Chilli cultivation in polytunnels

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SPICY CHILI Growing chilli in a foil tunnel is a way to get a large number of spicy paprika. Their intense taste is loved by many savory chefs, and everyone reacts differently according to their body strength. Capsaicin contained in the fruit is responsible for burning sensation - the higher its concentration, the stronger the taste. To determine how strong chili is, experts use the Scoville scale, which uses SHU as a measure. For example, pepper contains from 100 to 500 SHU, red peppers 0 SHU, cayenne peppers from 25,000 to 55,000 SHU, habanero from 100,000 to 350,000 SHU. The most daring paprika in the world is Dragon Breath, which has 2.48 million Scoville units.

CHILLI CULTIVATION REQUIREMENTS Temperature Regardless of the intensity level, most peppers have similar or even the same growing requirements. Like the sweet varieties of peppers, spicy ones are also thermophilic and need a lot of light, so the method of cultivation under cover is most effective. The temperature inside the greenhouse should be between 24 and 26 ° C during the day and 16 to 18 ° C at night. Temperatures of 12 to 13 ° C causes the plant to stop growing and any development process is stopped.

SOIL In Poland, paprika is grown only from seedlings, which requires about 8 weeks to prepare. The greenhouse is filled in March, and in May when non heated. Soil should have a loose structure, be rich in humus, permeable and slightly acidic with pH at 6 to 6.8.

POSITION Seedlings should be planted with 3 to 5 pieces per m2, leading to 3 shoots. Optimal spacing is between 60 and 80 cm and 30 to 50 cm between rows . The substrate should be best covered with black agrotextile so that the heat is kept as much as possible. The area should get sun exposure to the west, and the ground constantly moist. Peppers have a shallow root system, they are prone to drying, so it is important to systematically water them.

PREPARING AND PLANTING CHILLI FROM SEEDLING Preparing seedlings is not the easiest job, and if the grower has no experience, it is recommended to buy them ready. The emerging plant needs exceptionally stable conditions for development.

The sowing begins in mid-March to allow the plant to grow and seedlings enter the heated foil block. Dishes filled with peat substrate are placed in a bright and warm area , the temperature must be maintained at 24 to 28 ° C. The soil must also be heated to allow germination. When seedlings with leaves appear , they should be transplanted into small pots. Perform the whole process very carefully , not to damage young plants that are very fragile. As soon as 8 to 10 leaves appear on them, they make their way into the horticultural tunnel. The ideal seedling should be healthy, without any discoloration on leaves or stems, and have at least 7 leaves and a developed flower bouquet. Optimal height is 25 cm.

However, if the gardener has no facility to make his own seedling, many gardening centers already offer readymade.

CARING FOR CHILLI PEPPERS When growing, adjust air temperature and humidity inside the greenhouse. Foil tunnels with lateral ventilation on both sides have a crank to open airflow. Cutting shoots and fruit bunches will facilitate constant access to light, greatly beneficial for faster and better coloring of the fruit. In case of emergence of damaged shoots, remove them as soon as possible so they don't strain the plant and reduce the risk of any diseases. During ripening, shoots are tied with strings, that way fruits gets much larger as they benefit from light on each side.


Pepper has high nutritional requirements, so it is good to get acquainted with your soil in the garden, checking its content. This will allow you to create optimal conditions for the development of the plant. Approximate dosages of nutrients are 280-310 kg / ha N, 140-200 kg / ha P2O5, 460-540 kg / ha K2O, 70 kg / ha MgO, and 200 kg / ha CaO.

HARVEST It all depends on the methods used, the timing of the crop and the specific variety. Harvests are carried out when fruit reach the appropriate maturity stage, on average every 12 days. Prolonged cultivation in the foil tunnel allows harvesting up to 25 kg / m2. The fruit remains green at temperatures of up to 8 ° C, but gets stained at 6 ° C. It can be stored under appropriate conditions for up to 5 weeks, much longer than sweet varieties.


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