Humor accepts the world as it is, does not seek to improve or teach it, but endures it with wisdom. — Charles Dickens, 1843
„One street further“ is an explorative sketchbook approach on different ideas, graffities and r eady made sceneries found on walkaways in european and american regions and cities. With the belief in mind that the certain something can be found just one step (or street) further, these images show us with a wink, conditions, fears and aspirations of our daily life. But while connecting the dots on this imaginery map, one question always remains open: where are we going?
Hi! Stuttgart, Germany, 2020 On the left 9
No Picasso Stuttgart, Germany 2021 11
East/West Berlin, Germany 2018 13
Duet Esslingen, Germany 2022 14
Sketch Stuttgart, Germany 2021 Traveller Stuttgart, Germany 2021 17
Morning Star (Sitara) London, England 2018 19
Untitled Milano, Italy, 2021 On the left Trash Zürich, Switzerland 2014 21
Nowhere (Nirgendwo) Berlin, Germany 2018 22
Duet Esslingen, Germany 2022 26
Joan Miro Constance, Germany, 2018 page before Hibernation Constance, Germany 2013 27
Superman Lisbon, Portugal 2018
Clark Kent Hamburg, Germany 2018 28
Untitled Stuttgart, Germany 2018 31
Untitled Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Germany 2009 32
Untitled Stuttgart, Germany 2018 33
Mona Lisa 2.0 Paris, France 2019 Mona Lisa Paris, France 2019 35
Movie Star Cannes, France 2021 36
Poesie Urbaine Paris, France 2019 37
best image here
best image here
reserved space
reserved space Reserved space Stuttgart, Germany 2022 38
The Tourist Athens, Greece 2016 39
Untitled Stuttgart, Germany 2018 41
Romeo had Juliette Stuttgart, Germany 2018 42
MONEY, POWER & LOVE are the things that make us happy. What would you rather give up?
love 43
Gucci Paris, France 2019 Chanel Paris, France, 2019 On the left 45
f o llo w me
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Born a few days before and not too far away from the world’s largest nuclear power plant explosion in Chernobyl Niko Kruchs life was since then rather lucky. Now he works at the junction between beauty and functionality to create graphic design for a bunch of hidden champions. He loves the sound of Lou Reeds „Dirty Boulevard“ as well as the smell of the forest after a heavy storm. Willing to let himself go to the flow of ideas he always hopes to discover that the whole thing is more than the sum of its parts .
ni ko 49