How to Attract More Customers with Video Marketing Brought to you by:
Video marketing is one of the easiest ways to attract new customers. You don't have to be an ace filmmaker; just make some short, simple videos and upload them to YouTube and other video websites. Videos are effective because they give you the chance to show, and not just tell, people about your business. The best videos for marketing an offline business aren't selling anything at all. They're not like the local advertisements or late-night infomercials that tell you, 'Call Now! Operators are standing by!' Instead, they provide information that people can use and they brand you as a great source of this information. Tips from the Pros The easiest and most effective videos for you to make are quickies that offer your customers tips and advice. For example, if you're a service professional, give them a quick how-to on fixing something around the house. A cleaning service can make short videos with advice on
carpet cleaning. A moving company can demonstrate how to pack boxes well and get organized for the move. For you, this is easy. Just share a little bit of your expertise and knowledge. For viewers of your videos, it's powerful. They not only get the help they need, but also see you as an expert. The next time they need services, you're the one they're going to call. Using Your Services Another great idea for making videos is to teach people how they can use your products or services. Big companies have used this strategy for ages as a way of indirectly selling their products. For example, your antique shop can show them how to decorate the house in a quaint, rustic style. An electronics shop can show people creative ways to use the gadgets they sell. Again, your videos aren't selling but helping people solve problems. Short and to the Point When you imagine yourself making videos, what do you see? Are they 2-hour documentaries that cover every aspect of retiling a roof? Don't worry – your videos can be short and sweet. In fact, they should be. Each video should only be a couple of minutes long and no longer. The reason for this is that you don't want to keep them glued to the tube for hours on end. The information you present should be quick and easy to digest, with no fluff. Give them a taste of your expertise and leave them hankering for more. The great thing about this is that it means you can pump out lots of videos, and that's exactly what you should be doing. Take a large topic related to your service and break it down into bite-sized chunks. The more videos you have out there, the more leads you're creating for future business. Put Them Everywhere And that's the key – plastering your helpful, informational videos everywhere. Put them
on YouTube, your own website, other video directories, social media sites, and everywhere else you can find to put them. Each video should have a link leading back to your main site. The important thing when creating videos is to have the right mindset. Think of it this way – You are offering your expertise to help people with their problems. That's it, and if they like it, they'll click on your link to see what else you have to offer.
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