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In Room 414, Anything Goes
Amid new restrictions, thespians stage annual musical
Kendall Conboy Staff Writer The Thespians had a tough act to follow after last and design. year’s production of Cabaret, which left members of Shelby Shuster (12) has been a Thespian involved the audience in tears and in awe of the play’s powerful in the theatre department since her freshman year, message of unity through diversity. This year, the cast, but as a senior she decided to take a role off stage as crew, and pit have all worked to put on a production like the student director of the musical, working alongside no other. Mrs. Winingham. As the student director, she takes on The production of different responsibilities Anything Goes was difficult of directing and blocking for multiple reasons, scenes, taking notes including quarantine during rehearsals and regulations, actors playing constructively critiquing the multiple roles, rehearsals cast and crew. being limited to Zoom “One of the coolest meetings for the first half things about this year is of the production process, that our theme for Anything along with stage blocking Goes is a celebration and choreography of theatre and a fun adjustments being made lighthearted approach to the to accommodate for social show” Shuster said. distancing requirements. Arguably one of the But despite those most impressive aspects obstacles, for the cast, of the musical is the crew, and pit, the show pit orchestra. The pit is must go on. composed of music students Anything Goes is a all across LHS who come lighthearted, upbeat show together to perform a live that tells the heartfelt love accompaniment for the story of lost businessman Billy Crocker and debutante Hope Harcourt. The duo are trapped The show’s logo, designed by Shelby Shuster (12) actors on stage. Mary Plass (12) has played the bass in the pit since the performance of on a cruise boat headed from New Legally Blonde her sophomore year. York to England with powerful showgirl Reno Sweeney “We get our music around late November, around amid the humorous antics of gangster public enemy the same time that the actors audition. We practice number one, Moonface Martin. separately from the cast throughout December, then In a year like no other, the musical for many start to rehearse with the cast in January,” Plass said. “I students has been an outlet where students can express like being in the pit because the music is always fun and themselves and pour themselves into their characters. it’s fun to get to collaborate with the cast.” The director of the show, Jessica Winingham (Drama How the audience viewed the show also changed Department), selected Anything Goes as a relief from the this year. Social distancing regulations required the world people have been living in for the past year: a year production to be live streamed, although there were a of Covid-19 and uncertainty. limited number of predetermined audience members “...I just wanted a show that was silly and allowed to watch from the auditorium. Those who viewed meaningless and fun... Cabaret last year was really intense the show online still had to purchase tickets for the for a reason, and I was not going to do that this year,” livestream. Winingham said. Because the show is jazzy and upbeat, students have the flexibility to add to their characters and creativity when it comes to acting, costuming, lighting, News March 7