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Copper wins John W. Campbell Scholarship
The John W. Campbell Scholarship is funded by former City Manager John Campbell in memory of his father. It is awarded in the amount of $500 to a student currently enrolled at ETSU or Northeast State Community College. This year’s winner is Alexandria Cooper, daughter of Shane Malone (Police Department).

Alexandria is a freshman at ETSU majoring in dental hygiene. Her academic excellence is marked with a 3.88 GPA, and she is an APS Provost Scholar. Alexandria’s community involvement includes: the National Society of Leadership and Success; Skills USA Member; Students Against Destructive Decisions; Tennessee Christian Teen Convention; and volunteering at Love Chapel Christian Church.
Clean up your network files on computer
While cleaning up your computer may seem like a daunting task, deleting old or unused files can help speed up your machine. The search function on the computer will drastically improve because it will no longer have to sort through all the unused files. The extra files can take up a ton of space and slow down the system.

As a reminder, employees should not save any files on their desktop. The desktop is not backed up by the IT Department making them easily lost if deleted by mistake. Every employee has a personal drive on the City’s network. It is listed as Home (U:). These files are backed up daily. Employees should place business critical files here. That is its intended use. Employees should take a minute to scan through their personal drive and purge files no longer needed.
Each department also has shared department folders. Many of the items in these folders no longer apply to the department’s day-today operation. Files and folders that are no longer needed should be purged to open up storage space.
If a file or folder is accidentally deleted, IT can help recover it within 30 days of deletion.