Working of renewable Power Plant Development Unfortunately world relies heavily on dwindling resources called as fossil fuels like oil, natural gas or coal for steady supply of energy. These resources are known as non-renewable sources but they require costly explorations. The price of gasoline is dependent on certain factors like availability and political strife that emerges energy crisis and escalates oil prices. In fact renewable energy is not susceptible on political events and can be locally produced to meet energy requirements. It is important to acknowledge that how the power plant development works to convert energy resources to electricity using sun, wind and water. The sun, wind, biomass and hydropower are renewable energy sources that produce energy via power plants and can be stored for later use. The renewable sources are constantly replenished by natural cycles and never run out; moreover they don’t cause solid toxic wastes that lead to hosting respiratory and other serious illnesses or pollution to damage our fragile ecosystems. The boom in solar energy usage has declined the strength of fossil fuels as the power stations are no longer profitable to operate these days. Renewable Power Plant Maintenance is low in costs as compared to fossil fuel generators. Geothermal energy is about producing electricity from the earth’s heat by using turbines that were earlier used in traditional power-generating stations. They use pipes that are buried deep in the earth and heat pump systems that consists heat pump, duct work and a heat exchanger. The heat pump removes heat from the heat exchanger and pumps that heat into the indoor air delivery system. The geothermal power plants use steam to drive turbines and turns on a generator to produce electricity. The turbines are akin to large propellers. The turbines are directly attached to an electric generator that contains a spinning magnet with coils of wire and when the magnet spins, the magnetic field is created and moves the electric current in the wire acknowledged as alternative current (AC). This electric current powers buildings and schools. Wind turbines also generates electricity alike 8 large nuclear power plants. Under the right conditions, a large wind turbine can generate up to 1.8 MW of electricity and contains many additional benefits as it is clean and renewable source and don’t’ release harmful gases like carbon dioxide or nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere. The wind energy is capable of producing electricity in remote areas that are not served by central power grid. The wind turbines are mounted on top of a tower to capture maximum energy with propeller like blades present on a shaft to form rotor. The turning shaft spins the generator to produce electricity and that is connected to mains power.