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Greenlee honored
Herb Greenlee, Carver Recreation Center supervisor, was awarded a Tennessee Senate Resolution by Sen. Rusty Crowe at the Martin Luther King Jr. Prayer Breakfast held at Carver Recreation Center in January. The resolution honors and commends Herb for his meritorious service to the citizens of Tennessee throughout his 35 years of community service. Herb has been instrumental at Carver Recreation Center and with countless other endeavors including membership on the Johnson City Board of Education and working at the Boys and Girls Club.
As the resolution states, “Herb exemplifies the spirit and allegiance to family and community,” and is a true inspiration to all those he comes in contact with.
Thank you, Herb, for all you do for our community and the Parks and Recreation team.
City employees create a vibrant community
As festival season kicks into high gear, it is important to recognize the people behind the scenes who make these events a success. Festivals are made possible with support from City staff in every department. Some of the ways employees assist include event planning, marketing, set up/ break down, security and sanitation.
City employees work late into the evening and early in the morning to bring successful festivals to the community. This is often additional work added to a very busy schedule. It is because of your extra contributions that the City is a more vibrant, livelier place to live. Thank you for your service to the community.