Fung krissy 565714 air pages week 6

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The materiality and geometry are the key determents of the values of parametric designs. Being intrigued by the potential of materials and the fascinating formal aesthetics they are able to produce, our group have chosen to study material performance in case study 1. The play of the embedded material performance as device to generate parametric design create geometry form based on their properties – ranging from the arrangement of fibres, the ability to resist compulsive force to its elasticity. This way of design through investigating the materials has been seen for years. The aims of these designs is usually to explore the potential of old and new materials.

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CASE STUDY 01 | { Voussoir Cloud } - Iwamoto Scott


The Voussoir Cloud by Iwamoto Scott is one that utilize paper with thin wood laminates to attempt in optimizing the material capacity. By creating sensorial effects through the conflicted reading of light, fragile paper and the arch structures under compressive force, the design has successfully created a stir in the field. In order to raise people’s awareness of sustainability, such quality of design is important – by creating a visual, sensorial effect stimulated by the form of sculpture, the mind of public would be kicked such that it raises the born of new ideas and values. Having the hanging chain by Gaodi as inspiration, the Voussoir Cloud looks for the variability in material performance in different circumstances. By assigning a void pattern onto the material surface, forces acting on different parts of the surface result in voids in different shapes. Curvature of the circular pattern produces a form that relies on internal surface tension to hold

its shape. As a result, the surface is analyzed structurally from the different openings of circles – when more force acting on it, the holes get bigger, and less force leads to smaller holes. Regarding on the fascinating formal aesthetics resulted, I think the design can successfully create stimulation in view’s mind. The visualization of the invisible forces of gravity makes it a medium for people to reflect on the nature surrounding. It also reveals the underlying ability of materials or organisms to self-organize in order to adapt to different circumstances. The idea of suggesting the ability of self-organizing of materials can be applied to our design since the availability of utilizing minimal materials to construct and live is closely related to the sustainability issue. Yet, the inter-activeness of the structure with the surrounding context is hardly to be seen – or it is not noble enough in addressing some greater issue like the climate change.




Species 1

Species 2 Changing the pattern of anchor points of string force

6 Comp Fall (Spring component)

1 TF, Z vector

6 TF, Y vector

1 Damping

2 Damping (different time)

7 Cut-off

2 TTF, Z vextor

7 TFFFT, Z vector

3 Stiffness, Z vector

8 Mesh pressure

3 TFFT, plasticity 4.5

8 TFFT, damping 7.4

9 Mesh pressure, plasticity

4 TFTFF, Z vector

9 TFTFF, damping 7.4

10 Hydro, cut-off

5 TFTFT, plasticity 3.2

10 FTTFF, Z vector

4 Increaed extrude value

5 Z vextor positive



Species 3 Changing the direction of one of the ‘string’


1 Positive offset at middle point

6 Plasticity 7.4

2 X vector 21.4

7 Damping 8.2

3 Z vector -14.3

8 Increased size of openings

4 Swapped offset points

9 Z vector 16.2

5 Z vector -14.3

10 Plasticity 7.4


CASE STUDY 02 | { The Seville Metropol } - Jurgen Mayer-Hermann


For case study 2, our group decided to study the definition of Structure in parametric design. After investigating one small algorithm, we gain a basic understanding of how algorithms work, and how designers use the engines to generate their desired outcomes. The Seville Metropol by Jurgen Mayer-Hermann is one of the innovative parametric designs that led to great public controversy. The structure is an interweaving waffle-like wooden panels rise from concrete base reinforces with steel, which are positioned in such a way to architecturally form canopies and walkways below the parasols. The aim of architect is to create a unique urban space with densely populated Seville. Inspired by the interior of local cathedrals, the structure is

like an open-version of them which is unfolding the context’s history to the public. The role of computation in this design is to generate a geometry according to the existing structures surrounding, with a precise figuration and calculation of the intersecting joints of wooden planes in the waffle. By generating an explicit structure with the help of digital technology, the design succemonstrate its creative use of materials and geometry which remarkably creates innovative urban spaces for humans’ habitation; it brings life and emotions to the city, as well as pristine experience and inspirations for people.

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Then we tried another way to try making a similar form.

We tried to use Lunch Box and the result is very similar. Since different panel patterns are available in Lunchbox, we decided to use it to start generating alternatives.

Since the structure is apparently made by intersecting curves (diagonally like a cross), we started off by the method of generating a grid shell. The result was quite satisfactory.

Loft the base surface (like a mushroom)


Generate geodesic curves by shifting points on curves

Assign a material


Species 1 Changing panel patterns in lunchbox

Species 2 Extrude panel instead of frame, and use string to hold them together 1 Square

6 Triangular A

1 Skew squad

6 Triangular A

2 Quad

7 Triangular B

2 Diamond

7 Triangular B

3 Diamond

8 Triangular C

3 Quad random

8 Triangular C

4 Quad random

9 Hexagon

4 Quad

This species can potentially result in interesting sturctures. Yet it fails to achieve many variables, since the extruded surfaces often intersect with each other. And the ‘strings’ supposed to hold pieces of elements togher require adjustment and various method to construct for different panel patterns. 5 Skew quad


10 Delaunay edges

5 Staggered quad


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