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communities we serve," Mayor Jeff Lehman said during a Nov. 18 police services board meeting.

cers and civilians — that better reflect the diversity of the city's racialized and LGTBQ+ communities.


Rhéal Amyot, an LGBTQ+ and BLM activist, said deep-rooted systemic issues make it difficult for police to attract more diverse members.

"It is not particularly attractive to many members of the community."

those in leadership roles are men and about 33 per cent are women, while the city's population is estimated at 51 per cent female and 49 per cent male.

Not enough minorities.

It's a dilemma for Barrie police and most police services across the country.

To put it plainly — most police officers are white men.

"All police services have been challenged over the years to recruit from certain communities and to end up looking like the

The problem was highlighted last year when a "defund the police" movement took hold across North America as Black Lives Matter (BLM) groups, including local chapters, held protests to criticize law enforcement.

Barrie police responded by launching a systemic review of the service in July 2020 along with an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

The police services board heard results from the review that showed much must be done to attract members — both offi-

The systemic review included several surveys and meetings with internal and community focus groups.

Part of the plan to create diversity includes holding recruitment sessions for under-represented demographic groups.

"Clearly we need to be casting the net a little wider to approach youth facilities and high schools to plant the seed a little bit earlier that policing is a viable career option for people and it doesn't have to necessarily be a sworn


member," Staff-Sgt. Linda Moorhouse said.

The systemic report showed improvements are needed to make policing more attractive to diverse communities.

An internal focus group held during the review revealed biases among individual officers, including inappropriate remarks.

"Participants did raise concerns regarding racially based jokes that they have overheard or witnessed being exchanged by BPS members," the report states. "BPS members also noted potential concerns regarding content of shared messaging apps."

In an simcoe.com interview last year, Brandon


Most of the new frontline officers come through the special constable unit, which includes employees who work in the courthouse and in the cellblock at police headquarters. The vast majority of special constables are white men.

Part of the focus of creating diversity in the service is increasing the number of women and diverse members in leadership roles.

The data shows that more than 50 per cent of

Findings from an internal focus group found an "historic divide" between male and female officers.

"Findings suggest the historical divide was fuelled by a mentality and attitude described as an 'Old Boys club,' that placed unrealistic bias and stereotypes on the abilities, expected roles, anticipated maternity leaves and hours of employment of female members," the report states.

The report adds the divide is narrowing through "positive changes" made during Greenwood's leadership.

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