Shabby Chic

Page 1

Elements and principles of design inside now!

Table of Contents I.  II.  III.

Design Thesis About the editor Line I.  Straight Horizontal Line II.  Straight Ver:cal Line III.  Curved Flowing Line IV.  Curved Tightly Line IV.  Texture I.  Tac:le Textured II.  Implied Texture III.  Nonreflec:ve Texture IV.  Reflec:ve Texture V.  Light I.  Task Light II.  Table Lamps III.  Colored Light IV.  Natural

Table of Contents cont. I.



I.  II.  III.  IV.

Monochroma:c Analogous Split Complimentary Neutral PaleJe


I.  II.  III.

Posi:ve Nega:ve Crowding Territoriality

III.  Shape I.  II.  III.  IV.

Abstract Geometric Natural/Organic Dynamic

IV.  Form I.  II.  III.  IV.

Geometric Natural Abstract Non-­‐objec:ve


Table of Contents cont. Balance

I.  II.  III.  IV.


Visual Symmetry Visual Asymmetry Visual Radial Symmetry Structural Symmetry

Harmony I.  II.  III.  IV.

Unity through color Unity through repe::on Variety through color Variety in modern contrast to old

III.  Emphasis I.  II.

Focal Point-­‐Visual Focal Point-­‐Structural

Table of Contents cont. I.  II.

I.  II.


Actual Density Op:cal Density


I.  II.  III.  IV.

Repe::ve Clima:c Contrast Transi:onal/Flowing

III.  Propor:on I.  II.

In propor:on w/ space Not in propor:on w/ space IV.  Scale I.  Human Scale II.  Symbolic Scale

Design Thesis October 2012

Some people think chic is cute, but shabby? Never! With a good eye one can always come up with a cute way to make shabby chic work in a sweet southern comfort sort of way. In this October issue we will include imagery from my hometown, Raleigh, NC. Even though it is a big city, Raleigh s:ll has its quirky southern charm and a shabby chic personality. Incorpora:ng many pictures of Raleigh’s thriZ and an:que shops we will touch on some of the city’s finest aspects.

A bit about myself I’ve lived in a big city all my life, but deep down I’m a fan of laid back southern life. I’ve always loved looking at different interiors and picking out color paleJes. One of my favorite things to do is to go an:quing with my family. I have a wonderful mom, I’m my daddy’s liJle girl, and I have the best younger brother anyone could ask for. My family supports my in my dream to design for people around the world I absolutely cannot wait un:l I have a degree in Interior Design!


Straight Horizontal Line The horizontal beams of wood on the wall of this room show straight horizontal line.

Straight Vertical Line Ver:cal lines are all throughout this pris:ne room. The tall mirrored doors and the enlarged windows are both forms of ver:cal lines.

Curved Flowing Line The end of this bed has lines that wisp and flow smoothly giving off a curved flowing line.

Curved Tightly Line This lounge chair has :ghtly curved lines on the boJom skirt.


Surface Quality Real These tables are made of real wood and when touched one can feel the grains of a tree.

Implied This dresser gives off a distressed look. One may think that it is ragged and bumpy, but in reality when touched it is smooth.


This small dresser has a non-­‐reflec:ve surface, meaning that it is not shiny and does not reflect light or images off of it.

Reflective The mirror in this showroom has light and color bouncing off of it which gives it its reflec:ve appeal.


Floor Lamp The floor lamp to the leZ of the sofa helps the room reduce in height.

Natural The tall windows in this kitchen give off a lot of natural light from the space outside.

Table Lamp This table lamp also doubles as a task lamp when used for reading a book or solving crossword puzzles.

Task These two lights above the bed can be used for reading a book at night.


Monochromatic This pink kitchen only uses one color: PINK! This means that it has a very monochroma:c color scheme.

Complimentary The green and red colors of this room compliment each other.

Analogous The green and yellow colors of this kitchen are very closely related making this an analogous color scheme.

Neutral Palate This dining area has all whites, creams, and tans giving it a neutral color scheme.


Positive This living space gives off a posi:ve, clean feeling because it is easy to move around in.

Negative An:que shops are always very :ghtly packed. I view them as nega:ve spaces because you can hardly move without knocking something over.

Crowding Territoriality The NC State Fair flea market is huge. It is very crowded and combusted, but always a sight to see!


Abstract The chandelier and chairs are abstract, weird shapes in this shabby chic dining room.

Geometric This storefront has ovals and rectangles that are geometric shapes.

Natural/Organic These flowers are a very natural and organic shape – they come right from the ground!

Dynamic The fire place in this living room is very tall and has an eye-­‐ catching dynamic shape.


Geometric The hanging frames in this picture in the form of triangles and rectangles are geometric form.

Abstract The chandelier is a very abstract image because it does not have a definite shape.

Natural The flowers in this an:que shop are all natural forms.

Non-Objective This bed has an unknown, unstated form. It is not a in the form of an already known object.


Visual Symmetry The two lamps on either side of this dresser along with the two pictures give off a feel of symmetrical balance.

Visual Asymmetry This table is cluJered and has no order or balance.

Structural Symmetry These two doors can be touched for one to feel the structural symmetry.

Structural Radial Symmetry

The chairs radia:ng from this table give off structural balance.


Unity Through Repetition This room has a unity through repe::on because of the repea:ng flower paJern on the bed as well as in the curtains.

Unity Through Color The chairs, tables, and walls of this dining room are all of the same color.

Variety Through Furniture This bedroom has a lot of different furniture pieces that do not match, but :e the room together.

Variety in Modern in Contrast to Old The apartment has a very modern look, but is achieved by using older furniture pieces and lights.


Focal Point Visual The black base of this plant Is the focal point because of its dark color compared to the white in this room.

Focal Point Structural The tub in the center of the room is the main focal point because of its mass and its loca:on.


Actual Density This table looks strong and sturdy and gives off a correct appearance that is has a lot of mass.

Optical Density This dark wood coffee table looks like it weighs a lot more than it actually does because of how dark the wood stain is.


Repetitive The rhythm of the flowers is repeated throughout the space.

Climatic This kitchen is very extravagant. It show that you can have a rhythm of chairs being a big part even though they aren’t big themselves.

hJp://­‐ chic-­‐distressed-­‐kitchen.html

Contrast The lines and flowers on the pillows give of contras:ng rhythms.

Transitional/Flowing The wallpaper in this kitchen helps everything flow together.


Object in Proportion w/ Space This bed is big and so is the space around it making it propor:onal.

Object not in Proportion w/ Space This bed is too large for the small space around it.


Human The people in this picture show their rela:on to the chairs and tables around them. They are correctly scaled to the area.

Symbolic This mater bedroom is big, but the bed is also a good size compared to how high and mighty the ceilings are.

Thanks to all the people who opened up their homes and stores to me and allowed me to take pictures. Suzanne’s An:ques – Raleigh, NC Shops of Baileywick – Raleigh, NC The Sczepanski’s – FayeJeville, NC The Smith’s – Cameron, NC NC State Flea Market – Raleigh, NC Apartment – NYC, NY

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