How to Earn the 250-445 Administration of Symantec Email - v1 Certification on Your First Attempt?
Earning the Broadcom 250-445 certification is a dream for many candidates. But the preparation journey feels difficult to many of them. Here we have gathered all the necessary details like the syllabus and essential 250-445 sample questions to get to the Administration of Symantec Email - v1 certification on the first attempt. PDF 1
250-445 Email Security Cloud Administration Summary: Exam Name Administration of Symantec Email - v1 Exam Code 250-445 Exam Price $250 (USD)
Duration 90 mins Number of Questions 65 75 Passing Score 70% Books / Training Email Administration R1 Schedule Exam Pearson VUE Sample Questions Broadcom Email Security Cloud Administration Sample Questions Practice Exam Broadcom 250-445 Certification Practice Exam
Let’s Explore the 250-445 Exam Syllabus in Detail:
Topic Details
Overview of Email
- Understand the basic functionality, purpose, and benefits of Symantec Email
Protect Inboxes from Malware and Spam
- Ability to describe the basic functionality, purpose, and benefit of the anti-spam and anti-malware features of the Symantec Email offering.
Ability to conflgure Anti Spam and Anti Malware within Symantec Email
- Ability to describe the basic functionality, purpose, and benefit of the data protection features of the Symantec Email offering.
Prevent Accidental and Deliberate Data Breaches
- Ability to configure Data Protection within Symantec Email
Ability to describe the basic functionality, purpose, and benefit of the Email Impersonation Controls within the Symantec Email offering. Ability to configure Email Impersonation Controls within Symantec Email PDF 2
Topic Details
Ability to describe ad configure Image Control within Symantec Email
Help Meet Compliance and Privacy Requirements
- Ability to describe the basic functionality, purpose, and benefit of Policy Based Encruption within the Symantec Email offering.
- Able to provide a basic description of TLS technology
- Able to configure TLS ClientNet Able to configure policy based encryption ClientNet
- Ability to describe the basic functionality, purpose, and benefit of Click-Time Protection within the Symantec Email offering.
- Ability to configure click-time within Symantec Email
Ability to describe the basic functionality, purpose, and benefit of Cynic within the Symantec Email offering
Protect from Advanced Persistent Threats
- Ability to configure cynic within Symantec Email
Ability to describe the basic functionality, purpose, and benefit of Data Feeds within the Symantec Email offering.
- Ability to describe the basic functionality, purpose, and benefit of Phishing Readiness within the Symantec Email offering.
- Ability to describe the basic functionality, purpose, and benefit of Threat Isolation within the Symantec Email offering.
- Ability to describe the basic functionality, purpose, and benefit of Automatic PDF 3
Topic Details
Remediation (O365 Rollback) within the Symantec Email offering. Symantec Email Technical Update (September 2019)
- Ability to describe the changes to Email product as of September 2019 Symantec Email Technical Update (May 2020)
- Ability to describe the changes to Email product as of May 2020
Experience the Actual Exam Structure with 250-445 Sample Questions:
Before jumping into the actual exam, it is crucial to get familiar with the exam structure. For this purpose, we have designed real exam like sample questions. Solving these questions is highly beneficial to getting an idea about the exam structure and question patterns. For more understanding of your preparation level, go through the 250-445 practice test questions. Find out the beneficial sample questions below- PDF 4
01. What is the standard Time to Live (TTL) for an MX Record? a) 12-24 hours b) 8 hours c) 24-48 hours d) 72 hours 02. Which Email service will help filter Newsletter and Marketing emails? a) Anti-Malware b) Anti-Spam
c) Data Protection
d) Email Impersonation Control
03. What is the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for Email Service Availability?
a) 95%
b) 99.999%
c) 100%
d) 99%
04. What is the Symantec recommended action for testing a Data Protection policy?
a) Log only
b) Copy to administrator
c) Tag subject line
d) Redirect to administrator
05. Which protocol is required for Email
a) POP
b) FTP
c) SMTP d) UDP
06. What is the default port for encrypted email traffic?
a) 21
b) 443 c) 8080
d) 5135
07. Which sandbox technology is available for Email
a) Cynic PDF 5
b) Malware Analysis
c) Cylance
d) Carbon Black
08. What is the first layer of scanning for Email
a) Anti-Malware
b) Traffic Shaping
c) Skeptic
d) Cynic
09. Why should an administrator configure Symantec Validation & ID Protection (VIP) with ClientNet?
a) To enable Data Protection Policies
b) To enable Policy Based Encryption
c) To enable Transport Layer Security
d) To enable Two Factor Authentication
10. What is the minimum system requirement for deploying Email
b) Microsoft Exchange
c) Office 365
d) POP
Answers for 250-445 Sample Questions:-
Question: 01 Answer: c Question: 02 Answer: b Question: 03 Answer: c Question: 04 Answer: a Question: 05 Answer: c
Question: 06 Answer: b Question: 07 Answer: a Question: 08 Answer: b Question: 09 Answer: d Question: 10 Answer: a PDF 6