SEPTEMBER 2022VOLUME CI NO. 101 Senior Lifestyles

Congregate Meal Lunch is served from 11:30-12:00 each day Monday – Friday. Congregate meals are provided for us through FTHRA. The program is for the senior population 60+. If you wish to take a portion of the meal home with you, you will be responsible for bringing containers to place the food in and the transfer of the food. We look forward to serving you and we know that you will enjoy dining with your friends. Please reserve your meals by placing a checkmark in the first column on the reservation sheets located in the dining room. This must be done 48 hours in advance.
The Johnson City Senior Center Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization administered by a group of volunteers appointed by City Commission. The Foundation helps to provide supplemental funding for our healthcare coordinator, Jeanne Clarke, RN; funding transport for cultural activities outside of the Tri-Cities area; providing sup port through the center’s Fellowship program; and providing funding for the Spring Forward for seniors program which provides groceries and household items for low-in come seniors in our area. There are many ways you can help our Foundation: making a monetary donation to the Foundation; signing up for the Kroger Rewards program if you shop at Kroger; consider the Foundation in your estate planning; making a dona tion to the Foundation through your retirement funds or participating in our fundraising events. The next event being planned is a pickleball tournament, “Paddles Up” November 4 and 5, 2022.
Welcome to the Johnson City Senior Center at Memorial Park Community Center. Hours of operation for the Community Center: Monday – Friday 7:00am – 8:00pm Saturday – 9:00am – 4:00pm Closed on Sunday
Page 2 September 2022Center News Congregate Meals will be served from 12:00-12:15 for those who have registered. At 12:15 continuing until 12:25 if there is food available, it will be served to those who did not register but have shown up to eat lunch. Please register in advance to ensure your meal! One 2% milk is included with each meal. All servings are 1/2 cup. All entrees are 3 oz. servings or one portion. **Menu may change due to weather and availability. 19512 Menu for September 18136 2215 Sliced Turkey Breast Lettuce & Tomato Coleslaw Tropical Fruit Wheat Bread (2) Chicken Alfredo CarrotsBrcccoli Fruited Yogurt Dinner Roll Chicken Pot Pie Brussel Sprouts Baked Apples Graham Crackers Biscuit Sliced PotatoLettuceHam&TomatoSalad Pineapple Tidbits Graham Crackers Wheat Bread (2) Egg SausageGritsPatty Orange Biscuit/GravyJuiceSalisbury Steak w/ Mashedgravy Potatoes Peas & DinnerTropicalCarrotsFruitRoll Tuna BroccoliLettuceSalad&TomatoSalad Fruited Jell-O Wheat Bread (2) Chili BakedPotatoDogWedgesBeans BunColeslaw LABOR DAY HOLIDAY NO MEALS SERVED BakedPotatoHamburgerWedgesBeans Fruited Jell-O Bun Meatballs PotatoMozzarellaw/cheeseWedges FruitedCorn Yogurt Bun Chicken Spaghetti Green Beans Peach Crisp Dinner Roll Chicken Philly w/ peppers & onions Potato Wedges Green Peas Fudge Cookie Bun Pizza Casserole Italian PearsVegetablesMix Dinner Roll 7 2 142120 16239 26 Spaghetti meatsaucew/ Broccoli/Cauliflower/ Carrots Apple Crisp Texas Toast Chopped Steak w/ Mashedgravy Potatoes Mixed DinnerMandarinGreensOrangesRoll Chicken BrusselMacaroniTenders&CheeseSprouts Rice Krispy Treat Dinner Roll BBQ Pork Riblet Potato Wedges Corn Chocolate Pudding Bun Chicken Salad Lettuce & Tomato Green Pea Salad Tropical Fruit Wheat Bread (2) Chili Mac Casserole Green Beans Beets Graham Crackers Dinner Roll 27 28 29 30 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Taco Casserole ApplesauceCorn Oatmeal Cookie Dinner Roll FTHRA Nutrition Program 1 GreenMashedMeatloafPotatoesPeas Fruit DinnerCocktailRoll Alert: Many of our members have fragrance sensitivity. Perfumes, aftershaves and other scented beauty products may cause allergic reactions. To be considerate of our members and staff please refrain from using scented products. Thank You!
Foundation News
If you are new to the center or had not been in the center for a while then don’t miss our “Try Us Out” event the first Thursday of each month at 9:00am. You will have the opportunity to meet our staff, ask questions about their programs and hear about new opportunities in the center. Tours will also be given. Please remember to sign in at one of the kiosks for the events and programs you are attending In the center. We want to make sure we are capturing all who attend our center. This data is very important to us and helps us to justify the programs we offer and add new programs and events.
Center News
Please take advantage of the many different classes and programs that the center offers.

Examples: Outings, meals, special events facilitates an awareness and acceptance of one’s feelings. Examples: Support groups, social networks, self-esteem finding one’s calling and being a good giver and receiver. Examples: Volunteering stimulates the use of one’s mind.
Wellness Dimensions
Examples: computer, music, language, cards encourages a life of meaning, value and purpose.
Examples: Bible study,
Open Computer Lab (Ages 18+) Members of the Center will be able to check out an Access card to the Computer Lab at the Senior Front Desk to gain entrance into the Lab from 8:00a-5:00p, Monday through Friday. The Lab will be closed from 8:30a-10:30a every other Thursday. Times/Availability subject to change. Digital Skills (50+)
Physical: promotes personal health and safety. Examples: Walking, swimming, group exercise, hiking, pickleball
Social: fosters meaningful interactions within a diverse community.
Page 3September 2022
Senior Lifestyles
Thursdays, September 8th and September 22nd Cost:9-10amFree
These programs will cover basic computer skills, parts of a laptop, desktop, smart devices, security and scams. The programs will be provided by Goodwill Industries of Tenneva Area, Inc.
September 8th topic: - Email Basics September 22nd topic: - File Management and Using Cloud Storage Please Pre-register, limited space available.

Monday,Cost:Instructor:BeginningCharlineHughes$10/2peopleSeptember26th5-7pm No talent required! Join instructor Charline Hughes as she walks you and a family member through creating a canvas you will be proud to display in your home. Learn fundamental skills including how to add shadows, depth and dimension. This is a make and take class. All supplies will be furnished. This is a great class to do as a family. Child must be in attendance with adult.
Beginning to End….Canvas Creations (Ages Instructor:18+)
Mitten Tree Project Each December we host girls from Girls Inc. for a Christmas gathering where they receive a gift of hats, scarves and mittens. We are collecting these items from our members for this event and would like to invite you to knit or crochet for this worthwhile project. There is yarn and other supplies here at the center if you need them. Contact Chyrl or Ann for supplies or information. Any donations for this project are greatly appreciated!
Cost: Tuesday,$8 September 27th 3-5pm No talent required! Join instructor Charline Hughes as she walks you through creating a canvas you will be proud to display in your home. Learn fundamental skills including how to add shadows, depth and dimension. This is a make and take class. All supplies will be furnished. Bring Out the Artist in You (Ages Instructor:18+)
Cost: Free 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6-8pm If you have a Basic technical knowledge of your camera, a desire to learn and experi ence more, understand some of the creative control functions like aperture, shutter speed, composition, use of the manual settings on your camera and ready to delve deeper in to image creation and gain a broader knowledge of photography, then Next Step Photography is for you.
Pam Lacy Cost: $6 for the Series Second and Fourth Wednesday, 1:303:30pm September’s project will feature ‘Quilled Grapes with Leaves’ on canvas. You will be working on a 9”x9” canvas with a neutral color painted background. Join Pam for her series of relaxing and creative classes! Suitable for all skill levels. All supplies provided. Exam ples of Pam’s work are on the bulletin board outside the Craft room.
Page 4 September 2022Arts & Crafts
Butterfly Wreath (Ages Instructor:18+)
Art Video – “The Sistine Chapel Restored” (Ages Instructor:18+)
Johnson City String Band (formally known as Heart Strings) (Ages 50+) Cost: TuesdaysFree 10am–12pm Come learn and have fun with this welcoming group of amateur musicians. We play a variety of music including gospel, bluegrass and even Irish jigs. For more information, contact John Martin at 423-444-6289. Bring your favorite instrument, whether it be a guitar, banjo, man dolin or whatever you enjoy playing.
Patty Baker Cost: Wednesday,$20 September 21st, 12:303pm No previous experience in basket making necessary! This month’s class will feature a “Letter Basket” which, of course, can be used for anything else you like! The basket will hang on a wall and can be used for door decor with flowers, etc. You will work with natural reed. The basket will be a natural color with a colored reed bow and a solid wood handle. This is a hands on class, your basket will be finished and ready to take home by the end of class!
Sherry Bernheisel Cost: $8 Friday, September 16th, 10am-4pm In this class you will make a solar light whim sical butterfly door wreath from fairy wings! The solar light will shine at night on your door. An easy, charming project, with a bouquet of flowers to cover the solar light but still allowing the light to shine.
Sewing Group - A Community Service Instructor:(AgesProject18+) Charline Hughes Cost: Wednesdays,Free 1-3:30pm We have a surplus of fabric which has been donated to the center. In an effort to give back to the community, we want to be a blessing to those in need by sewing lap quilts and/or pet beds. Sewing machines will be set up and all supplies will be made available. Items made will be donated to the community. For Sep tember, the group will focus on quilts for the American Red Cross.
Musical Voices (Ages 50+) Cost: MondaysFree 1- 3pm Join this welcoming group if you desire to sing gospel music and share the joy of music with local nursing homes.
Don’t delay, seats are limited in number. Two classes offered. Please pre-register and pay in advance to ensure your spot!
Dulcimer Practice/Jam Session (Ages 18+) Cost: WednesdaysFree 2-3pm This is a time to get together and work on your skills and share ideas while enjoying the com pany of other players.
Jewelry Making Class (Ages Instructor:18+) Patty Baker Cost: Wednesday,$10 September 28th, 11am –1pm September’s class will feature a necklace made with seed and bugle beads with a ‘key’ charm. The key is wire wrapped and charms can be added. Suitable for all skill levels –beginner as well as experienced! All supplies provided. Come and enjoy making something beautiful! Macramé Plant Hanger (Ages Instructor:18+) Sherry Bernheisel
Instructor: Ann Whitson Cost: Monday,$2 September 26th, 1-3pm During the Renaissance, artists discovered the secret of perspective. This class will be an overview of how artists create the illusion of three dimensional space on a two dimensional surface. You will learn how the eye organizes space and how to create realistic drawings as the eye sees. All materials furnished.
Ann Whitson Cost: Monday,FreeSeptember 19th, 1-2:30pm Between 1980 and 1994 a thorough cleaning and restoration of the Sistine Chapel took place. This most recent restoration had a profound effect on art lovers and historians, as colors and details that had not been seen for centuries were revealed. An art historian, James Beck of ArtWatch International, has been extremely critical of the restoration, saying that the restorers have not realized the true intentions of the artist. This is the subject of continuing debate.
Beginning to End…. Family Canvas (AgesCreations8+)
Charline Hughes Cost: $5 per class Tuesday, September 27th, 1–3pm Are you looking for a place to hone your painting skills? Look no further. ‘Charlie’ will be available to offer guidance and assistance and share her knowledge in Oil, Acrylic and Watercolor technique. Bring your project and materials in for expert advice in an encour aging and relaxed atmosphere. Suitable for any skill level. Feel free to come by and visit during class to see what it is all about and if you would like to sign up. We encourage all former Art students to join us.
Charline Hughes
Creative Card Making (Ages Instructor:16+) Chyrl McLaughlin Cost: Tuesday,$7 September 13th, 9-11am OR Monday September 12th, 2-4pm
Needle and Fiber Arts (Ages 18+) Cost: Free
Video Series - The World’s Greatest Paint(Agesings Instructor:18+) Ann Whitson Cost: Free Last Wednesday of Each Month 12:302pm This Video Series will explore more than 60 of the world’s greatest paintings. Paintings that produce a unique initial impact when they ae viewed, whether for the first or the fiftieth time. These works bring emotional and intellectu al resonance – the steadily deepening and comprehensive experience of the painting. Paintings that draw you back and back again.
Amateur Photography Club (Ages 18+) Cost: Free 2nd Friday of the month 1-3:30pm If you are just starting out, or want to brush up on your skills, take field trips and photos then come and join us! Paper Quilling Series (Ages Instructor:18+)
Beginner Basket Making Class (Ages Instructor:18+)
Perspective Drawing (Ages 18+)
Cost: $10 Friday, September 30t , 10am-4pm This Macramé project will be made on an 8” wooden dowel with 3 diamond shaped patterns and will hold a 6” pot. A very easy pattern that anyone can do. Come and enjoy this relaxing workshop. All materials provided.
Ann Whitson Cost: TuesdaysFree 1-2:30pm Tuesday afternoon drawing offers an encour aging, relaxed atmosphere in which to create and learn. Bring your materials and projects and take advantage of any instruction needed in technique or skill. Materials will be available for anyone who needs them.
Senior Chorale Cost: ThursdaysFree 10 – 11:30am Join this lively group who loves to sing a vari ety of songs including show tunes and popular songs. This group is led by Cherry Smith. The group is open to anyone who is looking for a low stress, less demanding group with which to perform. No audition required.
Dutch Pour Geo-Art (Ages Instructor:18+) Sherry Bernheisel Cost: $8 Friday, September 23rd, 10am-4pm Similar to a Dutch Pour, but with crushed glass, this project on canvas gives the effect of the beautiful ringed patterns of a stone Geode! Join Sherry for another highly creative and unusual project. All materials furnished. An apron is recommended.
Knitting Class Series (Ages Instructor:8+)
Barbara White Cost: $10 for the Series Wednesdays, September 14-October 19, 10-11am This class will meet for a six week series and is suitable for absolute beginners as well as experienced knitters, and right or left handed folks. It’s a great opportunity to learn, to re fresh skills, or learn advanced skills and prob lem solving. Come and learn from a master knitter in a warm and enjoyable atmosphere! All supplies provided.
Cross Stitch & Needlepoint (Ages Instructor:18+) Linda Fore Cost: Tuesday,$4 September 20th 12:30-2pm If you would like to learn about counted cross stitch or practice skills that you already have come and join this class for an easy, relaxing project. All materials will be provided for the project. Come and have fun!
Join us as we create homemade greeting cards to share with friends and family. We will be making a variety of cards including Get Well, Birthday and Thinking of You. You will be making 6 cards and taking them home with you!
Fridays 11am – 1pm A gathering of folks who are interested in the fiber arts. Bring your project to work on and share ideas and skills. Join this group to share and learn and enjoy the company of others while you work. Please clean up when you are finished and don’t store items at the Center. Next Step Photography Club (Ages 18+)
Pencil Drawing Made Easy (Ages Instructor:18+)

TUESDAY 7:00am to 7:00 pm Billiards Room Fitness Room 8:45 Circuit 9:00 Pickleball 9:00 Blood Pressure 10:0010:00ChecksCircuitSenior Basketball 10:00 Heart Strings Jam Session 11:00 Yoga “Just Breathe” 1:00 Pencil Drawing 1:00 Brain-a-Cise 1:30 Delay the Disease 2:00 Chess Club
Billiards Room Fitness Room 8:00 Fit and Toned 9:00 Pickleball 9:00 Blood ChecksPressure
Groups & Meetings
Classic 10:00 Advanced Tai Chi 10:00 ConversationGerman 11:00 Bingocize 11:00 Qigong for Health 12:00 Beginner Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention 1:00 Pinochle 1:00 Sewing Group 1:30 Classic 2:00 Dulcimer Practice/ Jam Session 5:00 Ballroom Dance Class THURSDAY 7:00 am to 7:00pm Billiards Room Fitness Room 8:00 Men’s Bible Study 9:00 Pickleball 9:00 Blood 4:301:30Practice1:301:0011:0010:0010:0010:0010:00ChecksPressureCircuitSeniorBasketballSeniorChoraleGermanClubYoga“JustBreathe”RookBallroomDanceDelaytheDiseaseDandyLineDancers FRIDAY 7:00am to 7:00 pm Billiards Room Fitness Room 8:45 Circuit 9:00 Pickleball 9:00 Doubles Table Tennis 12:30 Ace of Month)(FirstDuplicateClubsBridgeFridayofeach OngoingEvents
11:00 Bingocize 11:00 Qigong for Health 12:00 Beginner Tai Chi 1:00 Musical Voices 1:00 Hand & Foot Canasta 1:30 Classic 2:00 Our Holy Bible Study 3:00 Line Dance with Martha
September 10th we will be discussing: Living From the Soul by Sam Torode (The 7 Spiritual Principles of Ralph Waldo Emerson)
September: How to be a Good Creature by Sy Montgomery
MONDAY 7:00 am to 7:00 pm
Our Holy Bible Study Mondays at 2pm (Ages 50+) Join us for this open discussion Bible study. Share what you have learned throughout the years. Thursdays at 8am (Ages 50+) Men’s Bible Study.
As the Page Turns (Book Club) (Ages 50+) Free Books Provided 1st Thursday of month 10am If you like reading a variety of books and meeting new people, come join us. You are not required to join in the discussion or answer questions if you do not wish to. We will be discussing Ordinary Grace, You’ll receive a copy of How to be a Good Creature.
Weekly Bible Study Opportunities
Book Selections: We will be discussing: Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger
Page 5September 2022 Groups & Meetings/Ongoing Events
Coffee and Conversations for GRANDfamilies - Grandparent and Relatives Raising Relative Children Monday, September 12th 10am Cost: Free Are you raising a grandchild or other relative? Need support, information or resources? Join us to share your experience, receive useful information, learn caregiving/child rearing tips, and gain emotional support during our Coffee & Conversation for GRANDfamilies. Coffee & Light Refreshments will be provided.
9:00 Doubles Table
September 24th we will be discussing E – SQUARED by Pam Grout
10:0010:00TennisClassicAdvanced Tai Chi
New Age Wisdom Book Club 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month 10am-12pm Cost: Free This is a group that meets to discuss books on self-improvement, spirituality, mysticism, etc. Everyone is welcome to join the club and participate in our discussions. It helps if the attendees have read the books suggested or have some knowledge of the topics being discussed. We do not engage in philosophical political or reli gious discussions during the meetings. Each member is responsible for buying their own books. Because we encourage participation from our members, we prefer that members Pre-register before the meeting. Each member is respon sible for buying their own books.
WEDNESDAY 7:00am to 7:00 pm Billiards Room Fitness Room 8:00 Fit and Toned 9:00 Pickleball 9:00 Blood ChecksPressure 9:00 Doubles Table Tennis 10:00

17th Leave MPCC at 6:30pm, return approx. Cost:10:00pm$26 for ticket and transportation Ride with us and support the Bucs against a conference rival! Register by September 15th. Coming in October! Mount Airy (Mayberry) (Ages Tuesday,50+)October 25th Leave MPCC at 7am (load at 6:45a), return approx. 7pm Cost: $29 for transportation on a motor coach. Travel in comfort to Mount Airy, otherwise known as Mayberry, North Carolina. You will have ample free time to walk around the town made famous by Andy, Opie, Barney and the rest of the Mayberry gang. Lunch (on your own) will be at the famous Snappy Diner.
Page 6 Outings September 2022
E.T.S.U Football Game vs. Furman (Ages Saturday,50+)September
Lunch at the Amis Eatery and Mill in Rogersville (Ages Thursday,50+)September
DATES: Every Tuesday August 16-November 8th TIME: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (Come at 5:30 first week) REQUIRED: Pre-Registration through, $20.00 workbook (scholarship if needed), Regular Attendance, No Child Care Provided
8th Leave MPCC at 10:15am, lunch at 11:30am, return approx. 3:00pm Cost: $5 for transportation, lunch on your own at the restaurant
Wednesday, September 14th Leave MPCC at 10:30am, return approx. 2:30pm Cost: $4 Join us for a lunch, games, and a fun afternoon at Osceola Island. The island has a very peaceful walking trail if you want to explore, we will have corn hole boards set up for those who want to play. We will serve a picnic lunch of sandwiches, chips, cookies and beverages. Please register by September 13th.
Location: Tetrick Funeral Services; 423-610-7171 3001 Peoples Street; Johnson City, TN 37601 GRIEFSHARE GROUP
Picnic at Osceola Island on South Holston Lake
No one needs to grieve the death of a loved one alone. Join this confidential, caring group while healing from one of life’s most difficult experiences.
April 14th and 15th 9am to 4pm. Please come join us!
For any questions, please call Laura Graham at 423-610-7171
A unique, 1800’s era eatery perched up on a hill overlooking Big Creek Dam and Waterfall. The menu consists of such delicacies as smoked prime rib, crawfish etouffee, BBQ, huge burgers and homemade desserts. After lunch, feel free to walk the grounds to the Visitor’s Center and Mill. Please Register by September 7th.

2023 TRAVEL SURVEY trips which may interest you in 2023. Information on the most popular trips will be available at the fall and Tour USA: National Park & Wild West (Includes Tetons, Jackson Hole & Salt Lake City) Cod and the Islands (Boston, Plymouth, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket) Lake Adventure (Holland, Michigan Tulip Festival, Mackinac Island) Call of the Wild (rail journey in deluxe double decker glass domed car from Anchorage to Denali, Denali Tundra Tour, glacier and wildlife tour, and Kenai Fjords National Park) York City & Hudson River Valley (Broadway show, city tour, Ellis Island/Statue of Liberty. Hudson River tour Includes West Point, Bescobel House & Gardens, FDR Historic Site at Hyde Park other places in the US that you would like to visit that would include a fly/tour: and Tour Abroad: Fire & Ice Adventure (tour of island, possible sightings of Northern lights) Windmills & Waterways (tulip & flower gardens on 8 day river cruise on MS Amadeus Queen) of Italy’s Amalfi Coast (tour of Sorrento Coast to Amalfi, Pompeii, Isle of Capri & Rome) of Ireland (Dublic, Limerick, Cliffs of Moher, Galway, Killarney & coastal “Ring of Kerry.” Bunratty Castle medieval banquet and a night in a castle hotel) places outside the US you would like to visit: Coach trips departing from Johnson City: Missouri with Nashville and Memphis tours Falls and Toronto, Canada Falls USA only (Erie Canal Cruise, Buffalo tour, Niagara Falls guided tour) and Key West Cod & Martha’s Vineyard (JFK Museum, Eastham Windmill, Hyannis, Sandwich) Island, Michigan (Portland, Kennebunkport, Pineland Farms, Boothbay Harbor) Orleans (Mississippi Riverboat cruise, National WWII Museum, Destrehan Plantation) size would like to see
List other
Noah’s Ark List other motor coach tours that you
Please indicate
Page 7September 2022 Senior Lifestyles
_____Ark Encounter: Life
Let’s Go Travel Show! Fly
offered: Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________Phone: ________________________________ Travel Preference: Double______ Single______
On a mission to engage adults in Active Life through Active Living Volunteer Meeting: Monday, September 12th at 10am Join us for an hour packed with information, food and fun!
Dandy Line Dancers (Ages (Advanced12+) Line Dancing) Thursdays, 4:30-6pm Instructor: Martha Davenport Cost: FREE For more information, contact Martha This is a volunteer group, which not only practices during this time frame; they also perform in the community. For the experienced line dancer. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Cost: Free Want to learn to Ballroom dance? Come and learn with us. Ballroom Dance Practice
Instructor: Martha Davenport Cost: $6 or (Discount for SilverSneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® if eligible)
Wednesdays 5:30-7:00pm
Ballroom Dance Class
Page 8 September 2022
Guest speaker will be Lee Gay with MyRide Johnson City. He will share with us what they do and needed volunteer opportunities.
For those wanting to brush up their line dance steps or learn new line dances. You will be having so much fun, you won’t even realize that you are exercising! Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Wednesdays,(AgesPinochle50+) 1-5pm Cost: FREE A trick taking card game for four. No food allowed in the Card room only closed beverage containers. (AgesRook Thursdays,50+) 1-5pm Cost: FREE Rook is a challenging trick taking game played with a special deck of cards and a special group of people. Please join us! No food allowed in the Card room only closed beverage containers.
Volunteers/Games/Dance Ready, Set, Serve...Volunteer!
Johnson City Grand Squares (All Ages Welcome) 2nd & 4th Fridays 5:30-7:30pm Cost: $6 New members welcome.
Absolute Beginner Line Dance Instructor: Sue Ayers Cost: $30 (Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants discount $20) 6-week series on Wednesdays, beginning September 14th – October 19th, 4-5pm Perfect for anyone who has never line danced before. Enjoy learning the basic steps set to a variety of music types. Comfortable clothing and shoes are recommended (no thong-type sandals please). Great exercise for your body and brain and lots of fun! Please Pre-register.
Beginner Line Dance Instructor: Sue Ayers Cost: $30 (Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants discount $20) 6-week series on Wednesdays, beginning September 14th – October 19th, 5:30-6:30pm Designed as a follow-up to the Absolute Beginner class or for those who want to refresh popular steps from previous line dance experience. Our primary focus will be on “Beginner” level line dances, which includes a lot of fun and interesting options. It’s a great body and brain workout for all who love music! Please pre-register.
Dance Line Dance with Martha (Upper Beginner/Intermediate Level) Mondays,(Ages12+) 3 – 4:30pm
Ace of Clubs Duplicate Bridge (Ages 50+) First Friday of each month, 12:304:30pm If you enjoy playing bridge, but haven’t tried duplicate bridge. Join the fun! No food allowed in the Card room only closed beverage containers.
Games Hand & Foot Canasta (Ages Cost:Mondays,50+)1-5pmFREE Come and play this card game. If you don’t know how, no worries, they will teach you how. No food allowed in the Card room only closed beverage containers.
Mondays(AgesBingocize®50+)and Wednesdays, Cost:11am-12pmFree Prizes sponsored by Tetrick Funeral Services Do you love BINGO? Would mixing bingo with physical activity increase your interest in an exercise program? Come play this new game with us. Space is limited, so please pre-register by calling 434-6237. Chess Club Tuesdays,(18+) 2-5pm Cost: FREE Open to all skill levels. Come join our group. No food allowed in the Card room only closed beverage containers.
Thursdays 1:30pm Cost: Free Come and enjoy an afternoon of ballroom dancing.

Page 9September 2022 Senior Lifestyles MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 329:001 Try Us Out 10:00 As the Page 6:00TurnsChampions of the Court Outdoors)(Pickleball 8:009 Step It Class 1:00 PhotographyAmateurClub 9:008 Digital Skills 10:00 Writer’s Circle 10:15 Amis Eatery 3:00OutingJCSC Seniors on the 6:00GoChampions of the Court Outdoors)(Pickleball 8:007 Fasting Blood Sugar Screening 9:00 Step It Class 5:30 Beginner Line Dance (Session 6) 9:006 Osceola Island Trail Walk5Center Closed inofObservanceLaborDay 10:0010 New Age Wisdom Book Club 9:0014 Step It Class 10:00 Knitting Class Series 10:30 Osceola Island 1:30OutingPaper Quilling 4:00 Absolute Beginner Line Dance (Session 1) 5:30 Beginner Line Dance (Session 1) 11:0019 Virtual SeriesIntro to Fall Prevention 12:30 Stop Suicide 1:00 Art VideoThe Sistine Chapel Restored 8:0016 Step It Class 10:00 Butterfly Wreath 6:00 Car Show 8:0013 Tweetsie Trail 9:00Walk Creative Card Balance12:30Trail11:00MakingAppalachianMixOrientationAMatterof 6:3017 ETSU Football Game Outing 10:0012 Making2:00Health10:30GrandfamiliesConversations10:00MeetingVolunteerCoffee&forFeelin’GroovyFairCreativeCard 10:3015 6:00PresentationAnti-ScamAppalachian Trail Mix 6:00OrientationChampions of the Court Outdoors)(Pickleball 9:0021 Step It Class 10:00 Knitting the Class 11:00SeriesVirtual Series - PetRelated Fall Prevention 12:30 Beginner Basket 4:00MakingAbsolute Beginner Line Dance 1 (Session 2) 5:30 Beginner Line Dance (Session 2) 8:0020 Hiking 101 - Winged Deer 11:00ParkVirtual Series - How to 12:30Fall Cross Stitch & 12:30NeedlepointAMatter of Balance 6:00 Next PhotographyStep 8:0022 Bays Mountain Fire Tower Hike 9:00 Digital Skills 10:00 Writer’s Circle 11:00 Virtual SeriesAdaptive Equipment Outdoors)of6:00DemoChampionshipstheCourt(Pickleball 8:0023 Step It Class 10:00 Dutch Pour 11:00Geo-ArtVirtual SeriesOlder Adults Falls: EMS Perspective 10:0024 New Age Wisdom Book Club 10:0026 Creations5:00Drawing1:00ScreeningHearingPerspectiveFamilyCanvas 8:0027 Davy Crockett 10:00Hike Hands only CPR 12:30 A Matter of 1:00BalanceBring Out the Artist In You 3:00 Canvas Creations 9:0028 Step It Class 10:00 Knitting Class Series 11:00 Jewelry Making 12:30Class Video - The World’s Greatest Paintings 1:00 DASH Diet 1:30 Paper Quilling 4:00 Absolute Beginner Line Dance 1 (Session 3) 5:30 Beginner Line Dance (Session 3) 6:0029 Champions of the Court Final (Pickleball Outdoors) 8:0030 Step It Class 10:00 Macrame Plant Hanger
Page 10 September 2022Travel Corner Travel Corner JCSC Seniors on the Go will host the monthly travel meeting on Thursday, September 8th at 3:00 pm. Please reserve a seat in advance by calling 434-6237 or stopping by one of the reservation desks. This is the last opportunity to complete the travel survey for 2023 trips. We encourage everyone to help the travel team plan next year’s adventures by completing a survey. You may turn in your survey at the senior services desk, or you can email the completed survey to The trips selected for next year will be announced at the travel show on Tuesday, November 1st at 3:00 pm. Trust the professionals you have known for years. Advancing Patient Centered Hearing Healthcare Call Today To Schedule Your Appointment! j 306 Sunset Drive, Suite 103 Johnson City, TN 423-328-9190

Fit &
One hour class that includes cardio endurance, strength, flexibility and balance challenges.
This class is designed to increase cardiovascular endurance and improve strength. This is a low impact class which offers upper body strengthening. Participant should possess consistent skills in agility, coordination and balance.
Tuesdays(AgesCircuit50+)& Fridays, 8:45am Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants)
Tuesdays(AgesCircuit50+)& Thursdays, 10am Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants)
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook Tai Chi for Arthritis is an evidence, low-impact Tai Chi form modified for seniors. This is an advanced Tai Chi class for those already experienced in Tai Chi.
Tai Chi Advanced (Ages Mondays18+)and Wednesdays, 10am Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® eligible participants).
This class is designed to increase cardiovascular endurance and improve strength. This is a low impact class which offers upper body strengthening. Participant should possess consistent skills in agility, coordination and balance.
Instructor: Pam Gervais
Mondays(AgesToned18+)& Wednesdays, 8am Cost: $2 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants)
Page 11September 2022 Fitness Fitness
Mondays(AgesClassic50+)& Wednesdays 10am Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants)
Tai Chi for Arthritis is an evidence, low-impact Tai Chi form modified for seniors It has been shown to reduce pain and stiffness associated with arthritis while improving strength, range of motion, and balance thereby reducing the risk of falling. Classwork includes gentle stretch ing, breath work, focus on body alignment, and slow, controlled movement. With adjustments the exercises are appropriate for individuals of all physical conditions and can be done seated in a chair.
Tai Chi Beginner (Ages Mondays18+)and Wednesdays, 12pm Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® eligible participants).
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook
Instructor: Deb Fogle
Instructor: Deb Fogle
Instructor: Deb Fogle This class designed to help you become stronger and improve balance. The move ments in class focus on specific exercises to improve strength and power around the ankle, knee and hip joints, while improving your reaction time.
Tuesdays & Thursdays 11am-12:30pm (Ages 18+) Cost: Instructor:$5/classDixie Neth Join us for a breath of fresh air as we explore the world of yoga postures, breathing practices, and relaxation techniques. This class requires movement to the floor and back up without assistance. Focus is on precise alignment of spine, breath work, and emphasizing body awareness and mental clarity as we stretch and strengthen our mind and bodies. Bring your own mat, yoga blanket, blocks, and yoga straps.
Instructor: Deb Fogle Increase muscular strength, range of move ment and practice activities for daily living.
Mondays(AgesClassic50+)& Wednesdays, 1:30pm Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants)
Fitness Tip Tuesday (Ages Tuesday,18+)September 13th and 27th 3-3:45 pm Cost: Free and Open to Members of the Fitness Center Only For those who have joined the Fitness Center and don’t know what to do or for those who need ideas for their workout, this is something special just for you! Join our Senior Services Manager Deb Fogle the second and fourth Tuesday in the Fitness Room as she answers all your equipment and workout related questions. Spots limited to 6. Group Exercise Guidelines Preregistration recommended for the above classes. Class size for Classic and Circuit 20. Class size for Stability is 12.
Qigong is a part of traditional Chinese medicine that includes easy to learn, gentle, flowing movements that stimulate the meridian system of the body and promote relation and mindfulness. Class work also includes warmups, gentle stretching of all the major joints, and breath work. Evidence-based studies show that Qigong practice can improve a wide variety of chronic health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, MS, and Parkinson’s disease, while reducing stress and promoting emotional health and mental function. With adaptations this class is appropriate for everyone regardless of physical limitations and can be done seated in a chair.
Yoga “Just Breathe”
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook
Cost:ToroomuseDaily and Monthly fee options (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants)
Mondays(AgesQigong18+)and Wednesdays, 11:00am Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® eligible participants).
MondayRoomthrough Friday 7am – 7pm (Ages Fitness14+)Orientation required for new users to the fitness room No preregistration required to use fitness
Page 12 September 2022Senior Lifestyles Skilled Nursing We orient our skilled nursing services around the provision of specialized care for recovery after hospitalization. Our dedicated team helps residents and family members feel at home while receiving individually-focused healthcare. Rehabilitation and Outpatient Therapy Services Whether you need Physical, Occupational, or Speech Therapy, our therapists are committed to returning residents to the highest possible level of function, independence, and quality of life. Whether recovering from a hip replacement surgery, a stroke, a fall, or any other health condition, residents can benefit from our rehabilitation services. Health & Wellness Our energetic staff also focuses on socialization as a vital aspect of creating a home-like environment. We supplement wellness by delivering opportunities for residents to maintain a fulfilled and pleasurable stay. Community involvement ranges from exercise classes, beauty shop visits, and pet therapy, to holiday events, community involvement, and religious services. Call Today! 423-542-5061 1666 Hillview Drive | Elizabethton, TN 37643 |

Page 13September 2022 Senior Lifestyles Memorial Park Community Center Amph itheaater 510 Bert St For more info, call 423 283 5827 Sept 8 Good Rockin’ Tonight Sept 15 Samantha Gray Band SSSept. BoogieLawsonVictor1&Chillen Sept. 15 2:30 p.m. 2412 Knob Creek Rd. • Johnson City, TN 37604 TO ENTER Register as a vendor (there is a $20 entry fee) and bring your chili to the cookoff HOW TO WIN Guest judges will award 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners in the following categories: • Best Chili Taste • Best Theme (Table Decorations/Costumes) • Best (How/WhatPresentationItemarePresented) For more information, please contact Kara Fleenor or Carla Dunn at (423) 930-9001 All proceeds to Alzheimer’sbenefitTennessee Guests are welcome to come and sample all the chili entries for only $3.00 Help Us NationalCelebrateAssistedLivingWeek

Instructor: Kim McLeod Cost: $4 per visit Days: Tuesday/Thursday 9:15-10:15am Looking for a challenging workout? Get in over your head with us for some intense water aerobics. The focus is on toning, cardiovascular strength, endurance and core work. No swim ming skills are needed. All equipment is provided. (AdultsArthritisand Seniors)
Freedom Hall Pool Lap Swim (Teens, Adults and Seniors)
(AdultsSplash and Seniors)
Monday-Fridayparticipants)7-8:45am and 11am- 3:45pm
Instructor: Heidi Perry Cost: $4 per visit or $40 per month
A fun program geared towards senior citizens looking to improve the quality of their social life and physical well-being. All pools are closed on Tuesday and Thursday from 4-6pm for cleaning and PrivatemaintenanceSwim Lessons
Instructor: Kim McLeod Cost: $4 per visit Saturday 9:15-10:15am Put a Calorie Smack Down during the weekend with this metabolism boosting shallow water workout. (Teens,AquamixAdults and Seniors)
Saturday Splash (Teens, Adults, Seniors)
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 7:35-8:45pm Need time to swim? We offer several different time options. Whether your choice is swimming laps, aqua jogging or just doing your own thing we have a time to fit your needs.
Get in shape, this shallow water class which combines cardiovascular strength and conditioning, muscle strength and toning, balance and core work in a fun environment. No swim ming skills are needed and all equipment is provided.
Cost: $2 per session or $30 per month (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew
children! All guardians have to be in the pool with their child. Home School Swim Cost: $3 for 13 and older $2 for 12 and under Tuesday/Thursday 2-3:30pm A time to swim during Memorial Park Community Center home school P.E. Program.
Tuesday/Thursday 6-7pm
Cost $2 per person
Open Swim (All Cost:Ages)$2(12 and under), $3 (13 and older)
Cost: Monday/Wednesday$1 9-10am Enjoy Mommy and Me swim time with your
Recreation swim is perfect for bringing the kids to play. Children 12 and under must be accom panied by someone at least 16 years of age or older. Any child 6 or younger must be within arm’s length of an adult, 16 years or older at all times. Also, any child who requires flotation devices of any kind must be within arm’s reach of an adult at all times.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9-10am Start your day with a shallow water class which combines cardiovascular strength and condi tioning, muscle strength and toning, balance and core work in a fun environment. No swimming skills are needed and all equipment is provided.
Therapy Pool Schedule: Adult Only Open Therapy (Adults and Seniors)
Have a form of arthritis? This is an activity that can help manage the symptoms of arthritis. This class helps get you moving with a low impact exercise. It is held in our therapy pool which is equipped with a handicap lift.
Instructor: Heidi Perry Cost: $3 per Tuesday/Thursdayvisit 11:45am-12:45pm
Teaching Pool Schedule: Mommy and Me (Ages 4 and under)
Monday/Wednesday 4-5:45pm Friday Saturday4-7:30pm12:45-3:30pm
Instructor: Heidi Perry Cost: $4 per visit or $30 per month
Instructor: Heidi Perry Cost: $4 per visit or $30 per month Days: Tuesday/Thursday 11-11:40am
Instructor: Heidi Perry Cost: 4-30 Minute Lessons $100 4-45 Minute Lessons $150 4- 1 Hour Lessons $175 Days and Times: Will be scheduled with instructor
Page 14 September 2022Aquatics
Monday/Wednesday/ Friday 6pm-7:30pm Saturday 10:30am-12:45am Need time to swim? We offer several different time options. Whether your choice is swimming laps, aqua jogging or just doing your own thing we have a time to fit your needs.
Tuesday/Thursday 7-11am; 1-4pm; 6-7:30pm Saturday 9am-3:30pm
An adult only time for therapy that you can engage in activities of your choice to fit your therapeutic needs. This pool is for low impact swimming. You will not be allowed to jump, splash or make big waves.
Evening Water Aerobics (Teens, Adults and Seniors)
Lap Pool Schedule: Lap (Teens,SwimAdults and Seniors)
Water Aerobics Schedule: Morning Water Aerobics (Teens, Adults and Seniors)
Cost: $2 per visit or $25 per month (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® Monday/Wednesday/Fridayparticipants)
Senior Lifestyles CRAFT FA IR AND FARMER’S MA RKET Join u s for a beautiful day at Everlan , Johnson City’s newest luxur y independent living communit y for adults 55+. Come shop local and e njoy food , crafts and fun! FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 | 10: 30 . - 1:30 P.M . Lo cated at 262 3 People s St . | Johnso n City, TN 37604 Call (423) 226-0463 for more details or to be a vendor. LIVIN G a t i ts FINES T | W WW.EVE R LANLIVING. COM A .M 2nd Ann ual

Page 16 September 2022Senior Lifestyles
Monday – Thursdays, 9am-2pm Stop by the nurse’s station for a free blood pressure check. No appointment required.
Wednesday, September 7th, 8-10am Free blood sugar screening done by fingerstick with immediate re sults. For best results, do not eat or drink anything except water for 8-12 hours prior to testing. If you need a different time, please call 423-434-6235 to set up an appointment.
Tuesdays,(60+) September 13thNovember st1, 12:30-2pm
Tuesday – How to Fall by Regena Young Wednesday – Pet-related Fall Prevention by Dr. Wilhelm-WalkerWhitney&Deborah Tuggle
Free Hearing Screenings (AllMonday,Ages)September 26th, Cost:10am-12pmFREE
Hands – Only CPR (All Tuesday,Ages)September 27th, Cost:10-11amFREE
12:30pm10:30am-temberMonday,(AllHealthGroovyFairAges)Sep-12th, Cost: FREE Join us for some retro fun and a lot of health and wellness information! This free event will feature a wide variety of vendors providing infor mation, resources, giveaways and door prizes.
Heart Healthy DASH Diet (All Wednesday,Cost:Ages)FREE
September 28th, Speaker:1-2pm Elizabeth Renfro, MS, UT/TSU Extension Not sure how to DASH? Learn the basics of this balanced and flexible eating plan, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Proven to improve blood pressure, the DASH eating plan can also help you lose weight and cut your risk for other health problems. Quick cooking demo, recipes and useful tips for delicious meals that you and your heart will love! Please call 423434-6237 to pre-register.
HealthFeelin’GroovyFairFormoreinformationcall423-434-6237 This is a free event! Monday, Sept. 12 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. St.Bert510Center,CommunityParkMemorial
Fall Prevention Awareness Week (Ages 50+)
Take advantage of this great opportunity to have your hearing checked free of charge by ETSU Audiology students. You may schedule an appointment by calling 423-434-6237 or drop in the day of the event.
Come learn about an eight-week program designed to motivate us to move more, learn about the Appalachian Trail in our region and have fun along the way! The walking can be done anywhere and as you track your miles, we’ll see where those miles take you on the trail. Optional group walks, outings and programs will add to the fun. All ages and fitness levels are welcome. Program runs from September 19-November 13 with weekly check-ins for accountability. Cost is $15 and includes a longsleeved T shirt. Learn more at the free orientation session and enjoy our trail mix bar! Please call 423434-6237 to pre-register.
Free Blood Pressure Checks
Ask Our Nurse If you have health concerns or questions, our nurse, Jeanne Clarke, RN is happy to provide information, support or resources. Her hours are Monday – Thursday, 9am-2 pm. Stop by the nurse’s station across from the Dining Room or call 423434-6235 for an appointment.
Free Diabetes Screening ~ Fasting Blood Sugar Check
Healthy Living
Cost: MondayFreethrough Friday, September 19th – 23rd, 11:00am12:00pm This will be a virtual series held at Memorial Park Community Center hosted by the Tennessee Fall Prevention Coalition. Monday – Intro to Fall Prevention by Dr. Karon Uzell-Bagget & Deborah Tuggle
A Matter of Balance Series
Appalachian Trail MixTuesday,(AllOrientationAges)September 13th, 1111:45am & Thursday, September 15th, 6 – 6:45pm No boots, no backpack, no problem! Everyone can hit the trail!
Thursday – Adaptive Equipment Demo by Dr. Erin Melhorn Friday – Older Adults Falls: EMS Perspective by Stephen Sutton Please call 423-434-6237 to pre-register. Stop Suicide ~ Find Help & Hope (All Monday,Cost:Ages)FREESeptember 19th, Speaker:12:30-1:30pmHeatherly Sifford, BSPH, Trauma Injury Prevention Program Coordinator, JCMC Sometimes we feel helpless when someone we care about is struggling with depression, grief or thoughts of suicide. There are ways we can come alongside others and help. Learn how to have an open conversation with someone about these issues, what to say, warning signs to watch for and resources available. Whether you are the one struggling or you are concerned for someone else, join us for this heartfelt and helpful program. Pre-register at 423434-6237 or drop in on the day of program.
Our hands can do many things, the most important of which may be saving someone’s life. Join us to learn Hands-Only CPR, taught by certified presenter, Bob Lorenzo, American Red Cross volunteer. This program teaches how to perform hands only CPR, a simple skill that can save lives. If you see someone suddenly collapse, hands-only CPR is the recommended form of CPR. It increases the likelihood of surviving a breathing or cardiac emergency until medical professionals arrive. The power is in YOUR hands. Please call 423-434-6237 to pre-register.
Cost: Speakers:FREEHeatherly Sifford, BSPH, Trauma Injury Prevention Program Coordinator, JCMC & Elizabeth Renfro, MS, UT/TSU Extension Many older adults experience concerns about falling and restrict their activities as a result. This eightweek series will help participants make small changes to reduce the risk of falls and learn exercises to increase strength, flexibility and balance. Stay active and stay safe – it’s a matter of balance! Please call 423-434-6237 to pre-register.

(Ages Thursday,50+)September 1st, 9am Cost: Free Are you new to the center or want to know more about our programs that we offer, then you don’t want to miss our “Try Us Out” session. This will be a session to meet staff, find out what programs we offer, take a tour and ask questions about the center and its programs. You will also be given information about any new programs being offered in the next month. Light refreshments will be served and some free try it out vouchers for certain classes will be given. Please register with the front desk or call 4346237 to reserve your spot.
• Play again – place your paddle in first available opening in the “Paddle Rack” (L-R)
Special Events/Lifestyle Sports
Feelin’ Groovy Health Fair (All Monday,Ages)September 12th, 10:30am-12:30pm Cost: FREE Join us for some retro fun and a lot of health and well ness information! This free event will feature a wide variety of vendors providing information, resources, giveaways and door prizes.
September 2022 Page 17
Cost: Monday(AgesSeniorFreeBilliards18+)through Friday 7am-7pm No registration required, No time limit or number of players No food allowed in the billiards room only closed beverage
“Try Us Out”
Gym(AgesPickleball18+)1–Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9am-12pm Gym 2 – Monday through Friday Cost:9am-12pmFREE
• Next up when court is open – next paddles from L-R Less than four players waiting, the suitable number of players will stay on the court to fill the court with 4 players
DoublesCost:containersFREETable Tennis (Ages Monday,50+)Wednesday, and Friday Cost:9-11amFREE
Senior men and women’s doubles table tennis is a great way to keep your brain and body active. No food allowed only closed beverage containers Singles Table Tennis (Ages Cost:Mondays18+)1:30-3:30pmFREE Singles Table Tennis in the Game Room. Great way to get some exercise and make new friends. No food allowed only closed beverage containers Senior Basketball (Ages 50+) Gym 1-Tues and Thurs 10am-12pm Cost: Free Meet in the Gym for pick-up games and shoot a-rounds.
MondayMembersthrough Friday 12:009:00pm Open Play Saturday and Sunday 7:00am -9:00pm Open Play Court use will be first come, first serve unless otherwise designated for a special program, activity, or Duringevent peak times when courts are full and players are waiting to play: Court time will be shared equally NO Singles • Waiting players will place their paddles in the “Paddle Rack” (left to right) Court time limited to two games to 11, win by 1 Exit court immediately – return to waiting area outside courts
Thursdays, September 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd 6:00pm Cost: Free Champions of the court is for intermediate and advanced pickleball players. There will be 24 slots available each night and you must sign up each Thursday night you would like to play. Your starting doubles partner will be randomly selected and you will have a chance to play with other partners. Eight rounds of play will determine the champions of the court for that night. On September 29th all the champions of the court from the previous weeks will play for the final champions of the Pre-registercourt. by calling 423-434-5749 or at Memorial Park Community Center. Registration required the Wednesday prior to the Thursday night play. Play will start at exactly 6:00pm in order to get all rounds completed.
Coming in October Family Pickleball 101 on Saturdays
Special Events
Limit warm-up time to no more than 5 minutes
Join in on the fun! This activity is a modified version of tennis. We play Nodoubles.registration required, no time limit or number of players. Outdoor Pickleball (Ages Monday18+)through Friday 7:00am12:00pm Open Play for MPCC
Champions of the Court (Ages 18+) MPCC Outdoor Pickleball Courts
Appalachian Trail Mix (All OrientationsAges) on Tuesday, September 13th, 11-11:45am & Thursday, September 15th, 6 – 6:45pm No boots, no backpack, no problem! Everyone can hit the trail! Come learn about an eight-week program designed to motivate us to move more, learn about the Appalachian Trail in our region and have fun along the way! The walking can be done anywhere and as you track your miles, we’ll see where those miles take you on the trail. Optional group walks, outings and programs will add to the fun. All ages and fitness levels are welcome. Program runs from September 19-November 13 with weekly check-ins for accountability. Cost is $15 and includes a long-sleeved T shirt. Learn more at the free orientation session and enjoy our trail mix bar! Please call 423-434-6237 to pre-register.

Page 18 September 2022Senior Lifestyles Contact 423-246-6180 and select option 1, then option 2 for more information. Applications are available at the Johnson City Senior Center. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps keep families safe and healthy through initiatives that assist families with energy costs. We provide federally funded assistance in managing costs associated with home energy bills, energy crises, weatherization and energy-related minor home repairs. LIHEAP can help you stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer through programs that reduce the risk of health and safety problems that arise from unsafe heating and cooling practices. 1301 North Roan St., Johnson City, 423-928-2000TNDriveThruAvailableFreeMedPackagingFreeDelivery1238 East Jackson Blvd. Jonesborough, TN 37659 (423) 753-2441 ChoiceReadersBestPharmacy2yearsinarow! Ask about our free vitaminsseniorage60 +

September 2022 Page 19Senior Lifestyles WhereHealingBegins IN-PERSON GRIEF SUPPORT If you or someone you know needs grief support, please attend one of our support groups. (423) 282-1521 • Chelsa Ervin, LCSW In Partnership with:Sponsored by: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month 6:30 pm Everlan Johnson City 2623 Peoples Street Johnson City, TN

Night Night Night
Family Family Family Friday, Sept. 9 • 5:30-6:30 p.m. • All ages Memorial Park Community Center 510 Bert St., Johnson City TN 37601 For more information or to register, call 423-434-5749 or visit Memorial Park Community Center by Sept. 5. Bring your family, coworkers, and friends for a FREE and fun evening of bingo. Light refreshments will be served. Small prizes will be awarded to the winners! Rec Programs
September 2022 Page 20Community Center Recreation Programs
Cost: Mondays,FreeSeptember 12 – October 31 1:00 – 2:00pm Start the week off on the right foot by taking an easy stroll to the Tweetsie Trail. We will meet at Memorial Park Community Center by the Aquatics and Athletics entrance and take a nice walk into the Tweetsie Trail. This is a great opportunity to get active and meet new
Seasonal Garland (Ages Instructor:18+) Maria Skinner Cost:
5:00pm Join Maria in making seasonal garlands. Bring your own crochet hooks and yarns. Skills: Level 2, Easy. Minimum of five people must register. Please register by the Friday prior to the class each week.
Monday Walk & Talk (All Instructor:Ages)
Crochet: MondaysFreeSeptember 12th – December 19th 4:00-
Roy Oakley

Page 21 September 2022
This presentation will cover internet, phone, and doorto-door scams and other crimes that target seniors. We also talk briefly about how law enforcement, adult protective services, and the criminal justice system investigate and responds to these crimes. Our goal is to help prevent people from becoming victims, but also encourage them to seek help and not to be embarrassed if it happens to them. Presented by attorneys from the Vulnerable Adult Investigative Protective Team, along with APS, law enforcement, and other community agencies. Please Pre-register.
Bring your thinking caps and trivia knowledge and compete against other teams of adults in fun and challenging rounds of trivia. Come exercise your mind while making new friends!
Writer’s Circle (Ages 50+) Cost: Free 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 10am Join this group to talk about ideas for writing better fiction, non-fiction, poetry and essays. Share your own writings for discussion within the group.
Cost: Free Instructors: Assistant District Attorneys from Sullivan County
Easy Peasy Birdfeeders
Lifelong Learning
Anti-Scam Presentation
(Children ages 3-8 and Guardian)
Saturday, October 8th 10am-12pm
Thursday,(18+) September 15th 10:30-11:30am
Coming in October!
Johnson City German Club (Ages Wednesdays,18+) 10a-11:30a
Cost: Free Lifelong learning of German Language, Culture, History, etc. Membership is FREE. Attendance is NOT required. DROP-IN/-OUT anytime during the meeting. Simultaneous ZOOM is used, making our meetings available worldwide. To prevent “echoing,” remember to use “ear buds” when more than one computer is in a room. Sharing and show-and-tell are encouraged and always welcome. Our GERMAN CLUB WEEKLY JOURNAL is posted all year (52 weeks) at For more information, contact Mark Pollock, E-MAIL
Cost: $5 for Child and Guardian Instructor: Maureen Mulroy Join us for this fun and interactive program. Come learn how to make a Birdfeeder with common materials. This “How To Make” workshop is for young children and their guardians. Note: All materials are supplied. Register by October 5th.

Page 22 September 2022Senior Lifestyles

Cost: Thursday,Free September 22nd, 8am
Bays Mountain Fire Tower (Ages Instructor:50+)
Michelle Jenkins
This is a hike will start with a quick walk to the Homestead then to the back trails .We will then head to the trail that runs along the river then up to the trail then goes above the river. Beautiful place to take pictures. This hike is about 3.8 miles. There are restrooms in the park. Bring plenty of water. Please register.
Cost: Tuesday,FreeSeptember 13th, 8am
We will walk down the trail 1 1/2 miles and then head back to the start. It will be about 3 Miles. Meet at the trail in the main parking lot near the Senior Center or at the Senior Center and walk over with me adding a mile to our walk. Bring plenty of water. Please Register.
September 2022 Page 23
Hip Hikers* (3-10 miles, moderate to difficult trails, heavier, longer elevation gain)
Cost: Tuesday,FreeSeptember 20th, 8am This Hike will be about 3 miles. This hike has a little elevation in parts. There are restrooms in the park. Bring plenty of water. Please register.
Hiking 101 * (2-4 miles, easy to moderate trails, low to short elevation gain)
Walkers & Talkers *
Please Instructor:TweetsieRegister.Trail(Ages50+)Michelle Jenkins
Hiking & Walking
Cost: Tuesday,FreeSeptember 6th, 9am
Davy Crocket Ages Instructor:(50+)
Michelle Jenkins
(1-3 miles, mostly flat, guided) Osceola Island Trail (Ages 50 Instructor:+)Michelle Jenkins
Winged Deer Park (Ages Instructor:50+)
Michelle Jenkins
Cost: Tuesday,FreeSeptember 27th, 8am
This is about 5 mile hike up to the fire tower and back. There is elevation on this hike. Steep and rocky in parts but a beautiful hike! It will still be hot, bring plenty of water. Restrooms in the park. Please register.
We will walk around the island trail. It will be about 2 1/2 Miles. It is a dirt and gravel path. Meet at the trail in the main parking lot. Bring plenty of water.

Page 24 September 2022Senior Lifestyles