in education. Being the 9th of 2nd house, it shows the future of your knowledge and the luck it brings. Being the 6th of 5th, its shows the consistency of wisdom, or breaks if any. Eleventh house: Sarva abheeshta sthanam. Income, desire manifestations, all articles, son's wife, prosperity, quadrupeds, etc., are to be understood from the 11th house. Twelfth house: From the 12th house, one can know about expenses, fall of position, history of enemies, etc. The Kendras (angles) are the ascendant, the 4th house, the descendant 7th and the mid-heaven (the 10th house). The 2nd, 5th, 8th, and the 11th are Panaparas or succedents while the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and the 12th are called Apoklimas or cadents. The 5th and 9th from the ascendant are known by the name Kona or trine. Evil houses or Trika houses are the 6th, 8th, and the 12th. Chaturasras are the 4th and 8th. The 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses are Upachaya.


Drishti: all planets aspect the 7th house. Special drishtis: Guru aspects the 5th and 9th also, Sani- the 3rd and 10th also, Kuja- 4th and 8th also and Rahu to the 5th also. Yogam: togetherness in a rasi. Eg: Sani and Kuja together in a rasi gives rise to Agni marutha yoga, which gives an engineer’s temperament. And also, chances to get hurt through accidents. Or Surya, Guru and Kuja in a rasi giving a yoga for political. administrative success. Parivartanam: Lords of 2 rasis interchanging positions. This is supposed to bring positive results, generally. Rajayogam: that which provides the silver streak. Eg: Neecha bhanga rajayoga: If a planet is neecha in rasi, but if its dispositor is in uccha there is neechabhanga. Or, the lord of that sign/the planet that becomes Uccha in that sign, coming in a Kendra from Chandra/lagna in strength. This gives rise to elevation in position by 33-35 year, generally.(reference: devakeralam) Mahabhagya yoga: in males: birth during day time, lagna, Chandra and Surya coming in male rasis gives rise to Mahabhagya yoga.

Effects of different Ascendants 1. If the Ascendant falls in Mesha, the native will have aggressive temperament. His knees will be weak and he will be afraid of deep water. He will be active and will always be travelling. His limbs will be bruised. He will eat sparingly and will be passionate. He will speak falsehoods as per the requirements. As he is restless by nature, he needs a career which is challenging. 2. The person born with Rishabha as the Ascendant, will have plumpy thighs, round face and curly hair. Will be


interested in agriculture. He will be happy in the middle and last portions of his life. He will be fond of young women. He will be of sacrificing and forgiving nature, will be capable of endowing hardships and will possess cattle. He will have marks or moles on the back, face and sides. 3. When the Ascendant is Mithuna, the native will have black eyes and curly hair. He will enjoy association with women and will have thick neck and many friends. He will be intelligent and a mind reader. His nose will be elevated and he will be fond of music and dancing. Likes indoors. 4. Person with Karkataka as the Ascendant will be henpecked or will have a troubled relation. He will have a thick neck and will be fond of making friendships. He will possess many houses and will be wealthy. His waist will be thick but he will be short statured. He will be intelligent and fond of water sports. He will walk fast, slanting to one side, and will have few sons. He will be crooked. 5. A person whose Ascendant is Simha will have reddish eyes, large chin and broad face. He will be arrogant, powerful, valiant, firm minded but obedient to his mother. He will be fond of roaming about in forests and hills. He will get angry on trifles. 6. The person born with Kanya as the Ascendant, will be truthful and will speak kindly and will be immediately liked by others. He will be well versed in Shastras and will take advantage of other’s houses and wealth. His arms and shoulders will be drooped and will possess few sons. 7. If the Ascendant be Thula, the person born will rever gods, and Brahmins. He will be active and will possess a frail body. He will be tall in stature, deft in trading, patient and intent on being first. He will often have two names. He will have few children and he will be fond of wandering. He will be brave, merciless and impartial In his arguments.


8. The person with Vrischika Ascendant at birth, will have rounded thighs and knees. His chest will be broad and eyes expansive. He will suffer from diseases from an early age. He will be separated from his parents and preceptor. He will indulge in cruel actions and will be honoured by the king. 9. The person with Dhanus Ascendant at birth will have a long face and neck and his nose and ears will be big. He will always keep himself engaged in some work or the other. He will be eloquent in speech and self sacrificing. He will have a stout stature. He will be courageous and will overcome his enemies. He will be wealthy and favourite of the king. He can be won over only by persuasion and kindness. 10. When Makara is the Ascendant at birth, his lower limbs will be weak. He will have vitality. He will accept other people's advice but will be lazy by nature. He will indulge in affairs with old women of the forbidden category. He will be a religious hypocrite. He will be fond of wandering. He will be fortunate but shameless. He will suffer from wind-diseases. 11. The person at whose birth Kumbha is the Ascendant, will commit sinful actions secretly. He will have little wealth, will be greedy and eager to usurp or utilize other people's money. He will endure long marches on road and will be clever in causing harm to others. He will have a body like a water pot. He will be fond of perfumes and flowers. His financial position will be fluctuating. 12. The Meena ascendant native will have a beautiful and symmetrical body. His eyes will be very attractive. He will be learned, grateful, satisfied with his wife and fortune. He will have financial gains from selling produce of the seas. He will overcome his enemies.


Results of each Bhavadhipa occupying various houses: Before we get into the result part, what needs to be remembered all through is that, these general results will be modified as per the mutual subhatvam and asubhatvam of the planets and rasis involved. Also, the complex relationships between planets and rasis are to be considered. Again, whenever there are drishtis or other yogams the results get modified. Generally, any time the dusthanas (i.e. 6th, 8th,and 12th ) or their lords get involved, the bhava results are skewed to negative. i.e. if 2nd lord is in 6th it affects the 2nd related issues. Likewise 6th lord in 2nd negatively affects the 2nd house related matters. 1. Effects of lagna lord in various bhavas If any house gets the occupation of the lagna lord it is good for that house. i.e. the characteristics of the house will be enhanced by the lagna lord. The lagna rasi’s and the lord posited rasi’s characteristics will gel to give the results. Which of course will be influenced by others yogas and drishtis. If the lagna lord posited house happens to be a dusthanam, namely, 6, 8, 12th then it is not good for the lagna lord. (but good for the dusthanas) 1. Should the ascendant lord be in the ascendant itself, the native will be endowed with physical happiness (i.e. good health) and prowess. He will be intelligent, fickleminded and will have desire to unite with other females. 2. If the lord of the ascendant is in the 2nd, he will be gainful, scholarly and happy, endowed with good qualities, be religious, honorable, and will have happiness from good food and wife. 3. If the lord of the ascendant is in the 3rd, the native will equal a lion in valor, be endowed with all kinds of wealth,


be honourable, will have more relationships, be intelligent and happy. 4. If the ascendant lord is in the 4th, the native will be endowed with paternal and maternal happiness, will have many brothers, be lustful, virtuous, and charming. 5. If the ascendant lord is in the 5th, the native will have progenic happiness, be honorable for his wisdom, given to anger, and be dear to the superiors. This position in good for knowledge and wisdom. Consider the lagna lord’s friendliness to the 5th lord and other factors also. 6. If the ascendant lord is in the 6th in a negative relation the native will be devoid of physical happiness, and will be troubled by enemies if there is no benefic aspect. But if the lord has a good relationship with the 6th lord and if it’s a uccha/ swakshetra or otherwise strong, will give no enemies and health problems. 7. If the ascendant lord is a malefic and be in the 7th, the native's wife will not live (long). If the planet in question be a benefic, one will wander aimlessly, face penury and be dejected. He will alternatively become very influential and with lot of societal support. (if the said planet is strong). 8. If the ascendant lord is in the 8th, the native will be an accomplished scholar, interested in the mystical aspects of life or will have secret missions. He will live a long life if the 1st lord and 8th lord are friendly and in mutually good positions. 9. If the ascendant lord is in the 9th, the native will be fortunate, dear to people, be a devotee of Sri Vishnu, be skillful, eloquent in speech, and be endowed with wife, sons, and wealth. 10. If the ascendant lord is in the 10th, the native will be endowed with paternal happiness, royal honor (or


patronage), fame among men and will doubtlessly have self-earned wealth. 11. If the ascendant lord is in the 11th in strength with a mutually good position with the 11th lord, the native will always be endowed with gains, good qualities, fame, and many wives. 12. If the ascendant lord is in the 12th and be devoid of benefic aspect/conjunction, the native will be bereft of physical happiness, will spend unfruitfully and be given to much anger. If strong, will lead to spiritual observations and moksha path. 2. Effects of 2nd lord in various bhavas 1. If the 2nd lord is in the ascendant, the native will be endowed with sons and wealth, be inimical to his parents, lustful, hard hearted, and will do others' jobs. 2. If the 2nd lord is in the 2nd, the native will be wealthy, proud, will have more relationships and be bereft of progeny. 3. If the 2nd lord is in the 3rd, the native will be valorous, wise, virtuous, lustful, and miserly - all these when related to a benefic. If related to a malefic, the native will be a heterodox. 4. If the 2nd lord is in the 4th, the native will acquire all kinds of wealth. If the 2nd lord is exalted and be conjunct Guru, one will be equal to a king. 5. If the 2nd lord is in the 5th, the native will be wealthy. Not only the native, but also his sons, will be intent on earning wealth. 6. If the 2nd lord is in the 6th, along with a benefic the native will gain wealth through his enemies; if with a


malefic, there will be loss through enemies apart from mutilation of shanks. 7. If the 2nd lord is in the 7th, the native will be addicted to sensual pleasures and be a doctor. If a malefic is related to the said placement by conjunction or by aspect, the native's wife will also be of similar character. 8. If the 2nd lord is in the 8th, the native will be endowed with abundant land and wealth. But he will have limited material felicity and be bereft of happiness from his elder brother. 9. If the 2nd lord is in the 9th, the native will be wealthy, diligent, skillful, sick during childhood, and will later on be healthy and will visit shrines observing religious code. 10. If the 2nd lord is in the 10th, the native will be libidinous, honorable, learned, will have many relationships with women, and much wealth, but be bereft of filial happiness. 11. If the 2nd lord is in the 11th, the native will have all kinds of wealth, be ever diligent, honorable, and famous. 12. If the 2nd lord is in the 12th, the native will be adventurous, be devoid of wealth, and be interested in other's wealth, while his eldest child will not keep him happy. 3. Effects of 3rd lord in various bhavas 1. If the 3rd lord is in the ascendant, the native will have self-made wealth, be disposed to worship, be valorous, and be intelligent although devoid of learning. 2. If the 3rd lord is in the 2nd, the native will be corpulent, devoid of valor, will not make much efforts, be not happy , and will have an eye on others' wives and others' wealth.


3. If the 3rd lord is in the 3rd, the native will be endowed with happiness through co born and will have wealth and sons, be cheerful and extremely happy. 4. If the 3rd lord is in the 4th, the native will be happy, wealthy and intelligent but will acquire a wicked spouse. 5. If the 3rd lord is in the 5th, the native will have sons, and be virtuous. If in the process the 3rd lord be conjunct or aspected by a malefic, the native will have a formidable wife. 6.. If the 3rd lord is in the 6th, the native will be inimical to his co-borns, be affluent, will not be well disposed to his maternal uncle, and be dear to his maternal aunt. 7. If the 3rd lord is in the 7th, the native will be interested in serving the king and be not happy during boyhood but at the end of his life. 8. If the 3rd lord is in the 8th, the native will be a thief, will derive his livelihood serving others and will die at the gate of royal palace. 9. If the 3rd lord is in the 9th, the native will lack paternal bliss, will make fortunes through wife and will enjoy progeny and other pleasures. 10. If the 3rd lord is in the 10th, the native will have all kinds of happiness and self-made wealth and be interested in nurturing wicked females. 11. If the 3rd lord is in the 11th, the native will always gain in trading, be intelligent although not literate, be adventurous, and will serve others.


12. If the 3rd lord is in the 12th, the native will spend on evil deeds, will have a wicked father, and will be fortunate through a female (or wife). 4. Effects of 4th lord in various bhavas 1. If the 4th lord is in the ascendant the native will be endowed with learning, virtues, ornaments, lands, conveyances, and maternal happiness. 2. If the 4th lord is in the 2nd, the native will enjoy pleasures, all kinds of wealth, family life and honor, and be adventurous. He will be cunning in disposition. 3. If the 4th lord is in the 3rd, the native will be valorous. He will have servants, be liberal, virtuous and charitable, and possess self-earned wealth. He will be free from diseases. 4. If the 4th lord is in the 4th, the native will be a minister and will possess all kinds of wealth. He will be skilfull, virtuous, honorable, learned, happy, and be well disposes to his spouse. 5. If the 4th lord is in the 5th, the native will be happy and be liked by all. He will be devoted to Sri Vishnu, be virtuous, honorable, and will have self-earned wealth. 6. If the 4th lord is in the 6th, the native will be devoid of maternal happiness, be given to anger, be a thief and a conjurer (or magician), be independent in action and be illdisposed. 7. If the 4th lord is in the 7th, the native will be endowed with a high degree of education, will sacrifice his patrimony, and be akin to the dumb in an assembly.


8. If the 4th lord is in the 8th, the native will be devoid of domestic and other comforts, will not enjoy much parental happiness, and be equal to a neuter. 9. If the 4th lord is in the 9th, the native will be dear to one and all, be devoted to God, be virtuous, honorable, and endowed with every kind of happiness. 10. If the 4th lord is in the 10th, the native will enjoy royal honors, be an alchemist, be extremely pleased, will enjoy pleasures, and will conquer his five senses. 11. If the 4th lord is in the 11th, the native will have fear of secret disease, be liberal, virtuous, charitable, and helpful to others. 12. If the 4th lord is in the 12th, the native will be devoid of domestic and other comforts, will have vices and be foolish and indolent. 5. Effects of 5th lord in various bhavas 1. If the 5th lord is in the ascendant, the native will be scholarly, be endowed with progenic happiness, be a miser, be crooked, and will steal others' wealth. 2. If the 5th lord is in the 2nd, the native will have many sons and wealth, be honorable, be attached to his spouse, and be famous in the world. 3. If the 5th lord is in the 3rd, the native will be attached to his co born, be a talebearer, and a miser, and be always interested in his own work. 4. If the 5th lord is in the 4th, the native will be happy, endowed with maternal happiness, wealth and intelligence, and be a king or a minister or a preceptor.


5. If the 5th lord is in the 5th, the native will have progeny if related to a benefic; there will be no issues if malefic is related to the said 5th lord placed in 5th. The 5th lord in 5th will, however, make one virtuous and dear to friends. 6. If the 5th lord is in the 6th, the native will obtain such sons who will be equal to his enemies or will lose them, or will acquire an adopted or purchased son. 7. If the 5th lord is in the 7th, the native will be honorable, very religious, endowed with progenic happiness and be helpful to others. 8. If the 5th lord is in the 8th, the native ill not have much progenic happiness, be troubled by cough and pulmonary disorders, be given to anger, and be devoid of happiness. 9. If the 5th lord is in the 9th, the native will be a prince or equal to him, will author treatises, be famous, and will shine in his race. 10. If the 5th lord is in the 10th, the native will enjoy a Rajayoga and various pleasure, and be very famous. 11. If the 5th lord is in the 11th, the native will be learned, dear to people, be an author of treatises, be very skillful, and be endowed with many sons and wealth. 12. If the 5th lord is in the 12th, the native will be bereft of happiness from his own sons, will have an adopted or purchased son. 6. Effects of 6th lord in various bhavas 1. If the 6th lord is in the ascendant, the native will be sickly, famous, inimical to his own men, rich, honorable, adventurous, and virtuous.


2. If the 6th lord is in the 2nd, the native will be adventurous, famous among his race men, will live in alien countries (or places), be happy, be a skillful speaker, and be always interested in his own work. 3. If the 6th lord is n the 3rd, the native will be given to anger, be bereft of courage, inimical to all of his co born, and will have disobedient servants. 4. If the 6th lord is in the 4th, the native will be devoid of maternal happiness, be intelligent, be a talebearer, be jealous, fickle-minded, and very rich. 5. If the 6th lord is in the 5th the native will have fluctuating finances. He will incur enmity with his sons and friends. He will be happy, selfish, and kind. 6. If the 6th lord is in the 6th, the native will have enmity with the group of his kinsmen but be friendly to others and will enjoy mediocre happiness in matters like wealth. 7. If the 6th lord is in the 7th, the native will be deprived of happiness through wedlock. He will be famous, virtuous, honorable, adventurous, and wealthy. 8. If the 6th lord is in the 8th, the native will be sickly, inimical, will desire others' wealth, be interested in others' wives, and be impure (or degraded). 9. If the 6th lord is in the 9th, the native will trade in wood and stones (also means poison), and will have fluctuating professional fortunes. 10. If the 6th lord is in the 10th, the native will be well known among his men, will not be respectfully disposed to his father and will be happy in foreign countries. He will be a gifted speaker.


11. If the 6th lord is in the 11th, the native will gain wealth through his enemies, be virtuous, adventurous, and will be somewhat bereft of progenic happiness. 12. If the 6th lord is in the 12th, the native will always spend on vices, be hostile to learned people, and will torture living beings. 7. Effects of 7th lord in various bhavas 1.If the 7th lord is in the ascendant, the native will go to others' wives, be wicked, skillful, devoid of courage, and afflicted by windy diseases. 2. If the 7th lord is in the 2nd, the native will have many wives, will gain wealth through his wife, and be procrastinating in nature. 3. If the 7th lord is in the 3rd, the native will face loss of children and sometimes with great difficulty there will exist a living son. There is also the possibility of birth of a daughter (who will sustain). 4. If the 7th lord is in the 4th, the wife of the native will not be under his control. He will be fond of truth, be intelligent, and religious. He will suffer from dental diseases. 5. If the 7th lord is in the 5th, native will be honorable, endowed with all (i.e. seven principal) virtues, always delighted and endowed with all kinds of wealth. 6. If the 7th lord is in the 6th, the native will beget a sickly wife, be inimical to her, given to anger and devoid of happiness. 7. If the 7th lord is in the 7th, the native will be endowed with happiness through wife, be courageous, skillful, and intelligent, but only afflicted by windy diseases.


8. If the 7th lord is in the 8th, the native will be deprived of marital happiness. His wife will be troubled by diseases, be devoid of good disposition, and will not obey the native. 9. If the 7th lord is in the 9th, the native will have union with many women, be well-disposed to his own wife, and will have many undertakings (or assignments). 10. If the 7th lord is in the 10th, the native will beget a disobedient wife, will be religious, and endowed with wealth, sons, etc.. 11. If the 7th lord is in the 11th, the native will gain wealth through his wife, be endowed with less happiness from sons, etc., and will have daughters. 12. If the 7th lord is in the 12th, the native will incur penury, be a miser, and his livelihood will be related to clothes. His wife will be a spendthrift. 8. Effects of 8th lord in various bhavas 1. If the 8th lord is in the ascendant, the native will be devoid of physical felicity, and will suffer from wounds. He will be hostile to gods and Brahmins (or religious people). 2. If the 8th lord is in the 2nd, the native will be devoid of bodily vigor, will enjoy a little wealth, and will not regain lost wealth. 3. If the 8th lord is in the 3rd, the native will be devoid of fraternal happiness, be indolent and devoid of servants and strength. 4. If the 8th lord is in the 4th, the child will be deprived of its mother. He will be devoid of a house, lands, and happiness, and will doubtlessly betray his friends.


5. If the 8th lord is in the 5th, the native will be dull witted, will have limited number of children, be long-lived and wealthy. 6. If the 8th lord is in the 6th, the native will win over his enemies, be afflicted by diseases, and during childhood will incur danger through snakes and water. 7. If the 8th lord is in the 7th, the native will have two wives. If the 8th lord is conjunct a malefic in the 7th there will surely be downfall in his business (or livelihood). 8. If the 8th lord is in the 8th, the native will be long-lived. If the said planet be weak being in the 8th, the longevity will be medium, while the native will be a thief, be blameworthy, and will blame others well. 9. If the 8th lord is in the 9th, the native will betray his religion, be a heterodox, will beget a wicked wife, and will steal others' wealth. 10. If the 8th lord is in the 10th, the native will be devoid of paternal bliss, be a tale bearer, and be bereft of a livelihood. If there is an aspect in the process from a benefic, then these evils will not mature. 11. If the 8th lord along with a malefic is in the 11th, the native will be devoid of wealth and will be miserable in boyhood but happy later on. Should the 8th lord be in conjunction with a benefic and be in the 11th, the native will be long lived. 12. If the 8th lord is in the 12th, the native will spend on evil deeds and will incur a short life. More so, if there be additionally a malefic in the said house. 9. Effects of 9th lord in various bhavas


1. If the 9th lord is in the ascendant, the native will be fortunate (or prosperous), will be honored by the king, be virtuous, charming, learned, and honored by the public. 2. If the 9th lord is in the 2nd, the native will be a scholar, be dear to all, wealthy, sensuous, and endowed with happiness from wife, sons, etc.. 3. If the 9th lord is in the 3rd, the native will be endowed with fraternal bliss, be wealthy, virtuous, and charming. 4. If the 9th lord is in the 4th, the native will enjoy houses, conveyances, and happiness, will have all kinds of wealth, and be devoted to his mother. 5. If the 9th lord is in the 5th, the native will be endowed with sons and prosperity, devoted to elders, bold, charitable and learned. 6. If the 9th lord is in the 6th, the native will enjoy meager prosperity, be devoid of happiness from maternal relatives and be always troubled by enemies. 7. If the 9th lord is in the 7th, the native will beget happiness after marriage, be virtuous, and famous. 8. If the 9th lord is in the 8th, the native will not be prosperous, and will not enjoy happiness from his elder brother. 9. If the 9th lord is in the 9th, the native will be endowed with abundant fortunes, virtues, and beauty, and will enjoy much happiness from co born. 10. If the 9th lord is in the 10th, the native will be a king or equal to him or be a minister or an army chief, be virtuous, and dear to all.


11. If the 9th lord is in the 11th, the native will enjoy financial gains day by day, be devoted to elders, virtuous, and meritorious in acts. 12. If the 9th lord is in the 12th, the native will incur loss of fortunes, will always spend on auspicious acts, and will become poor on account of entertaining guests. 10. Effects of 10th lord in various bhavas

1. If the 10th lord is in the ascendant, the native will be scholarly, famous, be a poet, will incur diseases in boyhood, and be happy later on. His wealth will increase day by day. 2. If the 10th lord is in the 2nd, the native will be wealthy, virtuous, honored by the king, charitable, and will enjoy happiness from father and others. 3. If the 10th lord is in the 3rd, the native will enjoy happiness from brothers and servants, be valorous, virtuous, eloquent, and truthful. 4. If the 10th lord is in the 4th, the native will be happy, be always interested in his mother's welfare, will lord over conveyances, lands and houses, be virtuous and wealthy. 5. If the 10th lord is in the 5th, the native will be endowed with all kinds of learning, be always delighted and be wealthy and endowed with sons. 6. If the 10th lord is in the 6th, the native will be bereft of paternal bliss. Although he may be skillful, he will be bereft of wealth and be troubled by enemies.


7. If the 10th lord is in the 7th, the native will be endowed with happiness through wife, be intelligent, virtuous, eloquent, truthful, and religious. 8. If the 10th lord is in the 8th, the native will be devoid of (good) acts, long-lived, and intent on blaming others. 9. If the 10th lord is in the 9th, one born of royal scion will become a king, whereas an ordinary native will be equal to a king. This placement will confer wealth and progenic happiness, etc.. 10. If the 10th lord is in the 10th, the native will be skillful in all jobs, be valorous, truthful, and devoted to elders. 11. If the 10th lord is in the 11th, the native will be endowed with wealth, happiness, and sons. 12. If the 10th lord is in the 12th, the native will spend through royal abodes (i.e. kings), will have fear from enemies and will be worried in spite of being skillful. 11. Effects of 11th lord in various bhavas

1. If the 11th lord is in the ascendant, the native will be genuine in disposition, be rich, happy, even sighted, be a poet, be eloquent in speech, and be always endowed with gains. 2. If the 11th lord is in the 2nd, the native will be endowed with all kinds of wealth and all kinds of accomplishments, be charitable, religious, and always happy. 3. If the 11th lord is in the 3rd, the native will be skillful in all jobs, wealthy, endowed with fraternal bliss, and may sometimes incur gout pains.


4. If the 11th lord is in the 4th, the native will gain from maternal relatives, will undertake visits to shrines, and will possess happiness of house and lands. 5. If the 11th lord is in the 5th, the native's children will be happy, educated, and virtuous. He will be himself religious and happy. 6. If the 11th lord is in the 6th, the native will be afflicted by diseases, be cruel, living in foreign places, and troubled by enemies. 7. If the 11th lord is in the 7th, the native will always gain through his wife's relatives, be liberal, virtuous, sensuous, and will remain at the command of his spouse. 8. If the 11th lord is in the 8th, the native will incur reversals in his undertakings and will live long while his wife will predecease him. 9. If the 11th lord is in the 9th, the native will be fortunate, skillful, truthful, honored by the king, and be affluent. 10. If the 11th lord is in the 10th, the native will be honored by the king, be virtuous, attached to his religion, intelligent, truthful, and will subdue his senses. 11. If the 11th lord is in the 11th, the native will gain in all his undertakings, while his learning and happiness will be on the increase day by day. 12. If the 11th lord is in the 12th, the native will always expend on good deeds, be sensuous, will have many wives, and will befriend barbarians (or foreigners in general). 12. Effects of 12th lord in various bhavas


1. If the 12th lord is in the ascendant, the native will be a spendthrift, be weak in constitution, will suffer from phlegmatic disorders, and be devoid of wealth and learning. 2. If the 12th lord is in the 2nd, the native will always spend on auspicious deeds, be religious, will speak sweetly, and be endowed with virtues and happiness. 3. If the 12th lord is in the 3rd, the native will be devoid of fraternal bliss, will hate others, and will promote selfnourishment (i.e. be quite selfish). 4. If the 12th lord is in the 4th, the native will be devoid of maternal happiness and will day by day accrue losses in respect of lands, conveyances, and houses. 5. If the 12th lord is in the 5th, the native will be bereft of sons and learning. He will spend as well as visit shrines in order to beget a son. 6. If the 12th lord is in the 6th, the native will incur enmity with his own men, be given to anger, be sinful, miserable, and will go to others' wives. 7. If the 12th lord is in the 7th, the native will incur expenditure on account of his wife, will not enjoy conjugal bliss, and will be bereft of learning and strength. 8. If the 12th lord is in the 8th, the native will always gain, will speak affably, will enjoy a medium span of life and be endowed with all good qualities. 9. If the 12th lord is in the 9th, the native will dishonor his elders, be inimical even to his friends, and be always intent on achieving his own ends.


10. If the 12th lord is in the 10th, the native will incur expenditure through royal persons and will enjoy only moderate paternal bliss. 11. If the 12th lord is in the 11th, the native will incur losses, be brought up by others, and will sometimes gain through others. 12. If the 12th lord is in the 12th, the native will only face heavy expenditure, will not have physical felicity, be irritable, and spiteful.

Results of planets in houses: What needs to be remembered all through is that, these general results will be modified as per the subhatvam and asubhatvam of the planets and rasis involved. Also, the complex relationships between planets and rasis to be considered. Again, whenever there are drishtis or other yogams the results get modified. Surya If the Surya be In the 1st house at birth, the native will have scanty hair. He will be lazy, of hot disposition, impetuous and tall in stature. He will have soiled eyes and a lean and thin body. He will be cruel, impatient and valorous. The Surya in the 1st house with Karkataka as the Lagna will give the native cataract in the eyes with the Lagna as Mesha, the Surya in the 1st house will cause eye disease. In Simha Lagna the Surya will cause night blindness. If the Lagna be Thula and the Surya occupies it, the native will be devoid of wealth and suffer from loss of children. When the Surya is in the 2nd house at birth, the person concerned will be without any learning; he will be shameless and will be stammering.


Should the Surya occupy the 3rd house, the native will be powerful, valiant, wealthy and generous. He will have inimical relations with his kinsmen. If the Surya be in 4th house, the native will be bereft of happiness and comfort, relations, lands, friends and house. He will be in Government service and will squander away his ancestral property. When the Surya is in the 5th house from the Lagna, the person concerned will be short tempered and will be deprived of happiness, wealth and children. He will be intelligent and wander in forest regions. If the Surya be in the 6th house, the native will become a king. He will earn renown and will be equipped with praiseworthy qualities. He will be wealthy and capable of overcoming his enemies. When the Surya is in the 7th at birth, the person concerned will suffer from the wrath of the king. He will have deformed body and will have no wife. He will suffer humiliation from others. With the Surya in the 8th house, the person born will be deprived of his wealth and friends. He will be short-lived and suffer from defective eyesight. He can be blind also. Should the Surya be In 9th house at birth, the person concerned is likely to suffer from the loss of his father, but he will not be deprived of children and relations. He will have due respect for gods and Brahmins. With the Surya in the 10th house, the native will be blessed with sons and will enjoy the comfort of conveyances. He will receive praise for is good conduct and will have Intelligence, wealth, strength and fame. He will be a king.


The Surya in the 11th house makes the native very wealthy and long lived. He will be a king with ever lasting happiness. Should the Surya be in the 12th house at birth the native will have inimical relations with his father. His eyesight will be defective and he will be devoid of wealth and children. Chandra If at birth the Chandra be waxing and be posited in the first house (the lagna), the native will possess a strong constitution and will be long lived. He will be powerful, fearless and wealthy. The effects will be quite reverse if the Chandra be waning. If the Chandra be posited in the 2nd house, the person born will be a man of learning, sweet in speech and wealthy. He will have a defective limb and be sensuous. If the Chandra be in the 3rd house at birth the person born will have brothers. He will be lascivious, powerful and strong but very miserly. Should the Chandra be placed in the 4th house, the person concerned will be happy, will be indulging in sensual pleasures. He will be generous in gifts, will have good friends, will have comforts of conveyances and will enjoy a high reputation (Chandra gets Digbala in the 4th). If the Chandra be in the 5th house at birth the person will walk gently, will be brilliant and will have good sons. Such a person becomes Minister of a king. If the Chandra be in the sixth house the person born will be short lived, will be stupid and sufferer of stomach ailments. He will also face humiliation.


Should the Chandra be housed in the 7th at birth, the person concerned will be beautiful in his looks, and will be loved by a faithful and illustrious wife. When the Chandra occupies the 8th house at birth, the person concerned will be sickly and short-lived. Should the Chandra happen to be in the 9th house, the person born will be wealthy, virtuous and will be blessed with children. The Chandra in 10th house at birth makes the native victorious over his enemies, and achieve success in all his ventures. He will be engaged in pious deeds and will be a supporter of good people. Should the Chandra occupy the 11th house at birth, the person concerned will be high minded, long-lived and wealthy and will be blessed with children. He will also have comforts of servants. When the Chandra is placed in the 12th house, the native is indolent, humiliated and unhappy. Others have animosity against him. Kuja If Kuja occupies the 1st house or the Lagna, the native will be very cruel but valorous. He will be short lived and his body will get bruised. When Kuja is posited in the 2nd house at birth, the native will not be good looking and will not be clever in speaking. He will have tearing and will be devoid of wealth. He will be serving low people. Should Kuja be in the 3rd house at birth, the person concerned will be equipped with qualities, will be powerful, happy and brave. He will be not subdued by others. But he will be deprived of the happiness of brothers.


When Kuja is placed in the 4th house, the native will be bereft of mother, friends, happiness, conveyances and lands. The person concerned will have no children and will face many disasters, Should the Kuja happen to occupy the 5th house at birth. The native will be a talebearer and without enough intelligence. Should Kuja happen to occupy the 6th house at birth, the person concerned will be wealthy, generous, capable of vanquishing his enemies and will have splendour like that of a king. Kuja in the 6th makes the native very sensuous. When Kuja is in the 7th, the person born will indulge in undesirable actions, will be afflicted by diseases and will have a wife who will die prematurely. Kuja in the 8th house gives the native a diseased body, deprive him of wealth and makes him short-lived and reviled by others. Should Kuja occupy the 9th house, the native will face animosity from others even if he be a favourite of the king. He will not enjoy the happiness of his father (i.e. he will lose his father prematurely), and will oppress other people. If Kuja be in the 10th house the person though cruel by nature will be charitable and will be like a king. He will be valiant and will be extolled even by great personalities. When Kuja occupies the 11th house the native will be powerful, wealthy, valorous, of good conduct, and happy. Kuja in the 12th house makes the native a talebearer and cruel. He will be devoid of wife, and mean by nature. He will suffer from eye diseases.


Budha Should Budha be posited in the 1st house or the lagna, the native will be learned in all Shastras, will be soft spoken and long-lived. If Budha happens to occupy the 2nd house at birth the person earns his livelihood by his intelligence. He will compose poems and will be cultured in his speech. He will get sweetish preparations to eat. If Budha be in the 3rd house, the person born will be brave but will have a medium span of life. He will have good brothers and sisters, but he will suffer from fatigue and be dejected. When Budha occupies the 4th house, the person born will be learned and witty. He will be possessed of friends, wealth and happiness. With Budha in the 5th, the native will be learned, happy and courageous. He will be blessed with children and will be well versed in Mantras. Should Budha happen to occupy 6th house, the native will be indolent, harsh in speech and will be capable of overcoming his enemies. He will become adamant when people enter into arguments with him. Budha occupying the 7th house makes the native learned, decently dressed. He will have all greatness and a wealthy woman as his wife. When Budha is in the 8th house at birth the person concerned will be widely renowned and long-lived. He will be the supporter of his family, a lord and a commander of army. With the Budha occupying the 9th house, the native will be learned, wealthy, religious minded and observer of


virtuous conduct. He will be well versed in everything and will not be reserved in speaking. If Budha be posited in the 10th house at birth, the native will be learned, powerful, wise, happy, virtuous and will stick to his word. He will be successful from the very beginning in all his ventures. Should Budha occupy the 11th house, the person will be long-lived. He will keep his word, and will be very wealthy and nappy. He will enjoy the comforts of servants. Budha in the 12th makes the native poor and helpless, indolent and cruel and without any education. He will also suffer from humiliation Guru If Guru be in Lagna at birth, the person concerned will be handsome and attractive, virtuous, long-lived and fearless. He will be blessed with the grace of God. Should Guru occupy the 2nd house at birth, the person concerned will be learned and wealthy, will possess a beautiful face and will be eloquent in speech. He will enjoy food of high standard. If Guru be placed in the 3rd house, the person born will be sinful, wicked and miserly He will suffer humiliation but one of his brothers will attain a position of honour and will be renowned. With Guru posited in the 4th, person will be happy and will live with mother, friends, sons and servants. He will have plenty of grains. Should Guru be in the 5th house, the native will suffer from distress from sons (children). He will be learned and a minister of the king.


If Guru occupies the 6th house at birth, the native will destroy his enemies but he will be lazy and will be humiliated. He will be clever and well versed in the recitation and utility of Mantras. When Guru is posited in 7th house at birth, the native will be blessed with a good wife and children. He will be handsome and more liberal than his father. With Guru in the 8th house at birth, the native will be poor and helpless and earns his livelihood through servants or menials. He will indulge in mean action, but will be longlived. If Guru be in 9th house at birth, the native, will be wealthy and will be blessed with sons (children). He will be famous and will be eager to perform virtuous deeds and religious rites. He will become a minister of the king. Should Guru be occupying the 10th house at birth, the native will be very wealthy and a favourite of the king. Be earns a high reputation and is virtuous. Guru in 11th house at birth makes the native wealthy, long-lived and fearless. He gets few children; but enjoys the comforts of conveyances. When Guru occupies the 12th house, the native will earn animosity of others, and will himself use abusive language. He will be childless, sinful, indolent and a person who serves others. Sukra If Sukra be posited in the lagna at birth, the native will have a beautiful and attractive body, and will be happy and long-lived. Should Sukra occupy the 2nd house at birth, the native will be a poet and will enjoy riches of various kinds.


If Sukra be In the 3rd house at birth, the native will be miserly, unpopular, devoid of wealth, happiness and wife. With Sukra occupying the 4th house, the person born, the native will be endowed with good conveyances, a decent house, ornaments, clothes and scents. When Sukra be in the 5th house at birth, the native will be endowed with wealth and will be as influential and renowned as a king. He will be learned and will be blessed with the happiness of children. With Sukra posited in the 6th house at birth, the native will have no enemies, but he will be devoid of wealth. He will develop illicit relations with several young girls, but will not enjoy happiness. Should Sukra be placed in 7th house at birth, the native will enjoy the company of a faithful and beautiful wife and he may lose his wife. He will be wealthy and will have intrigues with bad women. Sukra posited in the 8th house at birth, will make the native wealthy, long-lived and a landlord. If Sukra occupies the 9th house at birth, the native will draw his fortune through the beneficence of the king. He will be blessed with wife, sons and friends. With Sukra occupying the 10th house at birth, the native will perform virtuous deeds. He will enjoy happiness from friends, will be greatly honoured, will enjoy high reputation and will attain a high status. Should Sukra occupy the 11th house at birth, the native will be wealthy, but will have connections with other people's wives. He will enjoy all kinds of happiness.


If Sukra occupies the 12th house at birth, the native will enjoy sexual relationships with many women (bed comforts). He will be rich and prosperous. Sani If at birth Sani is in the Lagna in his sign of exaltation (Thula) or in his own sign (Makara and Kumbha), the person concerned will be equal to the king, a chief or mayor of a city. If Sani be in the Lagna in any other sign, the native will suffer from sorrow and misery from his very childhood and will be poverty stricken. He will be living shabbily and will be inactive. Should Sani be in the 2nd house at birth, the face of the native will be unattractive. He will not take the righteous path and will be devoid of wealth but in the latter part of his life he will quit his native place and will then possess wealth, conveyance and all enjoyments of life. If Sani should happen to occupy the 3rd house at birth, the native will be very intelligent, wise and liberal and will live with his wife. However, he will be indolent and unhappy. If Sani be in the 4th house at birth, the native will be bereft of house, respect and mother. He will be sickly in his childhood. He will also be unhappy. If Sani occupied the 5th house the person concerned will be evil minded and wicked. He will be bereft of learning, children, wealth and happiness. He roams about aimlessly. Should Sani occupy the 6th house at birth, the person concerned will be glutton, wealthy and will vanquish his enemies. He will also be arrogant.


When at birth Sani is posited in the 7th house, the native develops relations with women of questionable character. He will be poverty stricken, a wanderer and unhappy. Sani occupying the 8th house at birth will make the native unclean afflicted with piles, devoid of wealth, of cruel disposition, hungry and will be avoided by his friends. Should Sani occupy the 9th house, the native will be devoid of good fortune, wealth, children father and will be irreligious. He will also be wicked. Sani in the 11th makes the native devoid of ill health and enables him lasting income and wealth. Should Sani occupy the 12th house at birth, the native will be impudent, poor, childless, defective of some limb, stupid and defeated by his enemies. Rahu When Rahu is in the occupation of the 1st house at birth, the native will be short-lived, wealthy and strong and suffer from diseases in the higher limbs (Face, head etc.). The person who has Rahu in the 2nd house at birth, will be insincere in speech and his words will carry double meaning. He will suffer from disease of the mouth or the face. He will be tender hearted and will receive wealth through the beneficence of the king. He will be of an angry disposition and happy. When Rahu is in the 3rd house at birth, the native will be proud, inimical towards his co-born, wealthy, long-lived and strong willed. With Rahu in the 4th house at birth, the native will have a short span of life and will be seldom happy.


When Rahu occupies the 5th house at birth, the native will have nasal touch in his speech. He will be childless, hard hearted and will suffer from pain in the stomach. Should Rahu occupy the 6th house at birth, the native will be troubled by the enemies and will be oppressed by malefic planets. He will be wealthy and long-lived and will suffer from ulcer in the anus. Rahu in the 7th house at birth makes the person concerned independent, but without intelligence. He squanders away his money by associating with women. He will become a widower and also impotent. If Rahu be posited in the 8th house the native will become miserable, will suffer from rheumatism, will have few children and will indulge in impure actions. If Rahu occupies the 9th house at birth, the native will be harsh in speech and will indulge in unrighteous actions but he will become head of a clan, city or a village. If Rahu be in the 10th house, the person born will have a limited number of issues, engaged in working for others, will not perform any rightful deeds, will be fearless and famous. With Rahu occupying the 11th house at birth, the native will be wealthy and long-lived, will have a limited number of issues, and will suffer from some disease of the ear. Rahu in the 12th house at birth makes a man squanderer of money, will indulge in sinful deeds and suffer from diseases like dropsy etc. Ketu When Ketu occupies the 1st house or the Lagna, the person born will be ungrateful, unhappy and tale bearer,


will associate with unsociable elements, deformed in his body, fallen from position and outcaste. With Ketu in the 2nd house at birth, the native will be bereft of learning and will have a harsh manner of speaking. He will have a sinister look and be dependent for food on others. Should Ketu occupy the 3rd house at birth, the native will be long-lived, powerful and renowned. He will live happily with his wife and will eat good food; but he will be deprived of a brother. With Ketu occupying the 4th house at birth, the native will live in another man's house and will lose his lands, mother and happiness. He will be forced to leave his native land. Ketu in the 5th house at a person's birth deprives the native of his children. He will be evil minded and will be oppressed by goblins (evil spirits). If Ketu occupies the 6th house at birth, the native will be magnanimous, full of best qualities, firm, renowned and will be vested with high authority. He will vanquish his enemies and will be successful in obtaining Ishta Siddhi. Ketu's occupation of the 7th house at birth will make the native suffer humiliation. He will associate with fallen women and will be separated from his own wife. He will suffer from diseases of the bowels and may lose his potency. With Ketu occupying the 8th house at birth, the native will suffer from separation from his nears and dears. He will be quarrelsome and short-lived. He will get injury from some weapon and will be unsuccessful in all his ventures. Ketu In the 9th house at birth, makes the native indulge in sinful and unrighteous actions. He will be deprived of his


father, will be unfortunate, poverty stricken and will defame others. If Ketu occupies the 10th house at a person's birth, he will face obstacles in performing good acts. He will be impure and indulge in wicked actions. He will be very bold and famous for his valor. If Ketu should occupy the 11th house, the person born will accumulate wealth and will be equipped with good qualities. He will enjoy himself and all items of luxuries and comforts will be available to him. He will achieve success in all his undertakings. When Ketu occupies the 12th house at birth, the native will commit sinful acts secretly. He will squander away all his money for undesirable purposes. He will destroy his wealth and take to forbidden conduct. He will suffer from diseases of the eyes.

Results of planets in rasis: SURYA: Surya in Mesha: Mesha is the exaltation-sign of the Surya and hence this is the most powerful position of the central orb. It gives rise to many an administrator and leader. There it radiates a vital force of supreme strength which gives to the person a wonderful source of energy wherewith to withstand diseases or any form of strain. His powers of recuperation will quickly free him from the clutches of sickness. People having this position are principally liable to diseases on account of the fervent heat of the Surya in Mesha. As


Mesha rules the head the excessive heat leads to baldness also. Surya in Rishabha: A favorable position for the financial fortunes but it also gives a tendency to extravagance, especially in dress, and makes the person extremely fond of the opposite sex, sometimes with detrimental results. It gives great physical strength and the person loves to show off that people may admire his prowess. Rishabha rules the larynx and therefore the Surya in Rishabha adds strength to the vocal organs and gives the person a strong, pleasant voice. Surya in Mithuna: This position gives a blended influence of the Surya, Budha and the Third House. This favors expression of Budha for it is the planet which stirs the vocal chords and produces sound in the larynx; it also favors writings and travel; the mind is brightened by the Surya in Mithuna and when it is necessary or expedient to travel the person gains thereby physically and mentally. It gives a pleasant, affable disposition which makes him generally liked among his associates. Surya in Karkataka: Karkataka is the fourth sign and is ruled by the Chandra, hence, the Surya in Karkataka is a mixture of the Surya, Chandra and fourth House influences. In the natural horoscope (where Mesha is on the Ascendant) Karkataka is at the nadir, and with the Surya here, vitality is at its lowest ebb; therefore with this position one is apt to be indolent even when not sickly at all. He is harmless and avoids quarrels, hence is harmonious and agreeable in the home so long as he is not asked to work too hard. This position of the Surya makes the first part of the life barren of fruits but brings success in the later years. Karkataka is


a psychic sign and therefore the Surya in Karkataka gives a tendency toward the occult, often with psychic experiences. Surya in Simha: The Surya in Simha gives a masterful nature with a large measure of self-control, a keen sense of honor and a never-failing integrity. The person aspires to rule others but would scorn to take a mean advantage or to do anything to others that would not be in strict accord with the golden rule; the affections are deep and lasting. People with the Surya in Simha are staunch defenders of those they love, but equally strong in their aversions. Simha is the sign which rules the heart. Whatever people with the Surya in Simha do is done with a concentration of purpose which compels success. They make true friends and if one must have an enemy, a Simha will prove more honorable and magnanimous than any other. Surya in Kanya: This is combination of the solar, mercurial and Sixth House influences. It shows the successful middleman between the producer and consumer, subtle, extremely quick to see what will work to his advantage in the promotion of business, pleasant and sociable, agreeable to all from whom he expects to gain, but domineering to employees and fellow workers; a smooth talker but not necessarily insincere; he merely looks out for number one. The Surya in Kanya makes good chemists, nurses and doctors, not surgeons but drug-doctors; they are firm believers in medicine and lots of it. Surya in Thula: Thula is ruled by Sukra and is the seventh sign, hence the Surya in Thula combines the influence of Sukra with that of the Surya and the Seventh house, with the result that


the person loves the marriage partner so devotedly that he excludes everyone else; for of a person with that position it may truly be said that "the Surya rises and sets" in the marriage partner. Thula is also the exaltation sign of Sani, and his influence is there at its best, giving an element of construction to the art of Sukra. This is brought about as ability for architecture and the finer branches of decorative construction when the Surya is in Thula. This position also gives a fine, sonorous voice and vocal talent. Surya in Vrischika: The Surya in Vrischika, when well aspected, gives great energy, courage and independence. It makes the mind active, and favors success in such occupations as those of the surgeon or soldier. It also tends to improve the finances after marriage, but tends to extravagance. The Surya here afflicted gives the person a very blunt, brusque manner, a feeling that his judgment is better than that of others, and a tendency to ride rough-shod over anybody or anything that stands in his way. It often makes him indifferent to suffering, and may transform the surgeon into a vivisectionist. Surya in Dhanus: This gives lofty ideas and a noble aspiring disposition aiming to rise by raising others. It makes the person benevolent, philanthropic and therefore beloved among his associates. He is often the recipient of honors and appointments to positions of trust, and missions of a delicate nature, not could a better selection be made, for such people are the souls of honor. This position will also bring success in religion, law and statesmanship for it gives an expansive mind fitted to grapple with the greater problems of life.


Surya in Makara: This is a good sign that the person will rise in life by the aid of the good-will of people in a higher position than himself; it shows that he will merit their trust and acquit himself well in a position of responsibility and trust; it makes him careful, prudent, faithful and honest. Judges with that position cannot be bought but will administer justice as they see it, to all comers. It gives an all round love of fair play and wins for those who have it the respect and esteem of all in their circle. Surya in Kumbha: It gives the person an intuitive perception of the inner nature of things and a touch with the forces and ideas of the spiritual realms which leads him to take up when possible, new and advanced cults, or methods of healing such as Naturopathy, Electro-therapy, Astro-therapy, Magnetic Healing, etc. He is also drawn to scientific research and ultra-intellectual or strange religions. This position gives much popularity and firm friends among people who are in a position to bestow favors and further the person's attainment of his ambitions. Surya in Meena: Gives a retiring disposition and favors success in occupations removed from the public gaze such as prisons, hospitals, institutions for the poor, etc. If the person incur enmity of others, he will be vindicated whatever they may do to hurt his reputation. People with the Surya in Meena have a strong tendency towards psychic and the occult in general. CHANDRA: Chandra in Mesha:


It gives a very independent type of mind which aims to hew out its own path in life whether right or wrong and is extremely quick to resent any interference from others. The person is ambitious and aggressive but lacks forethought, so that he is liable to meet with numerous setbacks. However, this position gives a dauntless courage and such people are not easily defeated. When they have failed in one direction they immediately try another venture and in the end their very persistence usually brings them into prominence in their line and gives them ultimate success, unless the Chandra is afflicted; then they are prone to take up one occupation after another without giving themselves time to try honestly to make a success of any one. Chandra in Rishabha: This is the Chandra's exaltation sign and her effect is therefore very powerful for good if she is free from affliction and well-aspected. Then the fixed nature of Rishabha tones down the changeability of the Chandra which also blends with the Sukra ray. Hence it makes the disposition gentle, self-reliant and determined. It gives perseverance, forethought and kindness, therefore the person attracts all the good things of life, health and wealth, friends and family, houses and lands with the ability to enjoy all these things for it makes him fond of pleasure, sociable and hospitable, a lover of art and music and all other things which make for the enjoyment of life. Chandra in Mithuna: Gives a wide-awake intellect, fond of literature and science, resourceful and able to cope with emergencies, broad, liberal and alert for progressive ideas which are taken up with avidity. Hence such people are much attracted to literary occupations, particularly in the newspaper field where they may flit from one subject to another as required by their extremely restless mind. This


position also gives an inordinate love of traveling, and desire for positions where one meets many people. Hence it favors such occupations as those of traveling salesmen, canvassers, and the like. Chandra in Karkataka: Gives a disposition which is kind, sociable and sympathetic, but indolent and averse to effort whether physical, moral or mental. These people love to drift with the tide and only bestir themselves when under the whiplash of necessity. They are often sensitive to physic conditions, especially if the Chandra is aspected by Neptune or Uranus and the nature of the aspect determines whether the influence is favorable or unfavorable. This position also gives a love of home and the comforts to be obtained there. It promotes the digestion and consequently the health if the Chandra is well-aspected. If afflicted it has a tendency to give digestive troubles. Chandra in Simha: has an illuminating influence on the mind. It gives a strong, self-reliant and aggressive disposition with ability for organization; therefore people with the Chandra in this position usually attain to leadership in their immediate circle. They are honorable in financial and social matters, fair and magnanimous in their dealings with others, and very popular with other people. Chandra in Kanya: increases the mental qualities if she is well-aspected; she gives a retentive memory, a love of study along scientific or occult lines and an ambition to excel. Chemistry is the favorite of these people among the sciences and they excel as dietitians. They are rather reserved and of quiet demeanor, disliking flattery or ostentation. Unless they


devote themselves to dietetics they are more successful as the servants or employees of others than in business for themselves. Chandra in Thula : is a fortunate position for the acquisition of friends and public popularity for it makes the person kind, sympathetic and agreeable, optimistic and fond of social pleasures. This position also gives good reasoning powers and the ability to form a correct judgment, love of art and music, sometimes considerable ability as a performer if assisted by other aspects. Chandra in Vrischika : gives a courageous independent and energetic disposition. The person who has this configuration will not tolerate interference with his plans or submit to imposition. He is often very abrupt in his manners and blunt in speech, quick-tempered and not to be coerced by threats, but singularly amenable to kindness. He has a strong and stubborn will and determination to carry out whatever he undertakes. This position also gives a considerable attraction toward the occult sciences but if afflicted may lead to excess gratification of the senses, trouble with women or difficulties in parturition. Chandra in Dhanus : gives an alert and active personality, a love of walking, riding or any other form of physical exercise, a roving of disposition and love of travel in foreign countries, a fondness of animals, especially horses and dogs and an inclination for the study of religion, law philosophy or the science of occultism. These people are very optimistic, good humored, jovial, and ideal companions unless the Chandra is afflicted, then her position in Dhanus is conducive to indolence and self-indulgence.


Chandra in Makara : if well-aspected, gives abundance of help from people who are higher in the social scale so that whatever success there may be will come through others, the person being too timid to push himself forward, besides being of a melancholy turn of mind which makes him exceedingly sensitive to real or fancied slights. If the Chandra is afflicted it gives a liability to slander whether that is merited or not. This position also has a detrimental effect upon the digestion. People with Chandra in this position often have an insane fear of coming to want and therefore they become avaricious and miserly, denying themselves all comforts at the present time that they may have something for a rainy day. They have very little feeling for themselves and none at all for others. Chandra in Kumbha : if well-aspected gives the person a very vivid imagination and the power of calling images up before the mind's eye in such a manner that they seem almost tangible; besides these people are not dependent upon the faculty of reason, for their intuition is also exceedingly welldeveloped. In disposition they are sociable, kindly and courteous with the result that they attract many friends and are very popular in their environment, and they are helped by their friends according to the aspects of the Chandra. On the other hand if the Chandra is afflicted this position shows one of an exceedingly erratic mind. Chandra in Meena : gives a receptive mind and a fertile imagination with a disposition to indolence and self-pity, vacillation and faintheartedness, makes one fond of creaming rather than acting, therefore sorrow, trouble and self-undoing beset the path in life. This position not infrequently leads to mediumship, especially if Neptune is in adverse aspect,


for these people are peculiarly sensitive to the flattery of spirit-controls and love anything that will stir their emotions. They are also very wordy in their expressions. If a good aspect from Sukra and Budha enables them to take up music they play with extraordinary inspiration and feeling. If the Chandra is afflicted in Meena love-affairs are apt to bring the person into trouble. If Meena is in the Twelfth House and the Chandra there at birth this will give a liability on the part of the parents to drink and thus to neglect their children who may then become the wards of charitable institutions until they reach maturity. KUJA: Kuja in Mesha : gives an energetic, enthusiastic nature, impulsive, aggressive and impatient of restraint. No matter what the obstacles in the path these people will attempt the seemingly impossible and often succeed through sheer audacity. They are original, resourceful, have considerable mechanical ability and the more venturesome an undertaking appears the more it appeals to them. This position gives an abundance of vitality and a love of sport and muscular exercise. The person is just as enthusiastic in his enjoyment of recreation and pleasure as he is in his work and on that account he gets a great deal out of life. But if Kuja is afflicted in Mesha it gives a violent temper and a liability to accidents, burns, fevers and inflammatory complaints. The mind is also threatened. Kuja in Rishabha : and well-aspected is a good indication of an early marriage. It shows good earning power and a free, generous disposition with regards to finances; it gives an interior strength of an unconquerable nature so that the person will always gain his ends by unflagging determination and a quiet persistence that recognizes no defeat, but presses on towards the goal that he has set for


himself despite all obstacles. It is also indication of money by legacy. But if Kuja is afflicted in Rishabha it gives an exceedingly stubborn, violent and vindictive nature. Such people will pursue their own way despite reason, argument or entreaty and if anyone attempts to thwart them in their purposes they never forgive. They also have good earning power but squander the money foolishly so that they are often in financial difficulties and if a legacy comes to them they are more likely to lose it through legal trouble than not and they are sure also to have domestic trouble. Kuja in Mithuna : when well-aspected gives a keen, active and alert mentality. People with Kuja in this position never beat about the bush. They are honest and outspoken and say just what they mean perhaps at times a little too bluntly, but at any rate they are not hypocrites. They love to measure their wits against others in debate and therefore this position makes for success in law or literature. They also succeed in the engineering professions for they are resourceful, ingenious and mechanical, apt at learning and quick to grasp a problem or proposition. But if Kuja is afflicted in Mithuna it gives a cynical, sneering, caustic and critical disposition and makes these people feared and shunned on account of their disagreeable nature. These people are also vacillating and unable to make a decision. Thus they cannot be depended on to stand by their word or their promise and if they keep an appointment once in a while it happens by accident. They are always in trouble with brothers, sisters and neighbors and liable to accidents when traveling. It also gives a predisposition to bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, pleurisy and pneumonia. Kuja in Karkataka :


and well-aspected gives a bold, independent and fearless nature with a tendency to rebel against restraint, a homeloving disposition, very industrious and ambitious to gather and protect all things which make for comfort and luxury, so that he is a good provider for the home in every respect. But at the same time people with this aspect aim to exercise unrestricted authority over everything and everybody within the home. They tolerate no other authority there. This position makes the temper rather uncertain and gives a tendency and a desire for change of occupation, sot that the person never really settles down to one line of endeavor but takes up a number of vocations and drops them suddenly. If Kuja is afflicted in Karkataka it brings domestic troubles, frequent and violent scenes and quarrels in the home with a tendency to move frequently from one place to another; inflammatory diseases of the stomach, and digestive ailments, also accidents by fire in the home through recklessness or carelessness. Kuja in Simha : and well-aspected gives an active, industrious and honest nature, fearless and independent in all dealings with others, a keen sense of honor and responsibility, hence makes one eminently fitted to occupy a position of trust either in a public or private concern. These people are enthusiastic and energetic either in work or play, lovers of sport and a good time generally. They are very ardent in their admiration of the opposite sex and woo the object of their affections with an intensity that carries all before it, overrides all obstacles and brings the matter to a speedy consummation. These people never beat about the bush but say what they mean in a manner that is often extremely embarrassing in its directness. They are strong and forceful in their arguments either for or against that which they believe or disbelieve and therefore they not infrequently arouse opposition on the part of those who differ from them. They are very venturesome and often take a pride in risk either in the pursuit of pleasure or


business. When Kuja is afflicted in Simha it gives a fiery, violent temper and a liability to fever inflammatory diseases, palpitation of the heart, hallucinations, biliousness. There is also danger of inordinate affection, trouble in courtship, loss of children and loss through speculations. An afflicted Kuja in Simha gives the same daring as when well-aspected but the danger of accident is greater because the person with the afflicted planets becomes foolhardy and reckless. Kuja in Kanya : when well-aspected gives an ambitious nature and a quick intellect, able to grasp an idea and elaborate upon it. It strengthens the mental qualities and gives a scientific turn to the mind with an ability to apply this faculty either in research work or in business. The people with this position are therefore energetic and enterprising in many of the world's industrial affairs. There their shrewdness and quick- wittedness brings them success and preferment. This is a good position for people who are engaged in any of the industries connected with the sick, such as nurses, doctors, chemists, the science of sanitation and hygiene, preparation of health-foods and kindred occupations. If people with Kuja in Kanya are themselves overtaken by disease this position gives them the ability to recuperate quickly and makes them less liable to become chronic invalids as so many other Kanya people do. When Kuja is afflicted in Kanya it subjects the mind to worry and irritability, with a tendency to brood over troubles in life which are mostly illusory. No matter how or where such people are employed they are always critical toward their fellow-employees and the employer and dissatisfied with everything connected with their work. They are also of a dishonest nature and cannot be trusted in a position of responsibility. This position also makes people overindulgent of their appetites and subject to intestinal disorders. Kuja in Thula :


well-aspected gives an ardent, demonstrative and loving nature which is very greatly attracted to the opposite sex and therefore it inclines to an early marriage. It also gives an enthusiastic love of art and beauty in all their phases and it makes the person very popular with the public or in societies of a social or religious nature. This is an excellent position for a lawyer, as it will bring much activity in this line and it is a good indication of general health. But when Kuja is afflicted in Thula it makes the person very unpopular and subject to the opposition and criticism of the community; danger of public scandal on account of unfaithfulness in sex relations, for Kuja in Thula always produces a strong attraction toward the opposite sex and if he is afflicted there the nature is amorous and fickle with the natural result that trouble arises by playing with the affections of others. Kuja in Vrischika : when well-aspected gives a keen, sharp and forceful mentality, a rather blunt manner and an indifference to the finer sensibilities of others, consequently these people often make themselves disliked at first until others get used to them and realize that they are not such ogres as they seem. They are very ingenious and mechanical, with indomitable courage and inexhaustible energy which carry them over all obstacles whatever goal they set themselves. In this respect they are very selfish and ready to sacrifice whatever stands in their way. They make good police officers, soldiers and surgeons and are able to fill any other position where a dominant authority is required, or skill with sharp tools. In a woman's horoscope it shows that the husband has good earning capacity, but is rather too free and generous with his means. It also indicates the possibility of a legacy. When Kuja is afflicted in Vrischika it brings out the worse side of the passionate nature and leads the person into sex excesses or causes addiction to solitary vice that saps the vitality, and unless corrected it is liable to bring the person to an early grave. In a woman's horoscope it indicates that the husband will squander his


money on gratification of self, also that parturition will be a dangerous event. In either sex Kuja in Vrischika indicates a quarrelsome nature and a biting tongue. Kuja in Dhanus : well-aspected gives an argumentative disposition and fondness of debating on subjects of serious nature such as law, philosophy and religion. It makes the person candid and open in all his dealings with others, full of enthusiasm and ambition, anxious to appear well in the eyes of the community, although he would scorn to cater to the ideas of others where they do not coincide with this ideas of probity and justice. These people make interesting and ideal entertainers, especially in later life for they are fond of traveling and are keen observers, hence they always have a fund of interesting and instructive information which they are both willing and anxious to impart to their hearers. These people are also fond of sports and out-door exercise, in which they usually excel and a well-aspected Kuja in Dhanus is an ideal position for a lawyer. It makes for much success in that direction by sharpening and quickening the mental and oratorical faculties. When Kuja is afflicted in Dhanus he gives a sharp tongue and a quarrelsome disposition and there is a dishonest streak in the nature, therefore such people are often found generally disliked in the community and particularly in social circles, for they seem to be always at variance with the ideas and opinions of others and adopt a most supercilious attitude toward those with whom they disagree. These people are also liable to meet with accidents when they travel and to sustain a number of broken bones. Kuja in Makara : when well-aspected adds much strength to the character for it gives an ambitious and enthusiastic disposition backed by an indomitable courage and well-nigh


inexhaustible energy together with a patient persistence and perseverance that are bound to overcome all obstacles and in the end reach the desired goal. Therefore people with Kuja in this position are bound to rise in life, particularly if Makara be placed in the Tenth House. It invites respect and esteem of the community so that people with this position are often offered public appointments in addition to their private enterprises and they serve well in posts of honor for they are naturally fitted to take great responsibilities and carry on great enterprises. The wider their scope of action the better they like it, for they are superlatively efficient. When Kuja is afflicted in Makara there will be a similar ambition to do great things but the person will be rash, impulsive and headstrong so that he overreaches himself and takes upon himself more than he can carry through. He will also lack the persistence and perseverance necessary to overcome obstacles and as the disposition will be basically dishonest, through he may rise on account of his enthusiasm and pretentious nature to some prominence he is certain to be shorn of his authority before very long and become an object of scorn and derision in the community. There is nothing worse than an afflicted Kuja in Makara. It also gives a liability to accidents affecting the limbs and its reflex action on the part of the body ruled by the opposite sign, viz., the stomach, gives a tendency to gastric troubles. People with this affliction also have a hasty temper and a vindictive disposition. Kuja in Kumbha : when well-aspected makes the person quick-witted and intuitive, ingenious and original, enterprising and ambitious, a hard worker for success in whatever line he chooses in life. Hence he will gain friendship from others who are able to help him realize his hopes and wishes. These people are also very mechanical and ingenious, particularly in things connected with the electrical science. They also succeed well as managers, officials or workers in and for a philanthropic society or public utility


corporation. When Kuja is afflicted in Kumbha it makes the person too independent, bombastic and resentful of authority, blunt of speech and manner toward others, and resentful in the highest degree if he is not treated with what he considers proper respect and consideration, Hence such people over very difficult to get along with and often quarrel with everybody around them. There is a tendency to loss through gambling and speculation. An afflicted Kuja in Kumbha also gives a tendency to trouble with the eyes because Kumbha governs the ethers; and by reflex action the opposite sign Simha may cause palpitation of the heart. Kuja in Meena : when well-aspected gives ability as a detective, warden of a prison or surgeon in a hospital and in kindred positions where the person does not come in direct contact with the public, but exercises authority in an obscure manner. It also gives a tendency toward secret love affairs which the person is able to hide from the public eye. But when Kuja is afflicted in Meena the indulgence of clandestine intercourse will bring trouble into the life. There is also liability to suffer from the attaches of secret enemies and to become enmeshed in the net of the law and suffer imprisonment, or it may manifest as an inordinate love of strong drink which will then cause imprisonment and makes the person a ward of the community. Much trouble and many misfortunes are indicated because the nature is untruthful. Budha in Mesha : makes the person very argumentative, fond of disputes, quick at repartee, with a tendency to exaggerate though not necessarily by design. If well-aspected he is broad minded and tolerant of the opinions of others, of a studious nature, quick to grasp situations and ideas, neat and orderly. When afflicted Budha in Mesha makes people


leap before they look, the mind is vacillating and there is a general recklessness about the person who is thus very unreliable and devoid of all sense of responsibility. Budha in Rishabha : gives a mind that is not very soon made up but when it has once arrive at a conclusion it is almost as difficult to change as the laws of the Medes and Persians. However, being based upon thought and reason the judgment of these people is also extremely reliable. They believe thoroughly in the ancient adage that "Silence is golden" and are therefore close-mouthed. They are good counselors and can be depended upon to keep secret. At the same time they are not recluses, but have a pleasant, sociable disposition. They are fond of fun and recreation, they love music, art and literature, so they are thoroughly likable people if Budha is well-aspected. But if Budha is afflicted they become what the Scotch call "DOUR," also obstinate, stubborn, secretive and avaricious. Budha in Mithuna : makes a person fond of change and travel. He is always ready to investigate some new thing, or go to some other place for a change; in short, almost anything that is new appeals to him. At the same time if Budha is well-fortified such people gain greatly by this fluidic state of the mind for they are shrewd and penetrating in their judgment so that they know good value when they see it and are not prejudiced by preconceived, set opinions. Therefore they are good business men and their ability to see a point makes them particularly good lawyers. They also succeed well as traveling salesmen. Budha in Karkataka : gives a clear intellect, a good memory and superlative adaptability. People with this position fit into any place or


occupation they may find and adapt themselves to the opinions and ideas of others. They love praise and flattery, therefore they are careful not to do anything whereby they may forfeit the good opinion of others. Budha in Simha : gives high ideals and aspirations, a positive, strong and persevering intellect which scorns to stoop to low and mean acts, and despises equivocation; is blunt and outspoken, quick-tempered, but kind-hearted and sympathetic. People with Budha in Simha well-fortified have good organizing ability and make capable leaders. They love children and are also fond of pleasure. When Budha is afflicted in Simha it makes the person fickle and inconstant in his affections, an unsuccessful gambler and speculator, a low and sensual nature. Budha in Kanya : is at the zenith of his power for there he is exalted, consequently when well-aspected it gives a clear, logical, scientific mind, eloquence and the ability to express oneself fluently in a number of languages. It gives the person a comprehensive, discriminating outlook upon life, his conclusions are usually practical and to the point because he also, like the Taurean Budha, looks before he leaps. In short this characteristic is in a degree true of all the earthy signs. When Budha is afflicted in Kanya it makes the man irritable, petulant and selfish, always looking for flaws in everything he comes across. People with Budha in Kanya make excellent dietitians and chemists. They also have an unusual dexterity. Budha in Thula : when well-aspected gives a broad, well-balanced mind with a love of art and music and an uncommon ability of expression. It brings success as a public speaker and


sometimes as a singer. When Budha is afflicted in Thula it indicates trouble by lawsuits through partnerships and an unfaithful marriage partner. Budha in Vrischika : gives a shrewd mind, a keen aspiration, a quick wit and a sharp tongue with biting sarcasm that can sting. The disposition is bold and stubborn, headstrong and difficult to get along wit. But these people are extremely resourceful, dauntless, and able to overcome difficulties which would crush others. They are attracted to the occult, as a needle is drawn to a magnet. When Budha is afflicted they are subject to disappointment in everything they undertake, quarrelsome, skeptical and cynical, always holding opposite views to others. Budha in Dhanus : Though in detriment, it is still a strong position of Budha and if he is well-aspected it gives an exceedingly noble mind of a religious and philosophical turn, a mind which scorns the shackles of conventions where they interfere with freedom of thought and speech yet does not fly into paths that are contrary to the commonly accepted standards of moral usage and conduct. It always confines itself within the boundaries of law and order and people with Budha in this position are therefore greatly respected in the community. Budha in Dhanus makes the person fond of travel to see the sights and scenery of nature and to investigate the customs of strange people. He is also fond of animals and pets. When afflicted it inclines to lawlessness, dishonesty, sophism and a twisted character. Budha in Makara : gives a critical and penetrating but somewhat suspicious mind with a thoughtful and diplomatic disposition, These people make splendid spies and detectives, having the


ability to ferret out secrets in the most uncanny manner. They also have the persistence derived from the sign Makara so that they never give up until their object has been attained. This position gives a love of science, particularly chemistry. These people are much attracted to the occult, yet are practical and very thrifty. They hold on to what they get and always have something for a rainy day. When afflicted Budha in Makara makes the person miserly, cruel, hard, malicious, vindictive and spiteful.

Budha in Kumbha : gives qualities of originality and independence and an unconquerable love of liberty to the mind so that people with Budha in this position are apt to repudiate all the social conventions and live according to their highly idealistic conceptions. They often take no heed of fashion, and dress in a style entirely their own. They advocate ideas on social subjects which are a thousand years ahead of the world's development, among them the theory of soul-mates and affinities which is causing so much trouble in the world today because it advocates have not yet grown to the spiritual stature where they can separate it from sex and live true love-life which is altogether spiritual. The foregoing delineations apply particularly where Budha is aspected by Uranus and the people described by them are the extreme product of Budha in Kumbha. All who have this position, however, are very intellectual, they have high ideals and aspirations, a love of popular science and mathematics and are usually attracted to the occult sciences also, especially to astrology, for they have a fine faculty for reading the horoscope. They are kind, sociable and fond of friends with the result that they usually attract large numbers of intellectual people to their circle of acquaintances. When afflicted this position makes the person disloyal and ready to prey upon his friends, or criticize and slander them.


Budha in Meena : the occult water sign, seems to endow the mind with a certain psychic faculty which is not so much intuition as imagination. They think or imagine that something must be so and so and it is a startling fact that they are usually correct, but this ability brings them dangerously near to mediumship if Budha is afflicted or when Neptune, the higher octave of Budha, is in the Twelfth House. Therefore this is rather a dangerous position. If Budha is afflicted by Sani this position in Meena makes the person liable to gloom and the mind will be subject to constant worry with a turn toward melancholy. Usually, people with Budha in Meena are of a kindly and benevolent disposition. This also is a good indication that success may be attained in chemistry and as a dietitian in the preparation of health foods. Guru in Mesha : gives a high-spirited, energetic and ambitious mind, always on the lookout and alert for new and progressive methods usable for advancement in the world's work, it makes a true pioneer, neither too conservative not too impulsive, a thoughtful, but sympathetic disposition, sincere, honest and trustworthy, somewhat religiously inclined. It gives some legal of literary ability and a love of out-door games with popularity in social and business circles. But if Guru is afflicted the mind is not so conservative and well-balanced. There is a tendency to rash and impulsive acts; impatience and temper are shown under adverse circumstances with a consequent loss of esteem and popularity. Guru in Rishabha : when well-aspected gives an eminently kind and sympathetic nature to all people but a deep-seated, tender and warm love for those towards whom the relationship


warrants such expression. This position also attracts wealth and gives a generous disposition to aid in philanthropic enterprises; yet Guru in the Second House or second sign is never lavish or extravagantly generous but rather conservative and inclined to investigate the merits of any proposition before he extends a helping hand. On the other hand he is absolutely open-handed to those who are near and dear to him. His home and his family are all in all. When Guru is afflicted in Rishabha it inclines to extravagant expenditures for show, display and gratification of the lower nature. Such people are fond of rich and savory foods that tickle the palate. They often experience financial difficulties and trouble with creditors, also such sickness as may result from the over-indulgence of their appetites according to other indications of the stars. Guru in Mithuna : when well-aspected gives literary ability of a high class and if that is backed by the necessary education success in this line in certain. This position also gives an inventive turn to the mind, a love of mathematics and an attraction towards the occult. Guru in Mithuna shows that travel will bring both pleasure and profit and it gives an honorable, courteous and friendly disposition. But if Guru is afflicted the person is liable to meet with losses and trouble when traveling. He will have a number of hair-breadth escapes from accidents, legal and religious trouble, also difficulties with brothers, sisters and close relatives. Guru in Karkataka : The full effect of Guru for good or ill is never felt until the middle life and this is especially the case when he is placed in the Fourth House or fourth sign, Karkataka. When well-placed there he gives an exceedingly kindly and courteous disposition, that is at peace with all the world; he is endowed with a most vivid and fruitful


imagination, a dreamer of Utopian dreams and a lover of the occult and mystical. There is also however, a practical side to the nature which makes him ambitious to attain worldly success and fortunate in his investment in houses, lands or mines, so that he will accumulate property and be well-to-do especially after middle life. this position also indicates that the person may receive much help from his parents during life and an inheritance after their death. Guru in Karkataka makes the person very fond of the pleasures of the table but if well-aspected he will probably keep himself within such bounds that his health does not suffer. If however, Guru is afflicted it inclines to inordinate gluttony which will eventually corrupt the blood and cause such disease and noxious growths as result from that condition. Guru in Simha : gives a truly noble nature, blending kindness and courage, self-reliance and loyalty, self-restraint and compassion, mercy and justice. It indicates, in short, a paragon of virtues nowhere excelled. It gives an abundance of vitality and a strong constitution so that it marks a leader physically, morally and spiritually, nor will such a person ever be content to follow. He craves positions of trust and responsibility, the greater the better. He will always be equal to the occasion and never abuse the confidence of those who have placed him there. Such people have an innate culture and refinement. They are fond of everything that tends to the uplift of humanity, religious, sincere; sure to win recognition and success dealing in speculative investments. When Guru is afflicted in Simha the person becomes cruel and sensuous, abnormally fond of pleasure and subject to loss by investments, speculation and gambling. Guru in Kanya :


gives a cautious, analytical and practical nature with an almost unerring faculty for discriminating between the seeming and the real, for sifting truth from error and arriving at facts. They cannot ferret out secrets by underhanded methods as Sani in Makara which makes an ideal detective, but if Guru in Kanya is the judge no one is clever enough to hide the truth from him. A well-aspected Guru in Kanya indicates success with servants who will be found faithful and loyal, ready to do their master's bidding. It also indicates prosperity through business or professional vocations; but if Guru is afflicted in Kanya it gives a cynical carping and critical disposition, mistrustful of others and therefore liable to loss through servants or employees. Such people cannot succeed in business and they will find it extremely difficult to obtain or keep a position. At any rate they will serve in a very inferior capacity. Guru in Thula : when well-aspected gives a kind, sympathetic and loving disposition, a conscientious, sociable and benevolent nature and an interest in all that makes for the uplift of humanity--music, art, literature, social intercourse, et cetera. On that account the person is popular, particularly with the opposite sex from whence gain and benefit may be expected. Success in the business and public life are shown. But if Guru is afflicted in Thula undue indulgence of the lower nature will bring trouble and public scandal with a consequent loss of popularity and prestige. Guru in Vrischika : gives an ardent, aggressive and self-reliant nature, an enthusiastic, constructive and resourceful mind with the ability to meet all the exigencies of life in an efficient manner and it ensures success in practical everyday occupations, gives a large family and plenty of means to provide for them. This position also shows a tendency


towards occult investigations. But if Guru is afflicted in Vrischika it will bring loss and trouble through the indulgence of the lower nature in an inordinate measure, love of rich an expensive good and sickness on that account. Guru in Dhanus: when well-aspected gives good fortune and general success in life, a humane, broad and philosophical mind, a reverent and religious disposition. Hence people with this position rise to the top and become leaders in their various spheres of life, finding places of prominence in church or state, scientific or philosophic enterprises or institutions. If Guru is afflicted in Dhanus it makes the person sporty, fond of cheap and gaudy display, extravagant and ready to take a chance on any gamble, causes loss of social standing if born in a better environment, trouble through law, financial difficulties, narrow-minded sectarian views if incline to be religious. Guru in Makara: gives an ambitious nature, self-reliant and self-controlled with a desire to rise to a position of authority over others also the ability to dictate wisely and well. It gives a careful, economical disposition, and an abhorrence of waste; ingenuity, resourcefulness and some mechanical ability. These people are trust-worthy to a degree, sincere and honest in all their undertakings and hold every promise inviolate, therefore they usually rise to honor, esteem and general popularity. As already said their aim is to attain independence at the head of some business, but if they do not succeed in that and have to work for others they are best suited to be in the employ of the government, either municipal or national. On account of the implicit trust generated by their sterling characteristics of honesty, sincerity and faithfulness these people are often made the recipients of confidence from friends who feel the need of


sharing their troubles with someone who can be depended upon either to give honest, disinterested advice or else to keep the secrets told then inviolate. If Guru is afflicted in Makara it makes a miser who will hoard all he can scrape together and deny himself all except the barest necessities and is consequently despised by all who know him. Guru in Kumbha: when well-aspected gives a humane, optimistic, original and philosophic mind, fond of friends and the society of others particularly those who are interested in science or mysticism, literature and music, consequently he attracts people of that nature and they will be a benefit to him in helping him to realize his hopes, wishes and ambitions. He may possibly obtain a position of importance in some official capacity with secret or occult societies. This is a good indication of general success in life, but if Guru is afflicted it makes the nature restless, nervous and erratic with revolutionary or anarchistic ideas with disinclination for serious work and such people are generally disliked and distrusted. Guru in Meena : gives a charitable, sympathetic and hospitable nature which loves to minister to the outcasts of society. These people are veritable angels of mercy to all who suffer in body, soul or spirit. They are well known to those who are "sick of in prison." Being of a sensitive nature and subject to the influences from the invisible world they not infrequently have psychic experiences and become students of the occult. They love music, art and literature and if well-aspected by Sukra, Guru in Meena will give considerable ability as a performer; but if Guru is afflicted in Meena it gives a vacillating mind, a nerveless, cowardly nature indulging in all vices in the calendar and a generally despicable disposition--a social parasite.


Sukra in Mesha : lends ardors to the affection of Sukra by blending them with the fire of Kuja who is ruler of Mesha and for that reason it makes the person very ardent in the expression of affection. This usually leads to popularity especially among the opposite sex and often results in a hasty marriage, but that kind of love is not and cannot be lasting. Eventually the fire of passion burns out the love and marriages brought about by this position are then fruitful sources of domestic unhappiness. This position also inclines the person to be rash and impulsive whenever his sympathies are appealed to, so that he often helps an unworthy cause. Sukra in Mesha also inclines the person to general extravagance in his expenditures. Sukra in Rishabha : is a splendid position for there she is essentially dignified and much stronger than in the other signs with the exception of Thula and Meena where she is respectively dignified and exalted. It is a very favorable position for financial affairs, especially gains derived through the person's own efforts in whatever vocation in life he may have chosen. It gives a friendly and sociable disposition with the ability to inspire reciprocal feelings in others. People with Sukra in Rishabha are very set in their opinions concerning correct form and decorum, correct in speech and once they have formed an opinion they hold to it very tenaciously. They are generous but not extravagant. Sukra in Mithuna : blends the beauty of Sukra with the mercurial ability to express so that people who have this configuration are able to choose their words with singular facility and infuse in them a rhythm which is like music to the ears of a listener. Therefore this is one of the positions which make


poets, provided of course that other indications in the horoscope support, for it should always be remembered by the student that no single aspect or position is in itself sufficient to mark a prominent characteristic. To do this the whole horoscope must be blended. This position has a very refining influence on the mind, inclining to a literary or artistic career. It makes the person beloved of his brothers and sisters, neighbors and other people in his immediate environment. This position also inclines to marriage and frequently to more than one union. It favors traveling both for gain and pleasure, especially short journeys. Sukra in Karkataka : blends the characteristics of Sukra with those of the Chandra and the psychic watery nature of Karkataka. Therefore this position gives the person a very fruitful imagination and he or she is very part to come in touch with the inhabitants of the unseen world or at least take up some very devotional phase of religion; but this is dangerous because Sukra is negative, attracting without selecting or discriminating hence makes liable to domination by spirit controls and the dangers of mediumship. Sukra in Simha : is compounding love, for Simha rules the heart and whoever has this position will be tender-hearted to a degree. Contrary to the commonly accepted ideas there is a cruel streak in Simha, but when Sukra is there, there is no more loving and tender sign in the zodiac, besides being that Simha is a fixed sign Sukra in this position makes for an unparalleled assertion of the affections when once they have been placed and an unswerving loyalty to the object thereof. Being that Simha is the fifth sign Sukra in Simha also gives success in entertainment or educational enterprises and the blending of the Sukra ray


with the solar brings favor from those above the person in the social scale. Sukra in Kanya : the Sixth House sign gives the person a deep and tender sympathy for the sick and people with this position make good nurses. This position also favors occupation as a chemist, or a dietitian who is concerned with the preparation of foods for the maintenance or attainment of health. If the person has employees or subordinates under his management his relations with those people will always be very pleasant, and they will serve him well. Sukra in Thula : the Seventh House sign is essentially dignified and strong, This is one of the positions which testify to a fruitful and congenial marriage or successful partnership. It gives musical or artistic ability and makes the person popular in public life. If engaged as a speaker or singer it ensures an appreciate audience whenever he appears in public. Sukra in Vrischika : is the worst position of all in which she may be placed, for here again the love ray of Sukra blends with the martial fire of passion in the sign governing the genitals so that if there are no other redeeming and restraining influences in the horoscope love turns to lust and the unbridled gratification of an exaggerated sexual desire, especially if the Chandra or Kuja are there. This is apt to undermine the constitution and though that may not be apparent for a long time the effect of such a sapping of the vitality will some time be felt and cause a general breakdown, but that, of course, is nothing compared with the moral effect of the practices indicated by this passion. It should be said furthermore for the benefit of those who have this position that it does not matter whether such abuses take place in


wedlock or not; Nature does not care whether they have been legalized by man-made law or not. From her standpoint they are a violation of the law of life and will be punished whether sanctioned by society or not. This position also gives a love of luxury and anything that stirs the emotions or wherein the senses may revel. Curiously enough it also sometimes gives a sense of deep religious devotion which them serves as an outlet for the overcharged feelings of the native. This position also creates jealousy and trouble in marriage and the reputation of the person is apt to be smirched. A wellaspected Sukra in Vrischika is liable to bring a legacy. Sukra in Dhanus : This is another of her strongest positions for there her qualities blend with those of Guru, the planet of benevolence, to foster love and good-will among men. Therefore also this position indicates a genial and optimistic disposition, a sympathetic, kind and generous heart, a love of God expressed in religious devotion, or love of man shown by philanthropy and charity. It indicates a refined mind, cultured, and fond of drama, art and music. It fosters the imagination and intuition and like the other double-bodies signs Mithuna and Meena, it inclines to plurality of marriages. Sukra in Makara : the Tenth House sign, gives social success and popularity, but Sukra does not blend well with Sani, the ruler of Makara. There is therefore a slight tendency to melancholy in people who have Sukra in that position, Nor are they ever secure in the favors which they receive from other people or in their popularity, for Sani has a tendency to throw them down when they have reached the highest pinnacle. Therefore, though this influence may help them to climb the ladder of advancement in social circles or in business they are never safe in their position. This


influence makes a person very jealous of honor and he takes it to heart when sometimes Sani throws him down. Sukra in Sani's sign often causes the person to disregard the fact that disparity in ages is so fatal to happiness in marriage and hence if he marries young he takes someone who is much older than himself for a partner or if married in later years he selects someone who is still in the bloom of youth with the almost inevitable result that disagreement and dissolution of the marriage tie take place in the course of a few years. Frequently also people with this position of Sukra marry for business or as a matter of convenience. In short Sukra never reaches her legitimate expression of love in Sani's House and therefore such unions are always a source of sorrow and disappointment to the contracting parties. Sukra in Kumbha : indicates a blend of qualities like independence, impatience of restraint, disregard of convention, desire for originality, uncompromising sincerity and intuition, with those of Sukra and as a result we find that people with this position refuse to be bound by the usual restrictive rules of society in their love affairs and follow their heart's inclination regardless of what others may say or think. They are firm believers in the theory of soul-mates, affinities, et cetera, and liable to act in the most unexpected manner with such startling suddenness that neither they nor anyone else are able to foresee what they may say or do next. But at the same time they are so loving and sincere in their convictions that friends never fail them and whatever success they attain in life is usually due to the efforts of friends to help them to realize their hopes, wishes and aspirations. Sukra in Meena : is in her own exaltation sign where she again blends with the benefic ray of Guru and as Meena is a watery sign this


position signifies a powerful emotional nature, subdued and toned down by the element of sorrow inherent in the twelfth house sign. This position therefore indicates someone capable of feeling a sentiment such as that felt by our Savior when He said: "Come unto Me all ye that are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest." Thus Sukra in Meena indicates a nature yearning and aching to assist those who are afflicted by bodily ills or suffering from sorrow. This position also gives an intense love of music and when other testimonies concur, considerable ability to express either vocally or instrumentally, for music is the most wonderful outlet for the deepest emotions of which the human soul is capable. People with Sukra in Meena are especially liable to financial imposition on the part of others and trouble through an illegal marriage. Sani in Mesha : is weak and therefore unable to express his best qualities to their full and legitimate extent even if well-aspected. Nevertheless he gives a minor measure of poise, selfreliance, discretion and tact, industry, patience and perseverance. But when Sani is afflicted in Mesha the person is quickly angered and apt to hold spite, and also of a jealous, malicious, and vindictive disposition. Sani in Rishabha : when well-aspected makes a person slow of speech but that he says will have weight and be well worth hearing. It gives a quiet disposition, slow to decide, but stubborn in maintaining a position once taken. These people are close-mouthed, and may be trusted to keep their own and other people's secrets well. When Sani is afflicted in Rishabha, particularly by Budha he always causes trouble with the speech and gives a quick temper, especially if Kuja is also an afflicting planet. This position makes financial difficulties.


Sani in Mithuna : when well-aspected gives a deep, one-pointed, orderly and scientific mind, adaptable to circumstances and able to cope with all the exigencies of life. Love of mathematics is usually pronounced and when literature is taken up as a vocation the more serious branches devoted to industrial and mechanical subjects are preferred. When Sani is afflicted in Mithuna, it gives trouble through brothers and sisters, literature and law, danger on short journeys. An afflicted Sani in Mithuna also gives trouble with the lungs. Such people should therefore be particularly careful not to catch cold. Sani in Karkataka : is always weak and his virtues therefore find it difficult to express themselves when he is in this position. Nevertheless he gives reliable judgment concerning houses, lands, mines etc., and gains by investing in these things; when well-aspected, he favors thrift, economy and solid comfort in the home with quiet, peaceful and comfortable conditions in the latter part of life. He makes the person frugal and gives a good control of the appetite. But when afflicted he indicates domestic infelicity, the person being held back in life by a gloomy kill-joy partner who is always restraining every ambitious thought. Trouble, sorrow and disappointment increase as the life advances and to this is added ill-health, for Sani in Karkataka indicates that the stomach is weak and the gums subject to pyorrhea, hence there is inability to properly digest the food, so that unless such people have sufficient will to curb their appetites they become the victims to chronic indigestion. Sani in Karkataka also indicates a religious tendency and an inclination toward study of the deeper sciences.


Sani in Simha: when well-aspected gives favor from people higher in the social scale and success in obtaining public appointments where the Sani's virtues, tact, diplomacy, discretion and system, honor and executive ability are required. The constitution of these people is not overly strong by they may maintain perfect health by the conservation of energy as indicated by Sani. When Sani is afflicted in Simha however, they are cruel and quick-tempered, jealous, and do not scruple to stoop to underhanded methods to satisfy an ambition. This position also indicates heart trouble. Sani in Kanya: gives a studious, deep, scientific mind of studying the deeper problems of life. It indicates an innate ability to manage others. It gives a thrifty, economical and frugal nature, but when Sani is afflicted in Kanya the mind usually centers upon disease and the person becomes a confirmed hypochondriac. These people are the nest customers of the patent medicine vendors for most of their ills are usually imaginary. This position does however, carry with it a liability to intestinal diseases. Sani in Thula : is exalted and very strong and therefore his good aspects bring out all the fine Sani qualities and on that account secure for the person public esteem and recognition. The marriage partner is chaste and pure as gold. This position also brings good health and long life, but when Sani is afflicted in Thula the marriage partner is either treacherous or removed by an early death. If the person goes to law he is likely to lose, and become the object of public disfavor. He will also be subject to urinary troubles. Sani in Vrischika :


when well-aspected gives a rare mechanical turn to the mind, a resourcefulness under the most difficult conditions, an indomitable courage and a patient persistence before which even the most difficult construction problems must give way. Hence such people make exceedingly able engineers and are invaluable in all pioneer undertakings; they blend the fire of Kuja with the forethought of Sani and are therefore invincible. They gain by legacy, economy and thrift and their financial fortunes are much improved after marriage. Good health and a long life are also indicated, but when Sani is afflicted in Vrischika the marriage partner is poor, dull, egotistical and exacting and the person is liable to worry and ill-health; constipation and piles are the basic causes when then affect the nerves and the whole system. Sani in Dhanus : when well-aspected gives a charitable and philanthropic disposition with a desire to elevate humanity by self-help under just laws and true religious impulse. It couples all the Sani virtues with the benevolent Guru spirit of aspiration so that such people always aim to work for the public good according to their ability and station in life. Therefore they are trusted, honored, respected and in much demand for positions where these qualities are of value, in social, industrial or religious circles. When Sani is afflicted in Dhanus he makes the person insincere, cynical and sarcastic, ambitious to fill positions of trust and honor but for selfish purposes, liable to become involved in law and lose thereby. This position also affects the lungs and the person should be very careful not to catch cold. Sani in Makara: when well-aspected is strong and therefore his virtues are also pronounced, with honesty and integrity as staunch as the Rock of Gibraltar and the determination to work toward the desired goal no matter how long it may take. Hence in


spite of all handicaps and obstacles people with a wellaspected Sani in Makara ultimately achieve a large measure of success and are generally esteemed by their contemporaries. But when Sani is afflicted in Makara the mind is gloomy and the person sees life from a biased point of view. There is a general sense of dissatisfaction which sometimes develops into a diseased mind. These people are cunning, underhanded and not to be trusted. Sani in Kumbha: when well-aspected gives a humane outlook upon life, a sympathetic and friendly disposition, very distinct and deliberate speech and a seriousness in all affairs of life. These people therefore make friends among the aged, the wealthy and the intellectual who are able to help then rise in life. But when Sani is afflicted in Kumbha it makes the disposition shrewd, cunning and alert to prey upon others by gaining their confidence and friendship and such people therefore sink to the lower levels of society. This position also carries with it a tendency to heart trouble and varicose veins. Sani in Meena : when well-aspected gives a tendency to success in some quiet peaceful line of life where these people do not come into contact with the public, such as laboratory or research work or in connection with institutions for the care of wards of the community; they are regular "home-bodies" but when Sani is afflicted in Meena it gives danger of confinement by a chronic disease or liability to imprisonment. The person makes many enemies who will be persistent in their persecution of him.



Rasi thulya navamsa: It is said that results of grahas in rasis show the Sthoola nature(apparent) and in Navamsa shows the Sookshma nature(core). So all the rasi phalams to be re-checked as per navamsa results too. Judgment from Chandra lagna: All the grahas and rasis are to be analyzed from Chandra lagna also, to get a feel of the emotional aspect of each bhava. ie. What you want to be, regarding what each bhava denotes, can be seen from Chandra lagna based analysis and what you are, from Lagna. Judgment from Surya lagna: All the grahas and rasis are to be analyzed from Surya lagna also, to understand the subtle sub-conscious aspect of each bhava. ie. What you want to be, without you being fully aware, regarding what each bhava denotes, can be seen from Surya lagna based analysis and what you are. If all three, are in similar direction, the native doesn’t face much psychological conflicts. Give more prominence to Lagna always. EACH GRAHA’S INDICATION ABOUT EDUCATIONKNOWLEDGE-CAREER Surya- related to Government, Administration, Medicine, Diplomacy, Arbitration, Wool, Grain, Gold, Theatre, Jewellery, Children, Financing.. Chandra- related to travel, shipping, sea products, salty fluids, clothes/laundry, gardening, hotel/baking/food, dairy, healing, liquor, public relations.. Kuja- related to metals, minerals, buildings, land, fire, doctoring, chemists, automobile/driving, adventure, arms, surgeons, dentists, machinists, barbers, butchering, boxers..


Budha- related to mathematics, accounting, sculpting, writing, teaching, postal, architects, jockeys, anchors, radio and communications, telephone‌ Guru- related to law, teaching, astrology, philosophy, publishing, writing, counseling, banking, preaching, ministerial, history, priestly.. Sukra- related to art, perfumes, cosmetics, expensive textiles, beauticians, interior decorators photography, florists, tea planters, hotels, conveyances, show biz, Sani- miners, market supplies, distribution, jailors, wardens, social service, coal and fuel, contractors, plumbers, leather, factory, archeology, watchmen, .. Likewise, the rasi signs also should be carefully considered. Look for subtle matters like fiery, watery, airy etc. and the directions and other characteristics given in the basic rules. What each bhava stands for also have to be carefully considered. Eg. If 2nd lord is in 10th or 10th lord in 2nd we can say, the career involves lots of speech. Advise teaching or law or anything considering the planets, the rasis, drishtis, yogas etc‌.




1. Adolphe HITLER Adolphe Hitler (April 20, 1889 – April 30, 1945) was the German Chancellor (Reichskanzler) from 1933 to 1945 and Führer of Germany from 1934 until 1945. Hitler gained power during Germany's period of crisis following World War I. Using propaganda and charismatic oratory, he appealed to the economic needs of the lower and middle classes, while sounding resonant chords of nationalism, antiSemitism, and anti-communism. Hitler pursued an aggressive foreign policy with the intention of expanding German Lebensraum (living space). This triggered World War II when Germany annexed Austria and the Czech lands and invaded Poland, much of which was also annexed to form the Großdeutschland Reich ("Greater German Reich"). Although Nazi Germany and the Axis Powers occupied most of Europe at their zenith, they were eventually defeated by the Allies. By the end of the war, Hitler's policies had culminated in the killing of approximately 11 million people, including the genocide of some 6 million Jews, in what is now known as


the Holocaust. In the final days of the war, Hitler, along with his new wife, Eva Braun, committed suicide in his underground bunker in Berlin..

CHART Born April 20, 1889 at 6:30 PM in Braunau (Autriche) SURYA BUDHA SUKRA KUJA



SANI Adolphe Hitler 20-04-1889 6 30 pm Brannan RASI CHART CHANDRA GURU KETU









Education: 4th lord, is Sani which is in 10th, aspecting the 4th house. When a bhavadhipa aspects the bhava, it’s a rule that the bhava results have to happen. Especially when there is a lagna/lagnadhipa sambandham. (Here Sani is in a Kendra from Sukra the lagnadhipa, which is a strong sambandham) Also, consider that for a Thula lagna Sani is a yoga karaka by means of Kendra and Trikona lordships. Again, in navamsa, Sani is seen to occupy, swakshetra in the 4th house. But we all know that Hitler dropped out of school by his 16th year! Now, if you look from Chandra lagna also, the 4th lord Guru is in Chandra lagna which favours formal education. So is it Sani, the 4th lord in 10th which prevented the formal education? No, we have seen many Thula lagna natives faring superbly well in education. We may see that Hitler was running the Ashtamadhipa Sukra’s dasa till late 1907, who also happened to be the gulika bhavanadhipa. The association of Kuja and Sukra must have tempted him to go freaky with his studies during Sukra period. Rahu’s presence in the 9th might have given him scant respect for father/gurus. Mind: The Manokaraka, Chandra is in 3rd, not a favourable position for a satwic planet. It has got yoga with the 3rd and 6th lord Guru (again Guru becoming unfavourable) and with Khantakaraka Ketu. All these add up to giving a very inward personality, with many dark tendencies.


Knowledge: 2nd lord Kuja, is in 7th house and has got a swakshetra navamsa. Making Kuja all the more aggressive. It is associated with the 11th lord (sarvabheeshta) Surya which is in Uccha in 7th, Budha the bhagya (9th)lord/12th lord and the lagna/8th lord Sukra, constituting a pravajya yoga though weak. And importantly, aspected by Guru. Hitler surely had great knowledge in many a science and art, which must have been self nourished. Karma: 10th lord Chandra, is in 3rd house, the house of valour. Along with the 3rd and 6th lord (enemy house) Guru and the naturally malefic Ketu. An Uccha Surya and aggressive Kuja only added up to this. The occupation of Sani in the 10th house, aspected by Kuja, gave rise to a great elevation in life and a fall due to self undoing. Bhagya: 9th lord Budha is in 7th, indicating that Hitler’s progress in life started after his sensual life got activated. It is aspected by Guru from 3rd but more influenced by Sani who aspects the 9th lord vis a vis his 10th aspect. The presence of Rahu in 9th and its navamsa in 8th along with Budha (bhagyadhipa) must have been the bhagya chyuti. Wisdom: 5th lord Sani in a Kendra, with a sambandham with lagna lord Sukra surely gave Hitler a slow but great intelligence but the drishti of Kuja ruined it to make it too negative. The information karaka, Budha’s state amply supported the enigmatic man. But most unfortunately the Gnana karaka Guru’s very unfavourable state proved the decisions of the aggressive leader to be most unfortunate to the world. Summary: So it is not just the 4th lord or the 2nd lord or the 9th lord that indicates what you are going to do with knowledge in your life. It is predominantly, the 5th house, its lord, and it’s


karaka- Guru. This is not in any way undermining the importance of any of the above mentioned houses or the all important houses like the 10th. Wisdom and your vasana (instinct) has got a lot to do with your poorva janma sukruta and also to your discrete application of your knowledge. Of course this can be modified a lot with your learning out of sufferings from 6th, 8th and 12th conditions too. 2) Rahul Gandhi Hails from the Nehru- Gandhi family. Son of Sri Rajiv Gandhi and Grandson of Smt Indira Gandhi, both assassinated Prime Ministers of India. Studied at Modern School in New Delhi, but had to drop out for security reasons. In 1989, took admission at St Stephen’s College New Delhi on Sports Quota that raised a dispute. Within a year dropped out. Later, the Harvard College records him as “attending” from 1990 to 93. Completed B.A. from Rollins College at Florida in 1994 which is again disputed. Career – Member of Parliament in India representing Amethi Constituency. General Secretary of the All India Congress Committee. Also in charge of Youth Congress and National Students Union of India (NSUI). CHART 19-06-1970, 05.50 am, New Delhi






RAHUL GANDHI 19-06-1970, 5.50 AM N DELHI












Education: 4th lord, Budha is in a dusthana 12th house whose dispositor Sukra is very weak, being neecha in navamsa. 4th house is aspected by Kuja the 11th and 6th lord, indicating vighnas. But Budha’s vargottama and the 11th house character of Kuja who is aspecting, will somehow give the needed help. Mind:


The Manokaraka, Chandra is in his neecha rasi rendering him weak in 6th house. He is aspected by Budha, who considers Chandra his enemy. The slight relief is that in navamsa, he goes into the bandhu Guru’s kshetra. Also, though not very strong, a neecha bhanga will happen due to dispositor Kuja’s lagna position. Knowledge: 2nd lord Chandra’s state has been explained above. The 2nd house is occupied by Sukra, the 5th and12th lord, who has become weak by neecha navamsa. Also, we find Gulikan in the house. The only relief is the neecha bhanga for Chandra through Kuja which happens by 33-35 years. (refer: Devakeralam book 2, page 87, sloka 86-88) Karma: The 10th lord Guru in 5th, the house of ministerial capabilities, in vargottama though in Satru kshetra aspected by 9th lord Sani is one of the most significant features of the horoscope. True, Sani is weak, but still it being the 9th lord, will support Guru at the right time to give the most coveted position in Indian politics. This is further accented by the fact that Sarvabheeshta lord (11th ) Kuja occupies the Karma (10th) amsa. Bhagya: 9th lord Sani’s positioning in 11th is surely good. It is true that Sani is in neecha, but he attains neecha bhanga rajayoga as the lord Kuja is in lagna and in strength. 9th house is occupied by Rahu, who has got an ashtamamsa, which means foreign connections/deals are not going to be helpful for him in future too. Wisdom: 5th lord, Sukra, is in 2nd house in a good position. But he has neecha navamsa. Also his yoga with Gulikan is not auspicious. But the positioning of Guru, in vargottama amply supported by Bhagyadhipa Sani’s drishti, will deliver what is required out of 5th house.


Summary: Here is one person, who has a weak though glorified formal education, and an intrinsically weak Manokaraka (not forgetting his pakshabala). His poor performance in education was not due to intelligence issues but due to lack of focus due to Sukra reasons. But this person is going to be elevated in his position thanks to the strong 5th house effect of Guru, well supported by Bhagya lord Sani and the neechabhanga provider Kuja. Rahul is sure to succeed as a prime decision maker from the Chandra dasa Guru apahara in 2010 onwards. His powers will be seen to increase from 2017 when his Kuja dasa starts operating.

3) Albert EINSTEIN Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 – April 18, 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist who is best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass-energy equivalence, E = mc2. He was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect." CHART Kuja 14, 1879 at 11:30 AM in Ulm (Allemagne)














Education: 4th lord, Budha, though also the lagna lord, is in its Neecha rasi, meena, in 10th.The drishti of Sani, being the 8th lord, to the 4th house gives obstacles. The great scientist’s education was not very smooth, as he had speech problems (budha is also the karaka for speech) in the first years, and too many closed doors due to his rough relationships with mentors. The cancellation of debility of Budha by means of Sukra seen from lagna and Guru when seen from Chandra of course helped him get right breaks at later stages. Also, the full aspect of 4th lord into the 4th house, eased things better.


Mind: The Manokaraka, krishnapaksha Chandra is in his neecha rasi, and has amsaka in 8th house, rendering him very weak, accounting for his absent mindedness and many whims he was notorious for, right from his childhood. Knowledge: 2nd lord Chandra is in neecha in upachaya 6th house, which is an expansive house, but an unfavourable house for Chandra. Its dispositor, Kuja is uccha, in 8th house, aspecting the 2nd house fully. It is almost like 2nd lord is in 6th and 6th lord is in 2nd. Like a parivartana. But as both 6th and 8th are dusthanas, it can be said that his knowledge led him into lot of trouble and pain, though got him awards and money. Also, 2nd house is occupied by the mystic planet, Ketu. Here the aspect of Kuja gets special significance as it is said, “kujavad Ketu”. Ketu, the planet symbolizing, thunderous lightning and sub-conscious mind, also must have been responsible along with Kuja and Chandra, for his deep knowledge in the fields of photo-electric effect and relativity theory. Karma: The 10th lord Guru in bhagya, the 9th house and amsa in bandhukshetra Vrischika renders it strong. Also, note the fantastic combination of lagna lord/4th lord Budha, 3rd lord Surya, 5th /12th lord Sukra, and 8th /9th lord Sani together in the 10th house. These are meant to give results to the jobs undertaken, though Sani as the 8th lord, will create occasional hurdles and delays. Bhagya: 9th lord Sani’s positioning in 10th has to be considered far superior than its great association with Uccha Sukra who is the lord of prathibha 5th house, Veerya rasi(3rd ) lord Surya, and lagna lord Budha. (See the karma bhaygyadhipa’s parivartanam.)


Wisdom: 5th lord, Sukra, is in 10th house, meena, exalted and in bhagyamsa. 5th house is aspected by none other than Guru, the lord of karma. (Gnana karaka too!) Another significant factor is the combination of both the trikonas 9th and 5th in the Kendra 10th. Summary: Lagna lord, 4th lord, 2nd lord, and mano karaka Chandra are in Neecha. 2nd lord Chandra is in dusthana though its dispositor Kuja is in Uccha, but again in the dusthana 8th.These would have prompted at least a few astrologers to predict bad education/knowledge to the native. But the poorvapunnya/prathibha sthanam 5th house scored over all the negatives to make the native a brilliantly knowledgeable scientist. Ably supported by the 9th lord Sani and Guru, the karma lord who is posited in bhagyam. 4) Srinivasa Ramanujan Iyengar One of the greatest Indian mathematicians who is considered to be amongst the most talented mathematicians in recent history. With almost no formal training in pure mathematics, Ramanujan made substantial contributions in the areas of analysis, number theory, infinite series and continued fractions. CHART December 22, 1887, 6 20 pm, Erode CHANDRA


















Education: 4th lord, Budha is in a dusthana 6th house, in Kuja kshetra. Amsaka is in 8th house, makara, Sani kshetra. 4h house is occupied by Kuja the vighna 6th lord whose navamsa is in 12th. Owing to this, the native had very difficult formal education, due to family circumstances as well as disinterest in certain subjects though there are positives like: a) parivarthana yoga between Budha and Kuja and b) the 2nd lord Chandra aspecting the 4th house from 10th house..


Mind: Manokaraka Chandra, is in Guru kshetra in 10th house and in Sukra kshetra in amsaka, aspected by 6th lord Kuja from 4th house. Also there is a full aspect of Guru to Chandra. Ensuring an extra-ordinarily developed mind, but with the Kuja given restlessness. Knowledge: The 2nd lord Chandra has been discussed above. Also, the 2nd house is occupied by Sani and Rahu, which in normal conditions curtail knowledge. But here, Sani is the lord of the 9th house and he is in Uccha navamsa. An all important drishti of Guru is again a very positive influence. Karma: 10th lord Guru in 6th house though in bandhu kshetram created lot of vighnams (obstacles) in his work through diseases, financial difficulties, etc. Occupation of Chandra in the 10th house aspected by 6th lord Kuja assured that there will be lot of support as well as animosity from people towards the native’s works. Bhagya: Here, 9th lord Sani is in Karkataka, the 2nd house. It is in Ucchamsa along with the 2nd lord Chandra which will surely let him fulfill his mathematical pursuits. Its association with Rahu accented its properties of delays and frustrations. Wisdom: 5th lord Sukra in Swakshetra with amsaka in mesha, the 11th house. There is of course an affliction by means of Gulika’s association with the 5th lord, in both rasi and amsa, which shows the poorva janma afflictions, to the wisdom’s lord. Summary: The all important Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) lords namely Budha and Guru in this case, very critical as far as health goes, are conjoined in the Roga sthana, the 6th. The native’s life


was curtailed with health problems all through. Other than the TB that brought death for him, it is seen from the horoscope that he had severe intestinal issues also. Sani’s presence in 2nd along with Rahu, did give him difficulties in learning but the budha-kuja parivartana yoga and Kuja – Chandra association by means of drishti gave the extra-ordinary 5th house possessor, more depth. 5) Henry Ford He was a prolific inventor and was awarded 161 U.S. patents. He is the founder of the Ford Motor Company and father of modern assembly lines used in mass production. As sole owner of the Ford Company he became one of the richest and best-known people in the world. He is credited with "Fordism", that is, the mass production of large numbers of inexpensive automobiles using the assembly line which could finish a car in 98 minutes, coupled with high wages for his workers. Ford, though not formally educated, had a global vision, with consumerism as the key to peace. Ford shunned greed and did not believe in accountants; he amassed one of the world's largest fortunes without ever having his company audited. The company's first audit occurred after Henry Ford II became head of the company. Henry Ford's intense commitment to lowering costs resulted in many technical and business innovations, including a franchise system that put a dealership in every city in North America, and in major cities on six continents. Ford left most of his vast wealth to the Ford Foundation but arranged for his family to control the company permanently. CHART KETU
















Education: 4th lord Kuja, the karaka for machines, is seen to occupy the lagna, a bandhu sthanam. And he is aspecting (kuja has special aspects on 4th and 8th) the 4th house itself. Sani too is aspecting 4th house, again by the special 3rd drishti. This makes up for a kind of Agni-marutha yogam, without the planets being actually there in the house. Favouring technical education, but not


of high formal standards. 4th house is occupied by Rahu, the planet of desire manifestation, by means of adaptation of foreign concepts. Mind: The Manokaraka Chandra is in full bloom though in Sani’s rasi and in 6th house. Another important point to be noted is that the Chandra is in Ucha navamsa. This makes the person very optimistic though very grounded too. 12th lord Chandra in 6th house with an aspect of Budha from 12th, gives Vipareeta rajayoga , where the natives ideas will be considered path breaking. Knowledge: 2nd lord Budha, is in Karkataka, the dispositor Chandra being very strong. Also, 12th house is not a bad house for Budha. It is joined with none other than the lagna lord, Surya. The 2nd house is occupied by Guru in Vargottama, Sani and a neecha Sukra (gets neecha bhangam through Budha, being in 7th from Chandra.). Here the Sani and Sukra are not very favourable though Guru will compensate to an extent for their problems. Karma: The 10th lord Sukra (who is a Vahana karaka also), is in neecha in 2nd, but gets neecha bhanga thanks to the 2nd lord Budha. This Sukra, if considered from Chandra, is the lord of the 10th posited in the 9th, which is an extremely great yoga. The 10th is occupied by Ketu, again the planet of mystical thoughts. The Karma bhava gets the special 9th house aspect of Guru. Bhagya: 9th lord Kuja is in lagna in Bandhusthanam. Kuja assumes more significance as it is the Yoga karaka, being the lord of 4th as well as 9th.


Wisdom: 5th lord Guru in Vargottama in 2nd house is one of the most notable points in this horoscope. The 5th house is clean, free of any aspects. Summary: It is clearly seen once again that it is the 5th lord Guru and the 9th lord Kuja that help tide over the problems of the neecha 10th lord, the 2nd lord which is posited in a dusthana, etc. to make one of the most sensible brains recent years have seen. 6) Abraham Lincoln Scholars rank Lincoln among the top three U.S. Presidents, with the average of those surveys placing him at number one. He is noted for his lasting influence on U.S. politics, including redefining republican values. Lincoln's formal education consisted of about 18 months of schooling, but he was largely self-educated and an avid reader. After coming across the Commentaries on the Laws of England, began to teach himself law. He got admitted to the bar in 1837. With a reputation as a formidable adversary during cross-examinations and in his closing arguments, Lincoln became one of the most respected and successful lawyers in Illinois and grew steadily prosperous. Chart February 12, 1809 at 6:54 AM in Hodgenville, KY (USA) GURU SUKRA





12-02-1809 6.54 AM, KY, USA RASI CHART SANI









Education: 4th lord Kuja is in 10th, aspecting the 4th house fully. 4th house is occupied by Khanta karaka Ketu, who has an 8th house amsa in Satrukshetra, Simha. Also, you may note the Neechamsa of the vidya karaka Budha. Lincoln had delays in formal education owing to this malefic Ketu, but ultimately it gave way to the other strong positive features of the horoscope. Mind: Manokaraka Chandra in the Crocodile-Deer dwiswabhava rasi must have given rise to so many confusions regarding


values, especially as it is associated with Rahu in Kumbha navamsa. It is further accented by Kuja drishti. Knowledge: 2nd lord, Sani in sarvabheeshta sthana 11th, in Ucchamsa aspected by none other than Guru, is more than what anybody can ask for! The presence of 9th lord Budha is again a positive though, 8th lord Surya’s presence surely must have given rise to struggles. We can see the predominance of law and political science in education. Karma: 10th lord Sukra, is in Uccha rasi though in 3rd house. Sukra happens to be the yoga karaka, owing to his Kendra and Trikona lordships. Its yoga with Guru in Guru kshetra is very significant. Kuja in 10th with Swakshetramsa is again good for Political administration though Rahu’s and Gulika’s association must have given rise to lot of misuderstandings and non-transparent dealings. Bhagya: Bhagya lord, 9th lord Budha is in 2nd house. No doubt, his speeches brought him to power. But Budha’s association with the 8th lord Surya, must have pulled him down many a time. (consider Surya’s neecha amsa also.) Budha’s neechamsa and association with Gulika in navamsa surely indicates difficulties he had to face, with his own self. Here is one person, who worked hard towards success. Whose lagna lord took charge over the limiting parameters. Wisdom: 5th lord, Yogakaraka Sukra in 11th from 5th, namely the 3rd, in Uccha and again in 11th in amsa is good enough to make one worldly wise. The association with Guru who has an ucchamsa, took it in a more positive direction. Summary: Lincoln is a mix of destiny and hardwork. Lagna lord Sani, 5th and 10th lord Sukra, Jnana karaka Guru, and 4th/11th


lord Kuja all have played more role than the Bhagya lord Budha. No wonder, this man could change the perspective of one of the most influential countries in the world by bringing about radical changes like abolition of slavery. 7) Bruce LEE, Bruce Lee was a Chinese American martial artist, philosopher, instructor, and martial arts actor widely regarded as one of the most influential martial artists of the twentieth century. Although Bruce Lee is best known as a martial artist and actor, Lee majored in philosophy at the University of Washington. Lee's books on martial arts and fighting philosophy are well-known both for their philosophical assertions both inside and outside of martial arts circles. Lee began the process of creating his own martial arts system which he called Jeet Kune Do "Using no way as way" & "Having no limitation as limitation" a system with an emphasis on "practicality, flexibility, speed, and efficiency". CHART November 27, 1940, 7:12 AM, San Francisco, CA USA



BRUCE LEE 27-11-1940 San Fransisco, USA GULIKAN
















Education: 4th lord Sani in 6th with Satrukshetramsa is not good for education as it indicates many obstacles and enmities. But the yoga with 2nd and 5th lord Guru surely helped. The vidya karaka Budha is in 12th (not very bad for Budha) but in 6th amsa, indicating troubles. Lee had to change schools/colleges for picking up fights. But this combination was good for martial arts, which he pursued with devotion. . Mind: Manokaraka, Krishna paksha Chandra, the bhagyadhipa, in 12th house is very good for meditation but not for worldly gains. Drishti from Guru and Amsa in Guru kshetra gave more stability. Its association with 7th lord Sukra who is in Swakshetra and Kuja, the lagna lord is also notable. Knowledge:


2nd lord Guru, being the 5th lord in 6th house, aspected by lagna lord Kuja who is in 12th but in Ucchamsa gave him tremendous knowledge in martial arts. The drishti of 9th lord and 7th lord also proved to be good. Karma: 10th lord Surya in lagna in Bandhukshetra is very good. But a good percentage of this was brought down by Surya’s neechamsa. Lee’s distraction in the Sukra direction proved to be fatal. Bhagya: 9th lord in 12th isn’t the best of luck that one can dream for. Especially when it is with Kuja. The compensation was from Guru, who was also not in the best of positions, being in 6th. Lee’s fame was due to the unique combination of 4 planets which involved the 9th lord also, aspected by Guru, which indicated an acting career also. Wisdom: 5th lord Guru in 6th with Sani having multiple influences from Kuja, Budha and Sukra and the 9th lord Chandra made it very clouded for Bruce Lee. Summary: Bruce Lee’s life was a storm which lasted for so less a time. The eastern martial arts became so popular thanks to his movies. Even if you have other good combinations, the predominance of 6th and 12th houses (8th also), is more destructive than constructive, if not channelized in the moksha path. 8) Bangalore Venkata RAMAN, Bangalore Venkata Raman, born August 8, 1912 in Bangalore, was a most renowned astrologer, especially for his predictive skill. He was the author of numerous books of instruction and research papers in the field of Indian Vedic Astrology (Jyotish), and travelled all over the


world giving lectures. The Astrological Magazine, was founded by him in 1936. CHART August 8, 1912 at 7:43 PM in Bangalore, India















KUJA GURU Education: He received a great formal foundation in astrology education thanks to the 4th lord, Sukra, the yoga karaka is in Simha along with the 5th lord, Vidya karaka Budha and Karmadhipa Kuja. But the effect is pulled down as the 4th house is occupied by the 6th lord Chandra and lagna/12th lord Sani. . Mind: Manokaraka Krishnapaksha Chandra, is the lord of 6th and is seen to occupy the 4th along with the lagna/12th lord, the depressing Sani. The saving grace is Guru’s drishti. Knowledge: 2nd lord, Guru is in 10th in vrischika, a moksha sign, aspected by the lagna lord Sani and 6th lord Uccha Chandra, and the 10th lord Kuja. This is really good for astrological knowledge, though some goodness of Guru is lost through its Satrukshetra navamsa. Karma: 10th lord Kuja is in 7th, in Surya kshetra, with Bhagyamsa. 10th is occupied by 2nd and 11th lord Guru aspected by karmadhipa Kuja. We can say with certainty that had the drishti of SaniChandra been absent, he would have produced more results than what the great astrology reviver dreamed about. Bhagya:


9th lord Sukra is a yoga karaka and his position in 7th proved good for the native after his marriage. The association with Budha and Kuja surely helped. Wisdom: 5th lord Budha in 7th in bandhu kshetram in vargottama is really good. 5th is unaspected and with no other yogas which is good for clarity. Jnana karaka Guru is in a good position though loses strength in navamsa. Another blemish is Budha's gulika bhavanadhipathya. Summary: To be under the direct guidance of a scholar giant like Suryanarain Rao is itself great luck. The native, who has done so much for the popularity of the astrological science surely gained from the wonderful guidance he received. The combination of Budha, Sukra and Kuja and Guru’s great position aspected by the dispositor, karmadhipa Kuja would have done more wonders if not for the 4th Chandra- Sani and their drishti to 10th.

9) Rabindranath TAGORE, Also known by the sobriquet Gurudev, was a Bengali poet, Brahmo Samaj philosopher, visual artist, playwright, novelist, and composer whose works reshaped Bengali literature and music in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Two songs from his rabindrasangeet canon are now the national anthems of Bangladesh and India: the Amar Shonar Bangla and the Jana Gana Mana. He became Asia's first Nobel laureate when he won the 1913 Nobel Prize for Literature. His home schooling, life in Shilaidaha, and travels made Tagore a nonconformist and pragmatist. Seeking to become a barrister, Tagore enrolled at a public school in Brighton, England in 1878. Later, he studied at University College London, but returned to Bengal in 1880


without a degree. In 1901, Tagore left Shilaidaha and moved to Santiniketan (West Bengal) to found an ashram, which would grow to include a marble-floored prayer hall ("The Mandir"), an experimental school, groves of trees, gardens, and a library. CHART May 7, 1861 at 4:02 AM in Calcutta, India













Education: 4th lord, Chandra in 12th, is aspected by Guru the 9th lord. 4th house is occupied by the 12th lord and 9th lord Guru is in Uccham. (Parivartanam) This indicates potential for formal education though not utilized, coming through due to divine grace. Mind: The Manokaraka, Krishnapaksha Chandra is in 12th, aspected by Guru the 9th lord. Chandra has Parivartana yoga with Guru. Chandra’s amsa is also in Sani kshetra indicating a very sensitive soul, which got hurt easily. Knowledge: 2nd lord Sukra in lagna along with Surya (5th lord) and Budha (3rd lord) gave tremendous artistic knowledge to the native. Karma: 10th lord Sani, in trine 5th is good. But Sani’s presence in the enemy Surya’s camp is not a happy one. The 10th house is aspected by Kuja, the lagna lord, which will surely give lot of entrepreneurship. Bhagya: 9th lord Guru in 4th in exaltation and amsa in sarvabheeshta sthanam rendered the native extremely lucky in his efforts. Wisdom: 5th lord Surya in lagna in exaltation along with the vak karaka budha and the kala karaka Sukra provided deep insights through art and literature. Summary:


The 5th lord Uccha Surya (combined with Budha and Sukra), as well as the unique Guru – Chandra association gave tremendous artistic life and insights about life to the native. But the ashtamamsa of Surya, the presence of Chandra in 12th and Sani in 5th gave many moments of despair too. 10) Osho RAJNEESH An Indian mystic and spiritual teacher. A professor of philosophy, he travelled throughout India in the 1960s, raising controversy by speaking against socialism, Gandhiji and institutionalised religion. He advocated an open attitude towards sexuality, which earned him the sobriquet "sex guru". In 1981, Osho relocated to the United States. Within a year, the leadership of the commune became embroiled in a conflict with local residents. In this period Osho attracted notoriety for his large collection of Rolls-Royce motorcars. The Oregon commune collapsed in 1985, when Osho revealed that the commune leadership had committed a number of serious crimes. Shortly after, Osho was arrested and charged with immigration violations. He was deported from the US in accordance with a plea bargain. Following an enforced world tour during which 21 countries denied him entry, Osho returned to Pune, where he died in 1990. Osho holds the record for maximum number of published books in his name. CHART December 11, 1931 at 5:13 PM in Kutchwada, India LAGNA RAHU GURU










Education: 4th lord, Surya in 7th, another Kendra, in bandhu kshetram, aspecting the lagna giving a clear sambandham as per the pancha prakara bandham rules. The 4th house is free of any other aspects and yogas indicating a strong foundation. Mind:


The Manokaraka, Chandra being the 3rd lord is not a functional benefic, and its position in 8th gave the native a mind frame which made him dwell deep into the mysterious zones. Its unique combination with 4 other planets including the lagna lord Sukra, bhagya(9th) lord Sani, sensuality(7th) lord Kuja and poorvapunya(5th) lord Budha takes utmost significance. Knowledge: 2nd lord Budha is in 8th, the house of mysteries, aspecting the 2nd house. Budha also happens to be the 5th lord. Also, look at the drishti of 5 other planets including gulika into the 2nd house, making the bhava very deep. The point that the drishtis are happening from the house of Guru who is in Uccha makes it all the more positive. Karma: 10th lord Sani in 8th gives a rather mysterious karma, especially because Sani is the lord of dharma/bhagya also. Its combination with 5 other planets only increases the complexity. Sani’s vargottama (subham vargottamasyal) made the karma very outstanding. But as always, Sani when not occupying favourable houses like 5, 9 or 3, 6 and 11, will bring about much turmoil and downfall. Bhagya: 9th lord Sani though in 8th due to its vargottamamsa and other favourable conditions like being in Uccha Guru’s house, ensured great parapunnyam. Wisdom: 5th lord Budha in 8th , a dusthana, made him one of the most adventurous and dangerous masters history has produced. The drishti of 9th lord Sani into 5th house made it dharmic but the drishti of rahu from 11th made it outlandish too. Ketu in 5th and neecha Sukra and Rahu in the 5th house as amsaka presence, only supports this view. Summary:


You see more mystery here than the conservative positive spirituality, owing to the predominance of 8th house. Lagna lord, 5th lord and 9th lord coming together in the 8th house is truly remarkable. You can also observe that only Guru is outside the Rahu- Ketu axis. (a comparitive analysis with Ramana maharshi’s chart will be worth the study) 11) Ramana MAHARSHI Sri Ramana Maharshi (December 30, 1879 – April 14, 1950) was a Hindu Sage. He primarily advocated Selfenquiry (Atma-Vichara) to attain spiritual realization. "Here in India, where thousands of so-called holy men claim close tune with the infinite, it is said that the most remarkable thing about Ramana Maharshi was that he never claimed anything remarkable for himself, yet became one of the most loved and respected of all." Sri Ramana was distinguished for silence and sparse use of speech. He led a modest, open life and depended on visitors and devotees for the barest necessities. His disciples established an Ashram (Sri Ramanashramam) in Tiruvannamalai to propagate his message. CHART December 30, 1879 at 1:00 AM in Madurai




















Education: 4th lord, Guru is in 6th in vargottama. 4th occupied by 12th lord Surya who has swakshetramsa and Rahu indicating very afflicted 4th house giving minimal formal education. Mind: The Manokaraka, Chandra is vargottama in 10th fully aspected by Surya, the 12th lord. Though krishnapaksha, this Chandra is still powerful as it is only dwiteeya. Chandra is in yogam with Ketu, again indicating love of mysticism. Knowledge:


2nd lord Sukra is in 3rd house along with lagna lord Budha. Its fully aspected by the 3rd lord Kuja who also happens to be the 8th lord (death and silence). 2nd house is aspected by Vargottama Guru indicating Spiritual knowledge. Karma: 10th lord Budha is in 3rd house(8th of 8th) along with the 9th lord Sukra aspected by Kuja from the 8th. (DharmaKarmadhipa yoga in the death of death house (3rd), aspected by Kuja from 8th , death!) Bhagya: 9th lord Sukra in 3rd along with lagna lord Budha, with amsa in 11th . The significant point is 9th lord and lagna lord aspecting 9th house. Wisdom: 5th lord Sani in 7th, gets the special yoga of trikona lord in Kendra. Also note the parivartanam of Sani and Guru which is one of the greatest strengths of this nativity. You must be aware that Maharshi was one of the most modest and silent Gurus India has ever produced. Summary: The maharshi who held so much of wisdom within the silence between his words immensely benefited from his 5th lord, supported well by the 9th and 10th lords. The predominance of 8th (death) and 3rd (death of death) houses is very significant. The Gnana karaka, Guru too benefited from its vargottama position to help in his effortless effort for wisdom. 12) Deepak Chopra An Indian medical doctor settled in the US and an accomplished writer. He has written extensively on spirituality and diverse topics in mind-body medicine. Born in New Delhi and educated in India he did his primary education at St. Columba's School in New Delhi


and eventually graduated from the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences in 1968. He emigrated to the U.S. in 1970, becoming board-certified in internal medicine and endocrinology. He taught at Tufts University and Boston University Schools of Medicine, became the chief of staff at the New England Memorial Hospital and established a large private practice.Chopra is the cofounder of The Chopra Center, which he founded in 1996 in La Jolla with Dr. David Simon. CHART 22nd October 1946, 15.45 hrs, New Delhi.












Education: 4th lord Sukra, is posited in 10th house forming the yoga of Kendra lord posited in another Kendra. He also happens to be the yoga karaka, thanks to his ownership of the 9th house also. 4th house is aspected by 4th lord Sukra and also by the 10th lord Kuja by means of 8th house aspect. 4th is occupied by Rahu, indicating a foreign influence in education. Note Sukra’s neecha navamsa in the 8th house. Mind: The Manokaraka Chandra is in a waning state, in the 8th house, making him think deep about death and about the dark realities of life and death. 8th house Chandra also gives vaidya sambandham. Another significant point is the 3rd aspect of Sani, the lagna lord. Knowledge: 2nd lord Guru is in bhagya sthana 9th along with 3 other grahas giving it Pravajya yoga, showing again the spiritual inclinations. (Pravajya not full, as Surya is in debilitation.) Note Guru’s neecha navamsa. Also, 2nd house is aspected by the weak Chandra. Karma: The 10th lord Kuja, is in the bhagya sthana 9th, and in amsaka he is in 4th in Sukra kshetra rendering him strong. Note parivartana yoga and the semi- pravajya yoga also. Bhagya:


9th lord Sukra the yoga karaka, is in the favourable 10th house, with a parivartana yoga with the 10th lord Kuja. The slight blemish of Sukra being in neecha navamsa will prevent the native from reaching the greatest heights the nativity promised. Wisdom: 5th lord Budha is in another trine 9th and is strong in swakshetramsa. 5th house is free from other aspects. No wonder he could produce so many writings full of wisdom! Summary: It is clear that it is the lord of 5th, also being the karaka for words, Budha, is the real reason for the great body-mind doctor writer’s rise in wisdom. The doctor’s profession he pursued produced results in sthoola but not much satisfaction, as in sookshmam, Guru and Sukra are in neecha. (also due to Surya’s neecha sthithi.) But the Vaak karaka Budha surely lifted him to an elite league.

13) Mata Amritanandamayi Mata Amritanandamayi is a widely known Indian spiritual leader, also known as 'The Hugging Saint'. Amritanandamayi(Sudhamani) had to drop out of school at an early age to help her family economically. According to her followers, Mata Amritanandamayi had divine experiences when she was a child. She found Mata Amritanandamayi Mission Trust - a worldwide organization which does charitable work all over the world. The multi specialty hospital Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and various educational institutions are few of her contributions. Jan Kounen an award winning filmmaker made the film 'Darshan-The Embrace' on the life of this 'hugging saint' of India . The film was officially selected for screening at the Cannes Film Festival in 2005. She was one of the Representatives of Hinduism at the


'Parliament of the World's Religions' at Chicago in 1993. She has also addressed the United Nations General Assembly. CHART 27-09-1951 9.10 am, Kollam





KETU Mata Amritanandamayi 27-09-1951, 9.10 am, Kollam, INDIA












Education: 4th lord Sani is in lagna in uccha rasi. 4th house is occupied by Rahu. Sani, being the Gulikabhavanadhipathy also, has a very delaying character, especially for education. The vidya karaka Budha in 12th didn’t help either. (good for knowledge, not education) Mind: Manokaraka, Krishna paksha Chandra, is in Uccha in 8th house. Good for a spiritual person. But its association with Rahu and Gulikan in 5th house, gives occasional unmadam (histrionic tendencies) Knowledge: 2nd lord, Kuja in 11th, vargottama along with lagna lord Sukra over compensated for her lack of formal education. The drishti of manokaraka, karmadhipa Chandra and association with Budha in navamsa is notable. Karma: 10th lord Chandra is in 8th in Uccha, is good for spiritual pursuit. Ketu’s presence only deepened the spiritual angle. The uccha Sani’s drishti to the karma bhava and Lagnadhipa’s navamsa are other notable points. Bhagya: 9th lord, Budha in uccha in 12th is extremely good for a spiritual person. The presence of Guru in 9th makes it better, though in navamsa Guru loses his strength.


Wisdom: 5th lord Sani in lagna in Uccha and aspected by Guru in dharma sthana makes this Guru of millions of people across the world, so respected. Summary: 3 grahas are in Uccha in this horoscope, namely, Sani, Chandra and Budha. And Surya is in Uccha navamsa. Presence of Guru in 9th, the dharma sthana. Lagna lord and 2nd lord combination in 11th house. (Kuja and Sukra) And again, 5th lord Sani in lagna in Uccha, we have a truly divine person in Mata Amritanandamayi, one who had absolutely minimal formal education, but who developed all her finer faculty, possible beyond a normal human effort.

As was indicated in almost all the cases, it is 3 major factors which decide how your knowledge comes and what is done with it: 1) The basic foundation laid through formal education. 2) The self effort which leads to accrual of knowledge 3) The wise discrimination between right and wrong and the choices which lead to karma. True, this 3rd factor has got lot of previous janma vasana, but then it can be worked on, by a proper understanding of strength and weaknesses. When an intelligent jyotishi finds 2nd and 5th houses weak, he should suggest according propitiations whereby, somehow the parapunnya factor is strengthened, which will come handy for the next life. A clear understanding of


the nature of the planets and rasis involved is very much essential here. For eg. Propitiation for a weak Budha in Mesha can start with a change in food habits, where, more green leaves and green gram is added into the diet. Supported by a lot of physical activity which includes trekking. Mouna vritas on Tuesdays will help more than one can imagine. Like wise, strengthening Kuja by aggression control and assertiveness training, will support Budha. Likewise, if Budha in 6th house in Meena, needs a different approach. There has to be more skin cleanliness training right from the childhood. Intake of hot food needs to be very controlled and there has to be lot of sweating when exercising. Propitiations for Guru will be very effective here. Mouna vritam on Thursdays will be better in this case. Or suppose there is a combination of Sukra and Kuja in the 7th house in Karkataka, and the dasa of Kuja is running, the student has to be advised clearly on the discipline factor the lack of which will create issues that will destabilize the future life. Or take the case of a 2nd house Sani for Meena lagna. With navamsa in simha. We need earthly activities and comparisons which will instill and inspire joy in pursuing studies. There has to be lot of understanding support in the beginning which will bear fruit with time. You take any lagna or any combination, Mindfulness and an acceptance of the inter-dependence of each and every living/non-living thing around us are the essential prerequisites for progress in life. Then there will be proper thoughts and actions that leads to a better parapunnyam which is the purpose of this life. (moksha/enlightenment shouldn’t be pursued too hard as it has to come naturally, which will, when there is an abundance of parapunnyam )


May Surya the natural 5th lord of the zodiac help us to have the atmachaitanyam to be wise. May the Manokaraka Chandra endow us with an intuitive and deep mind. May Kuja give us the Satwa guna to remain blissful in all states of mind. May Budha bless us with depth of knowledge and vaksidhi. May Guru shower on us his benevolence to have divine grace. May Sukra let us enjoy the fruits of our effort. May Sani help us with discipline and perfection. May Rahu give us the power to emerge out of doubts and confusions. May Ketu give us the detachment to meditate. May Gulika and all other celestial bodies with and without form give us their blessings to make ourselves better. May Gurus and the Ultimate energy source lead us in the right path. SUBHAM

Back cover: small foto to the left top Krishnaraj Divakaran has been an ardent research student of astrology, for the past 15 years. After elementary studies, his efforts for the first few years have been in finding out basic matters like, what is the actual time of birth? Is it the adhana(mating time) or the time of first breath of the child out in the world? Won't the difference in time, make contradictions in every prediction? These doubts took him to many astrology stalwarts whose guidance helped him search deeper into the subject and its many subsidiaries like Prasna and Nimitta. It is these insights he gained in the process, beyond education, that prompted him to write a series of books which will be helpful to all who want to be true in their astrological studies.


A Management Professional, he is available for astrological research guidance and teaching if informed in advance.

ISBN NO. 230/-


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