Women of Power Virtual Summit Leadership Directory 2012

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Women of Power Virtual Summit Leadership Directory Summer 2012 Powerful Women Teaching Powerful Lessons for the 1st Live, Virtual Summit for Women in Business

Women of Power Virtual Summit


owerful. Tenacious. Commanding. Persistent. Courageous. Brave. Daring. Determined. We are here10.4 million strong and growing.

We are also starting and building business faster than any other segment in the United States, with an estimated 10.4 million companies and growing. Women are leading and creating the trends in business, family, lifestyle and career. The Women of Power Virtual Summit was created to bring you lessons from some of the most POWERFUL women this side of the globe and further. Get an up, close and personal introduction and FREE 3 Days of Sessions! June 26-28th. We are innovating, taking risks and traveling the path of most resistance if only to touch the edge of our dreams, our destiny. Come to our FREE, Online, Live Summit, meet our speakers, ask questions, and open the door of collaboration with some of the best teachers in the world.... It was truly our please to offer you the first interactive, live, virtual conference with global participation, and speakers in every corner of the United States. We hope that you leave empowered, educated, inspired, and ready to take ACTION!

-Kristi L. Jackson MBA, Founder Women CEO Project


nnemarie Cross is a Brand Strategist, Money Breakthrough & Business Coach and supports women entrepreneurs in unearthing and communicating their inner brilliance (their brand) to the world so they can boost their credibility, visibility and hireability and finally get noticed, booked and paid what they’re worth. Working closely with heartcentered solopreneurs, through her 6-figure Breakthrough Secrets programs, Annemarie shows them how they can transform their hours-for-dollars coaching and consulting services into lucrative information products and programs so they can finally build a 6-figure (or more) business.

Anne Marie


POWER Platform

Boost Your Credibility, Visibility and Hireability with Social Media so you can Get Noticed, Hired AND Paid What You’re Worth! • The one biggest mistake solopreneurs make that can prevent them from building their credibility as a specialist in their field • Why it’s vital to build an authentic Signature Brand to ‘wow’ your prospects AND get paid what you’re worth! • 3 top ways to boost your visibility using social media • How to create powerful social proof to get you hired!

Bonus Tips! Despite all of the marketing and networking you’ve been doing, you still struggle to fill your sessions and programs, and you’re at the stage where you just don’t know what else to do. If the words ‘frustrated’ ‘confused’ and ‘exhausted’ describe where you’re at in your business – you’re certainly not alone. The great thing is that there is something you CAN do about it. Are you ready to leave your frustration, confusion and exhaustion behind?

Bonus for Women of Power Virtual Attendees Bonus 1 – Free Audio Series: Get More Client. 7 Steps to Get Noticed, Hired & PAID What You’re Worth INSTANTLY! This $247.00 course is our gift to you! Gain immediate access to our audios, transcripts & workbook HERE. Bonus 2 – Complimentary Business Breakthrough Strategy Session. Ready to breakthrough to a 6-figure (or more) business? Are you frustrated with your ongoing struggle to get more clients? Have you reached an income level that you just can’t break through despite all of the marketing you’ve been doing? Does having a 6-figure (or more) seem like an impossible dream for you? Like many of the service-based business owners I work with, you probably have amazing products and services, however no one really knows about you – right? You feel like the world’s best kept secret!

If you’ve answered the above question with a resounding ‘YES!’ then I’d love to invite you to join me in one of my private, laser-coaching Business Breakthrough Strategy Sessions. Resource - Articles:

10 Articles on how to build a Powerful Signature Brand. Resource - Podcast:

Weekly business related podcast for the ambitious entrepreneur looking to take her business to the next level.



helley Armato is the MySmartPlans champion; spearheading the introduction of the revolutionary technology into construction sites around the country. A fearless women’s rights advocate and dynamic public speaker, Shelley formed The Courage Coalition in 2011 to to help change the outlook of women in society. Shelley is an action-oriented, passionate advocate for her business, her family, and her community. POWER Platform

The Courage to Step up and Step Out



• • • •

Ask for What You Want Never take “No” For an Answer Identify Your Weaknesses and Hire Your Strengths Dream Big or Go Home

www.mysmartplans.com www.thecouragecoalition.com


sk any one in the professional beauty industry for one word to describe Rhonda Hicks, coowner/co-founder of Emages Hair USA Salon,EmagesBeauty.com and TheBestHairCareProducts.com and “innovative” is what you will likely hear. An innovator, entrepreneur and global visionary, Hicks was selected in the late 1990’s by Modern Salon magazine as one of the, “Top 75 Educators of the Millennium,”while Essence magazine-- the world’s leading fashion and beauty publication for women of color, simultaneously profiled much of her work in its “Millennium Hair Forecast” issue.

POWER Platform

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life • How to Create Diverse, Powerful Streams of Income • Getting your Thinking out of a Rut to Create Change • Breaking Your Past to Create Your Financial Foundation

www.EmagesBeauty.com www.TheBestHairCareProducts.com




ena West is the leading expert on how women entrepreneurs can monetize social media. She is also the Founder of the Influence Expansion Academy, the only social media training mastermind program created EXCLUSIVELY for women entrepreneurs.



POWER Platform

Your $3 Billion Opportunity: The ONE Hidden Fact that Changes Everything You Thought You Knew About Social Media • • • • •

Why you must understand the drivers to understand the game The billion dollar opportunity that awaits you...if you would only show up Why you only have a very short period of time left to really benefit The reason social media is so DAGGONE frustrating and how you can end overwhelm for good The step-by-step path you must take NOW to start making consistent money, instead of “sometime” money • How you can get the support, mentoring and accountability you need to expand your influence, explode your income and rock the world

Bonus for Women of Power Virtual Attendees Download my free report “ 76 Ways to Expand Your Influence, Explode Your Income & Rock the World”, here.

Bonus Tips! Get clear about what you REALLY have to say about your area of expertise. This is what makes the difference between standing around waiting for something to happen and being outstanding. Leverage your calendar ruthlessly. There should be a handful of people whose calls you’ll take anytime and a boatload of people who should always talk to your assistant. Period.



risti L. Jackson, MBA is an Award Winning Humanitarian and the Founder and CEO of Women CEO Project. This organization was created to meet the needs of women entrepreneurs at every level in their business, a more strategic way of thinking, planning, and growing her business. They do this by offering a curriculum of classes, trainings, seminars and events virtually and in person. Women CEO Project hosts over 50 events per year in Business, Social Media, Marketing, Business Planning, Strategy and Networking. Kristi is also the Publisher and a writer for Power Culture Magazine www.powerculturemag.com a digital resource dedicated to the Powerful Passions, Attitudes, and



Connections today’s business woman must make and have. She is the business columnist for SheNOW and she has also been featured in the Houston Chronicle, Houston Business Journal, African American News and Issues, Examiner, Girl Power Blog, Alive Magazine, SuperHuman Performance, AfriPro Journal, and MSNBC’s Your Business. POWER Platform

Bootstrap Your Biz to Success Using Hot Technology and Power Moves • • • •

How to do Effective, FREE, and Online Research of Your Market How to Create an Active, Actionable, Strategic Marketing Plan on a Limited Budget Techniques for Free and Easy DIY Marketing and PR How to Create Revenue Streams and Increase Expert Status

Bonus Tips! Download the ENTIRE Bootstrap Your Biz to Startup eBook here.

www.womenceoproject.com www.powerculturemag.com www.womenofpowersummit.com


elanie Gass wears the title of Microsoft’s Princess, and is the President and owner of worldwide computer-training firm CenterPoint Solution, LLC. Melanie teaches global employees’ time saving workday techniques, is an accomplished author of reference guides sold at retailers worldwide, and has a syndicated radio show.

POWER Platform

You really can look like a Fortune 500 company on a shoestring budget! Bonus Tips!



• Get your data from your phone. It will help when you need to make a change and send a file. • Buy a webcam and microphone if your computer doesn’t have one. • Deliver powerful webcasts to drive business and gain leads.

Bonus for Women of Power Virtual Attendees Get a free 30-day trial at CloudbyMicrosoft.com


Global Mastermind Circles High-Level Brainstorming. Peer-toPeer Mentoring. Break Through Barriers. Crush Obstacles. Want to be a part of a private group of business women who come together to with only 1 Goal in mind... to Catapult their career! 3 Private Global Mastermind Circles, 24 Seats.Only for Powerful Women who can make a Commitment to Success. Email here to get on the application list.

Deadline to Apply: July 15th


aNisha Rene is the CEO of LR Consulting Enterprise, LLC founded in 2008, specializing in Business Development, Strategic Marketing, and Public Relations. She is an industry leader, educator, and philanthropist in her community. LaNisha is also the creator and writer of business column “Life As An Entrepreneur� --- A business success guide for entrepreneurs. In 2009, she obtained her Bachelors in Business Management and her Masters in Business Administration in 2011. LaNisha develops plans and strategies that produce results. She has been referred to as a business stylist and game changer within the



business world of entrepreneurs. Her business strategy revolves around the need to provide quality services and business education to her various clients, providing clients with effective outlines, direction, goals, proposals, and deadlines that is reflective of her intended image and reputation. LaNisha has positioned herself as a quality service provider that strives to provide beneficial, accurate resources and techniques for entrepreneurs and small to medium size businesses to be successful with a mission to not only help her clients to progress with their business but to also leave with the knowledge that will help them to teach others.

POWER Platform

Strategies to Power Start Your Business the Right Way • The importance of the Business Entity You Choose • Why an Operating Manual Is Needed Important • Why Developing a Business Plan Is The Most Rewarding Process You Will Have In Business



onna Fisher is a marketing strategist, empowerment wordsmith, and author of 5 books on how to consciously connect and communicate to empower and inspire. She is inspired by having women connect with their own personal power, connect with each other to share their power, and connect with their communities to enhance our world.



POWER Platform

Using the Creative Power of Words to Empower Yourself and Others • • • •

Words carry energy. Your words choices influence your behaviors, beliefs and results. Upgrading just one word can shift how people relate and respond to you. Everything about you communicates.

Bonus Tips! Create a memorable, easily repeatable value statement. Decide what it is that you want people to say about you and your business. What do you want people to think of when they think of you? Make it easy for people to talk about you by giving them the words to say. Provide quality service, and most of all treat people with respect. Make sure respect is present in everything you do and say. Respect creates a feeling of honor which nourishes people at a soul level. Communicate your commitment to “respect” by the way that you speak; i.e. “We respect the difficulty you must face when . . .” “We respect your desire to . . .” Give people something great to talk about. Do something extraordinary that makes people automatically tell others. What can you do that will just naturally get people talking? Think of ideas for doing something extraordinary that gets people’s attention.



iffany Peterson is a seasoned Speaker and International Coach, guiding individuals, organizations, and audiences in creating thriving lives and business results. Before founding her own company, The Lighthouse Principles, Tiffany worked with and for many popular brands: Franklin Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the world famous Rich Dad, Poor Dad series, and Jack Canfield, creator of The Chicken Soup for the Soul series. POWER Platform

Increase Your Confidence, Increase Your Results


• Confidence is at the core of everything you’re either attracting or repelling in your business results. • The good news is that confidence is a Choice and confidence is a Habit, that can be learned and built upon. • Give 3 proven tips to help you overcome your limiting beliefs and build your confidence to create the life and results you desire.




escribed by some as a “walking Google�, Branding & Business Efficiency Strategist Tanya Smith is among the top rising professionals in online marketing systems. A gifted business strategist with a unique analytical style, Tanya’s step-bystep strategies and training products have helped hundreds of coaches, freelancers, and other service-based solopreneurs free up more time by using the internet to leverage their expertise, gain a broader reach, and dramatically increase their income. TanyaSmithOnline.com provides business consulting, coaching and digital products for solopreneurs to simplify their operations and stand out in a competitive online marketplace. POWER Platform

Take Control of Your Business Brand with Confidence





asavi Kumar, LMSW, MSEd, ACC is an expert in transforming the internal conversation that her clients have. She believes that true success begins with knowing who you truly are. Period. After battling with a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder for 10 years, and allowing that to define the perception of herself, Vasavi now knows one thing for sure...that only YOU can define YOU.



POWER Platform

How to Create an Epic Breathtaking Life...With Three Simple Words that are the True Secret to Your Success

Bonus Tips! Nothing can stop you from having what you want in your life; being who you want to be; and following your dreams. The company you keep will make or break how far you go in life. And by far, I am not referring to monetary success. I am talking about how far you expand as a human being, as a divine soul, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Only you, I repeat YOU can be responsible for the life that you lead. Breakdowns occur. Life is not about preventing breakdowns. It is about how you respond to them. Living a life of integrity, being your word, keeping your promises is the foundation that success is built upon. And last but not least, don’t let Self Help become Shelf Help. Whatever you are learning and whatever ah-has you are experiencing take action on it!

www.vasavikumar.com www.sourceofyoursuccess.com


athy Scott is the founder of Me and My 1000 Girlfriends, That’s Who! and the Women’s Party of America, both are focused on women’s issues as it relates to politics, home, work, family and parenthood.Her blog has earned accolades from many organizations, as she takes on the sad and ridiculous state of 21st Century women.

POWER Platform

The Story of Us: What Every Woman Should Know





mily Bennington is coauthor of Effective Immediately: How to Fit In, Stand Out, and Move Up at Your First Real Job. She is a frequent speaker on the topic of career success and has been featured on Fox Business, CNN, and ABC, as well as quoted in publications including the Wall Street Journal, New York Post, and Washington Post Express. Emily is a contributing writer for Monster.com and a featured blogger for The Huffington Post, Forbes Woman, and US News and World Report. POWER Platform

What the Most Successful Women DO Differently; Practical Advice for Rising Leaders • Analyze the different leadership styles of women • Dive into what it takes to be assertive without being “aggressive,” • Share nuggets of advice from top executives on how to build cohesive relationships in a multi-generational workforce. • What women really say about other women managers. • The skill women say is most lacking in the workforce today. • The five core competencies of leadership





usan Macaulay is a feminist, social ‘mediapreneur,’ writer, speaker, blogger, communications professional, life and public speaking coach, humble traveller, wannabe geek, sometimes rabble rouser, self-proclaimed amazing woman, and lover of funky eyewear. She’s the creator and curator of AmazingWomenRock.com, SheQuotes.com and several other websites under construction. She’s also a square peg in a round hole.



POWER Platform

Speak Up, Speak Out, Take the Stage! • Find your voice: yes, you do have something worthwhile to say. And if you don’t share it, you’re cheating the rest of the world out of your unique knowledge, wisdom and perspective! • Turn fear on its ear: tips and techniques to get rid of the presentation jitters. • Deliver like a pro: the not-so-secret secrets of getting your message across with power and panache.

Bonus Tips! Make it about the audience, not about you! Stay focussed on

the people who are really important to your presentation: the listeners! They’re the ones you should care about. If you pay more attention to the people in the audience, you pay less attention to your fear and anxiety. Remember: you’re goal should be to help them, that’s why you’re there to speak. So it’s not about you, it’s all about them. And keep in mind that the audience is on your side, they want you to to succeed! Remember, it’s “normal”. Most people, even the most experienced speakers, feel a

little anxious before speaking. It’s normal. We’re all in the same boat. And that means you already have something in common with most of the audience – they’re on your side, they want you to succeed and they don’t expect perfection. If the truth were known, they’re happy it’s you up there, not them!

Get Organized. Nothing beats preparation when it comes to overcoming fear of

public speaking. Give yourself plenty of time to think through every aspect of your presentation. Start with the audience FIRST, move on to what you want to say, then plan how you will deliver your material effectively. (For a no-fail, step by step approach, use my Bull’s Eye Model.


Present, Promote and Sell Yourself as an Expert Webinar July 18th! 6-8pm CT Think you need years to start claiming your expert status and get paid? NOT TRUE. You are already “Expert Enough”! Attendees will learn many strategies to project their “Expert Status” like: • Creative Writing Techniques and Placement for your articles and books • How to use Social Media to Brand You and Your business as a Leading Authority • How to Gain and Leverage Media Placements for

Maximum Exposure • Using Video for added Revenue • How to Present like a Pro and Leverage your Time • Much, much more...

Click here to register and Join us for this AWESOME Virtual Training- this is usually a PACKED webinar so grab your seat today!

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