sika Flexible Waterproofing of Basement Structures with SikaPlan_Eng

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Flexible Waterproofing of Basement Structures 速 with Sikaplan Membranes

Flexible Waterproofing of Basement Structures with Sikaplan Membranes 速

Residential Apartments Commercial Offices Leisure Facilities Retail Units and Storage Areas Archives Metro Stations Parking Areas Plant Rooms

Drainage systems can be incorporated

Can accommodate settlement and ground movement Will flexibly bridge cracks and joints in concrete

Protects the structure from aggressive groundwater

Prevents reinforcement steel corrosion due to water ingress

Secure and homogeneous with welded seams tested on site

Protects and maintains thermal 足insulation values


The different Levels of Exposure and Requirements

The Degree of Watertightness required

The Ground Conditions

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Basements are immersed in differing levels of groundwater, and aggressive influences ­including damp soil contact, percolating water, water under hydrostatic pressure plus ­aggressive chemicals in solution, different soil, gravel and rock, etc. These all require ­ different and often specific waterproofing treatments to be applied to the structure. A part or partial waterproofing treatment can also be achieved with drainage or porous screeds that are laid to falls on horizontal surfaces to drain off any water.

Basic Utility

Better Utility


Special Requirements

Some seepage and damp patches tolerable (min. wall thickness: 150 mm) Car parking areas Plant rooms/workshops excluding any electrical equipment in the areas

No water penetration but ­moisture vapour tolerable (min. wall thickness: 200 mm) Retail storage areas Plant rooms and workshops requiring drier environment with electrical equipment in the area

Dry environment – ventilated (min. wall thickness: 250 mm) Residential areas, offices, restaurants Leisure centres, ­gymnasiums

Totally dry environment – ventilated (min. wall thickness: 300 mm) Archives and special ­equipment or storage areas Controlled environment

(Grades defined according to BS 8102)

Frost Dynamic force


Percolating water

Biological attack Statical pressure

Rising capillary water

Uplifting force

Pressure water Chemically aggressive groundwater

Gas (methane, radon)


Pressure water Chemically aggressive groundwater

Flexible Sikaplan® membrane waterproofing for damp soil contact, percolating water and water under hydrostatic pressure Rigid Waterproofing (Grades 1 to 3)

Flexible Waterproofing (Grades 2 to 4)

Waterproof concrete/waterproof ­rendering and joint sealing systems

Loose laid and welded sheet membranes

To seal structures against groundwater ­ingress, where some ­limited moisture presence or damp patches are tolerable.

Damp Soil Contact

Percolating Water

Water under hydrostatic Pressure

Soil with low water permeability or high ­water retention.

Water percolating by gravity through ­permeable soil.

Hydrostatic pressure develops with high water levels in permeable ground.

To waterproof all types of structures in all different ground conditions against all types of groundwater ingress including high water levels with strong hydrostatic pressure even where the internal Note: Can be used for Grades 3 and 4 with additional Sika jointing, environment must be totally dry (i.e. Grade 4 in areas with a totally waterproofing and other technologies. controlled environment or other special requirements).


Selection Guide for different Waterproofing Systems

Waterproofing with Sikaplan Flexible Sheet Membranes

A Comparison between Flexible and Rigid Waterproofing Systems for new Watertight Basement Structures

Dependent on the groundwater conditions, the type of structure and the degree of water­ tightness required, a full range of alternative Sikaplan® flexible membrane waterproofing solutions are available. These include systems in combination with drainage, plus systems in combination with Sika® Waterbars, for both single and double compartment waterproofing. For the most stringent requirements, the Sikaplan® Active Control System with additional vacuum dewatering capabilities is used.

Rigid Waterproofing Systems Waterproof mortar rendering Suitable against hydrostatic water pressure Specialized ­contractor required No substrate ­preparation required No priming of ­substrate required Crack-bridging ability Prevents water underflow Requires no support

No need to be ­bonded to the surface


Watertight ­concrete


Flexible Waterproofing Systems Loose laid Sikaplan® WP/WT sheet membranes


Hot applied “torch-on” bitumen membranes


Liquid a­ pplied ­polymer ­membrane
























with compartments















1. Drainage System

2. Waterstopping System

3. Active Control System

Not suitable against hydrostatic pressure

Suitable against hydrostatic pressure

A waterstopping system with dewatering capabilities – suitable against hydrostatic pressure

Loose laid, with lateral drainage, without compartments

Loose laid, welded with compartments formed from additional waterbars

Loose laid, welded with compartments formed from additional waterbars

For waterproofing against water under hydrostatic pressure Compartments are injectable in the event of any movements or damage causing leaks in the waterproofing membranes

For waterproofing against water under hydrostatic pressure and incorporating the Sika Active Control System High security for maintaining the watertightness with vacuum dewatering Compartments are injectable in the event of any movement or damage causing leaks in the waterproofing membranes

For waterproofing against damp soil contact and percolating water Requires drainage pipes at the base (sump drain) bottom to prevent any build-up of water pressure Suitable products Sikaplan® WP 1100 Sikaplan® WT 1200 Sika® Dilatec®, type E/ER sealing strips Sikadur®-Combiflex® System

Suitable products Sikaplan® WP 1100 Sikaplan® WT 1200 Sika® Waterstops, PVC types Sika® Waterstops, FPO types Sika® Dilatec®, type E/ER strips Sikadur®-Combiflex® System Sika® Control® system and ­injection ports Sika® Injection-305 resin

Suitable products Sikaplan® WP 1100 H / HE Sikaplan® WT 1200 C / CE Sika® Waterstops, PVC types Sika® Waterstops, FPO types Sika® Dilatec®, type E/ER strips Sikadur®-Combiflex® System Sika® Control® system and ­ injection ports Sika® Injection-305 resin


Sikaplan Membrane Systems for all Types of Construction Procedures

The Sikaplan Flexible Waterproofing Membranes

Construction Procedures

The Sikaplan® Membranes


Open trench excavation with sloping sides

Open trench excavation with retaining walls

Construction inside diaphragm walls



Sikaplan® WT 1200

Former product names

Sarnafil TG 68-...

Sarnafil TG 68-...N


C: Fleece stabilized E: Embossed H: Homogeneous L: Laminated 2: Extruded

-16 C -20 C -30 C

-25 CE -35 CE

-15 HL2 -20 HL2 -30 HL2

Material base

FPO-PE with glass fleece restraint

PVC-P, homogeneous

Available thickness* (mm)

16, 20, 30

15, 20, 30


Top layer: green Reverse layer: black

Membrane surface appearance


Roll width (m)


CE conformity

According to EN 13967

Sikaplan® WP 1100

25, 35



Top layer: yellow Reverse layer: black Top layer: smooth Reverse: embossed

Smooth 2.00

* Thickness depending on project requirements and local standards.

Physical properties according to Product Data Sheets

The correct Selection of Sikaplan® WP (PVC-P) or Sikaplan® WT (FPO-PE) Membranes Sikaplan® WP (PVC-P)

Sikaplan® WT (FPO-PE)

Bitumen resistance



Resistance to salt water



Resistance to chemically polluted groundwater



Resistance to water under hydrostatic pressure at 5 bar



Suitability for installation during cold ­temperatures


Needs experience

Site seam preparation

Not required

Activation and cleaning with solvent cleaner

Seam welding

With suitable heat welding machines

With suitable heat welding machines


Ancillary Products for Sikaplan Membrane Systems

Detailing and Connections with ® Sikaplan Membrane Systems

The compatibility of materials and the professional sealing of details will decide on the ­successful waterproofing of basement structures.

Sika® Waterbars are used to form watertight compartments with the Sikaplan® sheet membrane water­ proofing systems below base slabs, above roof slabs and behind external walls. These compartments above underground roof slabs must be produced using Sika® Dilatec® and Sikadur ®-Combiflex® waterproofing tapes. The waterproofing terminations on external walls and at intersections are made using liquid applied Sikalastic® products, to ensure that completely watertight basements are achieved.


Sika® Waterbars, PVC and TPO/FPO based types Sika® Waterbar type AR (PVC) Sika® Waterbar type DR (PVC) Sika® Waterstop type MP AF (TPO/FPO) for compartments on the base slabs and walls

Sikadur ® Combiflex joint sealing system Sikadur®-Combiflex® strip Sikadur®-31 CF (EP adhesive) for watertight compartments and terminations

Sika® Dilatec, type E/ER joint and edge sealing strips Sika® Dilatec® E-220 for expansion joints Sika® Dilatec® ER -350 for waterproofing terminations Sikadur®-31 CF (EP adhesive) for watertight compartments and terminations using PVC membranes

Sika® Control system and injection flanges

Sikaplan® WP – Sika® Dilatec®

Sikaplan® WT – Sikadur®-Combiflex®

Sikaplan® WP/WT – Sika® Waterbars AR/DR

Waterproofing terminations of Sikaplan® sheet membranes at walls Sika® Dilatec® ER-350 Sikadur®-31 CF (EP adhesive) Sikaplan® WP 1100 membranes

Sikadur®-Combi­flex® strip Sikadur®-31 CF (EP adhesive) Sikaplan® WT 1200 membranes

Sika® Waterbars AR/DR (PVC) Sika® Waterbars AF (PE) Sikaplan® WP/WT membranes

Compartments over construction joints on roof slabs Sika® Dilatec® E-220 Sikadur®-31 CF (EP adhesive) Sikaplan® WP 1100 ­membranes

Sikadur®-Combiflex® strip Sikadur®-31 CF (EP adhesive) Sikaplan® WT 1200 membranes

Compartments over expansion joints on roof slabs Sika® Dilatec® ER-350 Sikadur®-31 CF (EP adhesive) Sikaplan® WP 1100 membranes

Sikadur®-Combiflex® tape Sikadur®-31 CF (EP adhesive) Sikaplan® WT 1200 membranes

Intersection details with liquid applied Sikalastic membranes

Sikaplan® WP/WT laminated metal sheets Sikaplan® WP/WT protection sheets Sikaplan® WP/WT disk fixing pieces

Sika® Dilatec® E-220 Sikadur®-31 CF (EP adhesive) Sikaplan® WP 1100 ­membranes Sikalastic®-450/-801/-822 liquid membranes Sikagard®-186 (EP primer)

Sikadur®-Combiflex® strip Sikadur®-31 CF (EP adhesive) Sikaplan® WT 1200 membranes Sikalastic®-450/-80/-822 liquid applied membranes Sikagard®-186 (EP primer)

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Heat Welding of Sikaplan Membranes

Quality Control of welded Seams on Site

The seam overlaps of the membranes are securely and homogeneously welded with electric heat welding machines; this can be done manually with hand welding guns, or automatically with ­­self-propelled machines. The butt joints of the Sika® Waterbars are heat welded with special heated blades.

The welded seams of Sikaplan® flexible membranes are always thoroughly quality control tested on site to confirm their watertightness. This is done by both visual and physical testing methods, electrical testing for voids is also straightforward. Quality control of the completed membrane installation on the structure prior to the concreting works is therefore particularly easy and ­extremely important. It therefore gives the Sikaplan® flexible sheet membrane systems another real advantage in ensuring the prevention of any future leaks in important basement structures that are specifically designed to be watertight.

Manual welding with hand welding gun and pressure roller

Visual testing


Automatic welding with self-propelled machine

Heat welding of Sika Waterbars onto the installed Sikaplan® membrane with heated blades

Testing with blunt screw driver

Single seams (width >30 mm) are pro­duced with hand welding guns and ­pressure rollers or with automatic welding machines.

Double seams (widths: 15 mm each plus 10 mm air testing channel) only with automatic welding machines.

Physical testing

Physical testing with a vacuum bell

Electric testing

Electric testing with a “holiday” detector

Physical testing of double welded seams and central void with compressed air

Butt joints between Sika® Waterbars type AR/AF are made with hot copper blades whilst the waterbar’s ends are fixed into special clamps.

Inadequate workmanship or incorrect installation of membrane waterproofing could mean that the structure is not watertight, thus allowing future water ingress. Sika trained professional contractors and quality control on site are always recommended to prevent such defects.

Non-professional welding

Incorrect welding

Ignoring substrate requirements and ­omitting protective backing materials

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Watertight Security and Extending Service Life ® with Sikaplan Flexible Membrane Systems Repairing Leaks at any Time during the Construction Period and the Service Life of the Structure A compartmental water­ stopping system with Sika® Waterbars and welded ­double layer Sikaplan® sheet membranes is combined with Sika® injectable pipes and ports cast into the concrete structure, to provide the ­security of complete watertightness control, allowing fast location, then fast and easy repairs using Sika® ­injection resins, if this is ever required at any time during the construction period or during the entire service life of the structure.

Watertight compartments cast under the floor slabs

Sika® Control and injection ports

Sika® Control and injection ports

Leaks through damaged membrane are easily detected as water appears in the Sika® Control pipes and injection ports.

Repairing the waterproofing by the injection of Sika® Injection-305 resin through the Sika® Control pipe and injection port.

Possible Reasons for Membrane Water­ proofing System Leaks

Sika® Injection-305

Two-Component Sika® Injection Pump for ­Polyacrylate Gels

A flexible, very low-viscous and fast-reacting poly­ acrylate injection gel for the permanent watertight sealing of damaged membrane waterproofing installations (both single and double layer systems). The material reacts to form a waterproof, ­flexible but solid gel with good adhesion to both dry and wet substrates.

The Sika® Injection Pump PN-2C is specially designed for full curtain injection watertight sealing. A two-component pump is required, for the fast-reacting polyacrylate gels to the individual components are introduced separately and mixed at the gun. The ­actual mixing takes place in a static mixer in the head. Suitable injection packers are inserted into the Sika® Control system injection ports.

Membrane perforated during construction works Welded seam overlaps not professionally welded and ­tested to be watertight Torn membrane after excessive settlement or other ­structural movement

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Global Case Studies ® Flexible Waterproofing of Basement Structures with Sikaplan Membranes

Project The National Bank HQ Building, Lisbon, Portugal, 1992

Project Turkish Commercial Centre, Moscow, Russia, 2001

Project Central Aquarium, Moscow, Russia, 2007

Project Golden Mile Project, Palm Island, Dubai, U.A.E., 2007

Sika solution Pile cup waterproofing details with preformed double-flanged ­sections of Sikaplan® sheet membranes. Sikaplan® WP 1100-20 HL: 25 000 m2 Sikaplan® WP Waterbar type AR: 12 000 m

Sika solution Waterproofing details with Sikaplan® membrane for the floating slab design, to accommodate the anticipated settlement ­movement and building load both during and after construction. Sikaplan® WP 1115-20 H translucent: 14 500 m2

Sika solution Single-layer compartmentalized Sikaplan® TPO/FPO ­­membrane with the Sika® Active Control System injection pipes and ports installed in the concrete. Sikaplan® WT 1200-20 C: 60 000 m2 Sikaplan® WT Waterbar type AR: 12 000 m

Sika solution A large basement of 80 000 m2 made watertight with Sikaplan® flexible waterproofing, including preformed detailing sections for more than 1500 pile caps installed in combination with Sikadur®-42 epoxy grout. Sikaplan® WP 1100-20 HL: 90 000 m2 Sikaplan® WP Waterbar type AR: 27 000 m

Details of the base slab compartments

Detail of the slab/wall intersection Details of the pile head

Detail of the pile cap waterproofing

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Global Case Studies ® Flexible Waterproofing of Basement Structures with Sikaplan Membranes

Project Wadi El Nile Street underpass, Cairo, Egypt, 1988

Project Pavan 2, Residential and commercial complex, Venice, Italy, 2004

Project Hotel Moscow, Moscow, Russia,2007

Project Vorobyovi Gori condominium, garage and basement roof deck, Moscow, Russia, 2007

Sika solution Sikaplan® flexible sheet membrane waterproofing, installed with automatic double-seam welding and air pressure testing, to ­confirm watertightness prior to backfilling over protective sheeting. Sikaplan® WP 1110-15 H: 6100 m2

Sika solution Basement waterproofing with Sikaplan® flexible water­ proofing installed on the formwork and then welded to the Sika® Waterbars in the joints to ensure a watertight structure. Sikaplan® WP 1100-20 HL: 9500 m2 Sikaplan® WP Waterbar type AR: 3000 m

Sika solution Waterproofing by installation of the Sikaplan® flexible sheet membrane system with work continuing on site even during ­temperatures as low as –15 °C. Sikaplan® WT 1200-20 C: 20 000 m2

Sika solution Underground car parking and storage areas with the roof slab waterproofed with Sikaplan® flexible sheet membranes, also providing watertight tree planting box-outs and bases for children’s play areas. Sikaplan® WP 1100-15 HL/-20 HL/-30 HL: 128 000 m2

Lining for the basement slab formwork

Membrane installation at extremely low temperatures

Garage roof deck with integrated tree ­planting box-outs; watertightness testing by flooding the plant boxes

Double-seam welding and pressure testing

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Flexible Waterproofing of Basement Structures with Sikaplan® Membranes The Sikaplan® Flexible Sheet Membrane Products Sikaplan® WP 1100 HL2 yellow/black

Homogeneous waterproofing sheet membrane based on polyvinylchloride (PVC-P), available in thicknesses of 1.5 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm, not resistant to bitumen or permanent exposure to UV light.

Sikaplan® WP 1110 20 H transparent

Homogeneous waterproofing sheet membrane based on polyvinylchloride (PVC-P), thickness 2 mm and not resistant to permanent UV exposure, light absorption <30 %.

Sikaplan® WT 1200 C green/black

Reinforced waterproofing sheet membrane based on polyolefin (TPO/FPO) with non-woven polyethylene (PE) glass inlay for restraint, available in thicknesses of 1.6 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm. Resistant to bitumen and polystyrene, not resistant to permanent UV light exposure.

Sikaplan® WT 1200 CE green/black

Reinforced waterproofing sheet membrane based on polyolefin (TPO/FPO) with nonwoven polyethylene (PE) glass inlay restraints available in thicknesses of 2.5 mm and 3.5 mm. Surface embossed with nibs to increase bond and watertightness. Resistant to bitumen and polystyrene, not resistant to permanent UV light exposure.

The Sikaplan® Ancillary Products Sikadur®-Combiflex® joint sealing system

Joint sealing strip, based on hypalon (TPO/FPO) for producing bonded compartments and terminations of TPO/FPO membranes.

Sika® Dilatec® tape joint sealing system

Joint sealing strips type E / ER, based on polyvinylchloride (PVC-P) for producing bonded compartments and terminations with PVC membranes.

Sika® WP/WT waterbars

Waterbar types AR and DR, based on polyvinylchloride (PVC). Waterbar types MP and AF based on polyolefin (TPO/FPO) cast in concrete for compartments and the base slabs, roof slabs and external walls of basements.

Sikadur®-31 CF (EP adhesive)

Normal and rapid (for low temperatures or accelerated curing) grades available based on epoxy resin (EP) for the bonding of Sikadur-Combiflex and Sika Dilatec joint sealing tapes.

Sika Services AG Business Unit Construction Speckstrasse 22 CH-8330 Pfäffikon Switzerland Phone +41 44 403 13 64 Fax +41 44 403 13 77

The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application and end-use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on Sika’s current knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other advice offered. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users should always refer to the most recent issue of the Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.

Our most current General Sales Conditions shall apply. Please consult the Product Data Sheet prior to any use and processing.

S&W 01.08 / 07SIC 5.8 / © Sika Services AG, Switzerland / BU Contractors / Waterproofing

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