Improvement and Efficiency Awards 2011

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Foreword Working with public services in the South East, iESE has made cashable savings of £160 million to date and for every £1 invested by iESE the organisation has helped save customers £5 in return. These savings have been delivered alongside the development and implementation of signification innovations that have transformed the way that local services are delivered. To recognise and celebrate the successes of our public services, iESE hosted its annual awards ceremony at Church House, Westminster on Tuesday 25 March 2011. iESE received over 60 nominations, spanning a wide range of public sector activities and to Cllr. Paul Bettison Chairman iESE Member Board

reflect the widening role of iESE the awards were open to any public body or public partnership in England.

The evening was compered by iESE Chief Executive Chairman, Andrew Smith (Chief Executive, Hampshire County Council) and awards were presented by the evening’s principal sponsors, BAM Construction Ltd and Mace Ltd, as well as representatives from the iESE Member Board and Chief Executives’ Management Group. The evening commenced with a rousing welcome address from Margaret Eaton and guests received a thought-provoking after dinner speech from futurologist, Ray Hammond. The fully-sponsored event was a huge success. iESE is delighted to announce the winners of the iESE Awards 2011, and we offer our congratulations to all the winners and finalists. Baroness Margaret Eaton Chairman LGA

Awards and Winners 1. CONNECTING PEOPLE This award has been presented for the authority/department or voluntary sector partner for work enabling local people to enjoy better access to valuable services, professionals or to each other.

JOINT WINNERS: Hampshire County Council and Surrey County Council

JOINT WINNER: Hampshire County Council PRESENTED BY: Cllr. David Burbage

JOINT WINNER: Surrey County Council PRESENTED BY: Cllr. David Burbage

Hampshire County Council and YOU - Telecare for people with learning disabilities Enabling people to live in independent accommodation with improved care, greater independence and dignity – through an innovative project, Hampshire County Council is working with local voluntary organisation YOU to deliver assistive technology, for the first time as a dedicated solution, to people with learning disabilities across the County. The service has given 100 users greater independence and dignity, with people now able to live in independent accommodation for the first time. Surrey County Council - User Led Citizen Hub Placing information at the heart of the community, enabling individuals with disabilities or learning difficulties direct access to support which they may otherwise not have benefited from – based in Epsom, the citizen hub is run by disabled people for disabled people and carers, with 15 trained volunteers handling over 100 enquiries in a two month period. Many of the visitors to the hub are people who would not usually approach adult social care for support. The success of the hub is helping to drive more preventative services whilst reducing avoidable contact and a second citizen hub is due to open at Redhill in March 2011.

2. DELIVERING THROUGH EFFICIENCY – SPONSORED BY MACE LTD This award will be presented to the organisation/authority or partnership for work that has shown a comprehensive commitment to delivering efficiency savings.

Highly Commended: Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council Innovative approach to shared services has achieved a saving of £6.5M – through testing and implementing a wide range of innovative practices, Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council have identified £2.26M of savings for 2011/12 alone. The move towards partnership working has seen shared services budgets grow from £0.5M in 2007 to £26M in 2011/12.

WINNER: Waverley Borough Council - Foresight Efficiency Programme

WINNER: Waverley Borough Council PRESENTED BY: Steve Henley - Mace Ltd

A service transformation approach has identified £2-3M worth of savings with £650k already delivered in 2010/11 - Waverley has proactively addressed service and financial pressures, having saved over £2.5M across three years prior to Sept 2009. Council leadership recognised that the imminent financial storm would require a more innovative and cross service approach to balance savings alongside cost effective service delivery. The Foresight Efficiency Programme identified 11 projects including service re-design, reorganisation and external spend which will deliver £2M of efficiencies. The Council has moved swiftly to implement delivery of the programme and as a result of this drive and determination, have delivered £650K since October 2010.

3. PROGRESS THROUGH TRANSPARENCY This award will be presented to the authority or department for a project deemed most innovative in delivering results through increased transparency.

WINNER: Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead

WINNER: Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead - Ian Trenholm, Chief Executive, RBWM PRESENTED BY: Cllr. Mike Colston

Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead – Approach to Council information and data transparency Since May 2010, the Council’s approach to transparency has been recognised as leading edge with residents with the local economy benefiting from greater visibility of Council information – RBWM were the first Council to meet the government’s policy on transparency and recognise the value in making such information available so that they could demonstrate their approach to value for money and service provision.

4. WORKING TOGETHER This award has been presented for the authority or department or project that has instigated the most impressive programme of shared working with other public sector organisations, local authorities, local businesses or national organisations.

JOINT WINNERS: Brighton and Hove City Council and Dorset Waste Partnership

JOINT WINNER: Brighton and Hove City Council PRESENTED BY: Cllr. Neville Whiteley

Brighton & Hove City Council - Carer Support in Hospitals A partnership between the Acute Trust’s Patient Discharge team and the Council’s social workers to support those individuals who are carers who present at hospital either as a patient or with the person they care for. The approach ensures that the needs of the individual are assessed and care is put in place before individuals are discharged. The support ensures that families are supported during times of crisis, admissions to hospital and Integrated Discharge Team involvement is reduced. Dorset County Council and Dorset District Councils – Dorset Waste Partnership Cross Dorset Partnership creates an in-house waste operation, delivering up to £2M savings per annum – to reduce costs and increase recycling rates, all authorities in Dorset have formed a partnership to combine their waste collection and disposal services. With a strong history of in house service delivery in the County, the partnership has decided that the collection service should be delivered by a single direct service team, the first time this has been done. The authorities expect to achieve £1.4M in savings in 2011/12 and £2M by 2016 as a direct result of partnership working.

JOINT WINNER: Dorset Waste Partnership PRESENTED BY: Cllr. Neville Whiteley

5. PROGRESS THROUGH INNOVATION sponsored by BAM Construction Ltd This award will be presented to the authority or department for a project deemed most innovative in delivering results in terms of idea conception and/or delivery methodology.

Highly Commended: Aylesbury Vale District Council ‘Be the Change’ Leadership Programme Empowering the Council’s leadership team to identify opportunities to transform the organisation, the programme is already delivering savings - an innovative approach to leadership running throughout 2010 whereby 60 of the Council’s leadership team have completed, or are part way through a 12 month programme which encourages participants to embrace change and identify savings opportunities. One participant used the skills to negotiate a deal which saved the Council £300K.

JOINT WINNERS: Kent County Council & Kent Climate Change Network with the Kent Adaptation Action Plan and Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead

JOINT WINNER: Kent County Council & Kent Climate Change Network Kent Adaptation Acton Plan PRESENTED BY: Stephen Gregory - BAM Construction

JOINT WINNER: Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead “RecycleBank” PRESENTED BY: Stephen Gregory - BAM Construction

Kent County Council & Kent Climate Change Network – Kent Adaptation Action Plan Climate change modelling allows Kent to prioritise action plans, based on information to save residents money – by modelling the impact of climate change on a number of different dimensions of Kent life and the resultant cost to public bodies in Kent, clear plans are now in place to address and mitigate these impacts. The tools developed have been created in such a way that they may be used by other areas, thus allowing neighbouring authorities to benefit from the technology and will provide useful learning for authorities across England. Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead – “RecycleBank” Working in partnership, Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead has pioneered and successfully implemented the UK’s first incentivised recycling scheme “RecycleBank” – an innovative project providing access by all 61,000 households to a reward scheme whereby they are encouraged to take a positive approach to sustainability which results in increased recycling and the diversion of waste from landfill. The project delivered in partnership with local retailers and businesses reflects the need to consider the local economic factor when seeking out reward partners, focussing on a mix of rewards which serve all residents and enable donations to local schools. The Council are now looking at opportunities to expand this scheme into other areas, particularly given the public acceptance and trust in the approach.

6. SPECIAL AWARD TO FIRE AND RESCUE PROJECT OF THE YEAR This award has been presented for the Fire Service deemed to have delivered a leading edge project which will be to the benefit of other Fire & Rescue Services.

WINNER: Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service PRESENTED BY: Cllr. Paul Barrington-King

Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service – Collaborative approach to uniform procurement Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service lead in the provision of work wear uniform, saving 9 Fire & Rescue Services in the region of £500K - the project has now rolled out nationally to 24 Fire & Rescue Services, creating a legal framework accessible to all FRS in the UK and other emergency services. The quality of products and service has improved at a lower cost and developed a common approach to uniforms and specification that give better fire resistance.

7. POLICE PROJECT OF THE YEAR This award has been presented for the Police Service deemed to have delivered a leading edge project which will be to the benefit of other Police Services.

Hampshire Police Authority & Hampshire Autistic Society – ‘Autism Alert’

WINNER: Hampshire Police Authority & Hampshire Autistic Society PRESENTED BY: Ian Lowrie

The creation of an ‘Autism Alert’ card, car sticker and CJS pathway passport all aimed at improving the safety and the service - received by people on the Autism Condition Spectrum who come into contact with emergency and criminal justice agencies across Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton. The scheme is now being used across emergency services, following adoption by the Hampshire Fire and Rescue and Hampshire Ambulance Trust. The ‘Alert’ card is designed to be easily identifiable to the emergency services. The project was simple in its inception and took a little over 6 months to develop and launch. The ‘Alert’ car stickers and passport system is the first of its kind, not only nationally, but we believe internationally.

8. COUNCIL OF THE YEAR 2011 This award will be presented to a Council deemed outstanding in terms of improving its performance over the previous year.

WINNER: Eastbourne Borough Council

WINNER: Eastbourne Borough Council PRESENTED BY: Andrew Smith

After receiving the lowest CAA rating in the South East in 2009 and qualified accounts for several years, a concerted effort has been made by Members, managers and officers to evolve the culture of the organisation and deliver significant improvements to Eastbourne as an area. The programme has concentrated on innovative service delivery with focussed corporate priorities based on evidence and managed through a visible system of accountability. This approach has seen increased private sector interest in working with the council, a stronger overall performance and enhanced community engagement through projects such as the Towner Gallery and an overall increase in performance. The success of the change can also be seen in the redevelopment of the town centre and the building of the science park, both of which have required strong working partnerships with the private sector – leading to a boost in the local economy and successful negotiations with NLTA to continue to host one of the top 7 tennis tournaments in the world. The authority is also investing in major redevelopments of Devonshire Park and the refurbishing of local theatre facilities.

9. CHAIRMAN’S AWARD PRESENTED TO IAN LOWRIE This award will be presented to an individual marked out as making an outstanding contribution to local government within the realm of improvement and efficiency.

WINNER: Ian Lowrie, Chief Executive, Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council PRESENTED BY: Cllr. Paul Bettison

Dr. Andrew Larner, Managing Director iESE

The Chairman’s award is for an individual who has made an outstanding contribution both the iESE and Local Government and this year’s winner has made contributions that fully fit this description. Ian has supported iESE from its inception, through both regional and sub-regional activity and in his own work, has helped Local Government to pioneer new models of collaboration and service delivery. As a result of his support, the South East can claim the first full partnership of two councils anywhere in England.

Awards Overview

Andrew Smith OBE, Chairman iESE Chief Executives Management Group

Ones to watch... Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead’s LEAN ACADEMY

Waverley Borough Council COUNCIL OF THE YEAR

Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead’s SALES FORCE CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead COUNCIL OF THE YEAR

iESE: Accelerating Public Sector Transformation By increasing the pace of change, iESE is helping councils in the south east and beyond become the very best at achieving significant efficiency savings and improving outcomes for their residents.

iESE SOLUTIONS Public services are facing unprecedented levels of spending cuts, increasing demands for better services, rapid technological change and a new legislative environment which will give individuals and communities greater say in running services. By building on its successes of the last three years, iESE is accelerating the pace of transformation by fostering trust and collaboration, reducing duplication, offering fresh solutions and additional capacity to the region’s public services. Led by local authorities themselves, iESE is uniquely placed to respond to the needs of councils to help them adapt to a rapidly changing public sector agenda – the iESE Solutions outlined below are built around and driven by the needs of local authorities.

• For every £1 invested, iESE has delivered £5 back in efficiency savings • A range of flexible accessible services, focussed on providing sustainable solutions • Over 3 years, iESE is on course to deliver £160 million worth of efficiency savings

UNDERSTANDING THE CHALLENGE A range of diagnostic tools developed with local authorities and already achieving significant savings – these products can be accessed as self-led support or provided as part of our iESE transformational programmes. All iESE products enable customers to assess themselves at a strategic level and on a corporate wide basis, leading to identification of opportunities to save money and improve performance.

iESE Reviews: Corporate Review at Waverley Council identified over £1 million savings. iESE support helped to realise £225k in the first three months

IDENTIFYING THE OPPORTUNITIES TO IMPROVE Through support from the skills and experience within iESE, customers will understand and challenge themselves at a strategic level and on a corporate or service wide basis, leading to identification of opportunities to save money and improve performance. This process will enable the development of action plans to achieve service improvement and efficiency savings.

iESE Facilitation: a potential £1.4 million of savings identified at West Oxon and Cotswolds District Council

MAKING THE CHANGE AND BENEFITING FROM THE RESULTS Having identified the challenge, iESE is uniquely placed to help you make the change and start benefiting from the results. iESE will support you in the realisation of efficiency savings or meeting of key policy objectives through low cost tools and services that also embed sustainable culture/behaviour changes across your organisation.

iESE Shared Services: delivered over £3.5 million savings annually for South Oxford and Vale of White Horse


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