How To Make Money Selling Crafts There is something about homemade items that people like. Not many of us have time to create things for ourselves anymore but still value the time and care that went in to a one of a kind creation. If you are hoping to sell your own crafts then you want to evaluate it carefully. Take a critical look at your work. Is it really quality? If you have been spinning for a period of a few weeks then selling your hand-spun fiber is not going to be very lucrative, however if you make beautiful hand made papers, and have made them long enough to do it well and consistently you may have a product many people want to buy. Consider the following questions carefully. • Are you going to want to make the craft numerous times over? • How are you on deadlines? • Are you thick skinned enough to accept criticism? • While you may enjoy knitting a few hours a day, how are you going to feel when your needles are flying and you have hours more knitting in front of you? You can't make money if you don't charge enough. 1. First, take a look around at what others are selling a similar item for. You should be able to sell yours at a profit for a similar price. 2. Figure up how much time it will take to make the item, electricity, materials, and other incidental costs and then price the item accordingly. 3. Do a web search to see what that item is selling for across the Internet. 4. Look at the pictures of items like yours and be sure you are offering a product that is as good as or superior to them. One way to market your product is to rent a booth at a craft mall. Small booths rent for about $60.00 a month in my area, with the mall keeping a small percentage of sales. Iowa's I Have a Plan site reports that crafters do make money at local craft fairs as well. These are often seasonal and may be run by schools or churches. This is beneficial in that you get to know your customers personally. You can walk through the mall and see what is selling and what is not, you can talk to people and they can talk to you. That brings a personal touch to your item, it helps your customer to value your product if they know the face behind the product. Different craft and antique malls have different rules. Sometimes the crafter has to work so many hours per week. There is a contract involved. Be sure that you visit as many as possible and decide on the best one for you. Read the fine print in the contract very well and make sure you understand everything that you sign. I knew a homeschool mom about fifteen years ago that sewed and she sewed well. She made adorable prairie style dresses and bonnets. She began sewing them in many different fabrics and sizes and had a party at her friends house. She almost sold out the first night and came home with many orders to fill.
Tupperware does not hold the copyright to home parties! If you have a product that is easily transported and that would work well in a party type setting, and if you are the outgoing type then a home party may be the way to go. Plan on taking several things and then taking orders for items you sell out of. Be sure and fill the orders promptly! Home parties should be fun so plan some prizes, and give away items. Try to book the next party while you are there. It is traditional to give the hostess the gift of one of your products for hosting the party. This would work especially well for handmade books, papers, and candles. If you don't want to leave home there are still many ways to sell your crafts. Maybe more than if you tried to sell them locally. Of course the best solution is to do both.
Ebay eBay is the place people think of when they think of selling an item. You post your product at a price and set the auction for the number of days you want it to go. At the end if your item sells eBay takes a small percentage.
Etsy etsy is a huge craft mall online. With etsy you open up your own store and sell from your store. There is no auction. Sign up is free, your own shop is free. Listing an item costs 20 cents and when you sell it there is a 3.5% fee. That's it. All listings include five images and stay up for four months
Craft Mall CraftMall is another site similar to etsy. The prices are, however, based on a monthly fee with no percentage taken from your sales. There isn't a contract or time commitment and you are not required to meet a minimum amount of sales.
Krafter's Korner Krafter's Korner on Homestead Exchange network is just about to be launched. There will be a yearly fee for members of Homestead Exchange Network to open a store but then no other fees will be charged. This is one of my favorite websites anyway, and the personal involvement there will make this a must check out for anyone.
YabbleBabble YabbleBabble is an online craft mall that you can get in by approval only. It takes a straight 12% out of your sales and collects the shipping information and money upfront.
Lily's Country Crafts Mall Lily's Country Crafts Mall charges $10.00 a month for you to list your crafts with them. You can also advertise on sites such as your local Craigslist
Setting Up a Website You can also set up your own website. The initial outlay will be a bit more than with other methods but if you have a good product and a good understanding of search engine optimization then this is probably the best way to start. Whether you are trying to make a little extra to pay for a vacation, or looking to start a home business, crafts are one way that people make money at home. It takes time to get established but once you do the benefits are many.
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