HouseMaids’ Commitment to Excellence Sets Them Apart
When Sol O’Neill and her husband, Brian O’Neill, set out to start HouseMaids about 10 years ago they knew it would be a great adventure.
Sol always enjoyed moving things around the house, organizing and interior design. Brian had a lot of business experience, so the two decided to look for a business that could build on those strengths and passions.
“We saw a lot of opportunity in the housecleaning industry,” said Sol. The fact that they were surrounded by great people who were willing to help them start and grow their business also made a world of difference.
“We knew that we had all the tools we needed to start a great adventure,” said Sol.
Brian’s business expertise enabled him to set up the business to run smoothly so that Sol doesn’t need to sit in the office all day. This gives Sol the ability to go out in the field and check her employees’ performance and conduct estimates.
“Working with the employees and meeting and getting to know customers is my favorite part of the business,” said Sol.
HouseMaids offers wide array of services to meet every client’s needs from one-time cleanings for special events to weekly cleanings.
The mission of HouseMaids is apparent in the work they do everyday: “genuine care, above and beyond, with sincere thoughtfulness for every customer!”
O’Neill strives to provide outstanding customer service
and ensure that their customers are put first no matter what.
O’Neill believes that customers can easily sense that HouseMaids employees have a clear vision of the company’s mission which sets their housecleaning business apart from the competition and makes them a “leader of the pack.”
When starting your own business, Sol advises to follow your passion and never give up.
“Don’t listen to people who question your vision or ideas,” she said. “They will never get it, but for sure they will see your results!”
Is Stress ‘Eating Away At You?’ It May Be Time To
Stress. We all get it. It’s a part of life. Stress can be physical, and it can be emotional. But did you know stress can be both positive and negative? Stress that motivates us toward taking positive action or having positive thoughts is actually “good” stress. However, there is such thing as being too excited when your nerves try to keep up with your emotions, and that’s where the “bad” stress negatively impacts our bodies. Speaking of stress and your body, stress is also the hidden culprit behind the build up of toxins and acid in our body, which can cause all kinds of physical and mental illnesses.
According to Dr. Theodore Baroody, author of Alkalize or Die, acidosis is the basis of most diseases and illnesses. A body with too much acid is out of balance and can cause all kinds of digestive issues. For example, have you ever experienced bloating from gas or stomach sensitivities when you eat certain foods? That’s your body’s reaction to the presence of too much acid. The Problem WiTh Toxins in The body
Toxins affect the acid levels of all of our major organs including our heart, liver, stomach, lymphatic system, colon, kidneys and intestines. In his book, Dr. Baroody explains that our glands and organs function properly in exact proportion to the amount of alkaline and acid levels in our system. He also gives examples of the impact negative emotions have on the body. Here’s an excerpt from his book:
All negative emotions create an acidic environment. Have you ever heard anyone say you’re letting your problems “eat away at you” or “get the best of you”? Fear is the underlining cause of most disease. It will undermine your life and your health. Fear causes anger. Anger causes hate. Hate will consume you with continual suffering. Love and understanding cleanse and heal the body creating an alkaline environment within you.”
Oh dear! Nothing motivates me to let things go and “get over it” faster than knowing that the stuff has the power to ruin my health. I don’t want anything “eating away” at me…Do you?
de-Toxing To de-sTress
I know getting rid of stress from your life is easier said than done because no matter how hard we try to avoid stress situations, we simply can’t. For me, it helps to pause for a moment and remember that I am in control of my emotions. It also helps to meditate on scriptures and devotionals. It also helped me to do a cleanse so that I could remove toxins from my body and balance the pH in my body. As I shared a few weeks ago, I have been on a sugar and yeast fast for the past several weeks, and I’m telling you, it has made all the difference in the world! My mind is not foggy, my thoughts are clear and I know how to release emotional things that bother me so they don’t cause stress. My
body is also doing a much better job of digesting foods, which has cleared up my skin AND I’ve lost 15 pounds!
I’m not saying you’ll never be stressed again if you detox, but I am saying your body and mind will be more prepared to naturally handle the “stuff” life throws at you.
michele’s deToxing & de-sTressing secreTs
1.Prayer and Meditation. I turn to God as my source of spiritual and emotional strength. Nothing calms me down like the Word of God.
2.Cut out sugar and yeast. This was HUGE because my body doesn’t do well with too much yeast and sugar actually kept me from processing the breads and pastas correctly.
3.Exercise. Helped my body naturally move waste, fluids and chemicals throughout my system. Who knew working up a sweat was so powerful?
4.Drink plenty of water. Water is a natural detox and it helps keep you hydrated which also keeps you regular.
5.It Works Greens. Helped me to Alkalize and balance the pH so my body would stop producing so much acid.
6.It Works Confianza. Helped me keep my focus and energy level up, naturally. I didn’t realize it until I started the fast, but sugar withdrawals can be tough!
7.It Works Regular. It does exactly that: Keeps your colon Regular. :-)
8.It’s Vital Complete Nutrition Pack. I use this during the fast to make sure my body still gets the nutrients and minerals it needs that I may be missing by fasting from certain foods. If I do this fast again, I may not use this pack.
Well those are my secrets to clearing out the junk and living a happier, healthier, less-stress filled life! What do you do to de-stress? Whatever you do, just remember you don’t have to let stress control you. Punching something is always an option. And if it helps at all, just remember: STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS! And the sugar-free, gluten-free desserts are the best! Here’s to your stress-free life!
If You’re Human & You Know It, Eat A Snack!
Recently, I caught a glimpse of a brilliant commercial for a well known weight loss program. When the commercial started, I heard the familiar tune “If You’re Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands” but my mind was having a disconnect with the lyrics. “If your HUMAN and you know it, eat a snack!” I turned to look at the screen and spent the next 30 seconds chuckling.
I was instantly jealous of such an entertaining approach to bringing attention to their mission and the way many of us have been programmed to use food. Setting our dysfunctional relationship with food against a backdrop of the illusion of happiness while showing people in the act of shoving down their emotions with food. “Brilliant, well done!” I wanted MY logo at the end of that commercial!
We’ve all seen it and maybe even done it ourselves. It seems like a very human thing to do, indeed. But suppressing our emotions with food, is not hard wired. Your DNA does not require it. The behavior is learned. Why and how we do it is unique to every individual. Transforming it requires an equally individual approach.
When a client comes to me to lose weight, I help them understand that issues such as “Weight Loss,” are like a bouquet of balloons – each balloon representing a different aspect contributing to the larger issue. Aspects likes portion control, emotional eating, anxiety, safety, body image, negative self-talk, abuse, control, empowerment etc. Clearing those aspects, or even better, getting at the root of the bouquet, results in one very happy by-product . . . weight loss. That’s because baring diagnosed disease or disorder, medication or true metabolic dysfunction, client’s really do not have a Weight Loss problem. Our bodies know exactly how to return to a state of equilibrium -- to our ideal
body weight, when we give it the tools and the chance. When we release negative emotions, limiting believes, old memory and obsolete patterns of behavior driving us to eat the way we do, we resolve that relationship with the body and the relationship with food. This allows sensible eating programs to work wonders. A framework for how much to eat and a system to track metrics combined with Hypnosis to clear the why, when, how and to what extent you feel compelled to eat, lets your body get back to what it’s designed to do -- release the weight and thrive.
Of course, I never guide a client to any particular program or method, I always work within their framework and model of the world. But when they ask me to create a hypnotic programming recording that supports their specific sensible eating plan, to have commitment and consistency with the tools the program provides, I smile and clap my hands. Because I am Happy. Because I KNOW Hypnosis coupled with a smart sensible eating program works EVERY TIME.
If you haven’t seen the commercial, you can find it on YouTube. And if you really want to enjoy weight loss success, partner your effort with hypnosis and let’s clap together, because you CAN be human and do a thousand things (other than eat a snack) to celebrate it!
Read about hypnosis for weight loss on my website.