FeelGood's Annual Report 2017

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movement with you! Whether you are a current OR someone simply interested in FeelGood’s ation starter. By sharing our work with you, we hare your questions and ideas with us. k you!

e. info@feelgood.org



Table of Contents Welcome Letter FeelGood 101 A Grassroots Movement The FeelGood Program The Commitment 2030 Fund Expanding our Impact Financial Statements In Pictures and Words Thank You, Investors and Volunteers! Contact Information

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Rachel (R) and Becky (B) with Changemaker Ignitors at FeelGood’s January 2016 training.

R Rachel Rubenstien, Acting Executive Director


About Becky & Rachel: Since their respective graduations, Rachel and Becky have played myriad roles in the FeelGood movement; Rachel as a staff member (Changemaker Ignitor, Chapter Development Lead, Program Director), and Becky as a volunteer - planning the Big Cheese and Hunger Summit events, leading FeelGood’s alumni program (FeelGood4Life), and serving on the Communications Committee.

Welcome Letter Dear Friends, As alumni of the FeelGood program, we’re honored to be serving the FeelGood movement as Board Chair (Becky) and Acting Executive Director (Rachel) during an exciting time when we’re transitioning from an organization to a movement. How? By:

* * * *

Revolutionizing our Board of Directors with an active team of students and alumni. Fostering a team of committed alumni to serve as Changemaker Ignitors (a.k.a chapter mentors). Broadening how we measure changemaker impact to include the vibrancy of engagement. Expanding our contribution by sharing our tools and methodology via Crew 2030.

Each of these shifts, which we expand on later in this report, reflects a commitment to what has always been most important to FeelGood’s success: the student voice. By bringing student leadership to all aspects of FeelGood, we’re unleashing the full potential of our student and alumni leaders to provide strategic direction movement-wide, and expand the definition of what it means to be an inclusive, transparent, and responsive organization. As we root ourselves deeper in these shifts, we’re amazed by the passion, creativity, and skill full-time students and professionals bring to this movement. We’re seeing ideas and creativity leveraged and ignited into tactical action plans, creating a financially right-sized organization that’s flourishing. We remain committed to the power of young people to bring about a world that works for all life, and we’re grounded in our organization’s values of grassroots leadership, responsiveness to the pressing needs of our planet, and FeelGood’s role in the broader movement galvanized by the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development. To this end, we’re thrilled by the expanded sense of leadership across the FeelGood movement, and we look forward to seeing how it continues to evolve in the coming years.

Rachel Hemmerstein Becky Bond Acting Executive Director Board Chair UVM FeelGood ‘10 Chestnut Hill FeelGood ‘12

“FeelGood is love in its purest and strongest definition. It’s love that starts with a love for a grilled cheese sandwich. Then, it expands to include love for the people making sandwiches alongside you. After that, it explodes, going on to reach everyone from dining hall workers to customers, EBoard members to advisors, new friends to close family members, eventually making its way across the country and the world. FeelGood didn’t shape my college experience; it built it. Last night, I worked my last deli, but it isn’t the end. I have a FeelGood family everywhere I go - here at Boston University, across the US, and all around the world.” ~Becca Young, Boston University FeelGood Alumna

Becca Young (left) and Laura Clymer (right) engaged in a trust building exercise.


A world that works for all life.


To end extreme poverty by 2030 through mobilizing the rising generation as global citizens and strategic changemakers.


We believe a world that works for all life is possible and plausible through partnership, not charity. We believe youth must lead the way.


We are a youth-led movement leveraging the power of social enterprise to mobilize resources, invite investment, and inspire public support for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, a global action plan for creating a vibrant collective future. Through hands-on training, access to investment capital, a dynamic online engagement platform, and peer-to-peer education we increase our skills and develop self-efficacy as leaders, global citizens, and strategic changemakers.


Students run non-profit social enterprises on college campuses across the country to raise money for the Commitment 2030 Fund and accelerate global momentum for the end of extreme poverty.


“I love FeelGood because as a 20-year-old in today’s society, I have realized that I need to create the change I want to see in the world. I am so driven to create a society that is fair and welcoming, and where everyone has equal opportunity to live a long and wonderful life. FeelGood is one of my best outlets to share my passion with others and educate other people my age about what’s going on in the world.” ~ Aubrey Redd Program Development Chair, FeelGood Board of Directors Chapter President & Co-Founder, West Chester University

Our Board of Directors In the summer of 2015, FeelGood revitalized and restructured its Board of Directors to include students and alumni—the very changemakers who’ve shaped, and continue to shape, FeelGood into what it is today. We’ve long maintained that FeelGood is a youth-led movement: and that we wouldn’t exist without the leadership of FeelGood students doing the important work of building community, fostering leadership skills, and raising money and awareness. Ensuring student and alumni voices are present on the Board of Directors is one more way we can fully embody our commitment to being youth-led. And with the creativity, commitment, and heart of youth at the helm, we position ourselves to realize our essential contribution to the end of extreme poverty by 2030: mobilizing the rising generation as global citizens and strategic changemakers.

FeelGood’s Board - and its related committees - are active in ALL aspects of what it takes to operate FeelGood. Partnering closely with staff and bringing the perspectives and insights from fellow students and alumni, the board steers FeelGood’s...










Our board structure is designed to anticipate regular turnover - it’s the only way to keep current FeelGood students engaged on the board. With two months for training and an annual in-person board retreat, board members are equipped with the connections, knowledge and tools to thrive.

2016-2017 Board Members

Becky Bond Board Chair Chestnut Hill College ‘12

Earl Pearson Vice Chair University of Pittsburgh ‘15

Aisha White Communications Chair University of Pittsburgh ‘14

Kristin Walter Development Chair Co-Founder

Prathana Kotagiri Secretary University of Michigan ‘19

Kate Mitchell Education Chair University of Vermont ‘17

Sarah Ganassa Community & Culture Chair Chestnut Hill College ‘17

Aubrey Redd Program Development Chair West Chester University ‘18

Justin Donahue Finance Chair Boston University ‘16

Amanda Salguero FeelGood4Life Chair Barnard College ‘15

Erin East Commitment 2030 Fund Chair University of Virginia ‘16

Amanda Carr Recruitment Chair University of Vermont ‘17

Our Changemaker Ignitors Changemaker Ignitors are crucial for nourishing and sustaining FeelGood chapters, playing the role of a dependable, responsive, supportive, and strategic cheerleader. Changemaker Ignitors, all alumni of FeelGood’s program, attend a full training at our annual Big Cheese Summer Institute, receive weekly supportive emails, attend monthly chapter support meetings, and meet regularly with chapter presidents throughout the year to support chapters in achieving their goals. They have access to a suite of curated resources, and - like students - they record the actions they’re taking on a weekly basis in Cheese World. We’re proud to say that the Changemaker Ignitor program not only enabled us to shift from 3 full-time staff members supporting chapters to just 1.5 full-time staff, but also gave us a new way to actively engage alumni. Through the program alumni are able to continue their engagement in the movement, build valuable relationships with student leaders, and share their own experience and perspective with our chapters. At the end of the year we asked students to evaluate the new Changemaker Ignitor program; they ranked Changemaker Ignitors as the most critical to their chapter’s success.

Thank you 2016-2017 volunteer Changemaker Ignitors! This year alone, you’ve invested 1,500 hours of your time and expertise nurturing the foundation of FeelGood: the chapter community. From left to right: (top row): Benjy Schechner, Jason Walter, Connor Spahn, Tim Baccaro, (second top row): Lauren Van Sicklin, Becky Bond, Emma Simon, Katie Kerrigan, Jesse Perez, (second bottom row): Celeste Calderon, Alissa Breindel, Bri Haneman, (bottom row): Dani Hoey, Chloe Kund, Iliana Mendoza, and Allyson Karnavas. Not pictured: Aidan Smith, Phil Morin, Peggy Snider, and Shahan Noorani - who joined the team after a separate Changemaker Ignitor training in January 2017.

In Their Words.... “The Changemaker Ignitor role is the most direct form of support we have as a chapter. The experience with our CI is tailored to our chapter’s goals, needs, and unique circumstances, which is super useful and comforting for us!” - Allison Russo, Boston University

“I loved our Changemaker Ignitor! He did a great job of balancing his relationship with us - letting us do what we believed was best while providing us with guidance as well. I never felt like he told us we couldn’t do anything, and he always listened to my frustrations and concerns when we faced challenges. He allowed us to grow as leaders, and added a level of fun.” - Gina Monteleone, Siena College


“FeelGood has empowered me to be an active participant in our global community while engaging with inspiring students in my own college community. It has largely defined my college experience and I credit so much of my personal growth to the individuals I have met through FeelGood.” Julia Correia Education Committee, FeelGood’s Board of Directors President, Boston University

Chapter Snapshot

FeelGood is a youth movement turning college into a time of effective global action. On campuses across the country, a community of students run a successful social enterprise—a grilled cheese deli— to raise money and build public support for the end of extreme hunger and poverty. In the process students gain critical business, leadership and teamwork skills that serve them throughout their lives. Every dollar raised by a FeelGood chapter is invested in the Commitment 2030 Fund: A select group of organizations working to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are a United Nations global initiative to eliminate extreme hunger and poverty by achieving an economically prosperous, socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable human presence on the planet by 2030.

“FeelGood has helped me discover my passion to DO GOOD in this world. It’s given me the leadership skills and the tools I need to BE a global citizen. FeelGood has inspired me to emulate that life for others.” ~ FeelGood student leader




FeelGood makes taking action for the end of poverty simple and systemic: raise money and explore the implications of living in an interconnected world.

Working in community with a shared vision and mission is the key to our sustained engagement and increased impact.

Students emerge from the FeelGood Program equipped with tangible 21st century leadership skills.

100% of chapters

On average, a FeelGood chapter is 24 people strong

have completed our strategic planning process

Students have volunteered

38,200+ hours

in the past 6 months!



has been raised since 2005 for the end of poverty

511 delis & events

were hosted in the 2015-2016 school year

of students identified feeling significantly empowered by FeelGood to mobilize their communities

72% of students are

committed to being investors in the end of poverty after college

50% of students plan to find a job related to ending poverty


of students complete our leadership training program

FEELGOOD’S CHAPTERS Boston University Bryn Athyn College Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Launchpad Chestnut Hill College Clemson University Columbia University Delaware Valley University Duquesne University Pennsylvania State University Rutgers University Siena College Skidmore College Stevens Institute of Technology Temple University Towson University Launchpad

UC Berkeley UCLA Launchpad UC Riverside UC Santa Barbara University of Guelph University of Illinois University of Iowa Launchpad University of Michigan University of Pittsburgh University of Vermont University of Virginia Washington and Lee University West Chester University Western Kentucky University

Cheese World Cheese World is FeelGood’s online community platform for students to access helpful resources, log essential actions, and connect with students across the movement. Since July 2016.... 4,597 actions completed. 286 active users. 57% of FeelGood students on Cheese World. 828,430 ($13,807) earned Cheese Points. Volunteering at the deli represented 25% of completed actions.

Attend a Chapter Meeting action logged 680 times. Cheese World and Cheese Points are ranked as the second and third most important resources FeelGood provides to chapters throughout the movement.

The Cheese World Platform is used to...

PROVIDE A ROADMAP FOR CHAPTER SUCCESS Actions are customized for each of FeelGood’s core leadership roles, giving each leader a roadmap to success for their specific role. The screen shot on the left is a roadmap for leaders of Launchpad teams.

EARN CHEESE POINTS USED TO SUPPORT A CHAPTER’S DEVELOPMENT. Chapters spend their Cheese Points - earned by completing actions - on new grills, knives, aprons, FeelGood stickers, Organic Valley coupons, compostable sandwich baggies, Square credit card processors, t-shirts, and gift cards to local businesses. Bottom line: they’re earning their Cheese Points, and they’re choosing to spend them in ways that will support their chapter’s unique goal.

SUPPORT CHANGEMAKER IGNITORS Each week our chapter support team has a new set of actions available to Changemaker Ignitors so that they can provide strategic and loving support to their chapters.

COLLECT NEW BADGES FeelGood has 35 badges on the platform to encourage exploration of FeelGood’s values, review of educational resources, celebration of enterprising activities, and completion of leadership position orientations. Our personal favorite? The “You Are Literally Neil deGrasse Tyson,” earned when you complete every available education and meeting resource!

GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER It’s no secret that the best part of FeelGood is getting to learn about what other people in the FeelGood movement are up to, what their stories are, and why they’re part of FeelGood. Students like and comment on each other’s actions, and can read through each other’s responses on the action feed.

SHARE WITH INVESTORS As part of our end-of-year fundraising campaign, we invited FeelGood investors to join us on Cheese World, too! Investors were invited to share their commitments for the 2017 year (investor action pictured on right), as well as witness first hand what students are accomplishing using Cheese World. If you’re an investor and you want to check out Cheese World, email us at info@feelgood.org.


Program This year we’re celebrating 6 years of partnership with Organic Valley, a farmer-owned company that provides product coupons to FeelGood chapters via our Cheese World platform. We also partner with them over their annual event: Earth Dinner. Taking place over Earth Week (around April 22), Earth Dinner is an opportunity to share a meal, examine our food systems, and discuss the interconnectedness of our agricultural system, climate change, hunger, and extreme poverty. Since our partnership began, FeelGood chapters have: Hosted 84 Earth Dinner events. Engaged 2,146 in examining our food systems. Raised $4,908.28 for the Commitment 2030 Fund.


INTERESTING FACT: We’ve distributed 2,665 Organic Valley coupons to chapters via Cheese World!

FeelGood’s Education Chair, Kate Mitchell (R), with co-founder Kristin Walter (L).

Elizabeth Yohannes, from Chestnut Hill College FeelGood, boldly representing! CHC has hosted five Earth Dinners! FeelGood’s Education Committee, led by Kate Mitchell, hosted Town Hall calls throughout the year to discuss a myriad of topics from the presidential campaign to member recruitment. Town Hall discussions are a space for FeelGooders - students and alumni alike - to engage in a dialogue, explore topics, and learn from one another in a safe space. The committee has also facilitated several Live Labs - where a host shares a certain expertise on a topic. Live Labs have been hosted by FeelGood staff, partner organization representatives, and board members. We’ve had calls led on effective leadership transitions, CHOICE Guatemala, fundraising from the heart, and campus hunger in honor of Hunger & Homelessness Week. Since the inception of the board, we’ve hosted 8 Live Labs and Town Halls. Engagement in FeelGood’s online offerings has increased with the use of tools like Facebook and YouTube Live.



Over the past 10 years, food safety laws, requirements, and policies throughout the US and specifically on college campuses have become more stringent, and a number of chapters and Launchpad teams’ ability to exist and thrive short-term or long-term has been compromised. In 2016, FeelGood responded to this reality by launching “Beyond the Grilled Cheese” – a student-led initiative to discover innovative, sustainable vehicles for raising money for the Commitment 2030 Fund while engaging people in meaningful dialogue. From care packages and grocery deliveries to events and online fundraisers, FeelGood students are innovating alternative fundraising strategies, leading to more resilient movement. For a break down of how chapters are mobilizing money for the end of extreme poverty, see below!




How do you learn about all 17 Sustainable Development Goals without issue fatigue? Speed dating of course! The SDG Speed Dating session - where participants chose one goal to learn and share speed dating style - was a highlight of Big Cheese 2016. The Big Cheese is FeelGood’s annual, landmark leadership training intensive. Immersed in an environment imbued with the spirit and principles of the FeelGood movement, students and alumni join with our Commitment 2030 partner organizations to: Reconnect with and deepen their relationship to the movement and its mission. Develop their leadership and team-building capacities as changemakers for the end of extreme poverty. Learn about—and be inspired by—the work of our Commitment 2030 partner organizations. Set goals and begin planning for their on-campus social enterprise. Experience the joy of working with a community of people and organizations committed to the wellbeing of all life, and that together have global reach and global impact! This year we’ll be hosting our seventh Big Cheese Summer Institute in Bryn Athyn, PA. For the second year in a row, student leaders throughout the movement are taking the lead: developing the schedule and content, managing guest speakers, inviting students from across the movement and other organizations, and handling all of the logistical elements that go into planning a multi-day event.




We firmly believe that to be a successful movement - one that invites the voice and leadership of everyone invested in our work - transparency is essential. Since January 2017, all regularly scheduled board meetings are broadcast live via YouTube (Screenshot from our January 8th, 2017 Board Meeting above). Anyone can listen in live and ask questions, or people can watch later! Additionally, we now post public meeting minutes on our blog.

FeelGood’s alumni association, FeelGood4Life (pictured above in San Francisco, CA), is setting up Hubs in five cities across the country where we have a critical mass of alumni. FeelGood Hubs provide a community for alumni to have fun, support each other in their personal and professional journeys and stay engaged with the movement. And with FeelGood4Life’s efforts to revolutionize our alumni database of our jet-setting alumni, opening Hubs in more cities is just beyond the horizon! Email fg4l@feelgood.org to get connected with your peers!


“I love FeelGood because I find great inspiration in watching the world change itself for the better, and FeelGood is involved at every step of this process. Last summer, I had the opportunity to travel to Ghana with our partner organization The Hunger Project as a representative of the FeelGood movement. I was able to see first hand the projects, business ventures, and education initiatives that FeelGood’s efforts help fund. There’s real progress being made as a function of our grilled cheese sandwiches, and I use that as constant motivation to throw another one on the grill! “ ~ Lauren Taber Education Committee Member, FeelGood’s Board of Directors Co-President, UC Santa Barbara

FeelGood is...

A Pledge

OF SUPPORT FOR THE GLOBAL GOALS: a landmark global consensus that eradicating extreme poverty is essential for our collective wellbeing, and achievable by 2030.

Without ending hunger, we cannot build peace & prosperity; without peace and prosperity, we cannot solve our environmental crises; without solving our environmental we cannot survive.

15 FeelGood students from five chapters self-organized to declare our support for the Global Goals at the United Nation’s official signing in September 2015.

At the heart of everything we do is the work of our Commitment 2030 Fund partners: The Hunger Project, CHOICE Humanitarian, Water For People, and The Pachamama Alliance. We are motivated by their work, and grounded in their deep commitment to a world free of extreme poverty. All Commitment 2030 Fund partner organizations align themselves with the UN’s Global Goals to end extreme poverty in all of its forms by the year 2030. Additionally, what distinguishes our partner organizations is that they employ these five best practices essential for successful, sustained results: Mobilize self-reliant action at the grassroots level. Effectively address the social condition of gender inequality. Forge partnerships with local governments and organizations. Embrace environmentally sustainable practices. Have a proven track record of a cost-effective model for unleashing self-reliance. IMPORTANT FACT: 100% of the money raised by FeelGood chapters is evenly distributed amongst our four Commitment 2030 Fund partners.

Partner Highlights

Here’s a little bit of what our partner organizations have been up to recently. For more information on their work, we invite you to visit their respective websites by clicking on their logos.

The Kiruhura Epicenter in Uganda, along with 9 other epicenters across Africa, achieved “sustainable self-reliance” in 2016. The Epicenter Strategy is a holistic approach that serves 5,000-15,000 people from nearby villages. The community center - or epicenter - is a space designed to meet the basic needs of each individual. The Kiruhura Epicenter has a Women’s Empowerment Index score of 78 of 100 points (one of the highest!), What’s more...100% of women are receiving at least one antenatal appointment, 65% more people were aware of their HIV status (since a study in 2013), poverty was reduced by 75%, and 37% of households have a business outside of agriculture.

We recently joined the Pachamama Alliance in celebrating their 20th anniversary! Pachamama’s Jungle Mamas program - which provides training to local health providers to support women through pregnancy and child birth - now reaches 64 of 89 Achuar communities in Ecuador. Additionally, 65 Achuar women have been trained as Community Maternal Health Providers, 1,000 Safe Birth Kits have been distributed since the program began in 2006.

Water for People is taking partnership to the next level. Along with WaterAid, AguaConsult, and International Rescue Committee, they maintain their commitment to “water for everyone, forever.” The four organizations have formed Agenda for Change (A4C) to promote universal access to sustainable, quality water and sanitation services. According to Water for People’s annual report, “A4C aims to shift the way agencies in the WASH sector do their work so that our collective development efforts truly build toward a world without water and sanitation poverty.” We’re proud to partner with an organization that not only recognizes the importance of partnership, but acts on it too.

CHOICE Humanitarian partners with Days for Girls in 6 of its 7 partner countries. Days for Girls is committed to providing girls with access and knowledge to support them as they begin menstruation. Days for Girls provides menstruation kits with supplies to last over two years, and education on how to use the kits, on self defense, and self worth. FeelGood student Marissa Carranza - who is spending her spring 2017 semester in Guatemala with CHOICE- supported the Days for Girls program by translating the lessons from English to Spanish (and a friend translated from Spanish to Q’eqchi - the indigenous language in Sikaab’e). Marissa reflected on her experience by saying, “I had heard about Days for Girls before and knew what the initiative was, but standing in front of a group of over 60 women giving the lesson was amazing. I was able to talk to women in small groups and show them how to use the kits, answer any questions, and laugh with them at the discomfort of some of the topics. Things like this really remove cultural barriers and remind you that we’re all a lot more similar than we sometimes imagine.”


“I love that through FeelGood, I feel like I’m a part of a small community but also connected to the world. Along with that, I can express myself creatively through simple things like making a sign for the ‘Sammie of the Week.’ It’s given me the chance to do what I love while also giving my time for others.” ~ Erika Torres Deli Manager, University of Vermont

Crew 2030 In the spring of 2015, funding was secured to launch an independent initiative, called Crew 2030, to expand our impact by sharing key elements of the FeelGood model with other youth organizations. With great success, Crew 2030 is expanding under the FeelGood umbrella, offering our youth engagement tools and methodologies to other youth-focused organizations, free of charge, for one year. Our goal is simple: help each organization expand and deepen their work so that there are more changemakers empowered and equipped with the skills, perspective, and community necessary to heal our world. We are two years in, and are proud to share that Crew 2030’s support is strengthening and deepening the programs of the 19 organizations we partner with. Collectively, we are reaching 30,000 youth each year in 45 countries (pictured in the map below). The issues being tackled include: global poverty, local hunger and homelessness, at risk youth outreach, the national debt, Middle East peace building and conflict resolution, Asia-US relations and cultural exchanges, the future of food and agriculture and rural development. All with a spirit of global citizenship and equipping youth with leadership, empathy and teamwork skills.

Ashoka Youth Ventures Campus Kitchens Challah for Hunger Enjoy Volunteering Euphrates FeelGood Millennium Campus Network

Movement of Youth Nourish International Simply the Basics Swipe out Hunger TFF Ambassadors TFF Bootcamp THP Bangladesh

THP Mexico Up to Us (Net Impact) VIA Programs Your Big Year Youth Build

“The Crew 2030 community has been a huge support for us as we plan for future years. With the guidance and conversations [with the community], we decided to focus on a more open and collaborative Challenge, rather than a competition. We have also formed some partnerships with other Crew organizations to help with promotion, knowledge sharing, and recruitment.� ~ Jared Yarnall-Schane, Thought For Food Challenge

In November 2016, the Crew 2030 staff facilitated the inaugural retreat for Crew 2030 grantees (pictured above). The retreat was a time of deep connection, listening, learning, and relationship building. What emerged was a sense of community and collaboration grounded in trust and a shared sense of purpose: empowering young changemakers to create a world where all life can thrive. We also prioritized the following five areas of collaboration, the implementation of which is being facilitated by the Crew 2030 staff during the 2017-2018 school year: 1) joint fundraising, 2) shared PR, 3) cross-recruitment initiatives, 4) shared strategies for alumni engagement, and 5) and programmatic sharing.


“FeelGood has completely changed my life by empowering me to actively take part in positively changing our world. Before FeelGood, I wanted to do something, but wasn’t sure how. Now I’m part of a network of people supporting each other and working toward a more sustainable and just future. And that is truly beautiful.” Paige Bradford Marketing & PR Chair, UC Santa Barbara

Financial Dashboard: Year Ending June 30, 2016 INCOME Individual Donors Corporate Matches Foundation Grants TOTAL $









97,698 39,000 355,000 491,698



PROGRAM $ Program Staff Big Cheese Cheese World CI Training Board Development Chapter Recruitment Alumni Platform Global Goals Event Chapter Recognition

265,821 187,650 34,629 21,897 6,923 5,609 2,924 2,500 2,136 1,552

OPERATIONS & ADMIN $ Payroll & Related Expenses Team Building Administrative

32,069 28,000 1,735 2,334


3,546 3,546 301,437


Chapter Contributions Big Cheese Fundraising Campaigns and Individual Donors TOTAL INCOME $

DISTRIBUTIONS* The Hunger Project CHOICE Humanitarian Pachamama Alliance Water For People TOTAL DISTRIBUTIONS $

88,496 2,000 1,194 91,690

24,085 22,680 22,517 22,409 91,690

*Some of the money distributed in FY16 was earned before the decision to evenly distribute Commitment 2030 Fund money was made.

Consultants Education Intensives Other Platform TOTAL CREW 2030 EXPENSES $

122,705 550 3,109 2,539 29,399 158,301

TOTAL OPERATING SUMMARY Income Expenses Net Operating Income $

491,698 459,738 31,961

FeelGood + Crew 2030 Financials: Because Crew 2030 is an independent initiative within FeelGood, we have separated FeelGood and Crew 2030’s expenses in the financial statement above.

We’ve Rightsized our Budget

Beginning in the fall of 2015 we began a process to rightsize our budget. Before then, we’d been hiring staff and raising funds to support a program serving at least 50 active chapters raising $300,000 a year. In reality, however, we were (and continue to be) a movement of 25 chapters, with modest growth, raising an average of $80-100K each year. Our commitment to reduce our budget while maintaining the value of our program has resulted in an amplified ability to co-create and partner with FeelGood students and alumni. Without this pressure we wouldn’t have the robust Board of Directors, committee teams, and the Changemaker Ignitor support network we do today.

$1 In, $1 Out...

In our 2013 annual report we discuss the concept of $1 in, $1 out - a goal we were working towards where every $1 invested in FeelGood’s program yielded $1 invested in the end of extreme poverty. In other words, FeelGood chapters would be raising money for the end of extreme poverty equal to the amount of money FeelGood was raising to run our program of empowering and equipping a generation of changemakers. While we’re still motivated by this vision, we’ve realized that: By focusing solely on the amount of money raised for the end of extreme poverty, we’ve been missing the vibrancy of everything else that’s happening within our movement. As we continue to co-create with students, we must celebrate boldly and strongly the reality that every action they take matters. It sells short the value of our program. Beyond their FeelGood college experience, these students will continue to be leaders on our planet. Our program not only gives them an outlet to take immediate action, it invites them to acknowledge the interconnectedness of our world, to develop critical leadership and business skills, and to truly understand the power of community. So, our impact is twofold: we are ending extreme poverty AND we are empowering changemakers.


“FeelGood has contributed so much to my life as a young adult trying to navigate my way through this big world and find my space. What I’ve gained from my connection with this organization is a network of like-minded and -hearted individuals who are in pursuit of a world that works for everyone and a world that we leave better than when we arrived!” ~ Chloe Kund Bryn Athyn College ‘14

“Everyone in FeelGood is passionate about what they do. Knowing that I am a part of this community makes me feel like I can make a positive difference on a global scale.” ~Kevin Santiago University of Guelph ‘18

“I joined FeelGood because it gave me the opportunity to make a huge difference with simple actions. I believe that everyone in the world has the right to life opportunities enabled by financial and food security, but global poverty is a very daunting issue to address. A club like FeelGood makes the issue accessible.” SaraJane Harrington University of Vermont ‘17

“I love that FeelGood puts resources into the hands of its excellent global partners—organizations I would feel good donating to directly—but in the process, it also equips and inspires young people to be effective changemakers. The impact is immeasurable.“ Lisa Langberg, FeelGood Investor

“Finding the FeelGood community has been the biggest blessing. FeelGood has taught me love, compassion, leadership, and problem solving skills. FeelGood has taught me more about myself than any other journey I have encountered. FeelGood has given me a voice, but most of all it has given me a family.” Sarah Ganassa Chestnut Hill College ‘17

FeelGood has given more to my life than any other experience. Thank you, FeelGood, for existing. And thank you to all FeelGood students for stepping up in working to create a world that works for all life. I am eternally inspired by you! Peggy Snider University of Vermont ‘11


We are deeply grateful for the support of each of our FeelGood investors. Without you, none of what we do would be possible! On the next page, you’ll find a list of everyone who invested in FeelGood, Crew 2030, or the Commitment 2030 Fund during the 2016 fiscal year (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016). Money to FeelGood, Crew 2030, and the Commitment 2030 Fund is invested via FeelGood’s 501(c)3.

FeelGood Investors Below, you’ll find a list of everyone who invested in FeelGood, Crew 2030, or the Commitment 2030 Fund during the 2016 fiscal year (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016). Money to FeelGood, Crew 2030, and the Commitment 2030 Fund is invested via FeelGood’s 501(c)3.

Up to $999 Alvert Social Investment Foundation Donna Ames Doreen Adger Jo Anne Altmyer Rick Anguilla Thomas Anguilla Martha Arellano Alchera Ayyad Tim Baccaro Micaela Bartash Liz Batsford Virginie Baynes Emily Beacham Kern & Amy Beare Anna Beeghly Kevin Bogaert Leslie Borow Brian Hulbert & Denise Boucher Alissa Breindel Robert Stansfield & Penelope Bussell Chryste Cada Kelly & Robert Cada Len Cannarozzi Jill Capozzoli Bridget Carle Marissa Carranza Ellyn Caspero Nancy Cathey Nancy Chan Amanda Childs Jennifer & David Childs Amy Childs Tom & Gini Clayton Marvin & Wendy Clymer Alanna Coby Annis Steiner & Ryan Cole Melissa Collins

Nicholas Collins Colleen Connell Julie Connor Ellen & Fred Connor MaryRose Walko & Laird Cooper Garth & Bronwin Cooper Heidi Cory Laurie Creed Ann Davidson Lynnae Hyatt & Chad Duffalo Chris Dunham Erin East Kevin East Cindy Edmonds Michelle Edwards Julia Elrath Samantha Ethridge Bamford Family Susan Fancy Karen & Alan Farkas Mary Walto & Jim Fernberger Eric Fitzpatrick Walter & Mary Fitzpatrick Maura Fleming Sammie Flynn Donna Flynn Holly Forsberg Taylor Fote Lorraine Freedman Angie Fu Sarah Garvey Simma Rosner & Lane Genzlinger Juan Gil Jill Gleim Julia Glenn Mary Glenn Derrick Greer Mira Yardumian & Lewis Grubb Mary Grubb

Monica & Keith Gruber Daniele Guest Paige Gunning Princell Hair Rachel Hair Michelle Hansen Stacey & John Hayes Tony Flynn & Mary-Lynn Hedison Wendy Heilesen Rachel & Alex Hemmerstein Talis & Dylan Hendricks Michelle & Jasen Holley Kathy & Duane Huff Dana Huttlin Anders Hyatt Antonio Ierardo John & Patricia Irvine Hyland & Beth Johns Sarah Joor Catie & Kevin Junge Commonwealth Investment Management Group Allyson & Joe Karnavas Dave Keith Christiana Kern Kate Kester Nicole King Corin Kleinbrah Ellen Korey-Lie Katherine Kraft Joseph & Barbara Kresse Janet Krettek Richard & Helene Kund Chloe Kund Tricia & Grant Laine Lisa & Josh Langberg Lauren Lauher Jay & Jim Lavoie

Mary Layman Kerri Lembo Jay & Kaye Lermitte Jon Lester Connor Spahn & Cecelia Lie Joseph & Jill Lindsay Evelyn Little Johanna Lou Terri Ludwig Thomas Luerssen Diana Luks Sarah Lundgren Dwight McKee Caitlin Mendenhall Sally Mennen Margaret & Philip Mergen Ellen Miller Olivia Miller Tom & Christine Mitchell Samantha Mitchum David & Cathy Moison Ellen Murphy Tara Nair Laura Nash Taryn & Tom Novellino Thor & Megan Odhner Philip Orlando Joy Otih Clare Pacelli Makayla Palazzo Joseph Panzarella Nadia Patino Jesse Perez Thom Peters Corin Blanchard & Chris Pino Martha & Duncan Pitcairn Pong Qi Adrienne Frazier & Chris Raynor Kelly Reichert Shea Repins Gwen & Edmund Rhodes Bradon & Lillian Rice Laura Riley Robert Roller Kristin King & Jonathan Rose Lewis & Gretchen Rubenstein

Sheila Rubin Amanda Salguero Erik & LynnDel Sandstrom Alan & Lee-Anne Savin Troy Schaetzle Matthew & Cynthia Schell Veronica Schindler Cheryl Schneider Jean & Joe Shia Nate Shiner Leah & Shrad Shukla Valerie Slott Leonor Snow Caley Spahn Karen Spahn George Church & Kathryn Stein Gail & Edwin Steiner Cait Steiner Marshall Stoneham Katy Stover Danielle Strassman Spring Silverman & Josh Stryak Nicole Sundell OPEIU Local 1937 Karin Synnestvedt Jesse & Amy Synnestvedt Catherine Tornabene Agnes Tsui Virginia & Ted Volin Jennifer Volin Ashley Walsh Minerva Walz Zelda Wanstok Allison Williams Barry & Jeanne Wolfson Daniel Yamane Volunteers in Asia Yulia Yukina $1,000 - $4,999 GAP Inc (via corporate match) Lynn Genzlinger Shar & Rekha Govindan Barbara Groner The Mary Murrill Oakes Family Private Foundation

PG&E Corporation Foundations (via corporate match) Pong Qi Deborah & Carl Rubenstein Sharon and Carl Spaulding Gary Tennis Kara Tennis Jason & Lauren Walter Joseph Herr & Kristin Walter Jim & Barbara Whitton $5,000 - $14,999 Microsoft (corporate match) Susan Asplundh Salesforce Foundation (corporate match) Sarah & Gareth Walter Travis & Stephanie Walter $15,000+ Anonymous Barry & Therese Bentley Goldman Sachs (corporate match) Keith & Rene Bentley Ray & Terry Bentley Malcolm Walter Jordan & Ashley Walter

FeelGood’s Volunteers BOARD OF DIRECTORS

In addition to the 2016-17 board members acknowledged earlier in our report, we’d also like to thank FeelGood’s 2015-16 Board of Directors for their time, creativity, and commitment - with it our current board has a strong foundation to continue to evolve and expand as a movement. Our 2015-16 board was comprised of the following individuals:

Corin Blanchard, Board Chair FG Managing Director* Kristin Walter, Development Chair FG Co-Founder, UT Austin ‘05* Nick Guarriello, Secretary Stevens Institute of Technology ‘14 Taryn Novellino, Finance Chair University of Vermont ‘07 Aisha White, Communications Chair University of Pittsburgh ‘14 Mary Glenn, FeelGood4Life Chair Barnard College ‘13

Angelika Kurthen, Community & Culture Chair University of Michigan ‘17 Becca Young, Program Development Chair Boston University ‘16 Erin East, Commitment 2030 Fund Chair University of Virginia ‘16 Kate Mitchell, Education Chair University of Vermont ‘17 Earl Pearson, Recruitment Co-Chair University of Pittsburgh ‘15 Eric Fitzpatrick, Recruitment Co-Chair Stevens Institute of Technology ‘15

*Non-voting board members


The Board of Directors is supported in their work through dedicated board committee members. Committee members are FeelGood students and alumni representing 16 different chapters, as well as partner organization representatives and former FeelGood staff members. They partner with board members to innovate, develop content, execute plans, and foster an inclusive environment. Below is a list of dedicated volunteers who have served as committee members between 2015-2017. Vicky Andersen Chelsea Babey Supriya Banavalikar Kern Beare Ashwini Bhide Becky Bond Olivia Cannarozzi Bridget Carle Marissa Carranza Ferrell Carter Julia Correia Sammie Flynn Darcy Glenn Hayley Golub Yasmin Goodman

Daniele Guest Rachel Hair Tori Hallstrom Anna Hargett Marisa Hurlbert Shannon Kelliher Chloe Kund Mayan Mehta Gina Monteleone Katy Mullins Shahan Noorani Christine Nolan Nina Orlando Megan Porter Pong Qi

Amanda Salguero Kevin Santiago Veronica Schindler Joe Schell Aidan Smith Danielle Smith Lauren Taber Alley Thomas Erika Torres Lauren Van Sicklin Jill Walsh Sarah Walter Zelda Wanstok Becca Young


The role of Changemaker Ignitor is crucial for nourishing and sustaining our FeelGood chapters. Each volunteer listed below directly supports 1-2 FeelGood chapters. Changemaker Ignitors are all alumni of FeelGood’s program, and together represent 17 different chapters. Tim Baccaro Hanna Beckman Becky Bond Alissa Breindel Celeste Calderon Laura Duane Bri Haneman Dani Hoey Ally Karnavas

Katie Kerrigan Chloe Kund Cecelia Lie Christina Maples Phil Morin Shahan Noorani Jesse Perez Emma Simon Benjy Schechner

Leah Shukla Aidan Smith Peggy Snider Lauren Van Sicklin Jason Walter Becca Young Carlos Yugar Shannon Zandee


We’ve hosted our past two Big Cheeses in Bryn Athyn, PA, where we are fortunate enough to have a strong base of support. The loyal volunteers listed below were integral to the success of our Big Cheese - providing exciting content, fun activities, delicious snacks, airport/train pick-ups, the comfort of their homes, and so much more. Without them, the Big Cheese wouldn’t have been possible! McKenna Acton Allways Cafe Be Well Bakery Bronwin & Garth Cooper Jency Cooper Luke Frasier John & Jill King

Lynn-Ellen King Nicole King Chloe Kund Diana Luks Laura Nash Rob Nash Marth & Duncan Pitcairn

Serving on a board committee can be a lot of fun:) As demonstrated here by our Commitment 2030 Fund partner representatives: Supriya Banavalikar, Vicky Andersen, Yasmin Goodman, and Veronica Schindler.

Ivy Silver Spring & Josh Stryjak Babs Stryjak Serena Sutton Gail & Edwin Steiner Len & Libby Traubman Malcolm Walter

GET IN TOUCH! 351 17th Avenue San Francisco, CA 94121 info@feelgood.org feelgood.org /feelgoodworld @feelgoodworld

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