1 minute read
Table of Contents
Pilot Staff
Cover Story
Digital Footprint - 6 & 7
Passing Period Problems - 4 & 5
Mouse Sightings - 8 & 9
Lunch Pricing Plans - 10 & 11
Elowyn Wells
Sam Elliott
Elizabeth Cleary
Natalie Van
Audrey Branding
Kyra Bast
Gavin Berry
Savannah Millheim
Lindsey Pham
Lavia Raof
Meadow Roy
Joey Haberberger
If stories from featured staff writers do not appear in the Pilot Newsmagazine, they can be found on lindberghlookup.com.
Pilot Policy
Pilot is a monthly newsmagazine published by students enrolled in the Pilot Publications class at Lindbergh High School, 5000 Lindbergh Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri, 63126. The publications office is currently located in Room 401.
Opinions of Pilot writers or the Editorial Board are not reflective of the opinions of the staff as a whole, the Pilot, or the administration. The Pilot welcomes responses and letters to the editors. These may be submitted by email to lhspilot@ lindberghschools.ws or by signed letters brought to Room 401. The Pilot reserves the right to edit submissions as long as their original intent remains unaltered, and to refuse to print material for any reason the Editors in Chief and adviser deem inappropriate.
More information about our editorial policy can be found on lindberghlookup.com.
Edi tor-in-Chief Web Editor Co py Editor I nD e sign Editor S ta ff Writer S ta ff Writer S ta ff Writer S ta ff Writer S ta ff Writer S ta ff Writer S ta ff Writer Staff Writer 2 Contents
Letter From the Editor
Hello Flyers! Thank you for reading another issue of the Pilot Newsmagazine. We’ve been hard at work in the newsroom to answer your pressing questions. In this issue, we are bringing to light the debate over passing period time, the impact of digital footprints, recent mice sightings, and the opinion of food pricing problems at LHS. For more stories and content not presented in our print edition, please visit lindberghlookup.com.
Elowyn Wells Pilot Editor-in-Chief
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