Bay Area Building Management Guide

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VoluMe 7, ISSue 1 2013

Who are the Movers & Shakers and Where Are They Now? BAY AReA BuIldINg MANAgeMeNT guIde

Reminisce with us as we take a look back through the decade

The Boom is Back

An in-depth look at some of the Bay Area’s most prestigious projects


The only comprehensive regional resource directory in the industry


FacilitiesFocus Professionaladvice

Proper Tree Care Adds Property Value

Deferred or Poor Maintenance Adds Liability

Trees are a landscape’s most valuable asset. Mature, well-maintained trees can add up to 20 percent more value to a real estate appraisal. In addition, trees that are properly cared for add an aesthetic curb appeal that draws positive attention to a property.


onversely, deferred maintenance and poorly maintained trees can have the opposite effect on a property, potentially lowering its value up to 15 percent. Besides also drawing away from the aesthetic beauty of a property, trees that are not cared for properly can create a large liability for the property owners and managers. Improper pruning can end up generating more future hazards than if a tree had never been pruned before. “Topping”, “lion’s tailing”, and “flush cuts” are some of the common terms used to describe poor pruning procedures. When trees have been subjected to these modes of pruning, their natural architecture is altered and they become predisposed to decay, rot, and weakly-attached limbs. It can take a number of years to restructure a poorly pruned tree to its original form, and often a total tree removal is the only safe option. The health of your property’s trees and plants rely on regular check-ups and maintenance programs similar to how you take care of your own personal health. A proper diet can be compared to the appropriate nutrients your trees and plants require. Seeing a doctor for a regular check-up or to take vitamins or receive a flu shot is not unlike the professional application of materials to keep trees and plants protected from harmful insects and diseases. Plant health care not only ensures the safety of your property and tenants, but it can also help solve some of the most frustrating problems that you and your occupants might often encounter. One of the most effective ways to evaluate a tree care company is to look at their professional certifications and accreditations. It is essential that the arborist you choose is certified by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). The ISA is a worldwide professional organization dedicated to promoting research, technology, and the professional practice of arboriculture. Accreditation by the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) is another important factor to consider when you are selecting a tree care company. The TCIA accreditation assures customers that the company has gone through a thorough background check and that they have all of the proper insurance, business and industry licenses. The next time you need to select a tree care specialist, just remember to look for proper certification and accreditation—then you can be sure your trees are in the hands of experienced, well-educated arborists who can help you increase the overall beauty, health, safety, and value of trees on your property. Source: Arborwell Professional Tree Management 24






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