Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 28

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Volume 1 | Issue 28

Know & Go @your Library

Nancy’s NOOK 

Ordering Database Procedures Updated. Please see the attached .pdf in the Updates @your Library email. If you have any questions or need assistance please don’t hesitate to call or email Nancy.  As you are looking at those databases that you would like to provide for your library next year, please check out St. Louis County Library’s list of free databases in the a ached email. Knowing what resources are available may help you in deciding what to offer your building.

Other Reminders    




The End of Year Mee ng is Thursday, May 8th from 4:30—6:00PM (followed by the re rement dinner at Spiros) at Central High’s Library Classroom. End of the Year Procedures—Core Data worksheet, reflec ve narra ve, e‐por olio sharing need to be complete by May 9th. Final due dates for students that checked out books is also May 9th. Webinars—As the year is drawing to a close don’t forget to record all the webinars that you par cipated in this year. The number of hours need to be calculated and put into PEERS so please have all webinars viewed and the data inpu ed by May 9th. If you have special circumstances, please let Kim know so that we can make arrangements if necessary. Personalize Learning –Webinar Form Inventory—Many of you have been asking about inventory procedures. A ached in the Updates @your Library email there is a .pdf that explains the procedure in Horizon. If you have further ques ons or need assistance, email or contact Jim at ext. 58456 Many of you are using your end of the year budget for pu ng books on your Folle Shelf, if you order interac ve books from Folle , know that they are coming from a different publisher. This means that you will be sent a one me username and password to set up those interac ve books within your Folle Shelf. MASL Wrap‐up ‐ If you went to MASL this year please be sure to complete the Conference Sharing Form along with your Most Important Point Slide in the shared MASL Wrap‐Up Google Presenta on.

Thinking about

4 New Tools for Customizing Google Forms Recently Google has introduced four tools to customize Forms and make them even more func onal. The five minute YouTube video h ps://‐ gE8 shows you all about :  Adding a progress bar to show home much of the quiz is s ll le to complete  Data valida on—to be sure the users enter informa on in the correct format  Embedding YouTube videos  Custom messages for closed forms What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources Go Social Studies Go This Social Studies site contains a series of mul media books about common social studies topics. It is typically used with middle school students but could also be used at upper elementary or lower high school levels. h p:// 20 Great Ways Libraries are Using Pinterest Pinterest is a great way to curate informa on by topic for teachers, students, and librarians. In this post from they talk about how it is a great approach to keeping up with crea ve and cu ng‐edge approaches for libraries (or possibly classrooms) to engage their communi es. Examples include: pinning books covers, showcasing archives, crea ng reading lists, sharing new acquisi ons, promo ng ac vi es, showcasing infographics, encouraging readership, and many more. 5 Must Watch TED Talks—eSchool News In last weeks tech news Carly Buchanan, discussed five TED talks that talked discussed how to improve students learning. The perspec ve was given from educa onal professionals with a unique vision on how to accomplish this mission. The TED topics include: using data to build be er schools, teaching students to code, using MOOCS, students as app developers, and using video to reinvent educa on. The ar cle can be found on eSchool News. 5 Tools That Help Students Organize Research and Create Bibliographies put a list together to help students organize and write a bibliography. One of them is a Google Docs Add‐on which is the EasyBib Bibliography Creator. The ar cle also gives direc ons for the process of using the add‐on. Other services discussed are Scribble, Cite This for Me, refDot (Google Chrome extension), and Citelighter and (also a browser extension).

NETA 2014 Conference Highlight A webmix of 2.0 sites was created on a Symbaloo gallery from the spring NETA Nebraska Educa onal Technology Associa on) conference. Take a peek and see if you find something that makes you curious! Everything from animal webcams to games, and produc vity tools are represented.

100 Important Google Drive Tips for Teachers & Students As we begin to think about how Google Apps will look in our district and how we can support teachers and students, the Educa onal Technology and Mobile Learning site has put together a great resource to help streamline what it is we need to share about Google Drive. The ar cle has sugges ons for keyboard shortcuts, produc vity, features & tools, collabora on file management, organiza on, and much more.

Frontline on PBS—Thought Provoking Journalism This site offers classroom ac vi es with streaming video, downloadable lesson plans, and resources to accompany Frontline programs. They have featured guides, various topics ( biographies, business & economy, diversity, foreign affairs, government policy, health, media literacy, and religion), and Frontline planner (a monthly newsle er designed with informa on on upcoming films and mely resources). h p://

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

@your Library Just for Fun @your Library— Michelle shared this with me and I thought all of you might enjoy a li le standardized tes ng humor. Watch this Vimeo performance of Let It Go (Tes ng Parody) from Shoreview, MN.

Be Kind to Animals & Na onal Pet Week @your Library The week of May 4th is a celebra on of our wild and domes c friends. Begin choosing animal friendly books for summer reading. Don’t forget about pet week they too are an excellent choice for summer reading. Go to where you can find items for the classroom, fun and games, veterinary career informa on, and ac vi es . Na onal Teacher Day @your Library Celebrate yourself as well as the teachers in your building. On NEA’s site you can find posters, web art, hashtag informa on (#ThankaTeacher), ac vi es, quotes and more. Summer Reading @your Library This is for you Parkway Librarians! Summer reading, viewing and more from School Library Monthly. The ar cle, by Kathy Fredrick contains blogs to read, tweets to follow, tech talk, things to listen to, and videos to view. All the resources can be found at h p://

Learning Opportunities Parkway Library Media Webinar Series Archived Links to Google Collabora ve Tools, Elements of Digital Ci zenship, the AASL Conference Wrap‐up, Seeing Horizon Through Student Eyes, and METC Wrap‐Up can be found on the Library Services webpage.

An original idea. That can’t be too hard. The library must be full of them! ~Stephen Fry Contact Information Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer

Student Opportunities St Louis County Library’s Summer Reading Club The Kid Reading Club (ages 3 to entering grade 5) and the Teen Reading Club (Entering grades 6‐12) starts on May 12th! There are two promo onal videos showcasing how the club works and this year’s prizes are now available on the library’s YouTube channel. The direct links are: Kid Club Promo onal Video Teen Club Promo onal Video The videos can be use to promote the club to your students and parents. Other ideas for sharing include: showing the videos during library or assembly mes, pos ng them on your website, or sending the link in your newsle er.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age? Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code below.

Camera Uploads

Poetry Fest at CHS

Special Project at Fern Ridge—Bookshelves without lighting...adding backlighting to bookshelves.

Students using Horizon at Claymont

Exploring nonfiction at Shenandoah

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

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