Transform Issue 15 - Feb 2020 Edition

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organisations in meeting their requirements under the new Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations. The new regulations require public sector organisations to deliver fully accessible digital services so any citizen can interact with them without limit. All existing websites need to be made accessible by September 2020. The Initiative has been successful in creating mass changes across Kent to provide more accessible services through libraries, local authorities, NHS organisations, universities, parish and town councils and more. Kent has also become highly involved with the Government Digital Service (GDS) in directing the uptake of the new regulations nationally.

only received positive feedback demonstrating appreciation of our consideration and clear advice and support. We believe this will only continue as more citizens find their needs are catered for and that they can have a more positive experience with their local public sector organisations."

One Met Model Our evidence-based, customer-centric approach ensures that we focus on what matters for your customers, helping you to deliver an improved customer experience

Representatives from One Met Model receiving their award.

Kent's George Rhodes and Ben Watson receiving the award.

One of the key achievements of the collaboration has been the creation of a toolkit which includes many resources, including: articles on improving digital accessibility, templates created for the auditing processes, procurement, engagement with suppliers, remedial action plans, staff guidance and more. The toolkit has been sent out by Universities UK as guidance to all university Vice Chancellors across the country. The GDS has said the toolkit fills a specific gap in guidance available and is the kind of cross-sector “pulling-together” needed as part of a proactive take up of digital inclusion and accessibility. The only cost associated with the toolkit has been staff time for its set up and creation - the content was developed for the collaboration's own journey towards better services. The partnership has been continuously working with the GDS to provide further guidance to the sectors. For example, the GDS is using the research done by the collaboration to help inform take up of accessibility statements - a requirement for organisations under the regulations. The training and awareness raising work has improved the skills of more than 150 staff across Kent. The cost savings of delivering this training inhouse rather than using a third party reaches hundreds of thousands of pounds. The project has meant that accessibility within Kent County Council and the University of Kent are now being considered at the beginning of projects rather than as an afterthought. Now, for example, all future services procured have to have an accessibility check before they can be purchased and accessibility compliance is written into all contracts. Another example is that any digital content documents, videos and html - is checked by a web team and must be accessible before it can be published. "We have already seen positive reputational outcomes locally from this and expect the sectors as a whole to be viewed more positively as a result of the Initiative catalysing a national push for more accessible services," said Ben Watson, Accessible Information Adviser, University of Kent. "We have

Are you offering the best possible service for customers, businesses and residents?

In June 2016, the Met set out on an ambitious fouryear transformation journey - the One Met Model. Its goal was to improve service delivery for London and invest in new and existing capabilities in the face of rising and more complex demand and fewer resources. The transformation portfolio included enterprise-wide business design, spanning people, process and technology and business change covering around 45,000 roles across the whole organisation. The portfolio consisted of 12 strategic programmes comprising nearly 100 projects and an investment of around £2bn. It was underpinned by three strategic objectives: 1) Making every community safer - giving more power and influence in every ward and borough through accountable and visible policing at every level. 2) A safer London - tackling the new and growing threats London faces, freeing up resource to deal with these challenges (e.g. cyber, youth and gang violence) and putting prevention at the heart of everything. 3) A transformed, modern and efficient Met that looks and feels like London and ensures that officers have the right skills, tools and approach to police London effectively. This included: • investing in technology to ensure services are delivered in an efficient way. • a shift in behaviours and culture, from the frontline to the back-office, to empower people at all ranks and grades to deliver smarter and more effective ways of working. • creating a modern environment for staff and the public by rationalising the estate. Progress in delivering against these strategic objectives has resulted in significant financial savings and has released assets to fund further transformation, including the development of the Met's digital capability. A few of the outcomes achieved to date include: • a new, high-quality website more reflective of the digital society in which we live. It offers the ability to report crimes online as well as local information on crime data with linked crime prevention advice, details of the local police team and their activities and direct feeds from social media accounts.

The iESE Service Review: • Provides a full diagnostic picture of how your service is currently operating • Brings all stakeholders together to work towards your vision • Includes a complete set of design principles for how your service could operate differently and assistance with design implementation to achieve your vision

To find out more about our Service Reviews, please go to: iESE The Public Sector Transformation Partner Sharing Best Practice | Benchmarking Performance | Excellence Awards

#ServiceReview #BuildingCapacityNotDependency

• a new Telephone and Digital Investigation Unit, which now deals with nearly 50 per cent of all crime reported to the Met, resulting in reduced demand on emergency response teams, allowing them to focus their efforts more effectively. • the brigading of local policing from 32 boroughs into 12 Basic Command Units (BCUs). The BCU model boosts safeguarding capability and preventative ward-based policing. It also provides a revised investigative model, with most crimes being investigated by first responders, leading to improved victim care and a more joined-up approach to safeguarding. • significant efficiency savings in back office services, reducing 4,000 police staff roles and changing the delivery model for HR and Finance services supported by a new technology platform. Although significant change has already been delivered, there is much more work ahead. The Transformation Directorate - an in-house team of more than 100 permanent employees and attached officers - played a central role in developing the organisation’s strategy beyond 2020, defining its long-term operational priorities, as well as the internal capabilities needed to provide the best service possible for the public. The Met has transitioned from consultant-led design, planning and delivery of change to having its own team which is sector leading and with an ambition to be ‘world-class’. Through this it has created a centre of excellence which keeps the Met up to date and at the cutting edge of changes in policing demands, trends and innovation, whilst also providing resource, guidance and assurance to change programmes throughout their lifecycle. Most impressively, it developed this capability whilst continuing to design, plan and implement significant change.



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