Architectural Portfolio

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Navigating Vertical Expansion

Restitching the Urban Fabric

Focusing the Urban Grid

oc c upy ing t he v er t ic al

urban reinvigoration

vertical / horizontal convergence

[2 ]

[1 ]



[3 ] 17-22

Embodying Natural Interstices beekeeper ’s retreat

[6 ] 29-34


Sound Grove at Sulphur Dell


ULI compet it ion




4 7 - 4 8

Living Room

fl o o ri n g p ro d u ct d e si g n

c o n t e n t s _


[ 10 ]

[9 ] 41-46


[ 13 ] 5 5 - 5 6



Reinterpreting the Historic Edge

paramet ric to w e r stu d y

historical reinvention

[5 ]

[4 ]



EcoHotel for Nomadic Harvesters center for agro-tourism


sp a ti a l g a rd e n

[8 ]

[7 ] 35-38




Museum of the Moving Image

[ 11 ]

[ 12 ]

Maximalism through form

4 9 - 5 2

Luminair: glow




D R A + Ba l l i n g e r

de s i g n b u i l d l amp

[ 14 ] 5 7 - 5 8

[ 15 ] 5 9 - 6 2



5 3 - 5 4

Museum of Art and Other Objects work in progress...

[ 16 ] 63

focusing the urban grid Vertical / Horizontal Convergence 10th Ave and 45th St_NY, NY critic: Mark McGlothlin partner: Ricardo Mejia UF Design Studio vii academic_undergraduate

As a result of existing as both pyramid and labyrinth, the urban condition, as a layering of network spaces, relies on the architectural paradox to exist. The way that the layers of the city present themselves to occupants as both symbol and experience begin to formulate an understanding of the framework of the city. This convergence of ideas unfolds through the occupation of the city where events arise and formulate a larger mapping of relationships between the pieces of the metropolis and the urban landscape as a whole.

K.Kimball 01

program: residential_1,120,000 sq. ft elementary_198,000 sq. ft retail_17,500 sq. ft total_1,335,500 sq. ft

K.Kimball 02

Entry and the pedestrian edge. Bridging the sidewalk and the interior. Allowing for movement into and through from one access point to another. A permeable membrane that harbors an interior courtyard.

K.Kimball 03

focusing the urban grid Vertical




The school encompasses the opposite edge. It allows for bus access. There is a partially enclosed playground sunken into the inside courtyard as well as an exterior playground on the side of the school.

A media wall on the school facade activates the corner of the block. Seating allows for viewing cinematic events. Transparent ground conditions and a balcony with opening react to the train tracks below. K.Kimball 04

K.Kimball 05

focusing the urban grid Vertical




The proposed city block houses a mixture of various programs creating an urban microcosm within the city context. It contains retail space, a public middle school, and residential accommodations. The different programmatic elements are located around a central courtyard where there are dining patios and general public spaces including an outdoor cinema. The retail space is located opposite the school and activates the street level to encourage outsiders to venture into the block. The school has street access for school buses and an exposed playground at the basement level with access to an exterior playground in the courtyard harbored from the general public. The apartment units include both luxury and market rate units. There are communal spaces that connect the towers on each end. facade studies

sun shading diagram

K.Kimball 06

patio dining / public courtyard

K.Kimball 07

focusing the urban grid Vertical




communal space between towers

city block within urban context

plan diagram studies K.Kimball 08

restitching the urban fabric Urban


Hayden Burns Library_Jacksonville, FL critic : Michael Kuenstle UF Design Studio viii academic_undergraduate

The occupational activity of the city has dwindled due to a lack of exciting living and public spaces, causing occupants to vacate to surrounding suburbia. An overabundance of parking allows for this situation and has affected the pedestrian aspect of the urban space. The construct is located on top of the existing and vacant Hayden Burns Library and promotes a renewed sense of urban occupation by providing dwelling as well as recreation and commercial spaces

existing library and column tiles K.Kimball 09

K.Kimball 10

digitally fabricated, laser-cut model


K.Kimball 11

initial form studies

public vs. private balconies

unique interlocking unit types

public space


restitching the urban fabric Urban


recreation center plan

K.Kimball 12

skin panel structure

Pleating Measured folds secured by stitching- folded flat or manipulated to project. The fold’s structure diminishes beyond the stitching and transforms into softer, flatter folds. Pleating as folding skin based on unit configuration composed of panels stitched to a larger armature

K.Kimball 13

Darts A sculpting of the surface into peaks and crevaces. Securing a shortened fold to a point or between two points causes the level of the fabric to raise/drop in proportion to the amount of fabric it removes. The darted layers of fabric brace the structure they shape despite being hollow forms. Darts as unit extrusions

Shirring Fabric contracted and gathered into multiple rows of stitching sewn in parallel lines. The network of gathered stitching separated by separate zones of fabric shrinks the original fabric while adding substance and structural capacity to the surface it creates. Shirring as detail, smaller scale structure

restitching the urban fabric Urban


K.Kimball 14

K.Kimball 15

restitching the urban fabric Urban


The s id e w it h no r t he rn ex p o s u re h a s o p e ra b l e p a n e l s w h i c h n o t o n l y p e rs o nal ize t he unit s o f t his s i d e b u t i n te ra c t w i t h t h e c i ty a n d co n s t a n t l y s h i f t .

public balcony space

K.Kimball 16

hell’s kitchen hotel tower navigating vertical expansion Hell’s Kitchen NY, NY critic: Mark McGlothlin partner: Ricardo Mejia UF Design Studio vii academic_undergraduate

K.Kimball 17

The construct reformulates a number of venues, and stacks them into a vertical framework of events. The program contains commercial space, a community theatre, hotel, bar, and patio park space. The stacking of public spaces captivates pedestrians and guides them to the apex.

K.Kimball 18

ent路ry: (n,v) envelopes occupants at the street level; draws pedestrian city dwellers into the vertical context; contains commercial space

K.Kimball 19

hell’s kitchen hotel tower navigating vertical expansion

sky_bar: (n) further draws occupants through the vertical context; an interior/exterior social gathering space on the top floor

ho·tel_lob·by: (n) middle space; Allows access to hotel rooms; A permeable barrier separating public and private spaces

K.Kimball 20

Without the ability to relate space to typically known or socially enforced organizations, new experiences and questions cause enlightenment. Such architecture causes one to question previous architectural assumptions. This can be achieved by initially presenting the conventionally defined connections between various elements of architecture then inventing new associations between space and the events that occur within through “processes of defamiliarization, de-structuring, superimposition, and crossprogramming.� This will cause each occupant to reevaluate their own position as a subject.

K.Kimball 21

hell’s kitchen hotel tower navigating vertical expansion

K.Kimball 22

anatomical vertice s Parametric Tower Study Miami, FL critic : Ruth Ron UF Elective_Advanced Digital Topics academic_undergraduate

1. circulation core 2. floor plates 3. comprehensive tower 4. tinted glass enclosure 5. skin structure




2. 1.

plan diagram structure: cores + outer skin : inspired by the structure of a spinal cord.

K.Kimball 23

Mixed Use Tower: The lower floors contain commercial space while the floors above are residential with an inner core of offices. There is a main core in the center and three smaller cores. The residences surround the smaller outer cores and each have a balcony on the perimeter. There are market rate residences in the lower portion, luxury residences with high ceilings above them, and penthouses at the top of the tower. There are three atriums carved around the interior core as well.


residential atrium 2

high-end residences

residential atrium 1

market rate residences

skin panels commercial atrium

commercial space

grasshopper definition K.Kimball 24

reinterpreting the historic edge Historical Reinvention Bull St_ Savannah, GA critic: Rocke Hill UF Design Studio vi academic_undergraduate

K.Kimball 25

The construct redirects the way that people occupy the Savannah city structure. The entryway invites occupants down an alley space into a sunken gallery. The construct protrudes towards the park, activating the city park structure. The hovering moment above the sidewalk is similar to the concept of the traditional Savannah house style stoop. Instead of inviting people from the city to the interior, it invites the occupant of the interior to the view of the outside. A connecting ramp occupies a space parallel to the sidewalk to mimic the natural movement of the block. It is elevated to allow for occupation below it. Outdoor space under the construct becomes the carriage house. It is open to the sidewalk and contains a bike rack, benches, and water fountain, acting like a modern day carriage house.

historical structure 1. elevated entry: vertical stoop entry 2. courtyard: gathering space 3. carriage house: entry space / shelter 4. occupation of alley: access to courtyard





urban modernization 1. extended volume : suspension above street level 2. interior courtyard volume : meeting/event space 3. public “carriage house� : sheltered bench /bike racks 4. occupation of alley: sunken entry into gallery 3 2

1 4

K.Kimball 26

adjacent arboretum K.Kimball 27

reinterpreting the historic edge Historical Reinvention

section studies

K.Kimball 28

E mb ody ing N at ur a l I n t er s t ice s Beekeeper’s Retreat

Longleaf Flatwoods Preserve_Hawthorne, FL critic: Bradley Walters UF Design Studio v academic_undergraduate

The trail through the site changes quite drastically to the occupant. It transforms from having vivid boundaries on each side to opening up to the point of disappearing into the landscape.

The ability to view outside of the path is also constantly changing. At times, the view is closed off except for the views directly in front and behind.

K.Kimball 29

Sometimes the view is drawn upward by the verticality of the trees to the vast sky overhead

There are also moments where the trees thin out and reveal shattered glimpses of what lays beyond

K.Kimball 30

Once outside, the nomad can wander through the planted fields, continue into an outdoor space, or stride to a beacon.

K.Kimball 31

emb ody ing n at ur a l in t er s t ice s Beekeeper’s Retreat

Along the trail, where the hammock’s trees begin to give way on one side to an expanse of sand hill, the construct declares its presence by interrupting the path. The large opening invites nomads inside, while the occupiable skin beckons to be explored enclosing the occupant and obscuring the view of the sand hill. Once inside the construct, the path gives way to open space, encouraging wandering - there are places for viewing, and meditating to be discovered.

K.Kimball 32

From the large entry space, a path to the private spaces provides opportunity for reflection. The undulating construction of the ground and the mesmerizing glimpses of the outside through the skin cause the nomad to change pace. The path continues to the small scale private spaces elevated in the canopy. The other path is meant for movement as it is enclosed and offers minimal, controlled views of the outside. The enclosure gives way to the outside to encourage a swift procession straight through

K.Kimball 33

emb ody ing n at ur a l in t er s t ice s Beekeeper’s Retreat

The fields are located in the hammock because it is already broken by trees. The skin wraps around the construct to enclose an outdoor space. The outside is once again obscured, while the boundary between inside and out is blurred. Beyond this and across the sand hill lies the work space. It is small scale, intended for storage and honey processing. A theoretical path exists from the construct to the work space but it is up to the nomad to follow it or to break from the path to explore the surroundings that are finally, completely presented. K.Kimball 34

ec o - ho t el f o r nom a d ic h a r v e s t er s Center for Agro-Tourism

Longleaf Flatwoods Preserve_Hawthorne, FL critic: Bradley Walters UF Design Studio v academic_undergraduate

In nature, bees radiate from their hives to surrounding plants in order to cultivate honey and support their colony. The paths of the beekeepers start to become similar to that of the bees as well. At first, they stay on the paths to each hive, but eventually begin to break the existing path both for exploration and out of efficiency. The way the construct touches ground speaks about the people’s impact on the land. The paths of the people rest on the ground, planted vegetation is rooted in the ground, and the bees hover above it.

K.Kimball 35







1 barn space 2 agriculture fields 3 hotel rooms 4 function/gathering room 5 classrooms/meeting rooms 6 public kitchen 7 indoor/ outdoor patio dining

6 5

5 7

K.Kimball 36

The barn space folds open into the into the ground; its structure exposed Apertures filter light and allow air to overhead extends to provide cover to

fields. It is embedded like a system of roots. flow through. The barn the outdoor workspace.

The kitchen is directly above the barn space and provides a view of the fields in order to understand the full experience of cultivation. A light well provides cover from the south sun while allowing light to enter the spaces above the barn. The kitchen opens into open air patio dining and indoor dining space. There are larger scale group meeting spaces that hover above the landscape. The idea of wandering and breaking paths embodies the lower level of the group space. It is gently divided by a light filter wall and ramps. The spaces accommodate circulation while allowing for breaking points where individuals can gather. There are private spaces that rest on the ground as well as float above in order to provide different experiences of the landscape. The constraining hallway of the elevated living space is a stark contrast to the expansive walkway that hovers through the rest of the construct. This walkway allows for circulation as well as resting space for gazing into the landscape.

K.Kimball 37

eco-hotel for nomadic harve sters Center for Agro-Tourism

The shifting of the construct both vertically and horizontally allows for uninterrupted views of the landscape. It also allows for passage above, below, and through the intervention similar to the occupation of the existing landscape, encouraging complete occupation of the site.

K.Kimball 38




S p atial G a rd e n UF Architecture Building_Gainesville, FL critic: Ruth Ron UF Undergraduate Elective_Advanced Digital Topics

K.Kimball 39

1. Overhead condition pronouncing entry to offices 2. Stair access to garden 3. Study/ viewing space contained in stair structure 4. Patio space at garden ground level 5. Integrated seating

The intervention begins outside of the office entry on the second floor of the architecture building. It provides an overhead that pronounces the entry. The overhead flows downwards to contain stair access to the garden. It cascades lower and contains study and viewing spaces. The structure spills out onto the garden level providing a patio ground surface and sculpted benches.

polymer panels

rib structure handrails

molded bench K.Kimball 40

sound grove at sulphur dell downtown Nashville extension/masterplan Sulphur Dell, TN Urban Land Institute Competition Architectural Team: Joyce Chiange & Mike Iskandar graduate_competition Sound Grove knits together existing activity centers reinventing the urban landscape. The development creates a medium density transition between residential neighborhoods to the north & west and downtown Nashville. The livable mixed-use community reduces unnecessary commuter travel time, providing users with time-savings and increased mental health, while the dynamic outdoor space contributes to physical wellbeing. SoundGrove enables Nashville to be at the forefront of the move towards sustainability in its physical, economic, and social landscapes. Pedestrian friendly streets discourage the use of automobiles, and reduce carbon emissions. Implementation of flood control practices and stormwater management promotes awareness and advocates for a eco awareness. Bicycle and pedestrian paths create connections between the riverfront, newly developed activity nodes, the Nashville Sounds Stadium, the farmer’s market, and event space pavillion.

green spaces

K.Kimball 41

conceptual framework

activity centers

eco friendly circulation


flood retention

vehicular accessibility

Master Plan




F1 F2


F3 i1 A1


M1 i3








B3 B1 A1 Parking Structure A2 Event Space Pavillion B1 Farmer’s Market B2 Public Green Space B3 Community Gardening Plots F1 Historic Blacksmith Shop F2 Park F3 Retail + Hotel H1 Parking Structure i1 Retail + Housing i2 Public Plaza + Bike Path i3 Retail + Offices i4 Historic Stockyard Restaurant J1 Commercial Entertainment + Retail + Offices J2 Public Plaza + BRT Stop K1 housing K2 housing K3 housing L1 Retail + Hotel/Conference Center M1 Waterfront Park M1.1 Communal Outdoor Space M1.2 Bike Path M1.3 Flood Retention System



K.Kimball 42


PHASE 01 : 2016

TOTAL : 1,477,830 SQ FT PHASE 02 : 2019

Market-Rate Rental Market-Rate for Sale Affordable Rental Affordable for Sale Commercial Market-Rate Retail Farmer’s Market Hotel Structured Parking Private Space Waterfront/Public Space



41,133 16,820 79,460




TOTAL : 3,328,386 SQ FT

Market-Rate Rental Market-Rate for Sale Affordable Rental Affordable for Sale Commercial Market-Rate Retail Farmer’s Market Hotel Structured Parking Private Space Waterfront/Public Space


248,283 123,399


238,380 792,990 651,082 60,055 76,007

PHASE 03 : 2022

Market-Rate Rental Market-Rate for Sale Affordable Rental Affordable for Sale Commercial Market-Rate Retail Farmer’s Market Hotel Structured Parking Private Space Waterfront/Public Space

TOTAL : 12,114,334 SQ FT

96,899 10,767

1,480,804 164,532 2,476,984 2,299,716 1,618,872 2,153,152 1,812,608













K.Kimball 43



sound grove at sulphur dell downtown Nashville extension/masterplan

Cumberland River greenway












building typologies

retail + private residential: internal activation through inner courtyard and occupiable green roofs

K.Kimball 45 49

retail + residential: intermediate internal/external activation through inner courtyard with pedestrian accessibility

sound grove at sulphur dell downtown Nashville extension/masterplan

retail + residential: external activation through direct accessibility & visual contact with public walkway/bikepath

offices + entertainment: internal activation through inner courtyards and private office balconies.

K.Kimball 46

museum of surre alism Release of the Subconscious Williamsburg, Brooklyn_ NY partner: Michael Obot critic: Ferda Kolatan Penn_Design Studio 602 academic_graduate

The Museum of Surrealism provides visitors with an unfamiliar context in which to view Surrealist art. The formal ambiguity of the museum allows for a release of the subconscious resulting in an uninhibited mind.

construct in site

west elevation

south elevation

K.Kimball 47

north elevation

initial component studies

Surrealism is an art form in which images or events are composed in a strange and dreamlike way. It aims to blur the line between the conditions of dream and reality in order to defy reason and distract rationality.

K.Kimball 48



Maximalism through formal exuberance Marinello, Italy critic : Ali Rahim parter: Katie Viechnicki Penn_Design Studio 701 academic_graduate Maximalism is explored through patterning to accentuate spatial exuberance. The black and white pattern is manipulated from surface to volume in order to create both structure and space through surficial continuity. The scale and repetition of the accumulation of black and white on the exterior camouflages the figure. The aggregation of the pattern on the interior at a tangible scale reflects the kind of detail associated with maximalism. The black operates in three different ways. It flows across the surface, acting as camouflage to weave together different formal elements into one overall form also masking breaks in symmetry. It pulls into the interior to create volume, and it pools into line to accentuate spatial elements that also serve to connect the exterior and the interior.

pattern / form study models K.Kimball 49

K.Kimball 50

rooftop view

2nd floor plan

cross section K.Kimball 51

entry and racetrack



Maximalism through formal exuberance

Ferrari Museum interior

3D printed physical

Ferrari Museum interior

longitudinal section K.Kimball 52

museum of the moving image science fiction museum Williamsburg_Brooklyn, NY critic : Ferda Kolatan Penn_Design Studio 602 academic_graduate The Museum of Science Fiction focuses on the moving image, providing visitors with an understanding of the genre while embodying the conceptual, and technological qualities of Sci-Fi film. Sci-Fi is the cultural manifestation through which a time period’s underlying ideas, desires, and fears are expressed. Themes can be technological, socio-political, philosophical spiritual, and historical. The museum ebodies elements of science fiction, It’s bone-like structure is obscured by a semi opaque skin stretched over top. Systems are embedded in the membrane. It’s overt symmetry is broken by mutation, creating strangeness and discomfort within the form. atrium / core component embedded lighting prefab concrete bracing media display heating/cooling mechanical interstices molded panel membrane heating/cooling 3d printed structure

interior view

integrated systems

K.Kimball 53

Longitudinal Section 1’ : 1/16”

longitudinal section

cloth concrete exterior

structure + glazing


K.Kimball 54

living room flooring product design/innovation critic : Jordan Goldstein Team : Laura Carey, Kristy Simpson & Mike Iskandar Penn_Design Building Product Design academic_graduate Working with Interface Flooring, we developed a product that takes flooring to a whole new level. Living Room purifies and enlivens your home by bringing green indoors. Statistically, we spend 90% of time indoors and the levels of many air pollutants are 2-5 times higher in indoor air than outdoor air. Incorporating plants into your home can create a humidity level exactly matching the recommended human comfort range which can reduce cough and dry throat symptoms by 30%. The plants also absorb air pollutants. Having greenery around you can reduce stress and fatigue. it’s all in the box

topTOPpouch POUCH seed variety 23CT-300CT

kit comes with:


x1 dissolving shell DISSAPPEARING SHELL monosol non-toxic, water solluble polymer MONOSOL NON-TOXIC, WATER SOLUBLE POLYMER

x1 x1

hinged, perforatd lid HINGED, PERFORATED LID removable for cleaning REMOVABLE FOR CLEANING LIFESPAN: LIFETIME lifespan: lifetime dual system gel/seed pouch GEL/SEED POUCH replaceDUAL as SYSTEM needed REPLACE AS NEEDED LIFESPAN: 4 WEEKS TO 7 YEARS lifespan: 4 weeks to 7 years removable inner structural tray REMOVABLEas INNER STRUCTURAL TRAY clean/replace needed CLEAN/REPLACE AS NEEDED LIFESPAN: 2 YEARS TO lifespan: 2 years toLIFETIME lifetime tile frame TILElifetime FRAME lifespan: LIFESPAN: LIFETIME

K.Kimball 55

bottom pouch plant gel soil alternative clear, non-toxic, BOTTOM POUCH biodegradable planting medium


step 01 : insert inner structural tray

step 03 : water / add plant food

step 02 : insert dual system gel/seed pouch

step 04 : insert perforated lid


customizable seed pod options

step 05 : repeat / attach


K.Kimball 56

luminair Design_Build Lamp



critic : Tom Smith UF Elective_Environmental Tech. II academic_undergraduate

The light installation is constructed of porous cardboard fins held together by a smaller structural armature made of wood and metal. The fins allow a small amount of light to fliter through, channeling it downwards, gradually out the sides and through the bottom.


-metal chain + cord -wooden top -lightbulb60W soft white compact fluorescent -metal structure -wood supports -cardboard fins

K.Kimball 57

This design is intended for installation at Fluff Bakery, designed by LTL. The interior is composed of layers of common materials-the walls and ceiling are laminated with felt strips and stained plywood. The saturation of the materials is adjusted to produce a darker area at the seats and a lighter combination at the ceiling. The surface of strips effects a “horizontal vertigo.” The lamp continues the idea of layering common materials. Instead of competing with the horizontal, it is oriented to be vertical. The gradient of light continues the idea that the designers had with the gradient of saturation.

context: Fluff Bakery



Fluff Bakery, LTL architects

CNC cut pieces

K.Kimball 58



e l e m e n ta r y

k-5 public school Georgetown, MA Drummey Rosane Anderson May 2012 professional

K.Kimball 59


During my summer internship at DRA, I worked on a number of projects but mainly focused on the Penn Brook School K-5 elementary school. I developed the Sketchup model during Schematic Design and prepared presentation material for presentations to the school board .

K.Kimball 60

c h e s t e r c o u n t y h o s p i ta l 2nd floor - Post Partum Center Chester County, PA Ballinger Architects May 2012 professional 2nd floor plan

K.Kimball 61

nursery perspective 1

nursery perspective 2

nurse station east

nurse station west

During my summer internship at Ballinger, I mainly worked on the Revit model for the Chester County Hospital. The third floor fit-out contained the Post- Partum Center. I prepared weekly presentation materials during the Schematic Design phase that were presented to Chester County administrators and staff members. These included various options regarding number of patient rooms and had a large focus on the design of the nursery. I also worked on the construction set for the fourth floor fit-out which contained Orthopedics. nursery axon

nursery elevation - north

nursery elevation - south

K.Kimball 62

museum of art and other objects semi autonomous object ontology - [midreview project] LACMA, Los Angeles, CA critic : Tom Wiscombe partner: Katie Viechnicki Penn_Design Studio 704 academic_graduate

bar/cafe auditorium


offices 3d printed crystal with ground object

courtyard restaurant/reception auditorium museum/book store library/ study center

3d printed crystal with liner and stars

3d printed star objects

The Museum of Art and Other Objects is a formal study that focuses on the strange interfaces between objects. Star objects are contained inside of a crystal, and a ziggerat-like stepped liner acts as the interface between the objects. The resulting interstices create interesting spaces. The liner contains the circulation and creates a vertical atrium that occupants pass in and out of between galleries. The stars can be percieved from different vantage points throughout the crystal and are auditoriums for performance and video art. K.Kimball 63

entry/lobby cut-away axonometric diagram

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