LockD Clips EN

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W E A R E T H E EX C LU S IVE LO C K D C LI PS DIS T RI B U T OR IN E U R O P E The mo s t a dv a nc e d c o mmu n i c a ti n g se l f b e l a y s y s tem on the market i s certi fi e d t o EN 1710 9 :2 0 2 0 a n d o ffe rs n u me ro us benefi ts for operators. In a ddit io n, t he l i g h tw e i g h t c a ra b i n e rs g u a rantee eas y handl i ng an d thus c lim bing f u n fo r yo u n g a n d o l d .

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A D VA N TA G E S F O R O P E R AT O R S Easy conversion of existing self belay systems to LockD Clips

Reduced number of components. Thus, fewer wearing parts and higher longevity Simply take over the annual inspection yourself: Exchange of wear plate & spring set - fast, easy and without training

Increased throughout due to easy handling

A D VA N TA G E S F O R Y O U R C L I M B I N G G U E S T S With only 760 gr, the slim carabiner is a real lightweight Simple, fast and safe handling for small, as well as large hands

COSTUMER REVIEW „The new LockDClips are much easier for children to handle, the carabiner is much easier to open and they are much lighter in weight.“ „The system is easy to use and is also well received by visitors, the guest feel safe.“

KristallTurm Safety & Service GmbH An der Bretonenbrücke 8 83661 Lenggries

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