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Marvel Comic has a Variable Hero named Captain Marvel. Unlike Constant Heros the Persons are in in discrete change. We come to make a reference to the Later Kree /Cree Hero Cptain Marvel. This hero wore a Helmet initially then there a hot was a debate , how he can breath while wwearing this Helmet in Space. But then Marvel get rid of the problem when the Supreme Intellegence of Kree transformed his old Green Costume to Red Costume and destroyed his Helmet; and made him independent of any Helmet. Immediatley the debate became academic, and it was still a cold discussion in few circles of Marvel Lowers in general and Lovers of Captain Marvel of Kree in particular. Then the poor Captain died. The discussion was almost frozen and is still discussed in few lovers Of Captain Marvel , and Academic debaters. I still love this debate. Comming back to DC universe from Marvel Universe there was once a abelief [ i say belief ] THAT each animal being [ and plant being?] on Krypton [ Crypton/ Qart:a:n] was a Super Being . But latter DC introduced the idea that Kryptonions under the Yellow Sun's Yellow Light gain Super Powers. But a world of Super Men always facinated me and I have tried to make a dead discussion back to life. KRYPTON NOT A NORMAL PLANET BUT A SUPER PLANET. In the beginning of the Universe two types of Matters were formed. A] Normal Matter. B] Super Matter. Krypton belonged to a Part of the Universe called Super Universe. There was every thing which was sSuper Dense, and Life Forems were not made from RNS OR DNA but From Super RNA etc. Every thing was made up of Super Dense Elements. But as very thing was made up of Super Dense Matters and Super Dense Energies , the net result was that every thing was normal.

A Super Humanoid on Krypton Could not break a Iron Block just like a Normal HumanOid say a Human being can not break a normal Iron Block. So when a Super Human Being from Krypton came to earth he can do many things to normal Matter which Normal beings cannot do . How ever this implies that the Electrons ,Protons,Quarks,Positrons etc . of a Super Matter are Super and different from normal ones. Even a Super Photon is different from a normal Photon. Destruction Of Krypton. Super Computer Of Krypton soon became the only Computer Being of Krypton and all the other Computers were nothing but extentions of this Computer. With Super Artificial Intellegence this Computer wanted to get free and win independence , since it was a Slave of Kryptonian Council. It had a Super Free Will Yet It could not Violate the Direct or Indirect Order of the Supreme Soverign Council of Krypton. So this Super Kryptonian Computer tried to will its freedom by destroying the very Krypton Itself. This Computer Made a very Intellegent Plan to Destroy Krypton, and it did it in multitudes of direct and indirect steps. The first step was to become the only Computer in the World Of Krypton. Then It tried to Destroy Krypton. It even merged with Colu's Brianiac and assumed the name of Brianiac for some reasons. It wanted to kill each and every Kryptonian Intelligent Life forms since only an intelligent Kryptonian Life form can enslave this Computer once again. Due to this fear of artificial Kryptonic Intelligence , it is the enemy of every Living Intelligent Life form of Krypton. Jor El Jor El was not the only scientist on Krypton but he has mad a computer independent of The Supreme Kryptonian Computer, and that is why he was able to find that Krypton is being destroyed. Space Travel.

Space travel was banned by Kryptonian Council stated above and This Computer indirectly convinved to ban it , and was successful in doing so. DESTRUCTION PROCESS:= This Evil Artificial Super Mind tried to convert the Center /Centre Of Krypton from Super Matter to Normal Matter and this disturbed the very existence of the Unfortunate PLANET. DEMERIT OF THE THEORY: THIS REQURES A PHYSICS OF SUPER MATTER AND NORMAL PHYSICS CANNOT BE USED. Also this is very unnatural to suppose a Super Part of this Universe.

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