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General Information General Information
Our Mission
To inspire healthy and active lifestyles and create recreational opportunities filled with people, parks and programs.
Share your Parks and Rec adventures with us!
Enjoy taking photos? Share your pictures of family and friends enjoying our parks, events and facilities. We’d love to see you enjoying the amenities we have to offer, and we’d love to feature some of your photos in our newsletter, on our website, social media channels, and in this Fun Guide! Email them to us at: jcparksinfo@johnsoncitytn.org
Photo Policy
On occasion, our staff may photograph or video participants in department programs and classes, or at special events, festivals, or facilities. These photos are for our department use only and may be used in publications, flyers, social media and video productions.
Tobacco/Firearm Policy
Use of tobacco products or vapor products is prohibited pursuant to City of Johnson City Ordinance #11-142. Each offense shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $50. Firearms are prohibited pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated section 39-17-1311. Valid carry permit required pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated Section 39-17-1311 during all non-school related athletic events.
Looking for a chance to give back to the community? We have just the opportunity! Much of what we do is made possible through the hard work of our dedicated family of volunteers. Not only do our volunteers save the city financial resources each year, they also allow us to do a number of things we simply could not afford to do otherwise. In the process, our volunteers help strengthen our community and solidify Johnson City as a great place to live, work and PLAY!
Did You Know?
Parks provide intrinsic environmental, aesthetic and recreation benefits to our city. They are a source of positive economic benefits. They enhance property values, increase municipal revenue, bring in homebuyers and works, and improve the quality of life for our citizens.
Seasonal Job Opportunities
Parks and Recreation provides seasonal job opportunities such as lifeguards, summer program staff, tennis instructors, athletic officials, scorekeepers and turf maintenance staff. To see the current available positions, click here.