
Page 1

Historien bak fonten designeren ske ville


ill e

ba skervill e

vi l r vi ske lle b asker







sker v i l le

ker villeba

bask ervil le ba s

r vi vi l


le basker ville





ba sk

rv ske ba

v ker bas

le ba

rville b ervil as aske



le b

rv ke

ba s

basker villeb askerville ba




erville bask-




tittel 2

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøå abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøå

tittel 3

Bold, Bold Italic

SemiBold, SemiBold Italic



Musant ea dolessitio. Itatquunt ut aliciis deligniet aruptatio tem natur sit dollicima nobis eat. Cuscimendae volupta voluptatiis experum fugitatqui simoluptat et is dignimus, es mos magnihiti oditiur aut et estem que occuscium sitior aliquia


Ebis est, cum quae vellam res seque sus et pereris doluptas pre porem et aut deni rehendae ne voles simagni dollupt atatur autassunt occum que comniendi offic te sectium simus volora est, sum utatias intempo restem quam libus et preptat quaspe nobit,

John Baskerville

Ihilliqu ossunt voluptia volloribus, int arum que nem quis dolorpo repudae re oditaque modignis simi, odita veri blatusa doluptu rectati busanihicae quam, suntur? Quiae. Ne soluptatis et eate litio qui blabo. Ut aut ad quibeaquae sum iusape pro custo-

tittel 4

Baskerville Used: Past and Present

qrstuvwxyzæøåabcdefghijklmno lmnop p fghijk abcde ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøå



tittel 6

Typografi er utforming og behandling av skrift, bokstaver og andre grafiske elementer i trykkerfaget og i grafisk design. Begrepet brukes også om den visuelle formen på trykt tekst. Typografi er et håndverk som oppstod med boktrykkerkunsten på 1500-tallet med setting og trykking av tekst ved hjelp av ulike teknikker. Faget omfatter kunnskap om leselighet, form og innhold, skrifttyper og -størrelser, linjelengde og -avstand, formater, papir, formgivning, farge og ulike trykkteknikker, og utføres i dag digitalt ved hjelp av digitale ombreknings- eller tekstbehandlingsprogrammer. Fagpersoner med typografisk utdannelse kalles typografer.

tittel 7

tittel 8

John Baskerville.

“Foundry” or “Fry” Baskerville is a later Baskerville, face based on the original Baskerville, who had made a fortune in japanning which was cut by the Joseph Fry foundry before turning to printing when in his in 1764. This cutting takes the face more midforties, was responsible for several adin the direction of the Didots. Rogers used vances in printing technology, improving it for display with the original Baskerville press platens and packings, formulating as text font. Unfortunately, Baskerville codarker and faster-drying inks, and invenuld not compete economically with printing wove paper, which was smoother than ters using the cheaper, established technothe old laid papers with their vertical riblogy. His matrices were sold by his widow, bing. all of this enabled him to employ a and changes hands several times, disaptypeface with sharper definition and thinpearing into obscurity until they were ner elements than was previously possible. rediscovered and made known by Bruce This marks the move from the “garalde” to Rogers around 1920. Unfortunately, Basthe transitional faces. kerville could not compete economically with printers using the cheaper, establisUnfortunately, Baskerville could not hed technology. His matrices were sold compete economically with printers by his widow, and changes hands several using the cheaper, established technolotimes, disappearing into obscurity until gy. His matrices were sold by his widow, they were rediscovered and made known and changes hands several times, disappearing into obscurity until they were by Bruce Rogers around 1920. Unfortunarediscovered and made known by Bruce tely, Baskerville could not compete econoRogers around 1920. Unfortunately, Bas- mically with printers using the cheaper, kerville could not compete economically established technology. His matrices were with printers using the cheaper, establis- sold by his widow, and changes hands sevehed technology. His matrices were sold ral times, disappearing into obscurity until by his widow, and changes hands several they were rediscovered and made known by Bruce Rogers around 1920. His matritimes, disappearing into obscurity until ces were sold by his widow, and changes they were rediscovered and made known hands several times, disappearing into by Bruce Rogers around 1920. Unfortunaobscurity until they were rediscovered tely, Baskerville could not compete econoand made known by Bruce Rogers around mically with printers using the cheaper, 1920. Unfortunately, Baskerville could established technology. His matrices were not compete economically with printers sold by his widow, and changes hands seusing the cheaper, established technology veral times, disappearing into obscurity

tittel 9

“Foundry” or “Fry” Baskerville is a later face based on the original Baskerville, which was cut by the Joseph Fry foundry in 1764. This cutting takes the face more in the direction of the Didots. Rogers used it for display with the original Baskerville as text font. Mrs. Eaves, by Zuzana Licko, is a revival of Baskerville that attempts to soften its hard edges by reducing its contrast, lowering the x-height, and widening the lower case. Mrs. Eaves (named for Baskerville’s companion) is a popular and attractive face that includes a number of ligatures and other features. But some say it has spacing problems. Hrant H Papazian, for example, wrote on the typophile forum, “The problem with Mrs Eaves isn’t just that the spacing is messy (with only 40-something kerning pairs to patch things

Unfortunately, Baskerville could not compete economically with printers using the cheaper, established technology. His matrices were sold by his widow, and changes hands several times, disappearing into obscurity until they were rediscovered and made known by Bruce Rogers around 1920.

John Baskerville. Baskerville, who had made a fortune in japanning before turning to printing when in his midforties, was responsible for several advances in printing technology, improving press platens and packings, formulating darker and faster-drying inks, and inventing wove paper, which was smoother than the old laid papers with their vertical ribbing. all of this enabled him to employ a typeface with sharper definition and thinner elements than was previously possible. This marks the move from the “garalde” to the transitional faces.




evsi sN li i b v e l e Nr NkAre H e v v H iH s O vl l Avi lkHre e rbN er kr N k slsHskse N sb sel Aei s v eibersvev sreil iesi H s e s e v e A O H s i l e i i rvl sv J sl b v H v rO A i i r e esA l b Hb l e e sl v e v v i li lbrH r e lN i es i rs e r v b l s s s srevvs bs lv i r r A v b vse NJ H rsOJ lv i sli lbiei bs v l l ls l l is e e esi H H e e b v r l s rvei s v v v l e e leerAvireisH r l bervAs rei b e lvesiA sO virkslbls e ir eklrv r s s lAvrie iv sie sAb e veiNl v i Hbe lrs r lvklb sv k v v i H i v e ks sver e r li A vi s s e s rviAl i e el l lH re i v s bl i

slNrvAslkeOv slNi JH r e A H l sr kr

l b i ir r sb e i J r bl N k v a J



i s sle

ls sA O r AJ vi Ne s b lsi l

el r si e isl es v s v s A e v l ielN si reisvsel sevv i ers lr s i r s H e es e vrJ r rs vNli rsv il

r arm lowe g n o l s ide arm long lo wer arm of E, T has w

, of E

e ar s w id T ha

lo ms


a er low

o rm

,T fE


e wid

a er ow l ng lo ms ar


T f E, mo




cdefghijkl mnopqrst uvwxyzÌø

wi has

o ms l e ar


ra owe ng l


of E,

e arms T has wid

f E, T wer arm o long lo

has wide arms long lower arm of E

, T has wide ar

ms long l ower a rm

of E, T has wide a

rm s

long l

owe ra

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