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Kaitlyn’s Transformation
wWhether you recognize Kaitlyn McColez from working out at The Kroc Center, being a #KrocStar Fitness and Gym Attendant, or you follow her fitness account on Instagram, you’ve probably noticed a transformation in her. By transformation, we mean that she has lost half of her body weight in the last four years. Yes, you read that correctly! Kaitlyn started her health and fitness journey at 340lbs and now weighs 170lbs. Kaitlyn’s journey toward developing a healthier lifestyle began because of her daughter, Aryanna. When Aryanna started playing soccer, Kaitlyn was having difficulty getting up and moving around to practice or help her develop her skills. “I was depressed with myself, and I didn’t want to do anything. Then I noticed that Aryanna was starting to act that way too. One day I was just like, ‘maybe this isn’t the kind of lifestyle that I want.’ I decided to change it up, and I visited The Kroc Center with one of my friends, and I fell ”in love with it. Ever since then, I’ve just kept coming back.
You might be asking yourself how Kaitlyn went from feeling like she didn’t want to do anything to losing half of her body weight. It’s simple. She used Aryanna as motivation to change her nutrition and exercise habits. There was a time when Kaitlyn would have considered herself a couch potato; now, she works out almost every day of the week. She schedules her workouts to happen right after she takes Aryanna to school. She started meal prepping, cutting sugar and soda out of her diet, and using MyFitnessPal to track her meals and workouts.
“Focusing on my health and fitness has changed my whole life. Before, I was a couch potato, and now, I don’t really sit on the couch anymore. I like to be moving and up and going. The easiest thing was to eliminate the sugar and calories I was drinking by switching to water.” Lately, Kaitlyn has been working on improving her running, but the elliptical has always been one of her favorite machines at The Kroc Center. After leaving the gym, how else does Kaitlyn work fitness into her life? That’s easy, she’s still at the gym, but she’s working as a Fitness and Gym Attendant for The Kroc Center. “When I first applied, I was looking for a job, just something to do. I had just quit my full-time job, and COVID happened, so I decided that I needed something to occupy my time. I just thought, ‘why not apply for the Fitness and Gym Attendant position? I’m here all of the time anyway!’ I like The Kroc so much that I wanted to keep it open during COVID, and I knew that as long as it was clean, then it could stay open. So, working here and making sure the fitness facility was clean was perfect. Also, already having a background in fitness, I thought I could work towards something in my future like maybe becoming a personal trainer.” Being able to interact with other members and share her knowledge are two of Kaitlyn’s favorite aspects of being a Fitness and Gym Attendant, but there is one unique aspect to her. “I like helping people who come in and are intimidated, because it is hard to come in and just get started.”
With her daughter cheering her on, Kaitlyn has goals for the future. “I want to continue to live a healthy lifestyle and am always looking for ways to stay motivated. I’d also like to work towards becoming a personal trainer. I like being able to help people, and that would help me to continue helping others.” Kaitlyn is not only an inspiration to her daughter, but she is an inspiration to anyone who hears her story. If starting your health and fitness journey is intimidating, we encourage you to find strength through Kaitlyn’s journey. If you’re at The Kroc Center, be sure to say hello to her while you’re in the Fitness Center, and if you have any questions, simply ask her (or any other Fitness and Gym Attendant). She is helpful and kind, and most importantly, she wants everyone else to find success on their journey to a healthier lifestyle just like she did.
Visit KrocQuincy.org for more inspiration.