Celebrating Public Sector Excellence
Awards & Winners Tuesday 4th April 2017 Church House Westminster London
Foreword Cllr Paul Bettison OBE, Leader, Bracknell Forest Council & Chairman, iESE Dr Andrew Larner, iESE Chief Executive and Chairman of the 2017 Awards Judges With continued funding cuts leading to the advent of self-financing and the continued increase in demand for our services, the importance of sharing success and highlighting innovation – the purpose of the iESE Awards – is clearer than ever. This year’s ceremony marked an important milestone for iESE. After more than ten years supporting the transformation of public services, we reflected on what we’d learned to create a single model for council reform – the 3R model. More than 100 councils contributed to the development of the model, giving their time and expertise and sharing their experiences of change. The 3Rs model, published in our white paper ‘From Surviving to Thriving’, created a national roadmap for transformation. The publication of the model marks a remarkable journey for iESE. Just over ten years ago, realising that it was facing a huge challenge to reduce costs and keep improving services, Bracknell Forest Borough, joined with 12 others to launch iESE as a not for profit mutual. Today, we have members across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and our membership extends to fire services, police forces and other public bodies – and we share best practice across all local public services. One of the key lessons of the last few years is that to improve our services and reduce our costs we need to share our talent. iESE is the means by which we can share capacity to support our authorities’ transformation and it allows us to transform our services together. As a not for profit company, any surpluses do not go to the owning authorities, rather, they are invested for the benefit of the sector in projects to improve local public services and make them more efficient. What didn’t change this year was the quality of the submissions we received. 2017 saw over 150 submissions were shortlisted and of these 3 winners were chosen in 11 categories – a gold award, a silver award and a bronze award. The 33 shortlisted submissions were not only all winners, regardless of the colour of their award, but are great ambassadors for public services.
We also want to thank everyone who entered the awards and who made the event so enjoyable.
The fully sponsored event not only celebrates innovation and efficiency, but it also allows the sector to showcase truly groundbreaking solutions that can be duplicated across the UK.
The Improvement and Efficiency Awards celebrate the successes in local public services from councils, police, fire authorities and their private and third sector partners.
If you missed this year’s awards, look out for our announcement of next year’s categories in Autumn 2017.
iESE offers its congratulations to all of the winners at the Improvement and Efficiency Awards 2017.
The public sector transformation partner
...we are stronger
Sharing services and the skills needed to deliver them provides your authority with the resilience necessary to deliver what might otherwise be an unsustainable service. Helping the public sector to build stronger, better services, visit iese.org.uk.
The public sector transformation partner
Gold Award Winners Remodelling Local Services WINNER: South Hams District and West Devon Borough Councils – Creation of a fully functioning Locality Service South Hams District and West Devon Borough Councils have systematically scrutinised and transformed every aspect of service delivery across the Councils to achieve outstanding value for money, a stable financial future and an excellent customer experience. A fundamental part of this ground breaking and award winning transformation has been the creation of a brand new and previously untested Locality Service, ensuring quick cost effective resolution of issues at source and a dedicated “go to” team with a presence in each community across the District and Borough.
South Hams District and West Devon Borough Councils
Transforming Through People WINNER: Ryedale District Council In November 2015 Ryedale District Council embarked on an ambitious, whole organisation, transformation. Like most Councils significant savings had already been achieved, having achieved significant savings since 2011. To reduce costs further, delivering an additional 20% reduction in net budget, required a radical change in organisation design to create an organisation which is not only financially stable but can deliver excellent services and shape the area for the benefit of residents and business. Using a rigorous and focused methodology the council delivered a total transformation at an unprecedented pace. A new operating model was in place within 12 months delivering most the savings in year and the remainder within year two. The investment in delivering the transformation was recouped in less than 6 months.
Ryedale District Council
Transforming Through Technology (sponsored by Progora) WINNER: Wiltshire Council – Multi agency information sharing Single View is an innovative approach led by Wiltshire Council to benefit the people of Wiltshire by working in partnership with eight other public organisations including Wiltshire Health, Police and Fire to provide the right information to the right people at the right time, knowing what is needed and by whom. This means that information shared is accurate and timely, reducing the risk of outdated ‘facts’. The outcome is a cross-partner programme supporting improved care, prevention of harm and reduced demand. It puts the needs of the citizen first, protecting the vulnerable and promotes multi-partner approach to sharing of information.
Wiltshire Council
Gold Award Winners Transformation Through Support Services WINNER: Slough Borough Council Commissioning Service Slough Borough Council has developed a strong support for its services through procurement and commissioning, from care services to property. The Adult Social Care Commissioning Service provides a service for Social Care, Public Health, Mental Health, and other people related services within the Council. It also manages Social Care and major corporate contracts. Social care procurement has included: bringing voluntary and community organisations together in partnership to Slough Borough Council provide a coordinated service to residents; the creation of a supported accommodation recovery service for people with medium to high needs mental health problems, and; the development of a Light Touch procurement model to procure its new Drug and Alcohol Service. The council saved over £1 million in its Grouped Schools PFI contract. The skills developed in its schools PFI contract have been reused in other services for example Extra Care Housing.
Transformation in Health & Social Care WINNER: Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council re:fresh is Blackburn with Darwen’s overarching approach to leading healthier lives and living longer. Working across the council, CCG and wider NHS re:fresh advocates prevention; engaging the public with positive health messages and supports them into activities. It’s seen 49% increase gym/swimming attendances, 0.8 million additional swim/gym attendances, narrowing the participation gaps between both NW and England averages. The Wellbeing Service increased contacts by 400%; successfully combining Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council public, private and 3rd sector services into a single access point. re:fresh provides the launch pad for people to make changes and help themselves; reducing their need for other health and social care services.
Transformation in Waste & Environment WINNER: City and County of Swansea Swansea’s review of its Waste Strategy led the council to seek community engagement and recycling behavioural change in the home. Kerbside residual restrictions had been very successful, but needed to be complemented by residual restrictions at Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) and an expansion of reuse of goods. Between July and November 2016, Swansea converted three HWRCs to Recycling Centres Only, prohibited recyclables from residual skips in remaining two City and County of Swansea HWRCs and expanded our Reuse Shop. Residual tonnages at HWRCs for the months following full implementation show a staggering 80% reduction based on the previous year’s figures. This performance equates to a reduction of approximately 10,000T a year. And a landfill tax saving of £900K.
Gold Award Winners Innovation Award WINNER: Westward Housing Group – Customer Relationship Project Westward aims to create an effortless service for all its customers, both internal and external. Westward is a customer-focussed organisation which aimed to raise customer satisfaction from 85% to 90% by 2020. Technological investment, including mobile working, along with lean models were used to increase effectiveness. Everything was designed around what matters to the customer. To improve performance needed the “right” behaviours from staff and customers. A customer incentive scheme ‘Get Wise,’ which rewards positive behaviours with payments into love2shop accounts when customers sign direct debits, meet appointments for gas safety, don’t cause anti-social behaviour and stay in credit or have rent payment plans. As part of this approach to be doing the right thing for our customers, those customers who were digitally excluded were identified and given personalised training. The project has resulted in direct savings from direct debit, reduced arrears and appointments being kept. At the same time our customer satisfaction have hit its 2020 90% target.
Westward Housing Group
Working Together WINNER: Trafford Partnership Public sector organisations in Trafford are working in partnership to join up their approach to the design and delivery of services. This isn’t just about looking at the edges of each organisation for a better handover, as challenging as that alone can be. Each of the public bodies is aiming for public service excellence based upon an evidenced understanding of the needs of the service user and drawing upon the skills and experience of all the partners. The One Trafford Approach, with collaborative partnership working at its heart, is so much greater than the sum of the parts. The modelling of the current services comprised analysis of 12 months’ data from the council and 12 partner agencies. A typical weekend was monitored across 10 areas of focus from domestic abuse to housing repairs. The results were analysed and a new approach modelled to rerun the weekend as the One Trafford Response Weekend. The One Trafford Response Project is now being scaled up as a longer-term proof of concept to further challenge the system to operate differently; this will shape the neighbourhood model not just for health and social care but all strategic partners in Trafford.
Trafford Partnership
Fire & Rescue Project of the Year WINNER: East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service Safety in Action is a practical, ‘hands on’ event aimed at teaching young children aged 10-11 years how to deal with or avoid life threatening situations including personal, road, water, rail, electricity, environmental, farm, alcohol and first aid. The event takes the form of a half-day session for children within their own school groups who take part in a variety of practical sessions delivered by the relevant agency. Run across East Sussex, Brighton & Hove, each event has the capacity to teach between 800 to 1000 year 6 children. East Sussex Fire & Rescue
Gold Award Winners Police Project of the Year WINNER: Senior Citizen Liaison Team – Avon and Somerset Constabulary – The Senior Citizen Liaison Team (SCLT) The ageing population is a significant social change facing society today. Older adults are often the most vulnerable people in our communities and are frequently targeted by those who seek to exploit the inherent fragilities associated with later life. The Senior Citizen Liaison Team is an innovative, police volunteer project, which provides a suite of awardwinning, bespoke crime prevention and safety education services to keep people safer in their later years. The SCLT is financially stable into its 8th year of operation and now has reliable, long-term funding streams making it 100% self-funding.
Avon and Somerset Constabulary – The Senior Citizen Liaison Team (SCLT)
Council of the Year 2017 WINNER: East Ayrshire Council East Ayrshire Council has demonstrated a drive a commitment to transformation over several years, across all its services, touching many aspects of the lives of the residents and businesses. The strength in innovation and the commitment of staff was clear for the judging panel to see. Each transformation is a story worthy of an award. The Lillyhill Gardens project improving the life of people with learning disability, its pioneering waste management service transforming the use of waste as a resource, its innovation in self-directed support, technology enabled support and its smart home centrally located allowing residents to test and become familiar and comfortable all that technology can do for them. Lastly but not least the play in prison project focussing on improving lives and preventing problems for parent and child. These projects are some of those developed by the Council and all are connected by an underlying drive to understand the needs of the local area and embedded in both its transformation plan and its community plan.
Silver Award Winners
Civicance Limited (Cheshire East Council) – The development of a wholly owned company
Cheshire East Council – Using Interactive Gaming to improve training
Aylesbury Vale District Council – Online Services
Wychavon District Council – innovative financing
East Ayrshire Council – Vibrant Communities Positive Play Team
North Yorkshire and York Councils with Yorwaste Ltd – Yorwaste ‘Teckal’ Project
Nationwide Building Society – Contact Centres: Active Management
East Ayrshire Council – Vibrant Communities Positive Play Team
Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service
Heddlu Dyfed Powys Police – Delivering mobile data to the front line
London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Bronze Award Winners
Broxbourne Borough Council Cemeteries Service
Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Fire Authority (BMKFA) – Workforce Reform
Heddlu Dyfed Powys Police – Delivering mobile data to the front line
City and County of Swansea – transforming IT support
London Borough of Tower Hamlets – Health, Adults & Community Directorate
Warwickshire County Council – Improving food waste recycling
Angus Council – Crowdfund Angus
Emergency Services Collaboration Partnership – Surrey and Sussex
Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service – STEER (Safety Through Education and Exercise for Resilience)
Kent Police and Essex Police
Ryedale District Council
With thanks to our Gold Sponsor
Progora is a unique solution that can digitise, automate and enhance new and existing procurement processes working with your existing ERP and P2P systems. It lets procurement professionals re-invent, re-imagine and optimise all product and service supply chains within their organisation. At its heart, you can easily create your own high fidelity, intelligent, centralised sourcing marketplace for all users to engage giving total user adoption. In turn you can see real MI and analytics, then implement digitised governance and compliance to reduce rogue spending, benchmark suppliers and ensure the compliance needed. www.progora.co.uk
The Improvement & Efficiency Awards 2017 have also been sponsored by our Silver Sponsors
TMP’s world exists where science and art meet. Our solutions are grounded in science; pulling in detailed analysis, technical expertise and innovation, and then we blend in the art of branding, creative thinking and inspiring ideas. We’re fascinated by all facets of employment; with such a broad spread of talent from our creative and digital teams to our occupational psychologists, our capacity for full RPO provision, to niche specialist search and employer branding expertise. Working across a wide spectrum of both public and private sector organisations, our objective remains the same – delivering intact direct sourcing strategies that help you attract, assess and retain great talent. www.tmpw.co.uk
CAMMS drives organisations from strategy to reality with its world leading suite of Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence solutions. Using a unique blend of strong conceptual understanding and technical expertise, CAMMS empowers companies by helping you visualise the “bigger picture” with fully integrated systems. Built from a foundation of specialist domain knowledge and management consulting origins, our solutions are designed by planning and performance experts to offer a proven Return on Investment. We understand the diverse needs of each industry and ensure our solutions are adaptable to suit the specific needs of each sector. This is why national and international organisations across all levels of government, not-for-profit, health, environment and education trust us. Customers across the world have greatly benefited from CAMMS, with many increasing efficiency of strategic reporting by up to 30% and risk monitoring and reporting by up to 49%. www.cammsgroup.com
As well as our Bronze sponsors
Workfolk are proud to sponsor the iESE Awards. We are people specialists. We understand that your people are your biggest asset, biggest financial outlay and biggest risk. We understand that people are complex and do not always behave as we might expect or need and that improving things for people leads to improving organisations. We understand people. Workfolk – the people consultancy. www.work-folk.com
Specialists in waste and resources management with expertise in waste collection, disposal, resources management, street cleansing, parks and open spaces. WasteConsulting has been successfully providing operationally deliverable solutions that improve performance and reduce cost, since 1998. With a strong track record in partnership working; bringing substantive savings for collection authorities and, more importantly, across both disposal and collection tiers. www.wasteconsulting.co.uk