THE COMEUPPANCE OF SEMPITERNITY SPACE 1999 CE. Preface:Once I was a great fan of Space 1999 CE and Star Track. Then I left them and became a fan of Marvel and DC Comics. But one day the former love for space 1999 CE was revived in my heart. So I began to see old episodes of Space 1999. When Maya was my favorite Character. How ever What I wanted to see her as a cool Biological AND Organic Computer. Countless times I imagined her as a New Member of Fantastic Four of Marvel Comics ,Converting them from Fantastic Four to Fantastic Five. Countless times I imagined her as a cool computer of 12 th degree intelligence. I do not know how many times I visualize her defeating the Wonder Woman of DC comics. I do not know how may times I imagined her as a Super Girl from Psychon. I never thought her less then a Super Hero next to Super Man and Mr. Thing . It was not Schell Catherine but Maya who fascinated me . If this character was done by any other character I would have adore the character not the actor. Psychons always fascinated me after Kryptonians. But then I was lost in the universes of DC and Marvel stories and comics. I was also fascinated by the Balor of Space 1999 in End Of Eternity. The story of a man or a woman from the past have always fascinated be. It all began when I red a Novel “Hazaar Saal Ka Aadmi” Man of a Millennium by Ishtiaq Ahmad,a famous writer of detective stores for Children . In this story a named Qitaaras was freesed for a Thousand years just to kill a future descendant of his rival. This man upon his resuscitation faced Inspector Kaamran Mirza, the one of the Hero of Ishtiaq Ahmad. Latter he wrote another Novel when a whole Town was found frozen for a thousand years. After the Resuscitation the whole town faced Inspector Jamshed, an other character. But the second work was a latter work. The former work was the original story. Any how when I Saw End Of Eternity I liked it . I do not remember to which I was introduced earlier, whether it was End Of Eternity or the Novel Hazaar Saal Kaa Aadmi. But they both were my favourite. But thing changed . Due to some reasons I could not continue reading novels and comics. Years latter I became interested on life on Mars. Yes I still think life on Mars did exist in past and it may exist at present. My interest in Marvel and DC resuscitated then my interest in Dr Who, Star Track, Space 1999 and Star Wars resurrected. So did my interest in Maya revived. I began to see old episodes of Space 1999 when I saw “End Of Eternity”. It regenerated my interest in Balor. But then I found that William Latham has written a story on the Character “Eternity Unbound”. But due to some personal reasons I could not buy a copy of it. I searched Google , Yahoo and some other Search Engines to get a free pdf copy if it, but all in vain. So once again I did which I used to do years before. Imagining my own stories in my mind. But this time thanks to Issuu I am able to present it to all
specially to William Latham, because IF have found his book on Google ,Yahoo etc. I would never have thought to imagine the story . I am not a regular writer. I am not an expert in English language yet I do love English more then the National Laguage of my country. Because I believe it is the language of any one who loves it. So there may be some grammatical errors in my story. But I know that it is quite natural. This gave me a chance to present Maya as I visualized her in my universe of imagination. Old Maya is an emotional rational Suppositum . She has a sense of humor and play practical jokes some time using the power of Matamorphism. But MY Maya is emotionless, with no sense of humor. She dislikes jokes. Her ability of Metamorphism is used logically and wisely. She has no attraction to any male person who is alien to Psychon. The axomatic Psychonic character of all Psychons in my world of imagination. Further My Maya is far more strong then a Human beingsand a number of Humanoid beings. I did have a chance to ask some expert to read my story and correct it ,if there are some errors ,but I never did so since I think I must present it as I thought AND visualized it. My Maya is a Biological and Organic Computer , without any emotions, a Logical Character to whom Mr. Spock of Star Track is no Comparison. Her Mind is far more advanced then the inorganic and Non Biological Computers of next thousand years. Dear readers when I am close to end the Preface of the story , I request you that I you like my story then ask your friends to read it on Issuu. But it is just a request. If you do not askas requested even then it is correct. Any how my next story is a “New Home” . But Maya’s Contingency Plans way face Dracons , before the last one. As for as Mr. Balor, I think if will write a story “ Balor On Earth” . Suppose that the planet earth has lost some who all its sciences after several thousand years frpom now and every thing has gone primitive. In this situation Balors some how comes from his Asteroid and tries his theories on the people of earth who consider this man , a man from heavens. But as I am not sure whether I be able to write a story or not, I do request William Latham to make Balor independent of Space 1999 and he must write a story on this plot. If he will do it I shall be very grateful to him. Since I am not a writer and there are many things I cannot present as I do have imagined them. As the time has come to depart , I want to inform my readers that this time the Super Mind Of Psychon is challenged by the virtual immortality of Prodron. See how the challenger is responded. Dedication I dedicate the story to all the five stated below:= 1] William Latham.
For Writing a wonderful story , which I have not read yet. However I have heard that it is wonderful. If he had not written Eternity Unbound , I would never have tried to search for this book , and if I the pdf versions of this book were available freely, I would never have imagined my own version of the story. 2] Ishtiaq Ahmad The man who changed my habit of reading in the sense his characters Mahmmood , Farooq Farzanah, Inspector Jamshed, Aaftaab Asif , Farhat and Inspector Kaamran Mirzah replaced Magical Characters and Tarzan. 3] Johnny Bryne If he would not have written the story End Of Eternity , I would never have come to write the story. 4] Freddie Frieberger For inventing a beautiful character of Maya. There are four parts of the story “ THE COMEUPPANCE OF SEMPITERNITY SPACE 1999 CE”. . 1) The curse of Virtual Immortality. A story of what happened on Planet Progron some Billion years ago. 2) Sempiternity Terminated. Reconstruction of End Of Eternity. 3) A Proposed Purpose. Balor returns on Lunar Base and tries to inflict pain, torture, fear and sufferings on the members of the Lunar Base. 4) Psychon’s Rationality VS Progron’s Immortality . Maya’s Contingency Plan against Balor and
[In Snaskrit Maya means Illusion ,Cosmic illusion; literally, ‘the measurer.” the power , the wisdom ].