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Year 11 News
Message from Miss Edwards
This morning we had our penultimate Year 11 assembly which was a really important occasion to outline the final details of their GCSE exams, starting on Monday 15th May. We explained the importance of arriving prepared each morning for their exam, having had a substantial breakfast, bringing a clear water bottle with no labels and all the equipment they need including a ruler and calculator for each exam. Students must also arrive wearing FULL RVHS school uniform including blazers and school shoes. This assembly can be viewed here, and I would encourage you to have look over the important details outlined.
Students will have the opportunity to complete a final pre exam revision session with the relevant subject teachers before their morning exams. Students should arrive via the normal school gates and head to the canteen from 8.15am, ready to head over to the sports hall at 8.45am. This will allow students the opportunity to ask any burning last minute questions to help alleviate any exam anxiety and stress.
The ever exciting 2018-2023 yearbook has now been finalised and is a wonderful read with lots of brilliant memories and photos to reflect upon. These are available to purchase on ParentPay at a cost of £16. Please make your orders as soon as possible to ensure these are ready for your child to collect and sign during their leavers day.
Our final assembly will be held on Tuesday 27th June, followed by the Year 11 Prom at Woolston Manner that evening. Please sure you have purchased your tickets from ParentPay as last minute tickets will not be available.
Finally, in Mr Fletchers absence, myself and Mr Price will be continuing to oversee Year 11 during this important time. Please don't hesitate to contact us should you need any advice or guidance during this time cedwards@rodingvalley.net tprice@rodingvalley.net
Miss Edward
Dear Parents/Carers
If you are seeking further information about Post 16/Post 18 Options, please remember to take a look on the Careers Microsite
Latest College Open Day dates are published as well as lots of careers information on the weekly bulletin.