Graphic Designer CV | Krishna Kumar

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Hello I’m K ​ rishna Kumar, G ​ raphic Designer. 9095257121

Objective To attain the position of Graphic Designer in your organization where I can utilize my creative and innovative skills in designing, thereby adding to the development of the organization.

Summary Self-taught graphic designer with ​5+ year of experience responsible for daily graphic design content for a medium-sized firm. Developed ​600+ projects such as A​dvertisement design, ​A​nimated greetings, ​A​nimation - Intro & Logo, ​A​nimation - photos in motion, ​An ​ nual report, ​Ba ​ g and tote design, ​Ba ​ nner Ad Design, ​B​illboard Design, ​B​log design, ​Bo ​ ok Cover Design, ​Br​ ochure Design, ​B​usiness Card Design, C​alendar Design, ​Ca ​ talog Design, ​C​up and Mug Design, ​eB ​ ook Cover Design, ​E​mail Marketing Design, ​E​nvelope design, ​Fa ​ cebook Design, ​Fl​ yer Design, ​Gr​ aphic Design, G​reeting Card Design, ​I​con Design, ​Il​ lustration Design, ​In ​ fographic Design, ​I​nvitation Design, ​L​abel Design, ​L​anding Page Design, ​L​etterhead Design, ​L​ogo Design, ​M​agazine Design, ​Na ​ me Card, ​Ne ​ wspaper Ad Design, ​Pa ​ ckaging Design, ​P​hotoshop Design, P​ostcard Design, ​R​esume Design, ​S​ignage Design, ​S​tationery Design, ​St​ icker Design, T​-Shirt and Cap Design, T ​ ​rade Show Booth, ​W​eb Design, W ​ ​ebsite and App Design, etc.

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