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Appendix A:
Textiles Seen on the 1939 murals at Maisel's store, 510 Central Ave, Albuquerque, NM.
Retouched photographs by Paul R. Secord, 2017.
"Navajo's by Olive Rush. This scene of mother and child is a romantic view of the Navajo, instantly recognizable and emotionally appealing. Note the stripped saddle blanket.
"Pueblo Deer Dancer" by Olive Rush. The dancers are Tewa inspired deer dancers, part of the Winter Dance cycle of animal dances. Note the black mantas around the waists of the dancers.
"Cochiti Deer Dancer" (l) and "Cochiti Corn Dancer" (r) Ben Quintana, H.-ā- tee, and Theodore Suina, Ku-Pe-Ru (Snow). These opposing female Cochiti dancers are similar, but on furtherstudy quite different. Note their black mantas dresses
Appendix B: Pueblo Indian Clothing
Appendix C: Southwestern Weaving Materials