Kshitij Wadhwa
DOB: 17/12/2001
Adress: MIG 12, Maruti Vihar, Raipur, CG.
Phone: +91 9752311116
Email: 20bar064@nirmauni.ac.in
2020 - Present Nirma University
Bachelor of Architecture
Semester 6 (Ongoing)
Working Drawing.
2015 - 2020 NH Goel World School
Raipur, CG.
2015 Kaanger Valley Academy
Raipur, CG.
Digital & Manual Skills
Autodesk Auto-Cad 2D
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Indesign
D5 Render
Rhinoceros 3D
Model Making
November 2021
Ashray - Labour Housing Project
NASA India | Annual NASA Design Competition
July 2022 Green Office Building - Solar Decathlon
Solar Decathlon 2022.
September 2022
Rangmanch - Re-imagining Public Interaction
NASA India | CP Kukreja Trophy
November 2022
Ibaadat - Reviving the Heritage of Old City
NASA India | Annual NASA Design Competition
December 2022
January 2023
Translucence - An Architect’s Studio Archmello | International Competition
In Light and Dark - Residence Buildner | International Competition
February 2023
School of Creatives - Institution Archmello | International Competition
February 2023
Designing in the Metaverse WeAreDesco | International Competition
Related Study Program
December 2021
July 2022
January 2023
Languages known
Khadia ni Pol
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
France and Spain
Trivandrum, Kochi, Alleppey
Hiking and Camping
Weight training
Objective : Designing an Architecture Studio
Studios hold a significant place in every Architects life. It is this place which turns concepts to reality. Our studio is like a mirror, it reflects what we do, how we do and what we are capable of doing. It talks about the Architecture that we as individuals admire, want to practice and build. The competition brief called to design an Architecture studio which is open for design dialogues, a studio that is innovative in terms of its architecture and interiors and a studio that is beyond glass cubicles and breaks the monotony of a conventional office.
Program : Designing a residence in concrete
The studio brief was centered around the exploration of materials and their construction techniques. The program was to design a weekend residence for a couple on the outskirts of the city, by the water. The residence had to be constructed using concrete and showcase the beauty and characteristics of the same. The program of the residence was developed by us, giving us complete freedom for the development of spaces, volumes and forms.
The design language for this project is greatly inspired by the works of Tadao Ando, the master Japanese architect. The idea of “Intersections” came about from a case study - “Church of the Light” by him in Osaka, Japan. Carefully intersecting concrete planes and niches that angle outwards create picturesque framed views for the user and bring in light in exciting and wonderful ways.
Program : Designing a student housing scheme
The studio brief was to design a student housing for the doctoral students of IIM Ahmedabad. The challenge with project was that the user group for this housing scheme varied from single users, couples, nuclear families to extended families. Thus creating a variety of spatial requirements to be fulfilled. The project is an attempt to create a student housing incorporating different scales and functions. The site is on the outskirts of the city where natural features like trees and water bodies are not hindered.
This concept for this housing project was centered around the concept of play on levels. We explored forms, heights and connections in sections extensively in order to create a something which excited one not just about the spatial planning but also about the volumes and granduer of the space brought about by the change in heights and connections as you walk through the project.
Starting with two basic split level residential units, they have been stacked in various ways to create four clusters, each having their own unique identity. These clusters then come together to form wings on the site.
Individual Unit Plans
Drawings for Housing Studio, Level Residence.
February, 2023
The modified Rat Trap bond used in this project was inspired from the masonry of the “Pirouette House” in Kerala. This bond allows for concealed columns and electrical + plumbing conduits, all while providing an interesting and aesthetic finish and helping with the climatic response in the heat of Ahmedabad using fewer bricks than conventional masonry bonds.
Detailed Wall Section, (In Process)
CP Kukreja Design Trophy
NASA India
Kshitij Wadhwa
Vrutangi Patel
Unnati Jajoo
Shortlisted Top 40 Entries
September 2022
Objective : Designing a public space celebrating local context, culture and heritage of India.
The competition brief called for the design of a public space, which promoted social gathering, activity and interaction while celebrating the culture and heritage of the location it is placed at. The space designed aslo had to reflect on 75 years of India’s independance and pay homage to the same. We designed a public square in the old city of Ahmedabad, responding to all local cues and context but giving it a modern twist through the use of the material palette. We aimed to achieve an overarching sense of togetherness in the face of contrast between stone, concrete and polycarbonate.
Workshop at Laurie Baker Centre, Trivandrum, Kerala.
January, 2023
After having participated in a week long workshop at COSTFORD - Laurie Baker Centre, I recieved knowledge and training in hands on construction and an introduction to alternative construction practices.
Clockwise from top left :
Above :
1. Random Rubble masonry wall
2. Corner detail
3. Stability test
Clockwise from top left :
4. Making Adobe Bricks
5. Brick Arch
3. Strength testing the Arch
4. Bamboo Beam construction
Clockwise from top left :
4. Brick Dome construction
5. Finished Dome
3. Cob wall construction
Freelance work for riverfront development project, PWD Raipur, Chhattisgarh.
Collages for Riverfront development, Ideation.
These collages were a part of the studyUse of riverfront spaces in various parts of the country, to gain a deeper understanding of the activities performed around water and their significance.
Related Study Program
Understanding the Pol House typology Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Group project, December 2021.
The aim was to document houses under the UNESCO World Heritage survey. Studying the variety of scales in this typology of housing, along with the heirarchy of spaces in the house, the use of building materials and the lifestyle of the residents.
Animal Study, Basic Design, Semester II. January, 2021