Forgotten Voices International demonstrates the love of Jesus Christ by equipping local churches in southern Africa to meet the physical and spiritual needs of children orphaned by AIDS in their communities. Kids Serving Kids of Forgotten Voices International is the outreach of the organization that is committed to equipping parents, kids and families to know, love, give and serve kids whose voices are forgotten throughout their communities, southern Africa and the world. Kids Serving Kids connects parents with resources, materials and opportunities to empower, inspire and serve side-by-side with their kids to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ to children throughout the world. This material contained in this booklet is one such resource. It is intended to be a launching point for further discussion, creativity and spiritual growth. We pray that it blesses and inspires you and your family. As you use and build upon ideas contained in this resource, please contact us to tell us about your experience. With your permission we will share your story to inspire and encourage other children and their families. Blessings, Kathy Goss Kids Serving Kids Coordinator
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e if someon , s r e t is s nd such faith rothers a b n y a C m , ? it s d dee od is ut “What go e faith but has no r a sister is witho hav er o “Go in claims to ? Suppose a broth ou says to them, y bout save them ily food. If one of ut does nothing a y, a nd da ed,” b e same w .” h t clothes a p warm and well f In ? it is e n, is dead hat good io t w c , a peace; ke s d y e b e ied sical n ccompan a t their phy o n is self, if it faith by it
God doesn’t want us just to have faith. He wants us to have faith AND TAKE ACTION. God desires for us to care for the hungry, the needy, and the poor. God desires for our faith to produce action. He wants us to act on His behalf in the world. We can be the hands and feet of Jesus, and serve as a light to the darkened world. Through our acts of love, compassion, and generosity, we demonstrate the love of Christ to those around us in a tangible way. We might not always feel like giving our time to help others, but when we do, our hearts are often rewarded with joy and peace. Taking part in an event will provide for children in Africa that have been orphaned by AIDS, and will provide an opportunity for every participating child and adult to experience the joy that comes from living out the gospel of Christ by helping and blessing others.
Ten Togeth er Ten Together is a campaign that supports the work of Forgotten Voices International. It is a way for people in the US to join together to make a difference in the lives of local African churches and African children that have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS.
Teachable Moment GO O T S WAY R THE R U F
Sign up here for Ten Together and make community service a part of your child’s yearly or monthly routine.
Daily, Christians in Africa face challenges of poverty, sickness and hunger on a level that most of us do not experience in the US. Through their trials, many Christians in Africa learn to rely on God daily for his provision. Their steadfast faith and unrelenting hope in the face of their circumstances, is remarkable and inspiring. The reality of God is evident in both their physical and spiritual lives. Reading testimonies and lessons from members of the African churches can build up our faith, hope and demonstrate the reality and relevance of God to Christians in the US.
So What Can You Do? First, GATHER a team of 10 people. If you are eager to start and do not have 10 people, that’s okay. Begin with the people you do have that are interested in supporting the mission of Forgotten Voices International. Join with your children or encourage them to form a group of 10 with their friends.
Phone: 555-555-5555 Fax: 555-555-5555 E-mail:
Second, DONATE at least $10 a month. This means each person donates at least $1 per person per month. Some teams choose to give $100 per month, or $10 per person per month. The amount your team chooses to donate per month is entirely up to you. A donation of $10 per month allows Forgotten Voices International to provide basic, holistic care for one child. If each person on your team chooses to give $10 per month, then each person on your team helps one child. In other words, your team of 10 helps 10 kids! Third, SERVE 10 hours this year in your local community, here in the US, either individually or as a team. This is a way for your team to give back to your local community, and it also mirrors what Forgotten Voices International sees the local churches in Africa doing on a daily basis, serving their local communities. Please don’t feel intimidated by this requirement. If you and/or your children are already serving your local church, school or community, then this counts. If not, be creative! Find a way to serve others by doing something you and your children enjoy, a talent you or your children have, or a passion you have on your heart. Fourth, SHARE the news. Tell others about Ten Together and Forgotten Voices International. Also, share stories about your Ten Together team and how you made a difference by sending an email to Forgotten Voices International. Finally, READ the Ten Together Newsletter together as a family. The newsletter is sent via email on the 10th of each month, and includes messages from our pastors in Africa with stories of service, updates about the impact of the Ten Together campaign, and a family devotional.
So What Can You Do?
Fundraisers and Competitions Fundraisers and competitions are opportunities for families, children’s ministries, Ten Together groups, small groups, school groups, etc., to organize a large, one-time event to raise money for Forgotten Voices International. Working together we can accomplish far more than we can alone. The suggestions on the next page are intended to get you started, but are not meant to limit you. Creative ideas are welcome! Children are full of amazing ideas. Encourage your children to help you design a fundraiser or competition of your own. Here’s a story about a girl named Emma who created her own unique fundraiser! ndraiser for
sted a fu organized and ho d, ne an pl , ily m out and her fa they found while rl named Emma ne-shaped bank co m An 11 year old gi ea cr ice e olat Emma wrote Inspired by a choc into a fundraiser. s. y ice Da Vo m n ea te Cr ot e rg Ic Fo tional Chocolate y, they turned Na shopping one da perience. does ice cream this about her ex do too. But, what u yo t be I d an cream olate Ice Cream I know I like ice h is National Choc 7t ne Ju a? ric Af ate ice cream kids in have to do with ught a big chocol bo om m y m is, ew th an ice cream this cone to have Day. Before we kn m fro d ire sp in s om wa cone bank. My m ily agreed. n Voices. The fam te ot rg party for Fo d church. I explaine r “inspire-er” to ou t ng it vi gh ha ou e br er e w w and why we y rt The next Sunday pa m ea cr of about the ice , on the last day everything I knew school class. Then the ay to nd Su em s th y’ g dd y class invitin m to to Mommy and Da r pe pa of out little slips t around the school, I handed y sister and I wen m , om m y m en Th ice cream party. . ing out invitations nd ha od ho or neighb donations of y stores getting er oc gr nt re ffe di e day finally we went to , and sprinkles. Th ns Before the party oo sp s, wl bo m. It was a m, cones, d stop for ice crea ul chocolate ice crea co by ed lk wa oever . We ended to give donations nt sidewalk so wh d fro an r ou ne d co te m ra ea co arrived! We de a chocolate ice cr le stopped by for op pe of ts Lo t! hi big ! Wow! up with $610.05! e this idea or cream. You can us ice ed ne I an th ed help more penny is worth good, but kids ne ts–because every un co y nn pe y Ice cream may be er in Africa. Ev ise money for kids other ideas to ra lots of love.
fund e l a c s l l a Sm Yard sale
Bake Phone: 555-555-5555
Fax: 555-555-5555 E-mail:
Candy sale
n Read-a-tho
Car wash
Organize a “Penny Wars” or Wars” co “Coin mpetition a m ong certa groups. Y in ou could c h o ose siblin Sunday s gs, chool cla s s e s , g irls vs. bo etc… Eac ys, h group c o m p e t large jar es to fill a with pen nies/coin particula s over a r time fra m e. The cla the most ss with coins win s the comp tion. Don etiate the co i n s to Forg Voices In otten ternation al.
and dot n e m a n ur sports to s r e e h g t r o a r L ,o al. , baseball r e c c ernation o t s n l I a s c e lo ic o a nize a rgotten V t. Put up o n F e Orga v o e t ” s d ie ov procee a movie rive-In M D w o e nate the h id s d -w n or church church a d a . r t a a y r k c o a d b ion price ar a s y e is k c iz m a n d b a a g e l a th Or sheet in ate the e a minim r n g r o o a d n h e d c e n r d a n ts large sc friends a ther trea e o it r v o n I y . d n an ree opcorn, c on the sc p ll e l. s r o serve rnationa e t ld n u I o s le. c e u ic Yo r yard sa ten Vo t o o le g r a s o F e ak to orhood b proceeds b h ig e n or rch-wide u h c a e niz Orga auction. t n e il s a nize Orga
raisers d n u f e l a c
So What Can You Do?
Fundraisers and Competitions Teachable Moment When we look around at our neighborhood, our state or our country, many of us might not consider ourselves to be financially rich. However, when we compare ourselves to the rest of the world, our perspective may change. Consider some of the following statistics:
In 2011, the world population was 6.9 billion people. 1.7 billion people live on less than $1.25 (US) per day.
Over 3 billion people live on less than $2 (US) per day.
Over 80% of the people in the world live on less than $10 (US) per day.
The poorest 40% of the world’s population accounts for 5% of global income. The richest 20% accounts for 75% of the world’s income.
The 3 richest people in the world control more wealth than all 600 million people living in the world’s poorest countries.
There are 2.2 billion children in the world, 1 billion of them live in poverty. Taken from
Teachable Moment Use this information to illustrate to your children how many families and children around the world struggle every day to survive. Encourage them to focus on what they have instead of what they do not have to help instill attitudes and behaviors of gratitude and thankfulness. Teach your children what God asks from those who have an abundance of material blessings. Share Paul’s words from 1 Timothy 6:17-19: Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
God tells us to give out of our abundance. This could be our time, our talents, our resources or our possessions. Working with your children and other families on one of the fundraising activities on behalf of Forgotten Voices International is one of many ways to demonstrate to your children how to be rich in good deeds towards those who are lacking. In doing so, both you and your children will be abundantly blessed with the joy that comes from serving others. CHARACTER QUALITIES
Leadership 
Evangelism Commitment
Start with a small-scale event. If you and your group want to do more, try a largescale event or competition or find ways to expand the event to include larger groups.