Fitness Focus

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Priscila Prunella

NPC Bikini National Competitor & Fashion Designer

FF 1 2-9 10-12 13-16 contents

volume 1 No. 1 12 . 12

Fitness Focus Contents

Body Transformations: Fitness Success Stores Becoming Superhuman: 5 Exercisess You Can’t Live Without! Pritty Pri: Interview with Priscela Prunella



Fitness Focus is about setting & achieving goals.*

*as long as you are dedicated!


editor’s note .




{ i’m Kristen }

This is my fun fitness magazine focused on body building! The cover model is a South Floridan native.

Always remember:


A river cuts through a rock, not because of its power but its persistence.

IF they could do it...

Josh Black

Christina Clausen

who’s saying you can’t?




Why I Decided To Transform

I learned a lot about weightlifting and supplements from and joined a gym. My trainer said I I'm a business owner, wife, and mother of two. I am 4-foot-11 and should enter a bikini or figure was always fit until I had my first competition. I laughed, but entertained the idea. I went back to son. The day I gave birth, I and read about weighed more than 200 pounds. 21 months later, I gave birth to my competing. I thought there was no way I would ever get a body like that or find second son and weighed 185 the time. I stumbled onto body pounds. After the birth of my transformations and was amazed. If second son, I said enough is enough. I had to get the weight off those women could do it, so could I. so I could be around for my boys. So, I did.

I bought a pair of Nikes and started running for about a year. I ran 5ks and a half marathon. I felt like a million bucks crossing the finish line, but wanted more. I wanted to feel good in a bikini again. I lost weight, but my body shape didn't change. I started researching and came across

A friend with competition experience told me to get a coach. She gave me names, I found a coach, started the diet, prepared the meals, did the workouts, practiced the poses, and stepped on stage. My first competition was at the 2012 ABA Natural Illinois Bodybuilding, Fitness and Figure Championships. I took first place in Masters 35 and over, the overall in masters 35 and over.

My second competition was the NPC Fox Cities Showdown. I took second in open, which qualified me for nationals and The Arnold Classic in 2013. My third competition was the NGA Heart of America and I took third in open. It's an unbelievable feeling. Not only did I win trophies and qualify to compete nationally, but I walked on stage 100 pounds lighter than I was when I gave birth to my first son.

How I Accomplished My Goals I joined Team F.A.B, and with the help of my coaches Staci Boyer and Sandy Wiedmeyer, I was given the tools to succeed (diet and exercise plans). I took progress pictures every Friday and updated my coaches on my progress. The diet was the hardest part. I'm lucky to have a fast metabolism. There were days I just wanted to quit; it's easier to be fat. Then, I'd think about my kids and the pain of losing a mom. My mother died at 46-years-old. She was overweight and unhealthy. I made the decision not to follow in her footsteps. Once I made the decision, it became easier. With team, family, and friend support, I was unstoppable.


AGE: 30 HEIGHT: 4’11” WEIGHT: 200 LBS BODY FAT: 25%


AGE: 36 HEIGHT: 4’11” WEIGHT: 97 LBS BODY FAT: 11%

Josh Black



Why I Decided To Transform I've always been involved in sports in fashion. Wrestling and football were my passion growing up. In college, I got serious about lifting because I wanted to perform better in football. My philosophy was to consume a lot of calories and gain weight because I lifted large amounts of weight during my workouts. In 2005, my life was turned upside down. My father and older sister passed away and I went through a divorce within eight months. It all took place within the first year of my teaching career also. This was an extremely difficult time for me and my motivation for life was gone. I stayed out of the gym for a long time and became disgusted with myself.

My mindset in regards to training and fitness changed in June of 2011. A close friend recommended Kris Gethin's 12-Week Hardcore Trainer on I started at 240 pounds and 23 percent body fat. I set some personal goals for myself and jumped into the program full bore. I decided to make a change because I was unhappy with the way I looked and wanted to live a longer, happier life. I didn't want my life to be cut short like it was for my father and sister. I wanted to be around for my family and be able to lift weights and train with my four children. By the time the program was over, I lost 45 pounds and was down to 10 percent body fat. A month later, on the day of my first photo shoot, I was down to 182 pounds and 6 percent body fat. A few months later, I decided to compete in my first NGA natural bodybuilding competition and placed third. I'm currently training for my next show.

I've had success because the changes I made were permanent, not just short-term. I changed my lifestyle and the way I think and train. It doesn't matter how much weight I lift. I still lift as heavy as I can, but it's more important to me that my muscles are contracting and working on each rep.

want it to be different with my fitness goals.

I have to admit, there were many days I wanted to quit. I still have days where I have to talk myself into going to the gym. I think it's important to realize we all have those days. What sets you apart is taking it to the next level and not making excuses. BodySpace was a huge Since my transformation, I had many help for me to overcome those moments conversations with friends, family, of weakness. I reminded myself of the acquaintances in the gym, and end goal and looked to others who people on BodySpace. It feels good to inspired me. offer advice and share my story with others. It feels good knowing that I'm a regular guy who works a full-time job, has a wife and four children, and is able to find time in the gym. It doesn't matter what your background is, what you do for a living, or where you're from, you can be successful and reach your goals.


How I Accomplished My Goals The first measure I took was to put everything out there for people to see. I didn't want my transformation to be a secret. I told everyone I knew on social networks, at work, and in casual settings. I told people I'm going to transform my body and make major lifestyle changes to better myself. I'm an elementary school teacher who sets high expectations on my students. I didn't


AGE: 33 HEIGHT: 6’0” WEIGHT: 240 LBS BODY FAT: 25\3%









1. Start with feet shoulder width apart. 2. Lower hips until quads are parallel behind floor, keeping knees behind toes & chest up. 3. Drive through the heels until returning to standing. 4. Do 2-3 reps of 10-15 reps.

If you workout, and you don’t squat, then you don’t work out. A squat will strengthen your core, enabling you to do any other lift with more ease.

unless you can...

2 3

lunge. 1. Start with feet 6 inches apart. 2. Place one foot forward, distance it approximately half your body length. 3. Lower back knee until 1 inch off the ground, ensuring your front knee does not pass your toes. 4. Do 2-3 reps of 10 -15 on each side.

push up. 1. Start in plank position, with hands shoulder width apart on floor. 2. Holding your midsection & core tight, lower your chest until it touches the floor. 3. Push the floor until you return to starting plank position. 4. Repeat, do 10-15 reps, 2-3 sets.

4 5


1. Dead hang from a secure horizontal bar, with palms facing yourself. 2. Pull your body up until chin is over the bar. 3. Hold for 1 second. 4. Lower self in controlled manner. 5. Bring body back up and repeat. 6. DO AS MANY AS YOU CAN.

sprints. 1. RUN AS FAST A POSSIBLE. 2. recover and do it again, if you dare. * *make sure you warm-up & stretch to prevent injury.

The combination of strength, stability, & explosiveness is unmatched. This is what makes sprinters among some of the fittest athletes in the world.

Pritty Pri

Priscela Prunella National NPC Bikini Competitor, Personal Trainer, Fitness Model & Fashion Designer Please introduce yourself & tell us what makes you special?

Who is Priscela Prunella? Hello! I am a fitness model/competitor and personal trainer living in beautiful South Florida. I have a crazy busy life and I'm always on the go, but nothing keeps me from following a healthy eating and exercising routine. Not only do I take pride in always looking my best, but I also love helping other women achieve their fitness goals!

What is your personal policy (not what the judges want) about conditioning and muscularity when coming into a show? Soft or hard? I personally like a very well conditioned hard

Please tell us a bit about your family, look, however, I have to tone it down to get a friends and surroundings? good judgment on stage. I am really close to my mother who is the only family I have here in Florida, the rest of my family lives in Brazil. I have a close circle of friends and co-workers who are very supportive of my dreams.

How did you start competing in bikini? Both of my bosses were pro bodybuilders in the 80's, and that's were my passion for the sport began.

For the next shows what do you think you need to work on physique-wise/conditioning-wise? If anything! Well, I think with each competition you learn new things about your body and how to come out a little better. That's the beauty of it, there is always room for self improvement. For my next show I'm planning on toning down the quads a little, and the glutes.


W hat is your typical training routine in the gym (per day, include sets and reps!) How much cardio do you do before a show? I follow a 4 day training routine. Day1 Back and biceps. Day2 Glutes and Quads. Day3 Shoulders and Triceps. Day4 Glutes and Hams. For abs I pick one exercise per day and do 5 sets of 25 reps. For my upper body I keep my set range between 8-12 reps. For my lower body I keep my rep range between 12-18 reps. Normally I do 30 mins of cardio 5 times a week, but as I get closer to a competition I increase little by little, and by the last 2 weeks I do 1.5 hours 5 times a week.

What is your pre-contest diet? (per day, 1 week before the show) My diet changes very little the week before a show. 2 days prior to a show I start my water depletion and carb depletion. Yes, I carb deplete completely for 2 days prior to stepping on stage. I know it may sound crazy, but I've tried it each and every way and I found that this is what works best for me.

How do you go about dropping your water before the day of the show? How much water do you drink the day of the show. Please be specific. 36 hours prior to a show I start my water depletion process. And 24 hours prior I cut out my water almost completely, only taking small sips a few times a day.

What motivates you to train/diet and compete? Are there any competitors you looked up to? My biggest motivation are my clients, friends, and fans that always look up to me for their fitness motivation. How can I not want to always do my best when I have so many people that depend on me for motivation! My fitness motivation is a competitor from Canada, Julie Bonnett. In my opinion she has the ultimate physique!

Did you make any changes to your contest prep for your last show? Water intake, carbing up, etc... My last show was Nationals in November 2011 and I played around with my carbs a little, trying to see if I could deplete without coming out too flat. After deleting for 2 days, I had a nice little carb breakfast the morning of the show, and I think it worked out pretty good.

Do you have an athletic background? Gymnastics, soccer, volleyball or what? As a child I did a little bit of everything; swimming, gymnastics, ballet. And as a teenager I got into karate, volleyball and soccer. I am very competitive, that's why I love sports!

Pritty by Pri: Brazilian Bikinis What is a typical day in the life of Priscila Prunella? From waking up to until going to bed? In the morning I do an 'empty stomach' cardio session (2-3 times a week), have breakfast and then I'm off to work. During my lunch break I eat and then train a couple of girls before going back to work. After work I usually eat, get my workout session in, and do some cardio. Before I go to bed I usually spend about 30 mins to an hour on the computer running my business, answering emails, and doing some social media work. I have a hard time falling asleep, so I also try watching TV for a while before going to bed to relax my mind and slow down my thoughts!

What is your current occupation? Please tell us more about it, what do you specifically do in your job? I am the Manager/Administrator of a Wellness Center in Coconut Creek, Florida. We offer the best preventive health care in the area including: Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Massage, Acupuncture, Weight Management, Hormonal Therapy, Laser Hair Removal, Skin Rejuvenation. My job is to make sure everyone and everything runs smooth and efficient. I have been working there for 12 years. I also have my own business, I design and sell my own Brazilian bikini brand, PRITTY by Pri, look it up on facebook. Disclaimer: For educational purposes only, I am not responsible for the credit of the photos or articles resources.



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