
Page 1

Product range 2012

Rhepanol® fk Rhepanol® hg


Rhepanol® fk

Rhepanol® hg


Roofing membranes with self-sealing edge

p. 3

Accessories for Rhepanol fk with self-sealing edge

p. 5

Roofing membrane, protection layer

p. 8


p. 9


p. 10


Protection and separation layer,


vapour control layer

p. 12

Bonding system Rhepanol fk

p. 13


p. 14

Roofing membrane

p. 15

Strip and paste system incl. accessories

p. 17


p. 18


Protection and separation layer,

Flat roof accessories

vapour control layer

p. 21

Application tools

p. 23

FDT VarioGully

p. 24

Accessories FDT VarioGully

p. 26

Flat roof accessories

FDT RWE rainwater outlet,



FDT – legal notice


through wall outlet, emergency overflow

p. 28

FDT flat roof accessories

p. 30

FDT wall connection profiles

p. 32

FDT roof edge trim

p. 33

FDT gravel stop profiles

p. 34

Request for wind uplift calculation

p. 35

Request for drainage equipment calculation

p. 36

Order example for Rhepanol fk

p. 37

Order form for Rhepanol fk

p. 38 p. 39

Rhepanol速 fk

Roofing membranes Rhepanol速 fk Rhepanol fk is made of polyisobutylene (PIB) with a prefabricated self-sealing edge and an integrated synthetic fleece backing. The sealing edge makes it easier to seal the seams and provides a permanently secure joint. The fleece backing provides additional protection against stresses originating from the substrate. Furthermore, the fleece backing allows diffusion and ensures secure fastening onto the substrate.

One roofing membrane for all application methods

Mechanically fastened with Gripfix system

Loose-laid with ballast

Product code


Thickness1) mm

Delivery form rolls Length x width (m)

Weight kg/m2

Weight kg/roll

Rolls per europallet

10 10 10 10 10

10 10 10 10 10

430 440 650 550 540

grey grey grey grey grey

2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

15 10 15 15 15

x x x x x

1.05 1.05 0.65 0.52 0.35

2.60 2.60 2.60 2.70 2.80

41 27 26 21 15

6 7 9 12 18

10 10 10 10 10

10 10 10 10 10

400 405 360 340 320

black black black black black

2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

15 10 15 15 15

x x x x x

1.05 1.05 0.65 0.52 0.35

2.60 2.60 2.60 2.70 2.80

41 27 26 21 15

6 7 9 12 18


Bonded fixing with Rhepanol adhesive 90

Thickness includes 1 mm fleece backing.

Note: Custom-made lengths of Rhepanol fk, 1.05 m wide, can be supplied. Delivery time and price on request. Min. length: 10 m; max. length: 25 m. Europallets must be charged. Please observe current manufacturer application instructions and national standards and regulations.


Rhepanol速 fk

Roofing membranes Rhepanol fk with double-sided self-sealing edge For parapet flashing and expansion joints.

Product code


Thickness1) mm

Delivery form rolls Length x width (m)

Weight kg/m2

Weight kg/roll

Rolls per europallet

10 10 10 10 10

10 10 10 10 10

470 690 590 570 560

grey grey grey grey grey

2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

15 15 15 15 15

x x x x x

1.05 0.65 0.52 0.35 0.25

2.70 2.80 2.80 2.90 3.00

43 28 22 15 12

6 9 12 18 24

10 10 10 10 10

12 12 12 12 12

500 800 750 700 600

black black black black black

2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

15 15 15 15 15

x x x x x

1.05 0.65 0.52 0.35 0.25

2.70 2.80 2.80 2.90 3.00

43 28 22 15 12

6 9 12 18 24

Rhepanol f Rhepanol f is made of polyisobutylene (PIB) without prefabricated sealing edge and fleece backing. For individual detail forming and collars to be formed on site and as a membrane for structural waterproofing according to DIN EN 13967.

Product code


Thickness1) mm

Delivery form rolls Length x width (m)

Weight kg/m2

Weight kg/roll

Rolls per europallet

10 10 580 10 00 500

grey grey

1.5 1.5

15 x 1.05 15 x 0.52

2.40 2.40

39 20

8 16

10 10 10 10 10

black black black black black

1.0 2) 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0

20 15 15 15 10

1.60 2.40 2.40 2.40 3.20

35 39 20 13 35

8 8 16 24 8

1) 2)

00 00 00 00 00

202 302 240 220 402

x x x x x

1.05 1.05 0.52 0.35 1.05

Thickness includes 1 mm fleece backing. Rhepanol f 1 mm: Non-waterproofing membrane, use only for specific purposes.

Note: Other colours are possible, delivery time and price on request. Custom-made width for Rhepanol f is possible. Delivery time and price on request.


Rhepanol® fk

Accessories for Rhepanol fk with self-sealing edge

Product code


Delivery form rolls Length x width (m)

Piece per box

Rhepanol cover tape With self-sealing edge system as sealing tape on Rhepanol f backing. For cross joints and flashings at Rhepanol fk roofing membrane. 10 10 10 10

05 05 05 05

500 510 520 530

grey grey grey grey

25 25 25 25

x x x x

0.10 0.15 0.20 0.35

2 1 1 1

10 10 10 10

05 05 05 05

000 100 200 400

black black black black

25 25 25 25

x x x x

0.10 0.15 0.20 0.35

2 1 1 1

10 05 540 10 05 410

grey black

10 x 0.35 10 x 0.35

1 1

Rhepanol fk internal corner 90° With self-sealing edge system. Preformed detail for sealing internal corners at roofing membrane Rhepanol fk.

10 14 480 10 14 450

grey black

25 25

Rhepanol fk internal corner 90° rapid With self-sealing edge system. Internal corner with integrated cover tape strips. For flashing strip to project more than 150 mm onto the roof area.

10 35 940 10 35 900

grey black

5 5

Rhepanol fk external corner 90° With self-sealing edge system. Preformed detail for sealing external corners at roofing membrane Rhepanol fk.

10 14 580 10 14 550

grey black

25 25

Rhepanol fk universal roof light corner With self-sealing edge system. Preformed detail for sealing roof light corners at roofing membrane Rhepanol fk for roof light kerb up to 73° slope.

10 35 510 10 14 650

grey black

20 20 5

Rhepanol® fk

Accessories for Rhepanol fk with self-sealing edge

Product code


For flashing to

Piece per box

Rhepanol fk roof light corner universal rapid With self-sealing edge system. Preformed detail for sealing roof light corners at roofing membrane Rhepanol fk for roof light kerb up to 73° slope if the flashing strip runs from 150 mm to 250 mm onto the horizontal area.

10 35 950 10 35 920

grey black

20 20

Rhepanol fk collar With self-sealing edge system incl. Gripfix ring. For reliable flashing of Rhepanol fk against FDT VarioGully. Diameter 340 mm.

14 18 580 14 18 550

grey black

Rhepanol fk Rhepanol fk

10 10

Rhepanol fk collar universal With self-sealing edge system incl. Gripfix ring. Preformed detail for built-in details and roof penetrations at roofing membrane Rhepanol fk. Diameter 340 mm.

14 18 840 14 18 850

grey black

10 10

Rhepanol fk collar loose/fixed flange For all standard rainwater outlets with bolt connection (e.g. 6 holes). Up to Ø 350 mm with self-sealing edge system and from Ø 350 mm on with Rhepanol f. Required information when ordering: outlet type and manufacturer, number of holes, inner and outer diameter. Use only according to regulations of manufacturer and with framing rings. Delivery time on request. 14 18 900

grey, black

Rhepanol EPDM framing rings For flashing to loose/fixed flange rainwater outlets at Rhepanol fk. One set consists of 2 framing rings per outlet. Delivery time on request.

14 18 910



Rhepanol速 fk

Accessories for Rhepanol fk with self-sealing edge

Product code


Delivery form


Piece per box

Rhepanol paste Solvent-based, single-component sealant on polyisobutylene base. For sealing T-joints (cross joints) on Rhepanol fk. One cartridge for about 200 T-joints. For sealing of seams installed against the slope. Consumption about 60 ml/m. Can be stored for at least 2 years. 10 12 430 10 12 400

grey black

300 ml cartridge 300 ml cartridge

12 12

Rhepanol solvent-welding agent Special solvent. For cleaning the seams of Rhepanol fk and for solvent welding of Rhepanol f. Consumption: about 10 to 30 g/m. Also as thinner for Rhepanol contact adhesive 50, Rhepanol roof point and Rhepanol primer Precol. Can be stored for at least 2 years. ^ 1 l container (= 0.78 kg) 5 kg container

10 11 450 10 02 300


Rhepanol primer Precol High-viscous pre-coat bonding agent for waterproof flashing of Rhepanol fk self-sealing edge to different materials, e.g. eave flashing. Consumption: about 300 g/m2. Can be stored for at least 2 years 10 02 200


5 kg container

Rhepanol sealing tape Double-sided self-adhesive, good adhesion. For waterproof flashings of Rhepanol fk to various substrates such as concrete, coated metal sheets and in connection with Rhepanol primer Precol. 10 01 100


50 x 0.04


Rhepanol paving tiles For maintenance walkways on Rhepanol fk. Providing safe grip and load distribution. Fixing with the integrated self-sealing edge. Thickness 9 mm with structured surface 4 mm.

14 50 050


600 x 800 mm

4 kg/pc

90 pc

Rhepanol lightning conductor holder Snap For flashing lightening conductors against Rhepanol fk roofing membrane. Incl. collar with self-sealing edge. Fixing with two screws on the underground.

14 66 000 14 66 010 1)

grey black

Height 70 mm Height 70 mm

Colour may differ.


Roofing membrane, protection layer Rhepanol® hg Roofing membrane made of polyisobutylene (PIB), meeting the requirements of DIN EN 13956 and DIN EN 13697. Rhepanol hg, like Rhepanol fk, is based on polyisobutylene (PIB) according to Rhepanol® hg

DIN 16731. Rhepanol hg is reinforced with a central glass fleece. Rhepanol is hot-air weldable without open flame. Furthermore Rhepanol hg is root and rhizome resistant according to FLL guidelines. Suitable for extensive and intensive roof garden systems.

Rhepanol hg – loose-laid with roof garden build up For sealing with Rhepanol hg in loose-laid build-ups with ballast you need the following layer: FDT vapour control layer, thermal insulation layer, roofing membrane Rhepanol hg, drainage and filter layer, vegetation mat, plants.


Product code


Thickness mm

Delivery form rolls Length x width (m)

Weight kg/m2

Weight kg/roll

Rolls per europallet

17 01 000 17 02 000

grey grey

1.5 1.8

15 x 2.05 15 x 2.05

1.70 2.05

54 65

9 9

grey/black grey

1.8 1.5

20 x 0.50 15 x 0.15

2.0 1.65

20 4

Rhepanol h For detail work. 17 08 900 10 10 960

Note: Please observe current manufacturer application instructions and national standards and regulations. Europallets must be charged. If single rolls are ordered, we ask a surcharge of 13.50 euros per roll. For safe transportation rolls of 2.05 m width are delivered on 2 europalettes.


Accessories Rhepanol hg

Product code


Delivery form

Piece per box

Preformed detail for internal corners at roofing membrane Rhepanol hg.

17 10 010


Rhepanol® hg

Rhepanol h internal corner 90°


Rhepanol h roof light corner Preformed detail for external corners and roof light corners at roofing membrane Rhepanol hg.

17 11 000 17 12 000 17 12 010

grey/black grey/black grey/black

90° 73° 60°

Rhepanol h collar Preformed detail for flashing FDT VarioGully on Rhepanol hg roofing membrane. Diameter: 273 mm.

14 18 700



Rhepanol h universal collar Preformed detail for built-in details and roof penetrations up to 250 mm at roofing membrane Rhepanol hg. Diameter 340 mm.

14 18 590



Rhepanol h collar loose/fixed flange For all standard rainwater outlets with bolt connection (e.g. 6 holes). Required information when ordering: outlet type and manufacturer, number of holes, inner and outer diameter. Use only according to regulations of manufacturer and with framing rings. Delivery time on request.

14 18 990


Rhepanol EPDM framing rings For flashing loose/fixed flange outlets on Rhepanol hg roofing membranes. One set consists of 2 framing rings per outlet. Delivery time on request.

14 18 910

black 9

Accessories Rhepanol

Product code


Delivery form

Piece per box

Rhepanol coated metal sheet With Rhepanol h laminated, hot-galvanised metal sheet with a green varnish backing. For forming profiles for flashings and trims.


Can be cut and bent like galvanised steel sheets.

10 10 10 10

10 10 11 11

950 980 010 040

grey grey grey white

30 30 30 30

units per stack 2 x 1 m x 1.4 mm sheet units per stack 3 x 1 m x 1.4 mm sheet x 1 m x 1.4 mm coil units per stack 2 x 1 m x 1.4 mm sheet

FDT adhesive tape Special coated adhesive tape for forming joints and edged protection using Rhepanol coated metal sheet. FDT adhesive tape does not clump together with the sealing edge of the cover tape. 10 10 970

50 x 0.038

Rhepanol Gripfix strips Highly tear-resistant polyester base material with mushroom hooks. For fastening Rhepanol fk with Gripfix system. Fixing with fasteners and washers of max. 50 mm width. 10 37 000


60 x 0.12


FDT sealant A Solvent-free single-component sealant on acrylate base. For flashings with wall connecting profile. Consumption about 50 ml/m. Can be stored for at least 1 year. 12 65 200


300 ml cartridge


FDT sealant S Single-component sealant on synthetic rubber base. For flashings with wall connecting profile. Consumption about 50 ml/m. Can be stored for at least 1 year. 10 14 300


300 ml cartridge


Rhepanol primer 1 S Blue-coloured polymer solution. Primer for ferrous metals, concrete, render finish, timber and rigid PVC with Rhepanol contact adhesive 50. Consumption about 150 to 250 g/m². Can be stored for at least 2 years. 15 00 900


5 kg container

Rhepanol primer 2 S Transparent polymer solution. Primer for non-ferrous metals and stainless steels with Rhepanol contact adhesive 50. Consumption about 150 to 250 g/m². Can be stored for at least 2 years. 15 00 905



4.5 kg container

Accessories Rhepanol

Product code


Forms of supply


Rhepanol contact adhesive 50 For bonding roofing membranes Rhepanol fk/hg to concrete, timber, polyester, steel, etc. Not suitable for polystyrene. Consumption about 500 g/m². Can be stored for at least 2 years. 17 30 030 17 30 020

4.5 kg container 12 kg container

Rhepanol adhesive 9 Acrylic-based dispersion adhesive. For bonding Rhepanol fk to shipboards and veneer boards on roof slopes up to 15°. Consumption about 300 to 400 g/m². Can be stored for at least 1 year. 10 10 050

15 kg container Rhepanol®

Rhepanol h seam cleaner For cleaning the seams. Consumption about 10 g/m. Can be stored for at least 4 years. 17 30 000

5 kg container

Rhepanol h intensive cleaner 50 For cleaning heavily soiled Rhepanol hg areas and for diluting Rhepanol contact adhesive 50. Can be stored for at least 4 years. 17 30 010

2 kg container

FDT cleaning kit For cleaning the seam with Rhepanol h seam cleaner and Rhepanol hg areas with Rhepanol h intensive cleaner 50. The cleaning kit contains 150 absorbent cleaning tissues and 100 disposable PE gloves. 17 50 010

Rhepanol roof paint Special PIB-based roof paint. For a decorative coating of all Rhepanol membranes, also with Rhepanol fk standing seam profile. Consumption about 0.25 l/m² (double paint coating). Can be stored for at least 2 years. 10 02 131 10 02 132 10 02 130

silver1) copper1) patinated copper1)

5 l container 5 l container 5 l container

Rhepanol fk standing seam profile With self-sealing edge system. For a visually attractive imitation of standing seams on Rhepanol fk. Necessary hand roller please see on page 14. Incl. Rhepanol fk joint connection (1 pc/2 m). Can be coated with Rhepanol roof paint.

14 80 500



100 m

Rhepanol fk joint connection Rhepanol fk joint connection for additional joints on Rhepanol fk standing seam profile.

14 80 600 1)


10 pc per bag

Other colours black and grey, special colours on request.


Protection and separation layer, vapour control layer Rhepanol

Product code


Thickness1) mm

Delivery form rolls Length x width (m)

Weight kg/m2

Weight kg/roll

Rolls/piece per europallet/ box

Rhepanol fk fire protection layer Special flame-retarding woven glass cloth with a weight of 175 g/m². For mechanical fastening of Rhepanol fk with Gripfix on unbacked polystyrene thermal insulation.

10 10 920


100 x 2.00




FDT protection layer Highly perforation-resistant PIB membrane with polyester fleece backing but fleece-free welding edge. Rhepanol®

17 09 000


1.8 1)

20 x 2.05










FDT synthetic fleece 300 g/m² Highly tear-resistant and thermally bound, drill-resistant and alkali-proof.2) As protection layer for roof build-ups with Rhepanol fk and non-standard gravel. 12 60 000


50 x 2.25

FDT synthetic fleece 180 g/m² Highly tear-resistant and thermally bound, drill-resistant. Levelling layer for old uneven bitumen roofs and on timber decks. 12 60 200


100 x 2.25

FDT vapour control layer fk Polyethylene foil with sd > _ 120 m. For loose-laid or mechanical fastened build-ups with Rhepanol fk roofing membrane in non-airconditioned rooms according to DIN 4108, part 3. 10 10 900


25 x 4.00




FDT vapour control layer alu-gv-sk Aluminium foil with polyester fabric reinforcement and adhesive coating according to DIN 18234, sd >1.500 m (practically vapour-proof). 12 90 670


100 x 1.50




FDT connection tape FDT connection tape

Special adhesive agent on carrier foil. Seam connection between FDT vapour control layer PE as well as for flashings and trims for FDT

FDT vapour control layer PE/fk

vapour control layer PE on different substrates.

10 11 000


12 x 0.08


FDT seam tape FDT seam tape FDT vapour control layer PE/fk

Butyl adhesive agent fibre-reinforced. Connection between FDT vapour barrier fk seams, in the overlap. According to regulation DIN 18234-1.

10 11 100 1) 2)



Incl. fleece backing. Other qualities on request.

25 x 0.015


Bonding system Rhepanol fk

Product code

Delivery form

Consumption of FDT adhesive 1)

FDT roofing membrane adhesive

Building height 2) Inner area

Perimeter and corner areas DIN 1055

Min. amount of adhesive stripes3)/m

striped or entire bonding of roofing membrane Rhepanol fk or

0 to 8 m

150 g/m2

200 g/m2


other fleece-backed membranes.

over 8 to 20 m

180 g/m2

250 g/m2


Liquid, one-component polyurethane adhesive (FCK-free) for

Not suitable for bonding of thermal insulation layers. Can be stored for at least 1 year. 10 kg container

Rhepanol adhesive 90

Consumption of Rhepanol adhesive 90

Liquid, solvent-based adhesive on synthetic rubber base. For striped bonding of Rhepanol fk. Can be stored for at least 2 years.

10 09 650 10 09 660 10 09 670

Building height 2) Inner area

Perimeter and corner areas DIN 1055

Min. amount of adhesive stripes3)/m

0 to 8 m

160 g/m2

240 g/m2


over 8 to 20 m

200 g/m

280 g/m


Building height 2) Inner area

Perimeter and corner areas DIN 1055

Min. amount of adhesive stripes3)/m

0 to 8 m

160 g/m2

220 g/m2


over 8 to 20 m

180 g/m

250 g/m




9 kg container 12 kg container 25 kg container

FDT adhesive U


14 68 010

Consumption of FDT adhesive U

Liquid, one-component polyurethane adhesive, solvent-free, free from FCKW. For striped bonding of thermal insulation layers and bitumen membranes (vapour control layers).



Can be stored for at least 1 year. 10 09 500

6.5 kg container

FDT universal application trolley For Rhepanol adhesive 90 in completely drainable 25 kg container. Application width: 1 m. With adapter also suitable for FDT adhesive U in 6.5 kg container and Rhepanol adhesive 90 in 9 kg container. 10 16 600

1 pc

FDT discharging funnel Replacement for discharging funnel of FDT universal application trolley. 10 16 620

1 pc

FDT adapter For using FDT universal trolley for FDT adhesive U in 6.5 kg container and Rhepanol adhesive 90 in 9 kg container. Application width: 1 m. 10 16 610

1 pc

FDT application trolley 1 m For Rhepanol adhesive 90 in 9 kg container and FDT adhesive in 10 kg container Application width: 1 m. 10 16 400 1) 2) 3)

1 pc

For mineral fibre insulation materials, adhesive consumption is to be defined depending on the project. Not for tower style building. Not for exposed locations. With profiled steel decking, two adhesive stripes per corrugation.


Tools Rhepanol

Product code

Rhepanol universal roller Sealing the longitudinal seams by rolling the Rhepanol universal roller over the self-sealing edge of Rhepanol fk on the Gripfix strips.

10 10 600

Rhepanol metal hand roller Rhepanol速

4 cm wide. For rolling on the sealing joints with Rhepanol cover tape and accessories with self-sealing edge. 10 02 700

FDT metal hand roller small 1 cm wide. For rolling on the sealing joints with Rhepanol cover tape and accessories with self-sealing edge difficult to access. 15 01 100

FDT Teflon roller 3 cm wide. For rolling on the sealing joints with Rhepanol cover tape and accessories with self-sealing edge and for hot-air welded seams. 17 50 000

Rhepanol hand roller for standing seam profile

10 10 940

FDT felt roller For Rhepanol adhesive 9, Rhepanol contact adhesive 50 and roof paint. 10 12 000

FDT handheld pistol Reinforced version for Rhepanol paste, FDT sealant S and A.

10 12 950

FDT scissors 250 mm

High-quality reinforced metal scissors. For cutting Rhenofol.

10 03 500

FDT welding brush 50 mm 10 10 000


For solvent welding, priming and to apply adhesive.

Roofing membrane Rhenofol® Rhenofol is the versatile roofing membrane family made of plasticised PVC. In practical use for decades Rhenofol combines flexibility and cost-effectiveness for new buildings and refurbishment. Available in different lengths, width up to 2.05 m and various colours. Always the right choice: Rhenofol CV for mechanically fixed build-ups, Rhenofol CG for loosely laying with ballast or Rhenofol C for waterproofing foundations and build-in details.

Rhenofol CV – the roofing membrane for mechanically fixed roof build-ups Rhenofol CV is a product made of non-rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC-P), a synthetic fibre-reinforced roofing membrane. Rhenofol CV is used for waterproofing in mechanically fixed build-ups without ballast, especially for lightweight roofs.

Product code


Thickness mm

Delivery form rolls Length x width (m)

Weight kg/m2

Weight kg/roll

Rolls per europallet

12 12 12 12

84 83 82 80

690 090 670 420

light-grey light-grey light-grey light-grey

1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2

20 20 20 20

x x x x

2.05 1.50 1.03 0.68

1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47

63 46 31 20

9 11 15 18

12 12 12 12 12

84 84 89 89 87

740 450 210 220 530

light-grey light-grey light-grey light-grey light-grey

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

15 20 20 20 20

x x x x x

2.05 1.50 1.03 0.68 0.50

1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85

59 58 38 25 19

9 9 9 15 18

12 83 160 12 84 420 12 83 460

light-grey light-grey light-grey

1.8 1.8 1.8

15 x 2.05 15 x 1.50 15 x 1.03

2.25 2.25 2.25

71 52 35

9 11 15

12 86 690



15 x 1.50




12 85 050



20 x 1.03




12 88 420



20 x 1.50






Mechanically fixed

Other FDT standard colours on request.

Note: Please observe current manufacturer application instructions and national standards and regulations. Europallets must be charged. If single rolls are ordered, we ask a surcharge of 13.50 euros per roll. For safe transportation rolls of 2.05 m width are delivered on 2 europalettes.


Roofing membrane Rhenofol CG – the roofing membrane for loose laid application under ballast Rhenofol CG is a product made of non-rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC-P), a roofing membrane with glass reinforcement. Rhenofol CG is used for waterproofing in loose-laid applications under ballast with gravel or paving slabs, e.g. on terraces or parking decks or under green roof systems.

Loose-laid with ballast

Product code


Thickness mm

Delivery form rolls Length x width (m)

Weight kg/m2

Weight kg/roll

12 12 12 12

light-grey light-grey light-grey light-grey

1.2 1.5 1.8 2.0

20 15 15 15

1.54 1.88 2.28 2.53

65 60 71 78

83 83 83 86

410 470 730 600

x x x x

2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05

Rolls per europallet

9 9 9 9

Rhenofol C – the waterproofing membrane for detail works and for waterproofing foundations Rhenofol C is a product made of non-rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC-P), un-reinforced waterproofing membrane.


For detail works with Rhenofol CV/CG roofing membranes and for waterproofing foundations according to DIN 18195.

Product code


Thickness mm

Delivery form rolls Length x width (m)

Weight kg/m2

Weight kg/roll

Rolls per europallet

12 84 810 12 88 230

light-grey anthracite1)

1.2 1.2

15 x 2.05 15 x 2.05

1.52 1.52

49 49

11 11

12 83 810 12 83 550

light-grey light-grey

1.5 1.5

15 x 2.05 15 x 1.03

1.88 1.88

60 30

9 15


Other FDT standard colours on request.

Note: Please observe current manufacturer application instructions and national standards and regulations. Europallets must be charged. If single rolls are ordered, we ask a surcharge of 13.50 euros per roll. For safe transportation rolls of 2.05 m width are delivered on 2 europalettes.


Strip and paste system Rhenofol

Product code


Delivery form

Piece per box

Rhenofol welding paste SB Paste-like solvent mixture consisting of THF and non-rigid PVC. For a position-stable connection of roofing membranes Rhenofol CV with mechanically fixed Rhenofol CV sets or strips. Can be stored for at least 8 months.

12 86 300


10 kg container

Rhenofol CV strip Rhenofol CV strip material, 100 mm or 150 mm wide and 50 m long. For linear fastening of Rhenofol CV with welding paste system. Amount and arrangement of strips according to FDT wind uplift calculation. 12 86 180 12 86 190

light-grey light-grey

50 m x 0.15 m 50 m x 0.10 m

Rhenofol CV sets Disc made of Rhenofol CV with a diameter of 180 mm. For point fastening of Rhenofol CV with welding paste system.

12 83 870 12 84 170

light-grey light-grey

punched unpunched

300 300


Amount and arrangement of sets according to FDT wind uplift calculation.

Accessories for Rhenofol strip and paste system

Product code

FDT PE container cover For installing the stirring mechanism, for covering the container and preventing sparks falling into if from possible electrostatic charge. 12 84 150

FDT stirrer For connection a drilling machine for stirring the Rhenofol welding paste SB. 12 84 110

FDT plastic funnel For easy discharge of the stirred welding paste into the FDT PE bottle. 12 84 130

FDT PE bottle 1 l For easy application of the Rhenofol welding paste SB onto Rhenofol CV sets or strips. 12 84 120


Accessories Rhenofol

Product code


Forms of supply

For flashing to

Piece per box

Rhenofol internal corner 90° Preformed Rhenofol C detail for sealing internal corners at Rhenofol roofing membranes.

12 80 880 12 88 240

light-grey anthracite1)

Rhenofol external corner 90° Preformed Rhenofol C detail for sealing external corners at Rhenofol roofing membranes.

12 80 960 12 88 250

light-grey anthracite1)

Rhenofol external corner for roof lights

(see fig. for Rhenofol external corner 90°)


Preformed Rhenofol C detail for sealing external corners for roof lights at Rhenofol roofing membranes. 12 61 100 12 80 990 12 81 010

light-grey light-grey light-grey

45° 60° 73°

Rhenofol collar For secure flashing of Rhenofol roofing membranes to FDT VarioGully. Diameter 273 mm.

14 18 800 14 18 940

light-grey anthracite1)

Rhenofol Rhenofol

10 10

Rhenofol collar universal For built-in details and roof penetrations up to 250 mm for Rhenofol CG/CV roofing membranes. Diameter 340 mm.

14 18 960




Rhenofol collar loose/fixed flange For outlets with bolt connection (6 or 8 holes). Required information when ordering: outlet type and manufacturer, number of holes, inner and outer diameter. Use only according to regulations of manufacturer and with framing rings. Delivery time on request.

14 18 920 1)



Other FDT standard colours on request.

Accessories Rhenofol

Product code


Delivery form



Rhenofol C framing ring For flashing against loose/fixed flange rainwater outlets at Rhenofol sealings. One set consists of 4 rings per gully. Delivery time on request.

14 18 930


Rhenofol standing seam profile For decorative imitation of standing seam profiles on Rhenofol CV in the height of 25 mm and 50 mm. Necessary metal roller for height 25 mm see page 14.

14 80 000 14 80 010

light-grey anthracite

25 mm 25 mm

180 m 180 m

14 80 100 14 80 110

light-grey anthracite1)

50 mm 50 mm

104 m 104 m

Rhenofol paving tile Rhenofol paving tiles are used for protecting the waterproofing and for marking the maintenance walkways on roofs covered with Rhenofol. The tiles provides safe grip and good load distribution.


Length of standing seam profiles 4 m.

Simple fixing with Rhenofol paste (consumption about 120 g per tile) or hot-air welding. Thickness 9 mm with structured surface 4 mm.

14 50 060


600 x 800 mm

4 kg/pc

100 pc

Rhenofol laminated metal sheet With Rhenofol C laminated, hot-galvanised metal sheet with lower protective lacquer coating. For forming profiles for flashings and cappings and for fixation. May be cut and bent like galvanised sheets.

12 61 500 12 61 900 12 82 560

light-grey light-grey light-grey

30 units per stack 2 x 1 m x 1.4 mm sheet 30 units per stack 3 x 1 m x 1.4 mm sheet 30 x 1 m x 1.4 mm coil

12 61 600


30 units per stack 2 x 1 m x 1.4 mm sheet

1) 2)

Other FDT standard colours on request. Colour may differ.


Accessories Rhenofol

Product code


Delivery form

Piece per box

Rhenfol solvent welding agent (THF) Solvent Tetrahydrofuran (THF). For connecting Rhenofol roofing membrane and seams and as thinner for Rhenofol paste. Consumption: about 15 g/m. Can be stored for at least 4 years. 12 62 900

4.5 kg container

Rhenofol thinner D Colourless solvent for Rhenofol contact adhesive 20, Rhepanol primer 1 and 2 and for use as cleaning agent. Can be stored for at least 4 years. 12 65 000

5 kg container

Rhenofol paste Stabilised non-rigid PVC solution. For securing seam edges at Rhenofol roofing membranes (consumption about 10 g/m) and for fixation of Rhenfol paving tiles. (Consumption: 120 g per tile). Can be stored for at least 1 year. 12 81 060


2 kg container

FDT sealant A Solvent-free one-component sealant on acrylic base. For expansion and connection joints and for Rhenofol flashings on roof lights. Consumption: about 50 ml/m. Can be stored for at least 1 year.


12 65 200


300 ml cartridge


FDT sealant S One component sealant on synthetic rubber base. For expansion and connection joints. Consumption: about 50 ml/m. Can be stored for at least 1 year. 10 14 300


300 ml cartridge


Rhenofol contact adhesive 20 Transparent synthetic rubber-based contact adhesive. For bonding Rhenofol roofing membranes to concrete, timber, polyester, steel, etc. (but not polystyrole). Consumption about 600 g/m². Can be stored for at least 2 years. 12 84 180


12 kg container

Protection and separation layer, vapour control layer Rhenofol

Product code


Thickness mm

Delivery form rolls Length x width (m)

Weight kg/m2

Weight kg/roll

Rolls per europallet

FDT protection layer Highly perforation-resistant PIB membrane with polyester fleece backing but fleece-free welding edge. 17 09 000


1.8 1)

20 x 2.05




Rhenofol CS Synthetic membrane with top non-slip embossing. As a protection layer for maintenance and walkways on Rhenofol roofs. 12 86 970



15 x 1.03




FDT synthetic fleece 300 g/m² Highly tear-resistant and thermally bound, drill-resistant and alkali-resistant.2) As a protection layer on rough substrates. To be used for gravel build-ups with Rhenofol and in combination with PE foil for non-standard gravel. As separation layer to prevent interaction between incompatible materials such as roofing membrane Rhenofol and old bitumen covering 12 60 000


50 x 2.25




FDT synthetic fleece 180 g/m² Highly tear-resistant and thermally bound, drill-resistant. As separation layer to prevent interaction between incompatible materials such as roofing membrane Rhenofol and polystyrene rigid foam boards. As protection layer for reverse roofs. white

100 x 2.25




Rhenofol glass fleece 120 g/m² Chemically bonded glass fibre fleece. As separation layer to prevent interaction between incompatible materials such as roofing membrane Rhenofol and polystyrene rigid foam boards and as a fire retarding layer in mechanically fixed layer build-ups with roofing


12 60 200

membrane Rhenofol. 12 60 400 1) 2)


100 x 2.00




Incl. fleece backing Other qualities on request.


Protection and separation layer, vapour control layer Rhenofol

Product code


Thickness1) mm

Delivery form rolls Length x width (m)

Weight kg/m2

Weight kg/roll

Rolls per europallet

FDT vapour control layer PE Polyethylene foil with sd > _100 m. In loosely laid or mechanically fixed layer build-ups with roofing membrane Rhenofol, for non-air-conditioned rooms according to DIN 4108, part 3. As a separation layer for Rhenofol CG under gravel and in case of extensive vegetation. 12 60 700


25 x 4.00




FDT vapour control layer alu-gv-sk Aluminium foil with polyester fabric reinforcement and adhesive coat according to DIN 18234, sd > 1,500 m (practically vapour-proof) 12 90 130


100 x 1.20




FDT connection tape FDT connection tape

12 60 800

Seam connection between FDT vapour control layer PE as well as for flashings and trims for FDT vapour control layer PE on different substrates.

FDT vapour control layer PE/fk


12 x 0.08


FDT seam tape FDT seam tape FDT vapour control layer PE/fk

Butyl adhesive agent fibre-reinforced. Seam connection between FDT vapour control layers PE in the overlap.


According to regulation DIN 18234-1.


12 87 900


25 x 0.015


Application tools Rhenofol

Product code

Rhenofol membrane cutter With 4 spare blades. tte rane cu memb


For easy and safe cutting of Rhenofol.

12 65 500

Rhenofol silicone hand roller 4 cm wide. For pressing on the Rhenofol roofing membranes while hot-air welding. 12 66 000

FDT Teflon hand roller 3 cm wide. For rolling on Rhenofol prefabricated details and membrane seams while hot-air welding. 17 50 000

FDT metal hand roller small 1 cm wide. For rolling on Rhenofol prefabricated details while hot-air welding, also for areas which are difficult to access. 15 01 100

With guide for Leister Triac/PID.


Rhenofol hand roller for standing seam profiles, height 25 mm

12 88 980

FDT PE bottle 0.5 l For Rhenofol paste. 12 62 600

FDT scissors 250 mm High-quality reinforced metal scissors. For easy cutting of Rhenofol. 12 66 100

FDT brush 50 mm For solvent welding, priming and to apply adhesive. 12 63 000


FDT VarioGully EN 1253 and DIN 19599, which is regularly tested by the external testing institute LGA Bavaria. It is made of rigid PVC, with increased

FDT VarioGully, vertical, DN 125, without reducer Roof penetration Ø 190 mm

impact strength, including gravel and leaf guard. In case of

FDT VarioGully, angled, DN 100, extremely flat, overall height 110 mm, with transition piece DN 70/100 Roof penetration 190 x 240 mm

ø 184 73

heatable FDT VarioGully options, the heater unit is doubly


protected by the two integrated safety systems (heat monitoring





relay and fuse). Connection via safety transformer 230/24 V 110


(10 W per outlet).

DN 70 ø 75 mm

4 DN 100 ø 110 mm

FDT VarioGully is a proven flat roof rainwater outlet according to


Range of application:

DN 125 ø 125 mm

In warm and cold roof structures in vertical and angled version.

Roof penetration ø 190 mm

Corresponding warm roof upstands are available for insulation material thicknesses from 35 to 160 mm and 150 to 240 mm and 230 to 320 mm. Direct connection to all vapour control membranes or roofing membranes, or with separately preformed

Roof penetration 190 x 350 mm

FDT VarioGully, vertical, DN 125, with warm roof upstand, without reducer

FDT VarioGully, angled, DN 125, overall height 189 mm Roof penetration 190 x 270 mm

collar. 8

Adjustable to any thermal insulation thickness from 35 mm to 240 mm, without additional parts



DN 125 ø 125 mm







2 260 DN 125 ø 125 mm

Roof penetration 190 x 280 mm

a Rainwater outlet DN 125 s Insulation sleeve

FDT VarioGully, vertical, DN 150 DN 150 (160)

d Sealing ring f Screw ring

FDT VarioGully, vertical, DN 100, with reducer DN 125/100 ø 273

ø 273

g Roll ring h Warm roof upstand


Flat roof accessories

k Leaf guard l Roll ring DN 125


; Reducer DN 125/100 A Transition piece DN 70/100


j Vapour control layer collar


DN 150 ø 160 mm

DN 100 ø 110 mm

FDT VarioGully, refurbishment

a Existing old roof rainwater outlet s Existing layer build-up d FDT VarioGully refurbishment f FDT synthetic fleece 300 g/m2

h Rhepanol solvent welding agent (THF) j Rhepanol collar




k FDT leaf guard l Mechanical fastening (4 fast./rainwater outlet) ; Sealing cord

g Roofing membrane Rhenofol CV Can also be used in combination with FDT warm roof upstand if additional thermal insulation is installed. 24

5 4





146 166


FDT VarioGully roof outlet

Product code


(flashing collar see page 6, 9 and 18)


FDT VarioGully, vertical Reducer DN 125/100 included. To be used for gravel build-ups with Rhenofol and in combination with PE foil for non-standard gravel. 14 30 000


DN 125 and DN 100

FDT VarioGully, vertical DN 150 (OD 160) 14 30 050


DN 150 (OD 160)

FDT VarioGully, vertical, heatable Reducer DN 125/100 included. The discharge rate is equivalent to DN 125 or DN 100 with the included reducer (DN125/100) installed. 14 30 100

vertical, heatable

DN 125 and DN 100

FDT VarioGully, vertical, heatable DN 150 (OD 160) 14 30 150

vertical, heatable

DN 150 (OD 160)

FDT VarioGully, angled, extremely flat Height 110 mm. The discharge rate is equivalent to DN 70 with the included reducer (DN70/100) installed to DN 100. 14 30 250

angled, extremely flat

DN 70 and DN 100

FDT VarioGully, angled, extremely flat, heatable Height 110 mm. The discharge rate is equivalent to DN 70 with the included reducer (DN70/100) installed to DN 100. 14 30 350

angled, extremely flat, heatable

DN 70 and DN 100

FDT VarioGully, angled Height 189 mm. 14 30 200


DN 125

FDT VarioGully, angled, heatable Height 189 mm. angled, heatable

DN 125

FDT VarioGully refurbishment For refurbishment outlets up to DN 150. Fasteners and sealing cord are included. 14 30 500


FDT VarioGully warm roof upstand Compatible to all VarioGully outlets. For upstands on non-ventilated roofs (warm roof). 14 14 14 14 1)

30 30 30 30

400 410 420 430

for for for for

insulation insulation insulation insulation

material material material material

thicknesses thicknesses thicknesses thicknesses

Flat roof accessories

14 30 300

from 35 mm to 160 mm from 150 mm to 240 mm from 230 mm to 320 mm > 310 mm tailor-made production1)

Indication of thickness of thermal insulation necessary when ordering.

Note: Please observe current manufacturer application instructions and national standards and regulations.


Accessories FDT VarioGully

Product code




Piece per box

FDT emergency overflow socket Simple conversion of FDT VarioGully into an emergency overflow outlet. Height 40 mm. Special heights on request.

14 30 800

FDT collars for FDT VarioGully For safe flashing of roofing membranes to FDT VarioGully. For Rhepanol fk collars including self-sealing edge and Gripfix ring. For bitumen membranes collars are made of polymer bitumen.

14 18 580 14 18 550

Rhepanol fk Rhepanol fk

grey black

Ø 340 Ø 340

10 10

14 18 700

Rhepanol hg

grey /black

Ø 273


14 18 800 14 18 940

Rhenofol Rhenofol

light-grey anthracite

Ø 273 Ø 273

10 10

14 18 500

bitumen membrane2)


Ø 500



FDT fire protection collar For fire stop in buildings according to DIN 18234. Fire rating F 90 resp. R90.

Flat roof accessories

In case of wall ducts, FDT fire protection collars must be installed on both sides.

14 14 14 14 14 14

40 40 40 40 40 40

290 360 300 350 310 320

for flashing to tubes DN 100 pipe coupling DN 100 tubes DN 125 pipe coupling DN 125 FDT VarioGully, vertical FDT vent pipe and tube DN 150

1 1 1 1 1 1

FDT reducer DN 125/70 eccentric 14 17 100


DN 125/70 eccentric


FDT terrace grating Made of aluminium with lift ring. For application on flat roofs with paving slabs or in inverted roofs, the installation height of 67 to 90 mm can be adapted to the terrace structure in steps of 3 mm. With a slab height of 90 mm or more, additional lift rings will be necessary. Dimension 195 x 195 for grid size 200 x 200 mm. 14 17 300 1) 2)


Other FDT standard colours on request. Not suitable for roof vegetation.


Accessories FDT VarioGully

Product code

FDT lift ring Every additional FDT lift ring gives 36 mm more height.

14 17 200

FDT leaf guard Made of polypropylene (PP) leaf guard/gravel stop, for FDT VarioGully.

14 18 000

FDT lift ring For all types of FDT VarioGully. 14 30 600

FDT sealing ring oval For backflow-proof flashing of the collar below the screw ring. 14 02 200

FDT roll ring For all types of FDT VarioGully. 14 30 700

Tool for simple and reliable installation of the lift ring for the FDT VarioGully.

14 18 010

Flat roof accessories

FDT VarioGully tool

FDT protective cover Installation aid to connect bitumen membranes to FDT VarioGully. (FDT protective cover is included with FDT bitumen collars.) 14 12 630


FDT RWE rainwater outlet, through wall outlet, emergency overflow The application of rainwater and emergency outlets is particularly recommended on small areas, for refurbishment and in special cases. They can be directly flashed against Rhepanol fk with Rhepanol cover tape, against Rhepanol hg by hot-air welding or against Rhenofol by hot-air or solvent welding. Attention: Prior to connecting the seams, the flange surfaces must be cleaned using Rhepanol h seam cleaner or, in the case of Rhenofol, using Rhenofol thinner D. Product code


Outer diameter d (mm)

Inner diameter d (mm)

Socket length (mm)

Flange diameter (mm)


315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315

300 300 300 300 380 380 380 380 380

for bushing DN 50 for down pipe diameter 60 for down pipe diameter 80 for bushing DN 70 lip seal (see below) for bushing DN 100 for bushing DN 125

315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315

300 300 300 300 380 380 380 380 380

for bushing DN 50 for down pipe diameter 60 for down pipe diameter 80 for bushing DN 70 lip seal (see below) for bushing DN 100 for bushing DN 125

Flat roof accessories

FDT RWE rainwater outlet

14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

000 010 020 030 040 050 060 070 080

Rhepanol-RWE Rhepanol-RWE Rhepanol-RWE Rhepanol-RWE Rhepanol-RWE Rhepanol-RWE Rhepanol-RWE Rhepanol-RWE Rhepanol-RWE

50 56 63 75 95 110 125 140 160

50 56 63 75 95 110 125 140 160

14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

000 010 020 030 040 050 060 070 080

Rhenofol-RWE Rhenofol-RWE Rhenofol-RWE Rhenofol-RWE Rhenofol-RWE Rhenofol-RWE Rhenofol-RWE Rhenofol-RWE Rhenofol-RWE

50 56 63 75 95 110 125 140 160

50 56 63 75 95 110 125 140 160

70 100 125

70 100 125

for bushing DN 150

for bushing DN 150

FDT leaf guard The leaf guard is suitable for all RWE rainwater outlets and can be cut to size to fit the corresponding diameter. It is also suitable for all through wall outlets.

14 22 000


FDT lip seal The FDT lip seals are suitable for installation without backflow with all rainwater outlets as well as for installation directly into the downpipe and old rainwater outlets.

14 14 14 14 28

22 22 22 22

010 020 030 040

for for for for


95 95 125 160

100 125 150 200

FDT RWE rainwater outlet, through wall outlet, emergency overflow Product code


Outer diameter d (mm)


Socket length (mm)

Flange diameter (mm)

FDT through wall outlets

14 20 500 14 20 510 14 20 520

Rhepanol outlet 50 Rhepanol outlet 75 Rhepanol outlet 110

50 75 110

5° 5° 5°

480 480 480

115/185 x 280 115/185 x 280 115/185 x 280

14 21 500 14 21 510 14 21 520

Rhenofol outlet 50 Rhenofol outlet 75 Rhenofol outlet 110

50 75 110

5° 5° 5°

480 480 480

115/185 x 280 115/185 x 280 115/185 x 280

75 110 610 x 110

5° 5° 2° 2°

500 500 400

300 x 300 300 x 300 760 x 230

as per demand

as per demand

500 500 400

300 x 300 300 x 300 760 x 230

as per demand

as per demand

14 14 14 14

20 20 20 20

840 810 820 830

Rhepanol weir overflow 75 Rhepanol weir overflow 110 Rhepanol weir overflow 600 x 100 Rhepanol weir overflow “tailor made”

14 14 14 14

21 21 21 21

840 810 820 830

Rhenofol weir overflow 75 Rhenofol weir overflow 110 Rhenofol weir overflow 600 x 100 Rhenofol weir overflow “tailor made”



as per demand2)

75 110 610 x 110 as per demand2)

5° 5° 2° 2°

FDT weir overflow plus With extreme high drainage capacity and small socket.

14 20 850 14 21 850 1) 2)

Rhepanol weir overflow plus Rhenofol weir overflow plus

as per demand2) as per demand2)

2° 2°

as per demand

as per demand

as per demand

as per demand

Flat roof accessories

FDT weir overflow

Also available as through wall outlet. Please ask for order form.


FDT flat roof accessories

Product code


Colour of collar

Thermal insulation thickness (mm)

FDT flat roof vent pipe DN 100 Made of rigid PVC with increased impact strength. With removable cap and bearing ring. Ready for installation with integrated collar with self-sealing edge system incl. Gripfix ring. For bitumen membranes with collar 500 x 500 mm made of bitumen-compatible roofing membrane. Corpus: grey. Required opening Ă˜ 190 mm. 14 03 520 14 03 500

Rhepanol fk Rhepanol fk

grey black

160 160

14 03 810

Rhepanol hg



14 03 300 14 03 700

Rhenofol bitumen membrane4)


14 03 570 14 03 550

Rhepanol fk Rhepanol fk

grey black

240 240 2)

14 03 800

Rhepanol hg


240 2)

14 03 350 14 03 750 14 03 850

Rhenofol bitumen membrane4) one of the above mentioned3)

light-grey black


160 black




240 2) 240 2) >240

FDT refurbishment vent pipe DN 100 Made of rigid PVC with increased impact strength. With removable cap and ready-to-use integrated collar with self-sealing edge system. For flashing against vents (diameter DN 100) in the case of refurbishment with Rhepanol fk, Rhepanol hg and Rhenofol.

Flat roof accessories

Corpus: grey.

14 03 590 14 03 600

Rhepanol fk Rhepanol fk

grey black

14 03 630

Rhepanol hg


14 03 580



FDT hose connection Made of polypropylene. Nominal width DN 100. Flexible flashing against the vent pipe. Bellows lengths from 200 to 500 mm.

14 13 300 1) 2) 3) 4)


Vent pipe

Other FDT standard colours on request. Larger insulation material thicknesses (e.g. tapered insulation) on request. Required information when ordering: material and colour. Not suitable for green roofs.

FDT flat roof accessories

Product code

For flashing against

Colour of collar

Piece per box

FDT weather cap Made of rigid PVC with increased impact strength. For room ventilation, in combination with the vent pipe/refurbishment vent pipe for rainproof flashing. 14 12 629

vent pipe/refurbishment vent pipe

FDT cold roof vent DN 100 Made of rigid PVC with increased impact strength. Vent cross-section of 880 mm². FDT weather cap can be removed for maintenance. Ready for installation with integrated collar with self-sealing edge system and Gripfix ring. For bitumen membranes with collar 500 x 500 mm made of bitumencompatible roofing membrane. Corpus: grey. 14 10 620 14 10 600

Rhepanol fk Rhepanol fk

grey black

2 2

14 10 800

Rhepanol hg



14 10 500 14 10 700

Rhenofol bitumen membrane2)

light-grey1) black

2 2

FDT lightning conductor sleeve For flashing against Rhepanol and up to 53 mm for Rhenofol and bitumen. Total height 250 mm. For Rhepanol fk with self-sealing edge system collar, diameter 340 mm. For bitumen with collar 500 x 500 made of bitumen compatible roofing membrane.

14 40 030 14 40 010

Rhepanol fk Rhepanol fk

grey black

5 5

14 40 000 14 40 040

Rhenofol bitumen membrane2)

light-grey black

1 1

FDT support covering For flashing the roofing membrane against penetrations from 14 mm to 50 mm. With stainless steel clamp for safety holder with diameter 14 mm to 16 mm. Flange diameter 160 mm.

Flat roof accessories

Corpus for Rhepanol fk is black, for bitumen light-grey.

For Rhepanol fk with self-sealing edge system collar, diameter 340 mm. Height 150 mm. For bitumen with collar 500 x 500 made of bitumen-compatible roofing membrane. Corpus for Rhepanol fk is black, for bitumen light-grey.

14 60 000 14 60 010

Rhepanol fk Rhepanol fk

grey black

7 7

14 60 030 14 60 060

Rhenofol bitumen membrane2)

light-grey black

1 1

1) 2)

Other FDT standard colours on request. Not suitable for green roofs.


FDT wall connection profiles

Product code


Profile height (mm)

FDT aluminium wall connection profile Economy Rigid aluminium profile in punched 3 m sections. For fixing Rhepanol and Rhenofol roofing membranes at vertical surfaces. Fastening with 5 fasteners per metre, hole diameter 8 mm.

14 09 930

3 m (Bundle Ă 198 m/pallet with 4.156 m)


FDT aluminium wall connection profile Classic Highly rigid aluminium profile in punched 4 m sections with slot for hooking up metal sheets. For fixing Rhepanol and Rhenofol roofing membranes at vertical surfaces. Fastening with 5 fasteners per metre, slotted holes 6.2 x 8 mm.

14 09 900



Rhepanol aluminium wall connection profile Gripfix Rigid aluminium profile in punched 4 m sections. For fixing Rhepanol fk roofing membranes at vertical surfaces. Flashing of Rhepanol fk in the profile. Fastening with 5 fasteners per metre, hole diameter 6.5 mm.

Flat roof accessories

14 09 920




FDT roof edge trim

Product code

Colour of cover


Packing unit

FDT roof edge trim 110 Consisting of an extruded aluminium mounting rail and roll-formed stove enamel cover (colour: silver metallic grey), as well as plastic clamps for fixing roofing membranes up to 5 mm thickness. Roofing membranes < 1.5 mm must be folded back once in the clamping area. Special colours for covers, joint connections and corners can be supplied, matching any RAL colour.1)

14 11 500

silver metallic grey

4 m/110 mm

8, 12, 40 m

FDT corner 110 Cover roll-formed, silver metallic grey2), stove enamel. Side length 200 x 200 mm, for easy making of internal and external corners. 14 12 200

silver metallic grey

FDT joint connection 110 Silver metallic grey2), stove enamel. 14 12 100

FDT aluminium roof edge trim 175

(see FDT roof edge trim 110)

Consisting of an extruded aluminium mounting rail and roll-formed stove enamel cover (colour: silver metallic grey), as well as plastic clamps for fixing roofing membranes up to 5 mm thickness. Roofing membranes < 1.5 mm must be folded back once in the clamping area. Special colours for covers, joint connections and corners can be supplied, matching any RAL colour.1) 14 11 501

silver metallic grey

4 m/175 mm

8, 12, 20 m

FDT corner 175 Cover roll-formed, silver metallic grey2), stove enamel.

14 12 201

Flat roof accessories

Side length 200 x 200 mm, for easy making of internal and external corners. silver metallic grey

FDT joint connection Silver metallic grey2), stove enamel. 14 12 101

FDT plastic clamps (additional/replacement) For fixing the roofing membrane to the profile. 14 12 000 1) 2)


30 pc per bag

Additional charge for special colours for covers or corners is 7.50 euros per metre. Delivery time on request. Similar to RAL 9006/9007.


FDT gravel stop profiles

Product code

For roofing membrane


Height in mm

Form of supply

FDT gravel stop profile package Stainless steel gravel stop profile. The FDT holders are fixed to the waterproofing with a piece of Rhepanol hg or Rhenofol roofing membrane. The Rhepanol holders with sealing edge system and collar are placed directly on the Rhepanol fk and screwed to the supporting construction. The stainless steel clamp serves as a joint connection and for stiffening the gravel stop profile above the holder. At slopes exceeding 5°, application should be agreed with our Technical Department.

14 40 100 14 40 200

Rhepanol fk Rhepanol fk

grey/black1) grey/black1)

14 40 150 14 40 250

Rhepanol hg/Rhenofol CG Rhepanol hg/Rhenofol CG

60 100 2)

10 pc à 2 m incl. holders and clamps 10 pc à 2 m incl. holders and clamps

60 100 2)

10 pc à 2 m incl. holders and clamps 10 pc à 2 m incl. holders and clamps

Note: If incomplete packages are ordered, we ask a surcharge of 40.00 euros. Delivery time about 1 week.

Additional items for the package as required:

Rhepanol holder and clamps 14 40 160 14 40 260

grey/black1) grey/black1)

60 100 2)

FDT holder and clamps for Rhepanol hg and Rhenofol CG 14 40 170 14 40 270

silver silver

60 100 2)

Flat roof accessories

FDT gravel stop profile 2 m 14 40 140 14 40 240

silver silver

60 100 2)

FDT internal corner for gravel stop profile Internal corner made of stainless steel to insert the gravel stop profile. 14 40 120 14 40 220

silver silver

60 100 2)

FDT external corner for gravel stop profile External corner made of stainless steel to insert the gravel stop profile. 14 40 130 14 40 230 1) 2)


silver silver

60 100 2)

Please indicate colour of Rhepanol fk roofing membrane when ordering the holders. For 100 mm application should be agreed with our Technical Department.

Request for wind uplift calculation Please copy and fax to: + 49 6 21 - 85 04 - 4 45 Please make a wind uplift calculation for mechanical fastening for the following building project according to: DIN 1055-4 (2005-03) Project:


Project location:

Structure1) :



Project name: ............................................

Street, No.: ............................................................................

Postcode/city: .............................................

District/country: ....................................................................

Separate sketch (will be sent)




Length: .................................................. m

Height: .................................... m

Internal drainage

Width: .................................................. m

Roof pitch: ............................. °

External drainage

Wind zone1) : .........................................

Terrain category1) : ...................

Height above sea level: ......................... m

Parapet height1) : ..................... m

Opening percentage of exterior walls < 1% and approximately evenly distributed; closed building Opening of at least at one external wall > 30% (please enclose sketch illustrating the position of the openings) Opening of at least at one external wall > 1% and < 30%; please add the following information: Opening on windward side: .......................... m2

Fastener: Roof membranes:

Manufacturer: ............................................

Opening in total: ....................................... m2

Type: .....................................................................................

Rhepanol fk (Gripfix system)

Rhepanol hg (green roof)

Rhenofol CV (seam fastening)

Rhenofol CG (green roof)

Rhenofol CV (solvent welding system) Preferred membrane width: .................... m

Preferred membrane thickness: ..................... mm

Substrate/supporting construction: Concrete: ....................................... mm

Lightweight concrete: .................................................. mm

Timber: .......................................... mm

Other material: ..........................................

............. mm

Profiled steel deck Manufacturer: ...................................................................................................... Corrugation spacing (rib width): ........................ mm

Overall thickness: .................................... mm

Overall thickness of the layer build-up: ...................................... mm Additional information:

Please send the results to: First name/Last name: ......................................................................

Company: ............................................................................

Street, No./P.O. Box: .........................................................................

Postcode/City: ......................................................................

Telephone/fax: ..................................................................................

E-mail: .................................................................................

Location/date 1)



✗ Signature

For further information please see the explanations on the data survey form.


Request for drainage equipment calculation for VarioGully Please copy and fax to: + 49 6 21 - 85 04 - 4 45 Drainage equipment calculation for buildings with internal drainage according to DIN 1986-100: Building project: Object name: ..............................................

Address: .................................................

City: ........................................................

Downpipes: Are not yet designed

Are already designed

Project data: Building width:

........................... m

Building length:

........................... m

Number of valleys:

........................... units

Roof slope:

........................... ° or .......................... %

Roof type:

Without ballast With ballast/extensive green roof < 10 cm Extensive/intensive green roof > 10 cm

Valleys/gutters: Valleys/gutters are irregularly distributed. Roof area

Valley 1

Valley 2

Valley 3

Valley 4

Valley 5

Valley 6

Length [m]







Width [m]







Emergency drainage: The emergency drainage system for centennial rain is to be designed with:

Emergency outlets


Parapet slots The available load reserve for the water pressure

......................... kN/m²

resp. maximum overflow height

......................... mm

Please send the results to: First name/Last name: ......................................................................

Company: ............................................................................

Street, No./P.O. Box: .........................................................................

Postcode/City: ......................................................................

Telephone/fax: ..................................................................................

E-mail: .................................................................................



✗ Signature

Order example for Rhepanol® fk Sketch of roof:

Data: Area:

Roof parapet

on lc al W


n tio ec


500 m2 bonded

Roof parapet:

65 m

Height of parapet:

60 cm ¨ connecting membrane 1.05 m 25 m

Size: 100/150 height: 30 cm


4 outlets


¨ Connecting membrane 0.52 m

Vent pipes p of Ro

Roof light


et ap

2 emergency overflows



¨ connecting membrane 0.35 m

Wall: Roof light:


2 vent pipes 2 lightning conductors

Roof parapet Emergency overflow

Material requirements: Area:


Order quantity: Membrane: 500 m² / 15 m (1.05 roll)

= 34 rolls Rhepanol fk 1.05 m

Rhepanol adhesive 90: 500 m² x about 260 g/m²

= 150 kg Rhepanol adhesive 90

Membrane: 65 m / 15 m (1.05 m roll)

= 5 rolls Rhepanol fk 1.05 m

Rhepanol contact adhesive 50: 65 m x 0.45 m x 500 g/m

= 15 kg Rhepanol contact adhesive 50

FDT roof edge trim 110

= 68 m

Membrane: 25 m / 15 m (0.35 m roll)

= 2 rolls Rhepanol fk 0.35 m




Roof light:

Rhepanol aluminium wall connection profile Gripfix

= 28 m

FDT sealant A: 25 m x 50 ml / 300 ml

= 5 cartridges

FDT VarioGully, vertical

= 4 pieces

FDT VarioGully, warm roof upstand

= 4 pieces

FDT collar for FDT VarioGully, Rhepanol fk

= 4 pieces

FDT weir overflow 600 mm x 100 mm

= 2 pieces

Membrane: 100/150 cm

¨ 6 m (0.52 m roll)

= 1 roll Rhepanol fk 0.52 m with double-sided self-sealing edge

Rhepanol contact adhesive 50: 0.2 m x 6 m x 500 g/m

= see above

FDT sealant S: 5 m x 50 ml / 300 ml

= 1 cartridge

Rhepanol fk universal roof light corner

= 4 pieces


34 rolls Rhepanol fk 1.05 m x 1.10 m


¨ 34 T-joints

36.7 m + flashings

Rhepanol paste: Corners:


= 50 m Rhepanol fk cover tape 100 mm wide = 2 cartridges

Rhepanol fk internal corners 90°

= 4 pieces

Rhepanol fk external corners 90°

= 4 pieces

FDT vent pipe DN 100 with Rhepanol fk collar

= 2 pieces

FDT lightning conductor for Rhepanol fk

= 2 pieces

Rhepanol solvent-welding

500 m² area + about 160 m connection

= 10 kg


(for cleaning the seams)


Cover tape:


Order form for Rhepanol® fk Please copy and send to + 49 6 21 - 85 04 - 3 78 Date:

Request date of delivery: ....................... 20 ......

........................ 20 ...... ...................................................................

Shipping address: .......................................................................









Customer address:

Contact person: Product code

Phone no.: .......................................................................

....................................................................... Description


Rhepanol fk 1.05 m Rhepanol fk 0.65 m Rhepanol fk 0.52 m Rhepanol fk 0.35 m Rhepanol fk 1.05 m double-sided self-sealing edge Rhepanol fk 0.65 m double-sided self-sealing edge Rhepanol fk 0.52 m double-sided self-sealing edge Rhepanol fk 0.35 m double-sided self-sealing edge Rhepanol fk 0.25 m double-sided self-sealing edge Rhepanol f 1.5 mm

........... m

Rhepanol Gripfix strips

roll à 60 m

Rhepanol cover tape

100 / 150 / 200 / 350 mm

Rhepanol coated metal sheet

........... x 1 m

Rhepanol h strips / FDT adhesive tape Rhepanol fk internal corner 90° with self-sealing edge Rhepanol fk external corner 90° with self-sealing edge Rhepanol fk universal roof light corner with self-sealing edge Rhepanol fk roof light corner universal rapid Rhepanol fk standing seam profile Rhepanol solvent-welding agent Rhepanol contact adhesive 50 Rhepanol paste Rhepanol contact adhesive 90 Rhepanol primer Precol

1 l / 5 kg 4.5 kg / 12 kg 300 ml 9 / 12 / 25 kg 5 kg


FDT VarioGully, refurbishment FDT VarioGully, vertical


FDT VarioGully, angled


FDT VarioGully, warm roof attachment FDT collar Rhepanol fk for VarioGully Rhepanol weir overflow 600 x 100 Vent pipe for FDT adhesive U


Rhepanol fk 6.5 kg



Price in euros

FDT – legal notice We refer emphatically to the fact that all details mentioned, especially the application and utilisation recommendation for the roofing membranes and their system accessories, have been developed under normal conditions and based on our knowledge and experience. Appropriate storage and usage of the products are assumed. A warranty or reliability of a finished project cannot be deduced because of varying materials, substrates and differing work conditions, neither by any indications nor from verbal statements, irrespective of any legal positions. For the possible accusation that FDT acted intentionally or grossly negligent, the applicator has to supply evidence that they provided FDT with all information and details, necessary for an appropriate and correct evaluation through FDT in written form, immediately available and complete. The applicator themselves are responsible for ensuring that the products are suitable for the given application. It is FDT’s right to change product specifications without notice. Property rights of third parties are to be considered. In addition our particular sales and delivery terms are valid. Mandatory is the latest version of our product data sheet and our


application manual, which can be requested directly from FDT.


FlachdachTechnologie GmbH & Co. KG Eisenbahnstrasse 6-8 68199 Mannheim Germany Tel +49-6 21-85 04-0 Fax +49-6 21-85 04-2 05 www.fdt.de

Export Department: Phone +49-6 21-85 04-3 72 Fax

+49-6 21-85 04-3 78

E-mail export@fdt.de

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