4 minute read
What is CareCubed?
CareCubed is the next generation of digital care pricing which offers a secure online platform to support the open and transparent negotiation of care placements. It is now being used by almost half of all local authorities in England as both a day-to-day negotiation tool and strategic planning solution to map out future provision and plan for reform.
CareCubed is the market-leading secure online tool which generates a guide price for new and renegotiated care placements based on the person-centered needs and desired outcomes for the client. The nationally recognised, independent tool produces an initial benchmark costing based on robust and regularly updated data as a starting point for open and transparent discussions between a provider and commissioner.
The tool is available as an annual subscription for care commissioners and providers and offers a modular solution which provides flexibility based on the specific customer requirements. There are four modules currently offered:
• CareCubed for Working Age Adults,
• CareCubed for Older Persons,
• CareCubed for Children & Young People and
• CareCubed for Health.
These are available under two different licence types – a council licence which gives unlimited user licences for officers to work on the cohorts of cases covered by the modules purchased, while the placebased licence has the same functionality but also allows the local authority to give controlled access to care providers and health service colleagues. This supports collaborative working and allows costings and needs information to be submitted directly to CareCubed, reducing time spent inputting data and aiding transparent negotiations.
Chris Tisdall, Commissioning Service Manager (Corporate Parenting), Surrey County Council.
Lynsey Robertson, Director of Business Development and Programme Management, The Disabilities Trust.
Hugh Evans, Executive Director of People, Bristol City Council.
The CareCubed Community is used by more than 350 commissioners and brokers to share ideas, intelligence and collaborate across multiple councils.
Using CareCubed has meant 65% of young people (16-18) requiring semi-independent provision in Surrey are now remaining local compared to only 35% a year ago.
CareCubed helps control costs – the tool pays for itself for many years from just one or two uses. CareCubed is now used by 45% of all councils in England and more than 50 care providers
CareCubed powered the 65+ Cost of Care Exercise commissioned by Department of Health & Social Care, the LGA and ADASS. Cost of Care data was submitted by more than 2,500 care providers to 95% of all councils.
CareCubed has a user group and steering group made up of sector experts from both councils and providers.
Why choose CareCubed?
1. CareCubed is unique and purpose-built with the support of councils and care providers.
2. Full implementation and support available to deliver instant results.
3. Cost data is regularly updated helping ensure calculations are accurate and fair and using the best available market information.
4. Regular functional upgrades driven by legislative changes and customer needs.
5. Aids with negotiation of new packages, renegotiations and uplift requests.
6. Increasingly being used as a strategic market shaping solution to model lots of different scenarios such as new provision, changes to salaries and new partnerships with providers.
For more information about CareCubed, please got to www.iese.org.uk/carecubed or contact us directly at carecubed@iese.org.uk.