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SOME IMPORTANT THEORITICALDISCUSSIONS ON SUPER MAN 1] Super Man is believed to gain power from Yellow Sun/Star. His power becomes unbearable if he faces a While Sun/Star. It sussests that a Blue Star/Sun may increase his powers and qualities to such an extent ,which may cause his distruction. Stars/Suns emmiting green light changes his powers and qualities, while a Red Star/Sun emplies him from his powers. iF SUN lights can effect super man and his powers and qualities are light depended , then Gama Radiations and other rays , atomic and sub atomic matterial and non -matterial particles can grant special powers and qualities to Super Man. It is possible that Gamma Radiations may have Hulk like effects on Super Man so that a Super Hulk may be seen. 2] I personally think that Super Man's Power gains from thing which initially tends to hurt him. Not just the Yellow Light of Yellow Sun but from other form of energies. Just like Hulk gains power from anger , Super Man's Power is gained from those things say rays or radiation or even antiparticles which are absorbed in his Kryptonic cells. The only exception is KRYPTONITE and Red Sun's Red Light.

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