The curse of virtual immortality: The Comeuppance Of Sempiternity Space 1999 CE

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THE COMEUPPANCE OF SEMPITERNITY SPACE 1999 CE. Preface:Once I was a great fan of Space 1999 CE and Star Track. Then I left them and became a fan of Marvel and DC Comics. But one day the former love for space 1999 CE was revived in my heart. So I began to see old episodes of Space 1999. When Maya was my favorite Character. How ever What I wanted to see her as a cool Biological AND Organic Computer. Countless times I imagined her as a New Member of Fantastic Four of Marvel Comics ,Converting them from Fantastic Four to Fantastic Five. Countless times I imagined her as a cool computer of 12 th degree intelligence. I do not know how many times I visualize her defeating the Wonder Woman of DC comics. I do not know how may times I imagined her as a Super Girl from Psychon. I never thought her less then a Super Hero next to Super Man and Mr. Thing . It was not Schell Catherine but Maya who fascinated me . If this character was done by any other character I would have adore the character not the actor. Psychons always fascinated me after Kryptonians. But then I was lost in the universes of DC and Marvel stories and comics. I was also fascinated by the Balor of Space 1999 in End Of Eternity. The story of a man or a woman from the past have always fascinated be. It all began when I red a Novel “Hazaar Saal Ka Aadmi” Man of a Millennium by Ishtiaq Ahmad,a famous writer of detective stores for Children . In this story a named Qitaaras was freesed for a Thousand years just to kill a future descendant of his rival. This man upon his resuscitation faced Inspector Kaamran Mirza, the one of the Hero of Ishtiaq Ahmad. Latter he wrote another Novel when a whole Town was found frozen for a thousand years. After the Resuscitation the whole town faced Inspector Jamshed, an other character. But the second work was a latter work. The former work was the original story. Any how when I Saw End Of Eternity I liked it . I do not remember to which I was introduced earlier, whether it was End Of Eternity or the Novel Hazaar Saal Kaa Aadmi. But they both were my favourite. But thing changed . Due to some reasons I could not continue reading novels and comics. Years latter I became interested on life on Mars. Yes I still think life on Mars did exist in past and it may exist at present. My interest in Marvel and DC resuscitated then my interest in Dr Who, Star Track, Space 1999 and Star Wars resurrected. So did my interest in Maya revived. I began to see old episodes of Space 1999 when I saw “End Of Eternity”. It regenerated my interest in Balor. But then I found that William Latham has written a story on the Character “Eternity Unbound”. But due to some personal reasons I could not buy a copy of it. I searched Google , Yahoo and some other Search Engines to get a free pdf copy if it, but all in vain. So once again I did which I used to do years before. Imagining my own stories in my mind. But this time thanks to Issuu I am able to present it to all


2 specially to William Latham, because IF have found his book on Google ,Yahoo etc. I would never have thought to imagine the story . I am not a regular writer. I am not an expert in English language yet I do love English more then the National Laguage of my country. Because I believe it is the language of any one who loves it. So there may be some grammatical errors in my story. But I know that it is quite natural. This gave me a chance to present Maya as I visualized her in my universe of imagination. Old Maya is an emotional rational Suppositum . She has a sense of humor and play practical jokes some time using the power of Matamorphism. But MY Maya is emotionless, with no sense of humor. She dislikes jokes. Her ability of Metamorphism is used logically and wisely. She has no attraction to any male person who is alien to Psychon. The axomatic Psychonic character of all Psychons in my world of imagination. Further My Maya is far more strong then Human beings and a number of Humanoid beings. I did have a chance to ask some expert to read my story and correct it ,if there are some grammatical errors ,but I never did so since I think I must present it as I thought AND visualized it. My Maya is a Biological and Organic Computer , without any emotions, a Logical Character to whom Mr. Spock of Star Track is no Comparison. Her Mind is far more advanced then the inorganic and Non Biological Computers of next thousand years. Dear readers when I am close to end the Preface of the story , I request you that If you like my story then ask your friends to read it on Issuu. But it is just a request. If you do not askas requested even then it is correct. Any how my next story is a “New Home” . But Maya’s Contingency Plans way face Dracons , before the last one. As for as Mr. Balor, I think if will write a story “ Balor On Earth” . Suppose that the planet earth has lost some who all its sciences after several thousand years frpom now and every thing has gone primitive. In this situation Balors some how comes from his Asteroid and tries his theories on the people of earth who consider this man , a man from heavens. But as I am not sure whether I be able to write a story or not, I do request William Latham to make Balor independent of Space 1999 and he must write a story on this plot. If he will do it I shall be very grateful to him. Since I am not a writer and there are many things I cannot present as I do have imagined them. As the time has come to depart , I want to inform my readers that this time the Super Mind Of Psychon is challenged by the virtual immortality of Progron. See how the challenger is responded. Dedication I dedicate the story to all the five stated below:= 1] William Latham.


3 For Writing a wonderful story , which I have not read yet. However I have heard that it is wonderful. If he had not written Eternity Unbound , I would never have tried to search for this book , and if the pdf versions of this book were available freely, I would never have imagined my own version of the story. 2] Ishtiaq Ahmad The man who changed my habit of reading in the sense his characters Mahmmood , Farooq Farzanah, Inspector Jamshed, Aaftaab Asif , Farhat and Inspector Kaamran Mirzah replaced Magical Characters and Tarzan. 3] Johnny Bryne If he would not have written the story End Of Eternity , I would never have come to write the story. 4] Freddie Frieberger For inventing a beautiful character of Maya. There are four parts of the story “ THE COMEUPPANCE OF SEMPITERNITY SPACE 1999 CE”. . 1) The curse of Virtual Immortality. A story of what happened on Planet Progron some Billion years ago. 2) Sempiternity Terminated. Reconstruction of End Of Eternity. 3) A Proposed Purpose. Balor returns on Lunar Base and tries to inflict pain, torture, fear and sufferings on the members of the Lunar Base. 4) Psychon’s Rationality VS Progron’s Immortality . Maya’s Contingency Plan against Balor and

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[In Snaskrit Maya means Illusion ,Cosmic illusion; literally, ‘the measurer.” the power , the wisdom ]. 4

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The Curse Of Virtual Immortality. Deep in space in one of the unknown parts of the World there was a yellow sun around which twelve planets revolved. One of which was Progron which was the fifth planet from its yellow son. The name of the sun was Callia.The fifth planet from the Callian system was inhabited by a race of rational supposita. These rational supposita were humanoid beings. These ration supposita resembled like human beings except they were more mascular and normally there height varied from 8 feet to 10 feet. The were called Brips. There civilization was one of the advanced civilizations in the world of the universe. A billion years ago the were more advanced as the civilization of Earth is now. A billion years ago they learned some of the secrets of Matter, Energy, Time, Space, Life and Non –livingness. They were experts in Physics,Biology, Chemistry,Astronomy, Philosophy etc. All the planet was a single country govern by a council of 5000 members selected from fourteen continents. Progron had no moon. There chief rival were the people of Brozon the seventh planet from Cillia.The rest of the planets in the Cillian System were lifeless and were equally occupied by the the two, five to each. Brozon had two moons. Brozonians were first to find that their planet shall soon be not suitable for life. So the evacuated the planet and went to different planets of different Stellar Systems of the universe which were friendly to life. Thus Progronians were the only one left in the Callian system. But even they discovered that Progron shall soon be unable to support the life forms on the planet. But instead of an Exodus they tried on another plan proposed by the scientists of fourteen continents . They proposed that their people must be made immortals. Some of the scientists did opposed the idea and pointed at the possible consequences but the very idea of immortality was so attractive that it was accepted and even those who opposed it were forced to become immortal . The science of immortality was also known to Brozonians but they rejected the very idea on the basis of there religion . The Holy Scripture there religion said that only the Deity is immortal. So they considered anyu attempt to become immortal as an attempt to become a Deity, and this was a disbelief. So they did not opt for this option. But Progrons did not believe in any religion and any Deity what so ever so there was no Scripture to stop them from achieving the immortality. This type of immortality which Brozonians considered as Virtual Immortality , Progronians considered it as Real 5

6 Immortality. With the immortality there scientists got rid of the process of aging,need of food and need of water. Latter men and women became totally independent of each other. Women could conceive children both male and female asexually. Males got rid of sexual desire as an unwanted state of feelings. The find the techniques to beget both children both male and female, asexually. With this they became Godlike and lost all interest in the society. The began to lose the purpose of the life. The did not have to do any thing. The did not need any thing.They lost the concept of Love and Hate, they lost the ideas of Mercy and Mercilessness , they lost the virtues of Justice and Injustice. They lost the difference between doing and not doing. They also discovered to live with out breathing but some how they government prevented their scientists to make them non breathing beings. One thousand years had gone since they gained virtual Immortality if not Real Immortality. . With out pain , agony, suffering,purpose,there society became a living graveyard. No one has to do any thing . To them sleeping and awaking was equal. To them doing and not doing were equal. To them thinking and not thinking were equal. To them knowledge and Nescience were equal. Friends and Nemeses were equal. They had no concept of respect and disrespect , grace and disgrace. People were found sitting or standing form months or years doing nothing absolutely. They perhaps could will but did not will, they did not have any purpose to Will. They had become idle as idols. The law of inertia was applicable to them in its worst form. But then their leaders who somehow gained a purpose to change their people asked their Biologists, Neurologists , Philosophers ,Psychiatrists to find a way to become mortal again if there is a way.Some people urges there scientists to find a way to to destroy them and to cease the process of regeneration once for all. With immortality combined with indestructibility every thing became very difficult. Even bombardments of antimatter particles could destroy then for a period of time and after the period was ended they process of regeneration used to begen. There were some practical impossibility to destroy during the process before the regeneration process used to complete. How ever if there is a will there is a way. In there attempts to get rid of this type of virtual immortality they achieved some success. The were able to regain the ability to feel pain, agony, sufferings, turtures, and some diseases. They were no more invulnerable to many things. They could be hurt and injured, the could feel pain and torture. But they were still unable to get rid of the immortality. They lost invulnerability to many thing and newly devised weapons and torture equipments which became a symbol of salvation to a society willing to feel any thing . Although they were still invulnerable to ordinary weapons their vulnerability to newly made weapons began to make the society back to normal with the curse of immortality still indispensible to them. A SALVATOR AND A SAVIOR [Salvāre] Balor was a leader and a theorist. He theorized that the only way to salvation is to torture , to hurt and to injure.His theory was called Salvation Through Pain and Sufferings. According to his insane theory “Salvation is in Toture” rather “Salvation is Torture and Torture is Salvation”. Initially his theory gained popularity and he became the leader of Progronians. He became the ultimate dictator of the planet. But even his theory had its limits. What did happen that after a torture repeated several thousand of times the began to gain immunity to it. So find a solution to this problem Balor proposed that the torture should be increased indefinitely . Even this worked for some time but increase in torture caused a 6

7 problem itself. Soon Balor became a symbol of torture ,fear, horror,sadism, suffering etc. According to him punishment was independent of crimes and transgressions. Balor thought that a person must face a stage of torture and when he completes the stage the must face the second stage and so on. But the stages are sempiternal and non ending. But after some stages the torture became unbearable . Neither the people were able to cross the stage nor were able to bear the agonies and suffering of each stage. The world of Progronians became completely miserable. But this was not the end. Balor’s ill mind soon discovered that that now the stages of torturs cannot be passed. The people although are immortal and do have good strength yet the stages are far beyond their capabilities to cross them. He got the fear that they same thing shall be repeated and they shall soon lost the purpose to strive and struggle and shall not even attempt to complete a stage of his designed Torture. So he began to increase the torture. Things went wrong. People got a purpose. This time the purpose was to get rid of the salvation proposed by Balor. At last the got rid of the dictator. Things were back again. But the mind of Balor had become a Devil or a Satan. He wanted to torture , and the people proposed a purpose at least of a good length of time to punish this person.

An insurrection seen and it was seen that Balor inspite of all his powers lost the final battle.His days were completed. Balor was tried and was sentence to death many many time. But he was an immortal he used to resurrect and then once again he was either destroyed or killed but only to resurrect after a certain period of time depending upon the method used to injure and hurt him. In the memory Barlor had the agonies and sufferings of each time equally fresh and jucy. He he only gain hatred of his people. Now he had learned how they would had felt when he used to torture them ,but instead of realizing his error he developed a different sense of thinking. He thought that he never experienced such torture so he could not be blamed for torturing them. The should give him the benefit of inexperience. But they had experienced what he did not , so they must not make him to experience his own invented torture and torture devises.He was not going to forgive then on his own reasonings. The agony of these repeated tortures were recorded in his his memorires, providing the Balor to hate all Progrodians. Due to the cruel nature of the torture experiments, the Balor became into an irrational and insane person and Hippocratic nature . He used to ask of sorry yet in the heart a purpose to torture the forgiver with out an apology or an explaination. But this character of Balor could not work on Progrodians who did know his nature very well. But some scientists developed a way of Crystallization of the immortals. Under certain conditions these unfortunate immortals could be crystallized . How ever with the change of conditions they may be decrystallized. Perhaps for the first time they realized that they are not even really alive since crystallization is not a property of living beings and vital life forms. What they had become. But this was considered as the greatest Salvation of all times. But this had its own problem. The maintenance of the conditions was a problem in itself. Several solutions were proposed to solve this particular problem, but none were satisfactory. How ever the reached to an unexpected solution.



As a final solution for the salvation Progronians tried to contact with their one time rivals Brozons. As Brozons had left their planet some millennia ago and their descendents had settled on different planets performing interplanetary marriages and thus remaining no longer pure Brozonians, yet the have left Super Artificial Rational Commuters and Artificially intelligent androids on Brozon. These androids and computers were highly advanced, rational and intelligent. They have continued to increase in knowledge and had become one of the first artificial civilizations in the world of universe. They were ever increasing in knowledge in science, philosophy etc. and were militarily one of the best in both types natural and artificial civilizations. When Brozonians left the Brozons they had gained perfect independence and were self sufficient. How ever they had a great respect for their former masters and their descendants. In time of need they had helped descendants of their former masters who were scattered in different planets in different stellar systems. How ever they were against any concept of immortality and had fought several wars againt those civilizations who were trying to achieve immortality. They were so against immortality that even the artificial suppusita of Brozon were not allowed to live a Sempiternal Life. They used to reproduce and die artificially. Old artificial supposita were self programmed to be destroyed and new one artificially produced or artificially reproduced used to take their places. Even some Artificial Supposita were sentenced to destruction when found guilty of achieving artificially immortals. Although they did have the technology yet they had but a strict ban over it. Progronians asked them to help them in this situation yet Brozon’s artificial intelligence refused to help the rivals of their former masters. But then Progonians asked the descendants of Brozonians to convince the artificial Brozonians to assist them in their time of need. The Council of the DESCENDANTS OF BROZOINANS which constituted of different hybrids of Brozonian origin accepted the application of the Progronians and sent a committee of different Brozon Originated hybrid aliens to have a meeting with Brozonian artificial rationality and intelligence. As Artificial Intellegence of Brozon respected all the different types of Hybrid descendants of their former Masters , they unwillingly accepted their request and agreed to help the blessed of the cursed immortals. This made them the only most powerful civilization and in the entire Cullian System. THE SALVATION It was agreed that all the Progronians would be crystallized and it would be the duty of Brozonian Artificial Rationality and Intellegence to maintain the standard condition necessary for the continuation of Crystallization for all simpeternities . An agreement was signed by the leaders of both sides and termes and conditions were decided. How ever it was also decided that if ever the Super Rationalities of Brozon some how find to revert them to mortals even then they must not decrystallize them and if they found any method to destroy them perpetually with out decrystallizing them they should destroy Progronians. But Brozons were too sympathetic and did not want to destroy any life form unless and 8

9 otherwise they would become a threat to Brozon and its artificial civilization they did not try to destroy them even when the discovered some ways to destroy them. Even artificial supposita needs some purpose and to look after them was a good purpose at least one among several. Balor and the Punishment. Council of Prgron before being crystallized for all simpeternities made a great final meeting to decide the fate of Balor. His crimes were far more then all the evidences which were provided. The did not want to crystallize him but to imprison him in a perpetual prison ,an imprisonment which was supposed to continue till the end of time I time has any , or to continue with out ceasing if time has no end. Any how such a punishment was declared as unjust by Balor and some supporters of Balor. But none could advocate Balor in the court of law. At last Balor himself appealed the authorities to crystallize him as well since he knew that a non terminating imprisonment was worse then any thing else. He argued that what did he do was for the Progronian people. He meant no harm but to help them.If his theory failed it is an other thing, he claimed that he is no criminal and must not be sentenced to such punishment. But he was sentenced to a punishment which was unjust and it was not a punishment of justice but a punishment of injustice even to the Artificial Rationalites and Intellegences of Brozon. But they did not interfere to the justice alien to them. Balor was sentenced to be enclosed in an asteroid of intelligent living rock and a lot of information were recorded in the memory of this living asteroid.This asteroid was immortal and indestructible in the sense that it could regenerate after a period of time it self if destroyed be any super weapon capable to destroy it . This asteroid could exchange information and had just two purposes proposed by Artificial Scientists of Brozon that is to take away from Cullian System. If destroyed it could regenerate itself. The asteroid did not need food ,water and air to survive and was feelingless. Asteroid had a built system for absorbing some light in the cell , and when ever it came close to a star it stopped and stored some light. So that Balor may see his pictures of terror and insaneness. But at times when all light were some how consumed then there was compete darkness in the cell. Balor was supposed to survive without food and water , yet the feeling of everlasting hunger and thirst was a beautiful idea for the Judges who thought that this is an infinite justice for Balor. This was once invented by Balor himself. Initially it was suggested that Balor must be kept with out air so that he may die and resurrect and the process must continue for all sempiternity. But Balor never tried this type of Torture, and the Jury and the Judges did not want to punish him by a punishment which he did not tried to torture others. Why did Balor did not try this Torture was because this could not make a purpose in any one. Balor required a limited amount of Oxygen and once the oxygen was consumed the oxygen was regenerated by the living rock and the total amount of Oxygen remained constant in the cell. He was atlast sent in the dept of space crying and laughing and then a silence for few hundred years. Before being enclosed in the perpetual prison Balor spoke his last sentence. “If I ever break this cell I shall return and awake you all from your sleep of salvation�. But he was not replied. How ever it was written on the door inside the cell .



“Remember What Thou Hast Done and If Thou Ever Getest Out Brozonians Are There to Recapture Thee”. Some time Justice is more merciless then Injustice. The Supreme Court of Progron”. Then all the Nouns of the Judges and members of Jury were written. On the outside of the door it was written := A DEVIL IS ENCLOSED IN IT. DO NOT OPEN. DO NOT INTERFERE IN OUR JUDGEMENT. ONE WHO IS IMPRISONED IS INPRESONED TILL THE END OF TIME IF THE TIME HAS AN END OR FOR SEMPITERNITY IF TIME HAS NO END,

Back On Progron. Before their final Crystallization, the Progronians made their last Will and Testament. “If ever a technique is discovered to destroy us once for ever and scientists are able to terminate the process of regeneration , the discoverers are requested to destroy us once for all sempiternities . So that our spirit may rest in peace if we have spirits, our souls may sleep in a sempiternal sleep if we have souls. This message is to all those to whom it may concern and to whom it may not concern to every one. We have faced and experience the worst consequence of life that is an endless life is the curse itself.” But what this unfortunate generation did not know that Brozon’s artificial intelligence did have the knowledge to cease the process of regeneration and resurrection but they did not used it for their own reasons.

The Asteroid : The asteroid once began its non terminating journey and space travel with out any cessation, faced many odds but continued its journey in space and in hyper space changing directions and velocities. Balor inside the cell had nothing to do , nothing at all. He did not spoke a word for a hundred years then he spoke . “It is not fare.What I wanted , was simply to help my people.” Then a hundred years again passed in perfect silence. Although Balor was virtually immortal but he was vulnerable to mental disorder.His mind became the subject of Major Depression , and Duel Personalities. These problem crossed certain limits of the immortal Progronian in the cell and he became some thing which even he was not before. A thousand years had passed. Balor had lost all hopes of freedom. But with each moment passed his hate for his people was increasing. He had been convinced that his suggested salvation was the best 10

11 form of salvation. He was always making different plans in the supposed case that if he ever able to escape the asteroid prison. But even his mind knew that he cannot escape, yet a person in sempiternal imprisonment had find a purpose, the purpose to plan and plan. He had found a purpose after all.

31\5\2017 CE To be continued


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