Online sextortion: Parents stay beware with a mobile spy app
Kids access internet on the mobile phones all the time and parents must aware of the troubling situations take place because of the consistent use of mobile phones. A mobile spy app comes as a solution to limit the risks associated with the use of a mobile phone as well as to restrict the access of internet on a mobile phone. In fact, the constant access to the internet can lure a kid into a trap of an online predator. Parent’s carelessness can be proved as the main reason for sharing illicit pictures on the web. It is also true that kids start sending inappropriate pictures and content online that later result in some sort of blackmailing activities by the cybercriminals. Therefore, parents need a mobile spy app to stay aware of the activities of the target phone because it is not possible for the parent to check the phone all the time manually. Sextortion is one such scary thing that parents won’t think of such thing to their kids.
What sextortion is? Sextortion is a kind of sexual harassment, unlike sexting and flirting online, sextortion is also a criminal offense that is repeated by sexual offenders. There are two forms of sextortion that includes:
Online sexual harassment to get sexually explicit pictures or videos from the offenders. The activity includes the sharing of explicit content, pictures, or sending illicit pictures.
Now parents need strict monitoring on the target phone and therefore, need a mobile spy app. Installing a spy phone app can relive the parents from such worries.
The sextortion statistics may disappoint you this time, have a look:
71% of sextortion victims are below 18 years of age. 78% of victims are girls. 15% of boys are involved in sextortion rather than girls.
ONESPY mobile spy app allows you to monitor the cell phone activity of kids and track the phone activities. Now parents can put an off on such activity at any time if they have installed a mobile spy app on the target Android phone of the kids.
Sextortion: How to stop it? Sextortion has become a common problem in the online world that destroys the life of your child completely. The main cause of the occurrence of such situation is the absence of parental control and you can achieve it with a mobile spy app. If you have a look at the online world, you’ll find millions of fake profiles that make easy for the online predators to get the kids manipulated. If you wish to keep your kids away from such activities then, follow our guide that is prepared especially for parents as well as kids along with that you’d come to know the use of a mobile spy app.
Sextortion prevention: a guide for the parents
Communicate with your kids Along with the installation of a mobile spy app; it is required to have an open communication with your kids and explain them about the online threats. Make them aware not to share any sort of illicit content on the website and restrict them to send and receive and explicit content. Educate more about the illeffects and keep a check with a spy phone app. Let your kids know that you are always available for them and you monitor them all-the-time. A mobile spy app is an ideal choice for the parents so that situations can remain under control.
Employ security features with ONESPY spy phone software Your kids may have a strong password on the phone as well as on the apps, however, parents don’t have to be worried this time. ONESPY mobile spy power permits you the entrance to the target Android phone of your kid at any time. Educate your child not to open the attachments received from the unknown senders as it may have viruses or Malware.
Monitor your kid’s phone Kids don’t have the ability to decide the wrong and bad things on the internet and they are not able to understand the wrong intention of an online predator. Parents need to supervise the kids and it is possible only with a mobile spy app that is the best method in the present digitalized world. ONESPY mobile spy app is the best option that offers the reliable phone monitoring features. You get the call recording, call logs, text messages, website browsing history and much more. ONESPY mobile spy app is compatible with Samsung phones and also known as Samsung mobile spy software.
Sextortion prevention: guide or kids
Never communicate with strangers on the web. Don’t have to share any explicit pictures, semi-nude pictures, don’t listen the conversation. Log out of the sites if there is no use. Close the webcam if not required. Don’t have to open the attachment in the emails from unknown senders. If you receive the sextortion threats or any request to send illicit content; then, it’s better to the parent and police.
Parenting has become important at the present time and all the time monitoring is not possible for the parents, therefore, needs a mobile spy app. If parents wish to stay updated on the cell phone activities then, a mobile spy app is the best source for the parents so that online safety and monitoring of phone can be done easily. Parents can have the frequent conversation with their kids as kids a mobile spy app send alerts all the time on your device’s screen. The online control panel of a mobile spy app captures the information of the target mobile phone.
Verdict and recommendations Parents can achieve the complete phone monitoring power with ONESPY mobile spy app that offers the complete information of the target phone. Avoid the situations like sextortion and keep your kids safe from the ill-effects of the present digitalized world. Using a mobile spy app; parents are able to keep the information of the actions take place on the target phone. Educate your child time-to-time and guide them what to do and what to not while accessing internet on the phone. However, a mobile spy app is must for the parents if they wish to spy phone of their kids.