Kristin Stoyanova Portfolio

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d e s i g n PORTFOLIO

Kristin Stoyanova


Kristin-Stoyanova bachelor of architecture Cal Poly: 2009-2014

table of contents


year 3

year 4

year 5


Sketches Sketching has always been an important design tool for me. Its more than a way to jot down ideas, its a way for me to journal and remember moments of life. Shown are some images from my sketchbooks, many completed while traveling, others as a part of preliminary design.


Sustainable Marine Lab. St. Croix, Virgin Islands conceptual 2012

Nautilus was my first competition entry while at Cal Poly. It’s a sustainable marine laboratory set in St. Croix. It’s orientation responds to sunlight, views and wind. The 60,000 sq. ft. plan is elevated on one side to have less of an impact on vegetation and creates a public and private sphere separated by a central courtyard. The shape and adaptive skin were inspired by a disintegrating ship.

exterior view of apartment cladding system

support for cladding system wooden Glu-Lam supports program supported on “pilotis�

open air circulation

open courtyard

Shown is a view toward the central courtyard. The laboratories are seperated from the apartments by this courtyard, facilitating interaction between its residents.




a. an exploded axonometric showing the difference between program, structure, skeleton and exterior skin. b. perspection sections showing the distribution of floor levels. c. materials d. rough program/ conceptual model


C o n t o u r

Strategic design Florence, Italy Conceptual 2012

Contour is an attempt to bridge the physical gap between the Galleria degli Uffizi Exit and Piazza Castellani. My Intervention is meant to address both the confusion created by the current [lack of] exit and the dissatisfaction felt after being funneled out. I addressed the issue by creating a series of flat platforms which can serve several functions, they provide meeting areas for guests, miniature courtyards for socialization and viewing platforms onto Piazza Castellani giving visitors an opportunity to reorient themselves. My goal was to fragment the existing ramp, to create an urban topography which would serve both the public and the museum as a connection and a new type of urban “Piazza�.

view toward Uffizi exit and cafĂŠ

view from exit

cafĂŠ entrance

Southern Section Perspective

Northern Section Perspective

Illustrates the cafe and exterior courtyard under the elevated deck. [cut E3]

Illustrates the cafe, exterior seating and the ampitheater. [cut E2]

East Elevation [n.t.s]

E2: North Section Elevation [n.t.s]

E3: South Section Elevation [n.t.s]

Plan [n.t.s]




Market+Culinary school Florence, Italy Conceptual 2013

Located on the border between residential and industrial Florence, the Mercafir site provides the stage upon which the transformation of food, from production to table becomes an experience. Mercafir combines farming land for agricultural production, a urban parkscape for the residents of the area and a culinary school alongside a market. The goal of the project was to design something to revitalize the area and to provide a new healthy living culture. Based on a iconic three-way grid, the site is broken down into built, agricultural and recreational environments with clear distinctions and progressive circulation.

4 km



Gastronomy centre + infrastructure connection


reception + bookstore culinary school market visitors “garden” parkscape

Urban agriculture

grid based

park + greenery


produce “park”

north WEST elevation

north elevation

south WEST section

north section

Hand Drawn Illustrative


Research Project Florence, Italy Analytical 2012

This project, titled Adopt a Monuent was a case study of a work of architecture in Florence, Itlay. The goal was to study and analyze the work in its historical enviornment. Museo Marino Marini is a rare example of Adaptive reuse in the City Center of Florence and has become one of my favorite museums in the city. The following boards illustrate my findings and analysis.


[ r e s i n + p a p e r + a l u m i n u m + c h a i r ]

HERRINGBONE began as a study in paper folding. My original idea was to cast resin into a formwork, but in such a way as to do away with the waste created with having this formwork. The result was a 3D accordian surface crafted of paper, the translucency of this is warrented to the characteristics which developed when Resin was poured onto paper. Much like waxed paper this diffused light in an interesting and unique manner. The table was created of found components including a glass top, a old wooden chair, aluminum printing plates and discarded aluminum channels. I decided to light the table from below with low energy LED lights to better show the characteristics of the resin and paper surface. I was also able to salvage test pieces for my table and create my second submission to Vellum, DRIP.


Weave Cal Poly SLO Group Project 2013

“Weave” was a study completed for a digital Fabrication class I took while completing my thesis in 2013. The challenge was to craft something using methods of digital fabrication which could encompass a 3’x3’ diameter, could glow and was elevated off the ground. Our solution was crafted of lasercut plexi glass and fabric. It was designed using a combination of Rhinoceros, Panelling tools and Grasshopper. [contributors: Melissa Steenport, Alexis Church, Nathan Markwell]

T h e s i s long story short: a car driven society with money likes box stores.

+ Mixed use residential. San Luis Obispo, CA schematic 2014


After the second World War there was a boom in the building industry and an increase in sprawl. Because families were able to get houses cheaply, suburban housing developments became increasingly popular. This in turn lead to a new reliance on the automobile and the development of automobile relient commercial centers. These include strip malls, big box stores and large grocery stores. One of the features of these centers is their inclination to be surrounded by massive amounts of parking to accommodate the automobile relient public. With the increase in cost of fuel many people are seeking alternatives to vehicular transport, making some of these “seas of parking” irrelevant and unnecessary. Many of these existing sites have been deemed unusable by major retailors, who choose to vacate centrally located sites in favor of larger areas of new commercial growth. I have chosen to analyze and look at one of these abandoned sites in depth and to identify the problems brought about with its original “infrastructure based” planning and how it can be adapted to the present time. The following works are in progress, and a complete documentation of my thesis will be avaliable upon request.

foothill & santa rosa San Luis Obispo, CA

residential connection

protected bike lanes

condensed streets

safer crosswalks tree lined sidewalk

master planning strategies Many of the problems around my site seem to revolve around

dense both streets to a wide three lane street, consisting of one

transportation and infrastructure. Santa Rosa Street, which leads

traffic lane in each direction, a center turn lane and parallel park-

to HW 1 preserves the amount of lanes necessary for a highway,

ing. This parking would in turn shield cyclists in a protected bike

avoiding the necessary transition into the city. Traffic here moves

lane and a better intersection would allow for safer crossing and

more quickly, making the intersection at Foothill and Santa Rosa

turning for both pedestrians and cyclists. I also suggest widened,

one of the most dangerous in San Luis Obispo. Foothill Bulevard

tree lined sidewalks and paths through my site to better connect

is also oversized, making pedestrian crossings awkward and un-

the residents of the area with their destinations.

comfortable. Both streets have a need for slower traffic, safer bicycle lanes and a enhanced pedestrian zone. I proposed to con-

The paths of “least resistance� become the primary pathways of the site.

The buildings are staggered in height, allowing south-eastern light to penetrate the living spaces and provide passive heating and cooling year long.



3 These Datums remain stagnant while the architecture rises around them.

Secondary paths fragment the buildings and add interest for pedestrian exploration. Green roofs provide residents with their own layer of circularion.


site program circulation + common area commercial space residential apartments

view of project massing

view toward central piazza

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